int main() { std::ifstream movie_data("data4movies.txt"); std::ifstream customer_data("data4customers.txt"); std::ifstream action_data("data4commands.txt"); if(!movie_data) { std::cout << "data4movies.txt could not be opened\n"; return 1; } if(!customer_data) { std::cout << "data4customers.txt could not be opened\n"; return 1; } if(!action_data) { std::cout << "data4commands.txt could not be opened\n"; return 1; } Store store; store.AddMovies(movie_data); store.AddCustomers(customer_data); store.ProcessActions(action_data); return 0; }
int main() { Store s; std::set<std::string> vstring; vstring.insert("."); vstring.insert("e:/sample"); int count = 0; value v1; auto viter = vstring.begin(); v1.push_back(viter); s.getMap()["venk2.txt"] = v1; value v2; v1.push_back(viter++); s.getMap()["venk1.txt"] = v2; std::vector<std::map<key, value>::iterator> mapiters; std::vector<std::map<key, value>::iterator> mapitersmatch; auto miter = s.getMap().begin(); mapiters.push_back(miter); mapiters.push_back(miter++); std::vector<std::string> patts; patts.push_back("ven"); TextSearch Tsearch(s); mapitersmatch = Tsearch.getFiles(patts, mapiters); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mapitersmatch.size(); i++) { for (auto liter = mapitersmatch[i]->second.begin(); liter != mapitersmatch[i]->second.end(); liter++) { std::cout << "\n" << FileSystem::Path::fileSpec(**liter, mapitersmatch[i]->first) << "\n"; } } /*Tsearch.searchText(mapiters, "simple");*/ }
Store Store::operator= (const Store & rhs) { if(this == &rhs) { return *this; } delete[] _storeName; _storeName = NULL; delete[] _showcase; _showcase = NULL; if (rhs._storeName != NULL) { _storeName = new char[strlen(rhs.getStoreName()) + 1]; strcpy(_storeName, rhs.getStoreName()); } _productCount = rhs.getProductCount(); _showcase = new Product[_productCount]; for(int i = 0; i < _productCount; i++) { _showcase[i] = rhs._showcase[i]; } return *this; }
Store* City::robStore() { REQUIRE(properlyInitialized(), "Object 'City' was not properly properlyInitializedialized when calling robStore()"); bool success = false; Store* ptr; int loops = 0; while (!success) { std::list<Store>::iterator it = stores.begin(); int randomInt = rand()% stores.size(); for (int i = 0; i < randomInt; i++) { it++; } ptr = &(*it); if (ptr->getState() == normal) { success = true; } if (loops == 100){ return NULL; } loops++; } ptr->setState(beingrobbed); ENSURE(ptr->getState() == beingrobbed, "robStore() did not cause a robbery."); return ptr; }
virtual std::unique_ptr<Program> internal_run(Store& store) { store.declare(var, domain); std::unique_ptr<Program> residual = program->internal_run(store); store.unstack(var); return residual; }
QString StoreLookup::lookupById(Id store_id) { Store loc; if (store_id != INVALID_ID && _quasar->db()->lookup(store_id, loc)) return; return ""; }
void StoresManagementSystem::getAllStores(StoreIndex const &index, std::vector<Store::RefT> &stores) const { assert(index.isHardpoint()); Store *store = index.valid() ?>getStore() : 0; if (store) { stores.push_back(store); if(store->asRack()) store->asRack()->getChildren(stores, true); } }
Store* Store::open(const std::string &path){ if(!file_exists(path)){ mkdir(path.c_str(), 0744); } Store *ret = new Store(); ret->_path = path; ret->load_file_seqs(); return ret; }
void Storage::resize(const Store &other ) { setCapacity( other.capacity() ); for( auto& goodType : good::all() ) { setCapacity( goodType, other.capacity( goodType ) ); } }
DataSnapshot::Ptr getCurrentSelection() { int row = list.getSelectedRow(); Store* s = Store::getInstance(); if (!s || row < 0 || row > s->size()) return nullptr; return s->get(row); }
Store<Args...> operator()(const Args&... args) { auto helper = [](auto... param) { Store<decltype(param)...> stream; using List = int[]; (void)List{ 0, ((void)(stream.add(param)), 0) ... }; return stream; }; return helper(args...); }
void InventoryStoreQueryResponse::parseNormalResponse() { parseError(); if (responseParser->hasName("store_list")) { QList<Parser *> listParser = responseParser->getListObjectParser("store_list"); Parser *parser; foreach (parser, listParser) { Store tmp; tmp.setParser(parser); tmp.parseResponse(); storeList.append(tmp); }
void calc(Store& s, char* store_fname, int order){; if (!s.is_init()){ wcerr << "Store is not initialized, initializing..." << endl; s.init(); wcerr << "Store initialized!" << endl; } double H = s.entropy(order); wcout << H << endl; }
void MenuSupport::addProductToAllStores() { Product* localProduct = getProductWithUserChoise(); const char* const productName = localProduct->getProductName(); StoreCountType storeCount = _shoppingStores->getStoreCount(); for (StoreCountType i = 0; i < storeCount; i++) { Store* store = _shoppingStores->getStoreAtIndex(i); store->addProduct(new Product(*localProduct)); } delete localProduct; }
void RecurringMaster::setGltx(Id gltx_id) { Gltx gltx; _quasar->db()->lookup(gltx_id, gltx); Store store; _quasar->db()->lookup(gltx.storeId(), store); _type->setText(gltx.dataTypeName()); _number->setText(gltx.number()); _store->setText(; _date->setText(DateValcon().format(gltx.postDate())); Card card; _quasar->db()->lookup(gltx.cardId(), card); _card->setText(card.nameFL()); if (_curr.cardGroup() == INVALID_ID) { _cardLabel->setChecked(true); } else { _groupLabel->setChecked(true); } if (_lastPost->getDate().isNull()) { _lastPost->setDate(gltx.postDate()); slotRefresh(); } switch (gltx.dataType()) { case DataObject::INVOICE: _cardLabel->setText(tr("Customer:")); _groupLabel->setEnabled(true); _group->setEnabled(true); _groupLookup->type->setCurrentItem(Group::typeName(Group::CUSTOMER)); break; case DataObject::RECEIVE: _cardLabel->setText(tr("Vendor:")); _groupLabel->setEnabled(true); _group->setEnabled(true); _groupLookup->type->setCurrentItem(Group::typeName(Group::VENDOR)); break; default: _cardLabel->setText(tr("Card:")); _groupLabel->setEnabled(false); _group->setEnabled(false); } _curr.setGltxId(gltx_id); }
int main() { Student g= {1000, 23}; //声明Student类型结构体变量的同时赋以初值 Store<int> S1, S2; //声明两个Store<int>类对象,其中数据成员item为int类型 Store<Student> S3;//声明Store<Student>类对象S3,其中数据成员item为Student类型 Store<double> D; //声明Store<double>类对象D,其中数据成员item为double类型 S1.PutElem(3); //向对象S1中存入数据(初始化对象S1) S2.PutElem(-7); //向对象S2中存入数据(初始化对象S2) cout<<S1.GetElem()<<" "<<S2.GetElem()<<endl; //输出对象S1和S2的数据成员 S3.PutElem(g); //向对象D中存入数据(初始化对象D) cout <<"The student id is "<<S3.GetElem().id << endl; //输出对象S3的数据成员 cout << "Retrieving object D " ; cout << D.GetElem() << endl; //输出对象D的数据成员 // 由于D未经初始化,在执行函数D.GetElement()过程中导致程序终止 }
static void test_problem_text(TestCase *tc, void *data) { Store *store = (Store *)data; IndexWriter *iw = create_iw(store); Document *problem_text = prep_doc(); iw_add_doc(iw, problem_text); Aiequal(1, iw_doc_count(iw)); Assert(!store->exists(store, "_0.cfs"), "data shouldn't have been written yet"); iw_commit(iw); Assert(store->exists(store, "_0.cfs"), "data should now be written"); iw_close(iw); Assert(store->exists(store, "_0.cfs"), "data should still be there"); }
void PlayerData::BuildBlobData(Store db) { if (mBlobData.empty()) return; db.append(, mBlobData.size()); }
Store* City::robStore(int x, int y){ REQUIRE(properlyInitialized(), "Object 'City' was not properly properlyInitializedialized when calling robStore(int, int)"); CityObjects* ptr; ptr = matrix.getObject(x, y); Store* storeptr = dynamic_cast<Store*>(ptr); if (storeptr->getState() != normal || storeptr->getType() != store){ return NULL; } storeptr->setState(beingrobbed); ENSURE(storeptr->getState() == beingrobbed, "setFire() did not correctly set fire to the given house."); return storeptr; }
void clearDynamic () { for (std::map<int, StoreBase *>::iterator it = mStores.begin(); it != mStores.end(); ++it) it->second->clearDynamic(); mNpcs.insert(mPlayerTemplate); }
void gen(Store& s, char* store_fname, char* output_fname, int length, int order){ ofstream ofs;;; if (!s.is_init()){ wcerr << "Store is not initialized, initializing..." << endl; s.init(); wcerr << "Store initialized!" << endl; } string txt = generate_text(s, length, order); replace(txt.begin(), txt.end(), '_', ' '); ofs << txt; ofs.close(); }
TEST_F(ClientTest, StoreInfoSynchronous) { string endpoint; string store_path = "simpledirectory://test/stores/00-simple"; this->GetServer(store_path, endpoint); Store *store = this->GetStore(store_path); Client c(this->GetContext(), endpoint); protocol::StoreInfoV1 si; ASSERT_TRUE(c.GetStoreInfo(si)); protocol::StoreInfoV1 expected; ASSERT_TRUE(store->StoreInfo(expected)); ASSERT_TRUE(si.SerializeAsString() == expected.SerializeAsString()); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Perform // Preconditions: Movie exists, Movie Count is not 0, Customer doen't have // the movie // Postconditions: Customer has the movie, movie count is decremented // Overrides Transactions virtual Perform. Before Performing the transaction // the fucntion checks for validity. Then adds the movie to customer sets // performed variable to true and adds the transaction to the transaction // list //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool Borrow::Perform(Store& store) { store.getInventory().Retrieve(*tempMovie, movie); if (movie == NULL) { performed = false; return false; } else if (movie->getCount() < 1) { performed = false; return false; } else if (customer->HasMovie(movie)) { performed = false; return false; } else if (!movie->DecrementCount()) return false; else { customer->AddMovie(movie); performed = true; customer->getTransactionList().Insert(this); return true; } }
void PlayerData::BuildSocialData(Store db) { if (mFriendsData.empty()) return; db.append(, mFriendsData.size()); }
//Interface handling of mouse click void Interface::MouseClick(int x, int y, bool left) { if(inRect(x,y,60,160,80,105) && stage == STAGE_MENU) { //Nova hra pNetwork->DoConnect(); } if(inRect(x,y,60,160,130,155) && stage == STAGE_MENU) { //Konec exit(0); } if(inRect(x,y,10+2,10+2+2+40*(2+15),45+2,45+2+40*(2+15)) && stage == STAGE_GAME) { //Tah if(!gStore.IsMyTurn()) return; unsigned char field_x, field_y; field_x = (unsigned char)(int(x-10) / int(2+15)); field_y = (unsigned char)(int(y-45) / int(2+15)); GamePacket data(CMSG_TURN); data << field_x; data << field_y; SendToServer(&data); } }
void MenuSupport::showProdutcsForStoreIndex(StoreCountType index) const { if (_shoppingStores->getStoreCount() <= index) return; Store* store = _shoppingStores->getStoreAtIndex(index); printf(" %s:\n", store->getStoreName()); ProductCountInStoreType productCount = store->getProductCount(); if (0 == productCount) printf(kNoProductsStringMessage); for (ProductCountInStoreType i = 0; i < productCount; i++) { Product* product = store->getProductAtIndex(i); printf(kProductStringFormatMessage, i + 1, product->getProductName(), product->getProductPrice(), product->getProductAmount()); } }
void PlayerData::BuildDialData(Store db) { if(mDialData.empty()) return; BuildDataType (db, PlayerDataType_Dial); db.append(, mDialData.size()); }
void MenuSupport::removeProductFromAllStores() { printf(kRemoveProductByOptionMessage); printf(kInputSymbolMessage); if (!getUserChoise(3)) return; if (1 == _userChoise) { char* productName = inputProductName(); StoreCountType storeCount = _shoppingStores->getStoreCount(); for (StoreCountType i = 0; i < storeCount; i++) { Store* store = _shoppingStores->getStoreAtIndex(i); ProductCountInStoreType productIndex = kUndefinedProductIndex; while (kUndefinedProductIndex != (productIndex = store->getProductIndexByName(productName))) { store->removeProductAtIndex(productIndex); } } delete[] productName; } else if (2 == _userChoise) { ProductPriceType productPrice = inputProductPrice(); StoreCountType storeCount = _shoppingStores->getStoreCount(); for (StoreCountType i = 0; i < storeCount; i++) { Store* store = _shoppingStores->getStoreAtIndex(i); ProductCountInStoreType productIndex = kUndefinedProductIndex; while (kUndefinedProductIndex != (productIndex = store->getProductIndexByPrice(productPrice))) { store->removeProductAtIndex(productIndex); } } } else if (3 == _userChoise) { ProductAmountType productAmount = inputProductAmount(); StoreCountType storeCount = _shoppingStores->getStoreCount(); for (StoreCountType i = 0; i < storeCount; i++) { Store* store = _shoppingStores->getStoreAtIndex(i); ProductCountInStoreType productIndex = kUndefinedProductIndex; while (kUndefinedProductIndex != (productIndex = store->getProductIndexByAmount(productAmount))) { store->removeProductAtIndex(productIndex); } } } }
void PlayerData::BuildTreasureData(Store db) { if (mTreasureData.empty()) return; BuildDataType (db, PlayerDataType_Treasure); db.append(, mTreasureData.size()); }
/** * 转为记录集合 * \param record 串 **/ void Stores::parseRecord(Stream& record) { #if (0) stream = record; return; #endif record.reset(); Store store; while(record.pickStore(store)) { int index = store.getIndex(); if (index < 0) continue; if (stores.size() <= index) stores.resize(index + 5); stores[index] = store; } }