Example #1
/* stores the locations of all current work in the cluster */
void Cluster::storeBlockLocs() {
  /* loop through every physical node */
  for (unsigned int rank = 0; rank < this->getNumNodes(); ++rank) {
    const Node& n = this->getNode(rank);

    /* loop through work on each node */
    for (unsigned int block = 0; block < n.numSubDomains(); ++block) {
      SubDomain *currentBlock = n.getSubDomain(block);
      int linIndex = currentBlock->getLinIndex();
      //fprintf(stderr, "***linIndex:%d.\n", linIndex);
      this->setBlockLoc(linIndex, rank);

    /* loop through all devices on node */
    for (unsigned int c = 0; c < n.getNumChildren(); ++c) {
      const Node& child = n.getChild(c);
      /* loop through all work on each device */
      for (unsigned int block = 0; block < child.numSubDomains(); ++block) {
        SubDomain *currentBlock = child.getSubDomain(block);
        int linIndex = currentBlock->getLinIndex();
        //fprintf(stderr, "***linIndex:%d.", linIndex);
        this->setBlockLoc(linIndex, rank);
  /* stores the ranks of all neighbors on each task block */
Example #2
void Project::DisplayDomain(int index)
	if (index == 0 && fullDomain)
		if (projectTree)
			projectTree->setCurrentItem(projectTree->findItems("Full Domain", Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive).first());
		if (editSubdomainList)
	else if (index <= subDomains.size())
		SubDomain *targetDomain = subDomains.at(index-1);
		if (targetDomain)
			QString name = targetDomain->GetDomainName();
			if (projectTree)
				projectTree->setCurrentItem(projectTree->findItems(name, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive).first());
			if (editSubdomainList)
				editSubdomainList->setCurrentItem(editSubdomainList->findItems(name, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive).first());
Example #3
SubDomain* Node::popSubDomain() {
  SubDomain* s = subD.back();
  int linear_index = s->getLinIndex();
  return s;
Example #4
void Project::SaveSubdomainChanges(QString subdomain)
	Domain *targetDomain = DetermineDomain(subdomain);
	SubDomain *targetSubdomain = DetermineSubdomain(targetDomain);
	if (targetSubdomain)
Example #5
void Project::ResetNodalValues(QString subdomainName, unsigned int nodeNumber)
	Domain *currentDomain = DetermineDomain(subdomainName);
	if (currentDomain && fullDomain)
		SubDomain *currentSubdomain = DetermineSubdomain(currentDomain);
		if (currentSubdomain)
			currentSubdomain->ResetNodalValues(nodeNumber, fullDomain->GetFort14());
Example #6
void Project::ResetAllNodalValues(QString subdomainName)
	Domain *currentDomain = DetermineDomain(subdomainName);
	if (currentDomain && fullDomain)
		SubDomain *currentSubdomain = DetermineSubdomain(currentDomain);
		if (currentSubdomain)
Example #7
void Project::SetVisibleDomain(Domain *newDomain)
	if (newDomain)
		visibleDomain = newDomain;
		if (glPanel)

		Fort14 *currFort14 = visibleDomain->GetFort14();
		if (currFort14)
			emit numElements(currFort14->GetNumElements());
			emit numNodes(currFort14->GetNumNodes());

		emit undoAvailable(visibleDomain->UndoAvailable());
		emit redoAvailable(visibleDomain->RedoAvailable());

		if (displayOptions && displayOptions->isVisible())

		if (projectTree)
			if (visibleDomain == fullDomain)
				projectTree->setCurrentItem(projectTree->findItems("Full Domain", Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive).first());
				SubDomain *targetDomain = DetermineSubdomain(visibleDomain);
				if (targetDomain)
					QString name = targetDomain->GetDomainName();
					projectTree->setCurrentItem(projectTree->findItems(name, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive).first());

		if (editSubdomainList)
			if (visibleDomain == fullDomain)
				SubDomain *targetDomain = DetermineSubdomain(visibleDomain);
				if (targetDomain)
					QString name = targetDomain->GetDomainName();
					editSubdomainList->setCurrentItem(editSubdomainList->findItems(name, Qt::MatchExactly | Qt::MatchRecursive).first());
Example #8
/* sets the rank of each neighbor for each subdomain */
void Cluster::updateBlockNeighbors() {
  /* loop through every physical node */
  for (unsigned int rank = 0; rank < this->getNumNodes(); ++rank) {
    const Node& n = this->getNode(rank);
    /* loop through work on each node */
    for (unsigned int block = 0; block < n.numTotalSubDomains(); ++block) {
      SubDomain *currentBlock = n.globalGetSubDomain(block);
      //      printNeighbors(currentBlock);  // DEBUG
    // printf("node[%d] has %d total dataBlocks.\n", rank, n.numTotalSubDomains());
Example #9
void Project::SelectSingleSubdomainNode()
	SubDomain *currentSub = 0;
	for (std::vector<SubDomain*>::iterator it = subDomains.begin(); it != subDomains.end(); ++it)
		currentSub = *it;
		if (currentSub == visibleDomain)
			currentSub->UseTool(ClickToolType, NodeSelection, Select);
Example #10
void Project::SetProgressBar(QProgressBar *newBar)
	progressBar = newBar;

	if (fullDomain)

	SubDomain *currDomain = 0;
	for (std::vector<SubDomain*>::iterator it = subDomains.begin(); it != subDomains.end(); ++it)
		currDomain = *it;
		if (currDomain)
Example #11
void MeshSmoothing::snap_boundary(Mesh& mesh,
                                  const SubDomain& sub_domain,
                                  bool harmonic_smoothing)
  log(PROGRESS, "Snapping boundary of mesh: %s", mesh.str(false).c_str());

  if (mesh.geometry().degree() != 1)
                 "snap mesh boundary",
                 "This function does not support higher-order mesh geometry");

  // Extract boundary of mesh
  BoundaryMesh boundary(mesh, "exterior");

  const std::size_t dim = mesh.geometry().dim();

  // Smooth boundary
  MeshGeometry& geometry = boundary.geometry();
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < boundary.num_vertices(); i++)
    Point p = geometry.point(i);
    Array<double> x(dim, p.coordinates());
    geometry.set(i, p.coordinates());

  // Move interior vertices
  move_interior_vertices(mesh, boundary, harmonic_smoothing);
Example #12
void Balancer::populateAdjacencies(Cluster* cluster, int* adj_indices,
        int* adj_nodes, int* node_weights, int* adj_weights) {
  // validate
  if (cluster == NULL || adj_indices == NULL || adj_nodes == NULL) return;

  // go through each node and record the location of each neighbor
  const int kNumNodes = static_cast<int> (cluster->getNumNodes());
  const int kNumNeighbors3D = 26;
  const int kNumNeighbors2D = 8;

  int current_adj_index = 0;
  const int kNumDimensions = cluster->getBlockLinear(0)->getDimensionality();
  int num_neighbors = (kNumDimensions == 3) ?
          kNumNeighbors3D :
  adj_indices[0] = current_adj_index;
  for (int node_index = 0; node_index < kNumNodes; ++node_index) {
    std::map<int, int> adj_map;
    Node& node = cluster->getNode(node_index);
    node_weights[node_index] = static_cast<int> (node.getWeight());
    const int kNumBlocks = static_cast<int> (node.numTotalSubDomains());
    for (int block_index = 0; block_index < kNumBlocks; ++block_index) {
      SubDomain* block = node.globalGetSubDomain(block_index);
      for (int neighbor_index = 0;
              neighbor_index < num_neighbors;
              ++neighbor_index) {
        const int kNoNeighbor = -1;
        const int kNodeRank = block->getNeighborLoc(neighbor_index);
        if (kNodeRank != kNoNeighbor) { // block has a neighbor
          adj_map[kNodeRank] = 1;
    // transfer data from map to CSR adjacency array
    std::map<int, int>::iterator itr;
    for (itr = adj_map.begin();
            itr != adj_map.end();
            ++itr, ++current_adj_index) {
      adj_nodes[current_adj_index] = itr->first; // key is node rank
      int edge_weight =
              static_cast<int> (cluster->getNode(itr->first).getEdgeWeight());
      adj_weights[current_adj_index] = edge_weight;
    adj_indices[node_index + 1] = current_adj_index;
Example #13
void Project::SetNodalValues(QString subdomainName, unsigned int nodeNumber, QString x, QString y, QString z)
	SubDomain *currentSubdomain;
	for (std::vector<SubDomain*>::iterator it = subDomains.begin();
	     it != subDomains.end();
		currentSubdomain = *it;
		if (currentSubdomain)
			if (currentSubdomain->GetDomainName() == subdomainName)
                currentSubdomain->SetNodalValues(nodeNumber, x, y, z);
Example #14
SubDomain* Project::BuildSubdomain(QString subdomainName)
	SubDomain *newSubdomain = new SubDomain(subdomainName, projectFile, this);

	connect(newSubdomain, SIGNAL(mouseX(float)), this, SIGNAL(mouseX(float)));
	connect(newSubdomain, SIGNAL(mouseY(float)), this, SIGNAL(mouseY(float)));
	connect(newSubdomain, SIGNAL(undoAvailable(bool)), this, SIGNAL(undoAvailable(bool)));
	connect(newSubdomain, SIGNAL(redoAvailable(bool)), this, SIGNAL(redoAvailable(bool)));
	connect(newSubdomain, SIGNAL(editNode(uint,QString,QString,QString)),
		this, SIGNAL(editNode(uint,QString,QString,QString)));

	if (progressBar)

	emit subdomainCreated(subdomainName);
	return newSubdomain;
Example #15
void Project::SetOpenGLPanel(OpenGLPanel *newPanel)
	if (newPanel)
		glPanel = newPanel;
		connect(this, SIGNAL(subdomainCreated(QString)), glPanel, SLOT(addSubdomainToMenus(QString)));

		connect(glPanel, SIGNAL(openColorOptions()), this, SLOT(ShowDisplayOptionsDialog()));
		connect(glPanel, SIGNAL(matchColors(QAction*)), this, SLOT(MatchColors(QAction*)));
		connect(glPanel, SIGNAL(matchCamera(QAction*)), this, SLOT(MatchCamera(QAction*)));
		connect(glPanel, SIGNAL(clearSelections()), this, SLOT(ClearSelections()));

		for (std::vector<SubDomain*>::iterator it = subDomains.begin(); it != subDomains.end(); ++it)
			SubDomain* currSubdomain = *it;
			emit subdomainCreated(currSubdomain->GetDomainName());
Example #16
void Cluster::distributeBlocks(Decomposition* blocks) {
  const unsigned int kNumBlocks = blocks->getNumSubDomains();
  const unsigned int kNumNodes = getNumNodes();
  printf("num_nodes: %d.\n", kNumNodes);
  unsigned int total_slabs = 0;
  for (unsigned int node_index = 0; node_index < kNumNodes; ++node_index) {
    Node& node = getNode(static_cast<int> (node_index));
    /* give node all blocks */
    int blocks_needed = node.getBalCount();
    printf("node %d needs %d blocks.\n", node_index, blocks_needed);
    if (0 < blocks_needed) {

    /* give blocks to node's children */
    const int kNumChildren = node.getNumChildren();
    for (int child_id = 0; child_id < kNumChildren; ++child_id) {
      Node& child = node.getChild(child_id);
      blocks_needed = child.getBalCount();
      printf("child %d on node %d needs %d blocks.\n", child_id, node_index,
      if (0 < blocks_needed) {

  // now update the grid dimensions for all blocks
  for (unsigned int index = 0; index < kNumNodes; ++index) {
    Node& node = getNode(index);
    for (unsigned int block_index = 0;
            block_index < node.numTotalSubDomains();
            ++block_index) {
      SubDomain* block = node.globalGetSubDomain(block_index);
      block->setGridDim(total_slabs, 1, 1);
Example #17
void NewDirichletBC::init(SubDomain& sub_domain)
  cout << "Creating sub domain markers for boundary condition." << endl;

  // Create mesh function for sub domain markers on facets
  _mesh.init(_mesh.topology().dim() - 1);
  sub_domains = new MeshFunction<uint>(_mesh, _mesh.topology().dim() - 1);
  sub_domains_local = true;

  // Mark everything as sub domain 1
  (*sub_domains) = 1;
  // Mark the sub domain as sub domain 0
  sub_domain.mark(*sub_domains, 0);
Example #18
SubMesh::SubMesh(const Mesh& mesh, const SubDomain& sub_domain)
  // Create mesh function and mark sub domain
  MeshFunction<std::size_t> sub_domains(mesh, mesh.topology().dim());
  sub_domains = 0;
  sub_domain.mark(sub_domains, 1);

  // Copy data into std::vector
  const std::vector<std::size_t> _sub_domains(sub_domains.values(),
                                              + sub_domains.size());

  // Create sub mesh
  init(mesh, _sub_domains, 1);
Example #19
void MeshSmoothing::snap_boundary(Mesh& mesh,
                                  const SubDomain& sub_domain,
                                  bool harmonic_smoothing)
  cout << "Snapping boundary of mesh: " << mesh << endl;

  // Extract boundary of mesh
  BoundaryMesh boundary(mesh);

  const uint dim = mesh.geometry().dim();
  Array<double> x;

  // Smooth boundary
  MeshGeometry& geometry = boundary.geometry();
  for (uint i = 0; i < boundary.num_vertices(); i++)
    x.update(dim, geometry.x(i));

  // Move interior vertices
  move_interior_vertices(mesh, boundary, harmonic_smoothing);
Example #20
void MeshSmoothing::snap_boundary(Mesh& mesh,
                                  const SubDomain& sub_domain,
                                  bool harmonic_smoothing)
  cout << "Snapping boundary of mesh: " << mesh << endl;

  // Extract boundary of mesh
  BoundaryMesh boundary(mesh, "exterior");

  const std::size_t dim = mesh.geometry().dim();

  // Smooth boundary
  MeshGeometry& geometry = boundary.geometry();
  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < boundary.num_vertices(); i++)
    Point p = geometry.point(i);
    Array<double> x(dim, p.coordinates());
    geometry.set(i, p.coordinates());

  // Move interior vertices
  move_interior_vertices(mesh, boundary, harmonic_smoothing);
Example #21
 * @brief Counts how many segments will have to be exchanged with external nodes
 * @return number of external neighbor blocks.
unsigned int Node::numExternalBlockNeighbors() {
  unsigned int external_block_neighbors = 0;
  const int kNumBlocks = this->numSubDomains();
  for (int block_index = 0; block_index < kNumBlocks; ++block_index) {
    SubDomain* block = this->globalGetSubDomain(block_index);
    const int kNumDimensions = block->getDimensionality();
    const int k2D = 2;
    const int k3D = 3;
    const int kNoNeighbor = -1;
    const int kMyRank = this->getRank();
    if (kNumDimensions == k2D) {
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x2DCorner0) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x2DCorner0) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x2DCorner1) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x2DCorner1) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x2DCorner2) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x2DCorner2) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x2DCorner3) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x2DCorner3) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x2DPole0) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x2DPole0) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x2DPole1) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x2DPole1) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x2DPole2) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x2DPole2) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x2DPole3) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x2DPole3) != kMyRank)
    } else if (kNumDimensions == k3D) {
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner0) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner0) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner1) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner1) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner2) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner2) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner3) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner3) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner4) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner4) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner5) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner5) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner6) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner6) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner7) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DCorner7) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace0) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace0) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace1) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace1) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace2) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace2) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace3) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace3) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace4) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace4) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace5) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DFace5) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole0) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole0) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole1) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole1) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole2) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole2) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole3) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole3) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole4) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole4) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole5) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole5) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole6) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole6) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole7) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole7) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole8) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole8) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole9) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole9) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole10) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole10) != kMyRank)
      if (block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole11) != kNoNeighbor && block->getNeighborLoc(x3DPole11) != kMyRank)
  return external_block_neighbors;
SparsityBuilderFromNodeConnectivity::SparsityBuilderFromNodeConnectivity(SubDomain &ddc_dom, const MeshLib::IMesh &msh, DofEquationIdTable &dofManager, MathLib::RowMajorSparsity &sparse)
    MeshLib::TopologyNode2NodesConnectedByElements topo_node2nodes(msh);
    SparsityTool::createRowMajorSparsityFromNodeConnectivity(topo_node2nodes, *ddc_dom.getGlobalLocalIdMap(), msh.getID(), dofManager, sparse);