Example #1
int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
  bool steps = false;
  string stepPrefix = "/tmp/steps";
  bool approximate = false;
  string approximationFilename;

  typedef uint8_t C;
  typedef ColorImage<C> ColorImage;
  typedef shared_ptr<ColorImage> ColorImageRef;
  typedef RGBPixel<C> RGBPixel;
  typedef GreyImage<C> GreyImage;
  typedef shared_ptr<GreyImage> GreyImageRef;
  typedef PenColor<C> PenColor;
  typedef Pen<C> Pen;
  typedef Carousel<C> Carousel;

  Carousel carousel;
  list< Output<Pen>* > outputs;
  int argn = 1;
  size_t equals = string::npos;
  Rotation rotation = None;
  int offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0;
  double scale = 1.0;
  bool dither = true;
  int threads = 1;

  for (; argn < argc && argv[argn][0] == '-' && strlen(argv[argn]) > 1; argn++) {
    string arg(argv[argn]);
    D(cerr << "arg[" << argn << "] == '" << arg << "'" << endl << flush);
    string penSpec;
    if (0 == arg.find("-pen")) {
      Pen pen;
      if (4 == arg.find("=")) {
        penSpec = arg.substr(5);
      } else {
        if (!(argn < argc)) {
          cerr << "missing argument to '-pen'" << endl << flush;
        penSpec = argv[argn];
      size_t start = 0;
      while (start != string::npos) {
        D(cerr << "start=" << start << endl << flush);
        size_t comma = penSpec.find(',', start);
        string part;
        if (comma != string::npos) {
          part = penSpec.substr(start, comma - start);
          start = comma + 1;
        } else {
          part = penSpec.substr(start);
          start = string::npos;
        D(cerr << "part='" << part << "'" << endl << flush);

        if ((equals = part.find('=')) == string::npos) {
          cerr << "pen specification part '" << part << "' missing '='" << endl << flush;
        } else {
          string name = part.substr(0, equals);
          string value = part.substr(equals + 1);
          D(cerr << "name='" << name << "', value='" << value << "'" << endl << flush);
          switch(name[0]) {
            case 'c': // colour
              pen.color() = PenColor::parse(value);

            case 'r': // radius
              pen.r() = getInt(value);

            case 'm': // minimum size that can be drawn
              pen.rMin() = getInt(value);

            case 'i': // HPGL Index
              pen.hpglIndex() = getInt(value);

            case 'a': // hatch angle
              pen.hatchAngle() = getDouble(value);

            case 'p': // hatch phase
              pen.hatchPhase() = getDouble(value);

      // now add this pen to the carousel
    } else if (0 == arg.find("-rotate")) {
      string rotationSpec;
      if (7 == arg.find("=")) {
        rotationSpec = arg.substr(8);
      } else {
        if (!(argn < argc)) {
          cerr << "missing argument to '-rotate'" << endl << flush;
        rotationSpec = argv[argn];

      switch (rotationSpec[0]) {
        case 'l':
        case 'L':
          rotation = Left;
        case 'r':
        case 'R':
          rotation = Right;
        case 'u':
        case 'U':
          rotation = UpsideDown;
          cerr << "unrecognized rotation '" << arg << "'" << endl << flush;
    } else if (0 == arg.find("-offset")) {
      string offset;
      if (7 == arg.find("=")) {
        offset = arg.substr(8);
      } else {
        if (!(argn < argc)) {
          cerr << "missing argument to '-offset'" << endl << flush;
        offset = argv[argn];
      size_t delim = offset.find_first_of("x,");
      if (delim == string::npos) {
        // no delimiter - offset both x & y by the same amount
        offsetX = offsetY = getInt(offset);
      } else {
        offsetX = getInt(offset.substr(0, delim));
        offsetY = getInt(offset.substr(delim+1));
    } else if (0 == arg.find("-steps")) {
      steps = true;
      if (6 == arg.find("=")) {
        stepPrefix = arg.substr(7);
    } else if (0 == arg.find("-approx")) {
      approximate = true;
      if (7 == arg.find("=")) {
        approximationFilename = arg.substr(8);
      } else {
        approximationFilename = "approximation.png";
    } else if (0 == arg.find("-nodither")) {
      dither = false;
    } else if (0 == arg.find("-out")) {
      size_t eqPos;
      string outputFile;
      if (string::npos != (eqPos = arg.find("="))) {
        outputFile = arg.substr(eqPos + 1);
        arg = arg.substr(0, eqPos);
      } else {
        if (!(argn < argc)) {
          cerr << "missing argument to '" << arg << "'" << endl << flush;
        outputFile = argv[argn];
      string outputType = arg.substr(4);
      if (0 == outputType.length()) {
        outputType = "ha"; // HPGL, absolute coordinates
      std::transform(outputType.begin(), outputType.end(), outputType.begin(), ::tolower);
      outputs.push_back(makeOutput<Pen>(outputType, outputFile));
    } else if (0 == arg.find("-scale")) {
      string scaleString;
      if (6 == arg.find("=")) {
        scaleString = arg.substr(7);
      } else {
        if (!(argn < argc)) {
          cerr << "missing argument to '-scale'" << endl << flush;
        scaleString = argv[argn];
      scale = getDouble(scaleString);
    } else if (0 == arg.find("-threads")) {
      string threadsArg;
      if (8 == arg.find("=")) {
        threadsArg = arg.substr(9);
      } else {
        if (!(argn < argc)) {
          cerr << "missing argument to '-threads'" << endl << flush;
        threadsArg = argv[argn];
      threads = getInt(threadsArg);
    } else {
      cerr << "Unrecognized argument '" << arg << "'" << endl << flush;

  string inputFile;

  if (argn == argc - 1) {
    inputFile = argv[argn];
  } else if (argn == argc) {
    // default: is
    inputFile = "-";
  } else {
    cerr << "Extra arguments after input file '" << argv[argn] << "'!";
    cerr << endl << flush;

  // If there's no specified carousel, use a default one.
  if (carousel.size() == 0) {
    cerr << "No pens specified, using default carousel" << endl << flush;
    // populate the carousel with a default set of pens:
    // black, red, green blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, orange;
    // each at 0.35 mm diameter = 0.175 mm radius = 7 units radius
    Pen black(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3); black.hpglIndex() = 1; black.hatchAngle() = 1.0 / 25.0;
    Pen red(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 3); red.hpglIndex() = 2; red.hatchAngle() = 4.0 / 25.0;
    Pen green(1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3); green.hpglIndex() = 3; green.hatchAngle() = 7.0 / 25.0;
    Pen blue(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3); blue.hpglIndex() = 4; blue.hatchAngle() = 10.0 / 25.0;
    Pen orange(0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 3); orange.hpglIndex() = 8; orange.hatchAngle() = 13.0 / 25.0;
    Pen cyan(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3); cyan.hpglIndex() = 5; cyan.hatchAngle() = 16.0 / 25.0;
    Pen magenta(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 3); magenta.hpglIndex() = 6; magenta.hatchAngle() = 19.0 / 25.0;
    Pen yellow(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 3); yellow.hpglIndex() = 7; yellow.hatchAngle() = 22.0 / 25.0;

    // put the pens into the carousel in a suitable order

  // if there's no output specified, use a default one.
  if (outputs.size() == 0) {
    cerr << "No output specified, writing HPGL to standard output" << endl << flush;
    outputs.push_back(new HPGLAbsoluteOutput<Pen>(cout));

  FILE *f;
  if ("-" == inputFile) {
    cerr << "* Reading image from standard input" << endl << flush;
    f = stdin;
  } else {
    cerr << "* Reading image '" << inputFile << "'" << endl << flush;

    f = fopen(inputFile.c_str(), "r");
    if (f == NULL) {
      cerr << "unable to open input file '" << inputFile << "'!" << endl << flush;
  ColorImageRef colored(ColorImage::readPng(f));
  if (scale != 1.0) {
    colored = scaleImage(colored, scale);
  Approximator *approximator = NULL;

  if (approximate) {
    approximator = new Approximator(colored->width(), colored->height());
    RGBPixel whitePixel(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

  map<Pen, Chains> ditheredByPen;

  double dTheta = 1.0 / carousel.size();
  double theta = 0.1;

  PlotterPathExtractor extractor;
  shared_ptr<Workers> workers = make_shared<Workers>(threads);
  Stepper *stepper;
  if (steps) {
    extractor.setStepper(stepper = new Stepper(stepPrefix));
  if (approximate) {

  int p = 0;
  for (Carousel::iterator c = carousel.begin(); c != carousel.end(); ++c) {
    const PenColor &color = *c;
    cerr << "- Separating out colour " << color << endl;
    GreyImageRef separated = colored->separateAndSubtract(color);
    if (steps) {
      cerr << "  . writing separation" << endl;
      separated->writePng(stepper->makeName("separation.png", color.unparse().c_str()));

    if (approximate) {

    list<Pen> &pens = carousel.pensWithColor(color);
    extractor.outlineHatchThinDither(separated, pens, ditheredByPen);

    theta += dTheta;

  IMatrix transform = IMatrix::identity();

  cerr << "initial transform: " << transform << endl << flush;

  cerr << "offsetX = " << offsetX << ", offsetY = " << offsetY << endl << flush;
  if (offsetX != 0 || offsetY != 0) {
    transform = transform.concat(IMatrix::translate(offsetX, offsetY));
  cerr << "after offset: " << transform << endl << flush;

  cerr << "rotation = " << rotation << endl << flush;
  if (rotation == Left) {
    transform = transform.concat(IMatrix::pageLeft(colored->width(), colored->height()));
  } else if (rotation == Right) {
    transform = transform.concat(IMatrix::pageRight(colored->width(), colored->height()));
  } else if (rotation == UpsideDown) {
    transform = transform.concat(IMatrix::pageUpsideDown(colored->width(), colored->height()));
  cerr << "after rotation: " << transform << endl << flush;

  int maxX = numeric_limits<int>::min(), maxY = numeric_limits<int>::min();
  int minX = numeric_limits<int>::max(), minY = numeric_limits<int>::max();
  for (int x = 0; x < colored->width(); x += colored->width()-1) {
    for (int y = 0; y < colored->height(); y += colored->height()-1) {
      IPoint p(x, y);
      minX = min(p.x(), minX);
      maxX = max(p.x(), maxX);
      minY = min(p.y(), minY);
      maxY = max(p.y(), maxY);

  cerr << "minX = " << minX << ", minY = " << minY << ", maxX = " << maxX << ", maxY = " << maxY << endl << flush;

  // Finally, adjust for the top-to-bottom Y of our bitmaps
  // vs the bottom-to-top Y of our output devices
  IMatrix adjustment(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, colored->height());
  transform = transform.concat(adjustment);
  cerr << "after adjustment: " << transform << endl << flush;

  for (list< Output<Pen>* >::const_iterator outIter = outputs.begin();
       outIter != outputs.end(); ++outIter) {
    cerr << "Writing " << (**outIter) << endl << flush;
    (*outIter)->beginPage(maxX + 1, maxY + 1);

  for (map<Pen, Chains>::iterator di = ditheredByPen.begin(); di != ditheredByPen.end(); ++di) {
    const Pen &pen = di->first;
    Chains &dithered = di->second;

    if (transform != IMatrix::identity()) {
      cerr << "- applying transform " << transform << endl << flush;
    } else {
      cerr << "-  skipping identity transform " << transform << endl << flush;

    for (list< Output<Pen>* >::const_iterator outIter = outputs.begin();
         outIter != outputs.end(); ++outIter) {

  for (list< Output<Pen>* >::const_iterator outIter = outputs.begin();
       outIter != outputs.end(); ++outIter) {
    delete (*outIter);

  if (approximate) {
    cerr << "    . drawing final approximation" << endl;

    delete approximator;
    approximator = NULL;