TGraphAsymmErrors *getEfficiencyFrom(TH1F *h) { if(h==0) return 0; // compute efficiency: N(x>cut) / N as function of x // we assume overflows / underflows are included TGraphAsymmErrors *effgr = new TGraphAsymmErrors; effgr->SetName(h->GetName()+TString("eff")); effgr->SetTitle(TString("#varepsilon_{")+h->GetTitle()+TString("}")); effgr->SetMarkerStyle(h->GetMarkerStyle()); effgr->SetMarkerSize(1.3); effgr->SetMarkerColor(h->GetLineColor()); effgr->SetLineColor(h->GetLineColor()); effgr->SetFillStyle(0); int nbins=h->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); Double_t tot=h->Integral(); for(int ibin=1; ibin<=nbins; ibin++) { Double_t cut = h->GetBinLowEdge(ibin); Double_t err; Double_t tot_cut=h->IntegralAndError(ibin,nbins,err); effgr->SetPoint(ibin-1,cut,tot_cut/tot); effgr->SetPointError(ibin-1,0,0,err/tot,err/tot); } return effgr; }
// nameSuffix is appended to histograms name, making the graph's name TGraphAsymmErrors* makeEffGraph (TH1F& h, TString nameSuffix = "eff") { int n = 1+h.GetNbinsX(); vector<Double_t> ps(n); // a partial sum: integral of h from -infinity to high edge of bin n, counted TH1 style for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) { ps [i] = h.GetBinContent (i) + (i>0 ? ps [i-1] : 0); } Double_t *x = new Double_t [n], *y = new Double_t [n], *exl = new Double_t [n], *exh = new Double_t [n]; Double_t *eyl = new Double_t [n], *eyh = new Double_t [n]; // for the graph for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) { exl [i] = exh [i] = 0; x [i] = h.GetBinLowEdge (i+1); // low edge of nBins+1 is the right edge of h. Double_t eff, deff; calcPoisEff (ps[n-1] - ps[i], ps[i], eff, deff); y [i] = eff; makeAsymmEffErrors (eff, deff, eyl [i], eyh [i]); } TGraphAsymmErrors *gae = new TGraphAsymmErrors (n, x, y, exl, exh, eyl, eyh); gae->SetTitle (h.GetTitle()); gae->GetXaxis()->SetTitle (h.GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); gae->GetYaxis()->SetTitle ("Efficiency"); gae->SetName (TString (h.GetName()) + nameSuffix); delete[] x; delete[] y; delete[] exl; delete[] exh; delete[] eyl; delete[] eyh; return gae; }
void applyEfficiencyToTauMuons() { TFile* _fPtSm = new TFile("smearedMuonPtFromTau.07.09.2013.root","read"); TFile* _fEff = new TFile("mcWEffForTauMuonStudy_07_08_2013.root","read"); TFile* _fPtSmEff = new TFile("smearedEffAppliedMuonPtFromTau.root","recreate"); _fPtSm->cd(); TH1F* hPtSm = (TH1F*)_fPtSm->Get("hSmearedMuonPt"); _fEff->cd(); TGraphAsymmErrors* grEff = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)_fEff->Get("pEffWAccCuts"); double* yEff = grEff->GetY(); TH1F* hnew = (TH1F*)hPtSm->Clone("hnew"); ///Apply efficiency bin by bin for(int igr=0; igr<grEff->GetN(); ++igr) { double ptNominal = hPtSm->GetBinContent(igr+1); std::cout << "pt nominal " << ptNominal << " eff " << yEff[igr] << " = " << yEff[igr]*ptNominal << std::endl; hnew->SetBinContent(igr+1,yEff[igr]*ptNominal); } _fPtSmEff->cd(); hnew->Write(); _fPtSmEff->Write(); _fPtSmEff->Close(); }
void printVectorsToFile(wGraph_t *wg) // , const string& filename) { if (wg->gr->InheritsFrom("TGraphAsymmErrors")) { TGraphAsymmErrors *agr = (TGraphAsymmErrors *)wg->gr; cout<<"lox\tctrx\thix\tloy\tctry\thiy\tex\tey"<<endl; for (int i=0; i<agr->GetN(); i++) { double x,y, ex, ey, lox,hix,loy,hiy; agr->GetPoint(i,x,y); ex = agr->GetErrorX(i); ey = agr->GetErrorY(i); lox = x-ex; hix = x+ex; loy = y-ey; hiy = y+ey; cout <<lox<<"\t"<<x<<"\t"<<hix<<"\t"; cout <<loy<<"\t"<<y<<"\t"<<hiy<<"\t"<<ex<<"\t"<<ey<<endl; } } else { cout<<"x\ty\t"<<endl; for (int i=0; i<wg->gr->GetN(); i++) { double x,y; wg->gr->GetPoint(i,x,y); cout<<x<<"\t"<<y<<endl; } } } // printVectorsToFile
//************************************************************************************************* // //************************************************************************************************* TGraphAsymmErrors* MakeCurrentWPSigEffVsBkgEffGraph(Double_t signalEff, Double_t bkgEff, string name ) { //Make Met Plots double SigEff[1]; double BkgEff[1]; double SigEffErrLow[1]; double SigEffErrHigh[1]; double BkgEffErrLow[1]; double BkgEffErrHigh[1]; double NSigTotal = 0; double NBkgTotal = 0; double cutValue; SigEff[0] = signalEff; SigEffErrLow[0] = 0; SigEffErrHigh[0] = 0; BkgEff[0] = bkgEff; BkgEffErrLow[0] = 0; BkgEffErrHigh[0] = 0; TGraphAsymmErrors *tmpSigEffVsBkgEff = new TGraphAsymmErrors (1, BkgEff, SigEff, BkgEffErrLow, BkgEffErrHigh , SigEffErrLow, SigEffErrHigh ); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->SetName(name.c_str()); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->SetTitle(""); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Bkg Eff"); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Signal Eff"); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.05); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->SetLineColor(kBlack); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->SetMarkerSize(1.5); return tmpSigEffVsBkgEff; }
TGraphAsymmErrors* FilterBins(std::vector<int> binsToSelect, TGraphAsymmErrors* inputGR) { int numbin = binsToSelect.size(); TString name = Form ("%s_new",inputGR->GetName()); TString title = Form ("%s",inputGR->GetTitle()); TGraphAsymmErrors* newGR = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); newGR -> SetName (name); for (int i=0; i< binsToSelect.size(); i++) { double X = i+0.5; double Y = (inputGR->GetY()) []; double errXUp = inputGR->GetErrorXhigh(; double errXDown = inputGR->GetErrorXlow(; double errYUp = inputGR->GetErrorYhigh(; double errYDown = inputGR->GetErrorYlow(; newGR->SetPoint(i, X, Y); newGR->SetPointError(i, errXDown, errXUp, errYDown, errYUp); // std::cout << " i = " << i << " X = " << X << " Y = " << Y << std::endl; } return newGR; }
TGraph* makeGraph_response_asymmetric(std::vector<histogram_vs_X_Type>& histograms_vs_X, const std::vector<double>& y_true_array) { //std::cout << "<makeGraph_response_asymmetric>:" << std::endl; unsigned numPoints = histograms_vs_X.size(); assert(numPoints > 0); TGraphAsymmErrors* graph = new TGraphAsymmErrors(numPoints); for ( unsigned iPoint = 0; iPoint < numPoints; ++iPoint ) { double x = histograms_vs_X[iPoint].x_; double xErrUp = histograms_vs_X[iPoint].xErrUp_; double xErrDown = histograms_vs_X[iPoint].xErrDown_; TH1* histogram = histograms_vs_X[iPoint].histogram_; double max, maxErrUp, maxErrDown; compHistogram_yMax(histogram, max, maxErrUp, maxErrDown); //std::cout << "histogram = " << histogram->GetName() << ": max = " << max << " + " << maxErrUp << " - " << maxErrDown << std::endl; double y_true = y_true_array[iPoint]; //std::cout << " y(true) = " << y_true << std::endl; double y = max/y_true; double yErrUp = maxErrUp/y_true; double yErrDown = maxErrDown/y_true; graph->SetPoint(iPoint, x, y); graph->SetPointError(iPoint, xErrDown, xErrUp, yErrDown, yErrUp); } return graph; }
TGraphAsymmErrors* ROC( TH1* hSignal, TH1* hQCD){ TGraphAsymmErrors* out = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); int nbins = hSignal->GetNbinsX(); double totalS = hSignal->GetEntries(); double totalB = hQCD->GetEntries(); cout << "=============================================================" << endl; cout << hSignal->GetTitle() << endl; cout << "totalS = " << totalS << " totalB= " << totalB << endl; cout << "=============================================================" << endl; int bin; for(int i=0 ; i < 51; i++){ bin=i+1; // bin=i; double Bi = hQCD->Integral(0,bin); double Si = hSignal->Integral(0,bin); double eff_qcd = Bi / totalB; double eff_signal = Si/ totalS; double err_qcd = sqrt(Bi) / totalB; double soverb = eff_signal/sqrt(eff_signal+eff_qcd); cout.setf(ios::fixed); cout.precision(5); cout << "isolation value = " << 0.01*(bin) << " signal eff = " << eff_signal << " background eff = " << eff_qcd << " s/sqrt(s+b)= " << soverb << endl ; cout.precision(); //out->SetPoint(i, eff_signal, 1-eff_qcd); out->SetPoint(i, eff_qcd, eff_signal); out->SetPointEXhigh(i,err_qcd); out->SetPointEXlow(i, err_qcd); } return out; }
void MakeNsignalEff_pt15(){ setTDRStyle(); gStyle->SetPalette(1); TH1* medium = makehist("PreSelection_medium_pt15"); TH1* tight = makehist("PreSelection_tight_pt15"); TH1* tight_dxy10= makehist("PreSelection_iso_10_10_pt15"); TH1* tight_anal = makehist("PreSelection_pt15"); TLegend* legendH = new TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9); legendH->SetFillColor(kWhite); legendH->SetTextSize(0.03); medium->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{N} GeV"); medium->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ID efficiency"); medium->SetMarkerColor(kRed); tight->SetMarkerColor(kRed); tight_dxy10->SetMarkerColor(kRed); tight_anal->SetMarkerColor(kRed); medium->SetMarkerStyle(20.); tight->SetMarkerStyle(21.); tight_dxy10->SetMarkerStyle(22.); tight_anal->SetMarkerStyle(23.); legendH->AddEntry(medium, "medium ID", "p"); legendH->AddEntry(tight, "tight ID", "p"); legendH->AddEntry(tight_dxy10, "tight+ dxy ", "p"); legendH->AddEntry(tight_anal, "tight+ dxy+ iso ", "p"); medium->Draw("p"); tight->Draw("psame"); tight_dxy10->Draw("psame"); tight_anal->Draw("psame"); legendH->Draw(); TGraphAsymmErrors * g = new TGraphAsymmErrors(heff); g->SetLineWidth(2.0); g->SetMarkerSize(2.); // g->Draw( "9pXsame" ); CMS_lumi( c1, 2, 11 ); c1->Update(); c1->RedrawAxis(); c1->SaveAs(("/home/jalmond/WebPlots/PreApproval/SignalPlots/SignalEff_presel_med_tight_pt15.pdf" )); }
void MakeNPunziLowMass_lowmasscuts(){ setTDRStyle(); gStyle->SetPalette(1); TH1F* tight_anal1 = makehist("PreSelection_lowmass"); TH1F* tight_anal2 = makehist("PreSelection_lowmass2"); TH1F* tight_anal3 = makehist("PreSelection_lowmass3"); TLegend* legendH = new TLegend(0.6, 0.7, 0.9, 0.9); legendH->SetFillColor(kWhite); legendH->SetTextSize(0.03); tight_anal3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{N} GeV"); tight_anal3->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("ID efficiency"); tight_anal1->SetMarkerColor(kRed); tight_anal1->SetMarkerStyle(20.); tight_anal2->SetMarkerColor(kRed); tight_anal2->SetMarkerStyle(21.); tight_anal3->SetMarkerColor(kRed); tight_anal3->SetMarkerStyle(22.); legendH->AddEntry(tight_anal1, "LowMass", "p"); legendH->AddEntry(tight_anal2, "LowMass + m(ee) < 60", "p"); legendH->AddEntry(tight_anal3, "LowMass + m(eejj) < 155", "p"); tight_anal3->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0., 0.001); tight_anal3->Draw("p"); tight_anal1->Draw("psame"); tight_anal2->Draw("psame"); legendH->Draw(); TGraphAsymmErrors * g = new TGraphAsymmErrors(heff); g->SetLineWidth(2.0); g->SetMarkerSize(2.); // g->Draw( "9pXsame" ); CMS_lumi( c1, 2, 11 ); c1->Update(); c1->RedrawAxis(); c1->SaveAs(("/home/jalmond/WebPlots/PreApproval/SignalPlots/Punzi_presel_lowmasscuts.pdf" )); return; }
void Histograms::MakeL1GEfficiency(TH1F * num, TH1F * denom, const char * hname) { // Make an efficiency graph with the "L1G" style TGraphAsymmErrors * eff = new TGraphAsymmErrors( num, denom); eff->SetMarkerStyle(24); eff->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); eff->SetMarkerSize(1.5); eff->SetLineColor(kBlack); m_efficiencies[std::string( hname )] = eff; }
TGraphAsymmErrors *fromGEpGMptoQ4GEp(TGraph *ogr) { if (!ogr) return 0; TGraphAsymmErrors *ogrE = dynamic_cast<TGraphAsymmErrors*>(ogr); int npts = ogr->GetN(); Double_t x,y; Double_t Q2; Double_t Gd; TGraphAsymmErrors *gr = new TGraphAsymmErrors(npts); ogr->TAttMarker::Copy(*gr); ogr->TAttLine::Copy(*gr); ogr->TAttFill::Copy(*gr); gr->SetName(ogr->GetName()); for (int i=0; i<npts; i++) { Double_t ex1=0,ex2=0,ey1=0,ey2=0; ogr->GetPoint(i,x,y); Q2=x; if (ogrE) { ex1 = ogrE->GetErrorXlow(i); ex2 = ogrE->GetErrorXhigh(i); ey1 = ogrE->GetErrorYlow(i); ey2 = ogrE->GetErrorYhigh(i); } Gd = pow( 1.0 + Q2/0.71, -2.0); y *= pow(Q2,2.0)*Gd; ey1 *= pow(Q2,2.0)*Gd; ey2 *= pow(Q2,2.0)*Gd; gr->SetPoint(i,x,y); gr->SetPointError(i,ex1,ex2,ey1,ey2); } return gr; }
TGraphAsymmErrors *fromGEntoGEnGd(TGraph *ogr) { // take a curve (with errors) of GEn and make it into (GEn/Gd) if (!ogr) return 0; TGraphAsymmErrors *ogrE = dynamic_cast<TGraphAsymmErrors*>(ogr); int npts = ogr->GetN(); Double_t x,y; Double_t Q2; Double_t Gd; TGraphAsymmErrors *gr = new TGraphAsymmErrors(npts); ogr->TAttMarker::Copy(*gr); ogr->TAttLine::Copy(*gr); ogr->TAttFill::Copy(*gr); gr->SetName(ogr->GetName()); for (int i=0; i<npts; i++) { Double_t ex1=0,ex2=0,ey1=0,ey2=0; ogr->GetPoint(i,x,y); Q2=x; if (ogrE) { ex1 = ogrE->GetErrorXlow(i); ex2 = ogrE->GetErrorXhigh(i); ey1 = ogrE->GetErrorYlow(i); ey2 = ogrE->GetErrorYhigh(i); } Gd = gdipole(&Q2,0); y /= Gd; ey1 /= Gd; ey2 /= Gd; gr->SetPoint(i,x,y); gr->SetPointError(i,ex1,ex2,ey1,ey2); } return gr; }
//************************************************************************************************* // //************************************************************************************************* TGraphAsymmErrors* MakeCurrentWPSigEffVsCutValueGraph(TH1F* signalHist, string name, Double_t myCutValue ) { //Make Met Plots const UInt_t nPoints = signalHist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); double cutValue[1] = {0}; double cutValueErr[1] = {0}; double SigEff[1] = {0}; double SigEffErrLow[1] = {0}; double SigEffErrHigh[1] = {0}; double NSigTotal = 0; Double_t effDiff = 9999; for (UInt_t q=0; q < nPoints+2; ++q) { NSigTotal += signalHist->GetBinContent(q); } for(UInt_t b=0; b < nPoints; ++b) { Double_t nsig = 0; for (UInt_t q=b; q < nPoints+2; ++q) { nsig += signalHist->GetBinContent(q); } Double_t ratio; Double_t n1 = 0; Double_t n2 = 0; n1 = TMath::Nint(nsig); n2 = TMath::Nint(NSigTotal); ratio = n1/n2; cout << myCutValue << " : " << signalHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(b) << " , " << cutValue[0] << endl; if (fabs(myCutValue - signalHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(b)) < fabs(myCutValue - cutValue[0])) { SigEff[0] = ratio; SigEffErrLow[0] = 0; SigEffErrHigh[0] = 0; cutValue[0] = signalHist->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(b); cutValueErr[0] = 0; } } // cout << "Final: " << cutValue[0] << " , " << SigEff[0] << endl; TGraphAsymmErrors *tmpSigEffVsCut = new TGraphAsymmErrors (1, cutValue, SigEff, cutValueErr, cutValueErr, SigEffErrLow, SigEffErrHigh ); tmpSigEffVsCut->SetName(name.c_str()); tmpSigEffVsCut->SetTitle(""); tmpSigEffVsCut->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Cut Value"); tmpSigEffVsCut->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency"); tmpSigEffVsCut->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); tmpSigEffVsCut->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.05); tmpSigEffVsCut->SetMarkerColor(kBlack); tmpSigEffVsCut->SetLineColor(kBlack); tmpSigEffVsCut->SetMarkerSize(1.5); return tmpSigEffVsCut; }
TGraphAsymmErrors* fitTools::getGraphPoissonErrors( TH1D* histo, bool drawZeros, const std::string xerrType, float nSigma ) { TGraphAsymmErrors* graph = new TGraphAsymmErrors(0); for( unsigned iBin=1; iBin<(histo->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()+1); ++iBin ) { int y; // these are data histograms, so y has to be integer double x, xerr, yerrplus, yerrminus; //xerr = 0.; //no xerr for now (maybe binwidth / sqrt(12)?) x = histo->GetBinCenter(iBin); if( xerrType=="0" ) xerr = 0.; else if( xerrType=="binWidth" ) xerr = histo->GetBinWidth(iBin)/2.; else if( xerrType=="sqrt12" ) xerr = histo->GetBinWidth(iBin)/sqrt(12.); else { std::cout << "Unkown xerrType '" << xerrType << "'. Setting to bin width." << std::endl; xerr = histo->GetBinWidth(iBin); } y = (int)histo->GetBinContent(iBin); if( y==0 && !drawZeros ) continue; double ym, yp; RooHistError::instance().getPoissonInterval(y,ym,yp,nSigma); yerrplus = yp - y; yerrminus = y - ym; /* // and now poissonian errors (bayes flat prior): if( y==0 ) { yerrminus = 0.; yerrplus = 0.5*TMath::ChisquareQuantile(cl, 2.*(y+1.) ); } else { //float lowL = 0.5*TMath::ChisquareQuantile(1.-cl/2., 2.*y); //float upL = 0.5*TMath::ChisquareQuantile(cl/2., 2.*(y+1.) ); float lowL = 0.5*TMath::ChisquareQuantile(1.-cl, 2.*y); float upL = 0.5*TMath::ChisquareQuantile(cl, 2.*(y+1.) ); yerrminus = y - lowL; yerrplus = upL - y; } */ int thisPoint = graph->GetN(); graph->SetPoint( thisPoint, x, y ); graph->SetPointError( thisPoint, xerr, xerr, yerrminus, yerrplus ); } return graph; }
void drawROC(TString& type, TString& ytitle, TString& xtitle, TString& head, TString &leg1, TString& leg2, TString& leg3, TString & leg4){ TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(Form("%s",type.Data()), Form("%s",type.Data()) ,5,49,400,400); SetStyleCanvas(c); TGraphAsymmErrors *grae1ROCdetrel = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); TGraphAsymmErrors *grae1ROCdettrk = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); TGraphAsymmErrors *grae1ROCpf = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); TGraphErrors *grae1ROCLKT = new TGraphErrors(); ROCDetectorRelIsoData(grae1ROCdetrel); ROCDetectorTrkIsoData(grae1ROCdettrk); ROCParticleIsoData(grae1ROCpf); TGraphErrors *graeTbkgData = new TGraphErrors(); TGraphErrors *graeTsigData = new TGraphErrors(); EffLKTIsoData(graeTsigData); SetDataQCDEffLKT(graeTbkgData); grae1ROCLKT = getROC(graeTsigData, graeTbkgData); //ROCLKTIsoData(grae1ROCLKT); //limit trk ROC to 10 points grae1ROCdettrk = getModifiedROC(grae1ROCdettrk, 10); TGraphAsymmErrors *temp = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); temp=getTemp(1, 14); SetStyleGraphErrors(temp, 2, 23, 0, 0.0, ytitle, xtitle, 0.77, 1.02); SetStyleGraphErrors(grae1ROCdetrel, 2, 23, 0, 0.8, ytitle, xtitle, 0.8, 1.1); SetStyleGraphErrors(grae1ROCdettrk, 3, 22, 0, 0.8, ytitle, xtitle, 0.8, 1.1); SetStyleGraphErrors(grae1ROCpf, 4, 20, 0, 0.8, ytitle, xtitle, 0.8, 1.1); SetStyleGraphErrors(grae1ROCLKT, 6, 20, 0, 0.8, ytitle, xtitle, 0.8, 1.1); //draw error band ***** grae1ROCdetrel->SetFillColor(2); grae1ROCdetrel->SetFillStyle(3001); grae1ROCdettrk->SetFillColor(3); grae1ROCdettrk->SetFillStyle(3001); grae1ROCpf->SetFillColor(4); grae1ROCpf->SetFillStyle(3001); //end draw error band ***** temp->Draw("APC"); grae1ROCdetrel->Draw("3CPSame"); grae1ROCdettrk->Draw("3CPSame"); grae1ROCpf->Draw("3CPSame"); grae1ROCLKT->Draw("PSame"); SetLegend(grae1ROCpf, grae1ROCdetrel, grae1ROCdettrk, grae1ROCLKT, "Data", leg1, leg2, leg3, leg4, "PL","PL","PL","P",0.6, 0.20, 0.9,0.50); SetLabel(0.19,0.88,36); c->Print(Form("%s.eps",type.Data())); }
//************************************************************************************************* // //************************************************************************************************* TGraphAsymmErrors* MakeSigEffVsBkgEffGraph(TH1F* signalHist, TH1F* bkgHist, string name ) { //Make Met Plots const UInt_t nPoints = signalHist->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); double SigEff[nPoints]; double BkgEff[nPoints]; double SigEffErrLow[nPoints]; double SigEffErrHigh[nPoints]; double BkgEffErrLow[nPoints]; double BkgEffErrHigh[nPoints]; double NSigTotal = 0; double NBkgTotal = 0; for (UInt_t q=0; q < nPoints+2; ++q) { NSigTotal += signalHist->GetBinContent(q); NBkgTotal += bkgHist->GetBinContent(q); } for(UInt_t b=0; b < nPoints; ++b) { Double_t nsig = 0; Double_t nbkg = 0; for (UInt_t q=b; q < nPoints+2; ++q) { nsig += signalHist->GetBinContent(q); nbkg += bkgHist->GetBinContent(q); } Double_t ratio; Double_t n1 = 0; Double_t n2 = 0; n1 = TMath::Nint(nsig); n2 = TMath::Nint(NSigTotal); ratio = n1/n2; SigEff[b] = ratio; SigEffErrLow[b] = 0; SigEffErrHigh[b] = 0; n1 = TMath::Nint(nbkg); n2 = TMath::Nint(NBkgTotal); ratio = n1/n2; BkgEff[b] = ratio; BkgEffErrLow[b] = 0; BkgEffErrHigh[b] = 0; } TGraphAsymmErrors *tmpSigEffVsBkgEff = new TGraphAsymmErrors (nPoints, BkgEff, SigEff, BkgEffErrLow, BkgEffErrHigh, SigEffErrLow, SigEffErrHigh ); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->SetName(name.c_str()); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->SetTitle(""); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Bkg Eff"); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Signal Eff"); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.05); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->SetMarkerSize(0.5); tmpSigEffVsBkgEff->SetMarkerStyle(20); return tmpSigEffVsBkgEff; }
void addLine(TString file,TString name,TString legend,Color_t color,Int_t linestyle = 0,Int_t linewidth = 3) { TFile * f = new TFile(file); TGraphAsymmErrors *obs = (TGraphAsymmErrors*)f->Get(name); obs->SetLineColor(color); obs->SetLineStyle(linestyle); obs->SetLineWidth(linewidth); obs->Draw("LXsame"); if(legend!="") { l->AddEntry(obs,legend,"l"); } }
// Take a tree, a variable and calculate the efficiency TGraphAsymmErrors* getEfficiency(TTree *t, char *variable, TCut preselection, TCut cut, int nBin, Float_t *bins) { static int count = 0; count++; TH1D *hPass = new TH1D (Form("hPass%d",count),"",nBin,bins); TH1D *hAll = new TH1D (Form("hAll%d",count),"",nBin,bins); t->Draw(Form("%s>>hAll%d",variable,count),preselection); t->Draw(Form("%s>>hPass%d",variable,count),preselection&&cut); TGraphAsymmErrors *g = new TGraphAsymmErrors; g->BayesDivide(hPass,hAll); return g; }
//____________________________________________________________________________________ TGraphAsymmErrors *calcEfficiency(TH1* h1, TH1* h2) { TH1 *phUp = (TH1 *)h2->Clone("phUp"); TH1 *phDown = (TH1 *)h1->Clone("phDown"); phUp->SetDirectory(0); phDown->SetDirectory(0); TGraphAsymmErrors *pgEfficiency = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); pgEfficiency->BayesDivide(phUp,phDown,""); return pgEfficiency; }
TGraphAsymmErrors* ratio_tgraphs(TGraphAsymmErrors *n, TGraphAsymmErrors *d, double scale){ cout<<"[ratio_tgraphs]"<<endl; if(!n || !d) return 0; int N = d->GetN(); cout<<"number of bins "<<N<<endl; TGraphAsymmErrors *ratio = new TGraphAsymmErrors(N); char name[300]; sprintf(name,"ratio_%s_over_%s",n->GetName(),d->GetName()); ratio->SetName(name); for(int i=0;i<N;i++) { double nx, ny; double nex, ney; n->GetPoint(i,nx,ny); nex = n->GetErrorX(i); ney = n->GetErrorY(i); double dx, dy; double dex, dey; d->GetPoint(i,dx,dy); //cout<<" dy "<<dy<<endl; dex = d->GetErrorX(i); dey = d->GetErrorY(i); double rx, ry; double rex, rey; //cout<<"nx :"<<nx<<"ny :"<<ny<<endl; //cout<<"dx :"<<dx<<"dy :"<<dy<<endl; if(dy==0) ry = 999; else ry = (ny/dy)*scale; //rex = rey = 0; rex = 0; //rey = sqrt((ney*ney)/(ny*ny)+(dey*dey)/(dy*dy)); rey = sqrt((ney*ney)+(dey*dey))*scale; ratio->SetPoint(i,dx,ry); ratio->SetPointError(i,rex,rex,rey,rey); } return ratio; }
bool PlotManager::saveBayesEfficiency(const string& graphName, const string& graphTitle, const string& numeHistName, const string& denoHistName) { if ( ! isSetup_ ) return false; TH1F* numeHist = (TH1F*)(theSrcFile_->Get(numeHistName.c_str())); TH1F* denoHist = (TH1F*)(theSrcFile_->Get(denoHistName.c_str())); // Check validity of objects if ( numeHist == 0 || denoHist == 0 ) { cerr << "Cannot get object : " << graphName << endl; return false; } if ( ! numeHist->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TH1") || ! denoHist->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TH1") || numeHist->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TH2") || denoHist->IsA()->InheritsFrom("TH2") ) { return false; } // Check bin size if ( numeHist->GetNbinsX() != denoHist->GetNbinsX() ) { cerr << "Bin size of two histograms are not same" << endl; return false; } // Push to base directory string pwd(gDirectory->GetPath()); string newGraphPath = dirname(graphName); string newGraphName = basename(graphName); if ( newGraphPath.empty() ) { theOutFile_->cd(); } else if ( theOutFile_->cd(newGraphPath.c_str()) == kFALSE ) { cout << "Cannot find directory, do mkdirs" << endl; mkdirs(theOutFile_, newGraphPath)->cd(); } // Create new TGraphAsymmErrors TGraphAsymmErrors* effGraph = new TGraphAsymmErrors(numeHist, denoHist); // Cosmetics effGraph->SetName(newGraphName.c_str()); effGraph->SetTitle(graphTitle.c_str()); effGraph->SetMinimum(0.8); effGraph->SetMaximum(1.0); effGraph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(numeHist->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); effGraph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Efficiency"); // Save histogram effGraph->Write(); // Pop directory gDirectory->cd(pwd.c_str()); return true; }
TGraphAsymmErrors* EFF( TH1* hSignal ){ TGraphAsymmErrors* out = new TGraphAsymmErrors(); int nbins = hSignal->GetNbinsX(); double totalS = hSignal->GetEntries(); int bin; for(int i=0 ; i < 1000; i++){ bin=i+1; double Si = hSignal->Integral(0,bin); double eff_signal = Si/ totalS; out->SetPoint(i, 0.01*(i+1), eff_signal); //out->SetPointEXhigh(i,err_signal); //out->SetPointEXlow(i, err_signal); } return out; }
//! Read TGraphAsymmErrors from file // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TGraphAsymmErrors* readTGraphAsymmErrors(const TString &fileName, const TString &gName, const TString &newGName) { TFile file(fileName,"READ"); TGraphAsymmErrors *g = 0; file.GetObject(gName,g); if( g ) { if( newGName.Length() ) g->SetName(newGName); } else { std::cerr << "ERROR in FileOps::readTGraph: TGraphAsymmErrors with name '" << gName << "' does not exist in file '" << fileName << "'\n."; file.Close(); exit(-1); } file.Close(); return g; }
TGraphAsymmErrors* OffSetter(vector<TGraphAsymmErrors*> Orginal, bool Data = false) { size_t Newnphistar = nphistar - 2; TGraphAsymmErrors* NewPlot = new TGraphAsymmErrors(Newnphistar * ny); for (size_t ybin = 0; ybin < ny; ybin++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < Newnphistar - 2; j++) { double x, y; Orginal[ybin]->GetPoint(j, x, y); double Error = Orginal[ybin]->GetErrorYhigh(j); NewPlot->SetPoint(j + ybin * Newnphistar, x, y + .5 * (ny - ybin - 1)); if (Data)NewPlot->SetPointError(j + ybin * Newnphistar, (phistarBins[j + 1] - phistarBins[j]) / 2., (phistarBins[j + 1] - phistarBins[j]) / 2., Error, Error); else NewPlot->SetPointError(j + ybin*Newnphistar, 0, 0, Error, Error); } } return NewPlot; }
double GetError(TH1* h, bool up){ const double alpha = 1 - 0.6827; if(!h) return 0.; TGraphAsymmErrors * g = new TGraphAsymmErrors(h); for (int i = 0; i < g->GetN(); ++i) { int N = g->GetY()[i]; double L = (N==0) ? 0 : (ROOT::Math::gamma_quantile(alpha/2,N,1.)); double U = (N==0) ? ( ROOT::Math::gamma_quantile_c(alpha,N+1,1) ) : ( ROOT::Math::gamma_quantile_c(alpha/2,N+1,1) ); if ( N!=0 ) { if(up) return U-N; else return N-L; } } }
vector<TGraphAsymmErrors*> SplitGraph(TGraphAsymmErrors* graph, bool doXerrors = 0) { vector<TGraphAsymmErrors*> v; for (uint i = 0; i < ny; i++) { TGraphAsymmErrors* g = new TGraphAsymmErrors(nphistar); for (uint j = 0; j < nphistar; j++) { int bin = i * nphistar + j; double x, y; graph->GetPoint(bin, x, y); g->SetPoint(j, (phistarBins[j] + phistarBins[j + 1]) / 2., y); g->SetPointError(j, 0, 0, graph->GetErrorYlow(bin), graph->GetErrorYhigh(bin)); if (doXerrors) g->SetPointError(j, (phistarBins[j + 1] - phistarBins[j]) / 2., (phistarBins[j + 1] - phistarBins[j]) / 2., graph->GetErrorYlow(bin), graph->GetErrorYhigh(bin)); //cout << i << " " << j << " " << bin << " " << (phistarBins[j] + phistarBins[j + 1]) / 2. << " " << (phistarBins[j + 1] - phistarBins[j]) / 2. << " " << y << " " << graph->GetErrorYlow(bin) << " " << graph->GetErrorYhigh(bin) << endl; } v.push_back(g); } return v; }
Hists(std::string name) { title = name; h1McPt = new TH1F(Form("h1McPt_%s",name.c_str()),";mcP_{T}(GeV/c)",40,1,5); h1HftMatchedMcPt = new TH1F(Form("h1HftMatchedMcPt_%s",name.c_str()),";mcP_{T}(GeV/c)",40,1,5); h1TpcMcPt = new TH1F(Form("h1TpcMcPt_%s",name.c_str()),";mcP_{T}(GeV/c)",40,1,5); gTpcEff = new TGraphAsymmErrors; gTpcEff->SetName(Form("gTpcEff_%s",name.c_str())); gHftEff = new TGraphAsymmErrors; gHftEff->SetName(Form("gHftEff_%s",name.c_str())); h1DcaZPosEta = new TH1F(Form("h1DcaZPosEta_%s",name.c_str()),";dcaZ(cm)",400,-1,1); h1DcaZNegEta = new TH1F(Form("h1DcaZNegEta_%s",name.c_str()),";dcaZ(cm)",400,-1,1); h1DcaZ = new TH1F(Form("h1DcaZ_%s",name.c_str()),";dcaZ(cm)",400,-1,1); h1McPt->SetDirectory(0); h1HftMatchedMcPt->SetDirectory(0); h1TpcMcPt->SetDirectory(0); h1DcaZ->SetDirectory(0); }
/** * Add distributions from other experiments to stacks * * @param name Name of current bin * @param i Index of current bin * @param sNN Center of mass energy * @param allALICE Stack of ALICE data * @param allCMS Stack of CMS data * @param alice Possible ALICE result on return * @param cms Possible CMS result on return */ void Other2Stack(const TString& name, Int_t i, UShort_t sNN, TMultiGraph* allALICE, TMultiGraph* allCMS, TGraph*& alice, TGraph*& cms) { if (!allALICE && !allCMS) return; TString tmp(name); tmp.ReplaceAll("p", "+"); tmp.ReplaceAll("m", "-"); tmp.ReplaceAll("_", " "); tmp.ReplaceAll("d", "."); TObjArray* tokens = tmp.Tokenize(" "); if (!tokens || tokens->GetEntriesFast() < 2) { Error("Other2Stack", "Failed to decode eta range from %s", name.Data()); if (tokens) tokens->Delete(); return; } Double_t eta1 = static_cast<TObjString*>(tokens->At(0))->String().Atof(); Double_t eta2 = static_cast<TObjString*>(tokens->At(1))->String().Atof(); tokens->Delete(); if (TMath::Abs(eta2+eta1) > 1e-3) { // Not symmetric bin // Info("Other2Stack", "bin [%f,%f] is not symmetric (%f)", // eta1, eta2, TMath::Abs(eta2-eta1)); return; } Double_t aEta = TMath::Abs(eta1); Int_t open, closed; Double_t factor; Float_t size; BinAttributes(i, open, closed, size, factor); if (allALICE) { TGraphAsymmErrors* g = GetOther(1, aEta, sNN, factor); if (g) { g->SetMarkerStyle(closed); g->SetMarkerColor(kColorALICE); g->SetMarkerSize(size); allALICE->Add(g, "p same"); alice = g; } } if (allCMS) { TGraphAsymmErrors* g = GetOther(0, aEta, sNN, factor); if (g) { g->SetMarkerStyle(closed); g->SetMarkerColor(kColorCMS); g->SetMarkerSize(size); allCMS->Add(g, "p same"); cms = g; } } }
TGraphAsymmErrors* CombineTwoTGraphAsymm(TGraphAsymmErrors *graph1, TGraphAsymmErrors *graph2, TH1D *baseHist, Bool_t shouldAddQuadrature) { if (!graph1 || !graph2 || !baseHist) { cout << "Missing component. Cannot combine graphs" <<endl; return NULL; } // Initialize the TGraph from the base histogram TGraphAsymmErrors *combinedGraph = new TGraphAsymmErrors(baseHist); // Loop over the bins and combine the errors for (Int_t iBin = 0; iBin < combinedGraph->GetN(); iBin++) { Double_t errYHigh = 0; Double_t errYLow = 0; if (shouldAddQuadrature) { // Add the errors in quadrature errYHigh = pow(graph1->GetErrorYhigh(iBin), 2); errYHigh += pow(graph2->GetErrorYhigh(iBin), 2); errYHigh = sqrt(errYHigh); errYLow = pow(graph1->GetErrorYlow(iBin), 2); errYLow += pow(graph2->GetErrorYlow(iBin), 2); errYLow = sqrt(errYLow); } else { // Just take the largest value for the bin if (errYHigh < graph1->GetErrorYhigh(iBin)) { errYHigh = graph1->GetErrorYhigh(iBin); } if (errYHigh < graph2->GetErrorYhigh(iBin)) { errYHigh = graph2->GetErrorYhigh(iBin); } if (errYLow < graph1->GetErrorYlow(iBin)) { errYLow = graph1->GetErrorYlow(iBin); } if (errYLow < graph2->GetErrorYlow(iBin)) { errYLow = graph2->GetErrorYlow(iBin); } } combinedGraph->SetPointEYhigh(iBin, errYHigh); combinedGraph->SetPointEYlow(iBin, errYLow); } return combinedGraph; }