Example #1
bool StressTest::GoToNextFile()
    for (;;) {
        while (filesToOpen.Count() > 0) {
            // test next file
            ScopedMem<TCHAR> path(filesToOpen.At(0));
            if (!IsInRange(fileRanges, ++fileIndex))
            if (OpenFile(path))
                return true;

        if (dirsToVisit.Count() > 0) {
            // test next directory
            ScopedMem<TCHAR> path(dirsToVisit.At(0));

        if (--cycles <= 0)
            return false;
        // start next cycle
        if (file::Exists(basePath))
Example #2
/* The html looks like:
  <object type="text/sitemap">
    <param name="Keyword" value="- operator">
    <param name="Name" value="Subtraction Operator (-)">
    <param name="Local" value="html/vsoprsubtract.htm">
    <param name="Name" value="Subtraction Operator (-)">
    <param name="Local" value="html/js56jsoprsubtract.htm">
  <ul> ... optional children ... </ul>
  ... siblings ...
static bool VisitChmIndexItem(EbookTocVisitor *visitor, HtmlElement *el, UINT cp, int level)
    el = el->GetChildByName("object");
    if (!el)
        return false;

    StrVec references;
    ScopedMem<TCHAR> keyword, name;
    for (el = el->GetChildByName("param"); el; el = el->next) {
        if (!el->NameIs("param"))
        ScopedMem<TCHAR> attrName(el->GetAttribute("name"));
        ScopedMem<TCHAR> attrVal(el->GetAttribute("value"));
#ifdef UNICODE
        if (attrName && attrVal && cp != CP_CHM_DEFAULT) {
            ScopedMem<char> bytes(str::conv::ToCodePage(attrVal, CP_CHM_DEFAULT));
            attrVal.Set(str::conv::FromCodePage(bytes, cp));
        if (!attrName || !attrVal)
            /* ignore incomplete/unneeded <param> */;
        else if (str::EqI(attrName, _T("Keyword")))
        else if (str::EqI(attrName, _T("Name"))) {
            // some CHM documents seem to use a lonely Name instead of Keyword
            if (!keyword)
        else if (str::EqI(attrName, _T("Local")) && name) {
            // remove the ITS protocol and any filename references from the URLs
            if (str::Find(attrVal, _T("::/")))
                attrVal.Set(str::Dup(str::Find(attrVal, _T("::/")) + 3));
    if (!keyword)
        return false;

    if (references.Count() == 2) {
        visitor->visit(keyword, references.At(1), level);
        return true;
    visitor->visit(keyword, NULL, level);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < references.Count(); i += 2) {
        visitor->visit(references.At(i), references.At(i + 1), level + 1);
    return true;
Example #3
int Pdfsync::DocToSource(UINT pageNo, PointI pt, ScopedMem<TCHAR>& filename, UINT *line, UINT *col)
    if (IsIndexDiscarded())
        if (RebuildIndex() != PDFSYNCERR_SUCCESS)

    // find the entry in the index corresponding to this page
    if (pageNo <= 0 || pageNo >= sheetIndex.Count() || pageNo > (UINT)engine->PageCount())

    // PdfSync coordinates are y-inversed
    RectI mbox = engine->PageMediabox(pageNo).Round();
    pt.y = mbox.dy - pt.y;

    // distance to the closest pdf location (in the range <PDFSYNC_EPSILON_SQUARE)
    UINT closest_xydist = UINT_MAX;
    UINT selected_record = UINT_MAX;
    // If no record is found within a distance^2 of PDFSYNC_EPSILON_SQUARE
    // (selected_record == -1) then we pick up the record that is closest
    // vertically to the hit-point.
    UINT closest_ydist = UINT_MAX; // vertical distance between the hit point and the vertically-closest record
    UINT closest_xdist = UINT_MAX; // horizontal distance between the hit point and the vertically-closest record
    UINT closest_ydist_record = UINT_MAX; // vertically-closest record

    // read all the sections of 'p' declarations for this pdf sheet
    for (size_t i = sheetIndex.At(pageNo); i < points.Count() && points.At(i).page == pageNo; i++) {
        // check whether it is closer than the closest point found so far
        UINT dx = abs(pt.x - (int)SYNC_TO_PDF_COORDINATE(points.At(i).x));
        UINT dy = abs(pt.y - (int)SYNC_TO_PDF_COORDINATE(points.At(i).y));
        UINT dist = dx * dx + dy * dy;
        if (dist < PDFSYNC_EPSILON_SQUARE && dist < closest_xydist) {
            selected_record = points.At(i).record;
            closest_xydist = dist;
        else if ((closest_xydist == UINT_MAX) && dy < PDFSYNC_EPSILON_Y &&
                 (dy < closest_ydist || (dy == closest_ydist && dx < closest_xdist))) {
            closest_ydist_record = points.At(i).record;
            closest_ydist = dy;
            closest_xdist = dx;

    if (selected_record == UINT_MAX)
        selected_record = closest_ydist_record;
    if (selected_record == UINT_MAX)
        return PDFSYNCERR_NO_SYNC_AT_LOCATION; // no record was found close enough to the hit point

    // We have a record number, we need to find its declaration ('l ...') in the syncfile
    PdfsyncLine cmp; cmp.record = selected_record;
    PdfsyncLine *found = (PdfsyncLine *)bsearch(&cmp, lines.LendData(), lines.Count(), sizeof(PdfsyncLine), cmpLineRecords);
    if (!found)

    *line = found->line;
    *col = found->column;

Example #4
void BenchFileOrDir(StrVec& pathsToBench)
    gLog = new slog::StderrLogger();

    size_t n = pathsToBench.Count() / 2;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        TCHAR *path = pathsToBench.At(2 * i);
        if (file::Exists(path))
            BenchFile(path, pathsToBench.At(2 * i + 1));
        else if (dir::Exists(path))
            logbench("Error: file or dir %s doesn't exist", path);

    delete gLog;
Example #5
TCHAR *ImageDirEngineImpl::GetPageLabel(int pageNo)
    if (pageNo < 1 || PageCount() < pageNo)
        return BaseEngine::GetPageLabel(pageNo);

    const TCHAR *fileName = path::GetBaseName(pageFileNames.At(pageNo - 1));
    return str::DupN(fileName, path::GetExt(fileName) - fileName);
Example #6
static void StrVecTest()
    StrVec v;
    TCHAR *s = v.Join();
    assert(v.Count() == 2);
    assert(str::Eq(_T("foobar"), s));

    s = v.Join(_T(";"));
    assert(v.Count() == 2);
    assert(str::Eq(_T("foo;bar"), s));

    s = v.Join(_T("_ _"));
    assert(v.Count() == 3);
    assert(str::Eq(_T("foo_ _bar_ _glee"), s));

    s = v.Join();
    assert(str::Eq(_T("barfooglee"), s));

        StrVec v2(v);
        assert(str::Eq(v2.At(1), _T("foo")));
        assert(str::Eq(v2.At(3), _T("nobar")));
        v2 = v;
        assert(v2.Count() == 3 && v2.At(0) != v.At(0));
        assert(str::Eq(v2.At(1), _T("foo")));
        assert(&v2.At(2) == v2.AtPtr(2) && str::Eq(*v2.AtPtr(2), _T("glee")));

        StrVec v2;
        size_t count = v2.Split(_T("a,b,,c,"), _T(","));
        assert(count == 5 && v2.Find(_T("c")) == 3);
        assert(v2.Find(_T("")) == 2 && v2.Find(_T(""), 3) == 4 && v2.Find(_T(""), 5) == -1);
        assert(v2.Find(_T("B")) == -1 && v2.FindI(_T("B")) == 1);
        ScopedMem<TCHAR> joined(v2.Join(_T(";")));
        assert(str::Eq(joined, _T("a;b;;c;")));

        StrVec v2;
        size_t count = v2.Split(_T("a,b,,c,"), _T(","), true);
        assert(count == 3 && v2.Find(_T("c")) == 2);
        ScopedMem<TCHAR> joined(v2.Join(_T(";")));
        assert(str::Eq(joined, _T("a;b;c")));
        ScopedMem<TCHAR> last(v2.Pop());
        assert(v2.Count() == 2 && str::Eq(last, _T("c")));
Example #7
static void BenchDir(TCHAR *dir)
    StrVec files;
    ScopedMem<TCHAR> pattern(str::Format(_T("%s\\*.pdf"), dir));
    CollectPathsFromDirectory(pattern, files, false);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < files.Count(); i++) {
        BenchFile(files.At(i), NULL);
Example #8
int ImageDirEngineImpl::GetPageByLabel(const TCHAR *label)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < pageFileNames.Count(); i++) {
        const TCHAR *fileName = path::GetBaseName(pageFileNames.At(i));
        const TCHAR *fileExt = path::GetExt(fileName);
        if (str::StartsWithI(fileName, label) &&
            (fileName + str::Len(label) == fileExt || fileName[str::Len(label)] == '\0'))
            return (int)i + 1;

    return BaseEngine::GetPageByLabel(label);
Example #9
// Find a record corresponding to the given source file, line number and optionally column number.
// (at the moment the column parameter is ignored)
// If there are several *consecutively declared* records for the same line then they are all returned.
// The list of records is added to the vector 'records'
// If there is no record for that line, the record corresponding to the nearest line is selected
// (within a range of EPSILON_LINE)
// The function returns PDFSYNCERR_SUCCESS if a matching record was found.
UINT Pdfsync::SourceToRecord(const TCHAR* srcfilename, UINT line, UINT col, Vec<size_t> &records)
    if (!srcfilename)

    ScopedMem<TCHAR> srcfilepath;
    // convert the source file to an absolute path
    if (PathIsRelative(srcfilename))
    if (!srcfilepath)

    // find the source file entry
    size_t isrc;
    for (isrc = 0; isrc < srcfiles.Count(); isrc++)
        if (path::IsSame(srcfilepath, srcfiles.At(isrc)))
    if (isrc == srcfiles.Count())

    if (fileIndex.At(isrc).start == fileIndex.At(isrc).end)
        return PDFSYNCERR_NORECORD_IN_SOURCEFILE; // there is not any record declaration for that particular source file

    // look for sections belonging to the specified file
    // starting with the first section that is declared within the scope of the file.
    UINT min_distance = EPSILON_LINE; // distance to the closest record
    size_t lineIx = (size_t)-1; // closest record-line index

    for (size_t isec = fileIndex.At(isrc).start; isec < fileIndex.At(isrc).end; isec++) {
        // does this section belong to the desired file?
        if (lines.At(isec).file != isrc)

        UINT d = abs((int)lines.At(isec).line - (int)line);
        if (d < min_distance) {
            min_distance = d;
            lineIx = isec;
            if (0 == d)
                break; // We have found a record for the requested line!
    if (lineIx == (size_t)-1)

    // we read all the consecutive records until we reach a record belonging to another line
    for (size_t i = lineIx; i < lines.Count() && lines.At(i).line == lines.At(lineIx).line; i++)

Example #10
Bitmap *ImageDirEngineImpl::LoadImage(int pageNo)
    assert(1 <= pageNo && pageNo <= PageCount());
    if (pages.At(pageNo - 1))
        return pages.At(pageNo - 1);

    size_t len;
    ScopedMem<char> bmpData(file::ReadAll(pageFileNames.At(pageNo - 1), &len));
    if (bmpData)
        pages.At(pageNo - 1) = BitmapFromData(bmpData, len);

    return pages.At(pageNo - 1);
Example #11
bool GetExePath(LPTSTR lpPath, int len)
    // Search the plugin's directory first
    GetModuleFileName(g_hInstance, lpPath, len - 2);
    str::BufSet((TCHAR *)path::GetBaseName(lpPath), len - 2 - (path::GetBaseName(lpPath) - lpPath), _T("SumatraPDF.exe"));
    if (file::Exists(lpPath))
        return true;
    *lpPath = '\0';
    // Try to get the path from the registry (set e.g. when making the default PDF viewer)
    ScopedMem<TCHAR> path(ReadRegStr(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _T("Software\\Classes\\SumatraPDF\\Shell\\Open\\Command"), NULL));
    if (!path)
        return false;

    StrVec args;
    ParseCmdLine(path, args);
    if (!file::Exists(args.At(0)))
        return false;

    str::BufSet(lpPath, len, args.At(0));
    return true;
Example #12
// parses a list of page ranges such as 1,3-5,7- (i..e all but pages 2 and 6)
// into an interable list (returns NULL on parsing errors)
// caller must delete the result
static bool ParsePageRanges(const TCHAR *ranges, Vec<PageRange>& result)
    if (!ranges)
        return false;

    StrVec rangeList;
    rangeList.Split(ranges, _T(","), true);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < rangeList.Count(); i++) {
        int start, end;
        if (str::Parse(rangeList.At(i), _T("%d-%d%$"), &start, &end) && 0 < start && start <= end)
            result.Append(PageRange(start, end));
        else if (str::Parse(rangeList.At(i), _T("%d-%$"), &start) && 0 < start)
            result.Append(PageRange(start, INT_MAX));
        else if (str::Parse(rangeList.At(i), _T("%d%$"), &start) && 0 < start)
            result.Append(PageRange(start, start));
            return false;

    return result.Count() > 0;
Example #13
RectD ImageDirEngineImpl::PageMediabox(int pageNo)
    assert(1 <= pageNo && pageNo <= PageCount());
    if (!mediaboxes.At(pageNo - 1).IsEmpty())
        return mediaboxes.At(pageNo - 1);

    size_t len;
    ScopedMem<char> bmpData(file::ReadAll(pageFileNames.At(pageNo - 1), &len));
    if (bmpData) {
        Size size = BitmapSizeFromData(bmpData, len);
        mediaboxes.At(pageNo - 1) = RectD(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height);
    return mediaboxes.At(pageNo - 1);
Example #14
static bool SetupPluginMode(CommandLineInfo& i)
    if (!IsWindow(i.hwndPluginParent) || i.fileNames.Count() == 0)
        return false;

    gPluginURL = i.pluginURL;
    if (!gPluginURL)
        gPluginURL = i.fileNames.At(0);

    assert(i.fileNames.Count() == 1);
    while (i.fileNames.Count() > 1) {
    i.reuseInstance = i.exitOnPrint = false;
    // always display the toolbar when embedded (as there's no menubar in that case)
    gGlobalPrefs.toolbarVisible = true;
    // never allow esc as a shortcut to quit
    gGlobalPrefs.escToExit = false;
    // never show the sidebar by default
    gGlobalPrefs.tocVisible = false;
    if (DM_AUTOMATIC == gGlobalPrefs.defaultDisplayMode) {
        // if the user hasn't changed the default display mode,
        // display documents as single page/continuous/fit width
        // (similar to Adobe Reader, Google Chrome and how browsers display HTML)
        gGlobalPrefs.defaultDisplayMode = DM_CONTINUOUS;
        gGlobalPrefs.defaultZoom = ZOOM_FIT_WIDTH;

    // extract some command line arguments from the URL's hash fragment where available
    // see http://www.adobe.com/devnet/acrobat/pdfs/pdf_open_parameters.pdf#nameddest=G4.1501531
    if (i.pluginURL && str::FindChar(i.pluginURL, '#')) {
        ScopedMem<TCHAR> args(str::Dup(str::FindChar(i.pluginURL, '#') + 1));
        str::TransChars(args, _T("#"), _T("&"));
        StrVec parts;
        parts.Split(args, _T("&"), true);
        for (size_t k = 0; k < parts.Count(); k++) {
            TCHAR *part = parts.At(k);
            int pageNo;
            if (str::StartsWithI(part, _T("page=")) && str::Parse(part + 4, _T("=%d%$"), &pageNo))
                i.pageNumber = pageNo;
            else if (str::StartsWithI(part, _T("nameddest=")) && part[10])
                str::ReplacePtr(&i.destName, part + 10);
            else if (!str::FindChar(part, '=') && part[0])
                str::ReplacePtr(&i.destName, part);

    return true;
/* parse argument list. we assume that all unrecognized arguments are file names. */
void CommandLineInfo::ParseCommandLine(TCHAR *cmdLine)
    StrVec argList;
    ParseCmdLine(cmdLine, argList);
    size_t argCount = argList.Count();

#define is_arg(txt) str::EqI(_T(txt), argument)
#define is_arg_with_param(txt) (is_arg(txt) && param != NULL)
#define additional_param() argList.At(n + 1)
#define has_additional_param() ((argCount > n + 1) && ('-' != additional_param()[0]))

    for (size_t n = 1; n < argCount; n++) {
        TCHAR *argument = argList.At(n);
        TCHAR *param = NULL;
        if (argCount > n + 1)
            param = argList.At(n + 1);

        if (is_arg("-register-for-pdf")) {
            makeDefault = true;
            exitImmediately = true;
        else if (is_arg("-silent")) {
            // silences errors happening during -print-to and -print-to-default
            silent = true;
        else if (is_arg("-print-to-default")) {
            TCHAR *name = GetDefaultPrinterName();
            if (name) {
                str::ReplacePtr(&printerName, name);
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-print-to")) {
            str::ReplacePtr(&printerName, argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg("-print-dialog")) {
            printDialog = true;
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-print-settings")) {
            // argument is a comma separated list of page ranges and
            // advanced options [even|odd] and [noscale|shrink|fit]
            // e.g. -print-settings "1-3,5,10-8,odd,fit"
            str::ReplacePtr(&printSettings, argList.At(++n));
            str::RemoveChars(printSettings, _T(" "));
        else if (is_arg("-exit-on-print")) {
            // only affects -print-dialog (-print-to and -print-to-default
            // always exit on print)
            exitOnPrint = true;
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-bgcolor") || is_arg_with_param("-bg-color")) {
            // -bgcolor is for backwards compat (was used pre-1.3)
            // -bg-color is for consistency
            ParseColor(&bgColor, argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-inverse-search")) {
            str::ReplacePtr(&inverseSearchCmdLine, argList.At(++n));
        else if ((is_arg_with_param("-forward-search") ||
                  is_arg_with_param("-fwdsearch")) && argCount > n + 2) {
            // -forward-search is for consistency with -inverse-search
            // -fwdsearch is for consistency with -fwdsearch-*
            str::ReplacePtr(&forwardSearchOrigin, argList.At(++n));
            forwardSearchLine = _ttoi(argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-fwdsearch-offset")) {
            fwdSearch.offset = _ttoi(argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-fwdsearch-width")) {
            fwdSearch.width = _ttoi(argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-fwdsearch-color")) {
            ParseColor(&fwdSearch.color, argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-fwdsearch-permanent")) {
            fwdSearch.permanent = _ttoi(argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg("-esc-to-exit")) {
            escToExit = true;
        else if (is_arg("-reuse-instance")) {
            // find the window handle of a running instance of SumatraPDF
            // TODO: there should be a mutex here to reduce possibility of
            // race condition and having more than one copy launch because
            // FindWindow() in one process is called before a window is created
            // in another process
            reuseInstance = (FindWindow(FRAME_CLASS_NAME, 0) != NULL);
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-lang")) {
            lang = str::conv::ToAnsi(argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-nameddest") || is_arg_with_param("-named-dest")) {
            // -nameddest is for backwards compat (was used pre-1.3)
            // -named-dest is for consistency
            str::ReplacePtr(&destName, argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-page")) {
            pageNumber = _ttoi(argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg("-restrict")) {
            restrictedUse = true;
        // TODO: remove -invert-colors and -set-color-range in favor
        //       of the UI settable gGlobalPrefs.useSysColors(?)
        else if (is_arg("-invertcolors") || is_arg("-invert-colors")) {
            // -invertcolors is for backwards compat (was used pre-1.3)
            // -invert-colors is for consistency
            // -invert-colors is a shortcut for -set-color-range 0xFFFFFF 0x000000
            // (i.e. it sets white as foreground color and black as background color)
            colorRange[0] = WIN_COL_WHITE;
            colorRange[1] = WIN_COL_BLACK;
        else if (is_arg("-set-color-range") && argCount > n + 2) {
            STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(colorRange[0]) == sizeof(int), colorref_as_int);
            ParseColor((int *)&colorRange[0], argList.At(++n));
            ParseColor((int *)&colorRange[1], argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg("-presentation")) {
            enterPresentation = true;
        else if (is_arg("-fullscreen")) {
            enterFullscreen = true;
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-view")) {
            ParseViewMode(&startView, argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-zoom")) {
            ParseZoomValue(&startZoom, argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-scroll")) {
            ParseScrollValue(&startScroll, argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg("-console")) {
            showConsole = true;
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-plugin")) {
            // -plugin [<URL>] <parent HWND>
            if (!str::IsDigit(*param) && has_additional_param())
                str::ReplacePtr(&pluginURL, argList.At(++n));
            // the argument is a (numeric) window handle to
            // become the parent of a frameless SumatraPDF
            // (used e.g. for embedding it into a browser plugin)
            hwndPluginParent = (HWND)_ttol(argList.At(++n));
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-stress-test")) {
            // -stress-test <file or dir path> [<file filter>] [<page/file range(s)>] [<cycle count>x]
            // e.g. -stress-test file.pdf 25x  for rendering file.pdf 25 times
            //      -stress-test file.pdf 1-3  render only pages 1, 2 and 3 of file.pdf
            //      -stress-test dir 301- 2x   render all files in dir twice, skipping first 300
            //      -stress-test dir *.pdf;*.xps  render all files in dir that are either PDF or XPS
            str::ReplacePtr(&stressTestPath, argList.At(++n));
            int num;
            if (has_additional_param() && str::FindChar(additional_param(), '*')) {
                str::ReplacePtr(&stressTestFilter, additional_param());
            if (has_additional_param() && IsValidPageRange(additional_param())) {
                str::ReplacePtr(&stressTestRanges, additional_param());
            if (has_additional_param() && str::Parse(additional_param(), _T("%dx%$"), &num) && num > 0) {
                stressTestCycles = num;
        else if (is_arg_with_param("-bench")) {
            TCHAR *s = str::Dup(argList.At(++n));
            s = NULL;
            if (has_additional_param() && IsBenchPagesInfo(additional_param())) {
                s = str::Dup(additional_param());
            exitImmediately = true;
        } else if (is_arg("-crash-on-open")) {
            // to make testing of crash reporting system in pre-release/release
            // builds possible
            crashOnOpen = true;
        } else if (is_arg_with_param("-manga-mode")) {
            // TODO: we should have a ui for this instead of remembering it globally
            // in prefs
            TCHAR *s = argList.At(++n);
            cbxR2L = str::EqI(_T("true"), s) || str::Eq(_T("1"), s);
#ifdef DEBUG
        else if (is_arg("-enum-printers")) {
            /* this is for testing only, exit immediately */
            exitImmediately = true;
        else {
            // Remember this argument as a filename to open
            TCHAR *filepath = NULL;
            if (str::EndsWithI(argList.At(n), _T(".lnk")))
                filepath = ResolveLnk(argList.At(n));
            if (!filepath)
                filepath = str::Dup(argList.At(n));
#undef is_arg
#undef is_arg_with_param
#undef additional_param
#undef has_additional_param