bool Context::process_object(Object *o, Sources &sset, std::vector<source_t> &lsources, unsigned n) { typedef typename std::map<typename Sources::key_type, unsigned> stats_type; stats_type sources_stats; for(typename Sources::iterator j = sset.begin(); j != sset.end(); ) { const typename Sources::key_type &name = j->first; Source *s = j->second; if (!s->playing()) { //LOG_DEBUG(("purging inactive source %s", j->first.c_str())); delete j->second; sset.erase(j++); continue; } typename stats_type::iterator s_i = sources_stats.find(name); unsigned same_sounds_n = (s_i != sources_stats.end())? s_i->second: 0; if (lsources.size() < max_sources && same_sounds_n < distance_model.same_sounds_limit) { lsources.push_back(source_t(s, _listener->transform(o->_position + s->delta_position), o->_velocity, _listener->_velocity)); if (same_sounds_n == 0) { sources_stats.insert(typename stats_type::value_type(name, 1)); } else { ++s_i->second; } //LOG_DEBUG(("%u: source: %s", (unsigned)lsources.size(), name.c_str())); } else { s->_update_position(n); } ++j; } if (sset.empty() && o->dead) return false; return true; }
beaconSource &getSource(const address &baddr, const char *name, uint64_t now, uint64_t recvdts, bool rx_local) { Sources::iterator i = sources.find(baddr); if (i != sources.end()) { i->second.lastevent = now; if (rx_local) i->second.lastlocalevent = now; return i->second; } beaconSource &src = sources[baddr]; if (verbose) { char tmp[64]; if (name) info("Adding source %s [%s]", baddr.to_string(tmp, sizeof(tmp)), name); else info("Adding source %s", baddr.to_string(tmp, sizeof(tmp))); } if (name) src.setName(name); src.creation = now; src.lastevent = now; if (rx_local) src.lastlocalevent = now; if (IsSSMEnabled()) CountSSMJoin(ssmProbeAddr, baddr); return src; }
void handle_gc() { uint64_t now = get_timestamp(); Sources::iterator i = sources.begin(); while (i != sources.end()) { Sources::iterator k = i; i++; if (isStillValid(now, k->second.lastevent)) { k->second.ASM.s.check_validity(now); k->second.SSM.s.check_validity(now); beaconSource::ExternalSources::iterator j = k->second.externalSources.begin(); while (j != k->second.externalSources.end()) { beaconSource::ExternalSources::iterator m = j; j++; if (isStillValid(now, m->second.lastupdate)) { m->second.ASM.check_validity(now); m->second.SSM.check_validity(now); } else { k->second.externalSources.erase(m); } } } else { removeSource(k->first, true); } } }
void removeSource(const address &baddr, bool timeout) { Sources::iterator i = sources.find(baddr); if (i != sources.end()) { if (verbose) { char tmp[64]; if (i->second.identified) { info("Removing source %s [%s]%s", baddr.to_string(tmp, sizeof(tmp)), i->, (timeout ? " by Timeout" : "")); } else { info("Removing source %s%s", baddr.to_string(tmp, sizeof(tmp)), (timeout ? " by Timeout" : "")); } } if (IsSSMEnabled()) CountSSMLeave(ssmProbeAddr, baddr); sources.erase(i); } }
// --------------------------------------------- void GeometryPolygonExporter::getVerticesInputAttributes( Sources &vertexAttributes ) { // Generate the polygon set inputs. int nextIdx = 1, normalsIdx = -1, textureIdx = -1; int offset = 0; // Offset for the input list size_t inputCount = mPolygonSources->size(); for ( size_t p = 0; p < inputCount; ++p ) { const SourceInput param = ( *mPolygonSources ) [p]; const COLLADASW::SourceBase source = param.getSource(); const COLLADASW::InputSemantic::Semantics type = param.getType(); // Figure out which idx this parameter will use int foundIdx = -1; // For geometric tangents and bi-normals, use the same idx as the normals. if ( type == COLLADASW::InputSemantic::TANGENT || type == COLLADASW::InputSemantic::BINORMAL ) { foundIdx = normalsIdx; } // For texture tangents and bi-normals, group together for each UV set. if ( type == COLLADASW::InputSemantic::TEXBINORMAL ) { foundIdx = textureIdx; } // Check for duplicate vertex attributes to use their idx if ( foundIdx == -1 ) { size_t vertexAttributeCount = vertexAttributes.size(); for ( size_t v = 0; v < vertexAttributeCount; ++v ) { if ( vertexAttributes[v].getType() == type && vertexAttributes[v].getIdx() == param.getIdx() ) { foundIdx = ( int ) v; break; } } } // New vertex attribute, so generate a new idx bool newIdx = (foundIdx == -1); if ( newIdx ) { // param for the last time. vertexAttributes.push_back ( SourceInput(param) ); } // For geometric tangents and bi-normals, use the same idx as the normals. if ( type == COLLADASW::InputSemantic::NORMAL ) { normalsIdx = (int)vertexAttributes.size () - 1; } // For texture tangents and bi-normals, group together for each UV set. if ( type == COLLADASW::InputSemantic::TEXTANGENT ) { textureIdx = (int)vertexAttributes.size () - 1; } } }
void do_dump() { string tmpf = dumpFile; tmpf += ".working"; FILE *fp = fopen(tmpf.c_str(), "w"); if (!fp) return; uint64_t now = get_timestamp(); uint64_t diff = now - lastDumpDumpBwTS; lastDumpDumpBwTS = now; double rxRate = dumpBytesReceived * 8 / ((double)diff); double txRate = dumpBytesSent * 8 / ((double)diff); dumpBytesReceived = 0; dumpBytesSent = 0; fprintf(fp, "<beacons rxrate=\"%.2f\" txrate=\"%.2f\" versioninfo=\"%s\">\n", rxRate, txRate, versionInfo); fprintf(fp, "<group addr=\"%s\"", sessionName); char tmp[64]; if (IsSSMEnabled()) fprintf(fp, " ssmgroup=\"%s\"", ssmProbeAddr.to_string(tmp, sizeof(tmp))); fprintf(fp, " int=\"%.2f\">\n", beacInt); if (!probeAddr.is_unspecified()) { fprintf(fp, "\t<beacon name=\"%s\" addr=\"%s\"", beaconName.c_str(), beaconUnicastAddr.to_string(tmp, sizeof(tmp))); if (!adminContact.empty()) fprintf(fp, " contact=\"%s\"", adminContact.c_str()); if (!twoLetterCC.empty()) fprintf(fp, " country=\"%s\"", twoLetterCC.c_str()); fprintf(fp, " age=\"%lu\" lastupdate=\"0\" rxlocal=\"true\">\n", (now - startTime) / 1000); for (uint32_t k = 0; k < KnownFlags; k++) { if (flags & (1 << k)) { fprintf(fp, "\t\t<flag name=\"%s\" value=\"true\" />\n", Flags[k]); } } for (WebSites::const_iterator j = webSites.begin(); j != webSites.end(); j++) { const char *typnam = j->first == T_WEBSITE_GENERIC ? "generic" : (j->first == T_WEBSITE_LG ? "lg" : "matrix"); fprintf(fp, "\t\t<website type=\"%s\" url=\"%s\" />\n", typnam, j->second.c_str()); } fprintf(fp, "\t\t<sources>\n"); for (Sources::const_iterator i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); i++) { fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t<source addr=\"%s\"", i->first.to_string(tmp, sizeof(tmp))); if (i->second.identified) { fprintf(fp, " name=\"%s\"", i->; if (!i->second.adminContact.empty()) fprintf(fp, " contact=\"%s\"", i->second.adminContact.c_str()); } if (!i->second.CC.empty()) fprintf(fp, " country=\"%s\"", i->second.CC.c_str()); fprintf(fp, " age=\"%lu\"", (now - i->second.creation) / 1000); fprintf(fp, " lastupdate=\"%lu\">\n", (now - i->second.lastevent) / 1000); if (i->second.ASM.s.valid) dumpStats(fp, "asm", i->second.ASM.s, now, i->second.sttl, true); if (i->second.SSM.s.valid) dumpStats(fp, "ssm", i->second.SSM.s, now, i->second.sttl, true); fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t</source>\n"); } fprintf(fp, "\t\t</sources>\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t</beacon>\n"); fprintf(fp, "\n"); } for (Sources::const_iterator i = sources.begin(); i != sources.end(); i++) { fprintf(fp, "\t<beacon"); if (i->second.identified) { fprintf(fp, " name=\"%s\"", i->; if (!i->second.adminContact.empty()) fprintf(fp, " contact=\"%s\"", i->second.adminContact.c_str()); } fprintf(fp, " addr=\"%s\"", i->first.to_string(tmp, sizeof(tmp))); fprintf(fp, " age=\"%lu\"", (now - i->second.creation) / 1000); fprintf(fp, " rxlocal=\"%s\"", i->second.rxlocal(now) ? "true" : "false"); fprintf(fp, " lastupdate=\"%lu\">\n", (now - i->second.lastevent) / 1000); for (uint32_t k = 0; k < KnownFlags; k++) { if (i->second.Flags & (1 << k)) { fprintf(fp, "\t\t<flag name=\"%s\" value=\"true\" />\n", Flags[k]); } } for (WebSites::const_iterator j = i->second.webSites.begin(); j != i->second.webSites.end(); j++) { const char *typnam = j->first == T_WEBSITE_GENERIC ? "generic" : (j->first == T_WEBSITE_LG ? "lg" : "matrix"); fprintf(fp, "\t\t<website type=\"%s\" url=\"%s\" />\n", typnam, j->second.c_str()); } fprintf(fp, "\t\t<sources>\n"); for (beaconSource::ExternalSources::const_iterator j = i->second.externalSources.begin(); j != i->second.externalSources.end(); j++) { fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t<source"); if (j->second.identified) { fprintf(fp, " name=\"%s\"", j->; fprintf(fp, " contact=\"%s\"", j->; } fprintf(fp, " addr=\"%s\"", j->first.to_string(tmp, sizeof(tmp))); fprintf(fp, " age=\"%u\">\n", j->second.age); if (j->second.ASM.valid) dumpStats(fp, "asm", j->second.ASM, now, i->second.sttl, false); if (j->second.SSM.valid) dumpStats(fp, "ssm", j->second.SSM, now, i->second.sttl, false); fprintf(fp, "\t\t\t</source>\n"); } fprintf(fp, "\t\t</sources>\n"); fprintf(fp, "\t</beacon>\n"); } fprintf(fp, "</group>\n</beacons>\n"); fclose(fp); rename(tmpf.c_str(), dumpFile.c_str()); if (!launchSomething.empty()) doLaunchSomething(); }