Example #1
WebRenderLayer::WebRenderLayer(RenderLayer* layer)
    RenderBoxModelObject* renderer = layer->renderer();

    m_renderObjectName = renderer->renderName();

    if (Node* node = renderer->node()) {
        if (node->isElementNode()) {
            Element* element = toElement(node);
            m_elementTagName = element->tagName();
            m_elementID = element->getIdAttribute();
            if (element->isStyledElement() && element->hasClass()) {
                StyledElement* styledElement = static_cast<StyledElement*>(element);
                if (size_t classNameCount = styledElement->classNames().size()) {
                    m_elementClassNames = MutableArray::create();
                    for (size_t i = 0; i < classNameCount; ++i)


    m_isReflection = layer->isReflection();

    if (layer->isComposited()) {
        RenderLayerBacking* backing = layer->backing();
        m_isClipping = backing->hasClippingLayer();
        m_isClipped = backing->hasAncestorClippingLayer();
        switch (backing->compositingLayerType()) {
        case NormalCompositingLayer:
            m_compositingLayerType = Normal;
        case TiledCompositingLayer:
            m_compositingLayerType = Tiled;
        case MediaCompositingLayer:
            m_compositingLayerType = Media;
        case ContainerCompositingLayer:
            m_compositingLayerType = Container;
    } else {
        m_isClipping = false;
        m_isClipped = false;
        m_compositingLayerType = None;

    m_absoluteBoundingBox = layer->absoluteBoundingBox();

    m_negativeZOrderList = createArrayFromLayerList(layer->negZOrderList());
    m_normalFlowList = createArrayFromLayerList(layer->normalFlowList());
    m_positiveZOrderList = createArrayFromLayerList(layer->posZOrderList());
Example #2
void RenderTreeAsText::writeRenderObject(TextStream& ts, const RenderObject& o, RenderAsTextBehavior behavior)
    ts << o.renderName();

    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowAddresses)
        ts << " " << static_cast<const void*>(&o);

    if (o.style() && o.style()->zIndex())
        ts << " zI: " << o.style()->zIndex();

    if (o.node()) {
        String tagName = getTagName(o.node());
        if (!tagName.isEmpty()) {
            ts << " {" << tagName << "}";
            // flag empty or unstyled AppleStyleSpan because we never
            // want to leave them in the DOM
            if (isEmptyOrUnstyledAppleStyleSpan(o.node()))
                ts << " *empty or unstyled AppleStyleSpan*";

    bool adjustForTableCells = o.containingBlock()->isTableCell();

    IntRect r;
    if (o.isText()) {
        // FIXME: Would be better to dump the bounding box x and y rather than the first run's x and y, but that would involve updating
        // many test results.
        const RenderText& text = *toRenderText(&o);
        IntRect linesBox = text.linesBoundingBox();
        r = IntRect(text.firstRunX(), text.firstRunY(), linesBox.width(), linesBox.height());
        if (adjustForTableCells && !text.firstTextBox())
            adjustForTableCells = false;
    } else if (o.isRenderInline()) {
        // FIXME: Would be better not to just dump 0, 0 as the x and y here.
        const RenderInline& inlineFlow = *toRenderInline(&o);
        r = IntRect(0, 0, inlineFlow.linesBoundingBox().width(), inlineFlow.linesBoundingBox().height());
        adjustForTableCells = false;
    } else if (o.isTableCell()) {
        // FIXME: Deliberately dump the "inner" box of table cells, since that is what current results reflect.  We'd like
        // to clean up the results to dump both the outer box and the intrinsic padding so that both bits of information are
        // captured by the results.
        const RenderTableCell& cell = *toRenderTableCell(&o);
        r = IntRect(cell.x(), cell.y() + cell.intrinsicPaddingBefore(), cell.width(), cell.height() - cell.intrinsicPaddingBefore() - cell.intrinsicPaddingAfter());
    } else if (o.isBox())
        r = toRenderBox(&o)->frameRect();

    // FIXME: Temporary in order to ensure compatibility with existing layout test results.
    if (adjustForTableCells)
        r.move(0, -toRenderTableCell(o.containingBlock())->intrinsicPaddingBefore());

    ts << " " << r;

    if (!(o.isText() && !o.isBR())) {
        if (o.isFileUploadControl())
            ts << " " << quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(toRenderFileUploadControl(&o)->fileTextValue());

        if (o.parent() && (o.parent()->style()->color() != o.style()->color()))
            ts << " [color=" << o.style()->color().nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

        if (o.parent() && (o.parent()->style()->backgroundColor() != o.style()->backgroundColor()) &&
            o.style()->backgroundColor().isValid() && o.style()->backgroundColor().rgb())
            // Do not dump invalid or transparent backgrounds, since that is the default.
            ts << " [bgcolor=" << o.style()->backgroundColor().nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";
        if (o.parent() && (o.parent()->style()->textFillColor() != o.style()->textFillColor()) &&
            o.style()->textFillColor().isValid() && o.style()->textFillColor() != o.style()->color() &&
            ts << " [textFillColor=" << o.style()->textFillColor().nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

        if (o.parent() && (o.parent()->style()->textStrokeColor() != o.style()->textStrokeColor()) &&
            o.style()->textStrokeColor().isValid() && o.style()->textStrokeColor() != o.style()->color() &&
            ts << " [textStrokeColor=" << o.style()->textStrokeColor().nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

        if (o.parent() && (o.parent()->style()->textStrokeWidth() != o.style()->textStrokeWidth()) &&
            o.style()->textStrokeWidth() > 0)
            ts << " [textStrokeWidth=" << o.style()->textStrokeWidth() << "]";

        if (!o.isBoxModelObject())

        const RenderBoxModelObject& box = *toRenderBoxModelObject(&o);
        if (box.borderTop() || box.borderRight() || box.borderBottom() || box.borderLeft()) {
            ts << " [border:";

            BorderValue prevBorder;
            if (o.style()->borderTop() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = o.style()->borderTop();
                if (!box.borderTop())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderTop() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderTopStyle());
                    Color col = o.style()->borderTopColor();
                    if (!col.isValid())
                        col = o.style()->color();
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderRight() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = o.style()->borderRight();
                if (!box.borderRight())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderRight() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderRightStyle());
                    Color col = o.style()->borderRightColor();
                    if (!col.isValid())
                        col = o.style()->color();
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderBottom() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = box.style()->borderBottom();
                if (!box.borderBottom())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderBottom() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderBottomStyle());
                    Color col = o.style()->borderBottomColor();
                    if (!col.isValid())
                        col = o.style()->color();
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderLeft() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = o.style()->borderLeft();
                if (!box.borderLeft())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderLeft() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderLeftStyle());
                    Color col = o.style()->borderLeftColor();
                    if (!col.isValid())
                        col = o.style()->color();
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            ts << "]";

    if (o.isTableCell()) {
        const RenderTableCell& c = *toRenderTableCell(&o);
        ts << " [r=" << c.row() << " c=" << c.col() << " rs=" << c.rowSpan() << " cs=" << c.colSpan() << "]";

    if (o.isDetailsMarker()) {
        ts << ": ";
        switch (toRenderDetailsMarker(&o)->orientation()) {
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Left:
            ts << "left";
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Right:
            ts << "right";
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Up:
            ts << "up";
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Down:
            ts << "down";

    if (o.isListMarker()) {
        String text = toRenderListMarker(&o)->text();
        if (!text.isEmpty()) {
            if (text.length() != 1)
                text = quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(text);
            else {
                switch (text[0]) {
                    case bullet:
                        text = "bullet";
                    case blackSquare:
                        text = "black square";
                    case whiteBullet:
                        text = "white bullet";
                        text = quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(text);
            ts << ": " << text;
    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowIDAndClass) {
        if (Node* node = o.node()) {
            if (node->hasID())
                ts << " id=\"" + static_cast<Element*>(node)->getIdAttribute() + "\"";

            if (node->hasClass()) {
                StyledElement* styledElement = static_cast<StyledElement*>(node);
                String classes;
                for (size_t i = 0; i < styledElement->classNames().size(); ++i) {
                    if (i > 0)
                        classes += " ";
                    classes += styledElement->classNames()[i];
                ts << " class=\"" + classes + "\"";
    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowLayoutState) {
        bool needsLayout = o.selfNeedsLayout() || o.needsPositionedMovementLayout() || o.posChildNeedsLayout() || o.normalChildNeedsLayout();
        if (needsLayout)
            ts << " (needs layout:";
        bool havePrevious = false;
        if (o.selfNeedsLayout()) {
            ts << " self";
            havePrevious = true;

        if (o.needsPositionedMovementLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            havePrevious = true;
            ts << " positioned movement";

        if (o.normalChildNeedsLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            havePrevious = true;
            ts << " child";

        if (o.posChildNeedsLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            ts << " positioned child";

        if (needsLayout)
            ts << ")";

    // Print attributes of embedded QWidgets. E.g. when the WebCore::Widget
    // is invisible the QWidget should be invisible too.
    __asm int 3; // weolar
//     if (o.isRenderPart()) {
//         const RenderPart* part = toRenderPart(const_cast<RenderObject*>(&o));
//         if (part->widget() && part->widget()->platformWidget()) {
//             QWidget* wid = part->widget()->platformWidget();
//             ts << " [QT: ";
//             ts << "geometry: {" << wid->geometry() << "} ";
//             ts << "isHidden: " << wid->isHidden() << " ";
//             ts << "isSelfVisible: " << part->widget()->isSelfVisible() << " ";
//             ts << "isParentVisible: " << part->widget()->isParentVisible() << " ";
//             ts << "mask: {" << wid->mask().boundingRect() << "} ] ";
//         }
//     }
void RenderTreeAsText::writeRenderObject(TextStream& ts, const RenderObject& o, RenderAsTextBehavior behavior)
    ts << o.renderName();

    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowAddresses)
        ts << " " << static_cast<const void*>(&o);

    if (o.style() && o.style()->zIndex())
        ts << " zI: " << o.style()->zIndex();

    if (o.node()) {
        String tagName = getTagName(o.node());
        // FIXME: Temporary hack to make tests pass by simulating the old generated content output.
        if (o.isPseudoElement() || (o.parent() && o.parent()->isPseudoElement()))
            tagName = emptyAtom;
        if (!tagName.isEmpty()) {
            ts << " {" << tagName << "}";
            // flag empty or unstyled AppleStyleSpan because we never
            // want to leave them in the DOM
            if (isEmptyOrUnstyledAppleStyleSpan(o.node()))
                ts << " *empty or unstyled AppleStyleSpan*";
    RenderBlock* cb = o.containingBlock();
    bool adjustForTableCells = cb ? cb->isTableCell() : false;

    LayoutRect r;
    if (o.isText()) {
        // FIXME: Would be better to dump the bounding box x and y rather than the first run's x and y, but that would involve updating
        // many test results.
        const RenderText& text = *toRenderText(&o);
        IntRect linesBox = text.linesBoundingBox();
        r = IntRect(text.firstRunX(), text.firstRunY(), linesBox.width(), linesBox.height());
        if (adjustForTableCells && !text.firstTextBox())
            adjustForTableCells = false;
    } else if (o.isRenderInline()) {
        // FIXME: Would be better not to just dump 0, 0 as the x and y here.
        const RenderInline& inlineFlow = *toRenderInline(&o);
        r = IntRect(0, 0, inlineFlow.linesBoundingBox().width(), inlineFlow.linesBoundingBox().height());
        adjustForTableCells = false;
    } else if (o.isTableCell()) {
        // FIXME: Deliberately dump the "inner" box of table cells, since that is what current results reflect.  We'd like
        // to clean up the results to dump both the outer box and the intrinsic padding so that both bits of information are
        // captured by the results.
        const RenderTableCell& cell = *toRenderTableCell(&o);
        r = LayoutRect(cell.x(), cell.y() + cell.intrinsicPaddingBefore(), cell.width(), cell.height() - cell.intrinsicPaddingBefore() - cell.intrinsicPaddingAfter());
    } else if (o.isBox())
        r = toRenderBox(&o)->frameRect();

    // FIXME: Temporary in order to ensure compatibility with existing layout test results.
    if (adjustForTableCells)
        r.move(0, -toRenderTableCell(o.containingBlock())->intrinsicPaddingBefore());

    // FIXME: Convert layout test results to report sub-pixel values, in the meantime using enclosingIntRect
    // for consistency with old results.
    ts << " " << enclosingIntRect(r);

    if (!(o.isText() && !o.isBR())) {
        if (o.isFileUploadControl())
            ts << " " << quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(toRenderFileUploadControl(&o)->fileTextValue());

        if (o.parent()) {
            Color color = o.style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor);
            if (o.parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor) != color)
                ts << " [color=" << color.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

            // Do not dump invalid or transparent backgrounds, since that is the default.
            Color backgroundColor = o.style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor);
            if (o.parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyBackgroundColor) != backgroundColor
                && backgroundColor.isValid() && backgroundColor.rgb())
                ts << " [bgcolor=" << backgroundColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";
            Color textFillColor = o.style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor);
            if (o.parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextFillColor) != textFillColor
                && textFillColor.isValid() && textFillColor != color && textFillColor.rgb())
                ts << " [textFillColor=" << textFillColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

            Color textStrokeColor = o.style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor);
            if (o.parent()->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyWebkitTextStrokeColor) != textStrokeColor
                && textStrokeColor.isValid() && textStrokeColor != color && textStrokeColor.rgb())
                ts << " [textStrokeColor=" << textStrokeColor.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << "]";

            if (o.parent()->style()->textStrokeWidth() != o.style()->textStrokeWidth() && o.style()->textStrokeWidth() > 0)
                ts << " [textStrokeWidth=" << o.style()->textStrokeWidth() << "]";

        if (!o.isBoxModelObject())

        const RenderBoxModelObject& box = *toRenderBoxModelObject(&o);
        if (box.borderTop() || box.borderRight() || box.borderBottom() || box.borderLeft()) {
            ts << " [border:";

            BorderValue prevBorder = o.style()->borderTop();
            if (!box.borderTop())
                ts << " none";
            else {
                ts << " (" << box.borderTop() << "px ";
                printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderTopStyle());
                Color col = o.style()->borderTopColor();
                if (!col.isValid())
                    col = o.style()->color();
                ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderRight() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = o.style()->borderRight();
                if (!box.borderRight())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderRight() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderRightStyle());
                    Color col = o.style()->borderRightColor();
                    if (!col.isValid())
                        col = o.style()->color();
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderBottom() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = box.style()->borderBottom();
                if (!box.borderBottom())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderBottom() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderBottomStyle());
                    Color col = o.style()->borderBottomColor();
                    if (!col.isValid())
                        col = o.style()->color();
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            if (o.style()->borderLeft() != prevBorder) {
                prevBorder = o.style()->borderLeft();
                if (!box.borderLeft())
                    ts << " none";
                else {
                    ts << " (" << box.borderLeft() << "px ";
                    printBorderStyle(ts, o.style()->borderLeftStyle());
                    Color col = o.style()->borderLeftColor();
                    if (!col.isValid())
                        col = o.style()->color();
                    ts << col.nameForRenderTreeAsText() << ")";

            ts << "]";

    if (o.isTableCell()) {
        const RenderTableCell& c = *toRenderTableCell(&o);
        ts << " [r=" << c.rowIndex() << " c=" << c.col() << " rs=" << c.rowSpan() << " cs=" << c.colSpan() << "]";

    if (o.isDetailsMarker()) {
        ts << ": ";
        switch (toRenderDetailsMarker(&o)->orientation()) {
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Left:
            ts << "left";
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Right:
            ts << "right";
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Up:
            ts << "up";
        case RenderDetailsMarker::Down:
            ts << "down";

    if (o.isListMarker()) {
        String text = toRenderListMarker(&o)->text();
        if (!text.isEmpty()) {
            if (text.length() != 1)
                text = quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(text);
            else {
                switch (text[0]) {
                    case bullet:
                        text = "bullet";
                    case blackSquare:
                        text = "black square";
                    case whiteBullet:
                        text = "white bullet";
                        text = quoteAndEscapeNonPrintables(text);
            ts << ": " << text;
    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowIDAndClass) {
        if (Node* node = o.node()) {
            if (node->hasID())
                ts << " id=\"" + toElement(node)->getIdAttribute() + "\"";

            if (node->hasClass()) {
                ts << " class=\"";
                StyledElement* styledElement = static_cast<StyledElement*>(node);
                for (size_t i = 0; i < styledElement->classNames().size(); ++i) {
                    if (i > 0)
                        ts << " ";
                    ts << styledElement->classNames()[i];
                ts << "\"";
    if (behavior & RenderAsTextShowLayoutState) {
        bool needsLayout = o.selfNeedsLayout() || o.needsPositionedMovementLayout() || o.posChildNeedsLayout() || o.normalChildNeedsLayout();
        if (needsLayout)
            ts << " (needs layout:";
        bool havePrevious = false;
        if (o.selfNeedsLayout()) {
            ts << " self";
            havePrevious = true;

        if (o.needsPositionedMovementLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            havePrevious = true;
            ts << " positioned movement";

        if (o.normalChildNeedsLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            havePrevious = true;
            ts << " child";

        if (o.posChildNeedsLayout()) {
            if (havePrevious)
                ts << ",";
            ts << " positioned child";

        if (needsLayout)
            ts << ")";