REGISTER_TESTS_END // TestOneServerMultipleClients //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TestTestTCPConnectionPool::TestOneServerMultipleClients() const { const uint16_t testPort( TEST_PORT ); for ( uint32_t i=0; i<NUM_TEST_PASSES; ++i ) { // listen like a server TCPConnectionPool server; TEST_ASSERT( server.Listen( testPort ) ); // connect like a client TCPConnectionPool clientA; TEST_ASSERT( clientA.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort ) ); // connect like a client TCPConnectionPool clientB; TEST_ASSERT( clientB.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort ) ); // connect like a client TCPConnectionPool clientC; TEST_ASSERT( clientC.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort ) ); // connect like a client TCPConnectionPool clientD; TEST_ASSERT( clientD.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort ) ); } }
/*static*/ uint32_t TestTestTCPConnectionPool::TestConnectionStuckDuringSend_ThreadFunc( void * userData ) { const ConnectionInfo * ci = (const ConnectionInfo *)userData; TCPConnectionPool & client = ci->GetTCPConnectionPool(); // send lots of data to slow server AutoPtr< char > mem( FNEW( char[ 10 * MEGABYTE ] ) ); for ( size_t i=0; i<1000; ++i ) { if ( !client.Send( ci, mem.Get(), 10 * MEGABYTE ) ) { break; } } return 0; }
// TestMultipleServersOneClient //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TestTestTCPConnectionPool::TestMultipleServersOneClient() const { const uint16_t testPort( TEST_PORT ); for ( uint32_t i=0; i<NUM_TEST_PASSES; ++i ) { // multiple servers TCPConnectionPool serverA; TEST_ASSERT( serverA.Listen( testPort ) ); TCPConnectionPool serverB; TEST_ASSERT( serverB.Listen( testPort + 1 ) ); TCPConnectionPool serverC; TEST_ASSERT( serverC.Listen( testPort + 2 ) ); TCPConnectionPool serverD; TEST_ASSERT( serverD.Listen( testPort + 3 ) ); // connect client to multiple servers TCPConnectionPool clientA; TEST_ASSERT( clientA.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort ) ); TEST_ASSERT( clientA.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort + 1 ) ); TEST_ASSERT( clientA.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort + 2 ) ); TEST_ASSERT( clientA.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort + 3 ) ); } }
// TestConnectionCount //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void TestTestTCPConnectionPool::TestConnectionCount() const { const uint16_t testPort( TEST_PORT ); for ( uint32_t i=0; i<NUM_TEST_PASSES; ++i ) { // multiple servers TCPConnectionPool serverA; TEST_ASSERT( serverA.Listen( testPort ) ); TEST_ASSERT( serverA.GetNumConnections() == 0 ); TCPConnectionPool serverB; TEST_ASSERT( serverB.Listen( testPort + 1 ) ); TEST_ASSERT( serverB.GetNumConnections() == 0 ); // connect client to multiple servers { TCPConnectionPool clientA; TEST_ASSERT( clientA.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort ) ); TEST_ASSERT( clientA.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort + 1 ) ); WAIT_UNTIL_WITH_TIMEOUT( serverA.GetNumConnections() == 1 ); WAIT_UNTIL_WITH_TIMEOUT( serverB.GetNumConnections() == 1 ); WAIT_UNTIL_WITH_TIMEOUT( clientA.GetNumConnections() == 2 ); } WAIT_UNTIL_WITH_TIMEOUT( serverA.GetNumConnections() == 0 ); WAIT_UNTIL_WITH_TIMEOUT( serverB.GetNumConnections() == 0 ); } }
const uint16_t testPort( TEST_PORT ); // a big piece of data, initialized to some known pattern const size_t maxSendSize( 1024 * 1024 * 10 ); AutoPtr< char > data( (char *)ALLOC( maxSendSize ) ); for ( size_t i=0; i< maxSendSize; ++i ) { data.Get()[ i ] = (char)i; } TestServer server; TEST_ASSERT( server.Listen( testPort ) ); // client TCPConnectionPool client; const ConnectionInfo * ci = client.Connect( AStackString<>( "" ), testPort ); TEST_ASSERT( ci ); size_t sendSize = 31; while ( sendSize <= maxSendSize ) { server.m_ReceivedBytes = 0; server.m_DataSize = sendSize; Timer timer; size_t totalSent = 0; while ( timer.GetElapsed() < 0.1f ) { // client sends some know data to the server