void FTesselatedScreenRectangleIndexBuffer::InitRHI()
	TResourceArray<uint16, INDEXBUFFER_ALIGNMENT> IndexBuffer;

	uint32 NumIndices = NumPrimitives() * 3;
	uint16* Out = (uint16*)IndexBuffer.GetData();

	for(uint32 y = 0; y < Height; ++y)
		for(uint32 x = 0; x < Width; ++x)
			// left top to bottom right in reading order
			uint16 Index00 = x  + y * (Width + 1);
			uint16 Index10 = Index00 + 1;
			uint16 Index01 = Index00 + (Width + 1);
			uint16 Index11 = Index01 + 1;

			// todo: diagonal can be flipped on parts of the screen

			// triangle A
			*Out++ = Index00; *Out++ = Index01; *Out++ = Index10;

			// triangle B
			*Out++ = Index11; *Out++ = Index10; *Out++ = Index01;

	// Create index buffer. Fill buffer with initial data upon creation
	FRHIResourceCreateInfo CreateInfo(&IndexBuffer);
	IndexBufferRHI = RHICreateIndexBuffer(sizeof(uint16), IndexBuffer.GetResourceDataSize(), BUF_Static, CreateInfo);
	/** Initialize the RHI for this rendering resource */
	void InitRHI() override
		TResourceArray<FFilterVertex, VERTEXBUFFER_ALIGNMENT> Vertices;

		Vertices[0].Position = FVector4(1,  1,	0,	1);
		Vertices[0].UV = FVector2D(1,	1);

		Vertices[1].Position = FVector4(0,  1,	0,	1);
		Vertices[1].UV = FVector2D(0,	1);

		Vertices[2].Position = FVector4(1,	0,	0,	1);
		Vertices[2].UV = FVector2D(1,	0);

		Vertices[3].Position = FVector4(0,	0,	0,	1);
		Vertices[3].UV = FVector2D(0,	0);

		//The final two vertices are used for the triangle optimization (a single triangle spans the entire viewport )
		Vertices[4].Position = FVector4(-1,  1,	0,	1);
		Vertices[4].UV = FVector2D(-1,	1);

		Vertices[5].Position = FVector4(1,  -1,	0,	1);
		Vertices[5].UV = FVector2D(1, -1);

		// Create vertex buffer. Fill buffer with initial data upon creation
		FRHIResourceCreateInfo CreateInfo(&Vertices);
		VertexBufferRHI = RHICreateVertexBuffer(Vertices.GetResourceDataSize(), BUF_Static, CreateInfo);
	* Initialize the RHI for this rendering resource
	void InitRHI() override
		const int32 NumVerts = 8;
		TResourceArray<FVector4, VERTEXBUFFER_ALIGNMENT> Verts;

		for (uint32 Z = 0; Z < 2; Z++)
			for (uint32 Y = 0; Y < 2; Y++)
				for (uint32 X = 0; X < 2; X++)
					const FVector4 Vertex = FVector4(
					  (X ? -1 : 1),
					  (Y ? -1 : 1),
					  (Z ? -1 : 1),

					Verts[GetCubeVertexIndex(X, Y, Z)] = Vertex;

		uint32 Size = Verts.GetResourceDataSize();

		// Create vertex buffer. Fill buffer with initial data upon creation
		FRHIResourceCreateInfo CreateInfo(&Verts);
		VertexBufferRHI = RHICreateVertexBuffer(Size, BUF_Static, CreateInfo);
		/** Initialize the RHI for this rendering resource */
		void InitRHI() override
			// Indices 0 - 5 are used for rendering a quad. Indices 6 - 8 are used for triangle optimization. 
			const uint16 Indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 0, 4, 5 };
			TResourceArray<uint16, INDEXBUFFER_ALIGNMENT> IndexBuffer;
			uint32 InternalNumIndices = ARRAY_COUNT(Indices);
			FMemory::Memcpy(IndexBuffer.GetData(), Indices, InternalNumIndices * sizeof(uint16));

			// Create index buffer. Fill buffer with initial data upon creation
			FRHIResourceCreateInfo CreateInfo(&IndexBuffer);
			IndexBufferRHI = RHICreateIndexBuffer(sizeof(uint16), IndexBuffer.GetResourceDataSize(), BUF_Static, CreateInfo);
	* Initialize the RHI for this rendering resource
	void InitRHI() override
		TResourceArray<uint16, INDEXBUFFER_ALIGNMENT> Indices;
		NumIndices = ARRAY_COUNT(GCubeIndices);
		FMemory::Memcpy(Indices.GetData(), GCubeIndices, NumIndices * sizeof(uint16));

		const uint32 Size = Indices.GetResourceDataSize();
		const uint32 Stride = sizeof(uint16);

		// Create index buffer. Fill buffer with initial data upon creation
		FRHIResourceCreateInfo CreateInfo(&Indices);
		IndexBufferRHI = RHICreateIndexBuffer(Stride, Size, BUF_Static, CreateInfo);
Example #6
void FRawStaticIndexBuffer::Serialize(FArchive& Ar, bool bNeedsCPUAccess)

		TResourceArray<uint16,INDEXBUFFER_ALIGNMENT> LegacyIndices;

		b32Bit = false;
		int32 NumIndices = LegacyIndices.Num();
		int32 IndexStride = sizeof(uint16);
		IndexStorage.Empty(NumIndices * IndexStride);
		IndexStorage.AddUninitialized(NumIndices * IndexStride);
		Ar << b32Bit;
void RendererGPUBenchmark(FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList, FSynthBenchmarkResults& InOut, const FSceneView& View, float WorkScale, bool bDebugOut)

	FRenderQueryPool TimerQueryPool(RQT_AbsoluteTime);

	bool bValidGPUTimer = (FGPUTiming::GetTimingFrequency() / (1000 * 1000)) != 0;

		UE_LOG(LogSynthBenchmark, Warning, TEXT("RendererGPUBenchmark failed, look for \"GPU Timing Frequency\" in the log"));

	TResourceArray<FBenchmarkVertex> Vertices;
	for (uint32 Index = 0; Index < GBenchmarkVertices; ++Index)

	FRHIResourceCreateInfo CreateInfo(&Vertices);
	FVertexBufferRHIRef VertexBuffer = RHICreateVertexBuffer(GBenchmarkVertices * sizeof(FBenchmarkVertex), BUF_Static, CreateInfo);

	// two RT to ping pong so we force the GPU to flush it's pipeline
	TRefCountPtr<IPooledRenderTarget> RTItems[3];
		FPooledRenderTargetDesc Desc(FPooledRenderTargetDesc::Create2DDesc(FIntPoint(GBenchmarkResolution, GBenchmarkResolution), PF_B8G8R8A8, FClearValueBinding::None, TexCreate_None, TexCreate_RenderTargetable | TexCreate_ShaderResource, false));
		Desc.AutoWritable = false;

		GRenderTargetPool.FindFreeElement(RHICmdList, Desc, RTItems[0], TEXT("Benchmark0"));
		GRenderTargetPool.FindFreeElement(RHICmdList, Desc, RTItems[1], TEXT("Benchmark1"));

		Desc.Extent = FIntPoint(1, 1);
		Desc.Flags = TexCreate_CPUReadback;	// needs TexCreate_ResolveTargetable?
		Desc.TargetableFlags = TexCreate_None;

		GRenderTargetPool.FindFreeElement(RHICmdList, Desc, RTItems[2], TEXT("BenchmarkReadback"));

	// set the state

		// larger number means more accuracy but slower, some slower GPUs might timeout with a number to large
		const uint32 IterationCount = 70;
		const uint32 MethodCount = ARRAY_COUNT(InOut.GPUStats);

		enum class EMethodType

		struct FBenchmarkMethod
			const TCHAR* Desc;
			float IndexNormalizedTime;
			const TCHAR* ValueType;
			float Weight;
			EMethodType Type;
		const FBenchmarkMethod Methods[] =
			// e.g. on NV670: Method3 (mostly fill rate )-> 26GP/s (seems realistic)
			// reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Nvidia_graphics_processing_units theoretical: 29.3G/s
			{ TEXT("ALUHeavyNoise"),    1.0f / 4.601f,  TEXT("s/GigaPix"),  1.0f, EMethodType::Pixel  },
			{ TEXT("TexHeavy"),         1.0f / 7.447f,  TEXT("s/GigaPix"),  0.1f, EMethodType::Pixel  },
			{ TEXT("DepTexHeavy"),      1.0f / 3.847f,  TEXT("s/GigaPix"),  0.1f, EMethodType::Pixel  },
			{ TEXT("FillOnly"),         1.0f / 25.463f, TEXT("s/GigaPix"),  3.0f, EMethodType::Pixel  },
			{ TEXT("Bandwidth"),        1.0f / 1.072f,  TEXT("s/GigaPix"),  1.0f, EMethodType::Pixel  },
			{ TEXT("VertThroughPut1"),  1.0f / 1.537f,  TEXT("s/GigaVert"), 0.0f, EMethodType::Vertex }, // TODO: Set weights
			{ TEXT("VertThroughPut2"),  1.0f / 1.767f,  TEXT("s/GigaVert"), 0.0f, EMethodType::Vertex }, // TODO: Set weights

		static_assert(ARRAY_COUNT(Methods) == ARRAY_COUNT(InOut.GPUStats), "Benchmark methods descriptor array lengths should match.");

		// Initialize the GPU benchmark stats
		for (int32 Index = 0; Index < ARRAY_COUNT(Methods); ++Index)
			auto& Method = Methods[Index];
			InOut.GPUStats[Index] = FSynthBenchmarkStat(Method.Desc, Method.IndexNormalizedTime, Method.ValueType, Method.Weight);

		// 0 / 1
		uint32 DestRTIndex = 0;

		const uint32 TimerSampleCount = IterationCount * MethodCount + 1;

		static FRenderQueryRHIRef TimerQueries[TimerSampleCount];
		static float LocalWorkScale[IterationCount];

		for(uint32  i = 0; i < TimerSampleCount; ++i)
			TimerQueries[i] = TimerQueryPool.AllocateQuery();

		const bool bSupportsTimerQueries = (TimerQueries[0] != NULL);
			UE_LOG(LogSynthBenchmark, Warning, TEXT("GPU driver does not support timer queries."));

			// Temporary workaround for GL_TIMESTAMP being unavailable and GL_TIME_ELAPSED workaround breaking drivers
			GLint RendererID = 0;
			float PerfScale = 1.0f;
			[[NSOpenGLContext currentContext] getValues:&RendererID forParameter:NSOpenGLCPCurrentRendererID];
				switch((RendererID & kCGLRendererIDMatchingMask))
					case kCGLRendererATIRadeonX4000ID: // AMD 7xx0 & Dx00 series - should be pretty beefy
						PerfScale = 1.2f;
					case kCGLRendererATIRadeonX3000ID: // AMD 5xx0, 6xx0 series - mostly OK
					case kCGLRendererGeForceID: // Nvidia 6x0 & 7x0 series - mostly OK
						PerfScale = 2.0f;
					case kCGLRendererIntelHD5000ID: // Intel HD 5000, Iris, Iris Pro - not dreadful
						PerfScale = 4.2f;
					case kCGLRendererIntelHD4000ID: // Intel HD 4000 - quite slow
						PerfScale = 7.5f;
					case kCGLRendererATIRadeonX2000ID: // ATi 4xx0, 3xx0, 2xx0 - almost all very slow and drivers are now very buggy
					case kCGLRendererGeForce8xxxID: // Nvidia 3x0, 2x0, 1x0, 9xx0, 8xx0 - almost all very slow
					case kCGLRendererIntelHDID: // Intel HD 3000 - very, very slow and very buggy driver
						PerfScale = 10.0f;

			for (int32 Index = 0; Index < MethodCount; ++Index)
				FSynthBenchmarkStat& Stat = InOut.GPUStats[Index];
				Stat.SetMeasuredTime(FTimeSample(PerfScale, PerfScale * Methods[Index].IndexNormalizedTime));

		// TimingValues are in Seconds
		FTimingSeries TimingSeries[MethodCount];
		// in 1/1000000 Seconds
		uint64 TotalTimes[MethodCount];
		for(uint32 MethodIterator = 0; MethodIterator < MethodCount; ++MethodIterator)
			TotalTimes[MethodIterator] = 0;


		// multiple iterations to see how trust able the values are
		for(uint32 Iteration = 0; Iteration < IterationCount; ++Iteration)
			for(uint32 MethodIterator = 0; MethodIterator < MethodCount; ++MethodIterator)
				// alternate between forward and backward (should give the same number)
				//			uint32 MethodId = (Iteration % 2) ? MethodIterator : (MethodCount - 1 - MethodIterator);
				uint32 MethodId = MethodIterator;

				uint32 QueryIndex = 1 + Iteration * MethodCount + MethodId;

				// 0 / 1
				const uint32 SrcRTIndex = 1 - DestRTIndex;

				GRenderTargetPool.VisualizeTexture.SetCheckPoint(RHICmdList, RTItems[DestRTIndex]);

				SetRenderTarget(RHICmdList, RTItems[DestRTIndex]->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, FTextureRHIRef(), true);	

				// decide how much work we do in this pass
				LocalWorkScale[Iteration] = (Iteration / 10.f + 1.f) * WorkScale;

				RunBenchmarkShader(RHICmdList, VertexBuffer, View, MethodId, RTItems[SrcRTIndex], LocalWorkScale[Iteration]);

				RHICmdList.CopyToResolveTarget(RTItems[DestRTIndex]->GetRenderTargetItem().TargetableTexture, RTItems[DestRTIndex]->GetRenderTargetItem().ShaderResourceTexture, false, FResolveParams());

					// more consistent timing but strangely much faster to the level that is unrealistic

					FResolveParams Param;

					Param.Rect = FResolveRect(0, 0, 1, 1);

					void* Data = 0;
					int Width = 0;
					int Height = 0;

					RHIMapStagingSurface(RTItems[2]->GetRenderTargetItem().ShaderResourceTexture, Data, Width, Height);


				// ping pong
				DestRTIndex = 1 - DestRTIndex;

			uint64 OldAbsTime = 0;
			// flushes the RHI thread to make sure all RHICmdList.EndRenderQuery() commands got executed.
			RHICmdList.GetRenderQueryResult(TimerQueries[0], OldAbsTime, true);

			for(uint32 Iteration = 0; Iteration < IterationCount; ++Iteration)
				uint32 Results[MethodCount];

				for(uint32 MethodId = 0; MethodId < MethodCount; ++MethodId)
					uint32 QueryIndex = 1 + Iteration * MethodCount + MethodId;

					uint64 AbsTime;
					RHICmdList.GetRenderQueryResult(TimerQueries[QueryIndex], AbsTime, true);

					uint64 RelTime = FMath::Max(AbsTime - OldAbsTime, 1ull);

					TotalTimes[MethodId] += RelTime;
					Results[MethodId] = RelTime;

					OldAbsTime = AbsTime;

				for(uint32 MethodId = 0; MethodId < MethodCount; ++MethodId)
					float TimeInSec = Results[MethodId] / 1000000.0f;

					if (Methods[MethodId].Type == EMethodType::Vertex)
						// to normalize from seconds to seconds per GVert
						float SamplesInGVert = LocalWorkScale[Iteration] * GBenchmarkVertices / 1000000000.0f;
						TimingSeries[MethodId].SetEntry(Iteration, TimeInSec / SamplesInGVert);
						check(Methods[MethodId].Type == EMethodType::Pixel);

						// to normalize from seconds to seconds per GPixel
						float SamplesInGPix = LocalWorkScale[Iteration] * GBenchmarkResolution * GBenchmarkResolution / 1000000000.0f;

						// TimingValue in Seconds per GPixel
						TimingSeries[MethodId].SetEntry(Iteration, TimeInSec / SamplesInGPix);

				for(uint32 MethodId = 0; MethodId < MethodCount; ++MethodId)
					float Confidence = 0.0f;
					// in seconds per GPixel
					float NormalizedTime = TimingSeries[MethodId].ComputeValue(Confidence);

					if(Confidence > 0)
						FTimeSample TimeSample(TotalTimes[MethodId] / 1000000.0f, NormalizedTime);

						InOut.GPUStats[MethodId].SetMeasuredTime(TimeSample, Confidence);