Example #1
/// \brief Checks if the padding bytes of an argument could be accessed.
bool ArgPromotion::canPaddingBeAccessed(Argument *arg) {


  // Track all the pointers to the argument to make sure they are not captured.
  SmallPtrSet<Value *, 16> PtrValues;

  // Track all of the stores.
  SmallVector<StoreInst *, 16> Stores;

  // Scan through the uses recursively to make sure the pointer is always used
  // sanely.
  SmallVector<Value *, 16> WorkList;
  WorkList.insert(WorkList.end(), arg->user_begin(), arg->user_end());
  while (!WorkList.empty()) {
    Value *V = WorkList.back();
    if (isa<GetElementPtrInst>(V) || isa<PHINode>(V)) {
      if (PtrValues.insert(V))
        WorkList.insert(WorkList.end(), V->user_begin(), V->user_end());
    } else if (StoreInst *Store = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(V)) {
    } else if (!isa<LoadInst>(V)) {
      return true;

// Check to make sure the pointers aren't captured
  for (StoreInst *Store : Stores)
    if (PtrValues.count(Store->getValueOperand()))
      return true;

  return false;
// Get the value we should change this callsite to call instead.
Value *CSDataRando::getCloneCalledValue(CallSite CS, FuncInfo &CalleeInfo) {
  if (CalleeInfo.ArgNodes.size() == 0) {
    return nullptr;

  // Find the function type we want based on how many args need to be added. We
  // do this in case the original function has been cast to a different type.
  FunctionType *FT = CS.getFunctionType();
  SmallVector<Type*, 8> Params;
  Params.insert(Params.end(), FT->param_begin(), FT->param_end());
  Params.insert(Params.end(), CalleeInfo.ArgNodes.size(), MaskTy);
  FunctionType *TargetType = FunctionType::get(FT->getReturnType(), Params, FT->isVarArg());

  IRBuilder<> Builder(CS.getInstruction());

  // Direct call, find the clone and cast it to what we want.
  if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(CS.getCalledValue()->stripPointerCasts())) {
    Value *Clone = OldToNewFuncMap[F];
    if (Clone) {
      Clone = Builder.CreateBitCast(Clone, PointerType::getUnqual(TargetType));
    return Clone;

  // Indirect calls, cast the called value to the type we want.
  Value *CalledValue = CS.getCalledValue();
  return Builder.CreateBitCast(CalledValue, PointerType::getUnqual(TargetType));
Example #3
Value *Reassociate::ReassociateExpression(BinaryOperator *I) {
  // First, walk the expression tree, linearizing the tree, collecting the
  // operand information.
  SmallVector<ValueEntry, 8> Ops;
  LinearizeExprTree(I, Ops);
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "RAIn:\t"; PrintOps(I, Ops); dbgs() << '\n');
  // Now that we have linearized the tree to a list and have gathered all of
  // the operands and their ranks, sort the operands by their rank.  Use a
  // stable_sort so that values with equal ranks will have their relative
  // positions maintained (and so the compiler is deterministic).  Note that
  // this sorts so that the highest ranking values end up at the beginning of
  // the vector.
  std::stable_sort(Ops.begin(), Ops.end());
  // OptimizeExpression - Now that we have the expression tree in a convenient
  // sorted form, optimize it globally if possible.
  if (Value *V = OptimizeExpression(I, Ops)) {
    // This expression tree simplified to something that isn't a tree,
    // eliminate it.
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Reassoc to scalar: " << *V << '\n');
    if (Instruction *VI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(V))
    return V;
  // We want to sink immediates as deeply as possible except in the case where
  // this is a multiply tree used only by an add, and the immediate is a -1.
  // In this case we reassociate to put the negation on the outside so that we
  // can fold the negation into the add: (-X)*Y + Z -> Z-X*Y
  if (I->getOpcode() == Instruction::Mul && I->hasOneUse() &&
      cast<Instruction>(I->use_back())->getOpcode() == Instruction::Add &&
      isa<ConstantInt>(Ops.back().Op) &&
      cast<ConstantInt>(Ops.back().Op)->isAllOnesValue()) {
    ValueEntry Tmp = Ops.pop_back_val();
    Ops.insert(Ops.begin(), Tmp);
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "RAOut:\t"; PrintOps(I, Ops); dbgs() << '\n');
  if (Ops.size() == 1) {
    // This expression tree simplified to something that isn't a tree,
    // eliminate it.
    if (Instruction *OI = dyn_cast<Instruction>(Ops[0].Op))
    return Ops[0].Op;
  // Now that we ordered and optimized the expressions, splat them back into
  // the expression tree, removing any unneeded nodes.
  RewriteExprTree(I, Ops);
  return I;
Example #4
AttrListPtr AttrListPtr::removeAttr(unsigned Idx, Attributes Attrs) const {
#ifndef NDEBUG
  // FIXME it is not obvious how this should work for alignment.
  // For now, say we can't pass in alignment, which no current use does.
  assert(!(Attrs & Attribute::Alignment) && "Attempt to exclude alignment!");
  if (AttrList == 0) return AttrListPtr();
  Attributes OldAttrs = getAttributes(Idx);
  Attributes NewAttrs = OldAttrs & ~Attrs;
  if (NewAttrs == OldAttrs)
    return *this;

  SmallVector<AttributeWithIndex, 8> NewAttrList;
  const SmallVector<AttributeWithIndex, 4> &OldAttrList = AttrList->Attrs;
  unsigned i = 0, e = OldAttrList.size();
  // Copy attributes for arguments before this one.
  for (; i != e && OldAttrList[i].Index < Idx; ++i)
  // If there are attributes already at this index, merge them in.
  assert(OldAttrList[i].Index == Idx && "Attribute isn't set?");
  Attrs = OldAttrList[i].Attrs & ~Attrs;
  if (Attrs)  // If any attributes left for this parameter, add them.
    NewAttrList.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(Idx, Attrs));
  // Copy attributes for arguments after this one.
                     OldAttrList.begin()+i, OldAttrList.end());
  return get(NewAttrList.data(), NewAttrList.size());
Example #5
TEST(SmallVectorTest, MidInsert) {
  SmallVector<MovedFrom, 3> v;
  v.insert(v.begin(), MovedFrom());
  for (MovedFrom &m : v)
/// createInvocationFromCommandLine - Construct a compiler invocation object for
/// a command line argument vector.
/// \return A CompilerInvocation, or 0 if none was built for the given
/// argument vector.
CompilerInvocation *
clang::createInvocationFromCommandLine(ArrayRef<const char *> ArgList,
                            IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine> Diags) {
  if (!Diags.getPtr()) {
    // No diagnostics engine was provided, so create our own diagnostics object
    // with the default options.
    Diags = CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(new DiagnosticOptions,

  SmallVector<const char *, 16> Args;
  Args.push_back("<clang>"); // FIXME: Remove dummy argument.
  Args.insert(Args.end(), ArgList.begin(), ArgList.end());

  // FIXME: Find a cleaner way to force the driver into restricted modes.

  // FIXME: We shouldn't have to pass in the path info.
  driver::Driver TheDriver("clang", llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple(),
                           "a.out", *Diags);

  // Don't check that inputs exist, they may have been remapped.

  OwningPtr<driver::Compilation> C(TheDriver.BuildCompilation(Args));

  // Just print the cc1 options if -### was present.
  if (C->getArgs().hasArg(driver::options::OPT__HASH_HASH_HASH)) {
    C->PrintJob(llvm::errs(), C->getJobs(), "\n", true);
    return 0;

  // We expect to get back exactly one command job, if we didn't something
  // failed.
  const driver::JobList &Jobs = C->getJobs();
  if (Jobs.size() != 1 || !isa<driver::Command>(*Jobs.begin())) {
    SmallString<256> Msg;
    llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(Msg);
    C->PrintJob(OS, C->getJobs(), "; ", true);
    Diags->Report(diag::err_fe_expected_compiler_job) << OS.str();
    return 0;

  const driver::Command *Cmd = cast<driver::Command>(*Jobs.begin());
  if (StringRef(Cmd->getCreator().getName()) != "clang") {
    return 0;

  const driver::ArgStringList &CCArgs = Cmd->getArguments();
  OwningPtr<CompilerInvocation> CI(new CompilerInvocation());
  if (!CompilerInvocation::CreateFromArgs(*CI,
                                     const_cast<const char **>(CCArgs.data()),
                                     const_cast<const char **>(CCArgs.data()) +
    return 0;
  return CI.take();
Example #7
bool DevirtModule::tryEvaluateFunctionsWithArgs(
    MutableArrayRef<VirtualCallTarget> TargetsForSlot,
    ArrayRef<ConstantInt *> Args) {
  // Evaluate each function and store the result in each target's RetVal
  // field.
  for (VirtualCallTarget &Target : TargetsForSlot) {
    if (Target.Fn->arg_size() != Args.size() + 1)
      return false;
    for (unsigned I = 0; I != Args.size(); ++I)
      if (Target.Fn->getFunctionType()->getParamType(I + 1) !=
        return false;

    Evaluator Eval(M.getDataLayout(), nullptr);
    SmallVector<Constant *, 2> EvalArgs;
    EvalArgs.insert(EvalArgs.end(), Args.begin(), Args.end());
    Constant *RetVal;
    if (!Eval.EvaluateFunction(Target.Fn, RetVal, EvalArgs) ||
      return false;
    Target.RetVal = cast<ConstantInt>(RetVal)->getZExtValue();
  return true;
swift::driver::createCompilerInvocation(ArrayRef<const char *> ArgList,
                                        DiagnosticEngine &Diags) {
  SmallVector<const char *, 16> Args;
  Args.push_back("<swiftc>"); // FIXME: Remove dummy argument.
  Args.insert(Args.end(), ArgList.begin(), ArgList.end());

  // When creating a CompilerInvocation, ensure that the driver creates a single
  // frontend command.

  // Force the driver into batch mode by specifying "swiftc" as the name.
  Driver TheDriver("swiftc", "swiftc", Args, Diags);

  // Don't check for the existence of input files, since the user of the
  // CompilerInvocation may wish to remap inputs to source buffers.

  std::unique_ptr<Compilation> C = TheDriver.buildCompilation(Args);
  if (!C || C->getJobs().empty())
    return nullptr; // Don't emit an error; one should already have been emitted

  SmallPtrSet<const Job *, 4> CompileCommands;
  for (const Job *Cmd : C->getJobs())
    if (isa<CompileJobAction>(Cmd->getSource()))

  if (CompileCommands.size() != 1) {
    // TODO: include Jobs in the diagnostic.
    Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_expected_one_frontend_job);
    return nullptr;

  const Job *Cmd = *CompileCommands.begin();
  if (StringRef("-frontend") != Cmd->getArguments().front()) {
    Diags.diagnose(SourceLoc(), diag::error_expected_frontend_command);
    return nullptr;

  std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> Invocation(new CompilerInvocation());
  const llvm::opt::ArgStringList &BaseFrontendArgs = Cmd->getArguments();
  ArrayRef<const char *> FrontendArgs =
      llvm::makeArrayRef(BaseFrontendArgs.data() + 1,
                         BaseFrontendArgs.data() + BaseFrontendArgs.size());
  if (Invocation->parseArgs(FrontendArgs, Diags))
    return nullptr; // Don't emit an error; one should already have been emitted

  return Invocation;
Example #9
/// CreateComplexVariable - Create a new descriptor for the specified variable
/// which has a complex address expression for its address.
DIVariable DIFactory::CreateComplexVariable(unsigned Tag, DIDescriptor Context,
                                            const std::string &Name,
                                            DICompileUnit CompileUnit,
                                            unsigned LineNo,
                                   DIType Type, SmallVector<Value *, 9> &addr) {
  SmallVector<Value *, 9> Elts;
  Elts.push_back(MDString::get(VMContext, Name));
  Elts.push_back(ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(VMContext), LineNo));
  Elts.insert(Elts.end(), addr.begin(), addr.end());

  return DIVariable(MDNode::get(VMContext, &Elts[0], 6+addr.size()));
Example #10
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "Module concatenation");

  ExitOnError ExitOnErr("llvm-cat: ");
  LLVMContext Context;

  SmallVector<char, 0> Buffer;
  BitcodeWriter Writer(Buffer);
  if (BinaryCat) {
    for (const auto &InputFilename : InputFilenames) {
      std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> MB = ExitOnErr(
      std::vector<BitcodeModule> Mods = ExitOnErr(getBitcodeModuleList(*MB));
      for (auto &BitcodeMod : Mods) {
        Buffer.insert(Buffer.end(), BitcodeMod.getBuffer().begin(),
  } else {
    // The string table does not own strings added to it, some of which are
    // owned by the modules; keep them alive until we write the string table.
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Module>> OwnedMods;
    for (const auto &InputFilename : InputFilenames) {
      SMDiagnostic Err;
      std::unique_ptr<Module> M = parseIRFile(InputFilename, Err, Context);
      if (!M) {
        Err.print(argv[0], errs());
        return 1;

  std::error_code EC;
  raw_fd_ostream OS(OutputFilename, EC, sys::fs::OpenFlags::F_None);
  if (EC) {
    errs() << argv[0] << ": cannot open " << OutputFilename << " for writing: "
           << EC.message();
    return 1;

  OS.write(Buffer.data(), Buffer.size());
  return 0;
Example #11
int csabase::run(int argc_, const char **argv_)
    PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc_, argv_);

    SmallVector<const char *, 1024> argv;
    SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<char>  ArgAllocator;
    StringSetSaver                  Saver;

                                    ArrayRef<const char *>(argv_, argc_),

    cl::ExpandResponseFiles(Saver, cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine, argv);

    argv.insert(argv.begin() == argv.end() ? argv.begin() : argv.begin() + 1,


    CompilerInstance                      Clang;
    TextDiagnosticBuffer                  DiagsBuffer;
    IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs>     DiagID(new DiagnosticIDs());
    IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticOptions> DiagOpts(new DiagnosticOptions());

    DiagnosticsEngine Diags(DiagID, &*DiagOpts, &DiagsBuffer, false);

    bool Success = CompilerInvocation::CreateFromArgs(
        argv.data() + 1,
        argv.data() + argv.size(),

    install_fatal_error_handler(LLVMErrorHandler, &Clang.getDiagnostics());

    if (Success) {
        Success = ExecuteCompilerInvocation(&Clang);


    return !Success;
Example #12
AttrListPtr AttrListPtr::addAttr(unsigned Idx, Attributes Attrs) const {
  Attributes OldAttrs = getAttributes(Idx);
#ifndef NDEBUG
  // FIXME it is not obvious how this should work for alignment.
  // For now, say we can't change a known alignment.
  Attributes OldAlign = OldAttrs & Attribute::Alignment;
  Attributes NewAlign = Attrs & Attribute::Alignment;
  assert((!OldAlign || !NewAlign || OldAlign == NewAlign) &&
         "Attempt to change alignment!");
  Attributes NewAttrs = OldAttrs | Attrs;
  if (NewAttrs == OldAttrs)
    return *this;
  SmallVector<AttributeWithIndex, 8> NewAttrList;
  if (AttrList == 0)
    NewAttrList.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(Idx, Attrs));
  else {
    const SmallVector<AttributeWithIndex, 4> &OldAttrList = AttrList->Attrs;
    unsigned i = 0, e = OldAttrList.size();
    // Copy attributes for arguments before this one.
    for (; i != e && OldAttrList[i].Index < Idx; ++i)

    // If there are attributes already at this index, merge them in.
    if (i != e && OldAttrList[i].Index == Idx) {
      Attrs |= OldAttrList[i].Attrs;
    NewAttrList.push_back(AttributeWithIndex::get(Idx, Attrs));
    // Copy attributes for arguments after this one.
                       OldAttrList.begin()+i, OldAttrList.end());
  return get(NewAttrList.data(), NewAttrList.size());
Example #13
AstBackEnd::RegionType AstBackEnd::isRegion(BasicBlock &entry, BasicBlock *exit)
	// LLVM's algorithm for finding regions (as of this early LLVM 3.7 fork) seems over-eager. For instance, with the
	// following graph:
	//   0
	//   |\
	//   | 1
	//   | |
	//   | 2=<|    (where =<| denotes an edge to itself)
	//   |/
	//   3
	// LLVM thinks that BBs 2 and 3 form a region. After asking for help on the mailing list, it appears that LLVM
	// tags it as an "extended region"; that is, a set of nodes that would be a region if we only added one basic block.
	// This is not helpful for our purposes.
	// Sine the classical definition of regions apply to edges and edges are second-class citizens in the LLVM graph
	// world, we're going to roll with this inefficient-but-working, home-baked definition instead:
	// A region is an ordered pair (A, B) of nodes, where A dominates, and B postdominates, every node
	// traversed in any given iteration order from A to B. Additionally, no path starts after B such that a node of the
	// region can be reached again without traversing A.
	// This definition means that B is *excluded* from the region, because B could have predecessors that are not
	// dominated by A. And I'm okay with it, I like [) ranges. To compensate, nullptr represents the end of a function.
	bool cyclic = false;
	unordered_set<BasicBlock*> toVisit { &entry };
	unordered_set<BasicBlock*> visited { exit };
	SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 2> nodeSuccessors;
	// Step one: check domination
	while (toVisit.size() > 0)
		auto iter = toVisit.begin();
		BasicBlock* bb = *iter;
		// We use `exit = nullptr` to denote that the exit is the end of the function, which post-dominates
		// every basic block. This is a deviation from the normal LLVM dominator tree behavior, where
		// nullptr is considered unreachable (and thus does not dominate or post-dominate anything).
		if (!domTree->dominates(&entry, bb) || (exit != nullptr && !postDomTree->dominates(exit, bb)))
			return NotARegion;
		// Only visit region successors. This saves times, and saves us from spuriously declaring that regions are
		// cyclic by skipping cycles that have already been identified.
		AstGraphNode* graphNode = grapher->getGraphNodeFromEntry(bb);
		if (graphNode->hasExit())
			nodeSuccessors.insert(nodeSuccessors.end(), succ_begin(bb), succ_end(bb));
		for (BasicBlock* succ : nodeSuccessors)
			if (visited.count(succ) == 0)
			else if (succ == &entry)
				cyclic = true;
	// Step two: check that no path starting after the exit goes back into the region without first going through the
	// entry.
	unordered_set<BasicBlock*> regionMembers;
	if (exit != nullptr)
		toVisit.insert(succ_begin(exit), succ_end(exit));
	while (toVisit.size() > 0)
		auto iter = toVisit.begin();
		BasicBlock* bb = *iter;
		if (regionMembers.count(bb) != 0)
			return NotARegion;
		for (BasicBlock* succ : successors(bb))
			if (visited.count(succ) == 0)
	return cyclic ? Cyclic : Acyclic;
Example #14
  void print(raw_ostream &OS, FuncIdConversionHelper &FN,
             RootVector RootValues) {
    // Go through each of the roots, and traverse the call stack, producing the
    // aggregates as you go along. Remember these aggregates and stacks, and
    // show summary statistics about:
    //   - Total number of unique stacks
    //   - Top 10 stacks by count
    //   - Top 10 stacks by aggregate duration
    SmallVector<std::pair<const StackTrieNode *, uint64_t>, 11>
    SmallVector<std::pair<const StackTrieNode *, uint64_t>, 11> TopStacksBySum;
    auto greater_second =
        [](const std::pair<const StackTrieNode *, uint64_t> &A,
           const std::pair<const StackTrieNode *, uint64_t> &B) {
          return A.second > B.second;
    uint64_t UniqueStacks = 0;
    for (const auto *N : RootValues) {
      SmallVector<const StackTrieNode *, 16> S;

      while (!S.empty()) {
        auto *Top = S.pop_back_val();

        // We only start printing the stack (by walking up the parent pointers)
        // when we get to a leaf function.
        if (!Top->ExtraData.TerminalDurations.empty()) {
          auto TopSum =
                              Top->ExtraData.TerminalDurations.end(), 0uLL);
            auto E = std::make_pair(Top, TopSum);
                                                   TopStacksBySum.end(), E,
            if (TopStacksBySum.size() == 11)
            auto E =
                std::make_pair(Top, Top->ExtraData.TerminalDurations.size());
                                                     TopStacksByCount.end(), E,
            if (TopStacksByCount.size() == 11)
        for (const auto *C : Top->Callees)

    // Now print the statistics in the end.
    OS << "\n";
    OS << "Unique Stacks: " << UniqueStacks << "\n";
    OS << "Top 10 Stacks by leaf sum:\n\n";
    for (const auto &P : TopStacksBySum) {
      OS << "Sum: " << P.second << "\n";
      printStack(OS, P.first, FN);
    OS << "\n";
    OS << "Top 10 Stacks by leaf count:\n\n";
    for (const auto &P : TopStacksByCount) {
      OS << "Count: " << P.second << "\n";
      printStack(OS, P.first, FN);
    OS << "\n";
SDValue SelectionDAGBuilder::LowerAsSTATEPOINT(
    SelectionDAGBuilder::StatepointLoweringInfo &SI) {
  // The basic scheme here is that information about both the original call and
  // the safepoint is encoded in the CallInst.  We create a temporary call and
  // lower it, then reverse engineer the calling sequence.

  // Clear state

#ifndef NDEBUG
  // We schedule gc relocates before removeDuplicateGCPtrs since we _will_
  // encounter the duplicate gc relocates we elide in removeDuplicateGCPtrs.
  for (auto *Reloc : SI.GCRelocates)
    if (Reloc->getParent() == SI.StatepointInstr->getParent())

  // Remove any redundant llvm::Values which map to the same SDValue as another
  // input.  Also has the effect of removing duplicates in the original
  // llvm::Value input list as well.  This is a useful optimization for
  // reducing the size of the StackMap section.  It has no other impact.
  removeDuplicateGCPtrs(SI.Bases, SI.Ptrs, SI.GCRelocates, *this,
  assert(SI.Bases.size() == SI.Ptrs.size() &&
         SI.Ptrs.size() == SI.GCRelocates.size());

  // Lower statepoint vmstate and gcstate arguments
  SmallVector<SDValue, 10> LoweredMetaArgs;
  lowerStatepointMetaArgs(LoweredMetaArgs, SI, *this);

  // Now that we've emitted the spills, we need to update the root so that the
  // call sequence is ordered correctly.

  // Get call node, we will replace it later with statepoint
  SDValue ReturnVal;
  SDNode *CallNode;
  std::tie(ReturnVal, CallNode) =
      lowerCallFromStatepointLoweringInfo(SI, *this, PendingExports);

  // nodes with all the appropriate arguments and return values.

  // Call Node: Chain, Target, {Args}, RegMask, [Glue]
  SDValue Chain = CallNode->getOperand(0);

  SDValue Glue;
  bool CallHasIncomingGlue = CallNode->getGluedNode();
  if (CallHasIncomingGlue) {
    // Glue is always last operand
    Glue = CallNode->getOperand(CallNode->getNumOperands() - 1);

  // Build the GC_TRANSITION_START node if necessary.
  // The operands to the GC_TRANSITION_{START,END} nodes are laid out in the
  // order in which they appear in the call to the statepoint intrinsic. If
  // any of the operands is a pointer-typed, that operand is immediately
  // followed by a SRCVALUE for the pointer that may be used during lowering
  // (e.g. to form MachinePointerInfo values for loads/stores).
  const bool IsGCTransition =
      (SI.StatepointFlags & (uint64_t)StatepointFlags::GCTransition) ==
  if (IsGCTransition) {
    SmallVector<SDValue, 8> TSOps;

    // Add chain

    // Add GC transition arguments
    for (const Value *V : SI.GCTransitionArgs) {
      if (V->getType()->isPointerTy())

    // Add glue if necessary
    if (CallHasIncomingGlue)

    SDVTList NodeTys = DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue);

    SDValue GCTransitionStart =
        DAG.getNode(ISD::GC_TRANSITION_START, getCurSDLoc(), NodeTys, TSOps);

    Chain = GCTransitionStart.getValue(0);
    Glue = GCTransitionStart.getValue(1);

  // TODO: Currently, all of these operands are being marked as read/write in
  // PrologEpilougeInserter.cpp, we should special case the VMState arguments
  // and flags to be read-only.
  SmallVector<SDValue, 40> Ops;

  // Add the <id> and <numBytes> constants.
  Ops.push_back(DAG.getTargetConstant(SI.ID, getCurSDLoc(), MVT::i64));
      DAG.getTargetConstant(SI.NumPatchBytes, getCurSDLoc(), MVT::i32));

  // Calculate and push starting position of vmstate arguments
  // Get number of arguments incoming directly into call node
  unsigned NumCallRegArgs =
      CallNode->getNumOperands() - (CallHasIncomingGlue ? 4 : 3);
  Ops.push_back(DAG.getTargetConstant(NumCallRegArgs, getCurSDLoc(), MVT::i32));

  // Add call target
  SDValue CallTarget = SDValue(CallNode->getOperand(1).getNode(), 0);

  // Add call arguments
  // Get position of register mask in the call
  SDNode::op_iterator RegMaskIt;
  if (CallHasIncomingGlue)
    RegMaskIt = CallNode->op_end() - 2;
    RegMaskIt = CallNode->op_end() - 1;
  Ops.insert(Ops.end(), CallNode->op_begin() + 2, RegMaskIt);

  // Add a constant argument for the calling convention
  pushStackMapConstant(Ops, *this, SI.CLI.CallConv);

  // Add a constant argument for the flags
  uint64_t Flags = SI.StatepointFlags;
  assert(((Flags & ~(uint64_t)StatepointFlags::MaskAll) == 0) &&
         "Unknown flag used");
  pushStackMapConstant(Ops, *this, Flags);

  // Insert all vmstate and gcstate arguments
  Ops.insert(Ops.end(), LoweredMetaArgs.begin(), LoweredMetaArgs.end());

  // Add register mask from call node

  // Add chain

  // Same for the glue, but we add it only if original call had it
  if (Glue.getNode())

  // Compute return values.  Provide a glue output since we consume one as
  // input.  This allows someone else to chain off us as needed.
  SDVTList NodeTys = DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue);

  SDNode *StatepointMCNode =
      DAG.getMachineNode(TargetOpcode::STATEPOINT, getCurSDLoc(), NodeTys, Ops);

  SDNode *SinkNode = StatepointMCNode;

  // Build the GC_TRANSITION_END node if necessary.
  // See the comment above regarding GC_TRANSITION_START for the layout of
  // the operands to the GC_TRANSITION_END node.
  if (IsGCTransition) {
    SmallVector<SDValue, 8> TEOps;

    // Add chain
    TEOps.push_back(SDValue(StatepointMCNode, 0));

    // Add GC transition arguments
    for (const Value *V : SI.GCTransitionArgs) {
      if (V->getType()->isPointerTy())

    // Add glue
    TEOps.push_back(SDValue(StatepointMCNode, 1));

    SDVTList NodeTys = DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue);

    SDValue GCTransitionStart =
        DAG.getNode(ISD::GC_TRANSITION_END, getCurSDLoc(), NodeTys, TEOps);

    SinkNode = GCTransitionStart.getNode();

  // Replace original call
  DAG.ReplaceAllUsesWith(CallNode, SinkNode); // This may update Root
  // Remove original call node

  // DON'T set the root - under the assumption that it's already set past the
  // inserted node we created.

  // TODO: A better future implementation would be to emit a single variable
  // argument, variable return value STATEPOINT node here and then hookup the
  // return value of each gc.relocate to the respective output of the
  // previously emitted STATEPOINT value.  Unfortunately, this doesn't appear
  // to actually be possible today.

  return ReturnVal;
Example #16
bool AllocaArraysMerging::runOnFunction(Function& F)
	class ArraysToMerge
		std::map<AllocaInst*, uint32_t> arraysToMerge;
		uint32_t currentOffset;
		bool empty() const
			return arraysToMerge.empty();
		std::map<AllocaInst*, uint32_t>::iterator begin()
			return arraysToMerge.begin();
		std::map<AllocaInst*, uint32_t>::iterator end()
			return arraysToMerge.end();
		void add(AllocaInst* a)
			arraysToMerge.insert(std::make_pair(a, currentOffset));
		uint32_t getNewSize() const
			return currentOffset;

	cheerp::PointerAnalyzer & PA = getAnalysis<cheerp::PointerAnalyzer>();
	cheerp::Registerize & registerize = getAnalysis<cheerp::Registerize>();
	cheerp::GlobalDepsAnalyzer & GDA = getAnalysis<cheerp::GlobalDepsAnalyzer>();
	std::list<std::pair<AllocaInst*, cheerp::Registerize::LiveRange>> allocaInfos;
	// Gather all the allocas
	for(BasicBlock& BB: F)
		analyzeBlock(registerize, BB, allocaInfos);
	if (allocaInfos.size() < 2)
		return false;
	bool Changed = false;
	// We can also try to merge arrays of the same type, if only pointers to values are passed around
		// Build a map of array to be merged and their offseet into the new array
		ArraysToMerge arraysToMerge;
		auto targetCandidate = allocaInfos.begin();
		AllocaInst* targetAlloca = targetCandidate->first;
		if(!targetAlloca->getAllocatedType()->isArrayTy() ||
			// Check target uses
		Type* targetElementType = targetAlloca->getAllocatedType()->getSequentialElementType();
		auto sourceCandidate=targetCandidate;
		// Now that we have computed the sourceCandidate we can invalidate the targetCandidate
			AllocaInst* sourceAlloca = sourceCandidate->first;
			// Check that allocas are arrays of the same type
			// Both are arrays, check the types
			if(targetElementType != sourceAlloca->getAllocatedType()->getSequentialElementType())
			// Verify that the source candidate has supported uses
			// We can merge the source and the target
			// If the set is empty add the target as well
			auto oldCandidate = sourceCandidate;
			// Now that we have moved to the next candidate, we can invalidate the old one
		// If we have a non-empty set of alloca merge them
		if (arraysToMerge.empty())

		// Build new alloca
		Type* newAllocaType = ArrayType::get(targetElementType, arraysToMerge.getNewSize());
		// Add the new struct type to the GlobalDepsAnalyzer, it may need the createArray helper
		GDA.visitType(newAllocaType, /*forceTypedArray*/ false);
		AllocaInst* newAlloca = new AllocaInst(newAllocaType, "mergedArray", &(*F.getEntryBlock().begin()));
		Type* indexType = IntegerType::get(newAllocaType->getContext(), 32);
		// Change every use of every merged array with an appropiate GEP
		for(auto it: arraysToMerge)
			AllocaInst* allocaToMerge = it.first;
			uint32_t baseOffset = it.second;
			SmallVector<User*, 4> users(allocaToMerge->users());
			for(User* u: users)
				if(GetElementPtrInst* oldGep = dyn_cast<GetElementPtrInst>(u))
					// Build 2 GEPs, one to reach the first element in the merged array
					// and the other for the rest of the offsets
					SmallVector<Value*, 4> indices;
					// Dereference array
					indices.push_back(ConstantInt::get(indexType, 0));
					// Reach offset
					indices.push_back(ConstantInt::get(indexType, baseOffset));
					Value* gep1 = GetElementPtrInst::Create(newAlloca, indices, "", oldGep);
					// Apply all the old offsets but the first one using a new GEP
					indices.insert(indices.begin(), oldGep->idx_begin()+1, oldGep->idx_end());
					Value* gep2 = GetElementPtrInst::Create(gep1, indices, "", oldGep);
					// Replace all uses with gep2
				else if(BitCastInst* BI=dyn_cast<BitCastInst>(u))
					//Only used for lifetime intrinsics
					Value* newBitCast=new BitCastInst(newAlloca, BI->getType(), "", BI);
					assert(false && "Unexpected use while merging arrays");
			// Kill the alloca itself now
			Changed = true;
	return Changed;
Example #17
/// DoPromotion - This method actually performs the promotion of the specified
/// arguments, and returns the new function.  At this point, we know that it's
/// safe to do so.
static Function *
doPromotion(Function *F, SmallPtrSetImpl<Argument *> &ArgsToPromote,
            SmallPtrSetImpl<Argument *> &ByValArgsToTransform,
            Optional<function_ref<void(CallSite OldCS, CallSite NewCS)>>
                ReplaceCallSite) {
  // Start by computing a new prototype for the function, which is the same as
  // the old function, but has modified arguments.
  FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
  std::vector<Type *> Params;

  using ScalarizeTable = std::set<std::pair<Type *, IndicesVector>>;

  // ScalarizedElements - If we are promoting a pointer that has elements
  // accessed out of it, keep track of which elements are accessed so that we
  // can add one argument for each.
  // Arguments that are directly loaded will have a zero element value here, to
  // handle cases where there are both a direct load and GEP accesses.
  std::map<Argument *, ScalarizeTable> ScalarizedElements;

  // OriginalLoads - Keep track of a representative load instruction from the
  // original function so that we can tell the alias analysis implementation
  // what the new GEP/Load instructions we are inserting look like.
  // We need to keep the original loads for each argument and the elements
  // of the argument that are accessed.
  std::map<std::pair<Argument *, IndicesVector>, LoadInst *> OriginalLoads;

  // Attribute - Keep track of the parameter attributes for the arguments
  // that we are *not* promoting. For the ones that we do promote, the parameter
  // attributes are lost
  SmallVector<AttributeSet, 8> ArgAttrVec;
  AttributeList PAL = F->getAttributes();

  // First, determine the new argument list
  unsigned ArgNo = 0;
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); I != E;
       ++I, ++ArgNo) {
    if (ByValArgsToTransform.count(&*I)) {
      // Simple byval argument? Just add all the struct element types.
      Type *AgTy = cast<PointerType>(I->getType())->getElementType();
      StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(AgTy);
      Params.insert(Params.end(), STy->element_begin(), STy->element_end());
      ArgAttrVec.insert(ArgAttrVec.end(), STy->getNumElements(),
    } else if (!ArgsToPromote.count(&*I)) {
      // Unchanged argument
    } else if (I->use_empty()) {
      // Dead argument (which are always marked as promotable)

      // There may be remaining metadata uses of the argument for things like
      // llvm.dbg.value. Replace them with undef.
    } else {
      // Okay, this is being promoted. This means that the only uses are loads
      // or GEPs which are only used by loads

      // In this table, we will track which indices are loaded from the argument
      // (where direct loads are tracked as no indices).
      ScalarizeTable &ArgIndices = ScalarizedElements[&*I];
      for (User *U : I->users()) {
        Instruction *UI = cast<Instruction>(U);
        Type *SrcTy;
        if (LoadInst *L = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(UI))
          SrcTy = L->getType();
          SrcTy = cast<GetElementPtrInst>(UI)->getSourceElementType();
        IndicesVector Indices;
        Indices.reserve(UI->getNumOperands() - 1);
        // Since loads will only have a single operand, and GEPs only a single
        // non-index operand, this will record direct loads without any indices,
        // and gep+loads with the GEP indices.
        for (User::op_iterator II = UI->op_begin() + 1, IE = UI->op_end();
             II != IE; ++II)
        // GEPs with a single 0 index can be merged with direct loads
        if (Indices.size() == 1 && Indices.front() == 0)
        ArgIndices.insert(std::make_pair(SrcTy, Indices));
        LoadInst *OrigLoad;
        if (LoadInst *L = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(UI))
          OrigLoad = L;
          // Take any load, we will use it only to update Alias Analysis
          OrigLoad = cast<LoadInst>(UI->user_back());
        OriginalLoads[std::make_pair(&*I, Indices)] = OrigLoad;

      // Add a parameter to the function for each element passed in.
      for (const auto &ArgIndex : ArgIndices) {
        // not allowed to dereference ->begin() if size() is 0

      if (ArgIndices.size() == 1 && ArgIndices.begin()->second.empty())

  Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();

  // Construct the new function type using the new arguments.
  FunctionType *NFTy = FunctionType::get(RetTy, Params, FTy->isVarArg());

  // Create the new function body and insert it into the module.
  Function *NF = Function::Create(NFTy, F->getLinkage(), F->getName());

  // Patch the pointer to LLVM function in debug info descriptor.

  DEBUG(dbgs() << "ARG PROMOTION:  Promoting to:" << *NF << "\n"
               << "From: " << *F);

  // Recompute the parameter attributes list based on the new arguments for
  // the function.
  NF->setAttributes(AttributeList::get(F->getContext(), PAL.getFnAttributes(),
                                       PAL.getRetAttributes(), ArgAttrVec));

  F->getParent()->getFunctionList().insert(F->getIterator(), NF);

  // Loop over all of the callers of the function, transforming the call sites
  // to pass in the loaded pointers.
  SmallVector<Value *, 16> Args;
  while (!F->use_empty()) {
    CallSite CS(F->user_back());
    assert(CS.getCalledFunction() == F);
    Instruction *Call = CS.getInstruction();
    const AttributeList &CallPAL = CS.getAttributes();

    // Loop over the operands, inserting GEP and loads in the caller as
    // appropriate.
    CallSite::arg_iterator AI = CS.arg_begin();
    ArgNo = 0;
    for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(); I != E;
         ++I, ++AI, ++ArgNo)
      if (!ArgsToPromote.count(&*I) && !ByValArgsToTransform.count(&*I)) {
        Args.push_back(*AI); // Unmodified argument
      } else if (ByValArgsToTransform.count(&*I)) {
        // Emit a GEP and load for each element of the struct.
        Type *AgTy = cast<PointerType>(I->getType())->getElementType();
        StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(AgTy);
        Value *Idxs[2] = {
            ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(F->getContext()), 0), nullptr};
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
          Idxs[1] = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(F->getContext()), i);
          Value *Idx = GetElementPtrInst::Create(
              STy, *AI, Idxs, (*AI)->getName() + "." + Twine(i), Call);
          // TODO: Tell AA about the new values?
          Args.push_back(new LoadInst(Idx, Idx->getName() + ".val", Call));
      } else if (!I->use_empty()) {
        // Non-dead argument: insert GEPs and loads as appropriate.
        ScalarizeTable &ArgIndices = ScalarizedElements[&*I];
        // Store the Value* version of the indices in here, but declare it now
        // for reuse.
        std::vector<Value *> Ops;
        for (const auto &ArgIndex : ArgIndices) {
          Value *V = *AI;
          LoadInst *OrigLoad =
              OriginalLoads[std::make_pair(&*I, ArgIndex.second)];
          if (!ArgIndex.second.empty()) {
            Type *ElTy = V->getType();
            for (auto II : ArgIndex.second) {
              // Use i32 to index structs, and i64 for others (pointers/arrays).
              // This satisfies GEP constraints.
              Type *IdxTy =
                  (ElTy->isStructTy() ? Type::getInt32Ty(F->getContext())
                                      : Type::getInt64Ty(F->getContext()));
              Ops.push_back(ConstantInt::get(IdxTy, II));
              // Keep track of the type we're currently indexing.
              if (auto *ElPTy = dyn_cast<PointerType>(ElTy))
                ElTy = ElPTy->getElementType();
                ElTy = cast<CompositeType>(ElTy)->getTypeAtIndex(II);
            // And create a GEP to extract those indices.
            V = GetElementPtrInst::Create(ArgIndex.first, V, Ops,
                                          V->getName() + ".idx", Call);
          // Since we're replacing a load make sure we take the alignment
          // of the previous load.
          LoadInst *newLoad = new LoadInst(V, V->getName() + ".val", Call);
          // Transfer the AA info too.
          AAMDNodes AAInfo;


    // Push any varargs arguments on the list.
    for (; AI != CS.arg_end(); ++AI, ++ArgNo) {

    SmallVector<OperandBundleDef, 1> OpBundles;

    CallSite NewCS;
    if (InvokeInst *II = dyn_cast<InvokeInst>(Call)) {
      NewCS = InvokeInst::Create(NF, II->getNormalDest(), II->getUnwindDest(),
                                 Args, OpBundles, "", Call);
    } else {
      auto *NewCall = CallInst::Create(NF, Args, OpBundles, "", Call);
      NewCS = NewCall;
        AttributeList::get(F->getContext(), CallPAL.getFnAttributes(),
                           CallPAL.getRetAttributes(), ArgAttrVec));
    uint64_t W;
    if (Call->extractProfTotalWeight(W))

    // Update the callgraph to know that the callsite has been transformed.
    if (ReplaceCallSite)
      (*ReplaceCallSite)(CS, NewCS);

    if (!Call->use_empty()) {

    // Finally, remove the old call from the program, reducing the use-count of
    // F.

  const DataLayout &DL = F->getParent()->getDataLayout();

  // Since we have now created the new function, splice the body of the old
  // function right into the new function, leaving the old rotting hulk of the
  // function empty.
  NF->getBasicBlockList().splice(NF->begin(), F->getBasicBlockList());

  // Loop over the argument list, transferring uses of the old arguments over to
  // the new arguments, also transferring over the names as well.
  for (Function::arg_iterator I = F->arg_begin(), E = F->arg_end(),
                              I2 = NF->arg_begin();
       I != E; ++I) {
    if (!ArgsToPromote.count(&*I) && !ByValArgsToTransform.count(&*I)) {
      // If this is an unmodified argument, move the name and users over to the
      // new version.

    if (ByValArgsToTransform.count(&*I)) {
      // In the callee, we create an alloca, and store each of the new incoming
      // arguments into the alloca.
      Instruction *InsertPt = &NF->begin()->front();

      // Just add all the struct element types.
      Type *AgTy = cast<PointerType>(I->getType())->getElementType();
      Value *TheAlloca = new AllocaInst(AgTy, DL.getAllocaAddrSpace(), nullptr,
                                        I->getParamAlignment(), "", InsertPt);
      StructType *STy = cast<StructType>(AgTy);
      Value *Idxs[2] = {ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(F->getContext()), 0),

      for (unsigned i = 0, e = STy->getNumElements(); i != e; ++i) {
        Idxs[1] = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(F->getContext()), i);
        Value *Idx = GetElementPtrInst::Create(
            AgTy, TheAlloca, Idxs, TheAlloca->getName() + "." + Twine(i),
        I2->setName(I->getName() + "." + Twine(i));
        new StoreInst(&*I2++, Idx, InsertPt);

      // Anything that used the arg should now use the alloca.

      // If the alloca is used in a call, we must clear the tail flag since
      // the callee now uses an alloca from the caller.
      for (User *U : TheAlloca->users()) {
        CallInst *Call = dyn_cast<CallInst>(U);
        if (!Call)

    if (I->use_empty())

    // Otherwise, if we promoted this argument, then all users are load
    // instructions (or GEPs with only load users), and all loads should be
    // using the new argument that we added.
    ScalarizeTable &ArgIndices = ScalarizedElements[&*I];

    while (!I->use_empty()) {
      if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I->user_back())) {
        assert(ArgIndices.begin()->second.empty() &&
               "Load element should sort to front!");
        I2->setName(I->getName() + ".val");
        DEBUG(dbgs() << "*** Promoted load of argument '" << I->getName()
                     << "' in function '" << F->getName() << "'\n");
      } else {
        GetElementPtrInst *GEP = cast<GetElementPtrInst>(I->user_back());
        IndicesVector Operands;
        for (User::op_iterator II = GEP->idx_begin(), IE = GEP->idx_end();
             II != IE; ++II)

        // GEPs with a single 0 index can be merged with direct loads
        if (Operands.size() == 1 && Operands.front() == 0)

        Function::arg_iterator TheArg = I2;
        for (ScalarizeTable::iterator It = ArgIndices.begin();
             It->second != Operands; ++It, ++TheArg) {
          assert(It != ArgIndices.end() && "GEP not handled??");

        std::string NewName = I->getName();
        for (unsigned i = 0, e = Operands.size(); i != e; ++i) {
          NewName += "." + utostr(Operands[i]);
        NewName += ".val";

        DEBUG(dbgs() << "*** Promoted agg argument '" << TheArg->getName()
                     << "' of function '" << NF->getName() << "'\n");

        // All of the uses must be load instructions.  Replace them all with
        // the argument specified by ArgNo.
        while (!GEP->use_empty()) {
          LoadInst *L = cast<LoadInst>(GEP->user_back());

    // Increment I2 past all of the arguments added for this promoted pointer.
    std::advance(I2, ArgIndices.size());

  return NF;
Example #18
// A soft instruction can be changed to work in other domains given by mask.
void ExeDepsFix::visitSoftInstr(MachineInstr *mi, unsigned mask) {
  // Bitmask of available domains for this instruction after taking collapsed
  // operands into account.
  unsigned available = mask;

  // Scan the explicit use operands for incoming domains.
  SmallVector<int, 4> used;
  if (LiveRegs)
    for (unsigned i = mi->getDesc().getNumDefs(),
                  e = mi->getDesc().getNumOperands(); i != e; ++i) {
      MachineOperand &mo = mi->getOperand(i);
      if (!mo.isReg()) continue;
      int rx = regIndex(mo.getReg());
      if (rx < 0) continue;
      if (DomainValue *dv = LiveRegs[rx].Value) {
        // Bitmask of domains that dv and available have in common.
        unsigned common = dv->getCommonDomains(available);
        // Is it possible to use this collapsed register for free?
        if (dv->isCollapsed()) {
          // Restrict available domains to the ones in common with the operand.
          // If there are no common domains, we must pay the cross-domain 
          // penalty for this operand.
          if (common) available = common;
        } else if (common)
          // Open DomainValue is compatible, save it for merging.
          // Open DomainValue is not compatible with instruction. It is useless
          // now.

  // If the collapsed operands force a single domain, propagate the collapse.
  if (isPowerOf2_32(available)) {
    unsigned domain = countTrailingZeros(available);
    TII->setExecutionDomain(mi, domain);
    visitHardInstr(mi, domain);

  // Kill off any remaining uses that don't match available, and build a list of
  // incoming DomainValues that we want to merge.
  SmallVector<LiveReg, 4> Regs;
  for (SmallVector<int, 4>::iterator i=used.begin(), e=used.end(); i!=e; ++i) {
    int rx = *i;
    const LiveReg &LR = LiveRegs[rx];
    // This useless DomainValue could have been missed above.
    if (!LR.Value->getCommonDomains(available)) {
    // Sorted insertion.
    bool Inserted = false;
    for (SmallVector<LiveReg, 4>::iterator i = Regs.begin(), e = Regs.end();
           i != e && !Inserted; ++i) {
      if (LR.Def < i->Def) {
        Inserted = true;
        Regs.insert(i, LR);
    if (!Inserted)

  // doms are now sorted in order of appearance. Try to merge them all, giving
  // priority to the latest ones.
  DomainValue *dv = 0;
  while (!Regs.empty()) {
    if (!dv) {
      dv = Regs.pop_back_val().Value;
      // Force the first dv to match the current instruction.
      dv->AvailableDomains = dv->getCommonDomains(available);
      assert(dv->AvailableDomains && "Domain should have been filtered");

    DomainValue *Latest = Regs.pop_back_val().Value;
    // Skip already merged values.
    if (Latest == dv || Latest->Next)
    if (merge(dv, Latest))

    // If latest didn't merge, it is useless now. Kill all registers using it.
    for (SmallVector<int,4>::iterator i=used.begin(), e=used.end(); i != e; ++i)
      if (LiveRegs[*i].Value == Latest)

  // dv is the DomainValue we are going to use for this instruction.
  if (!dv) {
    dv = alloc();
    dv->AvailableDomains = available;

  // Finally set all defs and non-collapsed uses to dv. We must iterate through
  // all the operators, including imp-def ones.
  for (MachineInstr::mop_iterator ii = mi->operands_begin(),
                                  ee = mi->operands_end();
                                  ii != ee; ++ii) {
    MachineOperand &mo = *ii;
    if (!mo.isReg()) continue;
    int rx = regIndex(mo.getReg());
    if (rx < 0) continue;
    if (!LiveRegs[rx].Value || (mo.isDef() && LiveRegs[rx].Value != dv)) {
      setLiveReg(rx, dv);
Example #19
/// runOnLoop - Remove dead loops, by which we mean loops that do not impact the
/// observable behavior of the program other than finite running time.  Note
/// we do ensure that this never remove a loop that might be infinite, as doing
/// so could change the halting/non-halting nature of a program.
/// NOTE: This entire process relies pretty heavily on LoopSimplify and LCSSA
/// in order to make various safety checks work.
bool LoopDeletion::runOnLoop(Loop *L, LPPassManager &LPM) {
  // We can only remove the loop if there is a preheader that we can
  // branch from after removing it.
  BasicBlock *preheader = L->getLoopPreheader();
  if (!preheader)
    return false;

  // If LoopSimplify form is not available, stay out of trouble.
  if (!L->hasDedicatedExits())
    return false;

  // We can't remove loops that contain subloops.  If the subloops were dead,
  // they would already have been removed in earlier executions of this pass.
  if (L->begin() != L->end())
    return false;

  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 4> exitingBlocks;

  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 4> exitBlocks;

  // We require that the loop only have a single exit block.  Otherwise, we'd
  // be in the situation of needing to be able to solve statically which exit
  // block will be branched to, or trying to preserve the branching logic in
  // a loop invariant manner.
  if (exitBlocks.size() != 1)
    return false;

  // Finally, we have to check that the loop really is dead.
  bool Changed = false;
  if (!isLoopDead(L, exitingBlocks, exitBlocks, Changed, preheader))
    return Changed;

  // Don't remove loops for which we can't solve the trip count.
  // They could be infinite, in which case we'd be changing program behavior.
  ScalarEvolution &SE = getAnalysis<ScalarEvolution>();
  const SCEV *S = SE.getMaxBackedgeTakenCount(L);
  if (isa<SCEVCouldNotCompute>(S))
    return Changed;

  // Now that we know the removal is safe, remove the loop by changing the
  // branch from the preheader to go to the single exit block.
  BasicBlock *exitBlock = exitBlocks[0];

  // Because we're deleting a large chunk of code at once, the sequence in which
  // we remove things is very important to avoid invalidation issues.  Don't
  // mess with this unless you have good reason and know what you're doing.

  // Tell ScalarEvolution that the loop is deleted. Do this before
  // deleting the loop so that ScalarEvolution can look at the loop
  // to determine what it needs to clean up.

  // Connect the preheader directly to the exit block.
  TerminatorInst *TI = preheader->getTerminator();
  TI->replaceUsesOfWith(L->getHeader(), exitBlock);

  // Rewrite phis in the exit block to get their inputs from
  // the preheader instead of the exiting block.
  BasicBlock *exitingBlock = exitingBlocks[0];
  BasicBlock::iterator BI = exitBlock->begin();
  while (PHINode *P = dyn_cast<PHINode>(BI)) {
    int j = P->getBasicBlockIndex(exitingBlock);
    assert(j >= 0 && "Can't find exiting block in exit block's phi node!");
    P->setIncomingBlock(j, preheader);
    for (unsigned i = 1; i < exitingBlocks.size(); ++i)

  // Update the dominator tree and remove the instructions and blocks that will
  // be deleted from the reference counting scheme.
  DominatorTree &DT = getAnalysis<DominatorTree>();
  SmallVector<DomTreeNode*, 8> ChildNodes;
  for (Loop::block_iterator LI = L->block_begin(), LE = L->block_end();
       LI != LE; ++LI) {
    // Move all of the block's children to be children of the preheader, which
    // allows us to remove the domtree entry for the block.
    ChildNodes.insert(ChildNodes.begin(), DT[*LI]->begin(), DT[*LI]->end());
    for (SmallVectorImpl<DomTreeNode *>::iterator DI = ChildNodes.begin(),
         DE = ChildNodes.end(); DI != DE; ++DI) {
      DT.changeImmediateDominator(*DI, DT[preheader]);


    // Remove the block from the reference counting scheme, so that we can
    // delete it freely later.

  // Erase the instructions and the blocks without having to worry
  // about ordering because we already dropped the references.
  // NOTE: This iteration is safe because erasing the block does not remove its
  // entry from the loop's block list.  We do that in the next section.
  for (Loop::block_iterator LI = L->block_begin(), LE = L->block_end();
       LI != LE; ++LI)

  // Finally, the blocks from loopinfo.  This has to happen late because
  // otherwise our loop iterators won't work.
  LoopInfo &loopInfo = getAnalysis<LoopInfo>();
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*, 8> blocks;
  blocks.insert(L->block_begin(), L->block_end());
  for (SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*,8>::iterator I = blocks.begin(),
       E = blocks.end(); I != E; ++I)

  // The last step is to inform the loop pass manager that we've
  // eliminated this loop.
  Changed = true;


  return Changed;
Example #20
// Sinks \p I from the loop \p L's preheader to its uses. Returns true if
// sinking is successful.
// \p LoopBlockNumber is used to sort the insertion blocks to ensure
// determinism.
static bool sinkInstruction(Loop &L, Instruction &I,
                            const SmallVectorImpl<BasicBlock *> &ColdLoopBBs,
                            const SmallDenseMap<BasicBlock *, int, 16> &LoopBlockNumber,
                            LoopInfo &LI, DominatorTree &DT,
                            BlockFrequencyInfo &BFI) {
  // Compute the set of blocks in loop L which contain a use of I.
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 2> BBs;
  for (auto &U : I.uses()) {
    Instruction *UI = cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
    // We cannot sink I to PHI-uses.
    if (dyn_cast<PHINode>(UI))
      return false;
    // We cannot sink I if it has uses outside of the loop.
    if (!L.contains(LI.getLoopFor(UI->getParent())))
      return false;

  // findBBsToSinkInto is O(BBs.size() * ColdLoopBBs.size()). We cap the max
  // BBs.size() to avoid expensive computation.
  // FIXME: Handle code size growth for min_size and opt_size.
  if (BBs.size() > MaxNumberOfUseBBsForSinking)
    return false;

  // Find the set of BBs that we should insert a copy of I.
  SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock *, 2> BBsToSinkInto =
      findBBsToSinkInto(L, BBs, ColdLoopBBs, DT, BFI);
  if (BBsToSinkInto.empty())
    return false;

  // Copy the final BBs into a vector and sort them using the total ordering
  // of the loop block numbers as iterating the set doesn't give a useful
  // order. No need to stable sort as the block numbers are a total ordering.
  SmallVector<BasicBlock *, 2> SortedBBsToSinkInto;
  SortedBBsToSinkInto.insert(SortedBBsToSinkInto.begin(), BBsToSinkInto.begin(),
  std::sort(SortedBBsToSinkInto.begin(), SortedBBsToSinkInto.end(),
            [&](BasicBlock *A, BasicBlock *B) {
              return *LoopBlockNumber.find(A) < *LoopBlockNumber.find(B);

  BasicBlock *MoveBB = *SortedBBsToSinkInto.begin();
  // FIXME: Optimize the efficiency for cloned value replacement. The current
  //        implementation is O(SortedBBsToSinkInto.size() * I.num_uses()).
  for (BasicBlock *N : SortedBBsToSinkInto) {
    if (N == MoveBB)
    // Clone I and replace its uses.
    Instruction *IC = I.clone();
    // Replaces uses of I with IC in N
    for (Value::use_iterator UI = I.use_begin(), UE = I.use_end(); UI != UE;) {
      Use &U = *UI++;
      auto *I = cast<Instruction>(U.getUser());
      if (I->getParent() == N)
    // Replaces uses of I with IC in blocks dominated by N
    replaceDominatedUsesWith(&I, IC, DT, N);
    DEBUG(dbgs() << "Sinking a clone of " << I << " To: " << N->getName()
                 << '\n');
  DEBUG(dbgs() << "Sinking " << I << " To: " << MoveBB->getName() << '\n');

  return true;
Example #21
/// ParseMicrosoftAsmStatement. When -fms-extensions/-fasm-blocks is enabled,
/// this routine is called to collect the tokens for an MS asm statement.
/// [MS]  ms-asm-statement:
///         ms-asm-block
///         ms-asm-block ms-asm-statement
/// [MS]  ms-asm-block:
///         '__asm' ms-asm-line '\n'
///         '__asm' '{' ms-asm-instruction-block[opt] '}' ';'[opt]
/// [MS]  ms-asm-instruction-block
///         ms-asm-line
///         ms-asm-line '\n' ms-asm-instruction-block
StmtResult Parser::ParseMicrosoftAsmStatement(SourceLocation AsmLoc) {
  SourceManager &SrcMgr = PP.getSourceManager();
  SourceLocation EndLoc = AsmLoc;
  SmallVector<Token, 4> AsmToks;

  bool SingleLineMode = true;
  unsigned BraceNesting = 0;
  unsigned short savedBraceCount = BraceCount;
  bool InAsmComment = false;
  FileID FID;
  unsigned LineNo = 0;
  unsigned NumTokensRead = 0;
  SmallVector<SourceLocation, 4> LBraceLocs;
  bool SkippedStartOfLine = false;

  if (Tok.is(tok::l_brace)) {
    // Braced inline asm: consume the opening brace.
    SingleLineMode = false;
    BraceNesting = 1;
    EndLoc = ConsumeBrace();
  } else {
    // Single-line inline asm; compute which line it is on.
    std::pair<FileID, unsigned> ExpAsmLoc =
    FID = ExpAsmLoc.first;
    LineNo = SrcMgr.getLineNumber(FID, ExpAsmLoc.second);

  SourceLocation TokLoc = Tok.getLocation();
  do {
    // If we hit EOF, we're done, period.
    if (isEofOrEom())

    if (!InAsmComment && Tok.is(tok::l_brace)) {
      // Consume the opening brace.
      SkippedStartOfLine = Tok.isAtStartOfLine();
      EndLoc = ConsumeBrace();
      TokLoc = Tok.getLocation();
    } else if (!InAsmComment && Tok.is(tok::semi)) {
      // A semicolon in an asm is the start of a comment.
      InAsmComment = true;
      if (!SingleLineMode) {
        // Compute which line the comment is on.
        std::pair<FileID, unsigned> ExpSemiLoc =
        FID = ExpSemiLoc.first;
        LineNo = SrcMgr.getLineNumber(FID, ExpSemiLoc.second);
    } else if (SingleLineMode || InAsmComment) {
      // If end-of-line is significant, check whether this token is on a
      // new line.
      std::pair<FileID, unsigned> ExpLoc =
      if (ExpLoc.first != FID ||
          SrcMgr.getLineNumber(ExpLoc.first, ExpLoc.second) != LineNo) {
        // If this is a single-line __asm, we're done, except if the next
        // line begins with an __asm too, in which case we finish a comment
        // if needed and then keep processing the next line as a single
        // line __asm.
        bool isAsm = Tok.is(tok::kw_asm);
        if (SingleLineMode && !isAsm)
        // We're no longer in a comment.
        InAsmComment = false;
        if (isAsm) {
          LineNo = SrcMgr.getLineNumber(ExpLoc.first, ExpLoc.second);
          SkippedStartOfLine = Tok.isAtStartOfLine();
      } else if (!InAsmComment && Tok.is(tok::r_brace)) {
        // In MSVC mode, braces only participate in brace matching and
        // separating the asm statements.  This is an intentional
        // departure from the Apple gcc behavior.
        if (!BraceNesting)
    if (!InAsmComment && BraceNesting && Tok.is(tok::r_brace) &&
        BraceCount == (savedBraceCount + BraceNesting)) {
      // Consume the closing brace.
      SkippedStartOfLine = Tok.isAtStartOfLine();
      EndLoc = ConsumeBrace();
      // Finish if all of the opened braces in the inline asm section were
      // consumed.
      if (BraceNesting == 0 && !SingleLineMode)
      else {
        TokLoc = Tok.getLocation();

    // Consume the next token; make sure we don't modify the brace count etc.
    // if we are in a comment.
    EndLoc = TokLoc;
    if (InAsmComment)
    else {
      // Set the token as the start of line if we skipped the original start
      // of line token in case it was a nested brace.
      if (SkippedStartOfLine)
    TokLoc = Tok.getLocation();
    SkippedStartOfLine = false;
  } while (1);

  if (BraceNesting && BraceCount != savedBraceCount) {
    // __asm without closing brace (this can happen at EOF).
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < BraceNesting; ++i) {
      Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected) << tok::r_brace;
      Diag(LBraceLocs.back(), diag::note_matching) << tok::l_brace;
    return StmtError();
  } else if (NumTokensRead == 0) {
    // Empty __asm.
    Diag(Tok, diag::err_expected) << tok::l_brace;
    return StmtError();

  // Okay, prepare to use MC to parse the assembly.
  SmallVector<StringRef, 4> ConstraintRefs;
  SmallVector<Expr *, 4> Exprs;
  SmallVector<StringRef, 4> ClobberRefs;

  // We need an actual supported target.
  const llvm::Triple &TheTriple = Actions.Context.getTargetInfo().getTriple();
  llvm::Triple::ArchType ArchTy = TheTriple.getArch();
  const std::string &TT = TheTriple.getTriple();
  const llvm::Target *TheTarget = nullptr;
  bool UnsupportedArch =
      (ArchTy != llvm::Triple::x86 && ArchTy != llvm::Triple::x86_64);
  if (UnsupportedArch) {
    Diag(AsmLoc, diag::err_msasm_unsupported_arch) << TheTriple.getArchName();
  } else {
    std::string Error;
    TheTarget = llvm::TargetRegistry::lookupTarget(TT, Error);
    if (!TheTarget)
      Diag(AsmLoc, diag::err_msasm_unable_to_create_target) << Error;

  assert(!LBraceLocs.empty() && "Should have at least one location here");

  // If we don't support assembly, or the assembly is empty, we don't
  // need to instantiate the AsmParser, etc.
  if (!TheTarget || AsmToks.empty()) {
    return Actions.ActOnMSAsmStmt(AsmLoc, LBraceLocs[0], AsmToks, StringRef(),
                                  /*NumOutputs*/ 0, /*NumInputs*/ 0,
                                  ConstraintRefs, ClobberRefs, Exprs, EndLoc);

  // Expand the tokens into a string buffer.
  SmallString<512> AsmString;
  SmallVector<unsigned, 8> TokOffsets;
  if (buildMSAsmString(PP, AsmLoc, AsmToks, TokOffsets, AsmString))
    return StmtError();

  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MCRegisterInfo> MRI(TheTarget->createMCRegInfo(TT));
  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MCAsmInfo> MAI(TheTarget->createMCAsmInfo(*MRI, TT));
  // Get the instruction descriptor.
  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MCInstrInfo> MII(TheTarget->createMCInstrInfo());
  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MCObjectFileInfo> MOFI(new llvm::MCObjectFileInfo());
  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MCSubtargetInfo> STI(
      TheTarget->createMCSubtargetInfo(TT, "", ""));

  llvm::SourceMgr TempSrcMgr;
  llvm::MCContext Ctx(MAI.get(), MRI.get(), MOFI.get(), &TempSrcMgr);
  MOFI->InitMCObjectFileInfo(TheTriple, llvm::Reloc::Default,
                             llvm::CodeModel::Default, Ctx);
  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> Buffer =
      llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(AsmString, "<MS inline asm>");

  // Tell SrcMgr about this buffer, which is what the parser will pick up.
  TempSrcMgr.AddNewSourceBuffer(std::move(Buffer), llvm::SMLoc());

  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MCStreamer> Str(createNullStreamer(Ctx));
  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MCAsmParser> Parser(
      createMCAsmParser(TempSrcMgr, Ctx, *Str.get(), *MAI));

  // FIXME: init MCOptions from sanitizer flags here.
  llvm::MCTargetOptions MCOptions;
  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MCTargetAsmParser> TargetParser(
      TheTarget->createMCAsmParser(*STI, *Parser, *MII, MCOptions));

  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MCInstPrinter> IP(
      TheTarget->createMCInstPrinter(llvm::Triple(TT), 1, *MAI, *MII, *MRI));

  // Change to the Intel dialect.

  ClangAsmParserCallback Callback(*this, AsmLoc, AsmString, AsmToks,

  unsigned NumOutputs;
  unsigned NumInputs;
  std::string AsmStringIR;
  SmallVector<std::pair<void *, bool>, 4> OpExprs;
  SmallVector<std::string, 4> Constraints;
  SmallVector<std::string, 4> Clobbers;
  if (Parser->parseMSInlineAsm(AsmLoc.getPtrEncoding(), AsmStringIR, NumOutputs,
                               NumInputs, OpExprs, Constraints, Clobbers,
                               MII.get(), IP.get(), Callback))
    return StmtError();

  // Filter out "fpsw".  Clang doesn't accept it, and it always lists flags and
  // fpsr as clobbers.
  auto End = std::remove(Clobbers.begin(), Clobbers.end(), "fpsw");
  Clobbers.erase(End, Clobbers.end());

  // Build the vector of clobber StringRefs.
  ClobberRefs.insert(ClobberRefs.end(), Clobbers.begin(), Clobbers.end());

  // Recast the void pointers and build the vector of constraint StringRefs.
  unsigned NumExprs = NumOutputs + NumInputs;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumExprs; i != e; ++i) {
    Expr *OpExpr = static_cast<Expr *>(OpExprs[i].first);
    if (!OpExpr)
      return StmtError();

    // Need address of variable.
    if (OpExprs[i].second)
      OpExpr =
          Actions.BuildUnaryOp(getCurScope(), AsmLoc, UO_AddrOf, OpExpr).get();

    ConstraintRefs[i] = StringRef(Constraints[i]);
    Exprs[i] = OpExpr;

  // FIXME: We should be passing source locations for better diagnostics.
  return Actions.ActOnMSAsmStmt(AsmLoc, LBraceLocs[0], AsmToks, AsmStringIR,
                                NumOutputs, NumInputs, ConstraintRefs,
                                ClobberRefs, Exprs, EndLoc);
/// ComputeLiveInBlocks - Determine which blocks the value is live in.  These
/// are blocks which lead to uses.  Knowing this allows us to avoid inserting
/// PHI nodes into blocks which don't lead to uses (thus, the inserted phi nodes
/// would be dead).
void PromoteMem2Reg::
ComputeLiveInBlocks(AllocaInst *AI, AllocaInfo &Info, 
                    const SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*, 32> &DefBlocks,
                    SmallPtrSet<BasicBlock*, 32> &LiveInBlocks) {
  // To determine liveness, we must iterate through the predecessors of blocks
  // where the def is live.  Blocks are added to the worklist if we need to
  // check their predecessors.  Start with all the using blocks.
  SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 64> LiveInBlockWorklist;
                             Info.UsingBlocks.begin(), Info.UsingBlocks.end());
  // If any of the using blocks is also a definition block, check to see if the
  // definition occurs before or after the use.  If it happens before the use,
  // the value isn't really live-in.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = LiveInBlockWorklist.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    BasicBlock *BB = LiveInBlockWorklist[i];
    if (!DefBlocks.count(BB)) continue;
    // Okay, this is a block that both uses and defines the value.  If the first
    // reference to the alloca is a def (store), then we know it isn't live-in.
    for (BasicBlock::iterator I = BB->begin(); ; ++I) {
      if (StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(I)) {
        if (SI->getOperand(1) != AI) continue;
        // We found a store to the alloca before a load.  The alloca is not
        // actually live-in here.
        LiveInBlockWorklist[i] = LiveInBlockWorklist.back();
        --i, --e;
      if (LoadInst *LI = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(I)) {
        if (LI->getOperand(0) != AI) continue;
        // Okay, we found a load before a store to the alloca.  It is actually
        // live into this block.
  // Now that we have a set of blocks where the phi is live-in, recursively add
  // their predecessors until we find the full region the value is live.
  while (!LiveInBlockWorklist.empty()) {
    BasicBlock *BB = LiveInBlockWorklist.pop_back_val();
    // The block really is live in here, insert it into the set.  If already in
    // the set, then it has already been processed.
    if (!LiveInBlocks.insert(BB))
    // Since the value is live into BB, it is either defined in a predecessor or
    // live into it to.  Add the preds to the worklist unless they are a
    // defining block.
    for (pred_iterator PI = pred_begin(BB), E = pred_end(BB); PI != E; ++PI) {
      BasicBlock *P = *PI;
      // The value is not live into a predecessor if it defines the value.
      if (DefBlocks.count(P))
      // Otherwise it is, add to the worklist.
void swift::ide::printSubmoduleInterface(
       Module *M,
       ArrayRef<StringRef> FullModuleName,
       Optional<StringRef> GroupName,
       ModuleTraversalOptions TraversalOptions,
       ASTPrinter &Printer,
       const PrintOptions &Options,
       const bool PrintSynthesizedExtensions) {
  auto AdjustedOptions = Options;

  SmallVector<Decl *, 1> Decls;

  auto &SwiftContext = M->getASTContext();
  auto &Importer =
      static_cast<ClangImporter &>(*SwiftContext.getClangModuleLoader());

  const clang::Module *InterestingClangModule = nullptr;

  SmallVector<ImportDecl *, 1> ImportDecls;
  llvm::DenseSet<const clang::Module *> ClangModulesForImports;
  SmallVector<Decl *, 1> SwiftDecls;
  llvm::DenseMap<const clang::Module *,
                 SmallVector<std::pair<Decl *, clang::SourceLocation>, 1>>

  // Drop top-level module name.
  FullModuleName = FullModuleName.slice(1);

  InterestingClangModule = M->findUnderlyingClangModule();
  if (InterestingClangModule) {
    for (StringRef Name : FullModuleName) {
      InterestingClangModule = InterestingClangModule->findSubmodule(Name);
      if (!InterestingClangModule)
  } else {

  // If we're printing recursively, find all of the submodules to print.
  if (InterestingClangModule) {
    if (TraversalOptions) {
      SmallVector<const clang::Module *, 8> Worklist;
      SmallPtrSet<const clang::Module *, 8> Visited;
      while (!Worklist.empty()) {
        const clang::Module *CM = Worklist.pop_back_val();
        if (!(TraversalOptions & ModuleTraversal::VisitHidden) &&

        ClangDecls.insert({ CM, {} });

        // If we're supposed to visit submodules, add them now.
        if (TraversalOptions & ModuleTraversal::VisitSubmodules) {
          for (auto Sub = CM->submodule_begin(), SubEnd = CM->submodule_end();
               Sub != SubEnd; ++Sub) {
            if (Visited.insert(*Sub).second)
    } else {
      ClangDecls.insert({ InterestingClangModule, {} });

  // Collect those submodules that are actually imported but have no import decls
  // in the module.
  llvm::SmallPtrSet<const clang::Module *, 16> NoImportSubModules;
  if (InterestingClangModule) {
    // Assume all submodules are missing.
    for (auto It =InterestingClangModule->submodule_begin();
         It != InterestingClangModule->submodule_end(); It ++) {

  // Separate the declarations that we are going to print into different
  // buckets.
  for (Decl *D : Decls) {

    // Skip declarations that are not accessible.
    if (auto *VD = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(D)) {
      if (Options.AccessibilityFilter > Accessibility::Private &&
          VD->hasAccessibility() &&
          VD->getFormalAccess() < Options.AccessibilityFilter)

    auto ShouldPrintImport = [&](ImportDecl *ImportD) -> bool {
      if (!InterestingClangModule)
        return true;
      auto ClangMod = ImportD->getClangModule();
      if (!ClangMod)
        return true;
      if (!ClangMod->isSubModule())
        return true;
      if (ClangMod == InterestingClangModule)
        return false;
      // FIXME: const-ness on the clang API.
      return ClangMod->isSubModuleOf(

    if (auto ID = dyn_cast<ImportDecl>(D)) {
      if (ShouldPrintImport(ID)) {
        if (ID->getClangModule())
          // Erase those submodules that are not missing.
        if (ID->getImportKind() == ImportKind::Module) {
          // Make sure we don't print duplicate imports, due to getting imports
          // for both a clang module and its overlay.
          if (auto *ClangMod = getUnderlyingClangModuleForImport(ID)) {
            auto P = ClangModulesForImports.insert(ClangMod);
            bool IsNew = P.second;
            if (!IsNew)

    auto addToClangDecls = [&](Decl *D) {
      auto CN = D->getClangNode();
      clang::SourceLocation Loc = CN.getLocation();

      auto *OwningModule = Importer.getClangOwningModule(CN);
      auto I = ClangDecls.find(OwningModule);
      if (I != ClangDecls.end()) {
        I->second.push_back({ D, Loc });

    if (D->hasClangNode()) {
    if (FullModuleName.empty()) {
      // If group name is given and the decl does not belong to the group, skip it.
      if (GroupName && (!D->getGroupName() ||
                        D->getGroupName().getValue() != GroupName.getValue()))
      // Add Swift decls if we are printing the top-level module.

  // Create the missing import decls and add to the collector.
  for (auto *SM : NoImportSubModules) {
    ImportDecls.push_back(createImportDecl(M->getASTContext(), M, SM, {}));

  auto &ClangSourceManager = Importer.getClangASTContext().getSourceManager();

  // Sort imported declarations in source order *within a submodule*.
  for (auto &P : ClangDecls) {
    std::sort(P.second.begin(), P.second.end(),
              [&](std::pair<Decl *, clang::SourceLocation> LHS,
                  std::pair<Decl *, clang::SourceLocation> RHS) -> bool {
                return ClangSourceManager.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(LHS.second,

  // Sort Swift declarations so that we print them in a consistent order.
  std::sort(ImportDecls.begin(), ImportDecls.end(),
            [](ImportDecl *LHS, ImportDecl *RHS) -> bool {
    auto LHSPath = LHS->getFullAccessPath();
    auto RHSPath = RHS->getFullAccessPath();
    for (unsigned i = 0, e = std::min(LHSPath.size(), RHSPath.size()); i != e;
         i++) {
      if (int Ret = LHSPath[i].first.str().compare(RHSPath[i].first.str()))
        return Ret < 0;
    return false;

  // If the group name is specified, we sort them according to their source order,
  // which is the order preserved by getTopLeveDecls.
  if (!GroupName) {
    std::sort(SwiftDecls.begin(), SwiftDecls.end(),
      [&](Decl *LHS, Decl *RHS) -> bool {
        auto *LHSValue = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(LHS);
        auto *RHSValue = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(RHS);

        if (LHSValue && RHSValue) {
          StringRef LHSName = LHSValue->getName().str();
          StringRef RHSName = RHSValue->getName().str();
          if (int Ret = LHSName.compare(RHSName))
            return Ret < 0;
          // FIXME: this is not sufficient to establish a total order for overloaded
          // decls.
          return LHS->getKind() < RHS->getKind();

        return LHS->getKind() < RHS->getKind();

  ASTPrinter *PrinterToUse = &Printer;

  ClangCommentPrinter RegularCommentPrinter(Printer, Importer);
  if (Options.PrintRegularClangComments)
    PrinterToUse = &RegularCommentPrinter;

  auto PrintDecl = [&](Decl *D) -> bool {
    ASTPrinter &Printer = *PrinterToUse;
    if (!shouldPrint(D, AdjustedOptions)) {
      return false;
    if (auto Ext = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(D)) {
      // Clang extensions (categories) are always printed in source order.
      // Swift extensions are printed with their associated type unless it's
      // a cross-module extension.
      if (!Ext->hasClangNode()) {
        auto ExtendedNominal = Ext->getExtendedType()->getAnyNominal();
        if (Ext->getModuleContext() == ExtendedNominal->getModuleContext())
          return false;

    if (D->print(Printer, AdjustedOptions)) {
      Printer << "\n";
      if (auto NTD = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(D)) {
        std::queue<NominalTypeDecl *> SubDecls{{NTD}};

        while (!SubDecls.empty()) {
          auto NTD = SubDecls.front();

          // Add sub-types of NTD.
          for (auto Sub : NTD->getMembers())
            if (auto N = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(Sub))

          // Print Ext and add sub-types of Ext.
          for (auto Ext : NTD->getExtensions()) {
            if (!shouldPrint(Ext, AdjustedOptions)) {
            if (Ext->hasClangNode())
              continue; // will be printed in its source location, see above.
            Printer << "\n";
            Ext->print(Printer, AdjustedOptions);
            Printer << "\n";
            for (auto Sub : Ext->getMembers())
              if (auto N = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(Sub))
          if (!PrintSynthesizedExtensions)

          // Print synthesized extensions.
          llvm::SmallPtrSet<ExtensionDecl *, 10> ExtensionsFromConformances;
          findExtensionsFromConformingProtocols(D, ExtensionsFromConformances);
          for (auto ET : ExtensionsFromConformances) {
            if (!shouldPrint(ET, AdjustedOptions))
            Printer << "\n";
            Printer << "/// Synthesized extension from ";
            ET->getExtendedTypeLoc().getType().print(Printer, AdjustedOptions);
            Printer << "\n";
            ET->print(Printer, AdjustedOptions);
            Printer << "\n";
      return true;
    return false;

  // Imports from the stdlib are internal details that don't need to be exposed.
  if (!M->isStdlibModule()) {
    for (auto *D : ImportDecls)
    Printer << "\n";

    using ModuleAndName = std::pair<const clang::Module *, std::string>;
    SmallVector<ModuleAndName, 8> ClangModules;
    for (auto P : ClangDecls) {
      ClangModules.push_back({ P.first, P.first->getFullModuleName() });
    // Sort modules by name.
    std::sort(ClangModules.begin(), ClangModules.end(),
              [](const ModuleAndName &LHS, const ModuleAndName &RHS)
                -> bool {
                  return LHS.second < RHS.second;

    for (auto CM : ClangModules) {
      for (auto DeclAndLoc : ClangDecls[CM.first])

  if (!(TraversalOptions & ModuleTraversal::SkipOverlay) ||
      !InterestingClangModule) {
    for (auto *D : SwiftDecls) {
      if (PrintDecl(D))
        Printer << "\n";
Example #24
int main(int argc_, const char **argv_) {
  llvm::PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc_, argv_);
  llvm::llvm_shutdown_obj Y; // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit.

  if (llvm::sys::Process::FixupStandardFileDescriptors())
    return 1;

  SmallVector<const char *, 256> argv;
  llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<char> ArgAllocator;
  std::error_code EC = llvm::sys::Process::GetArgumentVector(
      argv, llvm::makeArrayRef(argv_, argc_), ArgAllocator);
  if (EC) {
    llvm::errs() << "error: couldn't get arguments: " << EC.message() << '\n';
    return 1;

  std::string ProgName = argv[0];
  std::pair<std::string, std::string> TargetAndMode =

  llvm::BumpPtrAllocator A;
  llvm::StringSaver Saver(A);

  // Parse response files using the GNU syntax, unless we're in CL mode. There
  // are two ways to put clang in CL compatibility mode: argv[0] is either
  // clang-cl or cl, or --driver-mode=cl is on the command line. The normal
  // command line parsing can't happen until after response file parsing, so we
  // have to manually search for a --driver-mode=cl argument the hard way.
  // Finally, our -cc1 tools don't care which tokenization mode we use because
  // response files written by clang will tokenize the same way in either mode.
  bool ClangCLMode = false;
  if (TargetAndMode.second == "--driver-mode=cl" ||
      std::find_if(argv.begin(), argv.end(), [](const char *F) {
        return F && strcmp(F, "--driver-mode=cl") == 0;
      }) != argv.end()) {
    ClangCLMode = true;
  enum { Default, POSIX, Windows } RSPQuoting = Default;
  for (const char *F : argv) {
    if (strcmp(F, "--rsp-quoting=posix") == 0)
      RSPQuoting = POSIX;
    else if (strcmp(F, "--rsp-quoting=windows") == 0)
      RSPQuoting = Windows;

  // Determines whether we want nullptr markers in argv to indicate response
  // files end-of-lines. We only use this for the /LINK driver argument with
  // clang-cl.exe on Windows.
  bool MarkEOLs = ClangCLMode;

  llvm::cl::TokenizerCallback Tokenizer;
  if (RSPQuoting == Windows || (RSPQuoting == Default && ClangCLMode))
    Tokenizer = &llvm::cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine;
    Tokenizer = &llvm::cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine;

  if (MarkEOLs && argv.size() > 1 && StringRef(argv[1]).startswith("-cc1"))
    MarkEOLs = false;
  llvm::cl::ExpandResponseFiles(Saver, Tokenizer, argv, MarkEOLs);

  // Handle -cc1 integrated tools, even if -cc1 was expanded from a response
  // file.
  auto FirstArg = std::find_if(argv.begin() + 1, argv.end(),
                               [](const char *A) { return A != nullptr; });
  if (FirstArg != argv.end() && StringRef(*FirstArg).startswith("-cc1")) {
    // If -cc1 came from a response file, remove the EOL sentinels.
    if (MarkEOLs) {
      auto newEnd = std::remove(argv.begin(), argv.end(), nullptr);
      argv.resize(newEnd - argv.begin());
    return ExecuteCC1Tool(argv, argv[1] + 4);

  bool CanonicalPrefixes = true;
  for (int i = 1, size = argv.size(); i < size; ++i) {
    // Skip end-of-line response file markers
    if (argv[i] == nullptr)
    if (StringRef(argv[i]) == "-no-canonical-prefixes") {
      CanonicalPrefixes = false;

  // Handle CL and _CL_ which permits additional command line options to be
  // prepended or appended.
  if (ClangCLMode) {
    // Arguments in "CL" are prepended.
    llvm::Optional<std::string> OptCL = llvm::sys::Process::GetEnv("CL");
    if (OptCL.hasValue()) {
      SmallVector<const char *, 8> PrependedOpts;
      getCLEnvVarOptions(OptCL.getValue(), Saver, PrependedOpts);

      // Insert right after the program name to prepend to the argument list.
      argv.insert(argv.begin() + 1, PrependedOpts.begin(), PrependedOpts.end());
    // Arguments in "_CL_" are appended.
    llvm::Optional<std::string> Opt_CL_ = llvm::sys::Process::GetEnv("_CL_");
    if (Opt_CL_.hasValue()) {
      SmallVector<const char *, 8> AppendedOpts;
      getCLEnvVarOptions(Opt_CL_.getValue(), Saver, AppendedOpts);

      // Insert at the end of the argument list to append.
      argv.append(AppendedOpts.begin(), AppendedOpts.end());

  std::set<std::string> SavedStrings;
  // Handle CCC_OVERRIDE_OPTIONS, used for editing a command line behind the
  // scenes.
  if (const char *OverrideStr = ::getenv("CCC_OVERRIDE_OPTIONS")) {
    // FIXME: Driver shouldn't take extra initial argument.
    ApplyQAOverride(argv, OverrideStr, SavedStrings);

  std::string Path = GetExecutablePath(argv[0], CanonicalPrefixes);

  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticOptions> DiagOpts =

  TextDiagnosticPrinter *DiagClient
    = new TextDiagnosticPrinter(llvm::errs(), &*DiagOpts);
  FixupDiagPrefixExeName(DiagClient, Path);

  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs> DiagID(new DiagnosticIDs());

  DiagnosticsEngine Diags(DiagID, &*DiagOpts, DiagClient);

  if (!DiagOpts->DiagnosticSerializationFile.empty()) {
    auto SerializedConsumer =
                                        &*DiagOpts, /*MergeChildRecords=*/true);
    Diags.setClient(new ChainedDiagnosticConsumer(
        Diags.takeClient(), std::move(SerializedConsumer)));

  ProcessWarningOptions(Diags, *DiagOpts, /*ReportDiags=*/false);

  Driver TheDriver(Path, llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple(), Diags);
  SetInstallDir(argv, TheDriver, CanonicalPrefixes);

  insertTargetAndModeArgs(TargetAndMode.first, TargetAndMode.second, argv,


  std::unique_ptr<Compilation> C(TheDriver.BuildCompilation(argv));
  int Res = 0;
  SmallVector<std::pair<int, const Command *>, 4> FailingCommands;
  if (C.get())
    Res = TheDriver.ExecuteCompilation(*C, FailingCommands);

  // Force a crash to test the diagnostics.
  if (TheDriver.GenReproducer) {
        << !::getenv("FORCE_CLANG_DIAGNOSTICS_CRASH");

    // Pretend that every command failed.
    for (const auto &J : C->getJobs())
      if (const Command *C = dyn_cast<Command>(&J))
        FailingCommands.push_back(std::make_pair(-1, C));

  for (const auto &P : FailingCommands) {
    int CommandRes = P.first;
    const Command *FailingCommand = P.second;
    if (!Res)
      Res = CommandRes;

    // If result status is < 0, then the driver command signalled an error.
    // If result status is 70, then the driver command reported a fatal error.
    // On Windows, abort will return an exit code of 3.  In these cases,
    // generate additional diagnostic information if possible.
    bool DiagnoseCrash = CommandRes < 0 || CommandRes == 70;
#ifdef LLVM_ON_WIN32
    DiagnoseCrash |= CommandRes == 3;
    if (DiagnoseCrash) {
      TheDriver.generateCompilationDiagnostics(*C, *FailingCommand);


  // If any timers were active but haven't been destroyed yet, print their
  // results now.  This happens in -disable-free mode.

#ifdef LLVM_ON_WIN32
  // Exit status should not be negative on Win32, unless abnormal termination.
  // Once abnormal termiation was caught, negative status should not be
  // propagated.
  if (Res < 0)
    Res = 1;

  // If we have multiple failing commands, we return the result of the first
  // failing command.
  return Res;
void SelectionDAGBuilder::LowerStatepoint(
    ImmutableStatepoint ISP, MachineBasicBlock *LandingPad /*=nullptr*/) {
  // The basic scheme here is that information about both the original call and
  // the safepoint is encoded in the CallInst.  We create a temporary call and
  // lower it, then reverse engineer the calling sequence.

  // Clear state

  ImmutableCallSite CS(ISP.getCallSite());

#ifndef NDEBUG
  // Consistency check. Don't do this for invokes. It would be too
  // expensive to preserve this information across different basic blocks
  if (!CS.isInvoke()) {
    for (const User *U : CS->users()) {
      const CallInst *Call = cast<CallInst>(U);
      if (isGCRelocate(Call))

#ifndef NDEBUG
  // If this is a malformed statepoint, report it early to simplify debugging.
  // This should catch any IR level mistake that's made when constructing or
  // transforming statepoints.

  // Check that the associated GCStrategy expects to encounter statepoints.
  assert(GFI->getStrategy().useStatepoints() &&
         "GCStrategy does not expect to encounter statepoints");

  // Lower statepoint vmstate and gcstate arguments
  SmallVector<SDValue, 10> LoweredMetaArgs;
  lowerStatepointMetaArgs(LoweredMetaArgs, ISP, *this);

  // Get call node, we will replace it later with statepoint
  SDNode *CallNode =
      lowerCallFromStatepoint(ISP, LandingPad, *this, PendingExports);

  // nodes with all the appropriate arguments and return values.

  // Call Node: Chain, Target, {Args}, RegMask, [Glue]
  SDValue Chain = CallNode->getOperand(0);

  SDValue Glue;
  bool CallHasIncomingGlue = CallNode->getGluedNode();
  if (CallHasIncomingGlue) {
    // Glue is always last operand
    Glue = CallNode->getOperand(CallNode->getNumOperands() - 1);

  // Build the GC_TRANSITION_START node if necessary.
  // The operands to the GC_TRANSITION_{START,END} nodes are laid out in the
  // order in which they appear in the call to the statepoint intrinsic. If
  // any of the operands is a pointer-typed, that operand is immediately
  // followed by a SRCVALUE for the pointer that may be used during lowering
  // (e.g. to form MachinePointerInfo values for loads/stores).
  const bool IsGCTransition =
      (ISP.getFlags() & (uint64_t)StatepointFlags::GCTransition) ==
  if (IsGCTransition) {
    SmallVector<SDValue, 8> TSOps;

    // Add chain

    // Add GC transition arguments
    for (const Value *V : ISP.gc_transition_args()) {
      if (V->getType()->isPointerTy())

    // Add glue if necessary
    if (CallHasIncomingGlue)

    SDVTList NodeTys = DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue);

    SDValue GCTransitionStart =
        DAG.getNode(ISD::GC_TRANSITION_START, getCurSDLoc(), NodeTys, TSOps);

    Chain = GCTransitionStart.getValue(0);
    Glue = GCTransitionStart.getValue(1);

  // TODO: Currently, all of these operands are being marked as read/write in
  // PrologEpilougeInserter.cpp, we should special case the VMState arguments
  // and flags to be read-only.
  SmallVector<SDValue, 40> Ops;

  // Add the <id> and <numBytes> constants.
  Ops.push_back(DAG.getTargetConstant(ISP.getID(), getCurSDLoc(), MVT::i64));
      DAG.getTargetConstant(ISP.getNumPatchBytes(), getCurSDLoc(), MVT::i32));

  // Calculate and push starting position of vmstate arguments
  // Get number of arguments incoming directly into call node
  unsigned NumCallRegArgs =
      CallNode->getNumOperands() - (CallHasIncomingGlue ? 4 : 3);
  Ops.push_back(DAG.getTargetConstant(NumCallRegArgs, getCurSDLoc(), MVT::i32));

  // Add call target
  SDValue CallTarget = SDValue(CallNode->getOperand(1).getNode(), 0);

  // Add call arguments
  // Get position of register mask in the call
  SDNode::op_iterator RegMaskIt;
  if (CallHasIncomingGlue)
    RegMaskIt = CallNode->op_end() - 2;
    RegMaskIt = CallNode->op_end() - 1;
  Ops.insert(Ops.end(), CallNode->op_begin() + 2, RegMaskIt);

  // Add a constant argument for the calling convention
  pushStackMapConstant(Ops, *this, CS.getCallingConv());

  // Add a constant argument for the flags
  uint64_t Flags = ISP.getFlags();
      ((Flags & ~(uint64_t)StatepointFlags::MaskAll) == 0)
          && "unknown flag used");
  pushStackMapConstant(Ops, *this, Flags);

  // Insert all vmstate and gcstate arguments
  Ops.insert(Ops.end(), LoweredMetaArgs.begin(), LoweredMetaArgs.end());

  // Add register mask from call node

  // Add chain

  // Same for the glue, but we add it only if original call had it
  if (Glue.getNode())

  // Compute return values.  Provide a glue output since we consume one as
  // input.  This allows someone else to chain off us as needed.
  SDVTList NodeTys = DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue);

  SDNode *StatepointMCNode =
      DAG.getMachineNode(TargetOpcode::STATEPOINT, getCurSDLoc(), NodeTys, Ops);

  SDNode *SinkNode = StatepointMCNode;

  // Build the GC_TRANSITION_END node if necessary.
  // See the comment above regarding GC_TRANSITION_START for the layout of
  // the operands to the GC_TRANSITION_END node.
  if (IsGCTransition) {
    SmallVector<SDValue, 8> TEOps;

    // Add chain
    TEOps.push_back(SDValue(StatepointMCNode, 0));

    // Add GC transition arguments
    for (const Value *V : ISP.gc_transition_args()) {
      if (V->getType()->isPointerTy())

    // Add glue
    TEOps.push_back(SDValue(StatepointMCNode, 1));

    SDVTList NodeTys = DAG.getVTList(MVT::Other, MVT::Glue);

    SDValue GCTransitionStart =
        DAG.getNode(ISD::GC_TRANSITION_END, getCurSDLoc(), NodeTys, TEOps);

    SinkNode = GCTransitionStart.getNode();

  // Replace original call
  DAG.ReplaceAllUsesWith(CallNode, SinkNode); // This may update Root
  // Remove originall call node

  // DON'T set the root - under the assumption that it's already set past the
  // inserted node we created.

  // TODO: A better future implementation would be to emit a single variable
  // argument, variable return value STATEPOINT node here and then hookup the
  // return value of each gc.relocate to the respective output of the
  // previously emitted STATEPOINT value.  Unfortunately, this doesn't appear
  // to actually be possible today.
Example #26
int main(int argc_, const char **argv_) {
  llvm::PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc_, argv_);

  std::set<std::string> SavedStrings;
  SmallVector<const char*, 256> argv;

  ExpandArgv(argc_, argv_, argv, SavedStrings);

  // Handle -cc1 integrated tools.
  if (argv.size() > 1 && StringRef(argv[1]).startswith("-cc1")) {
    StringRef Tool = argv[1] + 4;

    if (Tool == "")
      return cc1_main(argv.data()+2, argv.data()+argv.size(), argv[0],
                      (void*) (intptr_t) GetExecutablePath);
    if (Tool == "as")
      return cc1as_main(argv.data()+2, argv.data()+argv.size(), argv[0],
                      (void*) (intptr_t) GetExecutablePath);

    // Reject unknown tools.
    llvm::errs() << "error: unknown integrated tool '" << Tool << "'\n";
    return 1;

  bool CanonicalPrefixes = true;
  for (int i = 1, size = argv.size(); i < size; ++i) {
    if (StringRef(argv[i]) == "-no-canonical-prefixes") {
      CanonicalPrefixes = false;

  llvm::sys::Path Path = GetExecutablePath(argv[0], CanonicalPrefixes);

  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticOptions> DiagOpts = new DiagnosticOptions;
    // Note that ParseDiagnosticArgs() uses the cc1 option table.
    OwningPtr<OptTable> CC1Opts(createDriverOptTable());
    unsigned MissingArgIndex, MissingArgCount;
    OwningPtr<InputArgList> Args(CC1Opts->ParseArgs(argv.begin()+1, argv.end(),
                                            MissingArgIndex, MissingArgCount));
    // We ignore MissingArgCount and the return value of ParseDiagnosticArgs.
    // Any errors that would be diagnosed here will also be diagnosed later,
    // when the DiagnosticsEngine actually exists.
    (void) ParseDiagnosticArgs(*DiagOpts, *Args);
  // Now we can create the DiagnosticsEngine with a properly-filled-out
  // DiagnosticOptions instance.
  TextDiagnosticPrinter *DiagClient
    = new TextDiagnosticPrinter(llvm::errs(), &*DiagOpts);
  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs> DiagID(new DiagnosticIDs());

  DiagnosticsEngine Diags(DiagID, &*DiagOpts, DiagClient);
  ProcessWarningOptions(Diags, *DiagOpts);

  Driver TheDriver(Path.str(), llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple(),
                   "a.out", Diags);

  // Attempt to find the original path used to invoke the driver, to determine
  // the installed path. We do this manually, because we want to support that
  // path being a symlink.
    SmallString<128> InstalledPath(argv[0]);

    // Do a PATH lookup, if there are no directory components.
    if (llvm::sys::path::filename(InstalledPath) == InstalledPath) {
      llvm::sys::Path Tmp = llvm::sys::Program::FindProgramByName(
      if (!Tmp.empty())
        InstalledPath = Tmp.str();
    InstalledPath = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(InstalledPath);
    bool exists;
    if (!llvm::sys::fs::exists(InstalledPath.str(), exists) && exists)

  ParseProgName(argv, SavedStrings, TheDriver);

  TheDriver.CCPrintOptions = !!::getenv("CC_PRINT_OPTIONS");
  if (TheDriver.CCPrintOptions)
    TheDriver.CCPrintOptionsFilename = ::getenv("CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE");

  TheDriver.CCPrintHeaders = !!::getenv("CC_PRINT_HEADERS");
  if (TheDriver.CCPrintHeaders)
    TheDriver.CCPrintHeadersFilename = ::getenv("CC_PRINT_HEADERS_FILE");

  TheDriver.CCLogDiagnostics = !!::getenv("CC_LOG_DIAGNOSTICS");
  if (TheDriver.CCLogDiagnostics)
    TheDriver.CCLogDiagnosticsFilename = ::getenv("CC_LOG_DIAGNOSTICS_FILE");

  // Handle QA_OVERRIDE_GCC3_OPTIONS and CCC_ADD_ARGS, used for editing a
  // command line behind the scenes.
  if (const char *OverrideStr = ::getenv("QA_OVERRIDE_GCC3_OPTIONS")) {
    // FIXME: Driver shouldn't take extra initial argument.
    ApplyQAOverride(argv, OverrideStr, SavedStrings);
  } else if (const char *Cur = ::getenv("CCC_ADD_ARGS")) {
    // FIXME: Driver shouldn't take extra initial argument.
    std::vector<const char*> ExtraArgs;

    for (;;) {
      const char *Next = strchr(Cur, ',');

      if (Next) {
                                            std::string(Cur, Next)));
        Cur = Next + 1;
      } else {
        if (*Cur != '\0')
          ExtraArgs.push_back(SaveStringInSet(SavedStrings, Cur));

    argv.insert(&argv[1], ExtraArgs.begin(), ExtraArgs.end());

  OwningPtr<Compilation> C(TheDriver.BuildCompilation(argv));
  int Res = 0;
  const Command *FailingCommand = 0;
  if (C.get())
    Res = TheDriver.ExecuteCompilation(*C, FailingCommand);

  // Force a crash to test the diagnostics.
     Res = -1;

  // If result status is < 0, then the driver command signalled an error.
  // If result status is 70, then the driver command reported a fatal error.
  // In these cases, generate additional diagnostic information if possible.
  if (Res < 0 || Res == 70)
    TheDriver.generateCompilationDiagnostics(*C, FailingCommand);

  // If any timers were active but haven't been destroyed yet, print their
  // results now.  This happens in -disable-free mode.

#ifdef _WIN32
  // Exit status should not be negative on Win32, unless abnormal termination.
  // Once abnormal termiation was caught, negative status should not be
  // propagated.
  if (Res < 0)
    Res = 1;

  return Res;
Example #27
int main(int argc_, const char **argv_) {
    llvm::PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc_, argv_);

    std::set<std::string> SavedStrings;
    SmallVector<const char*, 256> argv;

    ExpandArgv(argc_, argv_, argv, SavedStrings);

    // Handle -cc1 integrated tools.
    if (argv.size() > 1 && StringRef(argv[1]).startswith("-cc1")) {
        StringRef Tool = argv[1] + 4;

        if (Tool == "")
            return cc1_main(argv.data()+2, argv.data()+argv.size(), argv[0],
                            (void*) (intptr_t) GetExecutablePath);
        if (Tool == "as")
            return cc1as_main(argv.data()+2, argv.data()+argv.size(), argv[0],
                              (void*) (intptr_t) GetExecutablePath);

        // Reject unknown tools.
        llvm::errs() << "error: unknown integrated tool '" << Tool << "'\n";
        return 1;

    bool CanonicalPrefixes = true;
    for (int i = 1, size = argv.size(); i < size; ++i) {
        if (StringRef(argv[i]) == "-no-canonical-prefixes") {
            CanonicalPrefixes = false;

    llvm::sys::Path Path = GetExecutablePath(argv[0], CanonicalPrefixes);

    TextDiagnosticPrinter *DiagClient
        = new TextDiagnosticPrinter(llvm::errs(), DiagnosticOptions());
    llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs> DiagID(new DiagnosticIDs());
    DiagnosticsEngine Diags(DiagID, DiagClient);

    const bool IsProduction = true;
    const bool IsProduction = false;
    Driver TheDriver(Path.str(), llvm::sys::getHostTriple(),
                     "a.out", IsProduction, Diags);

    // Attempt to find the original path used to invoke the driver, to determine
    // the installed path. We do this manually, because we want to support that
    // path being a symlink.
        llvm::SmallString<128> InstalledPath(argv[0]);

        // Do a PATH lookup, if there are no directory components.
        if (llvm::sys::path::filename(InstalledPath) == InstalledPath) {
            llvm::sys::Path Tmp = llvm::sys::Program::FindProgramByName(
            if (!Tmp.empty())
                InstalledPath = Tmp.str();
        InstalledPath = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(InstalledPath);
        bool exists;
        if (!llvm::sys::fs::exists(InstalledPath.str(), exists) && exists)

    ParseProgName(argv, SavedStrings, TheDriver);

    TheDriver.CCPrintOptions = !!::getenv("CC_PRINT_OPTIONS");
    if (TheDriver.CCPrintOptions)
        TheDriver.CCPrintOptionsFilename = ::getenv("CC_PRINT_OPTIONS_FILE");

    TheDriver.CCPrintHeaders = !!::getenv("CC_PRINT_HEADERS");
    if (TheDriver.CCPrintHeaders)
        TheDriver.CCPrintHeadersFilename = ::getenv("CC_PRINT_HEADERS_FILE");

    TheDriver.CCLogDiagnostics = !!::getenv("CC_LOG_DIAGNOSTICS");
    if (TheDriver.CCLogDiagnostics)
        TheDriver.CCLogDiagnosticsFilename = ::getenv("CC_LOG_DIAGNOSTICS_FILE");

    // Handle QA_OVERRIDE_GCC3_OPTIONS and CCC_ADD_ARGS, used for editing a
    // command line behind the scenes.
    if (const char *OverrideStr = ::getenv("QA_OVERRIDE_GCC3_OPTIONS")) {
        // FIXME: Driver shouldn't take extra initial argument.
        ApplyQAOverride(argv, OverrideStr, SavedStrings);
    } else if (const char *Cur = ::getenv("CCC_ADD_ARGS")) {
        // FIXME: Driver shouldn't take extra initial argument.
        std::vector<const char*> ExtraArgs;

        for (;;) {
            const char *Next = strchr(Cur, ',');

            if (Next) {
                                                    std::string(Cur, Next)));
                Cur = Next + 1;
            } else {
                if (*Cur != '\0')
                    ExtraArgs.push_back(SaveStringInSet(SavedStrings, Cur));

        argv.insert(&argv[1], ExtraArgs.begin(), ExtraArgs.end());

    llvm::OwningPtr<Compilation> C(TheDriver.BuildCompilation(argv));
    int Res = 0;
    const Command *FailingCommand = 0;
    if (C.get())
        Res = TheDriver.ExecuteCompilation(*C, FailingCommand);

    // If result status is < 0, then the driver command signalled an error.
    // In this case, generate additional diagnostic information if possible.
    if (Res < 0)
        TheDriver.generateCompilationDiagnostics(*C, FailingCommand);

    // If any timers were active but haven't been destroyed yet, print their
    // results now.  This happens in -disable-free mode.


    return Res;