Example #1
bool ModelManager::loadSnapshot(
	const Snapshot& ss1, const Snapshot& ss2, const Snapshot& ss3, const Snapshot& ss4,
	double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4
	const int N = 4;
	Snapshot::const_iterator it[N] = {ss1.begin(), ss2.begin(), ss3.begin(), ss4.begin()};
	double cs[N] = {c1,c2,c3,c4};
	while(ss1.end() != it[0] && ss2.end() != it[1] && ss3.end() != it[2] && ss4.end() != it[3]){

		First, sort strings into A <= B <= C <= D
		if(A == B && B == C && C == D){
			 ++itA; ++itB; ++itC; ++itD;
		else if(C != D) ++itA; ++itB; ++itC;
		else if(B != C) ++itA; ++itB;
		else if(A != B) ++itA;

		int sort[N]; // = 0, 1, 2, ..., N-1
		for(int i=0;i<N;++i) sort[i]=i;
		// do a shell sort
		int cmp13 = it[sort[0]]->first.compare(it[sort[2]]->first);
		int cmp24 = it[sort[1]]->first.compare(it[sort[3]]->first);
		if(cmp13 > 0) std::swap(sort[0], sort[2]);
		if(cmp24 > 0) std::swap(sort[1], sort[3]);

		int cmpAB = it[sort[0]]->first.compare(it[sort[1]]->first);
		int cmpCD = it[sort[2]]->first.compare(it[sort[3]]->first);

		if(cmpAB > 0) std::swap(sort[0], sort[1]);
		if(cmpCD > 0) std::swap(sort[2], sort[3]);

		int cmpBC = it[sort[1]]->first.compare(it[sort[2]]->first);

		if(cmpAB==0 && cmpBC==0 && cmpCD==0){
			NamedModels::const_iterator itState = mState.find(it[0]->first);
			if(mState.end() != itState){	// found model with this id, lock and load!
				const Data * D[N];
				for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) D[i] = &(it[i]->second);

				Data temp = *D[0];
				temp.mix<N>(D, cs);
			for(int i=0;i<N;++i) ++(it[i]);		
		else if(cmpCD){ for(int i=0;i<N-1;++i) ++(it[i]); }
		else if(cmpBC){ for(int i=0;i<N-2;++i) ++(it[i]); }
		else if(cmpAB){ for(int i=0;i<N-3;++i) ++(it[i]); }
	return true;
Example #2
void QueryResultsNode::update(Snapshot &updates)
    typedef QMap<QueryResultItem *, Union> Map;
    qint32 lastColumn = columnCount(QModelIndex()) - 1;
    QueryResultPropertyItem *property;
    QueryResultItem *item;
    Map map;

    for (Snapshot::iterator i = updates.begin(), end = updates.end(); i != end; i = updates.erase(i))
        item = (*i).first.as<QueryResultItem>();
        property = static_cast<QueryResultPropertyItem *>(item->parent());

        if (item->size())
            beginRemoveRows(Model::index(item), 0, item->size() - 1);
            static_cast<QueryResultRootPathValueItem *>(item)->update((*i).second);
            static_cast<QueryResultRootPathValueItem *>(item)->update((*i).second);

        static_cast<QueryResultValueItem *>(item)->unlock();

    for (Map::const_iterator i = map.constBegin(), end = map.constEnd(); i != end; ++i)
        for (Union::List::size_type q = 0, size = (*i).size(); q < size; ++q)
            emit dataChanged(createIndex((*i).at(q).top(), 0, i.key()->at((*i).at(q).top())),
                             createIndex((*i).at(q).bottom(), lastColumn, i.key()->at((*i).at(q).bottom())));
Example #3
bool ModelManager::loadSnapshot(const Snapshot& ss1, const Snapshot& ss2, double c1, double c2){
	Snapshot::const_iterator it1 = ss1.begin();
	Snapshot::const_iterator it2 = ss2.begin();
	while(ss1.end() != it1 && ss2.end() != it2){
		const std::string& id1 = it1->first;
		const std::string& id2 = it2->first;

		int cmp = id1.compare(id2);
		if(0 == cmp){		// ids match, attempt interpolation
			NamedModels::const_iterator itState = mState.find(id1);
			if(mState.end() != itState){	// found model with this id, lock and load!
				const Data& data1 = it1->second;
				const Data& data2 = it2->second;
				Data temp = data1;
				temp.mix(data1, data2, c1, c2);
		else if(cmp < 0){	// first id less than second id
			++it1;			// let first iterator catch up with second
		else{				// first id greater than second id
			++it2;			// let second iterator catch up with first
	return true;
bool DependencyTable::isValidFor(const Snapshot &snapshot) const
    const int documentCount = snapshot.size();
    if (documentCount != files.size())
        return false;

    for (Snapshot::const_iterator it = snapshot.begin(); it != snapshot.end(); ++it) {
        QHash<QString, QStringList>::const_iterator i = includesPerFile.find(it.key());
        if (i == includesPerFile.end())
            return false;

        if (i.value() != it.value()->includedFiles())
            return false;

    return true;
Example #5
void QueryResultsNode::unlock(const Snapshot &snapshot)
    typedef QMap<QueryResultItem *, Union> Map;
    qint32 lastColumn = columnCount(QModelIndex()) - 1;
    QueryResultPropertyItem *property;
    Map map;

    for (Snapshot::const_iterator i = snapshot.begin(), end = snapshot.end(); i != end; ++i)
        property = static_cast<QueryResultPropertyItem *>((*i).first->parent());

    for (Map::const_iterator i = map.constBegin(), end = map.constEnd(); i != end; ++i)
        for (Union::List::size_type q = 0, size = (*i).size(); q < size; ++q)
            emit dataChanged(createIndex((*i).at(q).top(), 0, i.key()->at((*i).at(q).top())),
                             createIndex((*i).at(q).bottom(), lastColumn, i.key()->at((*i).at(q).bottom())));
void DependencyTable::build(const Snapshot &snapshot)

    const int documentCount = snapshot.size();

    int i = 0;
    for (Snapshot::const_iterator it = snapshot.begin(); it != snapshot.end();
            ++it, ++i) {
        files[i] = it.key();
        fileIndex[it.key()] = i;

    for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); ++i) {
        const QString fileName = files.at(i);
        if (Document::Ptr doc = snapshot.document(files.at(i))) {
            QBitArray bitmap(files.size());
            QList<int> directIncludes;
            const QStringList documentIncludes = doc->includedFiles();
            includesPerFile.insert(fileName, documentIncludes);

            foreach (const QString &includedFile, documentIncludes) {
                int index = fileIndex.value(includedFile);

                if (index == -1)
                else if (! directIncludes.contains(index))

                bitmap.setBit(index, true);

            includeMap[i] = bitmap;
            includes[i] = directIncludes;
Example #7
bool OperatorManager::checkSnapshot(const Snapshot& snapshot) const
    GroupMap::const_iterator itGroup = mGroups.begin();
    Snapshot::const_iterator itSnapshot = snapshot.begin();
    while (itGroup != mGroups.end())
        const Group* group = itGroup->second;
        if (!group->getUndoOperators().empty())
            if (itSnapshot == snapshot.end())
                return false;
            if (itGroup->first != itSnapshot->first)
                return false;
            if (group->getUndoOperators().front()->getTimestamp() != itSnapshot->second)
                return false;
    return itSnapshot == snapshot.end();
bool QtCreatorIntegration::navigateToSlot(const QString &objectName,
                                          const QString &signalSignature,
                                          const QStringList &parameterNames,
                                          QString *errorMessage)
    typedef QMap<int, Document::Ptr> DocumentMap;

    const Utils::FileName currentUiFile = FormEditorW::activeEditor()->document()->filePath();
#if 0
    return Designer::Internal::navigateToSlot(currentUiFile.toString(), objectName,
                                              signalSignature, parameterNames, errorMessage);
    // TODO: we should pass to findDocumentsIncluding an absolute path to generated .h file from ui.
    // Currently we are guessing the name of ui_<>.h file and pass the file name only to the findDocumentsIncluding().
    // The idea is that the .pro file knows if the .ui files is inside, and the .pro file knows it will
    // be generating the ui_<>.h file for it, and the .pro file knows what the generated file's name and its absolute path will be.
    // So we should somehow get that info from project manager (?)
    const QFileInfo fi = currentUiFile.toFileInfo();
    const QString uiFolder = fi.absolutePath();
    const QString uicedName = "ui_" + fi.completeBaseName() + ".h";

    // Retrieve code model snapshot restricted to project of ui file or the working copy.
    Snapshot docTable = CppTools::CppModelManager::instance()->snapshot();
    Snapshot newDocTable;
    const Project *uiProject = SessionManager::projectForFile(currentUiFile);
    if (uiProject) {
        for (Snapshot::const_iterator i = docTable.begin(), ei = docTable.end(); i != ei; ++i) {
            const Project *project = SessionManager::projectForFile(i.key());
            if (project == uiProject)
    } else {
        const CppTools::WorkingCopy workingCopy =
        const Utils::FileName configFileName =
        QHashIterator<Utils::FileName, QPair<QByteArray, unsigned> > it = workingCopy.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            const Utils::FileName &fileName = it.key();
            if (fileName != configFileName)
    docTable = newDocTable;

    // take all docs, find the ones that include the ui_xx.h.
    // Sort into a map, putting the ones whose path closely matches the ui-folder path
    // first in case there are project subdirectories that contain identical file names.
    const QList<Document::Ptr> docList = findDocumentsIncluding(docTable, uicedName, true); // change to false when we know the absolute path to generated ui_<>.h file
    DocumentMap docMap;
    for (const Document::Ptr &d : docList) {
        const QFileInfo docFi(d->fileName());
        docMap.insert(qAbs(docFi.absolutePath().compare(uiFolder, Qt::CaseInsensitive)), d);

    if (Designer::Constants::Internal::debug)
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << objectName << signalSignature << "Looking for " << uicedName << " returned " << docList.size();
    if (docMap.isEmpty()) {
        *errorMessage = tr("No documents matching \"%1\" could be found.\nRebuilding the project might help.").arg(uicedName);
        return false;

    QDesignerFormWindowInterface *fwi = FormEditorW::activeWidgetHost()->formWindow();

    const QString uiClass = uiClassName(fwi->mainContainer()->objectName());

    if (Designer::Constants::Internal::debug)
        qDebug() << "Checking docs for " << uiClass;

    // Find the class definition (ui class defined as member or base class)
    // in the file itself or in the directly included files (order 1).
    QString namespaceName;
    const Class *cl = 0;
    Document::Ptr doc;

    for (const Document::Ptr &d : qAsConst(docMap)) {
        LookupContext context(d, docTable);
        const ClassDocumentPtrPair cd = findClassRecursively(context, uiClass, 1u , &namespaceName);
        if (cd.first) {
            cl = cd.first;
            doc = cd.second;
    if (!cl) {
        *errorMessage = msgClassNotFound(uiClass, docList);
        return false;

    Overview o;
    const QString className = namespaceName + o.prettyName(cl->name());
    if (Designer::Constants::Internal::debug)
        qDebug() << "Found class  " << className << doc->fileName();

    const QString functionName = "on_" + objectName + '_' + signalSignature;
    const QString functionNameWithParameterNames = addParameterNames(functionName, parameterNames);

    if (Designer::Constants::Internal::debug)
        qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Found " << uiClass << doc->fileName() << " checking " << functionName  << functionNameWithParameterNames;

    int line = 0;
    Document::Ptr sourceDoc;

    if (Function *fun = findDeclaration(cl, functionName)) {
        sourceDoc = findDefinition(fun, &line);
        if (!sourceDoc) {
            // add function definition to cpp file
            sourceDoc = addDefinition(docTable, doc->fileName(), className, functionNameWithParameterNames, &line);
    } else {
        // add function declaration to cl
        CppTools::WorkingCopy workingCopy =
        const QString fileName = doc->fileName();
        getParsedDocument(fileName, workingCopy, docTable);
        addDeclaration(docTable, fileName, cl, functionNameWithParameterNames);

        // add function definition to cpp file
        sourceDoc = addDefinition(docTable, fileName, className, functionNameWithParameterNames, &line);

    if (!sourceDoc) {
        *errorMessage = tr("Unable to add the method definition.");
        return false;

    // jump to function definition, position within code
    Core::EditorManager::openEditorAt(sourceDoc->fileName(), line + 2, indentation);

    return true;