void C4MusicSystem::LoadMoreMusic()
	StdStrBuf MoreMusicFile;
	// load MoreMusic.txt
	if (!MoreMusicFile.LoadFromFile(Config.AtUserDataPath(C4CFN_MoreMusic))) return;
	// read contents
	char *pPos = MoreMusicFile.getMData();
	while (pPos && *pPos)
		// get line
		char szLine[1024 + 1];
		SCopyUntil(pPos, szLine, '\n', 1024);
		pPos = strchr(pPos, '\n'); if (pPos) pPos++;
		// remove leading whitespace
		char *pLine = szLine;
		while (*pLine == ' ' || *pLine == '\t' || *pLine == '\r') pLine++;
		// and whitespace at end
		char *p = pLine + strlen(pLine) - 1;
		while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\r') { *p = 0; --p; }
		// comment?
		if (*pLine == '#')
			// might be a "directive"
			if (SEqual(pLine, "#clear"))
		// try to load file(s)
Example #2
bool GetLogSection(size_t iStart, size_t iLength, StdStrBuf &rsOut)
	if (!iLength) { rsOut.Clear(); return true; }
	// read section from log file
	StdStrBuf BufOrig;
	if (!BufOrig.LoadFromFile(sLogFileName.getData())) return false;
	char *szBuf = BufOrig.getMData();
	size_t iSize = BufOrig.getSize(); // size excluding terminator
	// reduce to desired buffer section
	if (iStart > iSize) iStart = iSize;
	if (iStart + iLength > iSize) iLength = iSize - iStart;
	szBuf += iStart; szBuf[iLength] = '\0';
	// strip timestamps; convert linebreaks to Clonk-linebreaks '|'
	char *szPosWrite=szBuf; const char *szPosRead=szBuf;
	while (*szPosRead)
		// skip timestamp
		if (*szPosRead == '[')
			while (*szPosRead && *szPosRead != ']') { --iSize; ++szPosRead; }
		// skip whitespace behind timestamp
		if (!*szPosRead) break;
		// copy data until linebreak
		size_t iLen=0;
		while (*szPosRead && *szPosRead != 0x0d && *szPosRead != 0x0a)
			{ ++szPosRead; ++iLen; }
		if (iLen && szPosRead-iLen != szPosWrite) memmove(szPosWrite, szPosRead-iLen, iLen);
		szPosWrite += iLen;
		// skip additional linebreaks
		while (*szPosRead == 0x0d || *szPosRead == 0x0a) ++szPosRead;
		// write a Clonk-linebreak
		if (*szPosRead) *szPosWrite++ = '|';
	// done; create string buffer from data
	rsOut.Copy(szBuf, szPosWrite - szBuf);
	// done, success
	return true;