int main() { // Get7 a map of the histograms of the Z Masses const std::string file_name = "/data/whybee0a/user/lesko_2/fermi/MadWithInitial/Mad2016_8_25/results/AllMHWithMothers.root"; // Open the file and load the tree const std::string TreeName = "ZFinder/Combined Gen Cuts Reco/Combined Gen Cuts Reco"; TTree* tree = GetTTree(file_name, TreeName); TBranch* reco = tree->GetBranch("reco"); TLeaf* PhiStar = reco->GetLeaf("z_phistar_born"); TLeaf* Mom1 = reco->GetLeaf("z_mom1PDG"); TLeaf* Mom2 = reco->GetLeaf("z_mom2PDG"); TLeaf* PenUltimateMom1 = reco->GetLeaf("z_penultimate1PDG"); TLeaf* PenUltimateMom2 = reco->GetLeaf("z_penultimate2PDG"); TLeaf* Z_YBorn = reco->GetLeaf("z_yBorn"); ExploreTree(tree, Mom1, PenUltimateMom1, Mom2, PenUltimateMom2); TBranch* event_info = tree->GetBranch("event_info"); //TLeaf* EVNumb = event_info->GetLeaf("event_number"); // Pack into a hitogram for (int w = 0; w < 2; w++) { string PlotName; TLeaf* MomOrPenUltimateMom1 = w == 0 ? Mom1 : PenUltimateMom1; TLeaf* MomOrPenUltimateMom2 = w == 0 ? Mom2 : PenUltimateMom2; vector<string> NamesOfPlots; NamesOfPlots.push_back("UpQuarkPair"); //0 NamesOfPlots.push_back("DownQuarkPair"); //1 NamesOfPlots.push_back("StrangeQuarkPair"); //2 NamesOfPlots.push_back("CharmQuarkPair"); //3 NamesOfPlots.push_back("BottomQuarkPair"); //4 NamesOfPlots.push_back("SingleQuark"); //5 NamesOfPlots.push_back("Gluon"); //6 NamesOfPlots.push_back("TwoQuarks"); //7 NamesOfPlots.push_back("TwoAntiQuarks"); //8 NamesOfPlots.push_back("QuarkAntiQuarkPair"); //9 NamesOfPlots.push_back("QuarkAntiQuarkNotPair"); //10 NamesOfPlots.push_back("Quark Quark And AntiQuark AntiQuark"); //11 NamesOfPlots.push_back("Broken"); map<string, TH1*> AllPlots; AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[0]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[0].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[0].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[1]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[1].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[1].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[2]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[2].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[2].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[3]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[3].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[3].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[4]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[4].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[4].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[5]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[5].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[5].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[6]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[6].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[6].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[7]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[7].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[7].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); //Two quarks AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[8]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[8].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[8].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); //Two Anti quarks AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[9]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[9].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[9].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); // AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[10]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[10].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[10].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[11]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[11].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[11].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[12]] = new TH1D(NamesOfPlots[12].c_str(), NamesOfPlots[12].c_str(), nphistar, phistarBins); map<string, TH1*> RatioPlots; //using normalized versions of the pairs to see shape changes cout << "test 1" << endl; //Vector<TH1*> YplotsFromParents; //YplotsFromParents.push_back(new TH1D("YSeperatedUpQuarkPair", "UpQuarkPair", nY, yBins)); //YplotsFromParents.push_back(new TH1D("YSeperatedDownQuarkPair", "DownQuarkPair", nY, yBins)); //YplotsFromParents.push_back(new TH1D("YSeperatedStrangeQuarkPair", "StrangeQuarkPair", nY, yBins)); //YplotsFromParents.push_back(new TH1D("YSeperatedCharmQuarkPair", "CharmQuarkPair", nY, yBins)); //YplotsFromParents.push_back(new TH1D("YSeperatedBottomQuarkPair", "BottomQuarkPair", nY, yBins)); //YplotsFromParents.push_back(new TH1D("YSeperatedGluonQuarkPair", "GluonQuarkPair", nY, yBins)); //YplotsFromParents.push_back(new TH1D("YSeperatedGluon", "Gluon", nY, yBins)); //YplotsFromParents.push_back(new TH1D("YSeperatedUnmatchingQuarks", "UnmatchingQuarks", nY, yBins)); //TH2D* Parents = new TH2D("ParentsPDGId", "Parents PDGID", 28, -6.5, 21.5, 28, -6.5, 21.5); TH2D* ProductionVsY = new TH2D("ProductionVsY", "ProductionVsY", 7, 0, 7, 6, yBins); for (int i = 0; i < tree->GetEntries(); i++) { tree->GetEntry(i); if(PhiStar->GetValue()==-1)continue; if (fabs(MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) == 1 && -MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue() == MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue()) { AllPlots["QuarkAntiQuarkPair"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); AllPlots["UpQuarkPair"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); ProductionVsY->Fill(0.1, Z_YBorn->GetValue() ); } else if (fabs(MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) == 2 && -MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue() == MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue()) { AllPlots["QuarkAntiQuarkPair"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); AllPlots["DownQuarkPair"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); ProductionVsY->Fill(1.1, Z_YBorn->GetValue()); } else if (fabs(MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) == 3 && -MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue() == MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue()) { AllPlots["QuarkAntiQuarkPair"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); AllPlots["StrangeQuarkPair"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); ProductionVsY->Fill(2.1, Z_YBorn->GetValue()); } else if (fabs(MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) == 4 && -MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue() == MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue()) { AllPlots["QuarkAntiQuarkPair"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); AllPlots["CharmQuarkPair"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); ProductionVsY->Fill(3.1, Z_YBorn->GetValue()); } else if (fabs(MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) == 5 && -MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue() == MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue()) { AllPlots["QuarkAntiQuarkPair"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); AllPlots["BottomQuarkPair"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); ProductionVsY->Fill(4.1, Z_YBorn->GetValue()); } else if ((MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue() == 21 && fabs(MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue()) < 7) || (MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue() == 21 && fabs(MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) < 7)) { AllPlots["SingleQuark"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); ProductionVsY->Fill(6.1, Z_YBorn->GetValue()); } else if (fabs(MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) == 21 && MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue() == MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue()) { AllPlots["Gluon"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); ProductionVsY->Fill(6.1, Z_YBorn->GetValue()); } else if ((MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) < 7 && (MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) > 0 && (MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue()) < 7 && (MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue()) > 0) { AllPlots["TwoQuarks"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); ProductionVsY->Fill(7.1, Z_YBorn->GetValue()); } else if ((MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) > -7 && (MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) < 0 && (MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue()) > -7 && (MomOrPenUltimateMom2->GetValue()) < 0) { AllPlots["TwoAntiQuarks"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); ProductionVsY->Fill(7.1, Z_YBorn->GetValue()); } else if (fabs(MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) < 7 && fabs(MomOrPenUltimateMom1->GetValue()) < 7) { AllPlots["QuarkAntiQuarkNotPair"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); ProductionVsY->Fill(7.1, Z_YBorn->GetValue()); } else { cout << "SOmething broke" << endl; AllPlots["Broken"]->Fill(PhiStar->GetValue()); } } { cout<<"Our first bin is "<<AllPlots["UpQuarkPair"]->GetBinContent(1)<<endl; } cout << "test 2" << endl; AllPlots["Quark Quark And AntiQuark AntiQuark"]->Add(AllPlots["TwoAntiQuarks"]); cout << "test 2.1" << endl; AllPlots["Quark Quark And AntiQuark AntiQuark"] ->Add(AllPlots["TwoQuarks"]); TH1D* AllQuarksNorm = (TH1D*) AllPlots["QuarkAntiQuarkPair"]->Clone("Devisor"); AllQuarksNorm->Scale(1 / AllQuarksNorm->Integral()); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { string NewName = "Ratio" + NamesOfPlots[i]; RatioPlots[NewName] = (TH1D*) AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[i]]->Clone(NewName.c_str()); RatioPlots[NewName]->Scale(1 / RatioPlots[NewName]->Integral()); RatioPlots[NewName]->Divide(AllQuarksNorm); } cout << "test 3" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < AllPlots.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 1; j <= nphistar; j++) { AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[i]]->SetBinContent(j, AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[i]]->GetBinContent(j) / (phistarBins[j] - phistarBins[j - 1])); } } cout << "test 4" << endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < NamesOfPlots.size(); i++) { TCanvas canvas("canvas", "canvas", 1000, 1000);; canvas.SetLogx(); canvas.SetLogy(); gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0); gStyle->SetStatBorderSize(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(""); gStyle->SetOptFit(); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[i]]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(.004, 10); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[i]]->Draw(); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[i]]->SetLineWidth(2); string SaveName = NamesOfPlots[i]; SaveName = 0 == w ? "Mom_" + SaveName : "PenUltimate_" + SaveName; string WithType = "PhiStarPlots/Mompng/" + SaveName + ".png"; canvas.Print(WithType.c_str()); WithType = "PhiStarPlots/MomPDF/" + SaveName + ".pdf"; canvas.Print(WithType.c_str()); WithType = "PhiStarPlots/MomC/" + SaveName + ".C"; canvas.Print(WithType.c_str()); //if (i == 8)canvas.Print("Broken.png"); } cout << "test 5" << endl; TCanvas canvas("c2", "c2", 1000, 1000);; canvas.SetLogx(); canvas.SetLogy(); gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0); gStyle->SetStatBorderSize(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(""); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[0]]->SetLineColor(kBlack); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[1]]->SetLineColor(kBlue); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[2]]->SetLineColor(kRed); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[3]]->SetLineColor(kGreen + 1); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[4]]->SetLineColor(kMagenta + 1); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[5]]->SetLineColor(kOrange + 1); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[6]]->SetLineColor(TColor::GetColor("#a65628")); AllPlots["Quark Quark And AntiQuark AntiQuark"]->SetLineColor(TColor::GetColor("#999999")); if (w == 0) { AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[0]]->SetTitle(""); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[0]]->SetXTitle("#phi^{*}"); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[0]]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[0]]->Draw(); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[5]]->Draw("same"); } else { AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[5]]->SetTitle(""); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[5]]->SetXTitle("#phi^{*}"); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[5]]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[5]]->Draw(); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[0]]->Draw("same"); } AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[1]]->Draw("same"); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[2]]->Draw("same"); if (w == 0) { AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[3]]->Draw("same"); AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[4]]->Draw("same"); } AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[6]]->Draw("same"); AllPlots["Quark Quark And AntiQuark AntiQuark"]->Draw("same"); TLegend* leg = new TLegend(0.7, 0.70, 0.87, 0.89); leg->AddEntry(AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[0]], "u#bar{u}"); leg->AddEntry(AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[1]], "d#bar{d}"); leg->AddEntry(AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[2]], "s#bar{s}"); if (w == 0) { leg->AddEntry(AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[3]], "c#bar{c}"); leg->AddEntry(AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[4]], "b#bar{b}"); } leg->AddEntry(AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[5]], "qg or #bar{q}g"); leg->AddEntry(AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[6]], "gg"); //leg->AddEntry(AllPlots[8], "Broken");NamesOfPlots[0]], "Up"); leg->AddEntry(AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[11]], "qq or #bar{q}#bar{q}"); leg->SetFillColor(0); leg->SetLineColor(0); leg->Draw("same"); PlotName = w == 0 ? "" : "PenUltimate_AllLines"; string WithType = "PhiStarPlots/Mompng/" + PlotName + ".png"; canvas.Print(WithType.c_str()); WithType = "PhiStarPlots/MomPDF/" + PlotName + ".pdf"; canvas.Print(WithType.c_str()); WithType = "PhiStarPlots/MomC/" + PlotName + ".C"; canvas.Print(WithType.c_str()); TCanvas canvas3("c3", "c3", 1000, 1000);; canvas3.SetLogz(); gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0); gStyle->SetStatBorderSize(1); gStyle->SetOptStat(""); cout << "test last" << endl; ProductionVsY->Draw("colz"); PlotName = w == 0 ? "Mom_TwoDCompProductionToY" : "PenUltimate_TwoDCompProductionToY"; WithType = "PhiStarPlots/Mompng/" + PlotName + ".png"; canvas3.Print(WithType.c_str()); WithType = "PhiStarPlots/MomPDF/" + PlotName + ".pdf"; canvas3.Print(WithType.c_str()); WithType = "PhiStarPlots/MomC/" + PlotName + ".C"; canvas3.Print(WithType.c_str()); cout << "test 7" << endl; TCanvas canvas4("c4", "c4", 1000, 1000); //Ratio Plots canvas4.Divide(1, 3 + 2 * (1 - w)); //canvas4.SetLogx(); //canvas4.SetLogy(); for (int i = 0; i < 3 + 2 * (1 - w); i++) { string NewName = "Ratio" + NamesOfPlots[i]; TPad * p = (TPad *) + 1); p->SetLogx(); RatioPlots[NewName]->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(.004, 10); RatioPlots[NewName]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#phi^{*}"); RatioPlots[NewName]->GetXaxis()->CenterTitle(); cout << "OUR FIRST BIN IS: " << RatioPlots[NewName]->GetBinContent(1) << endl; RatioPlots[NewName]->Draw(); } //; PlotName = w == 0 ? "Mom_RatioPlots" : "PenUltimate_RatioPlots"; WithType = "PhiStarPlots/Mompng/" + PlotName + ".png"; canvas4.Print(WithType.c_str()); WithType = "PhiStarPlots/MomPDF/" + PlotName + ".pdf"; canvas4.Print(WithType.c_str()); WithType = "PhiStarPlots/MomC/" + PlotName + ".C"; canvas4.Print(WithType.c_str()); string FileName = w == 0 ? "Mom_PhiStarSeperated.root" : "PenUltimate_PhiStarSeperated.root"; TFile SavedHistos(FileName.c_str(), "recreate"); for (size_t i = 0; i < NamesOfPlots.size(); i++) { AllPlots[NamesOfPlots[i]]->Write(); } SavedHistos.Write(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void QA_Draw_CEMC_G4Hit( const char *qa_file_name_new = "/phenix/u/jinhuang/links/ePHENIX_work/sPHENIX_work/production_analysis_updates/spacal1d/fieldmap/G4Hits_sPHENIX_pi-_eta0.30_32GeV-0000.root_qa.root", const char *qa_file_name_ref = "/phenix/u/jinhuang/links/ePHENIX_work/sPHENIX_work/production_analysis_updates/spacal1d/fieldmap/G4Hits_sPHENIX_pi+_eta0.30_32GeV-0000.root_qa.root") { SetsPhenixStyle(); TVirtualFitter::SetDefaultFitter("Minuit2"); TFile *qa_file_new = new TFile(qa_file_name_new); assert(qa_file_new->IsOpen()); TFile *qa_file_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_name_ref) { qa_file_ref = new TFile(qa_file_name_ref); assert(qa_file_ref->IsOpen()); } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("QA_Draw_CEMC_G4Hit", "QA_Draw_CEMC_G4Hit", 1800, 900); c1->Divide(4, 2); int idx = 1; TPad *p; p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogz(); TH2F *h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_XY = (TH2F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_XY", "TH2F"); assert(h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_XY); h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_XY->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_XY->Draw("COLZ"); p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogz(); TH2F *h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_RZ = (TH2F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_RZ", "TH2F"); assert(h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_RZ); h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_RZ->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_RZ->Draw("COLZ"); p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); { TH2F *h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection = (TH2F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection", "TH2F"); assert(h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection); TH1D *proj_new = h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection->ProjectionX( "qa_file_new_h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection_px"); proj_new->Scale(1. / proj_new->GetSum()); TH1D *proj_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { TH2F *h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection = (TH2F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection", "TH2F"); assert(h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection); proj_ref = h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection->ProjectionX( "qa_file_ref_h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection_px"); proj_ref->Scale(1. / proj_ref->GetSum()); } proj_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Normalized energy distribution"); proj_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-10, 10); DrawReference(proj_new, proj_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); { TH2F *h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection = (TH2F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection", "TH2F"); assert(h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection); TH1D *proj_new = h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection->ProjectionY( "qa_file_new_h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection_py"); proj_new->Scale(1. / proj_new->GetSum()); TH1D *proj_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { TH2F *h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection = (TH2F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection", "TH2F"); assert(h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection); proj_ref = h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection->ProjectionY( "qa_file_ref_h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_LateralTruthProjection_py"); proj_ref->Scale(1. / proj_ref->GetSum()); } proj_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Normalized energy distribution"); proj_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-10, 10); DrawReference(proj_new, proj_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogx(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_HitTime", "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(5); h_new->Scale(1. / h_new->GetSum()); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_HitTime", "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(5); h_ref->Scale(1. / h_ref->GetSum()); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Normalized energy per bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogx(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_FractionTruthEnergy", "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(20); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / h_new->GetSum()); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_FractionTruthEnergy", "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(20); h_ref->Scale(1. / h_ref->GetSum()); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability per bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_VSF", "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(2); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / h_new->GetSum()); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_VSF", "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(2); h_ref->Sumw2(); h_ref->Scale(1. / h_ref->GetSum()); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability per bin"); h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_FractionEMVisibleEnergy", "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(4); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / h_new->GetSum()); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_CEMC_G4Hit_FractionEMVisibleEnergy", "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(4); h_ref->Scale(1. / h_ref->GetSum()); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability per bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } // PutInputFileName(c1, .04, qa_file_name_new, qa_file_name_ref); SaveCanvas(c1, TString(qa_file_name_new) + TString(c1->GetName()), true); }
void FastVsSlowSimRes() { Int_t plusTPC =0; gROOT->LoadMacro("~/fig_template.C"); // figure style myOptions(0); gROOT->ForceStyle(); TCanvas *myCan = new TCanvas("myCan"); myCan->Draw(); myCan->cd(); TPad *myPad = new TPad("myPad", "The pad",0,0,1,1); myPadSetUp(myPad,0.15,0.04,0.04,0.15); myPad->Draw(); myPad->cd(); myPad->SetGridx(); myPad->SetGridy(); myPad->SetLogx(); // TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.7,160,20,290,"","brCDN"); TLegend *leg = new TLegend(0.44,160,1.7,290,"","brCDN"); leg->SetFillColor(0); // Current ITS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ DetectorK its("ALICE","ITS"); its.MakeAliceCurrent(0,plusTPC); its.SetMaxRadiusOfSlowDetectors(0.1); its.SolveViaBilloir(0); Int_t color=1; Int_t linewidth=2; TGraph *c[6]; TGraph *d[6]; Int_t pi =0; d[pi] = its.GetGraphPointingResolution(1,color,linewidth); d[pi]->SetLineStyle(2); // d[pi]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Pointing resolution #sigma [#mum]"); // d[pi]->SetTitle("Pointing resolution .vs. Pt"); // d[pi]->Draw("AC"); c[pi] = its.GetGraphPointingResolution(0,color,linewidth); c[pi]->SetMinimum(-1); c[pi]->Draw("AC"); leg->AddEntry(c[pi],"FastTool: Current ITS","l"); // leg->AddEntry(d[pi],"in z - Current ITS","l"); // Current ITS +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Int_t color=3; Int_t linewidth=2; Int_t pi =2; DetectorK its("ALICE","ITS"); its.MakeAliceCurrent(0,plusTPC); its.SetRadius("bpipe",2.0); its.AddLayer("spd0", 2.2,1,1,1); its.SetRadius("spd0",2.2); its.SetRadiationLength("spd0",X0); its.SetResolution("spd0",resRPhi,resZ); its.SetRadius("spd1",4.8); its.SetRadiationLength("spd1",X0); its.SetResolution("spd1",resRPhi,resZ); its.SetRadius("spd2",9.1); its.SetRadiationLength("spd2",X0); its.SetResolution("spd2",resRPhi,resZ); its.SetMaxRadiusOfSlowDetectors(0.1); its.SolveViaBilloir(0); d[pi] = its.GetGraphPointingResolution(1,color,linewidth); d[pi]->SetLineStyle(2); // d[pi]->Draw("C"); c[pi] = its.GetGraphPointingResolution(0,color,linewidth); c[pi]->Draw("C"); leg->AddEntry(c[pi],"FastTool: \"New SPDs\"","l"); // leg->AddEntry(d[pi],"in z - \"New SPDs\"","l"); // ALL NEW +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ color=2; Int_t linewidth=2; Int_t pi =1; // for a 0.8,0.2 weight configuration DetectorK *itsU = new DetectorK((char*)"ALICE",(char*)"ITS"); itsU->AddLayer((char*)"bpipe", 2.0,0.0022); // beam pipe itsU->AddLayer((char*)"vertex", 0, 0); // dummy vertex for matrix calculation itsU->AddLayer("ddd1", 2.2 , X0, resRPhi, resZ); itsU->AddLayer("ddd2", 3.8 , X0, resRPhi, resZ); itsU->AddLayer("ddd3", 6.8 , X0, resRPhi, resZ); itsU->AddLayer("ddd4", 12.4 , X0, resRPhi, resZ); itsU->AddLayer("ddd5", 23.5 , X0, resRPhi, resZ); itsU->AddLayer("ddd6", 39.6 , X0, resRPhi, resZ); itsU->AddLayer("ddd7", 43.0 , X0, resRPhi, resZ); if(plusTPC) itsU->AddTPC(0.1,0.1); itsU->SetMaxRadiusOfSlowDetectors(0.1); itsU->SolveViaBilloir(0); itsU->PrintLayout(); d[pi] = itsU->GetGraphPointingResolution(1,color,linewidth); d[pi]->SetLineStyle(2); // d[pi]->Draw("C"); c[pi] = itsU->GetGraphPointingResolution(0,color,linewidth); c[pi]->SetMaximum(150); c[pi]->Draw("C"); leg->AddEntry(c[pi],"FastTool: \"All New\" ","l"); // leg->AddEntry(d[pi],"in z - \"All New\" ","l"); // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TFile f1("root/FastVsSlow_CurrentITS-PbPb-fran.root"); TFile f2("root/FastVsSlow_NewSPDs-PbPb-fran.root"); TFile f3("root/FastVsSlow_AllNew-PbPb-fran.root"); TGraphErrors *dca1 = (TGraphErrors*)f1.Get("dca"); TGraphErrors *dca2 = (TGraphErrors*)f2.Get("dca"); TGraphErrors *dca3 = (TGraphErrors*)f3.Get("dca"); dca1->SetMarkerStyle(21); dca1->SetMarkerColor(1); dca2->SetMarkerStyle(21); dca2->SetMarkerColor(3); dca3->SetMarkerStyle(21); dca3->SetMarkerColor(2); leg->AddEntry(dca1,"FullMC: Current ITS","PE"); leg->AddEntry(dca2,"FullMC: \"New SPDs\"","PE"); leg->AddEntry(dca3,"FullMC: \"All New\" ","PE"); dca1->Draw("APE"); dca1->SetMinimum(-1); dca1->SetMaximum(300); dca2->Draw("PE"); dca3->Draw("PE"); c[0]->Draw("C"); c[1]->Draw("C"); c[2]->Draw("C"); leg->Draw(); myCan->SaveAs(Form("FastVsSlowSim-Res-%d.pdf",plusTPC)); myCan->SaveAs(Form("FastVsSlowSim-Res-%d.eps",plusTPC)); }
void compareInDir(TFile* f1, TFile* f2, std::string dirName,unsigned int logmod=0, unsigned int dOpt=1){ TCanvas* cv = 0; TPad* pH = 0; TPad* pD = 0; TPaveText* pt = 0; // std::cout<<"Start with "<<dirName.c_str()<<std::endl; // cv->Print("["); TDirectory* d1 = f1->GetDirectory(dirName.c_str()); TDirectory* d2 = f2->GetDirectory(dirName.c_str()); if (d1==0 || d2 == 0){ std::cout<<"ERROR: "<<dirName.c_str()<<" not found"<<std::endl; return; } // std::cout<<"\t\t "<<d1->GetName()<<std::endl; TList* list1 = d1->GetListOfKeys(); TIterator* keyIt1 = list1->MakeIterator(); TObject* obj; while ((obj = keyIt1->Next())){ TObject* obj1 = d1->Get(obj->GetName()); if(obj1 == 0){ // std::cout<<"ERROR: failed to read in "<<d1->GetName()<<" / "<<obj->GetName()<<std::endl; continue; } // std::cout<<d1->GetName()<<"/"<<obj->GetName()<<std::endl; if (! obj1->InheritsFrom(TH1::Class())) continue; TObject* obj2 = d2->Get(obj1->GetName()); if (obj2 == 0){ // std::cout<<"WARNING: failed to get"<<d1->GetName()<<"/"<<obj1->GetName()<<std::endl; continue; } TH1* h1 = (TH1*)obj1; TH1* h2 = (TH1*)obj2; // std::cout<<"Will check "<<dirName.c_str()<<"/"<<h1->GetName()<<" dOpt "<<dOpt<<std::endl; if(h1->Integral() == 0 && h2->Integral() == 0){ // std::cout<<"Integral is 0: "<<d1->GetName()<<"/"<<obj1->GetName()<<std::endl; continue; } // if (TString(h1->GetTitle()).Index("ffic")<0) continue; bool isProf = obj1->InheritsFrom(TProfile::Class()); bool isH2 = obj1->InheritsFrom(TH2::Class()); double bDiff = 0; if(!isH2){ unsigned int nX1 = h1->GetNbinsX(); // std::cout<<"\t is 1D with nBins "<<nX1<<std::endl; for(unsigned int iB=0; iB<=nX1+1; ++iB){ if(h1->GetBinError(iB)==0 && h1->GetBinContent(iB)!=0) h1->SetBinError(iB,1e-3*fabs(h1->GetBinContent(iB))); if(h2->GetBinError(iB)==0 && h2->GetBinContent(iB)!=0) h2->SetBinError(iB,1e-3*fabs(h2->GetBinContent(iB))); bDiff +=fabs(h1->GetBinContent(iB) - h2->GetBinContent(iB)); } } else { unsigned int nX1 = h1->GetNbinsX(); unsigned int nY1 = h1->GetNbinsY(); // std::cout<<"\t is 2D with nBins "<<nX1<<" : "<<nY1<<std::endl; for(unsigned int iB=0; iB<=nX1+1; ++iB){ for(unsigned int jB=0; jB<=nY1+1; ++jB){ if(h1->GetBinError(iB,jB)==0 && h1->GetBinContent(iB,jB)!=0) h1->SetBinError(iB,jB,1e-3*fabs(h1->GetBinContent(iB,jB))); if(h2->GetBinError(iB,jB)==0 && h2->GetBinContent(iB,jB)!=0) h2->SetBinError(iB,jB,1e-3*fabs(h2->GetBinContent(iB,jB))); bDiff +=fabs(h1->GetBinContent(iB,jB) - h2->GetBinContent(iB,jB)); } } } double ksProb = 0; if (bDiff == 0) ksProb = 1; else ksProb = h1->KolmogorovTest(h2); if (dOpt%10 == 0 && bDiff ==0 ) continue; if (dOpt%10 == 1 && (bDiff ==0 || 1.-ksProb <1e-12) ) continue; if (dOpt%10 == 2 && (bDiff ==0 || ksProb >0.1 )) continue; if (dOpt%10 == 3 && (bDiff ==0 || 1.-ksProb < 0.001 )) continue; if (dOpt%10 == 4 && (bDiff ==0 || ksProb >0.9 )) continue; if (dOpt%10 == 5 && (bDiff ==0 || ksProb >0.5 )) continue; if (cv == 0){ cv = new TCanvas(dirName.c_str(),dirName.c_str()); cv->cd(); pH = new TPad("head","head", 0, 0.93, 1, 1); pH->Draw(); pH->cd(); pt = new TPaveText(0,0,1,1); pt->SetFillColor(0); pt->AddText(dirName.c_str()); pt->Draw(); cv->cd(); pD = new TPad("dis","dis", 0, 0.0, 1, 0.93); pD->Draw(); pD->cd(); } pD->Clear(); pD->cd(); std::cout<<"Save : "<<dirName.c_str()<<"/"<<h1->GetName()<<std::endl; if (! isH2){ h1->SetLineWidth(2); h1->SetLineColor(1); h1->SetMarkerColor(1); h2->SetLineColor(2); h2->SetMarkerColor(2); // if (h1->GetNbinsX() > 25) h1 = h1->Rebin(); // if (h2->GetNbinsX() > 25) h2 = h2->Rebin(); // if (h1->GetNbinsX() > 50) h1 = h1->Rebin(5); // if (h2->GetNbinsX() > 50) h2 = h2->Rebin(5); double max1 = h1->GetMaximum(); double max2 = h2->GetMaximum(); double min1 = h1->GetMinimum(); double min2 = h2->GetMinimum(); if (max2> max1) h1->SetMaximum(max2+0.15*fabs(max2)); if (min2 < min1) h1->SetMinimum(min2-0.15*fabs(min2)); // pD->SetLogy(); if ((logmod&1)) pD->SetLogx(); if ((logmod&2)) pD->SetLogy(); h1->Draw(); h2->Draw("sames"); if (std::string(h1->GetName())==std::string("reconstruction_step_module_total") || std::string(h1->GetName())==std::string("validation_step_module_total")){ TPaveText ksPt(0,0, 0.35, 0.04, "NDC"); ksPt.SetBorderSize(0); ksPt.SetFillColor(0); ksPt.AddText(Form("P(KS)=%g, diffBins=%g, eblk %g ered %g",ksProb, bDiff, h1->GetEntries(), h2->GetEntries())); // ksPt.AddText(h1->GetName()); ksPt.Draw(); cv->Print(""); int nX = h1->GetNbinsX(); TAxis* h1Ax = h1->GetXaxis(); int nRanges = nX/20 + 1; double h1Int = h1->Integral(); float curBMargin = pD->GetBottomMargin(); pD->SetBottomMargin(0.3); for (int iR = 0; iR < nRanges; iR++){ h1Ax->SetRange(iR*20+1, iR*20+20); double bDiffL = 0; double max1L = -1; double max2L = -1; double min1L = h1->GetMaximum(); double min2L = h2->GetMaximum(); for (int iBL = iR*20+1; iBL<= iR*20+20; ++iBL){ double h1L = h1->GetBinContent(iBL); double h2L = h2->GetBinContent(iBL); bDiffL += std::abs(h1L-h2L); if (max1L < h1L) max1L = h1L; if (max2L < h2L) max2L = h2L; if (min1L > h1L) min1L = h1L; if (min2L > h2L) min2L = h2L; } if (max2L> max1L) h1->SetMaximum(max2L+0.15*std::abs(max2L)); else h1->SetMaximum(max1L+0.15*std::abs(max1L)); if (min2L < min1L) h1->SetMinimum(min2L-0.15*std::abs(min2L)); else h1->SetMinimum(min1L-0.15*std::abs(min1L)); h1->Draw(); h2->Draw("sames"); TPaveText ksPtL(0,0, 0.35, 0.04, "NDC"); ksPtL.SetBorderSize(0); ksPtL.SetFillColor(0); ksPtL.AddText(Form("P(KS)=%g, diffBinsL=%g(%g), eblk %g ered %g",ksProb, bDiffL, bDiffL/h1Int, h1->GetEntries(), h2->GetEntries())); ksPtL.Draw(); cv->Print(""); } pD->SetBottomMargin(curBMargin); } } if (isH2){ pD->Divide(2); pD->cd(1); h1->Draw("colz"); pD->cd(2); h2->Draw("colz"); } TPaveText ksPt(0,0, 0.55, 0.06, "NDC"); ksPt.SetBorderSize(0); ksPt.SetFillColor(0); ksPt.AddText(Form("P(KS)=%g, diffBins=%g, eblk %g ered %g",ksProb, bDiff, h1->GetEntries(), h2->GetEntries())); ksPt.AddText(h1->GetName()); ksPt.Draw(); cv->Print(""); cv->Print("diff.pdf"); } // std::cout<<"Done in "<<dirName.c_str()<<std::endl; // delete pH; delete pD; if (cv) delete cv; // cv->Print("]"); }
void EMCDistribution_PeakSample_Fast(bool full_gain = false) { const TString gain = "RAW"; TString hname = "EMCDistribution_" + gain + TString(full_gain ? "_FullGain" : "") + cuts; TH2 *h2 = NULL; { if (full_gain) { h2 = new TH2F(hname, Form(";Calibrated Tower Energy Sum (ADC);Count / bin"), 100, .05 * 100, 25 * 100, 64, -.5, 63.5); QAHistManagerDef::useLogBins(h2->GetXaxis()); } else { h2 = new TH2F(hname, Form(";Calibrated Tower Energy Sum (ADC);Count / bin"), 260, -.2 * 100, 5 * 100, 64, -.5, 63.5); } T->Draw( "TOWER_" + gain + "_CEMC[].get_bineta() + 8* TOWER_" + gain + "_CEMC[].get_binphi():(TOWER_RAW_CEMC[].signal_samples[10] - TOWER_RAW_CEMC[].signal_samples[0])*(-1)>>" + hname, "", "goff"); } TText *t; TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas( "EMCDistribution_PeakSample_Fast_" + TString(full_gain ? "_FullGain" : "") + cuts, "EMCDistribution_PeakSample_Fast_" + TString(full_gain ? "_FullGain" : "") + cuts, 1800, 950); c1->Divide(8, 8, 0., 0.01); int idx = 1; TPad *p; for (int iphi = 8 - 1; iphi >= 0; iphi--) { for (int ieta = 0; ieta < 8; ieta++) { p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogy(); if (full_gain) { p->SetLogx(); } p->SetGridx(0); p->SetGridy(0); TString hname = Form("hEnergy_ieta%d_iphi%d", ieta, iphi) + TString(full_gain ? "_FullGain" : ""); TH1 *h = h2->ProjectionX(hname, ieta + 8 * iphi + 1, ieta + 8 * iphi + 1); // axis bin number is encoded as ieta+8*iphi+1 h->SetLineWidth(0); h->SetLineColor(kBlue + 3); h->SetFillColor(kBlue + 3); h->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(.09); h->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(.08); h->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(.08); h->Draw(); if (full_gain) h->Fit("x*gaus", "M"); else h->Fit("landau", "M"); double peak = -1; TF1 *fit = ((TF1 *) (h->GetListOfFunctions()->At(0))); if (fit) { fit->SetLineColor(kRed); peak = fit->GetParameter(1); } cout << Form("Finished <Col%d Row%d> = %.1f", ieta, iphi, peak) << endl; TText *t = new TText(.9, .9, Form("<Col%d Row%d> = %.1f", ieta, iphi, peak)); t->SetTextAlign(33); t->SetTextSize(.15); t->SetNDC(); t->Draw(); } } SaveCanvas(c1, TString(_file0->GetName()) + TString("_DrawPrototype3EMCalTower_") + TString(c1->GetName()), false); }
void QA_Draw_Jet_Spectrum( // // const char * jet = "h_QAG4SimJet_AntiKt_Tower_r07", const char *jet = "h_QAG4SimJet_AntiKt_Truth_r07", const char *qa_file_name_new = "data/G4sPHENIXCells_250jets25GeV.root_qa.root", const char *qa_file_name_ref = "data/G4sPHENIXCells_2000jets25GeV.root_qa.root") { SetsPhenixStyle(); TVirtualFitter::SetDefaultFitter("Minuit2"); TFile *qa_file_new = new TFile(qa_file_name_new); assert(qa_file_new->IsOpen()); TFile *qa_file_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_name_ref) { qa_file_ref = new TFile(qa_file_name_ref); assert(qa_file_ref->IsOpen()); } // obtain normalization double Nevent_new = 1; double Nevent_ref = 1; if (qa_file_new) { TH1D *h_norm = (TH1D *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Normalization"), "TH1D"); assert(h_norm); Nevent_new = h_norm->GetBinContent(h_norm->GetXaxis()->FindBin("Event")); } if (qa_file_ref) { TH1D *h_norm = (TH1D *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Normalization"), "TH1D"); assert(h_norm); Nevent_ref = h_norm->GetBinContent(h_norm->GetXaxis()->FindBin("Event")); } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(TString("QA_Draw_Jet_Spectrum_") + TString(jet), TString("QA_Draw_Jet_Spectrum_") + TString(jet), 1800, 1000); c1->Divide(4, 2); int idx = 1; TPad *p; p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_eta"), "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(2); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / Nevent_new); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_eta"), "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(2); h_ref->Scale(1. / Nevent_ref); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Count / event / bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_phi"), "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(2); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / Nevent_new); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_phi"), "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(2); h_ref->Scale(1. / Nevent_ref); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Count / event / bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_Et"), "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / Nevent_new); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_Et"), "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Scale(1. / Nevent_ref); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Count / event / bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_Mass"), "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(2); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / Nevent_new); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_Mass"), "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(2); h_ref->Scale(1. / Nevent_ref); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Count / event / bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogx(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_CompSize"), "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(2); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / Nevent_new); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_CompSize"), "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(2); h_ref->Scale(1. / Nevent_ref); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Count / event / bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_CEMC_Ratio"), "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(2); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / Nevent_new); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_CEMC_Ratio"), "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(2); h_ref->Scale(1. / Nevent_ref); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Count / event / bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_CEMC_HCalIN_Ratio"), "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(2); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / Nevent_new); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_CEMC_HCalIN_Ratio"), "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(2); h_ref->Scale(1. / Nevent_ref); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Count / event / bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } if (TString(jet).Contains("Truth")) { // truth jets p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F *h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_Leakage_Ratio"), "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(2); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / Nevent_new); TH1F *h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( TString(jet) + TString("_Leading_Leakage_Ratio"), "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(2); h_ref->Scale(1. / Nevent_ref); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Count / event / bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } } // PutInputFileName(c1, .04, qa_file_name_new, qa_file_name_ref); SaveCanvas(c1, TString(qa_file_name_new) + TString(c1->GetName()), true); }
void QA_Draw_HCALIN_TowerCluster( const char * qa_file_name_new = "/phenix/u/jinhuang/links/ePHENIX_work/sPHENIX_work/production_analysis_updates/spacal1d/fieldmap/G4Hits_sPHENIX_pi-_eta0.30_32GeV-0000.root_qa.root", const char * qa_file_name_ref = "/phenix/u/jinhuang/links/ePHENIX_work/sPHENIX_work/production_analysis_updates/spacal1d/fieldmap/G4Hits_sPHENIX_pi+_eta0.30_32GeV-0000.root_qa.root") { SetOKStyle(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptFit(1111); TVirtualFitter::SetDefaultFitter("Minuit2"); TFile * qa_file_new = new TFile(qa_file_name_new); assert(qa_file_new->IsOpen()); TFile * qa_file_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_name_ref) { qa_file_ref = new TFile(qa_file_name_ref); assert(qa_file_ref->IsOpen()); } TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("QA_Draw_HCALIN_TowerCluster", "QA_Draw_HCALIN_TowerCluster", 1800, 900); c1->Divide(4, 2); int idx = 1; TPad * p; p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogx(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F * h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Tower_1x1", "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Scale(1. / h_new->GetSum()); TH1F * h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { TH1F * h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Tower_1x1", "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Scale(1. / h_ref->GetSum()); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Normalized tower count per bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogx(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F * h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Tower_3x3", "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Scale(1. / h_new->GetSum()); TH1F * h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { TH1F * h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Tower_3x3", "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Scale(1. / h_ref->GetSum()); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Normalized tower count per bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogx(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F * h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Tower_1x1_max", "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(40); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / h_new->GetSum()); TH1F * h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { TH1F * h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Tower_1x1_max", "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(40); h_ref->Scale(1. / h_ref->GetSum()); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability per bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogx(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F * h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Tower_4x4_max", "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(40); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / h_new->GetSum()); TH1F * h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { TH1F * h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Tower_4x4_max", "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(40); h_ref->Scale(1. / h_ref->GetSum()); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability per bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogz(); TH2F * h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection = (TH2F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection", "TH2F"); assert(h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection); h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset( 1.5); // h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-5, // 5); // h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(-5, // 5); h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection->Draw("COLZ"); p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); { TH2F * h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection = (TH2F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection", "TH2F"); assert(h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection); TH1D * proj_new = h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection->ProjectionX( "qa_file_new_h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection_px"); proj_new->Rebin(4); proj_new->Scale(1. / proj_new->GetSum()); TH1D * proj_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { TH2F * h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection = (TH2F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection", "TH2F"); assert(h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection); proj_ref = h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection->ProjectionX( "qa_file_ref_h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection_px"); proj_ref->Rebin(4); proj_ref->Scale(1. / proj_ref->GetSum()); } proj_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.); proj_new->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.); proj_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Normalized energy distribution"); // proj_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-10, 10); DrawReference(proj_new, proj_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); // p->SetLogz(); { TH2F * h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection = (TH2F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection", "TH2F"); assert(h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection); TH1D * proj_new = h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection->ProjectionY( "qa_file_new_h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection_py"); proj_new->Rebin(4); proj_new->Scale(1. / proj_new->GetSum()); TH1D * proj_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { TH2F * h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection = (TH2F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection", "TH2F"); assert(h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection); proj_ref = h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection->ProjectionY( "qa_file_ref_h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_LateralTruthProjection_py"); proj_ref->Rebin(4); proj_ref->Scale(1. / proj_ref->GetSum()); } proj_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.); proj_new->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.); proj_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Normalized energy distribution"); // proj_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-10, 10); DrawReference(proj_new, proj_ref); } p = (TPad *) c1->cd(idx++); c1->Update(); p->SetLogy(); { TH1F * h_new = (TH1F *) qa_file_new->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_BestMatchERatio", "TH1F"); assert(h_new); h_new->Rebin(2); h_new->Sumw2(); h_new->Scale(1. / h_new->GetSum()); TH1F * h_ref = NULL; if (qa_file_ref) { TH1F * h_ref = (TH1F *) qa_file_ref->GetObjectChecked( "h_QAG4Sim_HCALIN_Cluster_BestMatchERatio", "TH1F"); assert(h_ref); h_ref->Rebin(2); h_ref->Scale(1. / h_ref->GetSum()); } h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5); h_new->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Probability per bin"); // h_new->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(-0, .1); DrawReference(h_new, h_ref); } PutInputFileName(c1, .04, qa_file_name_new, qa_file_name_ref); SaveCanvas(c1, TString(qa_file_name_new) + TString(c1->GetName()), true); }
void ATLASCMSCOMPARISON(TString quantity="ttbarMass"){ bool cmssim=true; // --- // canvas style // --- TStyle myStyle("HHStyle","HHStyle"); setHHStyle(myStyle); myStyle.SetErrorX(0.5);; gROOT->SetStyle("HHStyle"); gStyle->SetEndErrorSize(10); gStyle->SetOptFit(0); // --- // top Pt 7 TeV // --- int Nbins7=7; if( quantity=="topPt" ) Nbins7=7; else if(quantity=="ttbarMass") Nbins7=5; else if(quantity=="ttbarY" ) Nbins7=6; // CMS data TGraphAsymmErrors* CMSdata7 = new TGraphAsymmErrors(Nbins7); if(quantity=="topPt"){ CMSdata7->SetPoint( 0, 25.0 , 0.004032 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 1, 75.0 , 0.006746 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 2, 125.0, 0.004737 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 3, 175.0, 0.002506 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 4, 225.0, 0.001140 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 5, 300.0, 0.000334 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 6, 575.0, 0.000019 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 0, 25., 25., ( 5.5/100)*0.004032, ( 5.5/100)*0.004032 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 1, 25., 25., ( 4.1/100)*0.006746, ( 4.1/100)*0.006746 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 2, 25., 25., ( 4.0/100)*0.004737, ( 4.0/100)*0.004737 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 3, 25., 25., ( 5.4/100)*0.002506, ( 5.4/100)*0.002506 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 4, 25., 25., ( 5.6/100)*0.001140, ( 5.6/100)*0.001140 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 5, 50., 50., ( 8.4/100)*0.000334, ( 8.4/100)*0.000334 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 6, 225.,225., (14.1/100)*0.000019, (14.1/100)*0.000019 ); } else if(quantity=="ttbarMass"){ CMSdata7->SetPoint( 0, 350.0 , 0.002588 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 1, 500.0 , 0.002685 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 2, 625.0 , 0.000953 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 3, 825.0 , 0.000232 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 4, 1725.0, 0.000008 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 0, 100., 100., ( 4.9 /100)*0.002588, (4.9 /100)*0.002588 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 1, 50. , 50. , ( 6.9 /100)*0.002685, (6.9 /100)*0.002685 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 2, 75. , 75. , ( 7.7 /100)*0.000953, (7.7 /100)*0.000953 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 3, 125., 125., ( 14.4/100)*0.000232, (14.4/100)*0.000232 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 4, 775., 775., ( 27.6/100)*0.000008, (27.6/100)*0.000008 ); } else if(quantity=="ttbarY"){ CMSdata7->SetPoint( 0, -1.75, 0.082140 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 1, -0.75, 0.318979 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 2, -0.25, 0.427823 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 3, 0.25, 0.44591 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 4, 0.75, 0.318820 ); CMSdata7->SetPoint( 5, 1.75, 0.080457 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 0, 0.75, 0.75, (8.1/100)*0.082140, (8.1/100)*0.082140 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 1, 0.25, 0.25, (3.3/100)*0.318979, (3.3/100)*0.318979 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 2, 0.25, 0.25, (3.0/100)*0.427823, (3.0/100)*0.427823 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 3, 0.25, 0.25, (3.5/100)*0.44591 , (3.5/100)*0.44591 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 4, 0.25, 0.25, (3.5/100)*0.318820, (3.5/100)*0.318820 ); CMSdata7->SetPointError( 5, 0.75, 0.75, (5.9/100)*0.080457, (5.9/100)*0.080457 ); } CMSdata7->SetLineWidth(3.); CMSdata7->SetMarkerSize(1.2); CMSdata7->SetMarkerStyle(24); CMSdata7->SetLineStyle(1); CMSdata7->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); CMSdata7->SetLineColor(kBlue); CMSdata7->SetFillStyle(3004); CMSdata7->SetFillColor(kBlue); // CMS MadGraph+Pythia(Z2*) TGraphAsymmErrors* CMSMadGraph7 = new TGraphAsymmErrors(Nbins7); if(quantity=="topPt"){ CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 0, 25.0 , 0.003331 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 1, 75.0 , 0.006495 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 2, 125.0, 0.005077 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 3, 175.0, 0.002748 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 4, 225.0, 0.001282 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 5, 300.0, 0.000413 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 6, 575.0, 0.000027 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 0, 25., 25., 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 1, 25., 25., 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 2, 25., 25., 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 3, 25., 25., 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 4, 25., 25., 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 5, 50., 50., 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 6, 225., 225., 0., 0. ); } else if(quantity=="ttbarMass"){ CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 0, 350.0 , 0.002541 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 1, 500.0 , 0.002759 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 2, 625.0 , 0.000988 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 3, 825.0 , 0.000222 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 4, 1725.0, 0.000008 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 0, 100., 100., 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 1, 50. , 50. , 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 2, 75. , 75. , 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 3, 125., 125., 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 4, 775., 775., 0., 0. ); } else if(quantity=="ttbarY"){ CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 0, -1.75, 0.088374 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 1, -0.75, 0.319964 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 2, -0.25, 0.414022 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 3, 0.25, 0.415108 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 4, 0.75, 0.320370 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPoint( 5, 1.75, 0.088218 ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 0, 0.75, 0.75, 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 1, 0.25, 0.25, 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 2, 0.25, 0.25, 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 3, 0.25, 0.25, 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 4, 0.25, 0.25, 0., 0. ); CMSMadGraph7->SetPointError( 5, 0.75, 0.75, 0., 0. ); } CMSMadGraph7->SetLineWidth(3.); CMSMadGraph7->SetMarkerSize(1.2); CMSMadGraph7->SetLineStyle(1); CMSMadGraph7->SetMarkerStyle(20); CMSMadGraph7->SetMarkerColor(kAzure+6); CMSMadGraph7->SetLineColor(kAzure+6); // ATLAS data TGraphAsymmErrors* ATLASdata7 = new TGraphAsymmErrors(Nbins7); if(quantity=="topPt"){ ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 0, 25.0 , 0.0034 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 1, 75.0 , 0.0067 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 2, 125.0, 0.0052 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 3, 175.0, 0.00266 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 4, 225.0, 0.00114 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 5, 300.0, 0.00033 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 6, 575.0, 0.000018); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 0, 25., 25., (4.47 /100)*0.0034 , (4.47 /100)*0.0034 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 1, 25., 25., (1.41 /100)*0.0067 , (1.41 /100)*0.0067 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 2, 25., 25., (2.83 /100)*0.0052 , (2.83 /100)*0.0052 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 3, 25., 25., (3.61 /100)*0.00266 , (3.61 /100)*0.00266 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 4, 25., 25., (3.61 /100)*0.00114 , (3.61 /100)*0.00114 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 5, 50., 50., (5.83 /100)*0.00033 , (5.83 /100)*0.00033 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 6, 225., 225., (11.66/100)*0.000018, (11.66/100)*0.000018 ); } else if(quantity=="ttbarMass"){ ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 0, 350.0 , 0.00250 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 1, 500.0 , 0.00273 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 2, 625.0 , 0.00102 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 3, 825.0 , 0.00023 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 4, 1725.0, 0.0000076 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 0, 100., 100., 0.00008 , 0.00008 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 1, 50. , 50. , 0.00007 , 0.00007 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 2, 75. , 75. , 0.00004 , 0.00004 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 3, 125., 125., 0.00001 , 0.00001 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 4, 775., 775., 0.0000005, 0.0000005 ); } else if(quantity=="ttbarY"){ ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 0, -1.75, 0.081 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 1, -0.75, 0.321 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 2, -0.25, 0.436 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 3, 0.25, 0.423 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 4, 0.75, 0.321 ); ATLASdata7->SetPoint( 5, 1.75, 0.087 ); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 0, 0.75, 0.75, 0.003, 0.003); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 1, 0.25, 0.25, 0.009, 0.009); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 2, 0.25, 0.25, 0.009, 0.009); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 3, 0.25, 0.25, 0.007, 0.007); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 4, 0.25, 0.25, 0.005, 0.005); ATLASdata7->SetPointError( 5, 0.75, 0.75, 0.005, 0.005); } ATLASdata7->SetLineWidth(3.); ATLASdata7->SetMarkerSize(1.2); ATLASdata7->SetMarkerStyle(22); ATLASdata7->SetLineStyle(2); ATLASdata7->SetMarkerColor(kRed); ATLASdata7->SetLineColor(kRed); ATLASdata7->SetFillStyle(3005); ATLASdata7->SetFillColor(kRed); // --- // dummy plots for axis // --- // create variable bin edges std::map<TString, std::vector<double> > binning_ = makeVariableBinning(false); std::vector<double> newTopBins_; if(quantity=="topPt"){ newTopBins_.push_back(0.); newTopBins_.push_back(50.); newTopBins_.push_back(100.); newTopBins_.push_back(150.); newTopBins_.push_back(200.); newTopBins_.push_back(250.); newTopBins_.push_back(350.); newTopBins_.push_back(800.); } else if(quantity=="ttbarMass"){ newTopBins_.push_back(250.); newTopBins_.push_back(450.); newTopBins_.push_back(550.); newTopBins_.push_back(700.); newTopBins_.push_back(950.); newTopBins_.push_back(2500.); } else if(quantity=="ttbarY" ){ newTopBins_.push_back(-2.5); newTopBins_.push_back(-1.0); newTopBins_.push_back(-0.5); newTopBins_.push_back(0. ); newTopBins_.push_back(0.5 ); newTopBins_.push_back(1.0 ); newTopBins_.push_back(2.5 ); } binning_[quantity]=newTopBins_; double start=0.; double range=800.; int Nfinebins=800; if(quantity=="topPt"){ Nfinebins=800; start=0.; range=800.;} else if(quantity=="ttbarMass"){ Nfinebins=2250; start=250.; range=2500.; } else if(quantity=="ttbarY" ){ Nfinebins=500 ; start=-2.5; range=2.5;} TH1F* dummy= new TH1F("","",Nfinebins,start,range); reBinTH1F(*dummy, binning_[quantity], 0); histogramStyle(*dummy, kSig); TString label="p_{T}^{t} [GeV]"; TString label2="p_{T}^{t}"; if(quantity=="topPt"){label="p_{T}^{t} [GeV]"; label2="p_{T}^{t}";} else if(quantity=="ttbarMass"){ label="m^{t#bar{t}} [GeV]"; label2="m^{t#bar{t}}"; } else if(quantity=="ttbarY" ){ label="y^{t#bar{t}}"; label2=label; } dummy->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(label); dummy->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(TString("#frac{1}{#sigma} #frac{d#sigma}{")+label2+"}"); double max=0.01; double min=0.; if(quantity=="topPt" ){max=0.01 ; min=0.;} if(quantity=="ttbarMass"){max=0.004; min=0.;} if(quantity=="ttbarY" ){max=1.0 ; min=0.;} dummy->SetMaximum(max); dummy->SetMinimum(min); TH1F* A=convertToHist(ATLASdata7, dummy, Nbins7); TH1F* C=convertToHist(CMSdata7 , dummy, Nbins7); histogramStyle(*A, kSig, true, 1.2, kRed); A->SetLineWidth(3.); A->SetMarkerSize(1.2); A->SetMarkerStyle(22); A->SetLineStyle(1); A->SetMarkerColor(kRed); A->SetLineColor(kRed); A->SetFillStyle(3005); histogramStyle(*C, kSig, true, 1.2, kBlue); C->SetLineWidth(3.); C->SetMarkerSize(1.2); C->SetMarkerStyle(24); C->SetLineStyle(1); C->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); C->SetLineColor(kBlue); C->SetFillStyle(3004); TH1F* M=convertToHist(CMSMadGraph7 , dummy, Nbins7); histogramStyle(*M, kSig, false, 1.2, kAzure+6); M->SetLineWidth(3.); M->SetMarkerSize(1.2); M->SetMarkerStyle(22); M->SetLineStyle(1); M->SetMarkerColor(kAzure+6); M->SetLineColor(kAzure+6); // --- // legend // --- TLegend *leg0 = new TLegend(0.45, 0.65, 0.95, 0.85); leg0->SetFillStyle(0); leg0->SetBorderSize(0); leg0->SetHeader("#sqrt{s}=7TeV data (e/#mu channel)"); TLegend *leg1=(TLegend*)leg0->Clone(); if(cmssim) leg0->AddEntry( CMSMadGraph7, "CMS MadGraph+Pythia(Z2*)", "LP"); leg0->AddEntry( CMSdata7 , "CMS data in ATLAS binning" , "LP"); leg0->AddEntry( ATLASdata7 , "ATLAS data" , "LP"); leg1->AddEntry( ATLASdata7 , "ATLAS (ATLAS-CONF-2013-099)" , "FP"); leg1->AddEntry( CMSdata7 , "CMS (TOP-11-013 in ATLAS binning)" , "FP"); if(cmssim) leg1->AddEntry( CMSMadGraph7, "CMS MadGraph+Pythia(Z2*)", "LP"); // --- // privatworklabel // --- TPaveText *privatworklabel = new TPaveText(); privatworklabel -> SetX1NDC(gStyle->GetPadLeftMargin()); privatworklabel -> SetY1NDC(1.0-gStyle->GetPadTopMargin()); privatworklabel -> SetX2NDC(1.0-gStyle->GetPadRightMargin()); privatworklabel -> SetY2NDC(1.0); privatworklabel -> SetTextFont(42); privatworklabel -> AddText("private work"); privatworklabel->SetFillStyle(0); privatworklabel->SetBorderSize(0); privatworklabel->SetTextSize(0.04); privatworklabel->SetTextAlign(32); // canvas std::vector<TCanvas*> plotCanvas_; // a) linear addCanvas(plotCanvas_); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->cd(0); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->SetTitle(quantity+" measurement comparison"); // drawing dummy->Draw("axis"); if(cmssim) CMSMadGraph7->Draw("p e1 same"); ATLASdata7 ->Draw("p e2 same"); CMSdata7 ->Draw("p e2 same"); leg0 ->Draw("same"); privatworklabel->Draw("same"); // b) log scale TH1F* dummy2=(TH1F*)dummy->Clone(); dummy2->SetMinimum(0.00001); dummy2->SetMaximum(max*10); addCanvas(plotCanvas_); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->cd(0); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->SetTitle(quantity+" measurement comparison"); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->SetLogy(); // drawing dummy2->Draw("axis"); if(cmssim) CMSMadGraph7->Draw("p e1 same"); CMSdata7 ->Draw("p e2 same"); ATLASdata7 ->Draw("p e2 same"); leg0 ->Draw("same"); privatworklabel->Draw("same"); // c) both data with bands addCanvas(plotCanvas_); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->cd(0); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->SetTitle(quantity+" measurement comparison"); // drawing dummy->Draw("axis"); //DrawSteps(C, "e2 same"); //C->Draw("e2 same"); //DrawSteps(A, "e2 same"); //A->Draw("e2 same"); if(cmssim) CMSMadGraph7->Draw("p e1 same"); CMSdata7 ->Draw("p e2 same"); ATLASdata7 ->Draw("p e2 same"); // new pad for log plot TPad *rPad = new TPad("rPad","",0.4,0.15,0.95,0.85); rPad->SetFillStyle(0); rPad->SetFillColor(0); rPad->SetBorderSize(0); rPad->SetBorderMode(0); rPad->SetLogy(0); rPad->SetLogx(0); rPad->SetTicky(1); rPad->Draw(""); rPad->cd(); // log plot curves rPad->SetLogy(); dummy2->Draw("axis"); if(cmssim) CMSMadGraph7->Draw("p e1 same"); CMSdata7 ->Draw("p e2 same"); ATLASdata7 ->Draw("p e2 same"); leg1->Draw("same"); privatworklabel->Draw("same"); // d) both data with ratio addCanvas(plotCanvas_); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->cd(0); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->SetTitle(quantity+" measurement comparison"); // drawing dummy->Draw("axis"); if(cmssim) CMSMadGraph7->Draw("p e1 same"); //DrawSteps(C, "e2 same"); //C->Draw("e2 same"); //DrawSteps(A, "e2 same"); //A->Draw("e2 same"); CMSdata7 ->Draw("p e2 same"); ATLASdata7 ->Draw("p e2 same"); leg1 ->Draw("same"); privatworklabel->Draw("same"); std::vector<double> errA_; for(int bin=1; bin<=Nbins7; ++bin){ errA_.push_back((ATLASdata7->GetY()[bin-1]/CMSdata7->GetY()[bin-1])*((ATLASdata7->GetErrorYhigh(bin-1)/ATLASdata7->GetY()[bin-1]))); } std::vector<double> errC_; for(int bin=1; bin<=Nbins7; ++bin){ errC_.push_back((CMSdata7->GetErrorYhigh(bin-1)/CMSdata7->GetY()[bin-1])); } if(cmssim){ std::vector<double> errM_; for(int bin=1; bin<=Nbins7; ++bin){ errM_.push_back(0.); //errM_.push_back((CMSMadGraph7->GetY()[bin-1]/CMSdata7->GetY()[bin-1])*((CMSMadGraph7->GetErrorYhigh(bin-1)/CMSMadGraph7->GetY()[bin-1]))); } drawRatio(M, C, 0.5, 1.5, myStyle, 0, errM_, "x", "CMS data", "hist ", kAzure+6, false, 0.7); drawRatio(C, C, 0.5, 1.5, myStyle, 0, errC_, "x", "CMS data", "p e2 same" , kBlue, true, 0.7); } else drawRatio(C, C, 0.5, 1.5, myStyle, 0, errC_, "x", "CMS data", "p e2" , kBlue, true, 0.7); drawRatio(A, C, 0.5, 1.5, myStyle, 0, errA_, "x", "CMS data", "p e2 same", kRed , true, 0.7); //saving TString path="./diffXSecFromSignal/plots/combined/2012/comparisonATLAS/"; plotCanvas_[0]->Print(path+quantity+"ATLASvsCMS7TeV.eps"); plotCanvas_[0]->Print(path+quantity+"ATLASvsCMS7TeV.png"); plotCanvas_[1]->Print(path+quantity+"ATLASvsCMS7TeVLog.eps"); plotCanvas_[1]->Print(path+quantity+"ATLASvsCMS7TeVLog.png"); plotCanvas_[2]->Print(path+quantity+"ATLASvsCMS7TeVNoratio.eps"); plotCanvas_[2]->Print(path+quantity+"ATLASvsCMS7TeVNoratio.png"); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->Print(path+quantity+"ATLASvsCMS7TeVratio.eps"); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->Print(path+quantity+"ATLASvsCMS7TeVratio.png"); plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1]->SetTitle(quantity); saveToRootFile("ATLASvsCMSDataComparisonPlots.root", plotCanvas_[plotCanvas_.size()-1], true, 0,""); }
void macro_MakeQcdClosureTest() { // parameters ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TFile input("./emuSpec_19619pb-1.root", "open"); TFile input("test_19619pb-1.root", "open");; TParameter<float> *lumi = (TParameter<float> *)input.Get("lumi"); const int nBins = 75; const bool usePu = 1; const bool useWeight = 1; const int qcdEst = 1; // estimation method of QCD contribution. none(0), from SS spectrum(1), from fake rate(2) int eRegion = 2; // electron region EB(0), EE(1), EB+EE(2) bool plotSign[3]; plotSign[0] = 1; // all plotSign[1] = 1; // SS same sign plotSign[2] = 1; // OS opposite sign bool plotType[2]; plotType[0] = 1; // emu spectrum plotType[1] = 1; // cumulative emu spectrum const bool plotPull = 0; // plot (data-bkg)/bkg const bool plotPullBelowSpec = 0; // plot (data-bkg)/bkg below spectrum const bool logPlotX = 0; const bool logPlotY = 1; const bool prelim = 1; const bool groupedPlot = 0; const bool overflowBin = 1; float xRangeMin = 60.; float xRangeMax = 1200.; //float xRangeMin = 0.; //float xRangeMax = 1500.; float yRangeMin[6] = {0.002, 0.002, 0.002, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4}; float yRangeMax[6] = {30, 10, 30, 3000, 1000, 3000}; float yRangeMinRatio[3] = {-0.7, -0.7, -0.7}; float yRangeMaxRatio[3] = {0.7, 0.7, 0.7}; float fitMin = xRangeMin; float fitMax = 1100.; // set to highest bin with a data point float xRangeMinRatio = fitMin; float xRangeMaxRatio = fitMax; // output file formats const bool savePull = 0; const bool saveSpec = 0; const bool saveCumSpec = 0; const bool saveAsPdf = 0; const bool saveAsPng = 1; const bool saveAsRoot = 0; const char *fileNameExtra = ""; //const char *fileNameExtra = "madgraphTTbar_"; const char *plotDir = "./plottemp/"; // plot style int wjetColour= TColor::GetColor("#ffd324"); int jetBkgColour = TColor::GetColor("#ffff66"); int font = 42; //62 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // systematic errors float systErrLumi = ((TParameter<float> *)input.Get("systErrLumi"))->GetVal(); systErrLumi = 0.; // since we normalize to the Z peak float systErrEff = ((TParameter<float> *)input.Get("systErrEff"))->GetVal(); // muon err & ele err THashList *systErrMCs = (THashList *)input.Get("systErrMCs"); vector<float> systErrMC; systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcTtbar"))->GetVal()); // NNLO ttbar //systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcTtbar700to1000"))->GetVal()); // NLO ttbar700to1000 //systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcTtbar1000up"))->GetVal()); // NLO ttbar1000up systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcDyTauTau"))->GetVal()); //z->tt systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcWW"))->GetVal()); //WW systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcWZ"))->GetVal()); //WZ systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcZZ"))->GetVal()); //ZZ systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcTW"))->GetVal()); //tW systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcDyMuMu"))->GetVal()); //Z->mm systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcDyEE"))->GetVal()); //Z->ee if (qcdEst == 2) systErrMC.push_back(0.4); // qcd error else systErrMC.push_back(((TParameter<float> *)systErrMCs->FindObject("systErrMcWJets"))->GetVal()); //WJets // to keep the histogram when the file is closed TH1::AddDirectory(kFALSE); TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(kTRUE); TString histoSign[3] = {"", "SS_", "OS_"}; TString xAxisTitle[3] = {"m(e#mu)", "m(e^{#pm}#mu^{#pm})", "m(e^{#pm}#mu^{#mp})"}; TString nameSuffix[2] = {"", "cumul"}; TString titleSuffix[2] = {"", " - Cumulative"}; vector<TH1F *> emuMass_wjets; vector<TH1F *> emuMass_qcd; vector<TH1F *> emuMass_qcdFromFake; // define the binning vector<float> binning; if (logPlotX) { //for (float bin = 0.; bin < 100.; bin += 5.) // binning.push_back(bin); for (float bin = 0.; bin < 200.; bin += 10.) binning.push_back(bin); for (float bin = 200.; bin < 400.; bin += 20.) binning.push_back(bin); for (float bin = 400.; bin < 500.; bin += 25.) binning.push_back(bin); for (float bin = 500.; bin <= 620.; bin += 40.) binning.push_back(bin); binning.push_back(670.); binning.push_back(720.); binning.push_back(780.); binning.push_back(840.); binning.push_back(920.); binning.push_back(1000.); binning.push_back(1100.); binning.push_back(1220.); binning.push_back(1380.); binning.push_back(1500.); } else { //for (float bin = 0.; bin <= 1500.; bin += 20.) // binning.push_back(bin); for (float bin = 0.; bin < 200.; bin += 20.) binning.push_back(bin); for (float bin = 200.; bin < 400.; bin += 40.) binning.push_back(bin); for (float bin = 400.; bin < 700.; bin += 50.) binning.push_back(bin); for (float bin = 700.; bin < 1000.; bin += 75.) binning.push_back(bin); for (float bin = 1000.; bin < 1200.; bin += 100.) binning.push_back(bin); for (float bin = 1200.; bin <= 1500.; bin += 150.) binning.push_back(bin); } THashList *mcWeights = (THashList *)input.Get("mcWeights"); TParameter<float> *mcWeight = (TParameter<float> *)mcWeights->FindObject("ttbar"); TParameter<float> *mcWeight700to1000 = (TParameter<float> *)mcWeights->FindObject("ttbar700to1000"); TParameter<float> *mcWeight1000up = (TParameter<float> *)mcWeights->FindObject("ttbar1000up"); float totMcWeight = 1.; // determine qcd contribution TH1F *qcdContrib; TH1F *ssData = MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_data", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x100); TH1F *ssBg = MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar", "mass", SS, eRegion, "genMTtbar", 0., 700., binning, 0x1DF); totMcWeight = 1. / (1 / mcWeight->GetVal() + 1 / mcWeight700to1000->GetVal()); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar", "mass", SS, eRegion, "genMTtbar", 700., 1000., binning, 0x19F), totMcWeight); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar700to1000", "mass", SS, eRegion, "genMTtbar", 700., 1000., binning, 0x19F), totMcWeight); totMcWeight = 1. / (1 / mcWeight->GetVal() + 1 / mcWeight1000up->GetVal()); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar", "mass", SS, eRegion, "genMTtbar", 1000., 1000000000., binning, 0x19F), totMcWeight); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar1000up", "mass", SS, eRegion, "genMTtbar", 1000., 1000000000., binning, 0x19F), totMcWeight); //TH1F *ssBg = MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbar", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF); //TH1F *ssBg = MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ttbarto2l", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ztautau", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF)); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_ww", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF)); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_wz", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF)); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_zz", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF)); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_tw", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF)); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_zmumu", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF)); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_zee", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF)); ssBg->Add(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_wjets", "mass", SS, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF)); qcdContrib = (TH1F *)ssData->Clone("qcdContrib_SS"); qcdContrib->Add(ssBg, -1); for (int i = 0; i < qcdContrib->GetNbinsX() + 2; ++i) { if (qcdContrib->GetBinContent(i) < 0) qcdContrib->SetBinContent(i, 0.); } cout << "expected SS QCD events: " << ssData->Integral() - ssBg->Integral() << endl; cout << "derived SS QCD events: " << qcdContrib->Integral() << endl; cout << "scale factor: " << (ssData->Integral() - ssBg->Integral()) / qcdContrib->Integral()<< endl; qcdContrib->Scale((ssData->Integral() - ssBg->Integral()) / qcdContrib->Integral()); // loop over full spectrum, SS and OS for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k) { // loop to get normal and cumulated spectrum for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {; bool normToBin = true; if (j > 0) normToBin = false; if (k == 2) k = -1; // make the histograms emuMass_wjets.push_back(MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "emuTree_wjets", "mass", k, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x1DF, normToBin)); if (k == -1) k = 2; emuMass_wjets.back()->SetName("emuMass_" + histoSign[k] + "wjets" + nameSuffix[j]); // qcd contribution if (k == 2) k = -1; emuMass_qcdFromFake.push_back((TH1F *)MakeHistoFromBranch(&input, "frEmuTree_data", "mass", k, eRegion, "", 0., 0., binning, 0x300)); emuMass_qcd.push_back((TH1F *)qcdContrib->Clone("emuMass_" + histoSign[k] + "qcd")); if (k == ALL) emuMass_qcd.back()->Scale(2.); // normalize to bin width if (j < 1) { for (int i = 1; i < emuMass_qcd.back()->GetNbinsX() + 1; ++i) { emuMass_qcd.back()->SetBinContent(i, emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinContent(i) / emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinWidth(i)); emuMass_qcd.back()->SetBinError(i, emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinError(i) / emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinWidth(i)); emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetBinContent(i, emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinContent(i) / emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinWidth(i)); emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetBinError(i, emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinError(i) / emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinWidth(i)); } } if (k == -1) k = 2; // add overflow in last bin if (j == 0 && overflowBin) { emuMass_wjets.back()->SetBinContent(emuMass_wjets.back()->GetNbinsX(), emuMass_wjets.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_wjets.back()->GetNbinsX()) + emuMass_wjets.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_wjets.back()->GetNbinsX() + 1)); emuMass_qcd.back()->SetBinContent(emuMass_qcd.back()->GetNbinsX(), emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_qcd.back()->GetNbinsX()) + emuMass_qcd.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_qcd.back()->GetNbinsX() + 1)); emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetBinContent(emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetNbinsX(), emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetNbinsX()) + emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetBinContent(emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->GetNbinsX() + 1)); } // integrate from the right side if (j == 1) { // loop over bins double error; for (int i = 1; i < nBins + 1; ++i) { emuMass_wjets.back()->SetBinContent(i, emuMass_wjets.back()->IntegralAndError(i, nBins, error)); emuMass_wjets.back()->SetBinError(i, error); emuMass_qcd.back()->SetBinContent(i, emuMass_qcd.back()->IntegralAndError(i, nBins, error)); emuMass_qcd.back()->SetBinError(i, error); emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetBinContent(i, emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->IntegralAndError(i, nBins, error)); emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetBinError(i, error); } } if (!plotSign[k]) continue; if (!plotType[j]) continue; TCanvas *emuPlot; TPad *specPad; if (plotPullBelowSpec && j == 0) { emuPlot = new TCanvas("emuPlot" + histoSign[k] + nameSuffix[j], "emu Spectrum" + titleSuffix[j], 100, 100, 900, 900); specPad = new TPad("specPad" + histoSign[k] + nameSuffix[j], "emu Spectrum" + titleSuffix[j], 0., 0.33, 1., 1.); specPad->SetBottomMargin(0.06); } else { emuPlot = new TCanvas("emuPlot" + histoSign[k] + nameSuffix[j], "emu Spectrum" + titleSuffix[j], 100, 100, 900, 600); specPad = new TPad("specPad" + histoSign[k] + nameSuffix[j], "emu Spectrum" + titleSuffix[j], 0., 0., 1., 1.); specPad->SetBottomMargin(0.12); } specPad->SetBorderMode(0); specPad->SetBorderSize(2); specPad->SetFrameBorderMode(0); specPad->SetFillColor(0); specPad->SetFrameFillColor(0); if (logPlotX) specPad->SetLogx(); if (logPlotY) specPad->SetLogy(); specPad->SetLeftMargin(0.11); specPad->SetRightMargin(0.09); specPad->SetTopMargin(0.08); specPad->SetTickx(1); specPad->SetTicky(1); specPad->Draw(); specPad->cd(); gStyle->SetTitleFont(font); gStyle->SetLabelFont(font); gStyle->SetLegendFont(font); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetOptTitle(0); gStyle->SetTitleXOffset(1.); gStyle->SetTitleYOffset(1.3); gPad->SetTicks(1, 1); // make a histogram stack with the bg THStack *bgStack = new THStack("bgStack" + histoSign[k] + nameSuffix[j], "Invariant Mass" + titleSuffix[j]); bgStack->Add(emuMass_qcd.back()); bgStack->Add(emuMass_wjets.back()); // plot spectrum emuMass_wjets.back()->SetFillColor(wjetColour); emuMass_wjets.back()->SetMarkerColor(wjetColour); emuMass_wjets.back()->SetLineColor(kBlack); emuMass_wjets.back()->SetLineWidth(2); //emuMass_wjets.back()->Draw("HISTsames"); emuMass_qcd.back()->SetFillColor(jetBkgColour); emuMass_qcd.back()->SetMarkerColor(jetBkgColour); emuMass_qcd.back()->SetLineColor(kBlack); emuMass_qcd.back()->SetLineWidth(2); //emuMass_qcd.back()->Draw("HISTsames"); bgStack->Draw("hist"); emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetLineColor(kRed); emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->SetLineWidth(2); emuMass_qcdFromFake.back()->Draw("esame"); if (plotPullBelowSpec && j == 0) { bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(""); } else { bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(xAxisTitle[k] + " [GeV]"); } bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(font); bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.047); bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(0.9); bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(font); bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05); bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetMoreLogLabels(); bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetNoExponent(); //bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(xRangeMin, xRangeMax); bgStack->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(xRangeMin, xRangeMax); if (j == 1) bgStack->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events #geq " + xAxisTitle[k]); else bgStack->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Events / GeV"); bgStack->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(font); bgStack->GetYaxis()->SetTitleSize(0.047); bgStack->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.1); bgStack->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(font); bgStack->GetYaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05); bgStack->SetMinimum(yRangeMin[k + j * 3]); bgStack->SetMaximum(yRangeMax[k + j * 3]); // redraw axis emuMass_qcd.back()->Draw("sameaxis"); // legend and labels TLegend legend(0.710, 0.646, 0.901, 0.885); legend.SetTextFont(font); legend.SetTextSize(0.03); legend.SetBorderSize(0); legend.SetLineColor(1); legend.SetLineStyle(1); legend.SetLineWidth(1); legend.SetFillColor(19); legend.SetFillStyle(0); legend.AddEntry(emuMass_wjets.back(), "W+jets (MC)" ,"F"); legend.AddEntry(emuMass_qcd.back(), "jets (SS data)" ,"F"); legend.AddEntry(emuMass_qcdFromFake.back(), "jets (Fake Rate)" ,"le"); legend.DrawClone("sames"); TLatex *tex = new TLatex(); tex->SetNDC(); tex->SetTextFont(font); tex->SetLineWidth(2); tex->SetTextSize(0.042); if (prelim) tex->DrawLatex(0.325, 0.853, "CMS Preliminary, 8 TeV, 19.6 fb^{-1}"); else tex->DrawLatex(0.405, 0.853, "CMS, 8 TeV, 19.6 fb^{-1}"); if (eRegion == 0) tex->DrawLatex(0.325, 0.775, "e in barrel"); if (eRegion == 1) tex->DrawLatex(0.325, 0.775, "e in endcap"); // safe in various file formats stringstream sStream; if (!plotPullBelowSpec || j > 0) { sStream << plotDir << "qcdClosureTestSpec"; if (k == 0) sStream << "_"; sStream << histoSign[k]; if (eRegion == 0) sStream << "EB_"; if (eRegion == 1) sStream << "EE_"; sStream << fileNameExtra << nameSuffix[j]; if (j > 0) sStream << "_"; if (groupedPlot) sStream << "grouped_"; if (!logPlotY) sStream << "lin_"; sStream << lumi->GetVal() << "pb-1"; TString saveFileName = sStream.str(); if ((j == 0 && saveSpec) || (j > 0 && saveCumSpec)) { if (saveAsPdf) emuPlot->Print(saveFileName + ".pdf", "pdf"); if (saveAsPng) emuPlot->Print(saveFileName + ".png", "png"); if (saveAsRoot) emuPlot->Print(saveFileName + ".root", "root"); } } } // end loop over normal or cumulated } // end loop over full, SS and OS // generate one object containing everything vector<vector<TH1F *> > emuMasses; emuMasses.push_back(emuMass_wjets); emuMasses.push_back(emuMass_qcd); // // define groups of MC samples // vector<bool> ttLikeSamples(6, true); // vector<bool> contamSamples(6, false); // contamSamples.push_back(true); // Zmm // contamSamples.push_back(true); // Zee // contamSamples.push_back(true); // WJets or QCD // vector<bool> contamSamplesNoQcd(contamSamples); // vector<bool> allSamples(9, true); // vector<bool> onlyQCD(emuMasses.size() - 1, false); // if (qcdEst > 0) { // onlyQCD.back() = true; // if (qcdEst != 2) { // allSamples.push_back(true); // contamSamples.push_back(true); // contamSamplesNoQcd.push_back(false); // systErrMC.push_back(0.); // QCD error will be calculated later // } else { // contamSamplesNoQcd.back() = false; // } // } // vector<bool> allSamplesNoQcd(allSamples); // if (qcdEst > 0) allSamplesNoQcd.back() = false; // unsigned int qcdInd = onlyQCD.size(); // unsigned int qcdErrInd = qcdInd - 1; // // // calculate rate of syst errors // float systErrLuEff = sqrt(systErrLumi*systErrLumi + systErrEff*systErrEff); // vector<float> systErrMCLuEff; // for (unsigned int it = 0; it < systErrMC.size(); ++it) // systErrMCLuEff.push_back(sqrt(systErrMC[it]*systErrMC[it] + systErrLuEff*systErrLuEff)); // // bool calcQcdErr = false; // if (qcdEst == 1) calcQcdErr = true; // // //cout << "qcdInd " << qcdInd << ", emuMasses.size() " << emuMasses.size() << ", systErrMC.size() " << systErrMC.size() // // << ", systErrMCLuEff.size() " << systErrMCLuEff.size() << ", allSamples.size() " << allSamples.size() // // << ", allSamplesNoQcd.size() " << allSamplesNoQcd.size() << ", contamSamplesNoQcd.size() " << contamSamplesNoQcd.size() // // << ", contamSamples.size() " << contamSamples.size() << ", onlyQCD.size() " << onlyQCD.size() << endl; // //for (unsigned int sIt = 0; sIt < emuMasses.size() - 1; ++sIt) { // // cout << "allSamples " << allSamples[sIt] << ", allSamplesNoQcd " << allSamplesNoQcd[sIt] // // << ", contamSamples " << contamSamples[sIt] << ", contamSamplesNoQcd " << contamSamplesNoQcd[sIt] // // << ", onlyQCD " << onlyQCD[sIt] << ", systErrMC " << systErrMC[sIt] << ", systErrMCLuEff " << systErrMCLuEff[sIt] << endl; // //} // // // define special bins corresponding to specific masses // int bin60 =>FindBin(60.); // int bin120 =>FindBin(120.); // int bin200 =>FindBin(200.); // int bin400 =>FindBin(400.); // int bin500 =>FindBin(500.); // // vector<const char *> sampleNames; // sampleNames.push_back("data "); // sampleNames.push_back("ttbar "); // sampleNames.push_back("Ztautau"); // sampleNames.push_back("WW "); // sampleNames.push_back("WZ "); // sampleNames.push_back("ZZ "); // sampleNames.push_back("tW "); // sampleNames.push_back("Zmumu "); // sampleNames.push_back("Zee "); // if (qcdEst != 2) sampleNames.push_back("WJets "); // if (qcdEst > 0) sampleNames.push_back("QCD "); // // // write numbers // cout << endl; // cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // cout << "HEEP - TIGHT MU Lumi = " << lumi->GetVal() << "pb-1" << endl; // //cout << " e pT EB > " << bar_et << "GeV/c" << endl; // //cout << " e pT EE > " << end_et << "GeV/c" << endl; // //cout << " mu pT > " << muon_et << "GeV/c" << endl; // //cout << " mu |eta| < " << muon_etaMax << endl; // cout << endl; // cout << "Systematic errors" << endl; // cout << " Luminosity: " << systErrLumi * 100 << "%" << endl; // cout << " Efficiency: " << systErrEff * 100 << "%" << endl; // cout << " ttbar: " << systErrMC[TTBAR-1] * 100 << "%" << endl; // cout << " Z->tautau: " << systErrMC[ZTT-1] * 100 << "%" << endl; // cout << " WW: " << systErrMC[WW-1] * 100 << "%" << endl; // cout << " WZ: " << systErrMC[WZ-1] * 100 << "%" << endl; // cout << " ZZ: " << systErrMC[ZZ-1] * 100 << "%" << endl; // cout << " tW, tbarW: " << systErrMC[TW-1] * 100 << "%" << endl; // cout << " Z->mumu: " << systErrMC[ZMM-1] * 100 << "%" << endl; // cout << " Z->ee: " << systErrMC[ZEE-1] * 100 << "%" << endl; // if (qcdEst != 2) cout << " W+Jets: " << systErrMC[WJET-1] * 100 << "%" << endl; // else cout << " QCD: " << systErrMC.back() * 100 << "%" << endl; // cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // for (unsigned int signIt = 1; signIt < 6; signIt += 2) { // if (signIt == 3) cout << "-SS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // if (signIt == 5) cout << "-OS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // cout << "M_emu | > 60GeV/c^2 | > 120GeV/c^2 | > 200GeV/c^2 | > 400GeV/c^2 |" << endl; // cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // // printf("nb data | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) |\n", //>GetBinContent(bin60), sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin60)), //>GetBinContent(bin120), sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin120)), //>GetBinContent(bin200), sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin200)), //>GetBinContent(bin400), sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin400))); // cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // for (unsigned int sampleIt = 1; sampleIt < sampleNames.size(); ++sampleIt) { // if (sampleIt == 7) cout << "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -" << endl; // if (qcdEst == 1 && sampleIt == sampleNames.size() - 1) { // printf("nb %7s | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n", sampleNames[sampleIt], //>GetBinContent(bin60),>GetBinContent(bin60) * CalcSSQcdErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, bin60), //>GetBinContent(bin120),>GetBinContent(bin120) * CalcSSQcdErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, bin120), //>GetBinContent(bin200),>GetBinContent(bin200) * CalcSSQcdErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, bin200), //>GetBinContent(bin400),>GetBinContent(bin400) * CalcSSQcdErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, bin400)); // } else { // printf("nb %7s | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n", sampleNames[sampleIt], //>GetBinContent(bin60),>GetBinContent(bin60) * systErrMCLuEff[sampleIt-1], //>GetBinContent(bin120),>GetBinContent(bin120) * systErrMCLuEff[sampleIt-1], //>GetBinContent(bin200),>GetBinContent(bin200) * systErrMCLuEff[sampleIt-1], //>GetBinContent(bin400),>GetBinContent(bin400) * systErrMCLuEff[sampleIt-1]); // } // } // cout << endl; // cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // printf("TOT ttlike | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n", // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin60), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin60), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin120), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin120), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin200), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin200), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin400), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, ttLikeSamples, signIt, bin400)); // printf("TOT contam | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n", // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, contamSamples, signIt, bin60), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, contamSamples, signIt, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, contamSamples, signIt, bin120), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, contamSamples, signIt, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, contamSamples, signIt, bin200), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, contamSamples, signIt, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, contamSamples, signIt, bin400), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, contamSamples, signIt, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr)); // cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // // printf("TOT Bkg | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n", // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin60), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin120), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin200), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin400), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr)); // cout << "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // cout << endl << endl; // } // cout << endl; // // cout << "--Without adding QCD contribution:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // cout << "M_emu | > 60GeV/c^2 | > 120GeV/c^2 | > 200GeV/c^2 | > 400GeV/c^2 |" << endl; // cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // for (unsigned int signIt = 1; signIt < 6; signIt += 2) { // if (signIt == 3) cout << "-SS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // if (signIt == 5) cout << "-OS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // printf("nb data | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) |\n", //>GetBinContent(bin60), sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin60)), //>GetBinContent(bin120), sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin120)), //>GetBinContent(bin200), sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin200)), //>GetBinContent(bin400), sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin400))); // printf("nb MC | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n", // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin60), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin60), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin120), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin120), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin200), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin200), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin400), CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, signIt, bin400)); // } // cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // // if (qcdEst == 1) { // //systErrMC.back() = 2 * sqrt(>Integral() + pow(CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, SS, 1), 2)) />Integral(); // //systErrMC.back() = CalcSystErr(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamplesNoQcd, SSCUM, 1) />GetBinContent(1); // //systErrMCLuEff.back() = systErrMC[qcdErrInd]; // // cout << endl; // cout << "---QCD events from SS spectrum:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // printf("nb QCD SS+OS | %9.3f +- %8.3f (%.1f%%) (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (%.1f%%) (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (%.1f%%) (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (%.1f%%) (syst) |\n", //>GetBinContent(bin60), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr), // 100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr) />GetBinContent(bin60), //>GetBinContent(bin120), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr), // 100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr) />GetBinContent(bin120), //>GetBinContent(bin200), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr), // 100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr) />GetBinContent(bin200), //>GetBinContent(bin400), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr), // 100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr) />GetBinContent(bin400)); // printf("%% of total MC | %7.3f%% +- %7.3f%% (syst) | %7.3f%% +- %7.3f%% (syst) | %7.3f%% +- %7.3f%% (syst) | %7.3f%% +- %7.3f%% (syst) |\n", // 100 *>GetBinContent(bin60) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin60), // 100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin60), // 100 *>GetBinContent(bin120) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin120), // 100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin120), // 100 *>GetBinContent(bin200) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin200), // 100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin200), // 100 *>GetBinContent(bin400) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin400), // 100 * CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, onlyQCD, ALLCUM, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr) / CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamplesNoQcd, ALLCUM, bin400)); // cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // } // // // top up bg contribution with qcd // if (qcdEst > 0) { // cout << endl; // cout << "--After adding QCD contribution:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // cout << "M_emu | > 60GeV/c^2 | > 120GeV/c^2 | > 200GeV/c^2 | > 400GeV/c^2 |" << endl; // cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // for (unsigned int signIt = 1; signIt < 6; signIt += 2) { // if (signIt == 3) cout << "-SS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // if (signIt == 5) cout << "-OS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // printf("nb data | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) |\n", //>GetBinContent(bin60), sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin60)), //>GetBinContent(bin120), sqrt((>GetBinContent(bin120)), //>GetBinContent(bin200), sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin200)), //>GetBinContent(bin400), sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin400))); // printf("nb MC | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n", // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin60), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin60, -1, calcQcdErr), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin120), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin120, -1, calcQcdErr), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin200), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin200, -1, calcQcdErr), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin400), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin400, -1, calcQcdErr)); // } // cout << "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // } // // cout << endl; // cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // cout << "M_emu | 60 - 120GeV/c^2 | 120 - 200GeV/c^2 | 200 - 400GeV/c^2 |" << endl; // cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // for (unsigned int signIt = 1; signIt < 6; signIt += 2) { // printf("nb data | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) | %5.0f +- %-.3f (stat) |\n", //>GetBinContent(bin60) ->GetBinContent(bin120), // sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin60) ->GetBinContent(bin120)), //>GetBinContent(bin120) ->GetBinContent(bin200), // sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin120) ->GetBinContent(bin200)), //>GetBinContent(bin200) ->GetBinContent(bin400), // sqrt(>GetBinContent(bin200) ->GetBinContent(bin400))); // printf("nb MC | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) | %9.3f +- %8.3f (syst) |\n", // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin60, bin120), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin60, bin120, calcQcdErr), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin120, bin200), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin120, bin200, calcQcdErr), // CalcBgSum(emuMasses, allSamples, signIt, bin200, bin400), CalcSystErrWithQCD(emuMasses, systErrMCLuEff, allSamples, signIt, bin200, bin400, calcQcdErr)); // cout << "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl; // } }