Example #1
// Called by the meta data engine when a token is remapped to a new location.
// This value is recorded in the m_rgMap array based on type and rid of the
// from token value.
    mdToken     tkFrom, 
    mdToken     tkTo)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    mdToken *pToken = NULL;
    ULONG ridFrom = 0;
    TOKENMAP *pMap = NULL;


    if ( IndexForType(tkFrom) == -1 )
        // It is a type that we are not tracking, such as mdtProperty or mdtEvent,
        // just return S_OK.
        goto ErrExit;

    _ASSERTE(IndexForType(tkFrom) < GetMaxMapSize());
    _ASSERTE(IndexForType(tkTo) != -1 && IndexForType(tkTo) < GetMaxMapSize());

    // If there is another token mapper that the user wants called, go
    // ahead and call it now.
    if (m_pIMapToken)
        m_pIMapToken->Map(tkFrom, tkTo);
    ridFrom = RidFromToken(tkFrom);
    pMap = &m_rgMap[IndexForType(tkFrom)];

    // If there isn't enough entries, fill out array up to the count
    // and mark the token to nil so we know there is no valid data yet.
    if ((ULONG) pMap->Count() <= ridFrom)
        for (int i=ridFrom - pMap->Count() + 1;  i;  i--) 
            pToken = pMap->Append();
            if (!pToken)
            *pToken = mdTokenNil;
        _ASSERTE(!pToken || pMap->Get(ridFrom) == pToken);
        pToken = pMap->Get(ridFrom);

    *pToken = tkTo;

    return hr;
Example #2
// Check the given token to see if it has moved to a new location.  If so,
// return true and give back the new token.
int CeeGenTokenMapper::HasTokenMoved(
    mdToken     tkFrom,
    mdToken     &tkTo)
    mdToken     tk;

    int i = IndexForType(tkFrom);
    if(i == -1) return false;

    _ASSERTE(i < GetMaxMapSize());
    TOKENMAP *pMap = &m_rgMap[i];

    // Assume nothing moves.
    tkTo = tkFrom;

    // If the array is smaller than the index, can't have moved.
    if ((ULONG) pMap->Count() <= RidFromToken(tkFrom))
        return (false);

    // If the entry is set to 0, then nothing there.
    tk = *pMap->Get(RidFromToken(tkFrom));
    if (tk == mdTokenNil)
        return (false);
    // Had to move to a new location, return that new location.
    tkTo = tk;
    return (true);
Example #3
// cascading Mark of a MemberRef
HRESULT FilterManager::MarkMemberRef(mdMemberRef mr)
    HRESULT         hr = NOERROR;
    MemberRefRec    *pRec;
    ULONG           cbSize;
    ULONG           cbUsed;
    IHostFilter     *pFilter = m_pMiniMd->GetHostFilter();
    mdToken         md;
    TOKENMAP        *tkMap;
    mdToken         tkParent;

    // We know that the filter table is not null here.  Tell PREFIX that we know it.
    PREFIX_ASSUME(m_pMiniMd->GetFilterTable() != NULL);

    // if MemberRef is already marked, just return
    if (m_pMiniMd->GetFilterTable()->IsMemberRefMarked(mr))
        goto ErrExit;

    IfFailGo( m_pMiniMd->GetFilterTable()->MarkMemberRef( mr ) );

    if (pFilter)

    IfFailGo(m_pMiniMd->GetMemberRefRecord(RidFromToken(mr), &pRec));

    // we want to mark the parent of MemberRef as well
    tkParent = m_pMiniMd->getClassOfMemberRef(pRec);

    // If the parent is the global TypeDef, mark only the TypeDef itself (low-level function).
    // Other parents, do the transitive mark (ie, the high-level function).
    if (IsGlobalTypeDef(tkParent))
        IfFailGo( m_pMiniMd->GetFilterTable()->MarkTypeDef( tkParent ) );
        IfFailGo( Mark( tkParent ) );

    // Walk the signature and mark all of the embedded types
    IfFailGo(m_pMiniMd->getSignatureOfMemberRef(pRec, &pbSig, &cbSize));
    IfFailGo( MarkSignature(pbSig, cbSize, &cbUsed) );

    tkMap = m_pMiniMd->GetMemberRefToMemberDefMap();
    md = *(tkMap->Get(RidFromToken(mr)));           // can be fielddef or methoddef
    if ( RidFromToken(md) != mdTokenNil )
        // MemberRef is referring to either a FieldDef or MethodDef.
        // If it is referring to MethodDef, we have fix the parent of MemberRef to be the MethodDef.
        // However, if it is mapped to a FieldDef, the parent column does not track this information.
        // Therefore we need to mark it explicitly.
        IfFailGo( Mark(md) );

    IfFailGo( MarkCustomAttributesWithParentToken(mr) );

    return hr;
} // HRESULT FilterManager::MarkMemberRef()
Example #4
// cascading Mark of a TypeRef
HRESULT FilterManager::MarkTypeRef(mdTypeRef tr)
    HRESULT         hr = NOERROR;
    TOKENMAP        *tkMap;
    mdTypeDef       td;
    IHostFilter     *pFilter = m_pMiniMd->GetHostFilter();
    TypeRefRec      *pRec;
    mdToken         parentTk;

    // We know that the filter table is not null here.  Tell PREFIX that we know it.
    PREFIX_ASSUME(m_pMiniMd->GetFilterTable() != NULL);

    // if TypeRef is already marked, just return
    if (m_pMiniMd->GetFilterTable()->IsTypeRefMarked(tr))
        goto ErrExit;

    IfFailGo( m_pMiniMd->GetFilterTable()->MarkTypeRef( tr ) );

    if (pFilter)

    IfFailGo(m_pMiniMd->GetTypeRefRecord(RidFromToken(tr), &pRec));
    parentTk = m_pMiniMd->getResolutionScopeOfTypeRef(pRec);
    if ( RidFromToken(parentTk) )
        IfFailGo( Mark( parentTk ) );

    tkMap = m_pMiniMd->GetTypeRefToTypeDefMap();
    td = *(tkMap->Get(RidFromToken(tr)));
    if ( td != mdTokenNil )
        // TypeRef is referring to a TypeDef within the same module.
        // Mark the TypeDef as well.
        IfFailGo( Mark(td) );

    IfFailGo( MarkCustomAttributesWithParentToken(tr) );

    return hr;
} // HRESULT FilterManager::MarkTypeRef()