Example #1
TString TOutputGLSLBase::getTypeName(const TType& type)
    TInfoSinkBase out;
    if (type.isMatrix())
        out << "mat";
        out << type.getNominalSize();
    else if (type.isVector())
        switch (type.getBasicType())
            case EbtFloat: out << "vec"; break;
            case EbtInt: out << "ivec"; break;
            case EbtBool: out << "bvec"; break;
            default: UNREACHABLE(); break;
        out << type.getNominalSize();
        if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct)
            out << hashName(type.getTypeName());
            out << type.getBasicString();
    return TString(out.c_str());
Example #2
// Accumulate locations used for inputs, outputs, and uniforms, and check for collisions
// as the accumulation is done.
// Returns < 0 if no collision, >= 0 if collision and the value returned is a colliding value.
// typeCollision is set to true if there is no direct collision, but the types in the same location
// are different.
int TIntermediate::addUsedLocation(const TQualifier& qualifier, const TType& type, bool& typeCollision)
    typeCollision = false;

    int set;
    if (qualifier.isPipeInput())
        set = 0;
    else if (qualifier.isPipeOutput())
        set = 1;
    else if (qualifier.storage == EvqUniform)
        set = 2;
    else if (qualifier.storage == EvqBuffer)
        set = 3;
        return -1;

    int size;
    if (qualifier.isUniformOrBuffer()) {
        if (type.isArray())
            size = type.getCumulativeArraySize();
            size = 1;
    } else {
        // Strip off the outer array dimension for those having an extra one.
        if (type.isArray() && qualifier.isArrayedIo(language)) {
            TType elementType(type, 0);
            size = computeTypeLocationSize(elementType);
        } else
            size = computeTypeLocationSize(type);

    TRange locationRange(qualifier.layoutLocation, qualifier.layoutLocation + size - 1);
    TRange componentRange(0, 3);
    if (qualifier.hasComponent()) {
        componentRange.start = qualifier.layoutComponent;
        componentRange.last = componentRange.start + type.getVectorSize() - 1;
    TIoRange range(locationRange, componentRange, type.getBasicType(), qualifier.hasIndex() ? qualifier.layoutIndex : 0);

    // check for collisions, except for vertex inputs on desktop
    if (! (profile != EEsProfile && language == EShLangVertex && qualifier.isPipeInput())) {
        for (size_t r = 0; r < usedIo[set].size(); ++r) {
            if (range.overlap(usedIo[set][r])) {
                // there is a collision; pick one
                return std::max(locationRange.start, usedIo[set][r].location.start);
            } else if (locationRange.overlap(usedIo[set][r].location) && type.getBasicType() != usedIo[set][r].basicType) {
                // aliased-type mismatch
                typeCollision = true;
                return std::max(locationRange.start, usedIo[set][r].location.start);


    return -1; // no collision
Example #3
bool TParseContext::parameterSamplerErrorCheck(int line, TQualifier qualifier, const TType& type)
    if ((qualifier == EvqOut || qualifier == EvqInOut) && 
             type.getBasicType() != EbtStruct && IsSampler(type.getBasicType())) {
        error(line, "samplers cannot be output parameters", type.getBasicString(), "");
        return true;

    return false;
Example #4
void UniformHLSL::outputHLSL4_0_FL9_3Sampler(TInfoSinkBase &out,
                                             const TType &type,
                                             const TName &name,
                                             const unsigned int registerIndex)
    out << "uniform " << SamplerString(type.getBasicType()) << " sampler_"
        << DecorateUniform(name, type) << ArrayString(type) << " : register(s" << str(registerIndex)
        << ");\n";
    out << "uniform " << TextureString(type.getBasicType()) << " texture_"
        << DecorateUniform(name, type) << ArrayString(type) << " : register(t" << str(registerIndex)
        << ");\n";
Example #5
bool TParseContext::containsSampler(TType& type)
    if (IsSampler(type.getBasicType()))
        return true;

    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) {
        TTypeList& structure = *type.getStruct();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < structure.size(); ++i) {
            if (containsSampler(*structure[i].type))
                return true;

    return false;
TString TOutputGLSLBase::getTypeName(const TType &type)
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct)
        return hashName(type.getStruct()->name());
        return type.getBuiltInTypeNameString();
Example #7
void TOutputGLSLBase::writeVariableType(const TType& type)
    TInfoSinkBase& out = objSink();
    TQualifier qualifier = type.getQualifier();
    // TODO(alokp): Validate qualifier for variable declarations.
    if ((qualifier != EvqTemporary) && (qualifier != EvqGlobal))
        out << type.getQualifierString() << " ";
    // Declare the struct if we have not done so already.
    if ((type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) &&
        (mDeclaredStructs.find(type.getTypeName()) == mDeclaredStructs.end()))
        out << "struct " << type.getTypeName() << "{\n";
        const TTypeList* structure = type.getStruct();
        ASSERT(structure != NULL);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < structure->size(); ++i)
            const TType* fieldType = (*structure)[i].type;
            ASSERT(fieldType != NULL);
            if (writeVariablePrecision(fieldType->getPrecision()))
                out << " ";
            out << getTypeName(*fieldType) << " " << fieldType->getFieldName();
            if (fieldType->isArray())
                out << arrayBrackets(*fieldType);
            out << ";\n";
        out << "}";
        if (writeVariablePrecision(type.getPrecision()))
            out << " ";
        out << getTypeName(type);
Example #8
TString TextureString(const TType &type)
    switch (type.getBasicType())
      case EbtSampler2D:            return "Texture2D";
      case EbtSamplerCube:          return "TextureCube";
      case EbtSamplerExternalOES:   return "Texture2D";
      case EbtSampler2DArray:       return "Texture2DArray";
      case EbtSampler3D:            return "Texture3D";
      case EbtISampler2D:           return "Texture2D<int4>";
      case EbtISampler3D:           return "Texture3D<int4>";
      case EbtISamplerCube:         return "Texture2DArray<int4>";
      case EbtISampler2DArray:      return "Texture2DArray<int4>";
      case EbtUSampler2D:           return "Texture2D<uint4>";
      case EbtUSampler3D:           return "Texture3D<uint4>";
      case EbtUSamplerCube:         return "Texture2DArray<uint4>";
      case EbtUSampler2DArray:      return "Texture2DArray<uint4>";
      case EbtSampler2DShadow:      return "Texture2D";
      case EbtSamplerCubeShadow:    return "TextureCube";
      case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return "Texture2DArray";
      default: UNREACHABLE();

    return "<unknown texture type>";
Example #9
void TOutputGLSLBase::writeVariableType(const TType &type)
    TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink();
    TQualifier qualifier = type.getQualifier();
    if (qualifier != EvqTemporary && qualifier != EvqGlobal)
        out << type.getQualifierString() << " ";
    // Declare the struct if we have not done so already.
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct && !structDeclared(type.getStruct()))
        TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();


        if (!structure->name().empty())
        if (writeVariablePrecision(type.getPrecision()))
            out << " ";
        out << getTypeName(type);
Example #10
unsigned int UniformHLSL::assignUniformRegister(const TType &type,
                                                const TString &name,
                                                unsigned int *outRegisterCount)
    unsigned int registerIndex = (IsSampler(type.getBasicType()) ? mSamplerRegister : mUniformRegister);

    const Uniform *uniform = findUniformByName(name);

    mUniformRegisterMap[uniform->name] = registerIndex;

    unsigned int registerCount = HLSLVariableRegisterCount(*uniform, mOutputType);

    if (gl::IsSamplerType(uniform->type))
        mSamplerRegister += registerCount;
        mUniformRegister += registerCount;
    if (outRegisterCount)
        *outRegisterCount = registerCount;
    return registerIndex;
Example #11
// Recursively figure out how many bytes of xfb buffer are used by the given type.
// Return the size of type, in bytes.
// Sets containsDouble to true if the type contains a double.
// N.B. Caller must set containsDouble to false before calling.
unsigned int TIntermediate::computeTypeXfbSize(const TType& type, bool& containsDouble) const
    // "...if applied to an aggregate containing a double, the offset must also be a multiple of 8, 
    // and the space taken in the buffer will be a multiple of 8.
    // ...within the qualified entity, subsequent components are each 
    // assigned, in order, to the next available offset aligned to a multiple of
    // that component's size.  Aggregate types are flattened down to the component
    // level to get this sequence of components."

    if (type.isArray()) {        
        // TODO: perf: this can be flattened by using getCumulativeArraySize(), and a deref that discards all arrayness
        TType elementType(type, 0);
        return type.getOuterArraySize() * computeTypeXfbSize(elementType, containsDouble);

    if (type.isStruct()) {
        unsigned int size = 0;
        bool structContainsDouble = false;
        for (int member = 0; member < (int)type.getStruct()->size(); ++member) {
            TType memberType(type, member);
            // "... if applied to 
            // an aggregate containing a double, the offset must also be a multiple of 8, 
            // and the space taken in the buffer will be a multiple of 8."
            bool memberContainsDouble = false;
            int memberSize = computeTypeXfbSize(memberType, memberContainsDouble);
            if (memberContainsDouble) {
                structContainsDouble = true;
                RoundToPow2(size, 8);
            size += memberSize;

        if (structContainsDouble) {
            containsDouble = true;
            RoundToPow2(size, 8);
        return size;

    int numComponents;
    if (type.isScalar())
        numComponents = 1;
    else if (type.isVector())
        numComponents = type.getVectorSize();
    else if (type.isMatrix())
        numComponents = type.getMatrixCols() * type.getMatrixRows();
    else {
        numComponents = 1;

    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtDouble) {
        containsDouble = true;
        return 8 * numComponents;
    } else
        return 4 * numComponents;
Example #12
// Return the size and alignment of a scalar.
// The size is returned in the 'size' parameter
// Return value is the alignment of the type.
int TIntermediate::getBaseAlignmentScalar(const TType& type, int& size)
    switch (type.getBasicType()) {
    case EbtInt64:
    case EbtUint64:
    case EbtDouble:  size = 8; return 8;
    default:         size = 4; return 4;
Example #13
TString DecorateUniform(const TString &string, const TType &type)
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtSamplerExternalOES)
        return "ex_" + string;

    return Decorate(string);
Example #14
TString DecorateUniform(const TName &name, const TType &type)
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtSamplerExternalOES)
        return "ex_" + name.getString();

    return DecorateIfNeeded(name);
Example #15
int UniformHLSL::declareUniformAndAssignRegister(const TType &type, const TString &name)
    int registerIndex = (IsSampler(type.getBasicType()) ? mSamplerRegister : mUniformRegister);

    declareUniformToList(type, name, registerIndex, &mActiveUniforms);

    unsigned int registerCount = HLSLVariableRegisterCount(mActiveUniforms.back(), mOutputType);

    if (IsSampler(type.getBasicType()))
        mSamplerRegister += registerCount;
        mUniformRegister += registerCount;

    return registerIndex;
Example #16
TString SamplerString(const TType &type)
    if (IsShadowSampler(type.getBasicType()))
        return "SamplerComparisonState";
        return "SamplerState";
Example #17
void TOutputVulkanGLSL::writeVariableType(const TType &type, const TSymbol *symbol)
    TType overrideType(type);

    // External textures are treated as 2D textures in the vulkan back-end
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtSamplerExternalOES)

    TOutputGLSL::writeVariableType(overrideType, symbol);
Example #18
// Recursively figure out how many locations are used up by an input or output type.
// Return the size of type, as measured by "locations".
int TIntermediate::computeTypeLocationSize(const TType& type) const
    // "If the declared input is an array of size n and each element takes m locations, it will be assigned m * n 
    // consecutive locations..."
    if (type.isArray()) {
        // TODO: perf: this can be flattened by using getCumulativeArraySize(), and a deref that discards all arrayness
        TType elementType(type, 0);
        if (type.isImplicitlySizedArray()) {
            // TODO: are there valid cases of having an implicitly-sized array with a location?  If so, running this code too early.
            return computeTypeLocationSize(elementType);
        } else
            return type.getOuterArraySize() * computeTypeLocationSize(elementType);

    // "The locations consumed by block and structure members are determined by applying the rules above 
    // recursively..."    
    if (type.isStruct()) {
        int size = 0;
        for (int member = 0; member < (int)type.getStruct()->size(); ++member) {
            TType memberType(type, member);
            size += computeTypeLocationSize(memberType);
        return size;

    // ES: "If a shader input is any scalar or vector type, it will consume a single location."

    // Desktop: "If a vertex shader input is any scalar or vector type, it will consume a single location. If a non-vertex 
    // shader input is a scalar or vector type other than dvec3 or dvec4, it will consume a single location, while 
    // types dvec3 or dvec4 will consume two consecutive locations. Inputs of type double and dvec2 will 
    // consume only a single location, in all stages."
    if (type.isScalar())
        return 1;
    if (type.isVector()) {
        if (language == EShLangVertex && type.getQualifier().isPipeInput())
            return 1;
        if (type.getBasicType() == EbtDouble && type.getVectorSize() > 2)
            return 2;
            return 1;

    // "If the declared input is an n x m single- or double-precision matrix, ...
    // The number of locations assigned for each matrix will be the same as 
    // for an n-element array of m-component vectors..."
    if (type.isMatrix()) {
        TType columnType(type, 0);
        return type.getMatrixCols() * computeTypeLocationSize(columnType);

    return 1;
Example #19
void TOutputGLSLBase::writeVariableType(const TType &type)
    TInfoSinkBase &out = objSink();
    if (type.isInvariant())
        out << "invariant ";
    TQualifier qualifier = type.getQualifier();
    if (qualifier != EvqTemporary && qualifier != EvqGlobal)
        if (IsGLSL130OrNewer(mOutput))
            switch (qualifier)
              case EvqAttribute:
                out << "in ";
              case EvqVaryingIn:
                out << "in ";
              case EvqVaryingOut:
                out << "out ";
                out << type.getQualifierString() << " ";
            out << type.getQualifierString() << " ";
    // Declare the struct if we have not done so already.
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct && !structDeclared(type.getStruct()))
        TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();


        if (!structure->name().empty())
        if (writeVariablePrecision(type.getPrecision()))
            out << " ";
        out << getTypeName(type);
Example #20
GLenum GLVariablePrecision(const TType &type)
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtFloat)
        switch (type.getPrecision())
          case EbpHigh:
            return GL_HIGH_FLOAT;
          case EbpMedium:
            return GL_MEDIUM_FLOAT;
          case EbpLow:
            return GL_LOW_FLOAT;
          case EbpUndefined:
          // Should be defined as the default precision by the parser
    else if (type.getBasicType() == EbtInt || type.getBasicType() == EbtUInt)
        switch (type.getPrecision())
          case EbpHigh:
            return GL_HIGH_INT;
          case EbpMedium:
            return GL_MEDIUM_INT;
          case EbpLow:
            return GL_LOW_INT;
          case EbpUndefined:
          // Should be defined as the default precision by the parser

    // Other types (boolean, sampler) don't have a precision
    return GL_NONE;
TString ScalarizeVecAndMatConstructorArgs::createTempVariable(TIntermTyped *original)
    TString tempVarName = "_webgl_tmp_";
    if (original->isScalar())
        tempVarName += "scalar_";
    else if (original->isVector())
        tempVarName += "vec_";
        tempVarName += "mat_";
    tempVarName += Str(mTempVarCount).c_str();

    TType type = original->getType();

    if (mShaderType == GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER &&
        type.getBasicType() == EbtFloat &&
        type.getPrecision() == EbpUndefined)
        // We use the highest available precision for the temporary variable
        // to avoid computing the actual precision using the rules defined
        // in GLSL ES 1.0 Section 4.5.2.
        type.setPrecision(mFragmentPrecisionHigh ? EbpHigh : EbpMedium);

    TIntermBinary *init = new TIntermBinary(EOpInitialize);
    TIntermSymbol *symbolNode = new TIntermSymbol(-1, tempVarName, type);

    TIntermAggregate *decl = new TIntermAggregate(EOpDeclaration);

    ASSERT(mSequenceStack.size() > 0);
    TIntermSequence &sequence = mSequenceStack.back();

    return tempVarName;
Example #22
unsigned int UniformHLSL::assignSamplerInStructUniformRegister(const TType &type,
                                                               const TString &name,
                                                               unsigned int *outRegisterCount)
    // Sampler that is a field of a uniform structure.
    unsigned int registerIndex = mSamplerRegister;
    mUniformRegisterMap[std::string(name.c_str())] = registerIndex;
    unsigned int registerCount                     = type.isArray() ? type.getArraySize() : 1u;
    mSamplerRegister += registerCount;
    if (outRegisterCount)
        *outRegisterCount = registerCount;
    return registerIndex;
Example #23
TString Std140PaddingHelper::postPaddingString(const TType &type, bool useHLSLRowMajorPacking)
    if (!type.isMatrix() && !type.isArray() && type.getBasicType() != EbtStruct)
        return "";

    int numComponents = 0;
    TStructure *structure = type.getStruct();

    if (type.isMatrix())
        // This method can also be called from structureString, which does not use layout qualifiers.
        // Thus, use the method parameter for determining the matrix packing.
        // Note HLSL row major packing corresponds to GL API column-major, and vice-versa, since we
        // wish to always transpose GL matrices to play well with HLSL's matrix array indexing.
        const bool isRowMajorMatrix = !useHLSLRowMajorPacking;
        const GLenum glType = GLVariableType(type);
        numComponents = gl::MatrixComponentCount(glType, isRowMajorMatrix);
    else if (structure)
        const TString &structName = QualifiedStructNameString(*structure,
                                                              useHLSLRowMajorPacking, true);
        numComponents = mStructElementIndexes->find(structName)->second;

        if (numComponents == 0)
            return "";
        const GLenum glType = GLVariableType(type);
        numComponents = gl::VariableComponentCount(glType);

    TString padding;
    for (int paddingOffset = numComponents; paddingOffset < 4; paddingOffset++)
        padding += "    float pad_" + next() + ";\n";
    return padding;
Example #24
void OutputParameter(TIntermParameter* node, TIntermTraverser* it)
    TOutputTraverser* oit = static_cast<TOutputTraverser*>(it);
    TInfoSink& out = oit->infoSink;

    OutputExtensionText(out, node);
    OutputTreeText(out, node, oit->depth);

    TType* t = node->getType();

    if (t->getBasicType() != EbtStruct) {
        out.debug << "param '" << t->getFieldName() << "' (" <<
                  t->getCompleteString() << ")\n";
    } else {
        out.debug << "param '" << t->getFieldName() << "' (" <<
                  t->getCompleteString() << " '" <<
                  t->getTypeName() << "')\n";
Example #25
void TOutputGLSLBase::writeVariableType(const TType& type)
    TInfoSinkBase& out = objSink();
    TQualifier qualifier = type.getQualifier();
    // TODO(alokp): Validate qualifier for variable declarations.
    if ((qualifier != EvqTemporary) && (qualifier != EvqGlobal))
        out << type.getQualifierString() << " ";
    // Declare the struct if we have not done so already.
    if ((type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct) && !structDeclared(type.getStruct()))
        if (writeVariablePrecision(type.getPrecision()))
            out << " ";
        out << getTypeName(type);
Example #26
bool TParseContext::structNestingErrorCheck(TSourceLoc line, const TType& fieldType)
    if (shaderSpec != SH_WEBGL_SPEC) {
        return false;

    if (fieldType.getBasicType() != EbtStruct) {
        return false;

    // We're already inside a structure definition at this point, so add
    // one to the field's struct nesting.
    if (1 + fieldType.getDeepestStructNesting() > kWebGLMaxStructNesting) {
        error(line, "", "", "Reference of struct type %s exceeds maximum struct nesting of %d",
              fieldType.getTypeName().c_str(), kWebGLMaxStructNesting);
        return true;

    return false;
Example #27
// TODO(jmadill): This is not complete.
void TOutputVulkanGLSL::writeLayoutQualifier(const TType &type)
    TInfoSinkBase &out                      = objSink();
    const TLayoutQualifier &layoutQualifier = type.getLayoutQualifier();
    out << "layout(";

    if (type.getQualifier() == EvqAttribute || type.getQualifier() == EvqFragmentOut ||
        type.getQualifier() == EvqVertexIn)
        // TODO(jmadill): Multiple output locations.
        out << "location = "
            << "0";

    if (IsImage(type.getBasicType()) && layoutQualifier.imageInternalFormat != EiifUnspecified)
        ASSERT(type.getQualifier() == EvqTemporary || type.getQualifier() == EvqUniform);
        out << getImageInternalFormatString(layoutQualifier.imageInternalFormat);

    out << ") ";
Example #28
bool TParseContext::structNestingErrorCheck(TSourceLoc line, const TType& fieldType)
    if (!isWebGLBasedSpec(shaderSpec)) {
        return false;

    if (fieldType.getBasicType() != EbtStruct) {
        return false;

    // We're already inside a structure definition at this point, so add
    // one to the field's struct nesting.
    if (1 + fieldType.getDeepestStructNesting() > kWebGLMaxStructNesting) {
        std::stringstream extraInfoStream;
        extraInfoStream << "Reference of struct type " << fieldType.getTypeName() 
                        << " exceeds maximum struct nesting of " << kWebGLMaxStructNesting;
        std::string extraInfo = extraInfoStream.str();
        error(line, "", "", extraInfo.c_str());
        return true;

    return false;
Example #29
int Std140PaddingHelper::prePadding(const TType &type)
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtStruct || type.isMatrix() || type.isArray())
        // no padding needed, HLSL will align the field to a new register
        mElementIndex = 0;
        return 0;

    const GLenum glType = GLVariableType(type);
    const int numComponents = gl::VariableComponentCount(glType);

    if (numComponents >= 4)
        // no padding needed, HLSL will align the field to a new register
        mElementIndex = 0;
        return 0;

    if (mElementIndex + numComponents > 4)
        // no padding needed, HLSL will align the field to a new register
        mElementIndex = numComponents;
        return 0;

    const int alignment = numComponents == 3 ? 4 : numComponents;
    const int paddingOffset = (mElementIndex % alignment);
    const int paddingCount = (paddingOffset != 0 ? (alignment - paddingOffset) : 0);

    mElementIndex += paddingCount;
    mElementIndex += numComponents;
    mElementIndex %= 4;

    return paddingCount;
Example #30
GLenum GLVariableType(const TType &type)
    if (type.getBasicType() == EbtFloat)
        if (type.isScalar())
            return GL_FLOAT;
        else if (type.isVector())
            switch (type.getNominalSize())
              case 2: return GL_FLOAT_VEC2;
              case 3: return GL_FLOAT_VEC3;
              case 4: return GL_FLOAT_VEC4;
              default: UNREACHABLE();
        else if (type.isMatrix())
            switch (type.getCols())
              case 2:
                switch (type.getRows())
                  case 2: return GL_FLOAT_MAT2;
                  case 3: return GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3;
                  case 4: return GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4;
                  default: UNREACHABLE();

              case 3:
                switch (type.getRows())
                  case 2: return GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2;
                  case 3: return GL_FLOAT_MAT3;
                  case 4: return GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4;
                  default: UNREACHABLE();

              case 4:
                switch (type.getRows())
                  case 2: return GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2;
                  case 3: return GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3;
                  case 4: return GL_FLOAT_MAT4;
                  default: UNREACHABLE();

              default: UNREACHABLE();
        else UNREACHABLE();
    else if (type.getBasicType() == EbtInt)
        if (type.isScalar())
            return GL_INT;
        else if (type.isVector())
            switch (type.getNominalSize())
              case 2: return GL_INT_VEC2;
              case 3: return GL_INT_VEC3;
              case 4: return GL_INT_VEC4;
              default: UNREACHABLE();
        else UNREACHABLE();
    else if (type.getBasicType() == EbtUInt)
        if (type.isScalar())
            return GL_UNSIGNED_INT;
        else if (type.isVector())
            switch (type.getNominalSize())
              case 2: return GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC2;
              case 3: return GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC3;
              case 4: return GL_UNSIGNED_INT_VEC4;
              default: UNREACHABLE();
        else UNREACHABLE();
    else if (type.getBasicType() == EbtBool)
        if (type.isScalar())
            return GL_BOOL;
        else if (type.isVector())
            switch (type.getNominalSize())
              case 2: return GL_BOOL_VEC2;
              case 3: return GL_BOOL_VEC3;
              case 4: return GL_BOOL_VEC4;
              default: UNREACHABLE();
        else UNREACHABLE();

    switch (type.getBasicType())
      case EbtSampler2D:            return GL_SAMPLER_2D;
      case EbtSampler3D:            return GL_SAMPLER_3D;
      case EbtSamplerCube:          return GL_SAMPLER_CUBE;
      case EbtSamplerExternalOES:   return GL_SAMPLER_EXTERNAL_OES;
      case EbtSampler2DRect:        return GL_SAMPLER_2D_RECT_ARB;
      case EbtSampler2DArray:       return GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY;
      case EbtISampler2D:           return GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D;
      case EbtISampler3D:           return GL_INT_SAMPLER_3D;
      case EbtISamplerCube:         return GL_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE;
      case EbtISampler2DArray:      return GL_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY;
      case EbtUSampler2D:           return GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D;
      case EbtUSampler3D:           return GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_3D;
      case EbtUSamplerCube:         return GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_CUBE;
      case EbtUSampler2DArray:      return GL_UNSIGNED_INT_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY;
      case EbtSampler2DShadow:      return GL_SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW;
      case EbtSamplerCubeShadow:    return GL_SAMPLER_CUBE_SHADOW;
      case EbtSampler2DArrayShadow: return GL_SAMPLER_2D_ARRAY_SHADOW;
      default: UNREACHABLE();

    return GL_NONE;