int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // parse arguments const char * optstring = "alho:npqsv:m"; int c; string output; bool doPairwise = false; bool doAutoOpt = false; bool doNormalOpt = false; bool doLevel = false; bool chooseProj = false; bool quiet = false; bool doPhotometric = false; double hfov = 0.0; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, optstring)) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'o': output = optarg; break; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); return 0; case 'p': doPairwise = true; break; case 'a': doAutoOpt = true; break; case 'n': doNormalOpt = true; break; case 'l': doLevel = true; break; case 's': chooseProj = true; break; case 'q': quiet = true; break; case 'v': hfov = atof(optarg); break; case 'm': doPhotometric = true; break; default: abort (); } } if (argc - optind != 1) { usage(argv[0]); return 1; } const char * scriptFile = argv[optind]; Panorama pano; if (scriptFile[0] == '-') { DocumentData::ReadWriteError err = pano.readData(std::cin); if (err != DocumentData::SUCCESSFUL) { cerr << "error while reading script file from stdin." << endl; cerr << "DocumentData::ReadWriteError code: " << err << endl; return 1; } } else { ifstream prjfile(scriptFile); if (!prjfile.good()) { cerr << "could not open script : " << scriptFile << endl; return 1; } pano.setFilePrefix(hugin_utils::getPathPrefix(scriptFile)); DocumentData::ReadWriteError err = pano.readData(prjfile); if (err != DocumentData::SUCCESSFUL) { cerr << "error while parsing panos tool script: " << scriptFile << endl; cerr << "DocumentData::ReadWriteError code: " << err << endl; return 1; } } if (pano.getNrOfImages() == 0) { cerr << "Panorama should consist of at least one image" << endl; return 1; } // for bad HFOV (from autopano-SIFT) for (unsigned i=0; i < pano.getNrOfImages(); i++) { SrcPanoImage img = pano.getSrcImage(i); if (img.getProjection() == SrcPanoImage::RECTILINEAR && img.getHFOV() >= 180) { // something is wrong here, try to read from exif data double focalLength = 0; double cropFactor = 0; cerr << "HFOV of image " << img.getFilename() << " invalid, trying to read EXIF tags" << endl; bool ok = img.readEXIF(focalLength, cropFactor, true, false); if (! ok) { if (hfov) { img.setHFOV(hfov); } else { cerr << "EXIF reading failed, please specify HFOV with -v" << endl; return 1; } } pano.setSrcImage(i, img); } } if(pano.getNrOfCtrlPoints()==0 && (doPairwise || doAutoOpt || doNormalOpt)) { cerr << "Panorama have to have control points to optimise positions" << endl; return 1; }; if (doPairwise && ! doAutoOpt) { // do pairwise optimisation set<string> optvars; optvars.insert("r"); optvars.insert("p"); optvars.insert("y"); AutoOptimise::autoOptimise(pano); // do global optimisation if (!quiet) std::cerr << "*** Pairwise position optimisation" << endl; PTools::optimize(pano); } else if (doAutoOpt) { if (!quiet) std::cerr << "*** Adaptive geometric optimisation" << endl; SmartOptimise::smartOptimize(pano); } else if (doNormalOpt) { if (!quiet) std::cerr << "*** Optimising parameters specified in PTO file" << endl; PTools::optimize(pano); } else { if (!quiet) std::cerr << "*** Geometric parameters not optimized" << endl; } if (doLevel) { bool hasVerticalLines=false; CPVector allCP=pano.getCtrlPoints(); if(allCP.size()>0 && (doPairwise || doAutoOpt || doNormalOpt)) { for(size_t i=0;i<allCP.size() && !hasVerticalLines;i++) { hasVerticalLines=(allCP[i].mode==ControlPoint::X); }; }; // straighten only if there are no vertical control points if(hasVerticalLines) { cout << "Skipping automatic leveling because of existing vertical control points." << endl; } else { StraightenPanorama(pano).run(); CenterHorizontally(pano).run(); }; } if (chooseProj) { PanoramaOptions opts = pano.getOptions(); double hfov, vfov; CalculateFitPanorama fitPano = CalculateFitPanorama(pano);; opts.setHFOV(fitPano.getResultHorizontalFOV()); opts.setHeight(roundi(fitPano.getResultHeight())); vfov = opts.getVFOV(); hfov = opts.getHFOV(); // avoid perspective projection if field of view > 100 deg double mf = 100; if (vfov < mf) { // cylindrical or rectilinear if (hfov < mf) { opts.setProjection(PanoramaOptions::RECTILINEAR); } else { opts.setProjection(PanoramaOptions::CYLINDRICAL); } } // downscale pano a little double sizeFactor = 0.7; pano.setOptions(opts); double w = CalculateOptimalScale::calcOptimalScale(pano); opts.setWidth(roundi(opts.getWidth()*w*sizeFactor), true); pano.setOptions(opts); } if(doPhotometric) { // photometric estimation PanoramaOptions opts = pano.getOptions(); int nPoints = 200; int pyrLevel=3; bool randomPoints = true; nPoints = nPoints * pano.getNrOfImages(); std::vector<vigra_ext::PointPairRGB> points; ProgressDisplay *progressDisplay; if(!quiet) progressDisplay=new StreamProgressDisplay(std::cout); else progressDisplay=new DummyProgressDisplay(); try { loadImgsAndExtractPoints(pano, nPoints, pyrLevel, randomPoints, *progressDisplay, points, !quiet); } catch (std::exception & e) { cerr << "caught exception: " << e.what() << endl; return 1; }; if(!quiet) cout << "\rSelected " << points.size() << " points" << endl; if (points.size() == 0) { cerr << "Error: no overlapping points found, exiting" << endl; return 1; } progressDisplay->startSubtask("Photometric Optimization", 0.0); // first, ensure that vignetting and response coefficients are linked const HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::ImageVariableEnum vars[] = { HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_EMoRParams, HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_ResponseType, HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_VigCorrMode, HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_RadialVigCorrCoeff, HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_RadialVigCorrCenterShift }; HuginBase::StandardImageVariableGroups variable_groups(pano); HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup & lenses = variable_groups.getLenses(); for (size_t i = 0; i < lenses.getNumberOfParts(); i++) { std::set<HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::ImageVariableEnum> links_needed; links_needed.clear(); for (int v = 0; v < 5; v++) { if (!lenses.getVarLinkedInPart(vars[v], i)) { links_needed.insert(vars[v]); } }; if (!links_needed.empty()) { std::set<HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::ImageVariableEnum>::iterator it; for (it = links_needed.begin(); it != links_needed.end(); it++) { lenses.linkVariablePart(*it, i); } } } HuginBase::SmartPhotometricOptimizer::PhotometricOptimizeMode optmode = HuginBase::SmartPhotometricOptimizer::OPT_PHOTOMETRIC_LDR; if (opts.outputMode == PanoramaOptions::OUTPUT_HDR) { optmode = HuginBase::SmartPhotometricOptimizer::OPT_PHOTOMETRIC_HDR; } SmartPhotometricOptimizer photoOpt(pano, progressDisplay, pano.getOptimizeVector(), points, optmode);; // calculate the mean exposure. opts.outputExposureValue = CalculateMeanExposure::calcMeanExposure(pano); pano.setOptions(opts); progressDisplay->finishSubtask(); delete progressDisplay; }; // write result OptimizeVector optvec = pano.getOptimizeVector(); UIntSet imgs; fill_set(imgs,0, pano.getNrOfImages()-1); if (output != "") { ofstream of(output.c_str()); pano.printPanoramaScript(of, optvec, pano.getOptions(), imgs, false, hugin_utils::getPathPrefix(scriptFile)); } else { pano.printPanoramaScript(cout, optvec, pano.getOptions(), imgs, false, hugin_utils::getPathPrefix(scriptFile)); } return 0; }
bool PanoDetector::loadProject() { ifstream ptoFile(_inputFile.c_str()); if (ptoFile.bad()) { cerr << "ERROR: could not open file: '" << _inputFile << "'!" << endl; return false; } _prefix=hugin_utils::getPathPrefix(_inputFile); if(_prefix.empty()) { // Get the current working directory: char* buffer; #ifdef _WINDOWS #define getcwd _getcwd #endif if((buffer=getcwd(NULL,0))!=NULL) { _prefix.append(buffer); free(buffer); _prefix=includeTrailingPathSep(_prefix); } }; _panoramaInfo->setFilePrefix(_prefix); AppBase::DocumentData::ReadWriteError err = _panoramaInfo->readData(ptoFile); if (err != AppBase::DocumentData::SUCCESSFUL) { cerr << "ERROR: couldn't parse panos tool script: '" << _inputFile << "'!" << endl; return false; } // Create a copy of panoramaInfo that will be used to define // image options _panoramaInfoCopy=_panoramaInfo->duplicate(); // Add images found in the project file to _filesData unsigned int nImg = _panoramaInfo->getNrOfImages(); unsigned int imgWithKeyfile=0; for (unsigned int imgNr = 0; imgNr < nImg; ++imgNr) { // insert the image in the map _filesData.insert(make_pair(imgNr, ImgData())); // get the data ImgData& aImgData = _filesData[imgNr]; // get a copy of image info SrcPanoImage img = _panoramaInfoCopy.getSrcImage(imgNr); // set the name aImgData._name = img.getFilename(); // modify image position in the copy img.setYaw(0); img.setRoll(0); img.setPitch(0); img.setX(0); img.setY(0); img.setZ(0); img.setActive(true); img.setResponseType(SrcPanoImage::RESPONSE_LINEAR); img.setExposureValue(0); _panoramaInfoCopy.setImage(imgNr,img); // Number pointing to image info in _panoramaInfo aImgData._number = imgNr; aImgData._needsremap=(img.getHFOV()>=65 && img.getProjection() != SrcPanoImage::FISHEYE_STEREOGRAPHIC); // set image detection size if(aImgData._needsremap) { _filesData[imgNr]._detectWidth = max(img.getSize().width(),img.getSize().height()); _filesData[imgNr]._detectHeight = max(img.getSize().width(),img.getSize().height()); } else { _filesData[imgNr]._detectWidth = img.getSize().width(); _filesData[imgNr]._detectHeight = img.getSize().height(); }; if (_downscale) { _filesData[imgNr]._detectWidth >>= 1; _filesData[imgNr]._detectHeight >>= 1; } // set image remapping options if(aImgData._needsremap) { aImgData._projOpts.setProjection(PanoramaOptions::STEREOGRAPHIC); aImgData._projOpts.setHFOV(250); aImgData._projOpts.setVFOV(250); aImgData._projOpts.setWidth(250); aImgData._projOpts.setHeight(250); // determine size of output image. // The old code did not work with images with images with a FOV // approaching 180 degrees vigra::Rect2D roi=estimateOutputROI(_panoramaInfoCopy,aImgData._projOpts,imgNr); double scalefactor = max((double)_filesData[imgNr]._detectWidth / roi.width(), (double)_filesData[imgNr]._detectHeight / roi.height() ); // resize output canvas vigra::Size2D canvasSize((int)aImgData._projOpts.getWidth() * scalefactor, (int)aImgData._projOpts.getHeight() * scalefactor); aImgData._projOpts.setWidth(canvasSize.width(), false); aImgData._projOpts.setHeight(canvasSize.height()); // set roi to cover the remapped input image roi = roi * scalefactor; _filesData[imgNr]._detectWidth = roi.width(); _filesData[imgNr]._detectHeight = roi.height(); aImgData._projOpts.setROI(roi); } // Specify if the image has an associated keypoint file aImgData._keyfilename = getKeyfilenameFor(_keypath,aImgData._name); ifstream keyfile(aImgData._keyfilename.c_str()); aImgData._hasakeyfile = keyfile.good(); if(aImgData._hasakeyfile) { imgWithKeyfile++; }; } //update masks, convert positive masks into negative masks //because positive masks works only if the images are on the final positions _panoramaInfoCopy.updateMasks(true); //if all images has keyfile, we don't need to load celeste model file if(nImg==imgWithKeyfile) { _celeste=false; }; return true; }
CPVector AutoPanoSift::automatch(CPDetectorSetting &setting, PT::Panorama & pano, const PT::UIntSet & imgs, int nFeatures, vector<wxString> &keyFiles, int & ret_value, wxWindow *parent) { CPVector cps; if (imgs.size() == 0) { return cps; } DEBUG_ASSERT(keyFiles.size()==pano.getNrOfImages()); // create suitable command line.. wxString generateKeysExe=GetProgPath(setting.GetProg()); wxString matcherExe = GetProgPath(setting.GetProgMatcher()); wxString generateKeysArgs=setting.GetArgs(); wxString matcherArgs = setting.GetArgsMatcher(); wxString tempDir= wxConfigBase::Get()->Read(wxT("tempDir"),wxT("")); if(!tempDir.IsEmpty()) if(tempDir.Last()!=wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()) tempDir.Append(wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()); //check arguments if(generateKeysArgs.Find(wxT("%i"))==wxNOT_FOUND || generateKeysArgs.Find(wxT("%k"))==wxNOT_FOUND) { CPMessage(_("Please use %i to specify the input files and %k to specify the keypoint file for the generate keys step"), _("Error in control point detector command"), parent); return cps; }; if(matcherArgs.Find(wxT("%k"))==wxNOT_FOUND || matcherArgs.Find(wxT("%o"))==wxNOT_FOUND) { CPMessage(_("Please use %k to specify the keypoint files and %o to specify the output project file for the matching step"), _("Error in control point detector command"), parent); return cps; }; ret_value=0; for(UIntSet::const_iterator img=imgs.begin();img!=imgs.end();img++) { if(keyFiles[*img].IsEmpty()) { //no key files exists, so generate it wxString keyfile=wxFileName::CreateTempFileName(tempDir+wxT("apk_")); keyFiles[*img]=keyfile; wxString cmd=generateKeysArgs; wxString tmp; tmp.Printf(wxT("%d"), nFeatures); cmd.Replace(wxT("%p"), tmp); SrcPanoImage srcImg = pano.getSrcImage(*img); tmp.Printf(wxT("%f"), srcImg.getHFOV()); cmd.Replace(wxT("%v"), tmp); tmp.Printf(wxT("%d"), (int) srcImg.getProjection()); cmd.Replace(wxT("%f"), tmp); cmd.Replace(wxT("%i"),wxQuoteFilename(wxString(srcImg.getFilename().c_str(), HUGIN_CONV_FILENAME))); cmd.Replace(wxT("%k"),wxQuoteFilename(keyfile)); // use MyExternalCmdExecDialog ret_value = CPExecute(generateKeysExe, cmd, _("generating key file"), parent); cmd=generateKeysExe+wxT(" ")+cmd; if (ret_value == HUGIN_EXIT_CODE_CANCELLED) return cps; else if (ret_value == -1) { CPMessage( wxString::Format(_("Could not execute command: %s"),cmd.c_str()), _("wxExecute Error"), parent); return cps; } else if (ret_value > 0) { CPMessage(wxString::Format(_("Command: %s\nfailed with error code: %d"),cmd.c_str(),ret_value), _("wxExecute Error"), parent); return cps; }; }; }; // TODO: create a secure temporary filename here wxString ptofile = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName(wxT("ap_res")); matcherArgs.Replace(wxT("%o"), ptofile); wxString tmp; tmp.Printf(wxT("%d"), nFeatures); matcherArgs.Replace(wxT("%p"), tmp); SrcPanoImage firstImg = pano.getSrcImage(*imgs.begin()); tmp.Printf(wxT("%f"), firstImg.getHFOV()); matcherArgs.Replace(wxT("%v"), tmp); tmp.Printf(wxT("%d"), (int) firstImg.getProjection()); matcherArgs.Replace(wxT("%f"), tmp); wxString imgFiles; for(UIntSet::const_iterator it = imgs.begin(); it != imgs.end(); it++) { imgFiles.append(wxT(" ")).append(wxQuoteFilename(keyFiles[*it])); }; matcherArgs.Replace(wxT("%k"), wxString (imgFiles.wc_str(), HUGIN_CONV_FILENAME)); #ifdef __WXMSW__ if (matcherArgs.size() > 32000) { CPMessage(_("Command line for control point detector too long.\nThis is a Windows limitation\nPlease select less images, or place the images in a folder with\na shorter pathname"), _("Too many images selected"), parent ); return cps; } #endif wxString cmd = matcherExe + wxT(" ") + matcherArgs; DEBUG_DEBUG("Executing: " << matcherExe.mb_str(wxConvLocal) << " " << matcherArgs.mb_str(wxConvLocal)); wxArrayString arguments = wxCmdLineParser::ConvertStringToArgs(matcherArgs); if (arguments.GetCount() > 127) { DEBUG_ERROR("Too many arguments for call to wxExecute()"); CPMessage(wxString::Format(_("Too many arguments (images). Try using a cp generator setting which supports the %%s parameter in preferences.\n\n Could not execute command: %s"), matcherExe.c_str()), _("wxExecute Error"), parent); return cps; } // use MyExternalCmdExecDialog ret_value = CPExecute(matcherExe, matcherArgs, _("finding control points"), parent); if (ret_value == HUGIN_EXIT_CODE_CANCELLED) return cps; else if (ret_value == -1) { CPMessage( wxString::Format(_("Could not execute command: %s"),cmd.c_str()), _("wxExecute Error"), parent); return cps; } else if (ret_value > 0) { CPMessage(wxString::Format(_("Command: %s\nfailed with error code: %d"),cmd.c_str(),ret_value), _("wxExecute Error"), parent); return cps; }; if (! wxFileExists(ptofile.c_str())) { CPMessage(wxString::Format(_("Could not open %s for reading\nThis is an indicator that the control point detector call failed,\nor incorrect command line parameters have been used.\n\nExecuted command: %s"),ptofile.c_str(),cmd.c_str()), _("Control point detector failure"), parent ); return cps; } // read and update control points cps = readUpdatedControlPoints((const char *)ptofile.mb_str(HUGIN_CONV_FILENAME), pano); if (!wxRemoveFile(ptofile)) { DEBUG_DEBUG("could not remove temporary file: " << ptofile.c_str()); } return cps; };
CPVector AutoPanoKolor::automatch(CPDetectorSetting &setting, Panorama & pano, const UIntSet & imgs, int nFeatures, int & ret_value, wxWindow *parent) { CPVector cps; wxString autopanoExe = setting.GetProg(); // write default flags wxString autopanoArgs = setting.GetArgs(); string imgFiles; for(UIntSet::const_iterator it = imgs.begin(); it != imgs.end(); it++) { imgFiles.append(" ").append(quoteFilename(pano.getImage(*it).getFilename())); } wxString ptofilepath = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName(wxT("ap_res")); wxFileName ptofn(ptofilepath); wxString ptofile = ptofn.GetFullName(); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%o"), ptofile); wxString tmp; tmp.Printf(wxT("%d"), nFeatures); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%p"), tmp); SrcPanoImage firstImg = pano.getSrcImage(*imgs.begin()); tmp.Printf(wxT("%f"), firstImg.getHFOV()); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%v"), tmp); tmp.Printf(wxT("%d"), (int) firstImg.getProjection()); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%f"), tmp); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%i"), wxString (imgFiles.c_str(), HUGIN_CONV_FILENAME)); wxString tempdir = ptofn.GetPath(); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%d"), ptofn.GetPath()); wxString cmd; cmd.Printf(wxT("%s %s"), wxQuoteFilename(autopanoExe).c_str(), autopanoArgs.c_str()); #ifdef __WXMSW__ if (cmd.size() > 32766) { CPMessage(_("Command line for control point detector too long.\nThis is a Windows limitation\nPlease select less images, or place the images in a folder with\na shorter pathname"), _("Too many images selected"), parent); return cps; } #endif DEBUG_DEBUG("Executing: " << cmd.c_str()); wxArrayString arguments = wxCmdLineParser::ConvertStringToArgs(cmd); if (arguments.GetCount() > 127) { DEBUG_ERROR("Too many arguments for call to wxExecute()"); DEBUG_ERROR("Try using the %s parameter in preferences"); CPMessage(wxString::Format(_("Too many arguments (images). Try using the %%s parameter in preferences.\n\n Could not execute command: %s"), autopanoExe.c_str()), _("wxExecute Error"), parent); return cps; } ret_value = 0; // use MyExternalCmdExecDialog ret_value = CPExecute(autopanoExe, autopanoArgs, _("finding control points"), parent); if (ret_value == HUGIN_EXIT_CODE_CANCELLED) { return cps; } else if (ret_value == -1) { CPMessage( wxString::Format(_("Could not execute command: %s"),cmd.c_str()), _("wxExecute Error"), parent); return cps; } else if (ret_value > 0) { CPMessage(wxString::Format(_("Command: %s\nfailed with error code: %d"),cmd.c_str(),ret_value), _("wxExecute Error"), parent); return cps; } ptofile = ptofn.GetFullPath(); ptofile.append(wxT("0.oto")); if (! wxFileExists(ptofile.c_str()) ) { CPMessage(wxString::Format(_("Could not open %s for reading\nThis is an indicator that the control point detector call failed,\nor incorrect command line parameters have been used.\n\nExecuted command: %s"),ptofile.c_str(),cmd.c_str()), _("Control point detector failure"), parent ); return cps; } // read and update control points cps = readUpdatedControlPoints((const char *)ptofile.mb_str(HUGIN_CONV_FILENAME), pano); if (!wxRemoveFile(ptofile)) { DEBUG_DEBUG("could not remove temporary file: " << ptofile.c_str()); } return cps; }
CPVector AutoPanoSift::automatch(CPDetectorSetting &setting, Panorama & pano, const UIntSet & imgs, int nFeatures, int & ret_value, wxWindow *parent) { CPVector cps; if (imgs.size() == 0) { return cps; } // create suitable command line.. wxString autopanoExe = GetProgPath(setting.GetProg()); if(setting.IsTwoStepDetector()) { std::vector<wxString> keyFiles(pano.getNrOfImages()); cps=automatch(setting, pano, imgs, nFeatures, keyFiles, ret_value, parent); Cleanup(setting, pano, imgs, keyFiles, parent); return cps; }; wxString autopanoArgs = setting.GetArgs(); // TODO: create a secure temporary filename here wxString ptofile = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName(wxT("ap_res")); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%o"), ptofile); wxString tmp; tmp.Printf(wxT("%d"), nFeatures); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%p"), tmp); SrcPanoImage firstImg = pano.getSrcImage(*imgs.begin()); tmp.Printf(wxT("%f"), firstImg.getHFOV()); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%v"), tmp); tmp.Printf(wxT("%d"), (int) firstImg.getProjection()); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%f"), tmp); long idx = autopanoArgs.Find(wxT("%namefile")) ; DEBUG_DEBUG("find %namefile in '"<< autopanoArgs.mb_str(wxConvLocal) << "' returned: " << idx); bool use_namefile = idx >=0; idx = autopanoArgs.Find(wxT("%i")); DEBUG_DEBUG("find %i in '"<< autopanoArgs.mb_str(wxConvLocal) << "' returned: " << idx); bool use_params = idx >=0; idx = autopanoArgs.Find(wxT("%s")); bool use_inputscript = idx >=0; if (! (use_namefile || use_params || use_inputscript)) { CPMessage(_("Please use %namefile, %i or %s to specify the input files for the control point detector"), _("Error in control point detector command"), parent); return cps; } wxFile namefile; wxString namefile_name; if (use_namefile) { // create temporary file with image names. namefile_name = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName(wxT("ap_imgnames"), &namefile); DEBUG_DEBUG("before replace %namefile: " << autopanoArgs.mb_str(wxConvLocal)); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%namefile"), namefile_name); DEBUG_DEBUG("after replace %namefile: " << autopanoArgs.mb_str(wxConvLocal)); for(UIntSet::const_iterator it = imgs.begin(); it != imgs.end(); it++) { namefile.Write(wxString(pano.getImage(*it).getFilename().c_str(), HUGIN_CONV_FILENAME)); namefile.Write(wxT("\r\n")); } // close namefile if (namefile_name != wxString(wxT(""))) { namefile.Close(); } } else { string imgFiles; for(UIntSet::const_iterator it = imgs.begin(); it != imgs.end(); it++) { imgFiles.append(" ").append(quoteFilename(pano.getImage(*it).getFilename())); } autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%i"), wxString (imgFiles.c_str(), HUGIN_CONV_FILENAME)); } wxString ptoinfile_name; if (use_inputscript) { wxFile ptoinfile; ptoinfile_name = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName(wxT("ap_inproj")); autopanoArgs.Replace(wxT("%s"), ptoinfile_name); ofstream ptoinstream(ptoinfile_name.mb_str(wxConvFile)); //delete all existing control points in temp project //otherwise the existing control points will be loaded again Panorama tempPano=pano.duplicate(); CPVector emptyCPV; tempPano.setCtrlPoints(emptyCPV); tempPano.printPanoramaScript(ptoinstream, tempPano.getOptimizeVector(), tempPano.getOptions(), imgs, false); } #ifdef __WXMSW__ if (autopanoArgs.size() > 32000) { CPMessage(_("Command line for control point detector too long.\nThis is a Windows limitation\nPlease select less images, or place the images in a folder with\na shorter pathname"), _("Too many images selected"), parent ); return cps; } #endif wxString cmd = autopanoExe + wxT(" ") + autopanoArgs; DEBUG_DEBUG("Executing: " << autopanoExe.mb_str(wxConvLocal) << " " << autopanoArgs.mb_str(wxConvLocal)); wxArrayString arguments = wxCmdLineParser::ConvertStringToArgs(autopanoArgs); if (arguments.GetCount() > 127) { DEBUG_ERROR("Too many arguments for call to wxExecute()"); DEBUG_ERROR("Try using the %%s parameter in preferences"); CPMessage(wxString::Format(_("Too many arguments (images). Try using the %%s parameter in preferences.\n\n Could not execute command: %s"), autopanoExe.c_str()), _("wxExecute Error"), parent); return cps; } ret_value = 0; // use MyExternalCmdExecDialog ret_value = CPExecute(autopanoExe, autopanoArgs, _("finding control points"), parent); if (ret_value == HUGIN_EXIT_CODE_CANCELLED) { return cps; } else if (ret_value == -1) { CPMessage( wxString::Format(_("Could not execute command: %s"),cmd.c_str()), _("wxExecute Error"), parent); return cps; } else if (ret_value > 0) { CPMessage(wxString::Format(_("Command: %s\nfailed with error code: %d"),cmd.c_str(),ret_value), _("wxExecute Error"), parent); return cps; } if (! wxFileExists(ptofile.c_str())) { CPMessage(wxString::Format(_("Could not open %s for reading\nThis is an indicator that the control point detector call failed,\nor incorrect command line parameters have been used.\n\nExecuted command: %s"),ptofile.c_str(),cmd.c_str()), _("Control point detector failure"), parent ); return cps; } // read and update control points if(use_inputscript) { cps = readUpdatedControlPoints((const char*)ptofile.mb_str(HUGIN_CONV_FILENAME), pano, imgs); } else { cps = readUpdatedControlPoints((const char *)ptofile.mb_str(HUGIN_CONV_FILENAME), pano); }; if (namefile_name != wxString(wxT(""))) { namefile.Close(); wxRemoveFile(namefile_name); } if (ptoinfile_name != wxString(wxT(""))) { wxRemoveFile(ptoinfile_name); } if (!wxRemoveFile(ptofile)) { DEBUG_DEBUG("could not remove temporary file: " << ptofile.c_str()); } return cps; }