Example #1
TCanvas *subsupscript()
   TCanvas *S = new TCanvas("script","Subscripts and Superscripts",400,250);

   TLatex Tl;
   TLatex Tt;

   // Draw First Column
   float y, x1, x2;
   float step = 0.3;
   y = 0.80; x1 = 0.02; x2 = x1+0.3;

               Tl.DrawLatex(x2, y, "x^{2y}")     ; Tt.DrawText(x1, y, "x^{2y}");
   y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x2, y, "x_{2y}")     ; Tt.DrawText(x1, y, "x_{2y}");
   y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x2, y, "x^{y^{2}}")  ; Tt.DrawText(x1, y, "x^{y^{2}}");

   // Draw Second Column
   y = 0.80; x1 = 0.52; x2 = x1+0.3;
               Tl.DrawLatex(x2, y, "x^{y_{1}}")  ; Tt.DrawText(x1, y, "x^{y_{1}}");
   y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x2, y, "x^{y}_{1}")  ; Tt.DrawText(x1, y, "x^{y}_{1}");
   y -= step ; Tl.DrawLatex(x2, y, "x_{1}^{y}")  ; Tt.DrawText(x1, y, "x_{1}^{y}");

   return S;
void TPTiming ()
    TAxis * ax = TPMatchEmul2D->GetZaxis() ;
    ax->SetRangeUser(-1,6) ;

    TCanvas* canv = new TCanvas("canv", "canv") ;
    canv->SetLogz(0) ;
    gStyle->SetOptStat(10) ;
    int color[10]= {1,10,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,2} ;
    gStyle->SetPalette(7, color) ;
    TPMatchEmul2D->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Phi index");
    TPMatchEmul2D->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Eta index");
    TPMatchEmul2D->Draw("colz") ;

    TH2I * label = new TH2I("label", "",72, 1, 73, 38, -19, 19) ;
    for (int x=3 ; x<73 ; x+=4) {
        for (int y=21; y<=37; y++) {
            int towernb = 4*(y-21)+1 ;
            label->SetBinContent(x-1, y, towernb) ; //EB+
            label->SetBinContent(x, 40-y, towernb) ; //EB-
    label->Draw("same text") ;

    TLatex txt;
    TLine line;
    line.SetLineColor(1) ;
    line.SetLineStyle(1) ;
    line.SetLineWidth(1) ;
    TAxis* xAxis = TPMatchEmul2D->GetXaxis();
    TAxis* yAxis = TPMatchEmul2D->GetYaxis();

    // draw SM borders and numbers
    float sm ;
    for (int i=0; i<36 ; i++ ) {
        if (i<18) {
            sm = 4*i+3 ;
            line.DrawLine(sm, 1, sm, 18) ;
            txt.DrawText(sm-1+0.3, -17.7, Form("-%d",i+1));
        else {
            sm = 4*(i-18)+3 ;
            line.DrawLine(sm, 0, sm, -17) ;
            txt.DrawText(sm-2+0.3, 18.5, Form("+%d",i-17));
    line.DrawLine(1, 0, 73, 0) ;
    line.DrawLine(1, -17, 73, -17) ;
    line.DrawLine(1, 1, 73, 1) ;
    line.DrawLine(1, 18, 73, 18) ;

Example #3
File: slash.C Project: 0x0all/ROOT
TCanvas *slash()
   TCanvas *F = new TCanvas("script","Slash",500,100);

   TLatex Tl;
   TLatex Tt;

   float y, x1, x2;
   y = 0.50; x1 = 0.02; x2 = x1+0.7;

   Tt.DrawText(x1, y, "#slash{E}_{T}");
   Tl.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#slash{E}_{T}");

   return F;
Example #4
TCanvas *bars()
    TCanvas *F = new TCanvas("script","Bars",500,100);

    TLatex Tl;
    TLatex Tt;

    float y, x1, x2;
    y = 0.50;
    x1 = 0.02;
    x2 = x1+0.7;

    Tt.DrawText(x1, y,  "#bar{a} #vec{a}");
    Tl.DrawLatex(x2, y, "#bar{a} #vec{a}");

    return F;
Example #5
void latex5() {
   TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("mathsymb","Mathematical Symbols",600,600);

   TLatex l;

   // Draw First Column
   float y, step, x1, x2;
   y = 0.96; step = 0.0465; x1 = 0.02; x2 = x1+0.04;
               l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#club")           ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#club");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#voidn")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#voidn");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#leq")            ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#leq");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#approx")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#approx");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#in")             ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#in");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#supset")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#supset");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#cap")            ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#cap");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#ocopyright")     ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#ocopyright");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#trademark")      ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#trademark");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#times")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#times");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#bullet")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#bullet");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#voidb")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#voidb");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#doublequote")    ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#doublequote");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#lbar")           ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#lbar");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#arcbottom")      ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#arcbottom");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#downarrow")      ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#downarrow");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#leftrightarrow") ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#leftrightarrow");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Downarrow")      ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#Downarrow");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Leftrightarrow") ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#Leftrightarrow");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#void8")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#void8");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#hbar")           ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#hbar");

   // Draw Second Column
   y = 0.96; step = 0.0465; x1 = 0.27; x2 = x1+0.04;
               l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#diamond")        ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#diamond");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#aleph")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#aleph");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#geq")            ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#geq");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#neq")            ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#neq");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#notin")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#notin");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#subseteq")       ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#subseteq");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#cup")            ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#cup");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#copyright")      ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#copyright");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#void3")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#void3");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#divide")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#divide");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#circ")           ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#circ");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#infty")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#infty");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#angle")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#angle");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#cbar")           ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#cbar");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#arctop")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#arctop");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#leftarrow")      ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#leftarrow");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#otimes")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#otimes");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Leftarrow")      ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#Leftarrow");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#prod")           ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#prod");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Box")            ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#Box");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#parallel")       ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#parallel");

   // Draw Third Column
   y = 0.96; step = 0.0465; x1 = 0.52; x2 = x1+0.04;
               l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#heart")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#heart");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Jgothic")        ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#Jgothic");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#LT")             ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#LT");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#equiv")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#equiv");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#subset")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#subset");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#supseteq")       ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#supseteq");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#wedge")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#wedge");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#oright")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#oright");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#AA")             ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#AA");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#pm")             ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#pm");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#3dots")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#3dots");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#nabla")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#nabla");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#downleftarrow")  ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#downleftarrow");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#topbar")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#topbar");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#arcbar")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#arcbar");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#uparrow")        ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#uparrow");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#oplus")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#oplus");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Uparrow")        ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#Uparrow");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y-0.01, "#sum")       ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#sum");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#perp")           ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#perp");

   // Draw Fourth Column
   y = 0.96; step = 0.0465; x1 = 0.77; x2 = x1+0.04;
               l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#spade")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#spade");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Rgothic")        ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#Rgothic");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#GT")             ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#GT");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#propto")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#propto");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#notsubset")      ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#notsubset");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#oslash")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#oslash");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#vee")            ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#vee");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#void1")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#void1");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#aa")             ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#aa");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#/")              ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#/");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#upoint")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#upoint");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#partial")        ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#partial");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#corner")         ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#corner");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#ltbar")          ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#ltbar");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#bottombar")      ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#bottombar");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#rightarrow")     ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#rightarrow");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#surd")           ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#surd");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#Rightarrow")     ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#Rightarrow");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y-0.015, "#int")      ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#int");
   y -= step ; l.DrawLatex(x1, y, "#odot")           ; l.DrawText(x2, y, "#odot");

   // Save the picture in various formats