Example #1
void kSpaceSetup::slotOk()
	KConfig *config = klock_config();
	config->setGroup( "Settings" );

	TQString sspeed;
	sspeed.setNum( speed );
	config->writeEntry( "Speed", sspeed );

	TQString interval;
	interval.setNum( (int)warpinterval );
	config->writeEntry( "WarpInterval", interval );

	delete config;
Example #2
  Ok pressed - save settings and exit
void KEuphoriaSetup::slotOk()
    KConfig* config = KGlobal::config();

    TQString val;
    val.setNum( modeW->currentItem() );
    config->writeEntry("Mode", val );

Example #3
void TDECompletion::extractStringsFromNode( const TDECompTreeNode *node,
                                          const TQString& beginning,
                                          TDECompletionMatchesWrapper *matches,
                                          bool addWeight ) const
    if ( !node || !matches )

    // kDebug() << "Beginning: " << beginning << endl;
    const TDECompTreeChildren *list = node->children();
    TQString string;
    TQString w;

    // loop thru all children
    for ( TDECompTreeNode *cur = list->begin(); cur ; cur = cur->next) {
        string = beginning;
        node = cur;
        if ( !node->isNull() )
            string += *node;

        while ( node && node->childrenCount() == 1 ) {
            node = node->firstChild();
            if ( node->isNull() )
            string += *node;

        if ( node && node->isNull() ) { // we found a leaf
            if ( addWeight ) {
                // add ":num" to the string to store the weighting
                string += ':';
                w.setNum( node->weight() );
                string.append( w );
            matches->append( node->weight(), string );

        // recursively find all other strings.
        if ( node && node->childrenCount() > 1 )
            extractStringsFromNode( node, string, matches, addWeight );
Example #4
void KBlendWidget::paintEvent(TQPaintEvent */*ev*/)
    TQTime time;
    int it, ft;
    TQString say;

    image = TQImage("testimage.png");

    TQPainter p(this);

    // you see here use of anti_dir param (blend from down to up, here)
    it = time.elapsed();
    KImageEffect::blend(image, 0.2, bgnd, KImageEffect::VerticalGradient,true);
    ft = time.elapsed();
    say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, Vertical";
    p.drawImage(20, 20, image);
    p.drawText(5 , 15, say);

    image = TQImage("testimage.png");

    // here a negative initial intensity is used (1/2 of image is unaffected)
    it = time.elapsed();
    KImageEffect::blend(image, -0.5, bgnd, KImageEffect::HorizontalGradient);
    ft = time.elapsed();
    say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, Horizontal";
    p.drawImage(40+image.width(), 20, image);
    p.drawText(15+image.width() , 15, say);

    image = TQImage("testimage.png");

    it = time.elapsed();
    KImageEffect::blend(image, 0., bgnd, KImageEffect::DiagonalGradient,true);
    ft = time.elapsed();
    say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, Diagonal";
    p.drawImage(20, 40+image.height(), image);
    p.drawText(5 , 35+image.height(), say);

    image = TQImage("testimage.png");

    it = time.elapsed();
    KImageEffect::blend(image, 0.1, bgnd, KImageEffect::CrossDiagonalGradient);
    ft = time.elapsed();
    say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, CrossDiagonal";
    p.drawImage(40+image.width(), 40+image.height(), image);
    p.drawText(25+image.width() , 35 + image.height(), say);

    image = TQImage("testimage.png");

    it = time.elapsed();
    KImageEffect::blend(image, -0.6, bgnd, KImageEffect::RectangleGradient);
    ft = time.elapsed();
    say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, Rectangle";
    p.drawImage(20, 60+2*image.height(), image);
    p.drawText(5 , 55+2*image.height(), say);

    image = TQImage("testimage.png");

    it = time.elapsed();
    KImageEffect::blend(image, 0.2, bgnd, KImageEffect::EllipticGradient);
    ft = time.elapsed();
    say.setNum( ft - it); say += " ms, Elliptic";
    p.drawImage(40+image.width(), 60+2*image.height(), image);
    p.drawText(25+image.width(), 55+2*image.height(), say);
Example #5
void CpuView::updateCpu(CpuData &cpu, int cpuNumber)
#ifdef Q_OS_LINUX
  if (!m_procStream)

  bool cpuFound = false;
  TQString output;
  TQString parser;
  TQString cpuString;

  // Parse the proc file
  while (!m_procStream->atEnd()) {
    parser = m_procStream->readLine();
    // remove all the entries apart from the line containing 'cpuString'
    if (!cpuFound && parser.find(TQRegExp(cpuString)) != -1) {
      output = parser;
      cpuFound = true;

  TQStringList cpuList = TQStringList::split(' ', output);

  if (!cpuList.isEmpty()) {
    cpu.name = cpuList[0].stripWhiteSpace();
    cpu.user = cpuList[1].toULong();
    cpu.nice = cpuList[2].toULong();
    cpu.sys = cpuList[3].toULong();
    cpu.idle = cpuList[4].toULong();

  fseek(m_procFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);

#ifdef __DragonFly__
  struct kinfo_cputime cp_time;
  if (kinfo_get_sched_cputime(&cp_time))
    err(1, "kinfo_get_sched_cputime");
  cpu.user = cp_time.cp_user;
  cpu.nice = cp_time.cp_nice;
  cpu.sys = cp_time.cp_sys;
  cpu.idle = cp_time.cp_idle;
#elif defined(Q_OS_FREEBSD)
#warning "add support for SMP on FreeBSD"
  static int name2oid[2] = { 0, 3 };
  static int oidCpuTime[CTL_MAXNAME + 2];
  static size_t oidCpuTimeLen = sizeof(oidCpuTime);
  long cpuTime[CPUSTATES];
  size_t cpuTimeLen = sizeof(cpuTime);
  static char name[] = "kern.cp_time";
  static int initialized = 0;

  if (!initialized) {
    if (sysctl(name2oid, 2, oidCpuTime, &oidCpuTimeLen,
       name, strlen(name)) < 0)

    oidCpuTimeLen /= sizeof(int);
    initialized = 1;

  if (sysctl(oidCpuTime, oidCpuTimeLen,
     cpuTime, &cpuTimeLen, 0, 0) < 0)

  cpu.user = cpuTime[CP_USER];
  cpu.nice = cpuTime[CP_NICE];
  cpu.sys = cpuTime[CP_SYS];
  cpu.idle = cpuTime[CP_IDLE];

#if defined(Q_OS_NETBSD)
#if defined(Q_OS_OPENBSD) || defined(Q_OS_NETBSD)
//#warning "add support for SMP on OpenBSD and NetBSD"
  int name2oid[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_CPTIME };
  long cpuTime[CPUSTATES];
  size_t cpuTimeLen = sizeof(cpuTime);

  if (sysctl(name2oid, 2, &cpuTime, &cpuTimeLen,
     0, 0) < 0)

  cpu.user = cpuTime[CP_USER];
  cpu.nice = cpuTime[CP_NICE];
  cpu.sys = cpuTime[CP_SYS];
  cpu.idle = cpuTime[CP_IDLE];