Example #1
//--- Command main program-----------------------------------------------------
int main ( int argc, char** argv )
  fs::path pwd = fs::initial_path();
  fs::path out;
  Strings_t libs;
  std::string pkgName;
  std::string userModule;

  // declare a group of options that will be allowed only on command line
  po::options_description generic("Generic options");
     "produce this help message")
     "name of the package for which we create the configurables file")
     "libraries to extract the component configurables from")
     "path to the cfg file holding the description of the Configurable base "
     "classes, the python module holding the Configurable definitions, etc...")
     "output directory for genconf files.")
     "debug level")
     po::value< Strings_t >()->composing(),
     "preloading library")
     "user-defined module to be imported by the genConf-generated one")

  // declare a group of options that will be allowed both on command line
  // _and_ in configuration file
  po::options_description config("Configuration");
     "Name of the module holding the configurable classes")
     "Default name for the configurable instance")
     "Name of the configurable base class for Algorithm components")
     "Name of the configurable base class for AlgTool components")
     "Name of the configurable base class for Auditor components")
     "Name of the configurable base class for Service components")

  po::options_description cmdline_options;

  po::options_description config_file_options;

  po::options_description visible("Allowed options");

  po::variables_map vm;

  try {
    po::store( po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
	       vm );


    // try to read configuration from the optionally given configuration file
    if( vm.count("input-cfg") ) {
      string cfgFileName = vm["input-cfg"].as<string>();
      cfgFileName = fs::system_complete( fs::path( cfgFileName ) ).string();
      std::ifstream ifs( cfgFileName.c_str() );
      po::store( parse_config_file( ifs, config_file_options ), vm );

  catch ( po::error& err ) {
    cout << "ERR0R: error detected while parsing command options: "<< err.what() << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  //--- Process command options -----------------------------------------------
  if( vm.count("help")) {
    cout << visible << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if( vm.count("package-name") ) {
    pkgName = vm["package-name"].as<string>();
  else {
    cout << "ERROR: 'package-name' required" << endl;
    cout << visible << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if( vm.count("user-module") ) {
    userModule = vm["user-module"].as<string>();
    cout << "INFO: will import user module " << userModule << endl; 

  if( vm.count("input-libraries") ) {
    // re-shape the input arguments:
    //  - removes spurious spaces,
    //  - split into tokens.
    Strings_t inputLibs;
      string tmp = vm["input-libraries"].as<string>();
      boost::split( inputLibs, tmp,
		    boost::is_any_of(" "),
		    boost::token_compress_on );

    libs.reserve( inputLibs.size() );
    for ( Strings_t::const_iterator iLib = inputLibs.begin();
	  iLib != inputLibs.end();
	  ++iLib ) {
      std::string lib = fs::path(*iLib).stem().string();
      if ( 0 == lib.find("lib") ) {
        lib = lib.substr(3); // For *NIX remove "lib"
      // remove duplicates
      if ( !lib.empty() &&
          std::find( libs.begin(), libs.end(), lib ) == libs.end() ) {
        libs.push_back( lib );
    } //> end loop over input-libraries
    if ( libs.empty() ) {
      cout << "ERROR: input component library(ies) required !\n"
           << "ERROR: 'input-libraries' argument was ["
           << vm["input-libraries"].as<string>()
           << "]"
           << endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;
  else {
    cout << "ERROR: input component library(ies) required" << endl;
    cout << visible << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if( vm.count("output-dir") ) {
    out = fs::system_complete( fs::path( vm["output-dir"].as<string>() ) );

  if ( vm.count("debug-level") ) {
    PluginService::SetDebug( vm["debug-level"].as<int>() );

  if ( vm.count("load-library") ) {
    Strings_t lLib_list = vm["load-library"].as< Strings_t >();
    for (Strings_t::const_iterator lLib=lLib_list.begin();
	 lLib != lLib_list.end();
	 ++lLib) {
      // load done through ROOT::Reflex helper class
      SharedLibrary tmplib(*lLib) ;
      tmplib.Load() ;

  if ( !fs::exists( out ) ) {
    try {
    catch ( fs::filesystem_error &err ) {
      cout << "ERR0R: error creating directory: "<< err.what() << endl;
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  cout << ":::::: libraries : [ ";
  copy( libs.begin(), libs.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, " ") );
  cout << "] ::::::" << endl;

  configGenerator py( pkgName, out.string() );
  py.setConfigurableModule     (vm["configurable-module"].as<string>());
  py.setConfigurableAlgorithm  (vm["configurable-algorithm"].as<string>());
  py.setConfigurableAlgTool    (vm["configurable-algtool"].as<string>());
  py.setConfigurableAuditor    (vm["configurable-auditor"].as<string>());
  py.setConfigurableService    (vm["configurable-service"].as<string>());

  int sc = EXIT_FAILURE;
  try {
    sc = py.genConfig( libs, userModule );
  catch ( exception& e ) {
    cout << "ERROR: Could not generate Configurable(s) !\n"
         << "ERROR: Got exception: " << e.what() << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if ( EXIT_SUCCESS == sc ) {
    // create an empty __init__.py file in the output dir
    fstream initPy( ( out / fs::path( "__init__.py" ) ).string().c_str(),
        std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::trunc );
    initPy << "## Hook for " << pkgName << " genConf module\n" << flush;

  cout << ":::::: libraries : [ ";
  copy( libs.begin(), libs.end(), ostream_iterator<string>(cout, " ") );
  cout << "] :::::: [DONE]" << endl;

  return sc;
Example #2
int configGenerator::genConfig( const Strings_t& libs, const string& userModule )
  //--- Disable checking StatusCode -------------------------------------------

  const Strings_t::const_iterator endLib = libs.end();

  const std::string gaudiSvc = "GaudiCoreSvc";
  const bool isGaudiSvc = ( std::find( libs.begin(), endLib, gaudiSvc ) != endLib );

  //--- Instantiate ApplicationMgr --------------------------------------------
  if ( !isGaudiSvc && createAppMgr() ) {
    cout << "ERROR: ApplicationMgr can not be created. Check environment" << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  //--- Iterate over component factories --------------------------------------
  Scope factories = Scope::ByName(PLUGINSVC_FACTORY_NS);
  if ( !factories ) {
    cout << "ERROR: No PluginSvc factory namespace could be found" << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  ISvcLocator* svcLoc = Gaudi::svcLocator();
  IInterface*  dummySvc = new Service( "DummySvc", svcLoc );

  bool allGood = true;

  // iterate over all the requested libraries
  for ( Strings_t::const_iterator iLib=libs.begin(); iLib != endLib; ++iLib ) {

    std::cout << ":::: processing library: " << *iLib << "..." << std::endl;

    // reset state
    m_importGaudiHandles = false;

    // Scan the pluginSvc namespace and store the "background" of already
    // alive components, so we can extract our signal later on
    set<string> bkgNames;
    if ( !isGaudiSvc ) {
      for ( Member_Iterator it = factories.FunctionMember_Begin();
            it != factories.FunctionMember_End(); ++it ) {
        string ident = getId(*it);
        if ( PluginService::Debug() > 0 ) {
          cout << "::: " << ident << endl;
        bkgNames.insert( ident );
    const set<string>::const_iterator bkgNamesEnd = bkgNames.end();

    //--- Load component library ----------------------------------------------
    System::ImageHandle handle;
    unsigned long err = System::loadDynamicLib( *iLib, &handle );
    if ( err != 1 ) {
      cout << "ERROR: " << System::getLastErrorString() << endl;
      allGood = false;

    for ( Member_Iterator it = factories.FunctionMember_Begin();
          it != factories.FunctionMember_End();
          ++it ) {
      const string ident = getId(*it);
      if ( bkgNames.find(ident) != bkgNamesEnd ) {
        if ( PluginService::Debug() > 0 ) {
          cout << "\t==> skipping [" << ident << "]..." << endl;

      // Atlas contributed code (patch #1247)
      // Skip the generation of configurables if the component does not come
      // from the same library we are processing (i.e. we found a symbol that
      // is coming from a library loaded by the linker).
      // Windows implementation is empty.
      if ( !DsoUtils::inDso( *it, DsoUtils::libNativeName(*iLib) ) ) {
        cout << "WARNING: library [" << *iLib << "] requested factory "
        << "from another library ["
        << DsoUtils::dsoName(*it) << "]"
        << " ==> [" << ident << "] !!"
        << endl;

      const string rtype = it->TypeOf().ReturnType().Name();
      string type;
      bool known = true;
      if      ( ident == "ApplicationMgr" ) type = "ApplicationMgr";
      else if ( rtype == "IInterface*" )    type = "IInterface";
      else if ( rtype == "IAlgorithm*" )    type = "Algorithm";
      else if ( rtype == "IService*" )      type = "Service";
      else if ( rtype == "IAlgTool*" )      type = "AlgTool";
      else if ( rtype == "IAuditor*" )      type = "Auditor";
      else if ( rtype == "IConverter*" )    type = "Converter";
      else if ( rtype == "DataObject*" )    type = "DataObject";
      else                                  type = "Unknown", known = false;
      string name = ident;
      // handle possible problems with templated components

      cout << " - component: " << name << endl;

      if ( type == "IInterface" ) {
        /// not enough information...
        /// skip it

      if ( type == "Converter" || type == "DataObject" ) {
        /// no Properties, so don't bother create Configurables...

      //if ( type == "ApplicationMgr" ) {
      ///  @FIXME: no Configurable for this component. yet...
      ///  continue;

      if ( !known ) {
        cout << "WARNING: Unknown (return) type [" << rtype << "] !!\n"
             << "WARNING: component [" << ident << "] is skipped !"
             << endl;
        allGood = false;

      string cname = "DefaultName";
      vector<void*>  args;
      args.reserve( 3 );
      if ( type == "AlgTool" ) {
        args.resize( 3 );
        args[0] = &cname;
        args[1] = &type;
        args[2] = dummySvc;
      else {
        args.resize( 2 );
        args[0] = &cname;
        args[1] = svcLoc;
      IProperty* prop = 0;
      try {
        if ( type == "Algorithm" ) {
          prop = makeInstance<IAlgorithm>(*it,args);
        else if ( type == "Service") {
          prop = makeInstance<IService>(*it,args);
        else if ( type == "AlgTool") {
          prop = makeInstance<IAlgTool>(*it,args);
        else if ( type == "Auditor") {
          prop = makeInstance<IAuditor>(*it,args);
        else if ( type == "ApplicationMgr") {
          //svcLoc->queryInterface(IProperty::interfaceID(), pp_cast<void>(&prop));
          svcLoc->queryInterface(IProperty::interfaceID(), (void**)(&prop));
        else {
          prop = makeInstance<IInterface>(*it,args);
      catch ( exception& e ) {
        cout << "ERROR: Error instantiating " << name
             << " from " << *iLib << endl;
        cout << "ERROR: Got exception: " << e.what() << endl;
        allGood = false;
      catch ( ... ) {
        cout << "ERROR: Error instantiating " << name
             << " from " << *iLib << endl;
        allGood = false;
      if( prop ) {
        if (genComponent( *iLib, name, type, prop->getProperties() )) {
          allGood = false;
      } else {
        cout << "ERROR: could not cast IInterface* object to an IProperty* !\n"
             << "ERROR: return type from PluginSvc is [" << rtype << "]...\n"
             << "ERROR: NO Configurable will be generated for ["
             << name << "] !"
             << endl;
        allGood = false;
    } //> end loop over factories

    /// write-out files for this library
    const std::string pyName = ( fs::path(m_outputDirName) /
                  fs::path(*iLib+"Conf.py") ).string();
    const std::string dbName = ( fs::path(m_outputDirName) /
                  fs::path(*iLib+"_confDb.py") ).string();

    std::fstream py( pyName.c_str(),
              std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::trunc );
    std::fstream db( dbName.c_str(),
              std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::trunc );

    genHeader ( py, db );
    if (!userModule.empty()) 
      py << "from " << userModule << " import *" <<endl;
    genBody   ( py, db );
    genTrailer( py, db );

  } //> end loop over libraries

  dummySvc = 0;

  return allGood ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
Example #3
int configGenerator::genConfig( const Strings_t& libs, const string& userModule )
  //--- Disable checking StatusCode -------------------------------------------

  const Strings_t::const_iterator endLib = libs.end();

  const std::string gaudiSvc = "GaudiCoreSvc";
  const bool isGaudiSvc = ( std::find( libs.begin(), endLib, gaudiSvc ) != endLib );

  //--- Instantiate ApplicationMgr --------------------------------------------
  if ( !isGaudiSvc && createAppMgr() ) {
    cout << "ERROR: ApplicationMgr can not be created. Check environment" << endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  //--- Iterate over component factories --------------------------------------
  using Gaudi::PluginService::Details::Registry;
  Registry& registry = Registry::instance();

  std::set<std::string> bkgNames = registry.loadedFactories();

  ISvcLocator* svcLoc = Gaudi::svcLocator();
  IInterface*  dummySvc = new Service( "DummySvc", svcLoc );

  bool allGood = true;

  // iterate over all the requested libraries
  for ( Strings_t::const_iterator iLib=libs.begin(); iLib != endLib; ++iLib ) {

    std::cout << ":::: processing library: " << *iLib << "..." << std::endl;

    // reset state
    m_importGaudiHandles = false;

    //--- Load component library ----------------------------------------------
    System::ImageHandle handle;
    unsigned long err = System::loadDynamicLib( *iLib, &handle );
    if ( err != 1 ) {
      cout << "ERROR: " << System::getLastErrorString() << endl;
      allGood = false;

    std::set<std::string> factories = registry.loadedFactories();

    for ( std::set<std::string>::iterator it = factories.begin();
          it != factories.end(); ++it ) {
      const string ident = *it;
      if ( bkgNames.find(ident) != bkgNames.end() ) {
        if ( Gaudi::PluginService::Details::logger().level() <= 1 ) {
          cout << "\t==> skipping [" << ident << "]..." << endl;

      const Registry::FactoryInfo info = registry.getInfo(*it);
      const string rtype = info.rtype;

      // do not generate configurables for the Reflex-compatible aliases
      if (info.properties.find("ReflexName") != info.properties.end())

      // Atlas contributed code (patch #1247)
      // Skip the generation of configurables if the component does not come
      // from the same library we are processing (i.e. we found a symbol that
      // is coming from a library loaded by the linker).
      if ( !DsoUtils::inDso( info.ptr, DsoUtils::libNativeName(*iLib) ) ) {
        cout << "WARNING: library [" << *iLib << "] exposes factory ["
             << ident << "] which is declared in ["
             << DsoUtils::dsoName(info.ptr) << "] !!" << endl;

      string type;
      bool known = true;
      if      ( ident == "ApplicationMgr" ) type = "ApplicationMgr";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IInterface*).name() )    type = "IInterface";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IAlgorithm*).name() )    type = "Algorithm";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IService*  ).name() )    type = "Service";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IAlgTool*  ).name() )    type = "AlgTool";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IAuditor*  ).name() )    type = "Auditor";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(IConverter*).name() )    type = "Converter";
      else if ( rtype == typeid(DataObject*).name() )    type = "DataObject";
      else                                  type = "Unknown", known = false;
      string name = ident;
      // handle possible problems with templated components

      if ( type == "IInterface" ) {
        /// not enough information...
        /// skip it

      if ( type == "Converter" || type == "DataObject" ) {
        /// no Properties, so don't bother create Configurables...

      if ( !known ) {
        cout << "WARNING: Unknown (return) type [" << System::typeinfoName(rtype.c_str()) << "] !!"
             << " Component [" << ident << "] is skipped !"
             << endl;

      cout << " - component: " << info.className << " (";
      if (info.className != name)
        cout << name << ": ";
      cout << type << ")" << endl;

      string cname = "DefaultName";
      SmartIF<IProperty> prop;
      try {
        if ( type == "Algorithm" ) {
          prop = SmartIF<IAlgorithm>(Algorithm::Factory::create(ident, cname, svcLoc));
        else if ( type == "Service") {
          prop = SmartIF<IService>(Service::Factory::create(ident, cname, svcLoc));
        else if ( type == "AlgTool") {
          prop = SmartIF<IAlgTool>(AlgTool::Factory::create(ident, cname, type, dummySvc));
          // FIXME: AlgTool base class increase artificially by 1 the refcount.
        else if ( type == "Auditor") {
          prop = SmartIF<IAuditor>(Auditor::Factory::create(ident, cname, svcLoc));
        else if ( type == "ApplicationMgr") {
          prop = SmartIF<ISvcLocator>(svcLoc);
        else {
          continue; // unknown
      catch ( exception& e ) {
        cout << "ERROR: Error instantiating " << name
             << " from " << *iLib << endl;
        cout << "ERROR: Got exception: " << e.what() << endl;
        allGood = false;
      catch ( ... ) {
        cout << "ERROR: Error instantiating " << name
             << " from " << *iLib << endl;
        allGood = false;
      if( prop ) {
        if (genComponent( *iLib, name, type, prop->getProperties() )) {
          allGood = false;
      } else {
        cout << "ERROR: could not cast IInterface* object to an IProperty* !\n"
             << "ERROR: return type from PluginSvc is [" << rtype << "]...\n"
             << "ERROR: NO Configurable will be generated for ["
             << name << "] !"
             << endl;
        allGood = false;
    } //> end loop over factories

    /// write-out files for this library
    const std::string pyName = ( fs::path(m_outputDirName) /
                  fs::path(*iLib+"Conf.py") ).string();
    const std::string dbName = ( fs::path(m_outputDirName) /
                  fs::path(*iLib+".confdb") ).string();

    std::fstream py( pyName.c_str(),
              std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::trunc );
    std::fstream db( dbName.c_str(),
              std::ios_base::out|std::ios_base::trunc );

    genHeader ( py, db );
    if (!userModule.empty())
      py << "from " << userModule << " import *" <<endl;
    genBody   ( py, db );
    genTrailer( py, db );

  } //> end loop over libraries

  dummySvc = 0;

  return allGood ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;