Example #1
void Reset()
    min_iter = 5;
    max_iter = 5000;
    nmf_tolerance = 0.005;
    hier_nmf2_tolerance = 0.0001;
    // use two threads if the HW cannot provide concurrency info
    unsigned int hw_threads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
    if (0 == hw_threads)
        hw_threads = 2;
    max_threads = hw_threads;

    maxterms = 5;
    outprecision = 6;
    clustfile_format = OutputFormat::JSON;

    // default outdir is the current directory
    outdir = std::string("");

    dict_loaded   = false;
    matrix_loaded = false;

    m = n = k = nnz = ldim_a = ldim_w = ldim_h = 0u;
Example #2
bool LoadMatrixMarketFile(const std::string& file_path, 
                          SparseMatrix<T>& A,
                          unsigned int& height,
                          unsigned int& width,
                          unsigned int& nnz)
    std::ifstream infile(file_path);
    if (!infile)
        return false;

    char mm_typecode[4];

    // read the matrix market banner (header)
    if (0 != mm_read_banner(infile, mm_typecode))
        return false;

    if (!mm_is_valid(mm_typecode))
        return false;

    // this reader supports these matrix types:
    //  sparse, real/integer/pattern, general/symm/skew

    if (!mm_is_sparse(mm_typecode))
        std::cerr << "Only sparse MatrixMarket files are supported." << std::endl;
        return false;

    if (!mm_is_real(mm_typecode) && !mm_is_integer(mm_typecode) && !mm_is_pattern(mm_typecode))
        std::cerr << "Only real, integer, and pattern MatrixMarket formats are supported." << std::endl;
        return false;

    if (!mm_is_general(mm_typecode) && !mm_is_symmetric(mm_typecode) && !mm_is_skew(mm_typecode))
        std::cerr << "Only general, symmetric, and skew-symmetric MatrixMarket formats are supported." 
                  << std::endl;
        return false;

    // read the number of rows, cols, nonzeros
    if (0 != mm_read_mtx_crd_size(infile, height, width, nnz))
        std::cerr << "could not read matrix coordinate information" << std::endl;
        height = width = nnz = 0;
        return false;

    // read the data according to the type 

    bool is_real      = mm_is_real(mm_typecode);
    bool is_int       = mm_is_integer(mm_typecode);
    bool is_symmetric = mm_is_symmetric(mm_typecode);
    bool is_skew      = mm_is_skew(mm_typecode);

    std::string line;
    unsigned int reserve_size = nnz;
    if (is_symmetric || is_skew)
        reserve_size *= 2;

    A.Reserve(height, width, reserve_size);

    // load num random entries of A
    unsigned int row, col, count;

    if (is_real)
        double val;
        for (count=0; count != nnz; ++count)
            infile >> row; assert(row >= 1);
            infile >> col; assert(col >= 1);
            infile >> val;
            // convert to 0-based indexing
            row -= 1;
            col -= 1;
            A.Load(row, col, val);

            if (row != col)
                if (is_symmetric)
                    A.Load(col, row, val);
                else if (is_skew)
                    A.Load(col, row, -val);
    else if (is_int)