Example #1
Load(FreeImageIO *io, fi_handle handle, int page, int flags, void *data) {
	if( data == NULL ) {
		return NULL;
	GIFinfo *info = (GIFinfo *)data;

	if( page == -1 ) {
		page = 0;
	if( page < 0 || page >= (int)info->image_descriptor_offsets.size() ) {
		return NULL;

	try {
		bool have_transparent = false, no_local_palette = false, interlaced = false;
		int disposal_method = GIF_DISPOSAL_LEAVE, delay_time = 0, transparent_color = 0;
		WORD left, top, width, height;
		BYTE packed, b;
		WORD w;

		//playback pages to generate what the user would see for this frame
		if( (flags & GIF_PLAYBACK) == GIF_PLAYBACK ) {
			//Logical Screen Descriptor
			io->seek_proc(handle, 6, SEEK_SET);
			WORD logicalwidth, logicalheight;
			io->read_proc(&logicalwidth, 2, 1, handle);
			io->read_proc(&logicalheight, 2, 1, handle);
			//set the background color with 0 alpha
			RGBQUAD background;
			if( info->global_color_table_offset != 0 && info->background_color < info->global_color_table_size ) {
				io->seek_proc(handle, info->global_color_table_offset + (info->background_color * 3), SEEK_SET);
				io->read_proc(&background.rgbRed, 1, 1, handle);
				io->read_proc(&background.rgbGreen, 1, 1, handle);
				io->read_proc(&background.rgbBlue, 1, 1, handle);
			} else {
				background.rgbRed = 0;
				background.rgbGreen = 0;
				background.rgbBlue = 0;
			background.rgbReserved = 0;

			//allocate entire logical area
			dib = FreeImage_Allocate(logicalwidth, logicalheight, 32);
			if( dib == NULL ) {
				throw "DIB allocated failed";

			//fill with background color to start
			int x, y;
			RGBQUAD *scanline;
			for( y = 0; y < logicalheight; y++ ) {
				scanline = (RGBQUAD *)FreeImage_GetScanLine(dib, y);
				for( x = 0; x < logicalwidth; x++ ) {
					*scanline++ = background;

			//cache some info about each of the pages so we can avoid decoding as many of them as possible
			std::vector<PageInfo> pageinfo;
			int start = page, end = page;
			while( start >= 0 ) {
				//Graphic Control Extension
				io->seek_proc(handle, info->graphic_control_extension_offsets[start] + 1, SEEK_SET);
				io->read_proc(&packed, 1, 1, handle);
				have_transparent = (packed & GIF_PACKED_GCE_HAVETRANS) ? true : false;
				disposal_method = (packed & GIF_PACKED_GCE_DISPOSAL) >> 2;
				//Image Descriptor
				io->seek_proc(handle, info->image_descriptor_offsets[page], SEEK_SET);
				io->read_proc(&left, 2, 1, handle);
				io->read_proc(&top, 2, 1, handle);
				io->read_proc(&width, 2, 1, handle);
				io->read_proc(&height, 2, 1, handle);

				pageinfo.push_back(PageInfo(disposal_method, left, top, width, height));

				if( start != end ) {
					if( left == 0 && top == 0 && width == logicalwidth && height == logicalheight ) {
						if( disposal_method == GIF_DISPOSAL_BACKGROUND ) {
						} else if( disposal_method != GIF_DISPOSAL_PREVIOUS ) {
							if( !have_transparent ) {
			if( start < 0 ) {
				start = 0;

			//draw each page into the logical area
			for( page = start; page <= end; page++ ) {
				PageInfo &info = pageinfo[end - page];
				//things we can skip having to decode
				if( page != end ) {
					if( info.disposal_method == GIF_DISPOSAL_PREVIOUS ) {
					if( info.disposal_method == GIF_DISPOSAL_BACKGROUND ) {
						for( y = 0; y < info.height; y++ ) {
							scanline = (RGBQUAD *)FreeImage_GetScanLine(dib, logicalheight - (y + info.top) - 1) + info.left;
							for( x = 0; x < info.width; x++ ) {
								*scanline++ = background;

				//decode page
				FIBITMAP *pagedib = Load(io, handle, page, GIF_LOAD256, data);
				if( pagedib != NULL ) {
					RGBQUAD *pal = FreeImage_GetPalette(pagedib);
					have_transparent = false;
					if( FreeImage_IsTransparent(pagedib) ) {
						int count = FreeImage_GetTransparencyCount(pagedib);
						BYTE *table = FreeImage_GetTransparencyTable(pagedib);
						for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
							if( table[i] == 0 ) {
								have_transparent = true;
								transparent_color = i;
					//copy page data into logical buffer, with full alpha opaqueness
					for( y = 0; y < info.height; y++ ) {
						scanline = (RGBQUAD *)FreeImage_GetScanLine(dib, logicalheight - (y + info.top) - 1) + info.left;
						BYTE *pageline = FreeImage_GetScanLine(pagedib, info.height - y - 1);
						for( x = 0; x < info.width; x++ ) {
							if( !have_transparent || *pageline != transparent_color ) {
								*scanline = pal[*pageline];
								scanline->rgbReserved = 255;

			return dib;

		//get the actual frame image data for a single frame

		//Image Descriptor
		io->seek_proc(handle, info->image_descriptor_offsets[page], SEEK_SET);
		io->read_proc(&left, 2, 1, handle);
		io->read_proc(&top, 2, 1, handle);
		io->read_proc(&width, 2, 1, handle);
		io->read_proc(&height, 2, 1, handle);
		io->read_proc(&packed, 1, 1, handle);
		interlaced = (packed & GIF_PACKED_ID_INTERLACED) ? true : false;
		no_local_palette = (packed & GIF_PACKED_ID_HAVELCT) ? false : true;

		int bpp = 8;
		if( (flags & GIF_LOAD256) == 0 ) {
			if( !no_local_palette ) {
				int size = 2 << (packed & GIF_PACKED_ID_LCTSIZE);
				if( size <= 2 ) bpp = 1;
				else if( size <= 16 ) bpp = 4;
			} else if( info->global_color_table_offset != 0 ) {
				if( info->global_color_table_size <= 2 ) bpp = 1;
				else if( info->global_color_table_size <= 16 ) bpp = 4;
		dib = FreeImage_Allocate(width, height, bpp);
		if( dib == NULL ) {
			throw "DIB allocated failed";

		FreeImage_SetMetadataEx(FIMD_ANIMATION, dib, "FrameLeft", ANIMTAG_FRAMELEFT, FIDT_SHORT, 1, 2, &left);
		FreeImage_SetMetadataEx(FIMD_ANIMATION, dib, "FrameTop", ANIMTAG_FRAMETOP, FIDT_SHORT, 1, 2, &top);
		b = no_local_palette ? 1 : 0;
		FreeImage_SetMetadataEx(FIMD_ANIMATION, dib, "NoLocalPalette", ANIMTAG_NOLOCALPALETTE, FIDT_BYTE, 1, 1, &b);
		b = interlaced ? 1 : 0;
		FreeImage_SetMetadataEx(FIMD_ANIMATION, dib, "Interlaced", ANIMTAG_INTERLACED, FIDT_BYTE, 1, 1, &b);

		RGBQUAD *pal = FreeImage_GetPalette(dib);
		if( !no_local_palette ) {
			int size = 2 << (packed & GIF_PACKED_ID_LCTSIZE);

			int i = 0;
			while( i < size ) {
				io->read_proc(&pal[i].rgbRed, 1, 1, handle);
				io->read_proc(&pal[i].rgbGreen, 1, 1, handle);
				io->read_proc(&pal[i].rgbBlue, 1, 1, handle);
		} else if( info->global_color_table_offset != 0 ) {
			long pos = io->tell_proc(handle);
			io->seek_proc(handle, info->global_color_table_offset, SEEK_SET);

			int i = 0;
			while( i < info->global_color_table_size ) {
				io->read_proc(&pal[i].rgbRed, 1, 1, handle);
				io->read_proc(&pal[i].rgbGreen, 1, 1, handle);
				io->read_proc(&pal[i].rgbBlue, 1, 1, handle);

			io->seek_proc(handle, pos, SEEK_SET);
		} else {
			//its legal to have no palette, but we're going to generate *something*
			for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
				pal[i].rgbRed = i;
				pal[i].rgbGreen = i;
				pal[i].rgbBlue = i;

		//LZW Minimum Code Size
		io->read_proc(&b, 1, 1, handle);
		StringTable stringtable;

		//Image Data Sub-blocks
		int x = 0, xpos = 0, y = 0, shift = 8 - bpp, mask = (1 << bpp) - 1, interlacepass = 0;
		BYTE *scanline = FreeImage_GetScanLine(dib, height - 1);
		BYTE buf[1024];
		io->read_proc(&b, 1, 1, handle);
		while( b ) {
			io->read_proc(stringtable.FillInputBuffer(b), b, 1, handle);
			int size = sizeof(buf);
			while( stringtable.Decompress(buf, &size) ) {
				for( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
					scanline[xpos] |= (buf[i] & mask) << shift;
					if( shift > 0 ) {
						shift -= bpp;
					} else {
						shift = 8 - bpp;
					if( ++x >= width ) {
						if( interlaced ) {
							y += g_GifInterlaceIncrement[interlacepass];
							if( y >= height && interlacepass < GIF_INTERLACE_PASSES ) {
								y = g_GifInterlaceOffset[++interlacepass];
						} else {
						if( y >= height ) {
						x = xpos = 0;
						shift = 8 - bpp;
						scanline = FreeImage_GetScanLine(dib, height - y - 1);
				size = sizeof(buf);
			io->read_proc(&b, 1, 1, handle);

		if( page == 0 ) {
			size_t idx;

			//Logical Screen Descriptor
			io->seek_proc(handle, 6, SEEK_SET);
			WORD logicalwidth, logicalheight;
			io->read_proc(&logicalwidth, 2, 1, handle);
			io->read_proc(&logicalheight, 2, 1, handle);
			FreeImage_SetMetadataEx(FIMD_ANIMATION, dib, "LogicalWidth", ANIMTAG_LOGICALWIDTH, FIDT_SHORT, 1, 2, &logicalwidth);
			FreeImage_SetMetadataEx(FIMD_ANIMATION, dib, "LogicalHeight", ANIMTAG_LOGICALHEIGHT, FIDT_SHORT, 1, 2, &logicalheight);

			//Global Color Table
			if( info->global_color_table_offset != 0 ) {
				RGBQUAD globalpalette[256];
				io->seek_proc(handle, info->global_color_table_offset, SEEK_SET);
				int i = 0;
				while( i < info->global_color_table_size ) {
					io->read_proc(&globalpalette[i].rgbRed, 1, 1, handle);
					io->read_proc(&globalpalette[i].rgbGreen, 1, 1, handle);
					io->read_proc(&globalpalette[i].rgbBlue, 1, 1, handle);
					globalpalette[i].rgbReserved = 0;
				FreeImage_SetMetadataEx(FIMD_ANIMATION, dib, "GlobalPalette", ANIMTAG_GLOBALPALETTE, FIDT_PALETTE, info->global_color_table_size, info->global_color_table_size * 4, globalpalette);
				//background color
				if( info->background_color < info->global_color_table_size ) {
					FreeImage_SetBackgroundColor(dib, &globalpalette[info->background_color]);

			//Application Extension
			LONG loop = 1; //If no AE with a loop count is found, the default must be 1
			for( idx = 0; idx < info->application_extension_offsets.size(); idx++ ) {
				io->seek_proc(handle, info->application_extension_offsets[idx], SEEK_SET);
				io->read_proc(&b, 1, 1, handle);
				if( b == 11 ) { //All AEs start with an 11 byte sub-block to determine what type of AE it is
					char buf[11];
					io->read_proc(buf, 11, 1, handle);
					if( !memcmp(buf, "NETSCAPE2.0", 11) || !memcmp(buf, "ANIMEXTS1.0", 11) ) { //Not everybody recognizes ANIMEXTS1.0 but it is valid
						io->read_proc(&b, 1, 1, handle);
						if( b == 3 ) { //we're supposed to have a 3 byte sub-block now
							io->read_proc(&b, 1, 1, handle); //this should be 0x01 but isn't really important
							io->read_proc(&w, 2, 1, handle);
							loop = w;
							if( loop > 0 ) loop++;
			FreeImage_SetMetadataEx(FIMD_ANIMATION, dib, "Loop", ANIMTAG_LOOP, FIDT_LONG, 1, 4, &loop);

			//Comment Extension
			for( idx = 0; idx < info->comment_extension_offsets.size(); idx++ ) {
				io->seek_proc(handle, info->comment_extension_offsets[idx], SEEK_SET);
				std::string comment;
				char buf[255];
				io->read_proc(&b, 1, 1, handle);
				while( b ) {
					io->read_proc(buf, b, 1, handle);
					comment.append(buf, b);
					io->read_proc(&b, 1, 1, handle);
				comment.append(1, '\0');
				sprintf(buf, "Comment%d", idx);
				FreeImage_SetMetadataEx(FIMD_COMMENTS, dib, buf, 1, FIDT_ASCII, comment.size(), comment.size(), comment.c_str());

		//Graphic Control Extension
		if( info->graphic_control_extension_offsets[page] != 0 ) {
			io->seek_proc(handle, info->graphic_control_extension_offsets[page] + 1, SEEK_SET);
			io->read_proc(&packed, 1, 1, handle);
			io->read_proc(&w, 2, 1, handle);
			io->read_proc(&b, 1, 1, handle);
			have_transparent = (packed & GIF_PACKED_GCE_HAVETRANS) ? true : false;
			disposal_method = (packed & GIF_PACKED_GCE_DISPOSAL) >> 2;
			delay_time = w * 10; //convert cs to ms
			transparent_color = b;
			if( have_transparent ) {
				int size = 1 << bpp;
				if( transparent_color <= size ) {
					BYTE table[256];
					memset(table, 0xFF, size);
					table[transparent_color] = 0;
					FreeImage_SetTransparencyTable(dib, table, size);