Example #1
String WikiAreaPages::createAreaPages_getCircuitKey( MindArea *area , XmlCircuitInfo& info ) {
	// get circuit regions
	StringList comps;
	wm -> circuitsxml.getCircuitComponents( info , comps );

	// check circuit mentions area regions
	StringList compUsed;
	for( int k = 0; k < comps.count(); k++ ) {
		String comp = comps.get( k );
		String region = wm -> hmindxml.getMappedRegion( comp );
		if( !region.isEmpty() )
			if( area -> getMindAreaDef() -> findRegion( region ) != NULL )
				compUsed.add( region );

	if( compUsed.count() == 0 )
		return( "" );

	// make key
	char l_buf[ 10 ];
	sprintf( l_buf , "%3.3d" , compUsed.count() );

	String key = l_buf;
	for( int k = 0; k < compUsed.count(); k++ )
		key += "." + compUsed.get( k );

	// ensure unique
	key += "." + info.id;
	return( key );
String SensorFileSysWalker::getFileUpDown( String file , int move ) {
	ASSERTMSG( move != 0 , "Unexpected" );
	String dir = getDir( file );
	StringList files;

	// read directory
	getDirList( dir , files );

	// find current index
	String fileOnly = getFileOnly( file );
	int index = files.find( fileOnly );
	ASSERTMSG( index >= 0 , "Unexpected: " + file );

	int indexMove = ( move > 0 )? ( ( files.count() - index ) * move ) / 100 : ( index * move ) / 100;

	// assure at least move by 1
	if( indexMove == 0 )
		indexMove = ( move > 0 )? 1 : -1;

	index += indexMove;
	if( index < 0 )
		index = 0;
	if( index >= files.count() )
		index = files.count() - 1;

	String fileNew = dir + "\\" + files.get( index );
	return( fileNew );
void ModelVerifier::checkNerves() {
	// check nerves use correct components
	logger.logInfo( "checkNerves: CHECK NERVES ..." );

	bool checkAll = true;
	StringList nerves;
	nervesxml.getNerveList( nerves );

	for( int k = 0; k < nerves.count(); k++ ) {
		String id = nerves.get( k );

		// verify
		logger.logInfo( "checkNerves: verify nerve id=" + id );
		if( !checkNerves_verifyComponents( id ) )
			checkAll = false;

	// veriy modaility
	ClassList<XmlNerveInfo>& divs = nervesxml.getDivisions();
	for( int k = 0; k < divs.count(); k++ ) {
		XmlNerveInfo& div = divs.getRef( k );
		for( int z = 0; z < div.childs.count(); z++ ) {
			MapStringToPtr fibers;
			if( !checkNerves_verifyModalityByChilds( div.childs.getClassRefByIndex( z ) , fibers ) )
				checkAll = false;

	if( checkAll )
		logger.logInfo( "checkNerves: NERVES ARE OK" );
		logger.logInfo( "checkNerves: NERVES HAVE ERRORS" );
void NerveTool::addFiberItem( StringList& fibersinfo , String type , String from , String to , StringList& mids ) {
	String s = "<fibers type=\"" + type + "\" src=\"" + from + "\" dst=\"" + to + "\">";
	for( int k = 0; k < mids.count(); k++ )
		s += "<mid id=\"" + mids.get( k ) + "\"/>";

	s += "</fibers>";
	fibersinfo.add( s );
void SensorFileSysWalker::sendNewDirectoryInfo() {
	logger.logInfo( "sendNewDirectoryInfo: execute..." );

	// send current directory list
	StringList files;
	getDirList( curDir , files );
	for( int k = 0; k < files.count(); k++ ) {
		String file = files.get( k );
		sendSignal( SIGNAL_DIR_LISTITEM , file );
String WikiNerveSpecPages::getNerveDivision_rootNerves( StringList rootNerves ) {
	String s;
	for( int k = 0; k < rootNerves.count(); k++ ) {
		String nerve = rootNerves.get( k );
		if( k > 0 )
			s += "; ";

		XmlNerveInfo& nf = wm -> nervesxml.getNerveInfo(  nerve );
		s += "[" + nf.div -> origin + " " + nf.name + "]";
	return( s );
Example #7
void WikiAreaPages::createAreaPages_createCircuitsAndReferencesTableSection( String wikiDir , MindArea *area ) {
	// skip circuits for target areas - will be in region pages
	if( area -> isTargetArea() )

	// collect circuits which reference any of area regions
	MindService *ms = MindService::getService();

	StringList circuits;
	wm -> circuitsxml.getCircuitList( circuits );

	MapStringToString circuitKeys;
	for( int k = 0; k < circuits.count(); k++ ) {
		String circuitId = circuits.get( k );
		XmlCircuitInfo& info = wm -> circuitsxml.getCircuitInfo( circuitId );

		String key = createAreaPages_getCircuitKey( area , info );
		if( key.isEmpty() )

		circuitKeys.add( key , circuitId );

	// add circuits section - sorted by relevance
	StringList lines;
	for( int k = circuitKeys.count() - 1; k >= 0; k-- ) {
		String circuitId = circuitKeys.getClassByIndex( k );
		XmlCircuitInfo& info = wm -> circuitsxml.getCircuitInfo( circuitId );
		createAreaPages_getCircuitLines( info , lines );

	String sectionName = "Thirdparty Circuits";
	String wikiPage = wm -> getAreaPage( area -> getAreaId() );
	wm -> updateFileSection( wikiDir , wikiPage , sectionName , lines );

	// add unique and sorted references - sorted by relevance
	MapStringToClass<MindArea> refs;
	for( int k = circuitKeys.count() - 1; k >= 0; k-- ) {
		String circuitId = circuitKeys.getClassByIndex( k );
		XmlCircuitInfo& info = wm -> circuitsxml.getCircuitInfo( circuitId );

		if( !info.reference.equals( "UNKNOWN" ) )
			if( refs.get( info.reference ) == NULL ) {
				refs.add( info.reference , area );
				lines.add( String( "  * " ) + info.reference );

	sectionName = "References";
	wm -> updateFileSection( wikiDir , wikiPage , sectionName , lines );
String WikiNerveSpecPages::getNerveDivision_muscles( String name ) {
	StringList muscles;
	wm -> musclesxml.getMusclesByNerve( name , muscles );

	if( muscles.count() == 0 )
		return( "" );

	// form muscle string
	String ms;
	for( int k = 0; k < muscles.count(); k++ ) {
		String muscle = muscles.get( k );
		XmlMuscleInfo& info = wm -> musclesxml.getMuscleInfo( muscle );

		if( k > 0 )
			ms += "; ";

		ms += "[" + info.link + " " + info.name + "] - " + info.action;

	return( ms );
void XmlSpinalCordLayout::loadLevel( Xml xmlLevel , MapStringToClass<StringList>& levelData ) {
	for( Xml xmlChild = xmlLevel.getFirstChild( "lamina" ); xmlChild.exists(); xmlChild = xmlChild.getNextChild( "lamina" ) ) {
		String id = xmlChild.getAttribute( "id" );
		String elements = xmlChild.getAttribute( "elements" );

		StringList& items = levelData.getRef( id );
		StringList parts;
		elements.split( parts , "," );
		for( int k = 0; k < parts.count(); k++ ) {
			String element = parts.get( k );
			ASSERTMSG( hmind -> getIndexedElement( element ) != NULL , "unknown element index=" + element );

			if( items.find( element ) < 0 )
				items.add( element );
Example #10
void __fastcall TMain::checkForDevicesExecute(TObject *Sender)
    	Log(lError) <<"Failed building device list";

    for(int i = 0; i < 90; i++)
		StringList serials = getSerialsForDeviceType((DeviceTypeID) i);
        for(u_int j = 0; j < serials.count(); j++)
            Log(lInfo) <<"Found device of type '"<<::toString((DeviceTypeID) i)<<"' with serial: " <<serials[j];
void NerveTool::execute_data( StringList& data , FILE *sout ) {
	ClassList<Nerve> nn;

	// parse
	for( int k = 0; k < data.count(); k++ ) {
		String so = data.get( k );
		if( so.isEmpty() )

		String s = so;
		int res = execute_line( s , sout , nn );
		if( res != 0 )
			fprintf( sout , "invalid string (%d): error=%s, full=%s\n" , res , ( const char * )s , ( const char * )so );

	// output
	output_data( sout , nn );
Example #12
int Xml::getEnumProperty( String name , String pairList ) {
	String value = getProperty( name );

	StringList pairs;
	pairList.split( pairs , "," );

	for( int k = 0; k < pairs.count(); k++ ) {
		StringList items;
		pairs.get( k ).split( items , "=" );

		String key = items.get( 0 );
		if( value.equals( key ) )
			return( items.get( 1 ).toInteger() );

	ASSERTFAILED( "unable to find value=" + value + " in enum: " + pairList );
	return( 0 );
void NerveTool::addOneToMany( StringList& fibersinfo , String type , String from , StringList& to ) {
	StringList mids;
	for( int k = 0; k < to.count(); k++ )
		addFiberItem( fibersinfo , type , from , to.get( k ) , mids );
void NerveTool::addManyToOne( StringList& fibersinfo , String type , StringList& from , String to ) {
	StringList mids;
	for( int k = 0; k < from.count(); k++ )
		addFiberItem( fibersinfo , type , from.get( k ) , to , mids );
Example #15
void Logger::printStackInternal( rfc_threadstack *stack , int skipTop , bool printInplace )
	int startItem = rfc_thr_stackfulldepth( stack ) - 1;

	StringList lines;
	lines.add( String( "CALL STACK:" ) );

	if( skipTop == 0 )
		skipTop = stack -> extraLevels;
	if( skipTop > 0 ) {
		lines.add( String( "\t...skipped..." ) );
		startItem -= skipTop;

	bool skipLast = false;
	for( int k = startItem; k >= 0; k-- ) {
		rfc_threadstacklevel *sl = rfc_thr_stacklevel( stack , k );

		// extract short name
		String moduleName = sl -> moduleName;
		int from = moduleName.findLastAny( "/\\" );
		int to = moduleName.findLast( '.' );

		String moduleNameShort = moduleName;
		if( from >= 0 && to >= 0 )
			moduleNameShort = moduleNameShort.getMid( from + 1 , to - from - 1 );

		if( !strcmp( moduleNameShort , "unknown" ) )

		lines.add( String( "\t" ) + sl -> className + 
			"::" + sl -> functionName + 
			" (" + moduleNameShort + 
			", " + sl -> message + ")" );

		// stop after main function
		String functionName = sl -> functionName;
		if( strcmp( functionName , "_main" ) == 0 ||
			strcmp( functionName , "threadMainFunction" ) == 0 ||
			strcmp( functionName , "runThread" ) == 0 ) {
			if( k > 0 )
				skipLast = true;

	if( skipLast )
		lines.add( "\t...skipped..." );

	for( int k = 0; k < lines.count(); k++ ) {
		LogOutputMode mode = Logger::LogLine;
		if( !printInplace )
			if( k == 0 )
				mode = Logger::LogStart;
			if( k == lines.count() - 1 )
				mode = Logger::LogStop;
		log( lines.get( k ) , mode , Logger::LogLevelInfo );