TTErr TTSvf::setMode(const TTValue& newValue) { TTSymbolPtr newMode = newValue; if (newMode == TT("lowpass")) { setProcessMethod(processLowpass); setCalculateMethod(calculateLowpass); } else if (newMode == TT("highpass")) { setProcessMethod(processHighpass); setCalculateMethod(calculateHighpass); } else if (newMode == TT("bandpass")) { setProcessMethod(processBandpass); setCalculateMethod(calculateBandpass); } else if (newMode == TT("notch")) { setProcessMethod(processNotch); setCalculateMethod(calculateNotch); } else if (newMode == TT("peak")) { setProcessMethod(processPeak); setCalculateMethod(calculatePeak); } else { logError("bad mode specified for TTSvf: %s", newMode->getCString()); return kTTErrInvalidValue; } mMode = newMode; return kTTErrNone; }
void snapshot(XMLNode xmlNode, TTNodePtr ttNode) { TTSymbolPtr OSCaddress; TTValue v, attributeNames; TTList childList; TTNodePtr p_node; TTString s; ttNode->getOscAddress(&OSCaddress); ttNode->getChildren(S_WILDCARD, S_WILDCARD, childList); const char* address = OSCaddress->getCString(); char* nodeName; XMLNode childNode = xmlNode; // don't write the first node AppName in xml because already written in application xml header // don't write the node name if is an instance, don't want it in xml file, replaced by dynamic instances attribute if (strcmp(address, AppName.c_str()) != 0 && strrchr(address, '.') == NULL) { // get the substring representing the last node name if (strlen(address) > 1) { const char* c = strrchr(address, '/'); int start = c-address+1; int end = strlen(address)-1; nodeName = str_sub(address, start, end); childNode = xmlNode.addChild(nodeName); } if (childList.isEmpty()) { // get the Data object of the Node TTObjectPtr param = ttNode->getObject(); if (param != NULL) { addAttributeToXml(param, childNode, kTTSym_type); addAttributeToXml(param, childNode, kTTSym_valueDefault); addAttributeToXml(param, childNode, kTTSym_rangeBounds); addAttributeToXml(param, childNode, kTTSym_rangeClipmode); addAttributeToXml(param, childNode, kTTSym_valueStepsize); addAttributeToXml(param, childNode, TTSymbol("dynamicInstances")); addAttributeToXml(param, childNode, TTSymbol("instanceBounds")); addAttributeToXml(param, childNode, kTTSym_priority); addAttributeToXml(param, childNode, kTTSym_description); addAttributeToXml(param, childNode, kTTSym_repetitionsFilter); addAttributeToXml(param, childNode, kTTSym_readonly); } } } // repeat recursively for each child for (childList.begin(); childList.end(); { childList.current().get(0,(TTPtr*)&p_node); snapshot(childNode, p_node); } }
// C Callback from any Graph Source objects we are observing void UnpackGraphCallback(UnpackPtr self, TTValue& arg) { TTDictionaryPtr aDictionary = NULL; TTValue v; AtomCount ac; AtomPtr ap; TTBoolean firstItemASymbol = NO; TTSymbolPtr firstItem = NULL; arg.get(0, (TTPtr*)(&aDictionary)); aDictionary->getValue(v); ac = v.getSize(); if (ac) { ap = new Atom[ac]; for (int i=0; i<ac; i++) { if (v.getType() == kTypeInt8 || v.getType() == kTypeUInt8 || v.getType() == kTypeInt16 || v.getType() == kTypeUInt16 || v.getType() == kTypeInt32 || v.getType() == kTypeUInt32 || v.getType() == kTypeInt64 || v.getType() == kTypeUInt64) { TTInt32 ival; v.get(i, ival); atom_setlong(ap+i, ival); } else if (v.getType() == kTypeFloat32 || v.getType() == kTypeFloat64) { atom_setfloat(ap+i, v.getFloat64(i)); } else if (v.getType() == kTypeSymbol) { TTSymbolPtr s; v.get(i, &s); atom_setsym(ap+i, gensym((char*)s->getCString())); if (i==0) { firstItemASymbol = YES; firstItem = s; } } } if (firstItemASymbol) outlet_anything(self->graphOutlets[0], gensym((char*)firstItem->getCString()), ac-1, ap+1); else if (ac == 1) outlet_float(self->graphOutlets[0], atom_getfloat(ap)); else outlet_anything(self->graphOutlets[0], _sym_list, ac, ap); delete ap; } }
void wrappedClass_anything(WrappedInstancePtr self, SymbolPtr s, AtomCount argc, AtomPtr argv) { if (argc && argv) { TTValue v; v.setSize(argc); for (AtomCount i=0; i<argc; i++) { if (atom_gettype(argv+i) == A_LONG) v.set(i, AtomGetInt(argv+i)); else if (atom_gettype(argv+i) == A_FLOAT) v.set(i, atom_getfloat(argv+i)); else if (atom_gettype(argv+i) == A_SYM) v.set(i, TT(atom_getsym(argv+i)->s_name)); else object_error(SELF, "bad type for message arg"); } self->audioGraphObject->mUnitGenerator->sendMessage(TT(s->s_name), v); // process the returned value for the dumpout outlet { AtomCount ac = v.getSize(); if (ac) { AtomPtr av = (AtomPtr)malloc(sizeof(Atom) * ac); for (AtomCount i=0; i<ac; i++) { if (v.getType() == kTypeSymbol){ TTSymbolPtr ttSym = NULL; v.get(i, &ttSym); atom_setsym(av+i, gensym((char*)ttSym->getCString())); } else if (v.getType() == kTypeFloat32 || v.getType() == kTypeFloat64) { TTFloat64 f = 0.0; v.get(i, f); atom_setfloat(av+i, f); } else { TTInt32 l = 0; v.get(i, l); atom_setfloat(av+i, l); } } object_obex_dumpout(self, s, ac, av); } } } else self->audioGraphObject->mUnitGenerator->sendMessage(TT(s->s_name)); }
NSPStatus Namespace::namespaceDisplay(void) { unsigned int i; TTValue hk; TTSymbolPtr key; if (NSPDirectory) { NSPDirectory->getDirectory()->getKeys(hk); for (i = 0; i < NSPDirectory->getDirectory()->getSize(); i++) { hk.get(i,(TTSymbol**)&key); TTLogMessage("%s\n",key->getCString()); } return NSP_NO_ERROR; } //TTLogMessage("NSPDirectory_dump : create a directory before"); return NSP_INIT_ERROR; }
void addAttributeToXml(TTObjectPtr param, XMLNode xmlNode, TTSymbolPtr attrName) { TTValue v, vDescr; TTString s; TTSymbolPtr descr; // get the Value of an attribute and format to string v.clear(); param->getAttributeValue(attrName, v); param->getAttributeValue(kTTSym_description, vDescr); vDescr.get(0, &descr); if (attrName == kTTSym_type && descr == TTSymbol("filepath")) { xmlNode.addAttribute_(attrName->getCString(), "filepath"); } else { v.toString(); v.get(0, s); // add this attribute in xml tree xmlNode.addAttribute_(attrName->getCString(),; } }
t_max_err wrappedClass_attrGet(WrappedInstancePtr self, ObjectPtr attr, AtomCount* argc, AtomPtr* argv) { SymbolPtr attrName = (SymbolPtr)object_method(attr, _sym_getname); TTValue v; AtomCount i; TTSymbolPtr ttAttrName = NULL; MaxErr err; err = hashtab_lookup(self->wrappedClassDefinition->maxAttrNamesToTTAttrNames, attrName, (ObjectPtr*)&ttAttrName); if (err) return err; self->audioGraphObject->mUnitGenerator->getAttributeValue(ttAttrName, v); *argc = v.getSize(); if (!(*argv)) // otherwise use memory passed in *argv = (t_atom *)sysmem_newptr(sizeof(t_atom) * v.getSize()); for (i=0; i<v.getSize(); i++) { if(v.getType(i) == kTypeFloat32 || v.getType(i) == kTypeFloat64){ TTFloat64 value; v.get(i, value); atom_setfloat(*argv+i, value); } else if(v.getType(i) == kTypeSymbol){ TTSymbolPtr value = NULL; v.get(i, &value); atom_setsym(*argv+i, gensym((char*)value->getCString())); } else{ // assume int TTInt32 value; v.get(i, value); atom_setlong(*argv+i, value); } } return MAX_ERR_NONE; }
TTErr wrapAsMaxAudioGraph(TTSymbolPtr ttClassName, char* maxClassName, WrappedClassPtr* c, WrappedClassOptionsPtr options) { TTObject* o = NULL; TTValue v; TTUInt16 numChannels = 1; WrappedClass* wrappedMaxClass = NULL; common_symbols_init(); TTAudioGraphInit(); if(!wrappedMaxClasses) wrappedMaxClasses = hashtab_new(0); wrappedMaxClass = new WrappedClass; wrappedMaxClass->maxClassName = gensym(maxClassName); wrappedMaxClass->maxClass = class_new( maxClassName, (method)wrappedClass_new, (method)wrappedClass_free, sizeof(WrappedInstance), (method)0L, A_GIMME, 0); wrappedMaxClass->ttClassName = ttClassName; wrappedMaxClass->validityCheck = NULL; wrappedMaxClass->validityCheckArgument = NULL; wrappedMaxClass->options = options; wrappedMaxClass->maxAttrNamesToTTAttrNames = hashtab_new(0); // Create a temporary instance of the class so that we can query it. TTObjectInstantiate(ttClassName, &o, numChannels); o->getMessageNames(v); for(TTUInt16 i=0; i<v.getSize(); i++){ TTSymbolPtr name = NULL; v.get(i, &name); if(name == TT("updateMaxNumChannels") || name == TT("updateSr")) continue; // don't expose these attributes to Max users class_addmethod(wrappedMaxClass->maxClass, (method)wrappedClass_anything, (char*)name->getCString(), A_GIMME, 0); } o->getAttributeNames(v); for (TTUInt16 i=0; i<v.getSize(); i++) { TTSymbolPtr name = NULL; TTAttributePtr attr = NULL; SymbolPtr maxType = _sym_long; TTCString nameCString = NULL; SymbolPtr nameMaxSymbol = NULL; TTUInt32 nameSize = 0; v.get(i, &name); if(name == TT("maxNumChannels") || name == TT("processInPlace")) continue; // don't expose these attributes to Max users o->findAttribute(name, &attr); if (attr->type == kTypeFloat32) maxType = _sym_float32; else if (attr->type == kTypeFloat64) maxType = _sym_float64; else if (attr->type == kTypeSymbol || attr->type == kTypeString) maxType = _sym_symbol; // convert first letter to lower-case if it isn't already nameSize = name->getString().length(); nameCString = new char[nameSize+1]; strncpy_zero(nameCString, name->getCString(), nameSize+1); if (nameCString[0]>64 && nameCString[0]<91) nameCString[0] += 32; nameMaxSymbol = gensym(nameCString); hashtab_store(wrappedMaxClass->maxAttrNamesToTTAttrNames, nameMaxSymbol, ObjectPtr(name)); class_addattr(wrappedMaxClass->maxClass, attr_offset_new(nameCString, maxType, 0, (method)wrappedClass_attrGet, (method)wrappedClass_attrSet, NULL)); // Add display styles for the Max 5 inspector if (attr->type == kTypeBoolean) CLASS_ATTR_STYLE(wrappedMaxClass->maxClass, (char*)name->getCString(), 0, "onoff"); if (name == TT("fontFace")) CLASS_ATTR_STYLE(wrappedMaxClass->maxClass, "fontFace", 0, "font"); } TTObjectRelease(&o); class_addmethod(wrappedMaxClass->maxClass, (method)MaxAudioGraphReset, "audio.reset", A_CANT, 0); class_addmethod(wrappedMaxClass->maxClass, (method)MaxAudioGraphSetup, "audio.setup", A_CANT, 0); class_addmethod(wrappedMaxClass->maxClass, (method)MaxAudioGraphConnect, "audio.connect", A_OBJ, A_LONG, 0); class_addmethod(wrappedMaxClass->maxClass, (method)object_obex_dumpout, "dumpout", A_CANT, 0); class_addmethod(wrappedMaxClass->maxClass, (method)wrappedClass_assist, "assist", A_CANT, 0L); class_addmethod(wrappedMaxClass->maxClass, (method)stdinletinfo, "inletinfo", A_CANT, 0); class_register(_sym_box, wrappedMaxClass->maxClass); if (c) *c = wrappedMaxClass; hashtab_store(wrappedMaxClasses, wrappedMaxClass->maxClassName, ObjectPtr(wrappedMaxClass)); return kTTErrNone; }