Implementation of pure virtual function.
@see    MWTCacheInterface::ReadL()
void CDynamicDirCache::ReadL(TInt64 aPos, TInt aLength, TDes8& aDes)
#ifdef _DEBUG
        // cache is disabled for debug purposes
        __PRINT(_L("CDynamicDirCache disabled"));
        User::LeaveIfError(iDrive.ReadNonCritical(aPos, aLength, aDes));
#endif //_DEBUG

    const TUint32 PageSz = iPageSizeInBytes;//-- cache page size

    TInt64 pageStartMedPos = CalcPageStartPos(aPos);
    const TUint32 bytesToPageEnd = (TUint32)(pageStartMedPos + PageSz - aPos); //-- number of bytes from aPos to the end of the page

//    __PRINT5(_L("CDynamicDirCache::ReadL: aPos=%lx, aLength=%x, page:%lx, pageSz:%x, bytesToPageEnd=%x"), aPos, aLength, pageStartMedPos, PageSz, bytesToPageEnd);
    // if all data needed is on a single page
    if((TUint32)aLength <= bytesToPageEnd)
        ReadDataFromSinglePageL(aPos, aLength, aDes);
    // or data to be read cross cache page boundary or probably we have more than 1 page to read
        __PRINT(_L("CDynamicDirCache::ReadL() CROSS PAGE!"));
        TUint32 dataLen(aLength);   //-- current data length
        TInt64  currMediaPos(aPos); //-- current media position

        //-- 1. read data that are already in the current page
        ReadDataFromSinglePageL(currMediaPos, bytesToPageEnd, aDes);
        dataLen -= bytesToPageEnd;
        currMediaPos += bytesToPageEnd;

        TPtr8 dataNext = aDes.MidTPtr(aDes.Length());

        //-- 2. read whole pages of data
        while (dataLen >= PageSz)
            //-- find out if currMediaPos is in cache. If not, find a spare page and read data there
            ReadDataFromSinglePageL(currMediaPos, PageSz, dataNext);
            currMediaPos += PageSz;
            dataLen -= PageSz;
            dataNext = dataNext.MidTPtr(dataNext.Length());

        //-- 3. read the rest of the data
        if(dataLen > 0)
            ReadDataFromSinglePageL(currMediaPos, dataLen, dataNext);
        } //else((TUint32)aLength <= bytesToPageEnd)
Encode CBW into the supplied buffer. The command is also encoded using the
supplied encoding method of MClientCommandServiceReq.

@param aBuffer The buffer to copy the encoded stream in to
@param aCommand The command to be encoded into the Command Block field
void TBotCbw::EncodeL(TPtr8 &aBuffer, const MClientCommandServiceReq* aCommand) const

    TPtr8 commandBlock = aBuffer.MidTPtr(TBotCbw::KCbwCbOffset);


    TInt cbLength = aCommand->EncodeRequestL(commandBlock);

    TUint8* ptr = (TUint8 *) aBuffer.Ptr();
    LittleEndian::Put32(&ptr[KCbwSignatureOffset], 0x43425355);
    LittleEndian::Put32(&ptr[KCbwTagOffset], iTag);
    LittleEndian::Put32(&ptr[KCbwDataTransferLengthOffset], iDataTransferLength);
    aBuffer[KCbwFlagOffset] = (iDirection == EDataOut) ? 0x00 : 0x80;
    aBuffer[KCbwLunOffset] = iLun;
    aBuffer[KCbwCbLengthOffset] = cbLength;
    __BOTPRINT1(_L("BOT TBotCbw::Encode Lun=%d"), iLun);