int main(int argc, char **argv) { setUpOnce(); TStopwatch watch; watch.Start(); ConfigFile config(argc, argv); setConfiguration(config); watch.Stop(); cout << "Time to read configuration: " << watch.CpuTime() << "s" << endl; watch.Reset(); watch.Start(); boost::scoped_ptr<Analysis> myAnalysis(new Analysis(config.datasetInfoFile())); myAnalysis->setMaximalNumberOfEvents(Globals::maxEvents); vector<string> inputFiles = config.inputFiles(); for (unsigned int index = 0; index < inputFiles.size(); ++index) { myAnalysis->addInputFile(; } watch.Stop(); cout << "Time to prepare analysis: " << watch.CpuTime() << "s" << endl; watch.Reset(); cout << "starting analysis" << endl; watch.Start(); // ProfilerStart("BATProfile"); myAnalysis->analyse(); // ProfilerStop(); watch.Stop(); double eventsPerMinute = myAnalysis->getNumberOfProccessedEvents() / (watch.CpuTime() / 60); cout << "Number of events processed per minute: " << eventsPerMinute << endl; watch.Print(); watch.Reset(); cout << "Finishing up analysis and writing histograms do disk (wait for \"Analysis finished\")" << endl; watch.Start(); myAnalysis->finishAnalysis(); watch.Stop(); watch.Print(); cout << "==========================================================" << endl; cout << "\t \t Analysis finished" << endl; cout << "==========================================================" << endl; return 0; }
int NeroMonteCarlo::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent){ if ( iEvent.isRealData() ) return 0; isRealData = iEvent.isRealData() ? 1 : 0 ; // private, not the one in the tree TStopwatch sw; if(VERBOSE)sw.Start(); // maybe handle should be taken before iEvent.getByToken(info_token, info_handle); iEvent.getByToken(packed_token, packed_handle); iEvent.getByToken(pruned_token, pruned_handle); iEvent.getByToken(pu_token, pu_handle); iEvent.getByToken(jet_token, jet_handle); if ( not info_handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[ERROR] info_handle is not valid"<<endl; if ( not packed_handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[ERROR] packed_handle is not valid"<<endl; if ( not pruned_handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[ERROR] pruned_handle is not valid"<<endl; if ( not pu_handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[ERROR] pu_handle is not valid"<<endl; if ( not jet_handle.isValid() ) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[ERROR] jet_handle is not valid"<<endl; if(VERBOSE){ sw.Stop() ; cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] getToken took "<<sw.CpuTime()<<" Cpu and "<<sw.RealTime()<<" RealTime"<<endl; sw.Reset(); sw.Start();} // INFO if(VERBOSE>1) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[DEBUG] mcWeight="<<endl; mcWeight = info_handle -> weight(); if(VERBOSE>1) cout<<" mcWeight="<<mcWeight<<endl; //weights() //--- scale if ( info_handle -> weights() .size() >= 9){ r1f2 = info_handle -> weights() [1] ; r1f5 = info_handle -> weights() [2] ; r2f1 = info_handle -> weights() [3] ; r2f2 = info_handle -> weights() [4] ; r5f1 = info_handle -> weights() [6] ; r5f5 = info_handle -> weights() [8] ; } if (info_handle -> weights().size() > 109) for( int pdfw = 9 ; pdfw<109 ;++pdfw) { pdfRwgt -> push_back( info_handle -> weights() [pdfw] ); } // --- fill pdf Weights // if(VERBOSE>1) cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze]::[DEBUG] PDF="<<endl; if ( mParticleGun ) { qScale = -999 ; alphaQED = -999 ; alphaQCD = -999 ; x1 = -999 ; x2 = -999 ; pdf1Id = -999 ; pdf2Id = -999 ; scalePdf = -999 ; } else { qScale = info_handle -> qScale(); alphaQED = info_handle -> alphaQED(); alphaQCD = info_handle -> alphaQCD(); x1 = info_handle -> pdf() -> x.first; x2 = info_handle -> pdf() -> x.second; pdf1Id = info_handle -> pdf() -> id.first; pdf2Id = info_handle -> pdf() -> id.second; scalePdf = info_handle -> pdf() -> scalePDF; } if(VERBOSE>1) cout<<" PDF="<<qScale<<" "<< alphaQED<<endl; //PU if(VERBOSE>1){ cout<<endl<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] PU LOOP"<<endl;} puTrueInt = 0; for(const auto & pu : *pu_handle) { //Intime if (pu.getBunchCrossing() == 0) puTrueInt += pu.getTrueNumInteractions(); //puInt += getPU_NumInteractions(); //old //Out-of-time } if(VERBOSE){ sw.Stop() ; cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] pu&info took "<<sw.CpuTime()<<" Cpu and "<<sw.RealTime()<<" RealTime"<<endl; sw.Reset(); sw.Start();} // GEN PARTICLES //TLorentzVector genmet(0,0,0,0); //for ( auto & gen : *packed_handle) for ( unsigned int i=0;i < packed_handle->size() ;++i) { const auto gen = & (*packed_handle)[i]; if (gen->pt() < 5 ) continue; if (gen->pt() < mMinGenParticlePt ) continue; int pdg = gen->pdgId(); int apdg = abs(pdg); //neutrinos // --- if ( (apdg != 12 and apdg !=14 and apdg != 16 // --- and apdg > 1000000 neutrinos and neutralinos // --- )//SUSY // --- and fabs(gen->eta() ) <4.7 // --- ) // --- { // --- TLorentzVector tmp( gen->px(),gen->py(),gen->pz(),gen->energy() ); // --- genmet += tmp; // --- } // --- genmet = -genmet; //FILL // e mu photons if ( apdg == 11 or apdg == 13 or apdg == 22 // e - mu - gamma or (apdg >=12 and apdg<=16) // neutrinos or apdg > 1000000 // susy neutrinos and neutralinos ) { new ( (*p4)[p4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector(gen->px(), gen->py(), gen->pz(), gen->energy()); pdgId -> push_back( pdg ); flags -> push_back( ComputeFlags( *gen ) ); // compute ISOLATION float iso=0; float isoFx=0; if (apdg == 22 or apdg ==11 or apdg ==13) { TLorentzVector g1(gen->px(),gen->py(),gen->pz(),gen->energy()); vector< pair<float,float> > inIsoFx ; //isoFx, dR, pT for ( unsigned int j=0;j < packed_handle->size() ;++j) { if (i==j) continue; const auto gen2 = & (*packed_handle)[j]; if ( gen2->pt() ==0 ) continue; if (gen2->pz() > 10e8 ) continue; // inf TLorentzVector g2(gen2->px(),gen2->py(),gen2->pz(),gen2->energy()); if (g2.DeltaR(g1) <0.4){ iso += g2.Pt(); // isoFx containes the epsilon inIsoFx.push_back( pair<float,float>(g2.DeltaR(g1) ,g2.Pt() ) ); } } if (apdg==22){ // ONLY for photon Frixione isolation sort(inIsoFx.begin(), inIsoFx.end() ); // sort in DR, first entry float sumEtFx=0; for( const auto & p : inIsoFx ) { const float& pt= p.second ; const float& delta = p.first; sumEtFx += pt / gen->pt(); // relative iso if (delta == 0 ) continue; // guard float isoCandidate = sumEtFx * TMath::Power( (1. - TMath::Cos(0.4) ) / (1. - TMath::Cos(delta ) ), 2) ;// n=2 if (isoFx < isoCandidate) isoFx = isoCandidate; } } } genIso -> push_back(iso); genIsoFrixione -> push_back(isoFx); // computed dressed objects // if (apdg == 11 or apdg == 13) { // only for final state muons and electrons TLorentzVector dressedLepton(gen->px(),gen->py(),gen->pz(),gen->energy()); TLorentzVector lepton(dressedLepton); //original lepton for dR for ( unsigned int j=0;j < packed_handle->size() ;++j) { const auto gen2 = & (*packed_handle)[j]; TLorentzVector photon(gen2->px(),gen2->py(),gen2->pz(),gen2->energy()); if (i != j and abs( gen->pdgId() ) ==22 and lepton.DeltaR( photon ) <0.1 ) dressedLepton += photon; } new ( (*p4)[p4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector( dressedLepton ); pdgId -> push_back( pdg ); flags -> push_back( Dressed ); genIso -> push_back (0.) ; genIsoFrixione -> push_back (0.) ; // --- end of dressing } } } //end packed if(VERBOSE){ sw.Stop() ; cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] packed took "<<sw.CpuTime()<<" Cpu and "<<sw.RealTime()<<" RealTime"<<endl; sw.Reset(); sw.Start();} // LOOP over PRUNED PARTICLES //for (auto & gen : *pruned_handle) for (unsigned int i=0;i<pruned_handle->size() ;++i) { const auto gen = &(*pruned_handle)[i]; if (gen->pt() < 5 ) continue; if (gen->pt() < mMinGenParticlePt ) continue; int pdg = gen->pdgId(); int apdg = abs(pdg); if (gen->status() == 1) continue; //packed unsigned flag = ComputeFlags(*gen); if ( apdg == 15 or // tau (15) (apdg >= 23 and apdg <26 ) or // Z(23) W(24) H(25) apdg == 37 or // chHiggs: H+(37) apdg <= 6 or // quarks up (2) down (1) charm (4) strange (3) top (6) bottom (5) apdg == 21 or // gluons (21) apdg > 1000000 // susy neutrinos,neutralinos, charginos ... lightest neutralinos (1000022) or ( apdg == 11 and ( flag & HardProcessBeforeFSR) ) or ( apdg == 11 and ( flag & HardProcess) ) or ( apdg == 13 and ( flag & HardProcessBeforeFSR) ) or ( apdg == 13 and ( flag & HardProcess) ) ) { new ( (*p4)[p4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector(gen->px(), gen->py(), gen->pz(), gen->energy()); pdgId -> push_back( pdg ); flags -> push_back( flag ); genIso -> push_back (0.) ; genIsoFrixione -> push_back (0.) ; } } if(VERBOSE){ sw.Stop() ; cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] pruned took "<<sw.CpuTime()<<" Cpu and "<<sw.RealTime()<<" RealTime"<<endl; sw.Reset(); sw.Start();} // GEN JETS for (const auto & j : *jet_handle) { if ( < 20 ) continue; if ( < mMinGenJetPt ) continue; // --- FILL new ( (*jetP4)[jetP4->GetEntriesFast()]) TLorentzVector(j.px(),, j.pz(),; } if(VERBOSE){ sw.Stop() ; cout<<"[NeroMonteCarlo]::[analyze] jets took "<<sw.CpuTime()<<" Cpu and "<<sw.RealTime()<<" RealTime"<<endl; sw.Reset();} return 0; }
void Analyze(const TString mode="CLOSED", UShort_t maxH=6, Bool_t /*doLoops*/=false, Int_t ifile=0 ) { #ifdef __CINT__ gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/Types.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/Result.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/QVector.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/recursive/FromQVector.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/recurrence/FromQVector.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/closed/FromQVector.hh++"); gROOT->LoadMacro("correlations/test/ReadData.hh++"); #endif // --- Setup of harmonics, etc ------------------------------------- gRandom->SetSeed(54321); UShort_t emode = 0; if (mode.EqualTo("closed", TString::kIgnoreCase)) emode = 0; else if (mode.EqualTo("recurrence", TString::kIgnoreCase)) emode = 1; else if (mode.EqualTo("recursive", TString::kIgnoreCase)) emode = 2; else Warning("Analyze", "Mode %s unknown, assuming CLOSED", mode.Data()); correlations::QVector q[nbin]; correlations::FromQVector* c[nbin]; correlations::HarmonicVector h(maxH); for (UShort_t i = 0; i < maxH; i++) { // Generate random harmonicx // h[i] = -6 + gRandom->Integer(12); h[0] = 2; h[1] = -2; h[2] = 2; h[3] = -2; h[4] = 2; h[5] = -2; h[6] = -2; h[7] = 2; // Printf("h_%d:\t%d", i, h[i]); } // Resize the Q-vector to fit the harmonics for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++){ q[ibin] = correlations::QVector(0,0,false); q[ibin].resize(h); switch (emode) { case 0: c[ibin] = new correlations::closed::FromQVector(q[ibin]); break; case 1: c[ibin] = new correlations::recurrence::FromQVector(q[ibin]); break; case 2: c[ibin] = new correlations::recursive::FromQVector(q[ibin]); break; } } //Printf("Correlator: %s", c->name()); // --- Some histograms --------------------------------------------- TH1* sumreals[nbin]; TH1* sumimags[nbin]; TH1* weights[nbin]; TVectorD tottrk; TVectorD Nevent; tottrk.ResizeTo(nbin); tottrk.Zero(); Nevent.ResizeTo(nbin); Nevent.Zero(); //TH1* reals = new TH1D("reals", "Re(C{n})", maxH-2+1, 2+.5, maxH+1+.5); //TH1* imags = static_cast<TH1*>(reals->Clone("imags")); for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++){ sumreals[ibin] = new TH1D(Form("sumreals_%d",ibin), "Re(C{n})", maxH-2+1, 2+.5, maxH+1+.5); sumimags[ibin] = static_cast<TH1*>(sumreals[ibin]->Clone(Form("sumimags_%d",ibin))); weights[ibin] = static_cast<TH1*>(sumreals[ibin]->Clone(Form("weights_%d",ibin))); } TProfile* timing = new TProfile("timing", "Timing", maxH-2+1, 2+.5,maxH+1+.5); TH1* hs = new TH1I("harmonics", "Harmonics", maxH, 1.5, maxH+1.5); /*reals->SetFillColor(kGreen+1); reals->SetFillStyle(3001); reals->SetStats(0); imags->SetTitle("Im(C{n})"); imags->SetFillColor(kBlue+1); imags->SetFillStyle(3001); imags->SetStats(0); timing->SetFillColor(kRed+1); timing->SetFillStyle(3001); timing->SetStats(0); hs->SetFillColor(kMagenta+1); hs->SetFillStyle(3001); hs->SetStats(0);*/ for (UShort_t i = 0; i < maxH-1; i++) { TString label = TString::Format("C{%d}", i+2); // reals->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, label); // imags->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, label); timing->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1, label); hs->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(i+1,Form("h_{%d}", i+1)); hs->SetBinContent(i+1, h[i]); } hs->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(maxH,Form("h_{%d}", maxH)); hs->SetBinContent(maxH, h[maxH-1]); TStopwatch timer; // --- Setup input ------------------------------------------------ TFile* file = TFile::Open(Form("%s/vndata_50k_%d.root",dir.Data(),ifile), "READ"); TTree* tree = static_cast<TTree*>(file->Get("tree")); // TArrayD phis(0); Int_t M; Float_t phi[10000],pt[10000],eta[10000]; // TArrayD weights(0); // Double_t phiR = 0; // TArrayD* pPhis = &phis; // TArrayD* pWeights = &weights; tree->SetBranchAddress("phig", phi); tree->SetBranchAddress("ptg",pt); tree->SetBranchAddress("etag",eta); tree->SetBranchAddress("n", &M); // tree->SetBranchAddress("weight", &pWeights); // tree->SetBranchAddress("event", &phiR); // --- The results ------------------------------------------------- const UShort_t nQ = maxH - 1; correlations::ResultVector qs[nbin]; for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++) qs[ibin] = correlations::ResultVector(nQ); // --- Event loop -------------------------------------------------- Int_t nEvents = tree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t event = 0; event < nEvents; event++) { tree->GetEntry(event); int ntrk = M; int xbin=-1; for(int j=0;j<nbin;j++) if(ntrk<trkbin[j]&&ntrk>=trkbin[j+1]) xbin=j; if(xbin<0 || xbin==nbin) continue; tottrk[xbin]+=ntrk; q[xbin].reset(); // printf("Event # %4u %4d particles ", event++, phis.GetSize()); for (UShort_t pa = 0; pa < M; pa++){ if(fabs(eta[pa])>etamax) continue; if(pt[pa]<ptmin||pt[pa]>ptmax) continue; //event selection // phis.Set(n,pPhis); q[xbin].fill(phi[pa], 1.); } for (UShort_t i = 0; i < nQ; i++) { UShort_t n = i + 2; // printf("%s%d", i == 0 ? "" : "..", n); timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); qs[xbin][i] += c[xbin]->calculate(n, h); timer.Stop(); timing->Fill(n+.5, timer.RealTime()); } // printf(" done\n"); Nevent[xbin]++; } file->Close(); for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++){ for (UShort_t i = 0; i < nQ; i++) { // UShort_t iq = i+2; // Double_t t = timing->GetBinContent(i+1); // correlations::Complex rc = qs[i].eval(); // Printf("QC{%2d}: %12g + %12gi <t>: %10gs", // iq, rc.real(), rc.imag(), t); // if(i==0)Printf("v2{%2d}: %3g\n",2,sqrt(qs[0].eval().real())); // if(i==2)Printf("v2{%2d}: %3g\n",4,TMath::Power(fabs(qs[2].eval().real()),1./4)); // if(i==4)Printf("v2{%2d}: %3g\n",6,TMath::Power(fabs(qs[4].eval().real()),1./6)); sumreals[ibin]->SetBinContent(i+1,qs[ibin][i]._sum.real()); sumimags[ibin]->SetBinContent(i+1,qs[ibin][i]._sum.imag()); weights[ibin]->SetBinContent(i+1,qs[ibin][i]._weights); //reals->SetBinContent(i+1, rc.real()); //imags->SetBinContent(i+1, rc.imag()); } } /* TCanvas* can = new TCanvas("C", "C"); can->SetTopMargin(0.15); can->SetBottomMargin(0.15); can->SetRightMargin(0.03); can->Divide(1,3, 0, 0); DrawInPad(can, 3, timing, true); DrawInPad(can, 1, reals); DrawInPad(can, 2, imags); can->cd(0); TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(0.5,0.995,c->name()); ltx->SetNDC(true); ltx->SetTextAlign(23); ltx->SetTextSize(0.04); ltx->Draw(); can->Modified(); can->Update(); can->cd(); */ TString out(mode); out.ToLower(); file = TFile::Open(Form("%s/%s_%d.root",outdir.Data(),out.Data(),ifile), "RECREATE"); for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++){ sumimags[ibin]->Write(); sumreals[ibin]->Write(); weights[ibin]->Write(); } Nevent.Write("Nevent"); tottrk.Write("tottrk"); timing->Write(); hs->Write(); file->Write(); file->Close(); for(int ibin=0;ibin<nbin;ibin++){ delete sumimags[ibin]; delete sumreals[ibin]; delete weights[ibin]; } delete timing; delete hs; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Some CTRL-C interrupt handling stuff... */ gotsignal = 0; signal(SIGINT, breakhandler); /* When not enough arguments, print the help information */ if ( (argc<3) ) { PrintHelpInformation(); exit(1); } /* Initialize analysis control flags to default values, then read in the command line arguments. */ controlVariables *ctrl = new controlVariables(); ctrl->Initialize(); Int_t good2Go = ctrl->InterpretCommandLine(argc, argv); if (good2Go != 1) { exit(-1); } cout << endl; cout << "********************************************************" << endl; cout << endl; cout << endl; good2Go = ctrl->ReportRunFlags(); if (good2Go != 1) { exit(-2); } cout << endl; TStopwatch timer; /* Declare and then initialize GRETINA variables, i.e. geometry stuff, and calibration parameters, etc. */ counterVariables *cnt = new counterVariables(); /* Initialize the GRETINA data structures. */ /* And data arrays... */ /* GRETINA */ unsigned char gBuf[32*32*1024]; FILE *inf = NULL; FILE *generalOut = NULL; /* Loop over each run given at the command line. */ if (ctrl->fileType == "f") { ctrl->startRun = 0; argc = 1; } /* For specific file name, once through loop only. */ for (Int_t mm = ctrl->startRun; mm<argc; mm++) { timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); cnt->ResetRunCounters(); TString runNumber = argv[mm]; cnt->runNum = atoi(argv[mm]); /* Figure out the filename, etc. */ if (ctrl->fileType == "g") { ctrl->fileName = ctrl->directory + "/Run" + runNumber + "/Global.dat"; ctrl->outfileName = "./ROOTFiles/Run" + runNumber + "wGH.root"; } else if (ctrl->fileType == "f") { ctrl->outfileName = "./ROOTFiles/test-wGH.root"; } else { cerr << "WHAT???" << endl; return 0; } cout << "********************************************************" << endl; cout << endl; /* Open the input data file... */ if (ctrl->compressedFile) { ctrl->fileName = "zcat " + ctrl->fileName; if (ctrl->fileName.EndsWith(".gz")) { } else { ctrl->fileName = ctrl->fileName + ".gz"; } inf = popen(ctrl->fileName.Data(), "r"); } else if (ctrl->compressedFileB) { ctrl->fileName = "bzcat " + ctrl->fileName; if (ctrl->fileName.EndsWith(".bz2")) { } else { ctrl->fileName = ctrl->fileName + ".bz2"; } inf = popen(ctrl->fileName.Data(), "r"); } else { inf = fopen(ctrl->fileName.Data(), "r"); } ctrl->outputON = 1; if (ctrl->outputON) { if (ctrl->outputName) { generalOut = fopen(ctrl->outputFileName.Data(), "wb"); } else if (!ctrl->outputName) { ctrl->outputFileName = ctrl->fileName; if (ctrl->fileName.EndsWith(".bz2")) { ctrl->outputFileName.ReplaceAll(".dat.bz2","GH.dat"); } else if (ctrl->fileName.EndsWith(".gz")) { ctrl->outputFileName.ReplaceAll(".dat.gz","GH.dat"); } else { ctrl->outputFileName.ReplaceAll(".dat","GH.dat"); } ctrl->outputFileName.ReplaceAll("zcat ", ""); generalOut = fopen(ctrl->outputFileName.Data(), "wb"); } if (!generalOut) { cout << "Could not open output file " << ctrl->outputFileName.Data() << endl; exit(2); } else { cout << "Opened output file " << ctrl->outputFileName.Data() << endl; } } else { generalOut = NULL; } /* Reset variables needed for unpacking, histogramming, etc. */ cnt->ResetRunCounters(); Int_t TSerrors = 0; long long int currTS = 0; long long int lastTS = 0; Int_t remaining = 0; /********************************************************/ /* THE MAIN EVENT -- SORTING LOOP */ /********************************************************/ /* Loop over file, reading data, and building events... */ while (!gotsignal) { if (ctrl->pgh == 2) { gHeader.type = DECOMP; remaining = GetGRETINA(inf, generalOut, gBuf, sizeof(gBuf), gHeader.type, 0, ctrl, cnt); gHeader.timestamp = gMode2.timestamp; } else if (ctrl->pgh == 3) { gHeader.type = RAW; remaining = GetGRETINA(inf, generalOut, gBuf, sizeof(gBuf), gHeader.type, 0, ctrl, cnt); gHeader.timestamp = gMode3.led_timestamp; } /* Check against timestamps in file being out of order... */ if (gHeader.timestamp < lastTS) { if (!ctrl->suppressTS) cout << "TS out of order : lastTS " << lastTS << " current " << gHeader.timestamp << endl; TSerrors++; } lastTS = gHeader.timestamp; if ( (gHeader.timestamp != 0) && (currTS == 0) ) { currTS = gHeader.timestamp; } if (cnt->bytes_read_since_last_time > 2*1024*1024) { cerr << "Processing " << cnt->bytes_read/(1024*1024) << " MB" <<"\r"; cnt->MBread+=2; cnt->bytes_read_since_last_time = 0; } /**********************************************************/ /* More GRETINA information before another global header. */ /**********************************************************/ while (remaining && !gotsignal) { remaining = GetGRETINA(inf, generalOut, gBuf, sizeof(gBuf), gHeader.type, remaining, ctrl, cnt); if (ctrl->pgh == 2) { gHeader.timestamp = gMode2.timestamp; } else if (ctrl->pgh == 3) { gHeader.timestamp = gMode3.led_timestamp; } if (cnt->bytes_read_since_last_time > 2*1024*1024) { cerr << "Processing " << cnt->bytes_read/(1024*1024) << " MB" << "\r"; cnt->MBread+=2; cnt->bytes_read_since_last_time = 0; } } /* end of ' while (remaining) ' */ } /* End of "while we still have data and no interrupt signal" */ timer.Stop(); cout << "\n CPU time: " << timer.CpuTime() << "\tReal time: " << timer.RealTime() << endl; cout << " Average processing speed: " << (cnt->bytes_read/(1024*1024))/timer.RealTime() << "MB/s -- File size was " << cnt->bytes_read/(1024*1024) << " MB \n" << endl; cnt->PrintRunStatistics(ctrl->pgh, ctrl->withWAVE, ctrl->superPulse, ctrl->analyze2AND3); cnt->ResetRunCounters(); } /* End of iterating over different run # */ if (ctrl->outputON) { cout << endl; cout << "Closing output file..."; fclose(generalOut); cout << "Done. " << endl; } /* Declare victory!!! */ cout << endl; timer.Delete(); cout << "We finished without crashing!! Yay us! :)" << endl; cout << endl; return 1; }
Int_t dieleAna(TString inputlist, TString outfile, Int_t nev=-1, Int_t whichweight = 0) { TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(); TH3F *p3DEffEle[6][NWEIGHTS+1]; // mult bins, MLP weights + HC TH3F *p3DEffPos[6][NWEIGHTS+1]; TH3F *p3DAccEle[6][NWEIGHTS+1]; TH3F *p3DAccPos[6][NWEIGHTS+1]; readAccEffMatrices(p3DAccEle, p3DAccPos, p3DEffEle, p3DEffPos); TH2F *smear_ele, *smear_pos; TFile *file_smear = new TFile("smearing_matrix.root","read"); smear_ele = (TH2F*)file_smear->Get("smear_ele"); smear_pos = (TH2F*)file_smear->Get("smear_pos"); TRandom random; /* TFile *pEffFile; pEffFile = new TFile("Input/EffMatrixMVA2RefAccNewCP_100Mio.root"); if (pEffFile) { pEffFile->cd(); for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++){ p3DEffEle[i][6] = (TH3F*) pEffFile->Get(Form("hHistEff3DMult%iNeg",i)); p3DEffPos[i][6] = (TH3F*) pEffFile->Get(Form("hHistEff3DMult%iPos",i)); // p3DEffEle[i] = (TH3F*) pEffFile->Get("hHistEff3DNeg"); // p3DEffPos[i] = (TH3F*) pEffFile->Get("hHistEff3DPos"); } } else { Error("DrawFromNtuple constructor","pointer to eff matrix file is NULL"); for(Int_t i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++){ p3DEffEle[i][6] = NULL; p3DEffPos[i][6] = NULL; } } */ TH1F *pEventClass; TH1F *pEventClass_recur; TFile *pEventClassFile; // pEventClassFile = new TFile("eventClass_mult_nonempty_4secmult_200fpj_wait.root"); // pEventClassFile = new TFile("eventClass_target_mult_rplane_nonempty_4secmult.root"); pEventClassFile = new TFile("eventClass_target_mult_rplane_minmom_nmix_w6.root"); if (pEventClassFile) { pEventClass = (TH1F*)pEventClassFile->Get("eventClass"); pEventClass_recur = (TH1F*)pEventClassFile->Get("eventClass_recur"); if (pEventClass == NULL || pEventClass_recur == NULL) { Error("DrawFromNtuple constructor","Histogram not found in the event class file"); exit (-1); } } else { Error("DrawFromNtuple constructor","Event class file not found"); exit (-1); } HLoop* loop = new HLoop(kTRUE); // kTRUE : create Hades (needed to work with standard eventstructure) TString readCategories = ""; if (inputlist.EndsWith(".list")) { loop->addFilesList(inputlist); } else { loop->addMultFiles(inputlist); } if(!loop->setInput(readCategories)) { exit(1); } loop->printCategories(); loop->readSectorFileList("FileListLepton.list"); int sectors[6]; HGeantKine *kine1; HGeantKine *kine2; HCategory* kineCat = (HCategory*)HCategoryManager::getCategory(catGeantKine); HHistMap hM(outfile.Data()); hM.setSilentFail(kTRUE); //------------------------------------------------------------------ //--------------- begin histo booking ----------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const Int_t nbins = 26; Double_t xAxis1[nbins+1] = {0, 0.010, 0.020, 0.030, 0.040, 0.050, 0.060, 0.070, 0.080, 0.090, 0.110, 0.130, 0.150, 0.170, 0.200, 0.250, 0.300, 0.350, 0.400, 0.450, 0.500, 0.550, 0.600, 0.700, 0.800, 0.900, 1.}; hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hmassNP"),TString("hmassNP"),nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hmassPP"),TString("hmassPP"),nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hmassNN"),TString("hmassNN"),nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hoAngleNP"),TString("hoAngleNP"),2000,0,200)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hoAnglePP"),TString("hoAnglePP"),2000,0,200)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hoAngleNN"),TString("hoAngleNN"),2000,0,200)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hyNP"),TString("hyNP"),100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hyPP"),TString("hyPP"),100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hyNN"),TString("hyNN"),100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hptNP"),TString("hptNP"),100,0,1000)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hptPP"),TString("hptPP"),100,0,1000)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hptNN"),TString("hptNN"),100,0,1000)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAnglemassNP"),TString("hoAnglemassNP"),90,0,180,nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAnglemassPP"),TString("hoAnglemassPP"),90,0,180,nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAnglemassNN"),TString("hoAnglemassNN"),90,0,180,nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleptNP"),TString("hoAngleptNP"),90,0,180,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleptPP"),TString("hoAngleptPP"),90,0,180,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleptNN"),TString("hoAngleptNN"),90,0,180,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassptNP"),TString("hmassptNP"),nbins,xAxis1,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassptPP"),TString("hmassptPP"),nbins,xAxis1,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassptNN"),TString("hmassptNN"),nbins,xAxis1,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleyNP"),TString("hoAngleyNP"),90,0,180,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleyPP"),TString("hoAngleyPP"),90,0,180,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleyNN"),TString("hoAngleyNN"),90,0,180,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassyNP"),TString("hmassyNP"),nbins,xAxis1,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassyPP"),TString("hmassyPP"),nbins,xAxis1,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassyNN"),TString("hmassyNN"),nbins,xAxis1,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hptyNP"),TString("hptyNP"),120,0,1200,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hptyPP"),TString("hptyPP"),120,0,1200,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hptyNN"),TString("hptyNN"),120,0,1200,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hth1th2NP"),TString("hth1th2NP"),90,0,90,90,0,90)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hth1th2PP"),TString("hth1th2PP"),90,0,90,90,0,90)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hth1th2NN"),TString("hth1th2NN"),90,0,90,90,0,90)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hp1p2NP"),TString("hp1p2NP"),100,0,1100,100,0,1100)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hp1p2PP"),TString("hp1p2PP"),100,0,1100,100,0,1100)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hp1p2NN"),TString("hp1p2NN"),100,0,1100,100,0,1100)); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hmassNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hmassNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hmassPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hmassPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hmassNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hmassNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hoAngleNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAngleNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),2000,0,200)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hoAnglePP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAnglePP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),2000,0,200)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hoAngleNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAngleNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),2000,0,200)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hyNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hyNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hyPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hyPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hyNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hyNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hptNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hptNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),100,0,1000)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hptPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hptPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),100,0,1000)); hM.addHist(new TH1F(TString("hptNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hptNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),100,0,1000)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAnglemassNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAnglemassNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,180,nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAnglemassPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAnglemassPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,180,nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAnglemassNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAnglemassNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,180,nbins,xAxis1)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleptNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAngleptNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,180,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleptPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAngleptPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,180,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleptNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAngleptNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,180,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassptNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hmassptNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),nbins,xAxis1,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassptPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hmassptPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),nbins,xAxis1,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassptNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hmassptNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),nbins,xAxis1,120,0,1200)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleyNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAngleyNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,180,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleyPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAngleyPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,180,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hoAngleyNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hoAngleyNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,180,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassyNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hmassyNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),nbins,xAxis1,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassyPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hmassyPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),nbins,xAxis1,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hmassyNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hmassyNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),nbins,xAxis1,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hptyNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hptyNP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),120,0,1200,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hptyPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hptyPP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),120,0,1200,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hptyNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hptyNN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),120,0,1200,100,0,2)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hth1th2NP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hth1th2NP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,90,90,0,90)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hth1th2PP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hth1th2PP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,90,90,0,90)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hth1th2NN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hth1th2NN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),90,0,90,90,0,90)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hp1p2NP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hp1p2NP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),100,0,1100,100,0,1100)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hp1p2PP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hp1p2PP_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),100,0,1100,100,0,1100)); hM.addHist(new TH2F(TString("hp1p2NN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),TString("hp1p2NN_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(i,10),100,0,1100,100,0,1100)); } //--------------- end histo booking ----------------------------------------------------- HGenericEventMixer<HGeantKine> eventmixer; eventmixer.setPIDs(2,3,1); eventmixer.setBuffSize(80); //eventmixer.setBuffSize(2); HGenericEventMixer<HGeantKine> eventmixer_eff[5]; for (int mb = 0; mb < 5; ++mb) { eventmixer_eff[mb].setPIDs(2,3,1); eventmixer_eff[mb].setBuffSize(80); //eventmixer_eff[mb].setBuffSize(2); } TStopwatch timer; timer.Reset(); timer.Start(); Float_t impB = -1.; Float_t impB_bins[] = {9.3, 8.1, 6.6, 4.7, 0.}; Int_t evtsInFile = loop->getEntries(); if(nev < 0 || nev > evtsInFile ) nev = evtsInFile; for(Int_t i = 1; i < nev; i++) { //----------break if last event is reached------------- //if(!gHades->eventLoop(1)) break; if(loop->nextEvent(i) <= 0) { cout<<" end recieved "<<endl; break; } // last event reached HTool::printProgress(i,nev,1,"Analyze :"); loop->getSectors(sectors); HPartialEvent *fSimul = ((HRecEvent*)gHades->getCurrentEvent())->getPartialEvent(catSimul); HGeantHeader *fSubHeader = (HGeantHeader*)(fSimul->getSubHeader()); impB = fSubHeader->getImpactParameter(); Int_t multbin = 0; if (impB >= impB_bins[4] && impB <= impB_bins[3]) {multbin=1;} // most central if (impB > impB_bins[3] && impB <= impB_bins[2]) {multbin=2;} if (impB > impB_bins[2] && impB <= impB_bins[1]) {multbin=3;} if (impB > impB_bins[1] && impB <= impB_bins[0]) {multbin=4;} // most peripheral if (impB > impB_bins[0]) {multbin=5;} /* HParticleEvtInfo* evtinfo; evtinfo = HCategoryManager::getObject(evtinfo,catParticleEvtInfo,0); Int_t multbin = 0; Int_t mult_meta = evtinfo->getSumTofMultCut() + evtinfo->getSumRpcMultHitCut(); if (mult_meta > 60 && mult_meta <= 88) multbin = 4; // most peripheral if (mult_meta > 88 && mult_meta <= 121) multbin = 3; if (mult_meta > 121 && mult_meta <= 160) multbin = 2; if (mult_meta > 160 && mult_meta <= 250) multbin = 1; // most central if (mult_meta > 250) multbin = 5; */ if (multbin == 0 || multbin == 5) continue; Int_t size = kineCat->getEntries(); // Additional loop to fill vector vector<HGeantKine *> vep; vector<HGeantKine *> vem; vector<HGeantKine *> vep_eff; vector<HGeantKine *> vem_eff; vector<HGeantKine *> vep_eff_multbin; vector<HGeantKine *> vem_eff_multbin; for(Int_t j = 0; j < size; j ++){ kine1 = HCategoryManager::getObject(kine1,kineCat,j); Float_t vx,vy,vz; kine1->getVertex(vx,vy,vz); Float_t vr = TMath::Sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy); if (vz < -60 || vz > 0) continue; if (vr > 2) continue; Int_t mamaNum = kine1->getParentTrack(); if (kine1->isInAcceptance()) { if (kine1->getTotalMomentum() > 100 && kine1->getTotalMomentum() < 1000) { Float_t px,py,pz; kine1->getMomentum(px,py,pz); TH2F *smear_matr; if (kine1->getID() == 2) { smear_matr = smear_pos; } else { smear_matr = smear_ele; } Float_t mom_ideal = kine1->getTotalMomentum(); Float_t mom_reco = smear(mom_ideal,smear_matr,random); Float_t reco_over_ideal = mom_reco / mom_ideal; kine1->setMomentum(px*reco_over_ideal,py*reco_over_ideal,pz*reco_over_ideal); TLorentzVector vec; HParticleTool::getTLorentzVector(kine1,vec,kine1->getID()); Float_t mom = vec.Vect().Mag(); Float_t the = vec.Theta()*TMath::RadToDeg(); Float_t phi = (vec.Phi()+TMath::Pi())*TMath::RadToDeg(); Float_t chg = (kine1->getID() == 2) ? 1 : -1; if (kine1->getID() == 3) { vem.push_back(new HGeantKine(*kine1)); } if (kine1->getID() == 2) { vep.push_back(new HGeantKine(*kine1)); } Float_t eff = 1./getEfficiencyFactor(p3DEffEle[0][6],p3DEffPos[0][6],mom_ideal,the,phi,chg,false,false); // don't debug, don't check min value if (isinf(eff) || isnan(eff)) eff = 0.; if (random.Uniform(1) > eff) { if (kine1->getID() == 3) { vem_eff.push_back(new HGeantKine(*kine1)); } if (kine1->getID() == 2) { vep_eff.push_back(new HGeantKine(*kine1)); } } Float_t eff_multbin = 1./getEfficiencyFactor(p3DEffEle[multbin][6],p3DEffPos[multbin][6],mom,the,phi,chg,false,false); if (isinf(eff_multbin) || isnan(eff_multbin)) eff_multbin = 0.; if (random.Uniform(1) > eff_multbin) { if (kine1->getID() == 3) { vem_eff_multbin.push_back(new HGeantKine(*kine1)); } if (kine1->getID() == 2) { vep_eff_multbin.push_back(new HGeantKine(*kine1)); } } } } } eventmixer.nextEvent(); eventmixer.addVector(vep,2); eventmixer.addVector(vem,3); vector<pair<HGeantKine *, HGeantKine* > >& pairsVec_acc = eventmixer.getMixedVector(); eventmixer_eff[0].nextEvent(); eventmixer_eff[0].addVector(vep_eff,2); eventmixer_eff[0].addVector(vem_eff,3); vector<pair<HGeantKine *, HGeantKine* > >& pairsVec_eff = eventmixer_eff[0].getMixedVector(); eventmixer_eff[multbin].nextEvent(); eventmixer_eff[multbin].addVector(vep_eff,2); eventmixer_eff[multbin].addVector(vem_eff,3); vector<pair<HGeantKine *, HGeantKine* > >& pairsVec_eff_multbin = eventmixer_eff[multbin].getMixedVector(); for (int imix = 0; imix < 3; ++imix) { vector<pair<HGeantKine *, HGeantKine* > > pairsVec; TString suffix; switch (imix) { case 0: pairsVec = pairsVec_acc; suffix = TString(""); break; case 1: pairsVec = pairsVec_eff; suffix = TString("_eff_multbin0"); break; case 2: pairsVec = pairsVec_eff_multbin; suffix = TString("_eff_multbin")+TString::Itoa(multbin,10); break; } size = pairsVec.size(); for (Int_t j = 0; j < size; j ++) { pair<HGeantKine*,HGeantKine*>& pair = pairsVec[j]; kine1 = pair.first; kine2 = pair.second; TLorentzVector vec1, vec2; HParticleTool::getTLorentzVector(kine1,vec1,kine1->getID()); HParticleTool::getTLorentzVector(kine2,vec2,kine2->getID()); Float_t mom1 = vec1.Vect().Mag(); Float_t the1 = vec1.Theta()*TMath::RadToDeg(); Float_t mom2 = vec2.Vect().Mag(); Float_t the2 = vec2.Theta()*TMath::RadToDeg(); TLorentzVector dilep = vec1 + vec2; Float_t oAngle = vec1.Angle(vec2.Vect())*TMath::RadToDeg(); Float_t mass = dilep.M()/1000; Float_t pt = dilep.Perp(); Float_t y = dilep.Rapidity(); Float_t mbinw = hM.get("hmassNP")->GetBinWidth(hM.get("hmassNP")->FindBin(mass)); if (oAngle < 9) continue; TString chg = "NP"; if (kine1->getID() == kine2->getID()) { if (kine1->getID() == 2) chg = "PP"; if (kine1->getID() == 3) chg = "NN"; } hM.get( TString("hmass") +chg+suffix)->Fill(mass, 1./mbinw); hM.get( TString("hoAngle") +chg+suffix)->Fill(oAngle ); hM.get( TString("hy") +chg+suffix)->Fill(y ); hM.get( TString("hpt") +chg+suffix)->Fill(pt ); hM.get2(TString("hoAnglemass")+chg+suffix)->Fill(oAngle,mass,1./mbinw); hM.get2(TString("hoAnglept") +chg+suffix)->Fill(oAngle,pt ); hM.get2(TString("hmasspt") +chg+suffix)->Fill(mass,pt, 1./mbinw); hM.get2(TString("hoAngley") +chg+suffix)->Fill(oAngle,y ); hM.get2(TString("hmassy") +chg+suffix)->Fill(mass,y, 1./mbinw); hM.get2(TString("hpty") +chg+suffix)->Fill(pt,y ); hM.get2(TString("hth1th2") +chg+suffix)->Fill(the1,the2 ); hM.get2(TString("hp1p2") +chg+suffix)->Fill(mom1,mom2 ); } } //#define DELETE_MIX #ifdef DELETE_MIX vector <HGeantKine *>* toDel = eventmixer.getObjectsToDelete(); for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < toDel->size(); ++ii) { delete toDel->at(ii); } toDel->clear(); delete toDel; vector <HGeantKine *>* toDel_eff = eventmixer_eff[0].getObjectsToDelete(); for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < toDel_eff->size(); ++ii) { delete toDel_eff->at(ii); } toDel_eff->clear(); delete toDel_eff; vector <HGeantKine *>* toDel_eff_multbin = eventmixer_eff[multbin].getObjectsToDelete(); for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < toDel_eff_multbin->size(); ++ii) { delete toDel_eff_multbin->at(ii); } toDel_eff_multbin->clear(); delete toDel_eff_multbin; #endif } // end event loop timer.Stop(); hM.getFile()->cd(); TMacro m1(__DIELEANA_FILE__); m1.Write(); hM.writeHists("nomap"); cout<<"####################################################"<<endl; return 0; }