StackMap NFunctionSignature::generateStackMap()
	StackMap map;

	// Add stack frame data for arguments.
	for (VariableList::const_iterator i = this->arguments.begin(); i != this->arguments.end(); i++)		
		map.insert(map.end(), StackPair((*i)->, (*i)->type));
		// FIXME: Check to make sure arguments do not clash with any
		//        other argument declarations (hint: check the map to
		//        see if it already has a match).

	return map;
Example #2
AsmBlock* NDeclarations::compile(AsmGenerator& context)
	AsmBlock* block = new AsmBlock();

	// Import bootstrap data.
	*block << ".IMPORT _stack_caller_init" << std::endl;
	*block << ".IMPORT _stack_callee_return" << std::endl;
	*block << ".IMPORT _halt" << std::endl;
	*block << ".IMPORT _halt_debug" << std::endl;

	// Add file and line information.
	*block << this->getFileAndLineState();

	// Tell the generator that we are the root.
	context.m_RootNode = this;

	// Create the global data frame.
	StackMap* map = new StackMap();

	for (DeclarationList::iterator i = this->definitions.begin(); i != this->definitions.end(); i++)
		if ((*i)->cType != "statement-declaration-variable")

		map->insert(map->end(), StackPair(((NVariableDeclaration*)(*i))->, ((NVariableDeclaration*)(*i))->type));

	context.m_GlobalFrame = new StackFrame(context, *map);

	// Output the global data storage area.
	*block << std::endl;
	*block <<  ":_DATA" << std::endl;

	for (DeclarationList::iterator i = this->definitions.begin(); i != this->definitions.end(); i++)
		if ((*i)->cType != "statement-declaration-variable")

		// Calculate size.
		unsigned int size = ((NVariableDeclaration*)(*i))->type.getWordSize(context);

		// We can't have types with 0 word storage in the global scope.
		if (size <= 0)
			throw new CompilerException(this->line, this->file, "Unable to store global variable with a type that has size of 0 words.");

		// Output zero'd data sections.
		*block <<  "	DAT 0";

		for (unsigned int b = 1; b < size; b++)
			*block <<  ", 0";

		*block << std::endl;

	*block << std::endl;

	// If the assembler supports sections...
	if (context.getAssembler().supportsSections)
		// Output the block for initializing global data storage.
		*block <<  ".SECTION INIT" << std::endl;
		context.m_CurrentFrame = context.m_GlobalFrame; // So that the NVariableDeclaration compiles successfully.

		for (DeclarationList::iterator i = this->definitions.begin(); i != this->definitions.end(); i++)
			if ((*i)->cType != "statement-declaration-variable")

			// Compile initializer.
			AsmBlock* inner = (*i)->compile(context);
			*block << *inner;

			if (inner != NULL)
				delete inner;

		// Output the code section.
		*block <<  ".SECTION CODE" << std::endl;
		// Ensure we don't have any global variable initializers declared here.
		for (DeclarationList::iterator i = this->definitions.begin(); i != this->definitions.end(); i++)
			if ((*i)->cType != "statement-declaration-variable")

			if (((NVariableDeclaration*)(*i))->initExpr != NULL)
				throw new CompilerException(this->line, this->file, "Initializers not permitted on global variables for assemblers that don't support sections.");

	// Deal with the main setup.
	NFunctionDeclaration* main = (NFunctionDeclaration*)context.getFunction("main");
	if (main != NULL)
		// Get the stack table of main.
		StackFrame* frame = context.generateStackFrame(main, false);

		// Output assembly for calling main.
		*block <<  "	SET X, " << frame->getParametersSize() << std::endl;
		*block <<  "	SET Z, _halt" << std::endl;
		*block <<  "	JSR _stack_caller_init" << std::endl;
		*block <<  "	SET PC, cfunc_main" << std::endl;

		// Clean up frame.

	// Handle function definitions.
	for (DeclarationList::iterator i = this->definitions.begin(); i != this->definitions.end(); i++)
		if ((*i)->cType == "statement-declaration-variable")

		AsmBlock* inner = (*i)->compile(context);
		*block << *inner;

		if (inner != NULL)
			delete inner;

	return block;