Example #1
void Settings::buildGroupString(String &name, const UTF8 *settingName)
   // here we want to loop through the stack and build a "/" seperated string
   // representing the entire current group stack that gets pre-pended to the
   // setting name passed in
   if(mGroupStack.size() > 0)
      for(S32 i=0; i < mGroupStack.size(); i++)
		 S32 pos = 0;
		 if(name.size() > 0)
			pos = name.size()-1;

         // tack on the "/" in front if this isn't the first
		 if(i == 0)
	        name.insert(pos, mGroupStack[i]);
		 } else
			name.insert(pos, "/");
            name.insert(pos+1, mGroupStack[i]);

	  // tack on a final "/"
	  name.insert(name.size()-1, "/");
	  if(dStrlen(settingName) > 0)
	     name.insert(name.size()-1, settingName);
   } else
	  name = settingName;
Example #2
 * @brief Show contributors list.
 * Opens Contributors.txt into notepad.
void CAboutDlg::OnBnClickedOpenContributors()
	String defPath = GetModulePath();
	// Don't add quotation marks yet, CFile doesn't like them
	String docPath = defPath + ContributorsPath;
	HINSTANCE ret = 0;
	if (paths_DoesPathExist(docPath.c_str()) == IS_EXISTING_FILE)
		// Now, add quotation marks so ShellExecute() doesn't fail if path
		// includes spaces
		docPath.insert(0, _T("\""));
		docPath.insert(docPath.length(), _T("\""));
		ret = ShellExecute(m_hWnd, NULL, _T("notepad"), docPath.c_str(), defPath.c_str(), SW_SHOWNORMAL);

		// values < 32 are errors (ref to MSDN)
		if ((int)ret < 32)
			// Try to open with associated application (.txt)
			ret = ShellExecute(m_hWnd, _T("open"), docPath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
			if ((int)ret < 32)
				ResMsgBox1(IDS_ERROR_EXECUTE_FILE, _T("Notepad.exe"), MB_ICONSTOP);
		ResMsgBox1(IDS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, docPath.c_str(), MB_ICONSTOP);
	void CDatabaseFixedPointTest::TestCase_FixedPointMedPrecisionMedDecimals()
		CLogger::LogInfo( StringStream() << "**** Start TestCase_FixedPointMedPrecisionMedDecimals ****" );

		int precision = CFixedPoint::GetMaxPrecision() / 2;
		int decimals = precision / 2;
		int64_t value;
		String sval;
		CLogger::LogInfo( StringStream() << "  Max Value" );
		value = int64_t( std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max() % CFixedPoint::Get10Pow256( precision ) );
		sval = StringUtils::ToString( value );
		sval.insert( ( sval.rbegin() + decimals ).base(), STR( '.' ) );
		CheckFixedPoint( precision, decimals, value, sval );
		CLogger::LogInfo( StringStream() << "  Min Value" );
		value = int64_t( std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::min() % CFixedPoint::Get10Pow256( precision ) );
		sval = StringUtils::ToString( value );
		sval.insert( ( sval.rbegin() + decimals ).base(), STR( '.' ) );
		CheckFixedPoint( precision, decimals, value, sval );
		CLogger::LogInfo( StringStream() << "  Lowest Value" );
		value = int64_t( std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::lowest() % CFixedPoint::Get10Pow256( precision ) );
		sval = StringUtils::ToString( value );
		sval.insert( ( sval.rbegin() + decimals ).base(), STR( '.' ) );
		CheckFixedPoint( precision, decimals, value, sval );
		CLogger::LogInfo( StringStream() << "  Invalid Value (greater precision than wanted)" );
		BOOST_CHECK_THROW( CFixedPoint( std::numeric_limits< int64_t >::max(), precision, decimals ), CDatabaseException );

		CLogger::LogInfo( StringStream() << "**** End TestCase_FixedPointMaxPrecisionMinDecimals ****" );
Example #4
String DateTime::createTimeString(int minutes, int seconds)
	String minString = String::number(minutes);
	if (minString.length() == 1)
		minString.insert(minString.begin(), '0');

	String secString = String::number(seconds);
	if (secString.length() == 1)
		secString.insert(secString.begin(), '0');

	return minString + ":" + secString;
Example #5
String Location::context(Flags<ToStringFlag> flags, Hash<Path, String> *cache) const
    String copy;
    String *code = 0;
    const Path p = path();
    if (cache) {
        String &ref = (*cache)[p];
        if (ref.isEmpty()) {
            ref = p.readAll();
        code = &ref;
    } else {
        copy = p.readAll();
        code = &copy;

    String ret;
    if (!code->isEmpty()) {
        unsigned int l = line();
        if (!l)
            return String();
        const char *ch = code->constData();
        while (--l) {
            ch = strchr(ch, '\n');
            if (!ch)
                return String();
        const char *end = strchr(ch, '\n');
        if (!end)
            return String();

        ret.assign(ch, end - ch);
        // error() << "foobar" << ret << bool(flags & NoColor);
        if (!(flags & NoColor)) {
            const size_t col = column() - 1;
            if (col + 1 < ret.size()) {
                size_t last = col;
                if (ret.at(last) == '~')
                while (ret.size() > last && (isalnum(ret.at(last)) || ret.at(last) == '_'))
                static const char *color = "\x1b[32;1m"; // dark yellow
                static const char *resetColor = "\x1b[0;0m";
                // error() << "foobar"<< end << col << ret.size();
                ret.insert(last, resetColor);
                ret.insert(col, color);
            // printf("[%s]\n", ret.constData());
    return ret;
Example #6
void String::replace(String before_string, String after_string, String::CaseSensitivity cs)
	size_t found = 0;
	String sub = *this;
	if (before_string == after_string)
	if (cs == String::NotCaseSensitive)
	while (found != std::string::npos) 
		found = sub.find(before_string);
		if (found != std::string::npos)
			erase(int(found), before_string.length());
			sub.erase(int(found), before_string.length());
			insert(found, after_string);
			sub.insert(found, after_string);
Example #7
void CharacterData::replaceData(unsigned offset, unsigned count, const String& arg, ExceptionCode& ec)
    checkCharDataOperation(offset, ec);
    if (ec)

    unsigned realCount;
    if (offset + count > length())
        realCount = length() - offset;
        realCount = count;

    String newStr = m_data;
    newStr.remove(offset, realCount);
    newStr.insert(arg, offset);

    RefPtr<StringImpl> oldStr = m_data;
    m_data = newStr.impl();

    if ((!renderer() || !rendererIsNeeded(renderer()->style())) && attached()) {
    } else if (renderer())
        static_cast<RenderText*>(renderer())->setTextWithOffset(m_data, offset, count);
    // update the markers for spell checking and grammar checking
    document()->textRemoved(this, offset, realCount);
    document()->textInserted(this, offset, arg.length());
Example #8
String UriNdefRecord::getUri() {
	valid = false;
	int tnf = getTnf();
	byte type[1];
	byte payload[256];
	switch (tnf) {
		valid = true;
		return String((char*)getPayload().pointer());
		int typeLen = maNFCGetNDEFType(fHandle, type, 1);
		if (typeLen > 0 && type[0] == 0x55) {
			Vector<byte> payload = getPayload();
			int length = payload.size();
			if (length > 0) {
				String result = String();
				const char* prefix = getPrefix(payload[0]);
				result.append(prefix, strlen(prefix));
				for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
					result.insert(result.size(), (char)payload[i]);
				valid = true;
				return result;

	// No match.
	return String();
Example #9
 * @brief Write path and filename to headerbar
 * @note SetText() does not repaint unchanged text
void CHexMergeDoc::UpdateHeaderPath(int pane)
	CHexMergeFrame *pf = GetParentFrame();
	String sText;

	if (m_nBufferType[pane] == BUFFER_UNNAMED ||
		m_nBufferType[pane] == BUFFER_NORMAL_NAMED)
		sText = m_strDesc[pane];
		sText = m_filePaths.GetPath(pane);
		if (m_pDirDoc)
			if (pane == 0)
	if (m_pView[pane]->GetModified())
		sText.insert(0, _T("* "));
	pf->GetHeaderInterface()->SetText(pane, sText.c_str());

Example #10
Symbol::fullyQualifiedName() const
    if (!isResolved()) resolve();
    if (!scope()) return name();
    String qname;
    const Symbol* g = globalScope();

    for (const Symbol *s = this; s && s->scope(); s = s->scope()) 
	qname.insert(0, s->name().c_str());
        if (s->scope() != g) qname.insert(0, ".");

    return context()->internName(qname);
Example #11
 * @brief Replace internal root by display root (left).
 * When we have a archive file open, this function converts physical folder
 * (that is in the temp folder where archive was extracted) to the virtual
 * path for showing. The virtual path is path to the archive file, archive
 * file name and folder inside the archive.
 * @param [in, out] sText Path to convert.
void CDirDoc::ApplyLeftDisplayRoot(String &sText)
	if (m_pTempPathContext)
		sText.erase(0, m_pTempPathContext->m_strLeftRoot.length());
		sText.insert(0, m_pTempPathContext->m_strLeftDisplayRoot.c_str());
Example #12
This function aligns the string table to a 4-byte boundary
@return Error status
@param aStr - string to be aligned
void ElfProducer::AlignString(String& aStr) {

	if( aStr.size() %4 ){
		PLUCHAR	aPad = (PLUCHAR)(4 - (aStr.size() %4));

		while(aPad--) {
			aStr.insert(aStr.end(), 0);
Example #13
void Dtime::Time_Label (string label, Units_Type time_format)
	String time;

	if (time_format == NO_UNITS) time_format = Time_Format ();

	dtime = 0;
	time = label;
	time.Trim (" \t");

	if (time.empty ()) {
		exe->Warning ("Time Label Conversion ");
	if (time.find_first_of (".:") == time.npos) {
		size_t len = time.length ();
		//---- scan for clock time ----

		if (len >= 3 && len <= 4) {
			bool flag = false;

			if (time [0] == '0') {
				flag = true;
			} else if (len == 4) {
				if (time [0] <= '2' && time [2] <= '5') {
					flag = true;
			} else if (time [1] <= '5') {
				flag = true;
			if (flag) {
				if (len == 4) {
					time.insert (2, ":");
				} else {
					time.insert (1, ":");
	Time_String (time, time_format);
void HTMLTextFormControlElement::setRangeText(const String& replacement, unsigned start, unsigned end, const String& selectionMode, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    if (start > end) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(IndexSizeError, "The provided start value (" + String::number(start) + ") is larger than the provided end value (" + String::number(end) + ").");
    if (hasAuthorShadowRoot())

    String text = innerTextValue();
    unsigned textLength = text.length();
    unsigned replacementLength = replacement.length();
    unsigned newSelectionStart = selectionStart();
    unsigned newSelectionEnd = selectionEnd();

    start = std::min(start, textLength);
    end = std::min(end, textLength);

    if (start < end)
        text.replace(start, end - start, replacement);
        text.insert(replacement, start);


    // FIXME: What should happen to the value (as in value()) if there's no renderer?
    if (!renderer())


    if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "select")) {
        newSelectionStart = start;
        newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength;
    } else if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "start"))
        newSelectionStart = newSelectionEnd = start;
    else if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "end"))
        newSelectionStart = newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength;
    else {
        // Default is "preserve".
        long delta = replacementLength - (end - start);

        if (newSelectionStart > end)
            newSelectionStart += delta;
        else if (newSelectionStart > start)
            newSelectionStart = start;

        if (newSelectionEnd > end)
            newSelectionEnd += delta;
        else if (newSelectionEnd > start)
            newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength;

    setSelectionRange(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd, SelectionHasNoDirection);
void HTMLTextFormControlElement::setRangeText(const String& replacement, unsigned start, unsigned end, const String& selectionMode, ExceptionCode& ec)
    if (start > end) {
        ec = INDEX_SIZE_ERR;

    String text = innerTextValue();
    unsigned textLength = text.length();
    unsigned replacementLength = replacement.length();
    unsigned newSelectionStart = selectionStart();
    unsigned newSelectionEnd = selectionEnd();

    start = std::min(start, textLength);
    end = std::min(end, textLength);

    if (start < end)
        text.replace(start, end - start, replacement);
        text.insert(replacement, start);


    // FIXME: What should happen to the value (as in value()) if there's no renderer?
    if (!renderer())


    if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "select")) {
        newSelectionStart = start;
        newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength;
    } else if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "start"))
        newSelectionStart = newSelectionEnd = start;
    else if (equalIgnoringCase(selectionMode, "end"))
        newSelectionStart = newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength;
    else {
        // Default is "preserve".
        long delta = replacementLength - (end - start);

        if (newSelectionStart > end)
            newSelectionStart += delta;
        else if (newSelectionStart > start)
            newSelectionStart = start;

        if (newSelectionEnd > end)
            newSelectionEnd += delta;
        else if (newSelectionEnd > start)
            newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength;

    setSelectionRange(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd, SelectionHasNoDirection);
Example #16
bool test_20() {

	OS::get_singleton()->print("\n\nTest 20: Insertion\n");

	String s = "Who is Frederic?";

	OS::get_singleton()->print("\tString: %ls\n", s.c_str());
	s = s.insert(s.find("?"), " Chopin");
	OS::get_singleton()->print("\tInserted Chopin: %ls.\n", s.c_str());

	return (s == "Who is Frederic Chopin?");
// On add - verify data settings
bool CustomMaterial::onAdd()
   if (Parent::onAdd() == false)
      return false;

   mShaderData = dynamic_cast<ShaderData*>(Sim::findObject( mShaderDataName ) );
   if(mShaderDataName.isNotEmpty() && mShaderData == NULL)
      logError("Failed to find ShaderData %s", mShaderDataName.c_str());
      return false;
   const char* samplerDecl = "sampler";
   S32 i = 0;
   for (SimFieldDictionaryIterator itr(getFieldDictionary()); *itr; ++itr)
   	SimFieldDictionary::Entry* entry = *itr;
      if (dStrStartsWith(entry->slotName, samplerDecl))
      	if (i >= MAX_TEX_PER_PASS)
            logError("Too many sampler declarations, you may only have %i", MAX_TEX_PER_PASS);
            return false;
         if (dStrlen(entry->slotName) == dStrlen(samplerDecl))
         	logError("sampler declarations must have a sampler name, e.g. sampler[\"diffuseMap\"]");
            return false;
         // Assert sampler names are defined on ShaderData
         S32 pos = -1;
         String samplerName = entry->slotName + dStrlen(samplerDecl);
         samplerName.insert(0, '$');
         mShaderData->hasSamplerDef(samplerName, pos);
         if(pos == -1)
            const char *error = (avar("CustomMaterial(%s) bind sampler[%s] and is not present on ShaderData(%s)", 
               getName(), samplerName.c_str(), mShaderDataName.c_str() ));
            GFXAssertFatal(0, error);
         mSamplerNames[pos] = samplerName;
         mTexFilename[pos] = entry->value;

   return true;
Example #18
    void report()
        if (!m_scriptState->contextIsValid())
        // If execution termination has been triggered, quietly bail out.
        if (v8::V8::IsExecutionTerminating(m_scriptState->isolate()))
        ExecutionContext* executionContext = m_scriptState->executionContext();
        if (!executionContext)

        ScriptState::Scope scope(m_scriptState);
        v8::Local<v8::Value> value = m_promise.newLocal(m_scriptState->isolate());
        v8::Local<v8::Value> reason = m_exception.newLocal(m_scriptState->isolate());
        // Either collected or https://crbug.com/450330
        if (value.IsEmpty() || !value->IsPromise())

        EventTarget* target = executionContext->errorEventTarget();
        if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::promiseRejectionEventEnabled() && target && !executionContext->shouldSanitizeScriptError(m_resourceName, m_corsStatus)) {
            PromiseRejectionEventInit init;
            init.setPromise(ScriptPromise(m_scriptState, value));
            init.setReason(ScriptValue(m_scriptState, reason));
            RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<PromiseRejectionEvent> event = PromiseRejectionEvent::create(m_scriptState, EventTypeNames::unhandledrejection, init);
            // Log to console if event was not preventDefault()'ed.
            m_shouldLogToConsole = target->dispatchEvent(event);

        if (m_shouldLogToConsole) {
            const String errorMessage = "Uncaught (in promise)";
            Vector<ScriptValue> args;
            args.append(ScriptValue(m_scriptState, v8String(m_scriptState->isolate(), errorMessage)));
            args.append(ScriptValue(m_scriptState, reason));
            RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<ScriptArguments> arguments = ScriptArguments::create(m_scriptState, args);

            String embedderErrorMessage = m_errorMessage;
            if (embedderErrorMessage.isEmpty())
                embedderErrorMessage = errorMessage;
            else if (embedderErrorMessage.startsWith("Uncaught "))
                embedderErrorMessage.insert(" (in promise)", 8);

            RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<ConsoleMessage> consoleMessage = ConsoleMessage::create(JSMessageSource, ErrorMessageLevel, embedderErrorMessage, m_resourceName, m_lineNumber, m_columnNumber);
            m_consoleMessageId = consoleMessage->assignMessageId();

Example #19
const UTF8 *Settings::getCurrentGroups()
   // we want to return a string with our group setup
   String returnString;
   for(S32 i=0; i<mGroupStack.size(); i++)
	  S32 pos = returnString.size() - 1;
	  if(pos < 0)
		 pos = 0;

	  if(i == 0)
         returnString.insert(pos, mGroupStack[i]);
	  } else
		 returnString.insert(pos, "/");
         returnString.insert(pos+1, mGroupStack[i]);

   return StringTable->insert(returnString.c_str());
Example #20
	String SynonymPath::calculate(const String& _srcPath)
		// This name and base archive's name are the same directory.
		// However the names must be different to allow 
		// to find archives by unique name.
		String retPath = _srcPath;
		size_t slashPos = retPath.rfind('\\');
		if(slashPos != String.npos)
			retPath.insert(slashPos, "\\");
			slashPos = retPath.rfind('/');
			if(slashPos != String.npos)
				retPath.insert(slashPos, "/");
		GOTHOGRE_ASSERT(retPath != _srcPath, "Pathes must differs!");
		return retPath;
Example #21
void CharacterData::insertData(unsigned offset, const String& data, ExceptionCode& ec)
    checkCharDataOperation(offset, ec);
    if (ec)

    String newStr = m_data;
    newStr.insert(data, offset);

    setDataAndUpdate(newStr, offset, 0, data.length());

    document()->textInserted(this, offset, data.length());
Example #22
bool Editbox::handleEvent( const WM_Base &wm )
    if(wm.type==WMT_KeyChar) {
        if(isFocused()) {
            const WM_Keyboard &m = WM_Keyboard::cast(wm);
            wchar_t c = (wchar_t)m.key;
            String text = getText();
            bool changed = false;
            if(isprint(c)) {
                text.insert(text.begin()+m_cursor, &c, &c+1);
                changed = true;
            if(changed) { setText(text); }
            return true;
    else if(wm.type==WMT_KeyDown) {
        if(isFocused()) {
            const WM_Keyboard &m = WM_Keyboard::cast(wm);
            wchar_t c = (wchar_t)m.key;
            String text = getText();
            bool changed = false;
            if(c==ist::KEY_ENTER) {
            else if(c==ist::KEY_DELETE) {
                if(m_cursor<(int32)text.size()) {
                    text.erase(text.begin()+m_cursor, text.begin()+m_cursor+1);
                    changed = true;
            else if(c==ist::KEY_BACK) {
                if(m_cursor>0) {
                    text.erase(text.begin()+m_cursor-1, text.begin()+m_cursor);
                    changed = true;
            else if(c==ist::KEY_RIGHT) {
                m_cursor = ist::clamp<int32>(m_cursor+1, 0, text.size());
            else if(c==ist::KEY_LEFT) {
                m_cursor = ist::clamp<int32>(m_cursor-1, 0, text.size());
            if(changed) { setText(text); }
    return super::handleEvent(wm);
Example #23
void CharacterData::insertData(unsigned offset, const String& data, ExceptionState& exceptionState, RecalcStyleBehavior recalcStyleBehavior)
    if (offset > length()) {
        exceptionState.ThrowDOMException(IndexSizeError, "The offset " + String::number(offset) + " is greater than the node's length (" + String::number(length()) + ").");

    String newStr = m_data;
    newStr.insert(data, offset);

    setDataAndUpdate(newStr, offset, 0, data.length(), recalcStyleBehavior);

    document().didInsertText(this, offset, data.length());
Example #24
void CommentOutFunction(String& code, const String& signature)
	unsigned startPos = code.find(signature.c_str());
	unsigned braceLevel = 0;
	if (startPos == String::npos)
	code.insert(startPos, "/*");

	for (unsigned i = startPos + 2 + signature.size(); i < code.size(); ++i)
		if (code[i] == '{')
		else if (code[i] == '}')
			if (braceLevel == 0)
				code.insert(i + 1, "*/");
Example #25
void HTMLTextFormControlElement::setRangeText(const String& replacement, unsigned start, unsigned end, const String& selectionMode, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    if (start > end) {
        exceptionState.throwDOMException(IndexSizeError, "The provided start value (" + String::number(start) + ") is larger than the provided end value (" + String::number(end) + ").");
    if (openShadowRoot())

    String text = innerEditorValue();
    unsigned textLength = text.length();
    unsigned replacementLength = replacement.length();
    unsigned newSelectionStart = selectionStart();
    unsigned newSelectionEnd = selectionEnd();

    start = std::min(start, textLength);
    end = std::min(end, textLength);

    if (start < end)
        text.replace(start, end - start, replacement);
        text.insert(replacement, start);

    setValue(text, TextFieldEventBehavior::DispatchNoEvent);

    if (selectionMode == "select") {
        newSelectionStart = start;
        newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength;
    } else if (selectionMode == "start") {
        newSelectionStart = newSelectionEnd = start;
    } else if (selectionMode == "end") {
        newSelectionStart = newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength;
    } else {
        ASSERT(selectionMode == "preserve");
        long delta = replacementLength - (end - start);

        if (newSelectionStart > end)
            newSelectionStart += delta;
        else if (newSelectionStart > start)
            newSelectionStart = start;

        if (newSelectionEnd > end)
            newSelectionEnd += delta;
        else if (newSelectionEnd > start)
            newSelectionEnd = start + replacementLength;

    setSelectionRange(newSelectionStart, newSelectionEnd, SelectionHasNoDirection);
Example #26
	String CVarRecord::generateSyncedStringRepresentation() const {
		// Replace the old value with the new.
		std::stringstream ss;

		if (cvar.getType() == sani::cvarlang::ValueType::StringVal) {
			String value;

			ss << value;
		} else if (cvar.getType() == sani::cvarlang::ValueType::IntVal) {
			int32 value = 0;

			ss << value;
		} else if (cvar.getType() == sani::cvarlang::ValueType::FloatVal) {
			float32 value = 0.0f;

			ss << value;
		} else if (cvar.getType() == sani::cvarlang::ValueType::DoubleVal) {
			float64 value = 0.0;

			ss << value;

		// Create the new representation.
		const String newValue = ss.str();
		String newRepresentation = token.getLine();

		if (newValue.size() < originalValue.size()) {
			// Remove chars.
			const size_t diff = originalValue.size() - newValue.size();

			newRepresentation.erase(indexOfValue, diff);
		} else if (newValue.size() > originalValue.size()) {
			// Add chars.
			const size_t diff = newValue.size() - originalValue.size();
			String insertion;
			insertion.resize(diff, ' ');

			newRepresentation.insert(indexOfValue, insertion);

		newRepresentation.replace(indexOfValue, newValue.size(), newValue);

		return newRepresentation;
static void generateSecWebSocketKey(uint32_t& number, String& key)
    uint32_t space = randomNumberLessThan(12) + 1;
    uint32_t max = 4294967295U / space;
    number = randomNumberLessThan(max);
    uint32_t product = number * space;

    String s = String::number(product);
    int n = randomNumberLessThan(12) + 1;
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, randomChars, (randomCharacterInSecWebSocketKey));
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int pos = randomNumberLessThan(s.length() + 1);
        int chpos = randomNumberLessThan(randomChars.length());
        s.insert(randomChars.substring(chpos, 1), pos);
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(String, spaceChar, (" "));
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < space; i++) {
        int pos = randomNumberLessThan(s.length() - 1) + 1;
        s.insert(spaceChar, pos);
    ASSERT(s[0] != ' ');
    ASSERT(s[s.length() - 1] != ' ');
    key = s;
Example #28
void DuplicateAmpersand(String& str)
	String::size_type pos= str.find(_T('&'), 0);

	while (pos != String::npos)
		str.insert(pos, _T("&"));
		pos += 2;

		if (pos >= str.length())

		pos = str.find(_T('&'), pos);
Example #29
void CharacterData::replaceData(unsigned offset, unsigned count, const String& data, ExceptionState& exceptionState)
    unsigned realCount = 0;
    if (!validateOffsetCount(offset, count, length(), realCount, exceptionState))

    String newStr = m_data;
    newStr.remove(offset, realCount);
    newStr.insert(data, offset);

    setDataAndUpdate(newStr, offset, realCount, data.length());

    // update the markers for spell checking and grammar checking
    document().didRemoveText(this, offset, realCount);
    document().didInsertText(this, offset, data.length());
 /// Append a second path to this one.
 /// @pre o's separator is the same as this one's, or o has no separators
 string_path& operator /=(const string_path &o) {
     // If it's single, there's no separator. This allows to do
     // p /= "piece";
     // even for non-default separators.
     assert((m_separator == o.m_separator || o.empty() || o.single())
            && "Incompatible paths.");
     if(!o.empty()) {
         String sub;
         if(!this->empty()) {
         sub.insert(sub.end(), o.cstart(), o.m_value.end());
         detail::append_and_preserve_iter(m_value, sub, m_start,
             typename std::iterator_traits<s_iter>::iterator_category());
     return *this;