Example #1
void KVGVList::FillN(KVEvent* r)
    // Calls FillN(KVEvent*) method of all N-body variables in the list
    TObjLink* lnk = fVGN.FirstLink();
    while (lnk) {
        KVVarGlob* vg = (KVVarGlob*) lnk->GetObject();
        lnk = lnk->Next();
Example #2
void GFHistManager::DrawObjects(Int_t layer, Int_t histNo)
  // histNo starting at '0'
  // We must already be in the correct pad, layer and histNo must exist
  if(fObjLists && layer <= fObjLists->GetLast() && fObjLists->At(layer)){
    TObjArray* layerLists = static_cast<TObjArray*>(fObjLists->At(layer));
    if(histNo <= layerLists->GetLast() && layerLists->At(histNo)){
      TObjLink *lnk = static_cast<TList*>(layerLists->At(histNo))->FirstLink();
      while (lnk) {
	lnk = lnk->Next();
Example #3
Int_t THaCutList::RemoveBlock( const char* block )
  // Remove all cuts contained in the named block.

  THaNamedList* plist = FindBlock( block );
  if( !plist ) return -1;
  Int_t i = 0;
  TObjLink* lnk = plist->FirstLink();
  while( lnk ) {
    THaCut* pcut = static_cast<THaCut*>( lnk->GetObject() );
    if( pcut ) i++;
    lnk = lnk->Next();
    fCuts->Remove( pcut );
  plist->Delete();   // this should delete all pcuts
  fBlocks->Remove( plist );
  delete plist;

  return i;
Example #4
TObject* THaRTTI::FindRealDataVar( TList* lrd, TString& var )
  // Search list of TRealData 'lrd' for a variable named 'var',
  // stripping pointer prefixes "*" and array subscripts.
  // Return corresponding TRealData entry if found, else NULL.
  // Protected function used by Find().

  TObjLink* lnk = lrd->FirstLink();
  while (lnk) {
    TObject* obj = lnk->GetObject();
    TString name( obj->GetName() );
    name = name.Strip( TString::kLeading, '*' );
    Ssiz_t i = name.Index( '[' );
    if( i != kNPOS )
      name = name(0,i);
    if( name == var )
      return obj;      
    lnk = lnk->Next();
  return NULL;
Example #5
Int_t ProcFileElements::Add(Long64_t fst, Long64_t lst)
   // Add a new element to the list
   // Return 1 if a new element has been added, 0 if it has been merged
   // with an existing one, -1 in case of error

   if (!fElements) fElements = new TSortedList;
   if (!fElements) {
      Error("Add", "could not create internal list!");
      return -1;

   // Create (temporary element)
   ProcFileElements::ProcFileElement *ne =
      new ProcFileElements::ProcFileElement(fst, lst);

   // Check if if it is adjacent or overlapping with an existing one
   TIter nxe(fElements);
   ProcFileElements::ProcFileElement *e = 0;
   while ((e = (ProcFileElements::ProcFileElement *)nxe())) {
      if (e->MergeElement(ne) == 0) break;

   Int_t rc = 0;
   // Remove and re-add the merged element to sort correctly its possibly new position
   if (e) {
   } else {
      // Add the new element
      rc = 1;

   // Make sure that all what can be merged is merged (because of the order, some elements
   // which could be merged are not merged, making the determination of fFirst and fLast below
   // to give incorrect values)

   ProcFileElements::ProcFileElement *ep = 0, *en = 0;
   TObjLink *olp = fElements->FirstLink(), *oln = 0;
   while (olp && (ep = (ProcFileElements::ProcFileElement *) olp->GetObject())) {
      oln = olp->Next();
      while (oln) {
         if ((en = (ProcFileElements::ProcFileElement *) oln->GetObject())) {
            if (ep->MergeElement(en) == 0) {
               delete en;
         oln = oln->Next();
      olp = olp->Next();

   // New overall ranges
   if ((e = (ProcFileElements::ProcFileElement *) fElements->First())) fFirst = e->fFirst;
   if ((e = (ProcFileElements::ProcFileElement *) fElements->Last())) fLast = e->fLast;

   // Done
   return rc;