int FrustumContainsSphere( CD3DCamera * pCamera, Sphere3f pSphere)
   	// various distances
	float fDistance;

    //$$$TEMP get the frustum planes from the camera's CULLINFO
    Plane3f plane[6];
    CULLINFO *cInfo = pCamera->GetCullInfo();
    for (int j=0; j<6; j++)  {
        plane[j] = Plane3f( Vector3f(cInfo->planeFrustum[j].a,  cInfo->planeFrustum[j].b,  cInfo->planeFrustum[j].c), cInfo->planeFrustum[j].d);

	// calculate our distances to each of the planes
	for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {

		// find the distance to this plane
		//fDistance = plane[i].GetNormal().Dot(pSphere.Center()) + plane[i].GetNormal().Length();
        //fDistance = plane[i].GetNormal().Dot(pSphere.Center()) + plane[i].DistanceTo(pSphere.Center());
        fDistance = plane[i].GetNormal().Dot(pSphere.Center()) + plane[i][3];

		// if this distance is < -sphere.radius, we are outside
		if(fDistance < -pSphere.Radius())

		// else if the distance is between +- radius, then we intersect
		if((float)fabs(fDistance) < pSphere.Radius())

	// otherwise we are fully in view
    return (INSIDE);