Example #1
void KVCanvas::DynamicZoom(Int_t Sign, Int_t px, Int_t py)
   // Zoom in or out of histogram with mouse wheel

   //    Info("DynamicZoom","px=%d py=%d",px,py);

   if (!fSelected) return;
   TH2* TheHisto = (TH2*) FindHisto();//fSelected;

   Double_t percent = 0.15 - Sign * 0.05;

   Int_t dX = 0;
   Int_t dY = 0;

   Double_t ppx = AbsPixeltoX(px);
   Double_t ppy = AbsPixeltoY(py);

   TAxis* ax = TheHisto->GetXaxis();
   Int_t NbinsXtmp = ax->GetNbins();
   Int_t X0tmp = ax->GetFirst();
   Int_t X1tmp = ax->GetLast();
   Int_t step = TMath::Min(TMath::Max(1, (Int_t)(percent * (X1tmp - X0tmp))), NbinsXtmp / 2);
   step *= Sign;
   X0tmp = TMath::Min(TMath::Max(X0tmp + step, 1), X1tmp - step);
   X1tmp = TMath::Max(TMath::Min(X1tmp - step, NbinsXtmp), X0tmp);
   if (X0tmp >= X1tmp) X0tmp = X1tmp - 1;
   if (Sign > 0) dX = (Int_t)(X0tmp + (X1tmp - X0tmp) * 0.5 - ax->FindBin(ppx));
   if ((X0tmp - dX) < 0) ax->SetRange(0, X1tmp - X0tmp);
   else if ((X1tmp - dX) > ax->GetNbins()) ax->SetRange(ax->GetNbins() - (X1tmp - X0tmp), ax->GetNbins());
   else ax->SetRange(X0tmp - dX, X1tmp - dX);

   ax = TheHisto->GetYaxis();
   Int_t NbinsYtmp = ax->GetNbins();
   Int_t Y0tmp = ax->GetFirst();
   Int_t Y1tmp = ax->GetLast();
   step = TMath::Min(TMath::Max(1, (Int_t)(percent * (Y1tmp - Y0tmp))), NbinsYtmp / 2);
   step *= Sign;
   Y0tmp = TMath::Min(TMath::Max(Y0tmp + step, 1), Y1tmp - step);
   Y1tmp = TMath::Max(TMath::Min(Y1tmp - step, NbinsYtmp), Y0tmp);
   if (Y0tmp >= Y1tmp) Y0tmp = Y1tmp - 1;
   if (Sign > 0) dY = (Int_t)(Y0tmp + (Y1tmp - Y0tmp) * 0.5 - ax->FindBin(ppy));
   if ((Y0tmp - dY) < 0) ax->SetRange(0, Y1tmp - Y0tmp);
   else if ((Y1tmp - dY) > ax->GetNbins()) ax->SetRange(ax->GetNbins() - (Y1tmp - Y0tmp), ax->GetNbins());
   else ax->SetRange(Y0tmp - dY, Y1tmp - dY);

Example #2
void KVCanvas::DynamicZoomTH1(Int_t Sign, Int_t px, Int_t)
   // Zoom in or out of histogram with mouse wheel

   if (!fSelected) return;
   TH1* TheHisto = (TH1*) FindHisto();//fSelected;

   Double_t percent = 0.15 - Sign * 0.05;

   Int_t dX = 0;

   px = AbsPixeltoX(px);

   TAxis* ax = TheHisto->GetXaxis();
   Int_t NbinsXtmp = ax->GetNbins();
   Int_t X0tmp = ax->GetFirst();
   Int_t X1tmp = ax->GetLast();
   Int_t step = TMath::Min(TMath::Max(1, (Int_t)(percent * (X1tmp - X0tmp))), NbinsXtmp / 2);
   step *= Sign;
   X0tmp = TMath::Min(TMath::Max(X0tmp + step, 1), X1tmp - step);
   X1tmp = TMath::Max(TMath::Min(X1tmp - step, NbinsXtmp), X0tmp);
   if (X0tmp >= X1tmp) X0tmp = X1tmp - 1;
   if (Sign > 0) dX = (Int_t)(X0tmp + (X1tmp - X0tmp) * 0.5 - ax->FindBin(px));
   if ((X0tmp - dX) < 0) ax->SetRange(0, X1tmp - X0tmp);
   else if ((X1tmp - dX) > ax->GetNbins()) ax->SetRange(ax->GetNbins() - (X1tmp - X0tmp), ax->GetNbins());
   else ax->SetRange(X0tmp - dX, X1tmp - dX);

Example #3
double computeHistoMedian(TH1F * histo) {
  // Get the x axis
  TAxis * ax = histo->GetXaxis();
  // Get the number of bins
  const int nBins = histo->GetNbinsX();

  double cont[nBins];
  double x[nBins];

  // Loop over all the bins
  for (int bin=ax->GetFirst(); bin<=ax->GetLast(); bin++){
    x[bin] = histo->GetBinCenter(bin);
    cont[bin] = histo->GetBinContent(bin);

  return  TMath::Median(nBins, x, cont);

Example #4
double computePValue(TH1F * histo, double s) {
  // Get the x axis
  TAxis * ax = histo->GetXaxis();

  double integ = histo->Integral();
  double nAboveS = 0;

  // Loop over all the bins
  for (int bin=ax->GetFirst(); bin<=ax->GetLast(); bin++){
    if(histo->GetBinCenter(bin) > s) {
      nAboveS += histo->GetBinContent(bin);
  double old = nAboveS/integ;
  TString gName = "gaus_"+TString(histo->GetName());

  TF1 *gaus = new TF1(gName.Data(),"gaus",0.2,100);
  double pvalue = gaus->Integral(s,10)/gaus->Integral(-10,10);
  cout << "        p-value computation for S: " << s << " with histo: " << old
       << " with fit: " << pvalue << endl;
  return  pvalue;
Example #5
void KVCanvas::HandleInput(EEventType event, Int_t px, Int_t py)
   // Handle Input Events.
   //  Handle input events, like button up/down in current canvas.

   if (fFreezed) return;

   TPad*    pad;
   TPad*    prevSelPad = (TPad*) fSelectedPad;
   TObject* prevSelObj = fSelected;

   fPadSave = (TPad*)gPad;
   cd();        // make sure this canvas is the current canvas

   fEvent  = event;
   fEventX = px;
   fEventY = py;

   Int_t sign = 0;
   Bool_t sendOrder = true;

   if (fHasDisabledClasses && fSelected) {
      if (fDisabledClasses.Contains(fSelected->ClassName())) sendOrder = false;

   if (fHasDisabledObject && fSelected) {
      if (fDisabledObjects.Contains(fSelected)) sendOrder = false;

   switch (event) {

      case kMouseMotion:
         // highlight object tracked over
         pad = Pick(px, py, prevSelObj);
         if (!pad) return;

         EnterLeave(prevSelPad, prevSelObj);

         gPad = pad;   // don't use cd() we will use the current
         // canvas via the GetCanvas member and not via
         // gPad->GetCanvas

         if (sendOrder) fSelected->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py);


         if (fAgeOfEmpire && (fSelected->InheritsFrom("TH2"))) {
            TH2* TheHisto = (TH2*) FindHisto();//fSelected;

            Double_t size = 0.4 - 0.35 * fVenerMode;

            Int_t dX = 0;
            Int_t dY = 0;

            Double_t ppx = AbsPixeltoX(px);
            Double_t ppy = AbsPixeltoY(py);

            TAxis* ax = TheHisto->GetXaxis();
            Int_t X0 = ax->GetFirst();
            Int_t X1 = ax->GetLast();
            Int_t NbinsX = ax->GetNbins();
            px = ax->FindBin(ppx);

            Double_t ddX   = (X1 + X0) * 0.5 - px;
            Double_t distX = TMath::Abs(ddX) / (X1 - X0);
            if (distX >= 0.5) return;

            TAxis* ay = TheHisto->GetYaxis();
            Int_t Y0 = ay->GetFirst();
            Int_t Y1 = ay->GetLast();
            Int_t NbinsY = ay->GetNbins();
            py = ay->FindBin(ppy);

            Double_t ddY   = (Y1 + Y0) * 0.5 - py;
            Double_t distY = TMath::Abs(ddY) / (Y1 - Y0);
            if (distY >= 0.5) return;

            if ((distX <= size) && (distY <= size)) return;
            dX = TMath::Nint(ddX * (0.05 + 0.05 * fVenerMode));
            dY = TMath::Nint(ddY * (0.05 + 0.05 * fVenerMode));

            if (TMath::Abs(dX) < 1) dX = TMath::Sign(1., ddX);
            if (TMath::Abs(dY) < 1) dY = TMath::Sign(1., ddY);

            Bool_t up = false;
            if ((X0 - dX > 0) && (X1 - dX < NbinsX)) {
               ax->SetRange(X0 - dX, X1 - dX);
               up = true;
            if ((Y0 - dY > 0) && (Y1 - dY < NbinsY)) {
               ay->SetRange(Y0 - dY, Y1 - dY);
               up = true;
            if (up) {


      case kMouseEnter:
         // mouse enters canvas
         if (!fDoubleBuffer) FeedbackMode(kTRUE);

      case kMouseLeave:
         // mouse leaves canvas
            // force popdown of tooltips
            TObject* sobj = fSelected;
            TPad*    spad = fSelectedPad;
            fSelected     = 0;
            fSelectedPad  = 0;
            EnterLeave(prevSelPad, prevSelObj);
            fSelected     = sobj;
            fSelectedPad  = spad;
            if (!fDoubleBuffer) FeedbackMode(kFALSE);

      case kButton1Double:
      // triggered on the second button down within 350ms and within
      // 3x3 pixels of the first button down, button up finishes action

      case kButton1Down:
         // find pad in which input occured
         pad = Pick(px, py, prevSelObj);
         if (!pad) return;

         gPad = pad;   // don't use cd() because we won't draw in pad
         // we will only use its coordinate system

         if (fSelected) {
            FeedbackMode(kTRUE);   // to draw in rubberband mode
            fSelected->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py);


            if (fSelected->InheritsFrom("TH2")) {
               oldx = GetEventX();
               oldy = GetEventY();
               xmin = AbsPixeltoX(oldx);
               ymin = AbsPixeltoY(oldy);
               gVirtualX->DrawBox(XtoAbsPixel(xmin), YtoAbsPixel(ymin), oldx, oldy, TVirtualX::kHollow);



      case kButton1Motion:
         if (fSelected) {
            if (fSelected->InheritsFrom("TH2")) {
               gVirtualX->DrawBox(XtoAbsPixel(xmin), YtoAbsPixel(ymin), oldx, oldy, TVirtualX::kHollow);
               oldx = GetEventX();
               oldy = GetEventY();
               gVirtualX->DrawBox(XtoAbsPixel(xmin), YtoAbsPixel(ymin), oldx, oldy, TVirtualX::kHollow);
               moved = true;
      case kButton1ShiftMotion: //8 == kButton1Motion + shift modifier
         if (fSelected) {
            gPad = fSelectedPad;

            if (sendOrder) fSelected->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py);

            if (!fSelected->InheritsFrom(TAxis::Class())) {
               Bool_t resize = kFALSE;
               if (fSelected->InheritsFrom(TBox::Class()))
                  resize = ((TBox*)fSelected)->IsBeingResized();
               if (fSelected->InheritsFrom(TVirtualPad::Class()))
                  resize = ((TVirtualPad*)fSelected)->IsBeingResized();

               if ((!resize && TestBit(kMoveOpaque)) || (resize && TestBit(kResizeOpaque))) {
                  gPad = fPadSave;



      case kButton1Up:

         if (fSelected) {
            gPad = fSelectedPad;

            if (sendOrder) fSelected->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py);


            if (fPadSave)
               gPad = fPadSave;
            else {
               gPad     = this;
               fPadSave = this;
            if (fSelected->InheritsFrom("TH2") && moved && !fSelected->InheritsFrom("TH3")) {
               xmax = AbsPixeltoX(GetEventX());
               ymax = AbsPixeltoY(GetEventY());
               Double_t toto = 0;
               if (xmax < xmin) {
                  toto = xmax;
                  xmax = xmin;
                  xmin = toto;
               if (ymax < ymin) {
                  toto = ymax;
                  ymax = ymin;
                  ymin = toto;
//                ZoomSelected((TH2*)fSelected);
               moved = false;
            Update();    // before calling update make sure gPad is reset


      case kButton2Down:
         // find pad in which input occured
         pad = Pick(px, py, prevSelObj);
         if (!pad) return;

         gPad = pad;   // don't use cd() because we won't draw in pad
         // we will only use its coordinate system


         if (!fSelected->InheritsFrom("TH1")) fSelected->Pop();             // pop object to foreground
         pad->cd();                                 // and make its pad the current pad

         if (fSelected->InheritsFrom("TH2") && !fSelected->InheritsFrom("TH3")) {
            // implement pan & scan
            X0 = px;
            Y0 = py;  // u clikd here
            theXaxis = ((TH2*)FindHisto())->GetXaxis();
            theYaxis = ((TH2*)FindHisto())->GetYaxis();
            NXbins = theXaxis->GetNbins();  // maximum bin number in X
            NYbins = theYaxis->GetNbins();  // maximum bin number in Y
            Xf1 = Xfirst0 = theXaxis->GetFirst(); // initial displayed bin range in X
            Xl1 = Xlast0 = theXaxis->GetLast();
            Yf1 = Yfirst0 = theYaxis->GetFirst(); // initial displayed bin range in Y
            Yl1 = Ylast0 = theYaxis->GetLast();
            // size of axes in pixels
            Int_t pixelWidthX = gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmax()) - gPad->XtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUxmin());
            Int_t pixelWidthY = gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymax()) - gPad->YtoAbsPixel(gPad->GetUymin());
            // sizes of bins in pixels
            NdisXbins = Xlast0 - Xfirst0 + 1;
            NdisYbins = Ylast0 - Yfirst0 + 1;
            XbinPixel = pixelWidthX / (1.0 * NdisXbins);
            YbinPixel = pixelWidthY / (1.0 * NdisYbins);

         if (gDebug)
            printf("Current Pad: %s / %s\n", pad->GetName(), pad->GetTitle());

         // loop over all canvases to make sure that only one pad is highlighted
            TIter next(gROOT->GetListOfCanvases());
            TCanvas* tc;
            while ((tc = (TCanvas*)next()))

         /*if (pad->GetGLDevice() != -1 && fSelected)
          fSelected->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py);*/

         break;   // don't want fPadSave->cd() to be executed at the end

      case kButton2Motion:
         //was empty!
         if (fSelected && fSelected->InheritsFrom("TH2") && !fSelected->InheritsFrom("TH3")) {
            // implement pan & scan
            Int_t dX = px - X0; // how far have i moved ?
            Int_t dY = py - Y0;
            Int_t dXbins = dX / XbinPixel;
            Int_t dYbins = dY / YbinPixel;
            Bool_t changed = kFALSE;
            Int_t newXfirst = Xfirst0 - dXbins;
            Int_t newXlast;
            if (newXfirst < 1) {
               newXfirst = 1;
               newXlast = NdisXbins;
            } else {
               newXlast = Xlast0 - dXbins;
               if (newXlast > NXbins) {
                  newXlast = NXbins;
                  newXfirst = newXlast - NdisXbins + 1;
            if (newXfirst != Xf1) {
               Xf1 = newXfirst;
               Xl1 = newXlast;
               theXaxis->SetRange(Xf1, Xl1);
               changed = kTRUE;
            Int_t newYfirst = Yfirst0 - dYbins;
            Int_t newYlast;
            if (newYfirst < 1) {
               newYfirst = 1;
               newYlast = NdisYbins;
            } else {
               newYlast = Ylast0 - dYbins;
               if (newYlast > NYbins) {
                  newYlast = NYbins;
                  newYfirst = newYlast - NdisYbins + 1;
            if (newYfirst != Yf1) {
               Yf1 = newYfirst;
               Yl1 = newYlast;
               theYaxis->SetRange(Yf1, Yl1);
               changed = kTRUE;
            if (changed) {

      case kButton2Up:
         if (fSelected) {
            gPad = fSelectedPad;

            if (sendOrder) fSelected->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py);

      case kButton2Double:


      case kButton3Down:
         // popup context menu
         pad = Pick(px, py, prevSelObj);
         if (!pad) return;

         if (!fDoubleBuffer) FeedbackMode(kFALSE);

         if (fContextMenu && !fSelected->TestBit(kNoContextMenu) && !pad->TestBit(kNoContextMenu) && !TestBit(kNoContextMenu)) {
            if (sendOrder) fContextMenu->Popup(px, py, fSelected, this, pad);
            else fSelected->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py);


      case kButton3Motion:

      case kButton3Up:
         if (!fDoubleBuffer) FeedbackMode(kTRUE);

      case kButton3Double:

      case kKeyDown:
         //       Info("HandleInput","Key down: %d %d",px,py);

      case kKeyUp:
         //       Info("HandleInput","Key up: %d %d",px,py);

      case kKeyPress:
         if (!fSelectedPad || !fSelected) return;
         gPad = fSelectedPad;   // don't use cd() because we won't draw in pad
         // we will only use its coordinate system
         fSelected->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py);

         HandleKey(px, py);

      case kButton1Shift:
         // Try to select
         pad = Pick(px, py, prevSelObj);

         if (!pad) return;

         EnterLeave(prevSelPad, prevSelObj);

         gPad = pad;   // don't use cd() we will use the current
         // canvas via the GetCanvas member and not via
         // gPad->GetCanvas
         fSelected->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py);

      case kWheelUp:
      case kWheelDown:
         pad = Pick(px, py, prevSelObj);
         if (!pad) return;

         sign = (event == kWheelUp ? 1 : -1);

         gPad = pad;
         if (fSelected->InheritsFrom("TAxis")) fSelected->ExecuteEvent(event, px, py);
         else if (fSelected->InheritsFrom("TH2")) DynamicZoom(sign, px, py);



   if (fPadSave && event != kButton2Down)

   if (event != kMouseLeave) { // signal was already emitted for this event
      ProcessedEvent(event, px, py, fSelected);  // emit signal
      DrawEventStatus(event, px, py, fSelected);
TauAnalysisSelector::TauAnalysisSelector(const std::string& puWeight, bool isEmbedded,
                                         const std::string& embeddingWTauMuFile, const std::string& embeddingWTauMuPath,
                                         const std::string& mcTauMultiplicity, const std::string& mcTauMode,
                                         const std::string& embeddingNormalizationMode,
                                         TH1 *embeddingMuonWeights):
  fGenTaus(isEmbedded ? "gentausOriginal" : "gentaus", true),
  fGenTausEmbedded("gentausEmbedded", true),
  cAll(fEventCounter.addCounter("All events")),
  //cElectronVeto(fEventCounter.addCounter("Electron veto")),
  cGeneratorWeight(fEventCounter.addCounter("Vis. pt weight")),
  cTauBRWeight(fEventCounter.addCounter("Tau BR weighting")),
  cGenTauFound(fEventCounter.addCounter("Gen tau found")),
  cTauMCSelection(fEventCounter.addCounter("Tau MC requirement")),
  cOnlyWMu(fEventCounter.addCounter("Only W->mu")),
  cWTauMuWeight(fEventCounter.addCounter("W->tau->mu weighting")),
  cTriggerEffWeight(fEventCounter.addCounter("Muon trigger eff weighting")),
  cIdEffWeight(fEventCounter.addCounter("Muon ID eff weighting")),
  cMuonWeight(fEventCounter.addCounter("Muon corr weighting (from argument)")),
  cJetSelection(fEventCounter.addCounter("Jet selection")),
  cPrimaryVertex(fEventCounter.addCounter("Primary vertex")),
  cAllTauCandidates(fEventCounter.addCounter(">= 1 tau candidate")),
  cPrePtCut(fEventCounter.addCounter("Pre Pt cut")),
  cDecayModeFinding(fEventCounter.addCounter("Decay mode finding")),
  cEtaCut(fEventCounter.addCounter("Eta cut")),
  cPtCut(fEventCounter.addCounter("Pt cut")),
  cLeadingTrackPtCut(fEventCounter.addCounter("Leading track pt")),
  cEcalCracks(fEventCounter.addCounter("ECAL fiducial: cracks")),
  cEcalGap(fEventCounter.addCounter("ECAL fiducial: gap")),
  cAgainstElectron(fEventCounter.addCounter("Against electron")),
  cAgainstMuon(fEventCounter.addCounter("Against muon")),
  cOneProng(fEventCounter.addCounter("One prong")),
  cMuTrigger(fEventCounter.addCounter("Mu trigger"))
  if(isEmbedded && !embeddingWTauMuFile.empty()) {
    TFile *file = TFile::Open(embeddingWTauMuFile.c_str());
    TEfficiency *eff = dynamic_cast<TEfficiency *>(file->Get(embeddingWTauMuPath.c_str()));
    TAxis *xaxis = eff->GetPassedHistogram()->GetXaxis();
    fEmbeddingWTauMuWeights = new TH1F("weights", "weights", xaxis->GetNbins(), xaxis->GetBinLowEdge(xaxis->GetFirst()), xaxis->GetBinUpEdge(xaxis->GetLast()));
    for(int bin=1; bin <= xaxis->GetNbins(); ++bin) {
      fEmbeddingWTauMuWeights->SetBinContent(bin, eff->GetEfficiency(bin));
      std::cout << "Bin " << bin << " low edge " << fEmbeddingWTauMuWeights->GetXaxis()->GetBinLowEdge(bin) << " value " << fEmbeddingWTauMuWeights->GetBinContent(bin) << std::endl;
    fEmbeddingWTauMuWeights->SetBinContent(xaxis->GetNbins()+1, fEmbeddingWTauMuWeights->GetBinContent(xaxis->GetNbins()));

  if(isEmbedded) {