// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  CUpnpHttpSession::ParseRangeHeader
//  Parse range values
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CUpnpRangeHeaderParser::ParseRangeHeader( TDesC8& aRangeHeader, TInt& aStartPos,
                                                TInt& aEndPos )
    // Check header's syntax: "bytes=x-y" where y i optional
    TInt pos( KErrNotFound );

    // 1 string has to contain "="
    pos = aRangeHeader.FindC( UpnpString::KEqual() );
    if( pos == KErrNotFound ) 
        return EFalse;

    // 2 "bytes" has to be at the beginnig
    pos = aRangeHeader.FindC( UpnpHTTP::KBytes() );
    if( pos == KErrNotFound || pos != 0 ) 
        return EFalse;

    // 3 Sets position to after bytes
    pos = UpnpHTTP::KBytes().Length();

    // 4 If there any space or tab after "bytes" - move pos after it
    CUpnpRangeHeaderParser::MovePosition( aRangeHeader, pos );

    // 5 "=" - has to be at this position (after "bytes" + spaces or tabs)
    if( aRangeHeader[ pos ] != UpnpString::KEqual()[0] )
        return EFalse;

    // 6 Sets position to after "="

    // 7 If there any space or tab after "=" - move pos after it
    CUpnpRangeHeaderParser::MovePosition( aRangeHeader, pos );
    // 8 extract x-y. -1 stands for '=' length
    TPtrC8 byteRange = aRangeHeader.Right( aRangeHeader.Length() - pos );

    // 9 There can't be any comas because multi-range is not allowed
    if( byteRange.Find( UpnpString::KComa() ) != KErrNotFound ) 
        return EFalse;

    // 10 "-" delimiter must occure and it cant't be first char, because notation as follows: "-y"  is not allowed
    pos = byteRange.Find( UpnpString::KMinus() );
    if( pos == KErrNotFound ) 
        return EFalse;
    // 11 Checks if it is a final bytes request
    // e.g. Range: bytes= -20
    if( pos == 0 )
        // If there any space or tab after "-" - move pos after it
        CUpnpRangeHeaderParser::MovePosition( byteRange.Right( byteRange.Length()-1 ), pos );
        // if pos equal 0 should be 1 to avoid "-" in getting number from string operation
        pos = pos == 0 ? 1 : pos;
        TLex8 endMinus( byteRange.Right( byteRange.Length() - pos  ) );
        TInt error = endMinus.Val( aEndPos );
        if ( !CUpnpRangeHeaderParser::HandleConversionException( endMinus, aEndPos, error ) )
            return EFalse;
        // We have to check if something else than space or tab leaves after conversion - unless for example 11a will be correct but it is not
        if ( CUpnpRangeHeaderParser::HasImproperChars( endMinus ) )
            return EFalse;
        aStartPos = KErrNotFound;
        return ETrue;

    // 12 All looks fine, so now parse it and get x and y
    TLex8 start( byteRange.Left( pos ) );

    // 13 If conversion fails - return error
    TInt error = start.Val( aStartPos );
    if ( !CUpnpRangeHeaderParser::HandleConversionException( start, aStartPos, error ) )
        return EFalse;
    // 14 We have to check if something else than space or tab leaves after conversion - unless for example 11a will be correct but it is not
    if ( CUpnpRangeHeaderParser::HasImproperChars( start ) )
            return EFalse;

    // y is optional
    if( ( byteRange.Length() - pos - 1 ) > 0 )
        TLex8 end( byteRange.Right( byteRange.Length() - pos - 1 ) );
        error = end.Val( aEndPos );
        if ( !CUpnpRangeHeaderParser::HandleConversionException( end, aEndPos, error ) )
            return EFalse;
        // We have to check if something else than space or tab leaves after conversion - unless for example 11a will be correct but it is not
        if ( CUpnpRangeHeaderParser::HasImproperChars( end ) )
            return EFalse;
        aEndPos = KErrNotFound; 

    return ETrue;