Example #1
/// Notifies the views of the current document and the views of any child documents
/// of a change. In contrast to QueryViews, NotifyViews sends notification of an
/// event to all views and returns true if all views returned a true result. The
/// event, EV_OWLNOTIFY, is sent with an event code, which is private to the
/// particular document and view class, and a long argument, which can be cast
/// appropriately to the actual type passed in the argument of the response
/// function.
TDocument::NotifyViews(int event, long item, TView* exclude)
  bool answer = true;

  TDocument* pdoc = 0;
  while ((pdoc = ChildDoc.Next(pdoc)) != 0)
    answer = (answer && pdoc->NotifyViews(event, item, exclude));

  TEventHandler::TEventInfo eventInfo(WM_OWLNOTIFY, event);
  for (TView* view = ViewList; view != 0; view = view->NextView)
    if (view != exclude && view->Find(eventInfo))
      answer = (answer && (view->Dispatch(eventInfo, 0, item) != 0));

  return answer;