CompoundVector::CompoundVector(const CompoundVectorSpace* owner_space, bool create_new)
    Index dim_check = 0;
    for (Index i=0; i<NComps(); i++) {
      SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> space = owner_space_->GetCompSpace(i);
      dim_check += space->Dim();

      if (create_new) {
        comps_[i] = space->MakeNew();

    DBG_ASSERT(dim_check == Dim());

    if (create_new) {
      vectors_valid_ = VectorsValid();
Example #2
  void TripletHelper::PutValuesInVector(Index dim, const Number* values, Vector& vector)
    DBG_ASSERT(dim == vector.Dim());
    DenseVector* dv = dynamic_cast<DenseVector*>(&vector);
    if (dv) {
      Number* dv_vals = dv->Values();
      IpBlasDcopy(dim, values, 1, dv_vals, 1);

    CompoundVector* cv = dynamic_cast<CompoundVector*>(&vector);
    if (cv) {
      Index ncomps = cv->NComps();
      Index total_dim = 0;
      for (Index i=0; i<ncomps; i++) {
        SmartPtr<Vector> comp = cv->GetCompNonConst(i);
        Index comp_dim = comp->Dim();
        PutValuesInVector(comp_dim, values, *comp);
        values += comp_dim;
        total_dim += comp_dim;
      DBG_ASSERT(total_dim == dim);

    THROW_EXCEPTION(UNKNOWN_VECTOR_TYPE,"Unknown vector type passed to TripletHelper::PutValuesInVector");
Example #3
  void TripletHelper::FillValuesFromVector(Index dim, const Vector& vector, Number* values)
    DBG_ASSERT(dim == vector.Dim());
    const DenseVector* dv = dynamic_cast<const DenseVector*>(&vector);
    if (dv) {
      if (dv->IsHomogeneous()) {
        Number scalar = dv->Scalar();
        IpBlasDcopy(dim, &scalar, 0, values, 1);
      else {
        const Number* dv_vals = dv->Values();
        IpBlasDcopy(dim, dv_vals, 1, values, 1);

    const CompoundVector* cv = dynamic_cast<const CompoundVector*>(&vector);
    if (cv) {
      Index ncomps = cv->NComps();
      Index total_dim = 0;
      for (Index i=0; i<ncomps; i++) {
        SmartPtr<const Vector> comp = cv->GetComp(i);
        Index comp_dim = comp->Dim();
        FillValuesFromVector(comp_dim, *comp, values);
        values += comp_dim;
        total_dim += comp_dim;
      DBG_ASSERT(total_dim == dim);

    THROW_EXCEPTION(UNKNOWN_VECTOR_TYPE,"Unknown vector type passed to TripletHelper::FillValues");
 /** Constructor, given the number of row and columns blocks, as
  *  well as the totel number of rows and columns.
 SymScaledMatrixSpace(const SmartPtr<const Vector>& row_col_scaling,
                      bool row_col_scaling_reciprocal,
                      const SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace>& unscaled_matrix_space)
   scaling_ = row_col_scaling->MakeNewCopy();
   if (row_col_scaling_reciprocal) {
  void EquilibrationScaling::DetermineScalingParametersImpl(
    const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space,
    const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> c_space,
    const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_space,
    const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_c_space,
    const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_d_space,
    const SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> h_space,
    const Matrix& Px_L, const Vector& x_L,
    const Matrix& Px_U, const Vector& x_U,
    Number& df,
    SmartPtr<Vector>& dx,
    SmartPtr<Vector>& dc,
    SmartPtr<Vector>& dd)

    SmartPtr<Vector> x0 = x_space->MakeNew();
    if (!nlp_->GetStartingPoint(GetRawPtr(x0), true,
                                NULL, false,
                                NULL, false,
                                NULL, false,
                                NULL, false)) {
                      "Error getting initial point from NLP in EquilibrationScaling.\n");

    // We store the added absolute values of the Jacobian and
    // objective function gradient in an array of sufficient size

    SmartPtr<Matrix> jac_c = jac_c_space->MakeNew();
    SmartPtr<Matrix> jac_d = jac_d_space->MakeNew();
    SmartPtr<Vector> grad_f = x_space->MakeNew();
    const Index nnz_jac_c = TripletHelper::GetNumberEntries(*jac_c);
    const Index nnz_jac_d = TripletHelper::GetNumberEntries(*jac_d);
    const Index nc = jac_c_space->NRows();
    const Index nd = jac_d_space->NRows();
    const Index nx = x_space->Dim();
    Number* avrg_values = new Number[nnz_jac_c+nnz_jac_d+nx];
    Number* val_buffer = new Number[Max(nnz_jac_c,nnz_jac_d,nx)];

    SmartPtr<PointPerturber> perturber =
      new PointPerturber(*x0, point_perturbation_radius_,
                         Px_L, x_L, Px_U, x_U);

    const Index num_evals = 4;
    const Index max_num_eval_errors = 10;
    Index num_eval_errors = 0;
    for (Index ieval=0; ieval<num_evals; ieval++) {
      // Compute obj gradient and Jacobian at random perturbation point
      bool done = false;
      while (!done) {
        SmartPtr<Vector> xpert = perturber->MakeNewPerturbedPoint();
        done = (nlp_->Eval_grad_f(*xpert, *grad_f) &&
                nlp_->Eval_jac_c(*xpert, *jac_c) &&
                nlp_->Eval_jac_d(*xpert, *jac_d));
        if (!done) {
          Jnlst().Printf(J_WARNING, J_INITIALIZATION,
                         "Error evaluating first derivatives as at perturbed point for equilibration-based scaling.\n");
        if (num_eval_errors>max_num_eval_errors) {
          delete [] val_buffer;
          delete [] avrg_values;
                          "Too many evaluation failures during equilibiration-based scaling.");
      // Get the numbers out of the matrices and vectors, and add it
      // to avrg_values
      TripletHelper::FillValues(nnz_jac_c, *jac_c, val_buffer);
      if (ieval==0) {
        for (Index i=0; i<nnz_jac_c; i++) {
          avrg_values[i] = fabs(val_buffer[i]);
      else {
        for (Index i=0; i<nnz_jac_c; i++) {
          avrg_values[i] =+ fabs(val_buffer[i]);
      TripletHelper::FillValues(nnz_jac_d, *jac_d, val_buffer);
      if (ieval==0) {
        for (Index i=0; i<nnz_jac_d; i++) {
          avrg_values[nnz_jac_c+i] = fabs(val_buffer[i]);
      else {
        for (Index i=0; i<nnz_jac_d; i++) {
          avrg_values[nnz_jac_c+i] =+ fabs(val_buffer[i]);
      TripletHelper::FillValuesFromVector(nx, *grad_f, val_buffer);
      if (ieval==0) {
        for (Index i=0; i<nx; i++) {
          avrg_values[nnz_jac_c+nnz_jac_d+i] = fabs(val_buffer[i]);
      else {
        for (Index i=0; i<nx; i++) {
          avrg_values[nnz_jac_c+nnz_jac_d+i] =+ fabs(val_buffer[i]);
    delete [] val_buffer;
    for (Index i=0; i<nnz_jac_c+nnz_jac_d+nx; i++) {
      avrg_values[i] /= (Number)num_evals;

    // Get the sparsity structure
    ipfint* AIRN = new ipfint[nnz_jac_c+nnz_jac_d+nx];
    ipfint* AJCN = new ipfint[nnz_jac_c+nnz_jac_d+nx];
    if (sizeof(ipfint)==sizeof(Index)) {
      TripletHelper::FillRowCol(nnz_jac_c, *jac_c, &AIRN[0], &AJCN[0]);
      TripletHelper::FillRowCol(nnz_jac_d, *jac_d, &AIRN[nnz_jac_c], &AJCN[nnz_jac_c], nc);
    else {
                      "Need to implement missing code in EquilibriationScaling.");
    // sort out the zero entries in objective function gradient
    Index nnz_grad_f = 0;
    const Index idx = nnz_jac_c+nnz_jac_d;
    for (Index i=0; i<nx; i++) {
      if (avrg_values[idx+i] != 0.) {
        AIRN[idx+nnz_grad_f] = nc+nd+1;
        AJCN[idx+nnz_grad_f] = i+1;
        avrg_values[idx+nnz_grad_f] = avrg_values[idx+i];

    // Now call MC19 to compute the scaling factors
    const ipfint N = Max(nc+nd+1,nx);
    float* R = new float[N];
    float* C = new float[N];
    float* W = new float[5*N];
    const ipfint NZ = nnz_jac_c+nnz_jac_d+nnz_grad_f;
    //F77_FUNC(mc19ad,MC19AD)(&N, &NZ, avrg_values, AIRN, AJCN, R, C, W);
    F77_FUNC(mc19ad,MC19AD)(&N, &NZ, avrg_values, AJCN, AIRN, C, R, W);

                    "Currently cannot do equilibration-based NLP scaling if MC19 is not available.");

    delete[] W;

    delete [] avrg_values;
    delete [] AIRN;
    delete [] AJCN;

    // Correct the scaling values
    Number* row_scale = new Number[nc+nd+1];
    Number* col_scale = new Number[nx];
    for (Index i=0; i<nc+nd+1; i++) {
      row_scale[i] = exp((Number)R[i]);
    for (Index i=0; i<nx; i++) {
      col_scale[i] = exp((Number)C[i]);
    delete [] R;
    delete [] C;

    // get the scaling factors
    df = row_scale[nc+nd];
    dc = c_space->MakeNew();
    TripletHelper::PutValuesInVector(nc, &row_scale[0], *dc);
    dd = d_space->MakeNew();
    TripletHelper::PutValuesInVector(nd, &row_scale[nc], *dd);
    dx = x_space->MakeNew();
    TripletHelper::PutValuesInVector(nx, col_scale, *dx);

    delete [] row_scale;
    delete [] col_scale;
Example #6
  void GradientScaling::DetermineScalingParametersImpl(
    const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_space,
    const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> p_space,
    const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> c_space,
    const SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_space,
    const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_c_space,
    const SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> jac_d_space,
    const SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace> h_space,
    const Matrix& Px_L, const Vector& x_L,
    const Matrix& Px_U, const Vector& x_U,
    Number& df,
    SmartPtr<Vector>& dx,
    SmartPtr<Vector>& dc,
    SmartPtr<Vector>& dd)

    SmartPtr<Vector> x = x_space->MakeNew();
    SmartPtr<Vector> p = p_space->MakeNew();
    if (!nlp_->GetStartingPoint(GetRawPtr(x), true,
				GetRawPtr(p), true,
                                NULL, false,
                                NULL, false,
                                NULL, false,
                                NULL, false)) {
                      "Error getting initial point from NLP in GradientScaling.\n");

    // Calculate grad_f scaling
    SmartPtr<Vector> grad_f = x_space->MakeNew();
    if (nlp_->Eval_grad_f(*x, *p, *grad_f)) {
      double max_grad_f = grad_f->Amax();
      df = 1.;
      if (scaling_obj_target_gradient_ == 0.) {
        if (max_grad_f > scaling_max_gradient_) {
          df = scaling_max_gradient_ / max_grad_f;
      else {
        if (max_grad_f == 0.) {
          Jnlst().Printf(J_WARNING, J_INITIALIZATION,
                         "Gradient of objective function is zero at starting point.  Cannot determine scaling factor based on scaling_obj_target_gradient option.\n");
        else {
          df = scaling_obj_target_gradient_ / max_grad_f;
      df = Max(df, scaling_min_value_);
                     "Scaling parameter for objective function = %e\n", df);
    else {
                     "Error evaluating objective gradient at user provided starting point.\n  No scaling factor for objective function computed!\n");
      df = 1.;
    // No x scaling
    dx = NULL;

    dc = NULL;
    if (c_space->Dim()>0) {
      // Calculate c scaling
      SmartPtr<Matrix> jac_c = jac_c_space->MakeNew();
      if (nlp_->Eval_jac_c(*x, *p, *jac_c)) {
        dc = c_space->MakeNew();
        const double dbl_min = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
        jac_c->ComputeRowAMax(*dc, false);
        Number arow_max = dc->Amax();
        if (scaling_constr_target_gradient_<=0.) {
          if (arow_max > scaling_max_gradient_) {
            SmartPtr<Vector> dummy = dc->MakeNew();
          else {
            dc = NULL;
        else {
        if (IsValid(dc) && scaling_min_value_ > 0.) {
          SmartPtr<Vector> tmp = dc->MakeNew();
      else {
        Jnlst().Printf(J_WARNING, J_INITIALIZATION,
                       "Error evaluating Jacobian of equality constraints at user provided starting point.\n  No scaling factors for equality constraints computed!\n");

    dd = NULL;
    if (d_space->Dim()>0) {
      // Calculate d scaling
      SmartPtr<Matrix> jac_d = jac_d_space->MakeNew();
      if (nlp_->Eval_jac_d(*x, *p, *jac_d)) {
        dd = d_space->MakeNew();
        const double dbl_min = std::numeric_limits<double>::min();
        jac_d->ComputeRowAMax(*dd, false);
        Number arow_max = dd->Amax();
        if (scaling_constr_target_gradient_<=0.) {
          if (arow_max > scaling_max_gradient_) {
            SmartPtr<Vector> dummy = dd->MakeNew();
          else {
            dd = NULL;
        else {
        if (IsValid(dd) && scaling_min_value_ > 0.) {
          SmartPtr<Vector> tmp = dd->MakeNew();
      else {
        Jnlst().Printf(J_WARNING, J_INITIALIZATION,
                       "Error evaluating Jacobian of inequality constraints at user provided starting point.\n  No scaling factors for inequality constraints computed!\n");
Example #7
 Index Vector::Dim() const
   return owner_space_->Dim();
  NLPBoundsRemover::GetSpaces(SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_space,
                              SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& c_space,
                              SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_space,
                              SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_l_space,
                              SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& px_l_space,
                              SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& x_u_space,
                              SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& px_u_space,
                              SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_l_space,
                              SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& pd_l_space,
                              SmartPtr<const VectorSpace>& d_u_space,
                              SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& pd_u_space,
                              SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& Jac_c_space,
                              SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace>& Jac_d_space,
                              SmartPtr<const SymMatrixSpace>& Hess_lagrangian_space,
							  bool bHostInit)
    DBG_START_METH("NLPBoundsRemover::GetSpaces", dbg_verbosity);
    SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_space_orig;
    SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_l_space_orig;
    SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> px_l_space_orig;
    SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> x_u_space_orig;
    SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> px_u_space_orig;
    SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_l_space_orig;
    SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> pd_l_space_orig;
    SmartPtr<const VectorSpace> d_u_space_orig;
    SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> pd_u_space_orig;
    SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> Jac_d_space_orig;

    bool retval = nlp_->GetSpaces(x_space, c_space, d_space_orig,
                                  x_l_space_orig, px_l_space_orig,
                                  x_u_space_orig, px_u_space_orig,
                                  d_l_space_orig, pd_l_space_orig,
                                  d_u_space_orig, pd_u_space_orig,
                                  Jac_c_space, Jac_d_space_orig,
    if (!retval) {
      return retval;
    // Keep a copy of the expansion matrices for the x bounds
    Px_l_orig_ = px_l_space_orig->MakeNew();
    Px_u_orig_ = px_u_space_orig->MakeNew();

    // create the new d_space
    Index total_dim = d_space_orig->Dim() + x_l_space_orig->Dim() +
    SmartPtr<CompoundVectorSpace> d_space_new =
      new CompoundVectorSpace(3, total_dim);
    d_space_new->SetCompSpace(0, *d_space_orig);
    d_space_new->SetCompSpace(1, *x_l_space_orig);
    d_space_new->SetCompSpace(2, *x_u_space_orig);
    d_space = GetRawPtr(d_space_new);

    // create the new (emply) x_l and x_u spaces, and also the
    // corresponding projection matrix spaces
    x_l_space = new DenseVectorSpace(0);
    x_u_space = new DenseVectorSpace(0);
    px_l_space = new ZeroMatrixSpace(x_space->Dim(),0);
    px_u_space = new ZeroMatrixSpace(x_space->Dim(),0);

    // create the new d_l and d_u vector spaces
    total_dim = d_l_space_orig->Dim() + x_l_space_orig->Dim();
    SmartPtr<CompoundVectorSpace> d_l_space_new =
      new CompoundVectorSpace(2, total_dim);
    d_l_space_new->SetCompSpace(0, *d_l_space_orig);
    d_l_space_new->SetCompSpace(1, *x_l_space_orig);
    d_l_space = GetRawPtr(d_l_space_new);
    total_dim = d_u_space_orig->Dim() + x_u_space_orig->Dim();
    SmartPtr<CompoundVectorSpace> d_u_space_new =
      new CompoundVectorSpace(2, total_dim);
    d_u_space_new->SetCompSpace(0, *d_u_space_orig);
    d_u_space_new->SetCompSpace(1, *x_u_space_orig);
    d_u_space = GetRawPtr(d_u_space_new);

    // create the new d_l and d_u projection matrix spaces
    Index total_rows = d_space_orig->Dim() + x_l_space_orig->Dim() +
    Index total_cols = d_l_space_orig->Dim() + x_l_space_orig->Dim();
    SmartPtr<CompoundMatrixSpace> pd_l_space_new =
      new CompoundMatrixSpace(3, 2, total_rows, total_cols);
    pd_l_space_new->SetBlockRows(0, d_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_l_space_new->SetBlockRows(1, x_l_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_l_space_new->SetBlockRows(2, x_u_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_l_space_new->SetBlockCols(0, d_l_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_l_space_new->SetBlockCols(1, x_l_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_l_space_new->SetCompSpace(0, 0, *pd_l_space_orig, true);
    SmartPtr<const MatrixSpace> identity_space =
      new IdentityMatrixSpace(x_l_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_l_space_new->SetCompSpace(1, 1, *identity_space, true);
    pd_l_space = GetRawPtr(pd_l_space_new);

    total_cols = d_u_space_orig->Dim() + x_u_space_orig->Dim();
    SmartPtr<CompoundMatrixSpace> pd_u_space_new =
      new CompoundMatrixSpace(3, 2, total_rows, total_cols);
    pd_u_space_new->SetBlockRows(0, d_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_u_space_new->SetBlockRows(1, x_l_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_u_space_new->SetBlockRows(2, x_u_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_u_space_new->SetBlockCols(0, d_u_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_u_space_new->SetBlockCols(1, x_u_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_u_space_new->SetCompSpace(0, 0, *pd_u_space_orig, true);
    identity_space = new IdentityMatrixSpace(x_u_space_orig->Dim());
    pd_u_space_new->SetCompSpace(2, 1, *identity_space, true);
    pd_u_space = GetRawPtr(pd_u_space_new);

    // Jacobian for inequalities matrix space
    total_rows = d_space_orig->Dim() + x_l_space_orig->Dim() +
    total_cols = x_space->Dim();
    SmartPtr<CompoundMatrixSpace> Jac_d_space_new =
      new CompoundMatrixSpace(3, 1, total_rows, total_cols);
    Jac_d_space_new->SetBlockRows(0, d_space_orig->Dim());
    Jac_d_space_new->SetBlockRows(1, x_l_space_orig->Dim());
    Jac_d_space_new->SetBlockRows(2, x_u_space_orig->Dim());
    Jac_d_space_new->SetBlockCols(0, x_space->Dim());
    Jac_d_space_new->SetCompSpace(0, 0, *Jac_d_space_orig);
    SmartPtr<MatrixSpace> trans_px_l_space_orig =
      new TransposeMatrixSpace(GetRawPtr(px_l_space_orig));
    Jac_d_space_new->SetCompSpace(1, 0, *trans_px_l_space_orig, true);
    SmartPtr<MatrixSpace> trans_px_u_space_orig =
      new TransposeMatrixSpace(GetRawPtr(px_u_space_orig));
    Jac_d_space_new->SetCompSpace(2, 0, *trans_px_u_space_orig, true);
    Jac_d_space = GetRawPtr(Jac_d_space_new);

    // We keep the original d_space around in order to be able to do
    // the sanity check later
    d_space_orig_ = d_space_orig;

    return true;