void ExoplanetsDialog::setWebsitesHtml(void)
	QString html = "<html><head></head><body>";
	html += "<h2>" + q_("General professional Web sites relevant to extrasolar planets") + "</h2><ul>";
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://codementum.org/exoplanets/").arg(q_("Exoplanets: an interactive version of XKCD 1071"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/HEK/").arg(q_("HEK (The Hunt for Exomoons with Kepler)"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://www.univie.ac.at/adg/schwarz/multiple.html").arg(q_("Exoplanets in binaries and multiple systems (Richard Schwarz)"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://www.iau.org/public/naming/#exoplanets").arg(q_("Naming exoplanets (IAU)"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a> (<em>%3</em>)</li>").arg("http://voparis-exoplanet.obspm.fr/people.html").arg(q_("Some Astronomers and Groups active in extrasolar planets studies")).arg(q_("update: 16 April 2012"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://exoplanets.org/").arg(q_("The Exoplanet Data Explorer"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://www.phys.unsw.edu.au/~cgt/planet/AAPS_Home.html").arg(q_("The Anglo-Australian Planet Search"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://www.exoplanets.ch/").arg(q_("Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Programmes"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://olbin.jpl.nasa.gov/").arg(q_("OLBIN (Optical Long-Baseline Interferometry News)"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://exep.jpl.nasa.gov/").arg(q_("NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/alex/pulsar_planets.htm").arg(q_("Pulsar planets"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/").arg(q_("The NASA Exoplanet Archive"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://www.dtm.ciw.edu/boss/c53index.html").arg(q_("IAU Commission 53: Extrasolar Planets"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://www.exomol.com/").arg(q_("ExoMol"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://www.hzgallery.org/").arg(q_("The Habitable Zone Gallery"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://planetquest.jpl.nasa.gov/").arg(q_("PlanetQuest - The Search for Another Earth"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://www.openexoplanetcatalogue.com/").arg(q_("Open Exoplanet Catalogue"));
	html += QString("<li><a href='%1'>%2</a></li>").arg("http://phl.upr.edu/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog").arg(q_("The Habitable Exoplanets Catalog"));
	html += "</ul></body></html>";

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);
void ExoplanetsDialog::setAboutHtml(void)
	// Regexp to replace {text} with an HTML link.
	QRegExp a_rx = QRegExp("[{]([^{]*)[}]");

	QString html = "<html><head></head><body>";
	html += "<h2>" + q_("Exoplanets Plug-in") + "</h2><table width=\"90%\">";
	html += "<tr width=\"30%\"><td><strong>" + q_("Version") + ":</strong></td><td>" + EXOPLANETS_PLUGIN_VERSION + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("License") + ":</strong></td><td>" + EXOPLANETS_PLUGIN_LICENSE + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("Author") + ":</strong></td><td>Alexander Wolf &lt;[email protected]&gt;</td></tr></table>";

	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("This plugin plots the position of stars with exoplanets. Exoplanets data is derived from \"%1The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia%2\"")).arg("<a href=\"http://exoplanet.eu/\">").arg("</a>") + ". ";
	html += QString(q_("The list of potential habitable exoplanets and data about them were taken from \"%1The Habitable Exoplanets Catalog%3\" by %2Planetary Habitability Laboratory%3.")).arg("<a href=\"http://phl.upr.edu/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog\">").arg("<a href=\"http://phl.upr.edu/home\">").arg("</a>") + "</p>";

	html += "<p>" + q_("The current catalog contains info about %1 planetary systems, which altogether have %2 exoplanets (including %3 potentially habitable exoplanets).").arg(ep->getCountPlanetarySystems()).arg(ep->getCountAllExoplanets()).arg(ep->getCountHabitableExoplanets()) + "</p>";
	html += "<h3>" + q_("Links") + "</h3>";
	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("Support is provided via the Github website.  Be sure to put \"%1\" in the subject when posting.")).arg("Exoplanets plugin") + "</p>";
	html += "<p><ul>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The text between braces is the text of an HTML link.
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you have a question, you can {get an answer here}.").toHtmlEscaped().replace(a_rx, "<a href=\"https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/stellarium\">\\1</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The text between braces is the text of an HTML link.
	html += "<li>" + q_("Bug reports and feature requests can be made {here}.").toHtmlEscaped().replace(a_rx, "<a href=\"https://github.com/Stellarium/stellarium/issues\">\\1</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The text between braces is the text of an HTML link.
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you want to read full information about this plugin and its history, you can {get info here}.").toHtmlEscaped().replace(a_rx, "<a href=\"http://stellarium.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Exoplanets_plugin\">\\1</a>") + "</li>";
	html += "</ul></p></body></html>";

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);
Example #3
void CompassMarks::init()
	// Because the plug-in has no configuration GUI, users rely on what's
	// written in the configuration file to know what can be configured.
	if (!conf->childGroups().contains("CompassMarks"))


		addAction("actionShow_Compass_Marks", N_("Compass Marks"), N_("Compass marks"), "marksVisible");

		StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		if (gui != Q_NULLPTR)
			toolbarButton = new StelButton(Q_NULLPTR,
			gui->getButtonBar()->addButton(toolbarButton, "065-pluginsGroup");			
		connect(GETSTELMODULE(LandscapeMgr), SIGNAL(cardinalsPointsDisplayedChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(cardinalPointsChanged(bool)));
		cardinalPointsState = false;

	catch (std::runtime_error& e)
		qWarning() << "WARNING: unable create toolbar button for CompassMarks plugin: " << e.what();
Example #4
void ExoplanetsDialog::setAboutHtml(void)
	QString html = "<html><head></head><body>";
	html += "<h2>" + q_("Exoplanets Plug-in") + "</h2><table width=\"90%\">";
	html += "<tr width=\"30%\"><td><strong>" + q_("Version") + ":</strong></td><td>" + EXOPLANETS_PLUGIN_VERSION + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("Author") + ":</strong></td><td>Alexander Wolf &lt;[email protected]&gt;</td></tr></table>";

	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("This plugin plots the position of stars with exoplanets. Exoplanets data is derived from \"%1The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia%2\"")).arg("<a href=\"http://exoplanet.eu/\">").arg("</a>") + ". ";
	html += QString(q_("The list of potential habitable exoplanets and data about them were taken from \"%1The Habitable Exoplanets Catalog%3\" by %2Planetary Habitability Laboratory%3.")).arg("<a href=\"http://phl.upr.edu/projects/habitable-exoplanets-catalog\">").arg("<a href=\"http://phl.upr.edu/home\">").arg("</a>") + "</p>";

	html += "<p>" + q_("The current catalog contains info about %1 planetary systems, which altogether have %2 exoplanets (including %3 potentially habitable exoplanets).").arg(ep->getCountPlanetarySystems()).arg(ep->getCountAllExoplanets()).arg(ep->getCountHabitableExoplanets()) + "</p>";
	html += "<h3>" + q_("Links") + "</h3>";
	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("Support is provided via the Launchpad website.  Be sure to put \"%1\" in the subject when posting.")).arg("Exoplanets plugin") + "</p>";
	html += "<p><ul>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + QString(q_("If you have a question, you can %1get an answer here%2").arg("<a href=\"https://answers.launchpad.net/stellarium\">")).arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + QString(q_("Bug reports can be made %1here%2.")).arg("<a href=\"https://bugs.launchpad.net/stellarium\">").arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you would like to make a feature request, you can create a bug report, and set the severity to \"wishlist\".") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you want to read full information about the plugin, its history and format of the catalog you can %1get info here%2.").arg("<a href=\"http://stellarium.org/wiki/index.php/Exoplanets_plugin\">").arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	html += "</ul></p></body></html>";

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);
// Initialize the dialog widgets and connect the signals/slots
void SupernovaeDialog::createDialogContent()
	connect(&StelApp::getInstance(), SIGNAL(languageChanged()),
		this, SLOT(retranslate()));

	// Settings tab / updates group
	connect(ui->internetUpdatesCheckbox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setUpdatesEnabled(int)));
	connect(ui->updateButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateJSON()));
	connect(GETSTELMODULE(Supernovae), SIGNAL(updateStateChanged(Supernovae::UpdateState)), this, SLOT(updateStateReceiver(Supernovae::UpdateState)));
	connect(GETSTELMODULE(Supernovae), SIGNAL(jsonUpdateComplete(void)), this, SLOT(updateCompleteReceiver(void)));
	connect(ui->updateFrequencySpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setUpdateValues(int)));
	refreshUpdateValues(); // fetch values for last updated and so on
	// if the state didn't change, setUpdatesEnabled will not be called, so we force it

	updateTimer = new QTimer(this);
	connect(updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(refreshUpdateValues()));

	connect(ui->closeStelWindow, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close()));

	connect(ui->restoreDefaultsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(restoreDefaults()));
	connect(ui->saveSettingsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveSettings()));

	// About tab
	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());


Example #6
void QuasarsDialog::setAboutHtml(void)
	QString html = "<html><head></head><body>";
	html += "<h2>" + q_("Quasars Plug-in") + "</h2><table width=\"90%\">";
	html += "<tr width=\"30%\"><td><strong>" + q_("Version") + ":</strong></td><td>" + QUASARS_PLUGIN_VERSION + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("Author") + ":</strong></td><td>Alexander Wolf &lt;[email protected]&gt;</td></tr>";
	html += "</table>";

	html += QString("<p>%1 (<a href=\"%2\">%3</a>)</p>")
			.arg(q_("The Quasars plugin provides visualization of some quasars brighter than 16 visual magnitude. A catalogue of quasars compiled from \"Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei\" (13th Ed.)"))
			.arg(q_("Veron+ 2010"));

	html += "</ul><h3>" + q_("Links") + "</h3>";
	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("Support is provided via the Launchpad website.  Be sure to put \"%1\" in the subject when posting.")).arg("Quasars plugin") + "</p>";
	html += "<p><ul>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + QString(q_("If you have a question, you can %1get an answer here%2").arg("<a href=\"https://answers.launchpad.net/stellarium\">")).arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + QString(q_("Bug reports can be made %1here%2.")).arg("<a href=\"https://bugs.launchpad.net/stellarium\">").arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you would like to make a feature request, you can create a bug report, and set the severity to \"wishlist\".") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you want to read full information about this plugin, its history and format of catalog, you can %1get info here%2.").arg("<a href=\"http://stellarium.org/wiki/index.php/Quasars_plugin\">").arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	html += "</ul></p></body></html>";

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
	QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);

Example #7
void MeteorShowersMgr::setShowSearchButton(const bool& show)
		StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		if (!gui)

		if (show)
			StelButton* searchMS = new StelButton(NULL,
			gui->getButtonBar()->addButton(searchMS, "065-pluginsGroup");
	catch (std::runtime_error& e)
		qWarning() << "MeteorShowersMgr : unable to create toolbar buttons for MeteorShowers plugin!"
			   << e.what();
	m_showSearchButton = show;
	m_conf->setValue(MS_CONFIG_PREFIX + "/show_search_button", show);
void TelescopeDialog::setAboutText()
    //TODO: Expand
    QString aboutPage = "<html><head></head><body>";
    aboutPage += QString("<h2>%1</h2>").arg(q_("Telescope Control plug-in"));
    aboutPage += "<h3>" + QString(q_("Version %1")).arg(TELESCOPE_CONTROL_VERSION) + "</h3>";
    QFile aboutFile(":/telescopeControl/about.utf8");
    aboutFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text);
    aboutPage += aboutFile.readAll();
    aboutPage += "</body></html>";

    QString helpPage = "<html><head></head><body>";
    QFile helpFile(":/telescopeControl/help.utf8");
    helpFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QFile::Text);
    helpPage += helpFile.readAll();
    helpPage += "</body></html>";

    StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
Example #9
void Scenery3d::createToolbarButtons() const
	// Add 3 toolbar buttons (copy/paste widely from AngleMeasure): activate, settings, and viewpoints.
		StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());

		if (gui!=Q_NULLPTR)
			StelButton* toolbarEnableButton =	new StelButton(Q_NULLPTR,
			StelButton* toolbarSettingsButton =	new StelButton(Q_NULLPTR,
			StelButton* toolbarStoredViewButton =	new StelButton(Q_NULLPTR,

			gui->getButtonBar()->addButton(toolbarEnableButton, "065-pluginsGroup");
			gui->getButtonBar()->addButton(toolbarSettingsButton, "065-pluginsGroup");
			gui->getButtonBar()->addButton(toolbarStoredViewButton, "065-pluginsGroup");
	catch (std::runtime_error& e)
		qCWarning(scenery3d) << "WARNING: unable to create toolbar buttons for Scenery3d plugin: " << e.what();
Example #10
void LogBook::initializeActions()
	QString group = "LogBook";
	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());

	gui->addGuiActions("actionShow_LogBook", N_("Open LogBook"), "Ctrl+L", "Plugin Key Bindings", true);
	gui->addGuiActions("actionShow_LogBookConfigDialog", N_("Show data config dialog"), "ALT+L", group, true);
	gui->addGuiActions("actionShow_TargetsDialog", N_("Show Targets config dialog"), "ALT+T", group, true);

	connect(gui->getGuiActions("actionShow_LogBook"), SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(enableLogBook(bool)));
	connect(gui->getGuiActions("actionShow_LogBookConfigDialog"), SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setConfigDialogVisible(bool)));
	connect(gui->getGuiActions("actionShow_TargetsDialog"), SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setTargetsDialogVisible(bool)));

	// Make a toolbar button
	try {
		pxmapGlow = new QPixmap(":/graphicGui/glow32x32.png");
		pxmapOnIcon = new QPixmap(":/logbook/bt_Logbook_on.png");
		pxmapOffIcon = new QPixmap(":/logbook/bt_Logbook_off.png");

		toolbarButton = new StelButton(NULL,
		gui->getButtonBar()->addButton(toolbarButton, "065-pluginsGroup");
	} catch (std::runtime_error& e) {
		qWarning() << "WARNING: unable create toolbar button for LogBook plugin: "<< e.what();
Example #11
void StoredViewDialog::createDialogContent()
	connect(ui->closeStelWindow, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &StelDialog::close);
	connect(ui->TitleBar, SIGNAL(movedTo(QPoint)), this, SLOT(handleMovedTo(QPoint)));

	mgr = GETSTELMODULE(Scenery3dMgr);

	connect(ui->pushButtonAddView, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &StoredViewDialog::addUserView);
	connect(ui->pushButtonLoadView, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &StoredViewDialog::loadView);
	//also allow doubleclick to load view
	connect(ui->listView, &QListView::doubleClicked, this, &StoredViewDialog::loadView);
	connect(ui->pushButtonDeleteView, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &StoredViewDialog::deleteView);

	connect(ui->lineEditTitle, &QLineEdit::editingFinished, this, &StoredViewDialog::updateCurrentView);
	connect(ui->textEditDescription, &CustomTextEdit::editingFinished, this, &StoredViewDialog::updateCurrentView);

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());

	//we use a sorta MVC system here
	viewModel = new StoredViewModel(ui->listView);
	connect(ui->listView->selectionModel(), &QItemSelectionModel::currentChanged, this, &StoredViewDialog::updateViewSelection);

	connect(mgr, &Scenery3dMgr::currentSceneChanged, viewModel, &StoredViewModel::setScene);
	connect(viewModel, &QAbstractItemModel::modelReset, this, &StoredViewDialog::resetViewSelection);
// Initialize the dialog widgets and connect the signals/slots
void ObservabilityDialog::createDialogContent()
	connect(&StelApp::getInstance(), SIGNAL(languageChanged()), this, SLOT(retranslate()));

	// Settings:
	connect(ui->Today, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setTodayFlag(int)));
	connect(ui->AcroCos, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setAcroCosFlag(int)));
	connect(ui->Opposition, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setOppositionFlag(int)));
	connect(ui->Goods, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setGoodDatesFlag(int)));
	connect(ui->FullMoon, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setFullMoonFlag(int)));
//	connect(ui->Crescent, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setCrescentMoonFlag(int)));
//	connect(ui->SuperMoon, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setSuperMoonFlag(int)));

	connect(ui->Red, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(setRed(int)));
	connect(ui->Green, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(setGreen(int)));
	connect(ui->Blue, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(setBlue(int)));
	connect(ui->fontSize, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(setSize(int)));
	connect(ui->SunAltitude, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(setAltitude(int)));
	connect(ui->HorizAltitude, SIGNAL(sliderMoved(int)), this, SLOT(setHorizon(int)));

	connect(ui->closeStelWindow, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close()));
	connect(ui->restoreDefaultsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(restoreDefaults()));
	connect(ui->saveSettingsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveSettings()));

	// About tab
	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());


void OcularDialog::initAboutText()
	//BM: Most of the text for now is the original contents of the About widget.
	QString html = "<html><head><title></title></head><body>";

	html += "<h2>" + q_("Oculars Plug-in") + "</h2><table width=\"90%\">";
	html += "<tr width=\"30%\"><td><strong>" + q_("Version") + ":</strong></td><td>" + OCULARS_PLUGIN_VERSION + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("Author") + ":</strong></td><td>Timothy Reaves &lt;[email protected]&gt;</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("Contributors") + ":</strong></td><td>Bogdan Marinov<br />Pawel Stolowski (" + q_("Barlow lens feature") + ")<br />Alexander Wolf</td></tr>";
	html += "</table>";

	html += "<h2>" + q_("Overview") + "</h2>";

	html += "<p>" + q_("This plugin is intended to simulate what you would see through an eyepiece.  This configuration dialog can be used to add, modify, or delete eyepieces and telescopes, as well as CCD Sensors.  Your first time running the app will populate some samples to get your started.") + "</p>";
	html += "<p>" + q_("You can choose to scale the image you see on the screen.  This is intended to show you a better comparison of what one eyepiece/telescope combination will be like as compared to another.  The same eyepiece in two different telescopes of differing focal length will produce two different exit circles, changing the view someone.  The trade-off of this is that, with the image scaled, a good deal of the screen can be wasted.  Therefore I recommend that you leave it off, unless you feel you have a need of it.") + "</p>";
	html += "<p>" + q_("You can toggle a crosshair in the view.  Ideally, I wanted this to be aligned to North.  I've been unable to do so.  So currently it aligns to the top of the screen.") + "</p>";
	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("You can toggle a Telrad finder; this can only be done when you have not turned on the Ocular view.  This feature draws three concentric circles of 0.5%1, 2.0%1, and 4.0%1, helping you see what you would expect to see with the naked eye through the Telrad (or similar) finder.")).arg(QChar(0x00B0)) + "</p>";
	html += "<p>" + q_("If you find any issues, please let me know.  Enjoy!") + "</p>";

	html += "<h2>" + q_("Hot Keys") + "</h2>";
	html += "<p>" + q_("The plug-in's key bindings can be edited in the General Tab.") + "</p>";

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
	StelActionMgr* actionMgr = StelApp::getInstance().getStelActionManager();
	StelAction* actionOcular = actionMgr->findAction("actionShow_Ocular");
	StelAction* actionMenu = actionMgr->findAction("actionShow_Ocular_Menu");
	QKeySequence ocularShortcut = actionOcular->getShortcut();
	QString ocularString = ocularShortcut.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText);
	ocularString = ocularString.toHtmlEscaped();
	if (ocularString.isEmpty())
		ocularString = q_("[no key defined]");
	QKeySequence menuShortcut = actionMenu->getShortcut();
	QString menuString = menuShortcut.toString(QKeySequence::NativeText);
	menuString = menuString.toHtmlEscaped();
	if (menuString.isEmpty())
		menuString = q_("[no key defined]");

	html += "<ul>";
	html += "<li>";
	html += QString("<strong>%1:</strong> %2").arg(ocularString).arg(q_("Switches on/off the ocular overlay."));
	html += "</li>";
	html += "<li>";
	html += QString("<strong>%1:</strong> %2").arg(menuString).arg(q_("Opens the pop-up navigation menu."));
	html += "</li>";
	html += "</ul>";
	html += "</body></html>";

	QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);

void LogBookConfigDialog::updateStyle()
	if(dialog) {
		StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		const StelStyle pluginStyle = GETSTELMODULE(LogBook)->getModuleStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle());
Example #15
void TelescopeDialog::updateStyle()
	if (dialog)
		StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		QString style(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);
Example #16
void TargetsDialog::updateStyle()
	if(dialog) {
		StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		const StelStyle pluginStyle = GETSTELMODULE(LogBook)->getModuleStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle());
void OcularDialog::keyBindingPopupNavigatorConfigChanged(const QString& newString)
	Oculars::appSettings()->setValue("bindings/popup_navigator", newString);
	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
	QAction* action = gui->getGuiAction("actionShow_Ocular_Menu");
	if (action != NULL) {
void OcularDialog::updateStyle()
	if(dialog) {
		StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		const StelStyle pluginStyle = plugin->getModuleStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle());
/* ********************************************************************* */
void OcularDialog::keyBindingTogglePluginChanged(const QString& newString)
	Oculars::appSettings()->setValue("bindings/toggle_oculars", newString);
	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
	QAction* action = gui->getGuiAction("actionShow_Ocular");
	if (action != NULL) {
// Initialize the dialog widgets and connect the signals/slots
void ExoplanetsDialog::createDialogContent()
	ep = GETSTELMODULE(Exoplanets);
	connect(&StelApp::getInstance(), SIGNAL(languageChanged()),
		this, SLOT(retranslate()));

	// Settings tab / updates group
	connect(ui->displayAtStartupCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setDisplayAtStartupEnabled(int)));
	connect(ui->displayModeCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setDistributionEnabled(int)));
	connect(ui->displayShowExoplanetsButton, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setDisplayShowExoplanetsButton(int)));
	connect(ui->timelineModeCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setTimelineEnabled(int)));
	connect(ui->habitableModeCheckBox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setHabitableEnabled(int)));
	connect(ui->internetUpdatesCheckbox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setUpdatesEnabled(int)));
	connect(ui->updateButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateJSON()));
	connect(ep, SIGNAL(updateStateChanged(Exoplanets::UpdateState)), this, SLOT(updateStateReceiver(Exoplanets::UpdateState)));
	connect(ep, SIGNAL(jsonUpdateComplete(void)), this, SLOT(updateCompleteReceiver(void)));
	connect(ui->updateFrequencySpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setUpdateValues(int)));
	refreshUpdateValues(); // fetch values for last updated and so on
	// if the state didn't change, setUpdatesEnabled will not be called, so we force it

	updateTimer = new QTimer(this);
	connect(updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(refreshUpdateValues()));

	connect(ui->closeStelWindow, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close()));

	connect(ui->restoreDefaultsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(restoreDefaults()));
	connect(ui->saveSettingsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveSettings()));

	// About & Info tabs
	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());


void RemoteControlDialog::setAboutHtml(void)
	QString html = "<html><head></head><body>";
	html += "<h2>" + q_("Remote Control Plug-in") + "</h2><table width=\"90%\">";
	html += "<tr width=\"30%\"><td><strong>" + q_("Version") + ":</strong></td><td>" + REMOTECONTROL_PLUGIN_VERSION + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("License") + ":</strong></td><td>" + REMOTECONTROL_PLUGIN_LICENSE + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td rowspan=2><strong>" + q_("Authors") + ":</strong></td><td>Florian Schaukowitsch</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td>Georg Zotti</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("Contributors") + ":</strong></td><td>Alexander Wolf</td></tr>";
	html += "</table>";

	html += "<p>" + q_("The Remote Control plugin provides a web interface to allow state changes and triggering scripts using a connected webbrowser.") + "</p>";
	// TODO Add longer instructions?

	// Regexp to replace {text} with an HTML link.
	QRegExp a_rx = QRegExp("[{]([^{]*)[}]");

	html += "<p>" + q_("It is also possible to send commands via command line, e.g..");
	html += "<pre>\n"
		"wget -q --post-data 'id=myScript.ssc' http://localhost:8090/api/scripts/run >/dev/null 2>&amp;1\n"
		"curl --data 'id=myScript.ssc' http://localhost:8090/api/scripts/run >/dev/null 2>&amp;1\n"
		"curl -d     'id=myScript.ssc' http://localhost:8090/api/scripts/run >/dev/null 2>&amp;1\n"
	html += q_("This allows triggering automatic show setups for museums etc.") + "</p>";
	html += "<p>" + q_("This plugin was developed during ESA SoCiS 2015.") + "</p>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The text between braces is the text of an HTML link.
	html += "<p>" + q_("This plugin uses the {QtWebApp HTTP server} by Stefan Frings.").toHtmlEscaped().replace(a_rx, "<a href=\"http://stefanfrings.de/qtwebapp/index-en.html\">\\1</a>") + "</p>";

	html += "<h3>" + q_("Links") + "</h3>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The text between braces is the text of an HTML link.
	html += "<p>" + q_("Further information can be found in the {developer documentation}.").toHtmlEscaped().replace(a_rx, "<a href=\"http://stellarium.org/doc/head/\">\\1</a>") + "</p>";
	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("Support is provided via the Github website.  Be sure to put \"%1\" in the subject when posting.")).arg("Remote Control plugin") + "</p>";
	html += "<p><ul>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The text between braces is the text of an HTML link.
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you have a question, you can {get an answer here}.").toHtmlEscaped().replace(a_rx, "<a href=\"https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/stellarium\">\\1</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The text between braces is the text of an HTML link.
	html += "<li>" + q_("Bug reports and feature requests can be made {here}.").toHtmlEscaped().replace(a_rx, "<a href=\"https://github.com/Stellarium/stellarium/issues\">\\1</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The text between braces is the text of an HTML link.
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you want to read full information about this plugin and its history, you can {get info here}.").toHtmlEscaped().replace(a_rx, "<a href=\"http://stellarium.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/RemoteControl_plugin\">\\1</a>") + "</li>";
	html += "</ul></p></body></html>";

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);
Example #22
void ArchaeoLinesDialog::setAboutHtml(void)
	QString html = "<html><head></head><body>";
	html += "<h2>" + q_("ArchaeoLines Plug-in") + "</h2><table width=\"90%\">";
	html += "<tr width=\"30%\"><td><strong>" + q_("Version") + ":</strong></td><td>" + ARCHAEOLINES_VERSION + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("Author") + ":</strong></td><td>Georg Zotti</td></tr>";
	//html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("Contributors") + ":</strong></td><td> List with br separators </td></tr>";
	html += "</table>";

	html += "<p>" + q_("The ArchaeoLines plugin displays any combination of declination arcs most relevant to archaeo- or ethnoastronomical studies.") + "</p>";
	html += "<ul><li>" + q_("Declinations of equinoxes (i.e. equator) and the solstices") + "</li>";
	html += "<li>" + q_("Declinations of the crossquarter days (days right between solstices and equinoxes)") + "</li>";
	html += "<li>" + q_("Declinations of the Major Lunar Standstills") + "</li>";
	html += "<li>" + q_("Declinations of the Minor Lunar Standstills") + "</li>";
	html += "<li>" + q_("Declination of the Zenith passage") + "</li>";
	html += "<li>" + q_("Declination of the Nadir passage") + "</li>";
	html += "<li>" + q_("Declination of the currently selected object") + "</li>";
	html += "<li>" + q_("Current declination of the sun") + "</li>";
	html += "<li>" + q_("Current declination of the moon") + "</li>";
	html += "<li>" + q_("Current declination of a naked-eye planet") + "</li></ul>";
	html += "<p>" + q_("The lunar lines include horizon parallax effects. "
			   "There are two lines each drawn, for maximum and minimum distance of the moon. "
			   "Note that declination of the moon at the major standstill can exceed the "
			   "indicated limits if it is high in the sky due to parallax effects.") + "</p>";
	html += "<p>" + q_("In addition, up to two vertical lines with arbitrary azimuth and custom label can be shown.") + "</p>";

	html += "<h3>" + q_("Links") + "</h3>";
	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("Support is provided via the Launchpad website.  Be sure to put \"%1\" in the subject when posting.")).arg("ArchaeoLines plugin") + "</p>";
	html += "<p><ul>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + QString(q_("If you have a question, you can %1get an answer here%2").arg("<a href=\"https://answers.launchpad.net/stellarium\">")).arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + QString(q_("Bug reports can be made %1here%2.")).arg("<a href=\"https://bugs.launchpad.net/stellarium\">").arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you would like to make a feature request, you can create a bug report, and set the severity to \"wishlist\".") + "</li>";
	//// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	//html += "<li>" + q_("If you want to read full information about this plugin and its history, you can %1get info here%2.").arg("<a href=\"http://stellarium.org/wiki/index.php/ArchaeoLines_plugin\">").arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	html += "</ul></p></body></html>";

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);

Example #23
void PulsarsDialog::setAboutHtml(void)
	QString html = "<html><head></head><body>";
	html += "<h2>" + q_("Pulsars Plug-in") + "</h2><table width=\"90%\">";
	html += "<tr width=\"30%\"><td><strong>" + q_("Version") + ":</strong></td><td>" + PULSARS_PLUGIN_VERSION + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("Author") + ":</strong></td><td>Alexander Wolf &lt;[email protected]&gt;</td></tr>";
	html += "</table>";

	html += "<p>" + q_("This plugin plots the position of various pulsars, with object information about each one.") + "</p>";
	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("Pulsar data is derived from 'The ATNF Pulsar Catalogue'  (Manchester, R. N., Hobbs, G. B., Teoh, A. & Hobbs, M., Astron. J., 129, 1993-2006 (2005) (%1astro-ph/0412641%2))."))
			.arg("<a href=\"http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0412641\">")
			.arg("</a>") + "</p>";
	html += "<p>" + QString("<strong>%1:</strong> %2")
			.arg(q_("pulsar identifiers have the prefix 'PSR'")) + "</p>";
	html += "<h3>" + q_("Acknowledgment") + "</h3>";
	html += "<p>" + q_("We thank the following people for their contribution and valuable comments:") + "</p><ul>";
	html += "<li>" + QString("%1 (<a href='%2'>%3</a> %4)")
			.arg(q_("Vladimir Samodourov"))
			.arg(q_("Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory"))
			.arg(q_("in Russia")) + "</li>";
	html += "<li>" + QString("%1 (<a href='%2'>%3</a> %4)")
			.arg(q_("Maciej Serylak"))
			.arg(q_("Nancay Radioastronomical Observatory"))
			.arg(q_("in France")) + "</li>";
	html += "</ul><h3>" + q_("Links") + "</h3>";
	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("Support is provided via the Launchpad website.  Be sure to put \"%1\" in the subject when posting.")).arg("Pulsars plugin") + "</p>";
	html += "<p><ul>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + QString(q_("If you have a question, you can %1get an answer here%2").arg("<a href=\"https://answers.launchpad.net/stellarium\">")).arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + QString(q_("Bug reports can be made %1here%2.")).arg("<a href=\"https://bugs.launchpad.net/stellarium\">").arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you would like to make a feature request, you can create a bug report, and set the severity to \"wishlist\".") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you want to read full information about this plugin, its history and format of catalog, you can %1get info here%2.").arg("<a href=\"http://stellarium.org/wiki/index.php/Pulsars_plugin\">").arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	html += "</ul></p></body></html>";

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
	QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);

void SupernovaeDialog::setAboutHtml(void)
	// Regexp to replace {text} with an HTML link.
	QRegExp a_rx = QRegExp("[{]([^{]*)[}]");

	QString html = "<html><head></head><body>";
	html += "<h2>" + q_("Historical Supernovae Plug-in") + "</h2><table width=\"90%\">";
	html += "<tr width=\"30%\"><td><strong>" + q_("Version") + ":</strong></td><td>" + SUPERNOVAE_PLUGIN_VERSION + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("License") + ":</strong></td><td>" + SUPERNOVAE_PLUGIN_LICENSE + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("Author") + ":</strong></td><td>Alexander Wolf &lt;[email protected]&gt;</td></tr>";
	html += "</table>";

	html += "<p>" + q_("This plugin allows you to see some bright historical supernovae: ");
	html += sn->getSupernovaeList();
	html += ". " + q_("This list altogether contains %1 stars.").arg(sn->getCountSupernovae());
	html += " " + q_("All those supernovae are brighter %1 at peak of brightness.").arg(QString::number(sn->getLowerLimitBrightness(), 'f', 2) + "<sup>m</sup>") + "</p>";

	html += "<h3>" + q_("Light curves") + "</h3>";
	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("This plugin implements a simple model of light curves for different supernovae. Typical views of light curves for type I and type II supernova can be seen %1here%2 (right scale in days), and this model is used for this plugin.")).arg("<a href=\"http://stellarium.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Historical_Supernovae_plugin#Light_curves\">").arg("</a>") + "</p>";

	html += "<h3>" + q_("Acknowledgments") + "</h3>";
	html += "<p>" + q_("We thank the following people for their contribution and valuable comments:") + "</p><ul>";
	html += "<li>" + QString("%1 (<a href='%2'>%3</a> %4)")
			.arg(q_("Sergei Blinnikov"))
			.arg(q_("Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics"))
			.arg(q_("in Russia")) + "</li>";
	html += "</ul><h3>" + q_("Links") + "</h3>";
	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("Support is provided via the Github website.  Be sure to put \"%1\" in the subject when posting.")).arg("Historical Supernovae plugin") + "</p>";
	html += "<p><ul>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The text between braces is the text of an HTML link.
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you have a question, you can {get an answer here}.").toHtmlEscaped().replace(a_rx, "<a href=\"https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/stellarium\">\\1</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The text between braces is the text of an HTML link.
	html += "<li>" + q_("Bug reports and feature requests can be made {here}.").toHtmlEscaped().replace(a_rx, "<a href=\"https://github.com/Stellarium/stellarium/issues\">\\1</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The text between braces is the text of an HTML link.
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you want to read full information about this plugin and its history, you can {get info here}.").toHtmlEscaped().replace(a_rx, "<a href=\"http://stellarium.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Historical_Supernovae_plugin\">\\1</a>") + "</li>";
	html += "</ul></p></body></html>";

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);

Example #25
// Define whether the button toggling pulsars should be visible
void Pulsars::setFlagShowPulsarsButton(bool b)
	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
	if (gui!=Q_NULLPTR)
		if (b==true) {
			if (toolbarButton==Q_NULLPTR) {
				// Create the pulsars button
				toolbarButton = new StelButton(Q_NULLPTR, *OnIcon, *OffIcon, *GlowIcon, "actionShow_Pulsars");
			gui->getButtonBar()->addButton(toolbarButton, "065-pluginsGroup");
		} else {
	flagShowPulsarsButton = b;
Example #26
void NavStars::init()
	if (!conf->childGroups().contains("NavigationalStars"))
		qDebug() << "[NavStars] no coordinates section exists in main config file - creating with defaults";

	// populate settings from main config file.

	// populate list of navigational stars

	// Marker texture - using the same texture as the planet hints.
	QString path = StelFileMgr::findFile("textures/planet-indicator.png");
	markerTexture = StelApp::getInstance().getTextureManager().createTexture(path);

	// key bindings and other actions
	          N_("Navigational Stars"),
	          N_("Mark the navigational stars"),
	          "navStarsVisible", "");

	// Toolbar button
	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
	if (gui!=NULL)
		if (toolbarButton == NULL)
			// Create the nav. stars button
			toolbarButton = new StelButton(NULL,
		gui->getButtonBar()->addButton(toolbarButton, "065-pluginsGroup");

	// Sync global settings for stars labels
	connect(smgr, SIGNAL(starLabelsDisplayedChanged(bool)),
	        this, SLOT(starNamesChanged(bool)));
	starNamesState = false;
void ExoplanetsDialog::setInfoHtml(void)
	QString html = "<html><head></head><body>";
	html += "<h2>" + q_("Potential habitable exoplanets") + "</h2>";
	html += QString("<p>%1</p>").arg(q_("This plugin can display potential habitable exoplanets (orange marker) and some information about those planets - habitable class, mean surface temperature and Earth Similarity Index."));
	html += QString("<p><b>%1</b> &mdash; %2</p>").arg(q_("Habitable Class")).arg(q_("Classifies habitable planets based on temperature: hypopsychroplanets (O or hP) = very cold (less −50°C); psychroplanets (P) = cold; mesoplanets (M) = medium-temperature (0–50°C); thermoplanets (T) = hot; hyperthermoplanets (E or hT) = very hot (above 100°C). Mesoplanets would be ideal for complex life, whereas class O or E would only support extremophilic life. Non-habitable planets are simply given the class X (or NH)."));
	html += QString("<p><b>%1</b> &mdash; %2</p>").arg(q_("Mean Surface Temperature")).arg(q_("Temperature in (°C) based on a similar terrestrial atmosphere to planet mass ratio and a greenhouse effect due to 1 percent of CO2 (assuming an albedo of 0.3 in all cases)."));
	html += QString("<p><b><a href='http://phl.upr.edu/projects/earth-similarity-index-esi'>%1</a></b> &mdash; %2</p>").arg(q_("Earth Similarity Index (ESI)")).arg(q_("Similarity to Earth on a scale from 0 to 1, with 1 being the most Earth-like. ESI depends on the planet's radius, density, escape velocity, and surface temperature."));
	html += "</body></html>";

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);
Example #28
// Initialize the dialog widgets and connect the signals/slots
void NovaeDialog::createDialogContent()
	nova = GETSTELMODULE(Novae);
	connect(&StelApp::getInstance(), SIGNAL(languageChanged()),
		this, SLOT(retranslate()));

#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
	//Kinetic scrolling for tablet pc and pc
	QList<QWidget *> addscroll;
	addscroll << ui->aboutTextBrowser;

	// Settings tab / updates group
	connect(ui->internetUpdatesCheckbox, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setUpdatesEnabled(int)));
	connect(ui->updateButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(updateJSON()));
	connect(nova, SIGNAL(updateStateChanged(Novae::UpdateState)), this, SLOT(updateStateReceiver(Novae::UpdateState)));
	connect(nova, SIGNAL(jsonUpdateComplete(void)), this, SLOT(updateCompleteReceiver(void)));
	connect(ui->updateFrequencySpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setUpdateValues(int)));
	refreshUpdateValues(); // fetch values for last updated and so on
	// if the state didn't change, setUpdatesEnabled will not be called, so we force it

	updateTimer = new QTimer(this);
	connect(updateTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(refreshUpdateValues()));

	connect(ui->closeStelWindow, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(close()));
	connect(ui->TitleBar, SIGNAL(movedTo(QPoint)), this, SLOT(handleMovedTo(QPoint)));

	connect(ui->restoreDefaultsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(restoreDefaults()));
	connect(ui->saveSettingsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveSettings()));

	// About tab
	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());


void AngleMeasure::init()
	if (!conf->childGroups().contains("AngleMeasure"))



	StelApp& app = StelApp::getInstance();

	// Create action for enable/disable & hook up signals	
	addAction("actionShow_Angle_Measure", N_("Angle Measure"), N_("Angle measure"), "enabled", "Ctrl+A");

	// Initialize the message strings and make sure they are translated when
	// the language changes.
	connect(&app, SIGNAL(languageChanged()), this, SLOT(updateMessageText()));

	// Add a toolbar button
		StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(app.getGui());
		if (gui!=NULL)
			toolbarButton = new StelButton(NULL,
			gui->getButtonBar()->addButton(toolbarButton, "065-pluginsGroup");
	catch (std::runtime_error& e)
		qWarning() << "WARNING: unable create toolbar button for AngleMeasure plugin: " << e.what();
Example #30
void NovaeDialog::setAboutHtml(void)
	QString html = "<html><head></head><body>";
	html += "<h2>" + q_("Bright Novae Plug-in") + "</h2><table width=\"90%\">";
	html += "<tr width=\"30%\"><td><strong>" + q_("Version") + ":</strong></td><td>" + NOVAE_PLUGIN_VERSION + "</td></tr>";
	html += "<tr><td><strong>" + q_("Author") + ":</strong></td><td>Alexander Wolf &lt;[email protected]&gt;</td></tr>";
	html += "</table>";

	html += "<p>" + q_("A plugin that shows some bright novae in the Milky Way galaxy.");
	html += " " + q_("You can find novae via search tool by entering designation of nova or its common name (e.g. 'Nova Cygni 1975' or 'V1500 Cyg').") + "</p>";

	html += "<p>" + q_("This plugin allows you to see recent bright novae: ");
	html += nova->getNovaeList();
	html += ". " + q_("This list altogether contains %1 stars.").arg(nova->getCountNovae());
	html += " " + q_("All those novae are brighter than %1 at peak of brightness.").arg(QString::number(nova->getLowerLimitBrightness(), 'f', 2) + "<sup>m</sup>") + "</p>";
	html += "<h3>" + q_("Light curves") + "</h3>";
	html += q_("This plugin uses a very simple model for calculation of light curves for novae stars.") + " ";
	html += q_("This model is based on time for decay by %1 magnitudes from the maximum value, where %1 is 2, 3, 6 and 9.").arg("<em>N</em>") + " ";
	html += q_("If a nova has no values for decay of magnitude then this plugin will use generalized values for it.");
	html += "<p>";

	html += "<h3>" + q_("Links") + "</h3>";
	html += "<p>" + QString(q_("Support is provided via the Launchpad website.  Be sure to put \"%1\" in the subject when posting.")).arg("Bright Novae plugin") + "</p>";
	html += "<p><ul>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + QString(q_("If you have a question, you can %1get an answer here%2").arg("<a href=\"https://answers.launchpad.net/stellarium\">")).arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + QString(q_("Bug reports can be made %1here%2.")).arg("<a href=\"https://bugs.launchpad.net/stellarium\">").arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you would like to make a feature request, you can create a bug report, and set the severity to \"wishlist\".") + "</li>";
	// TRANSLATORS: The numbers contain the opening and closing tag of an HTML link
	html += "<li>" + q_("If you want to read full information about this plugin, its history and catalog format, you can %1get info here%2.").arg("<a href=\"http://stellarium.org/wiki/index.php/Bright_Novae_plugin\">").arg("</a>") + "</li>";
	html += "</ul></p></body></html>";

	StelGui* gui = dynamic_cast<StelGui*>(StelApp::getInstance().getGui());
		QString htmlStyleSheet(gui->getStelStyle().htmlStyleSheet);
