Example #1
    const MaterialVec&MaterialManager:: materialsBetween(const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& p0, const DDSurfaces::Vector3D& p1 , double epsilon) {
      if( ( p0 != _p0 ) || ( p1 != _p1 ) ) {
	_mV.clear() ;
	// algorithm copied from TGeoGearDistanceProperties.cc (A.Munnich):
	double startpoint[3], endpoint[3], direction[3];
	double L=0;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++) {
	  startpoint[i] = p0[i];
	  endpoint[i]   = p1[i];
	  direction[i] = endpoint[i] - startpoint[i];
	double totDist = sqrt( L ) ;
	//normalize direction
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
	_tgeoMgr->AddTrack(0, 12 ) ; // electron neutrino

	TGeoNode *node1 = _tgeoMgr->InitTrack(startpoint, direction);

	//check if there is a node at startpoint
	  throw std::runtime_error("No geometry node found at given location. Either there is no node placed here or position is outside of top volume.");
	while ( !_tgeoMgr->IsOutside() )  {
	  // TGeoNode *node2;
	  // TVirtualGeoTrack *track; 
	  // step to (and over) the next Boundary
	  TGeoNode * node2 = _tgeoMgr->FindNextBoundaryAndStep( 500, 1) ;
	  if( !node2 || _tgeoMgr->IsOutside() )
	  const double *position    =  _tgeoMgr->GetCurrentPoint();
	  const double *previouspos =  _tgeoMgr->GetLastPoint();
	  double length = _tgeoMgr->GetStep();

	  TVirtualGeoTrack *track = _tgeoMgr->GetLastTrack();

	  //protection against infinitive loop in root which should not happen, but well it does...
	  //work around until solution within root can be found when the step gets very small e.g. 1e-10
	  //and the next boundary is never reached
#if 1   //fg: is this still needed ?
	  if( length < MINSTEP ) {
	    _tgeoMgr->SetCurrentPoint( position[0] + MINSTEP * direction[0], 
				       position[1] + MINSTEP * direction[1], 
				       position[2] + MINSTEP * direction[2] );
	    length = _tgeoMgr->GetStep();
	    node2  = _tgeoMgr->FindNextBoundaryAndStep(500, 1) ;
	    position    = _tgeoMgr->GetCurrentPoint();
	    previouspos = _tgeoMgr->GetLastPoint();
	  //	printf( " --  step length :  %1.8e %1.8e   %1.8e   %1.8e   %1.8e   %1.8e   %1.8e   - %s \n" , length ,
	  //		position[0], position[1], position[2], previouspos[0], previouspos[1], previouspos[2] , node1->GetMedium()->GetMaterial()->GetName() ) ;
	  DDSurfaces::Vector3D posV( position ) ;
	  double currDistance = ( posV - p0 ).r() ;
	  // //if the next boundary is further than end point
	  //  if(fabs(position[0])>fabs(endpoint[0]) || fabs(position[1])>fabs(endpoint[1]) 
	  //  || fabs(position[2])>fabs(endpoint[2]))
	  //if we travelled too far:
	  if( currDistance > totDist  ) {
	    length = sqrt( pow(endpoint[0]-previouspos[0],2) + 
			   pow(endpoint[1]-previouspos[1],2) +
			   pow(endpoint[2]-previouspos[2],2)   );
	    track->AddPoint( endpoint[0], endpoint[1], endpoint[2], 0. );
	    if( length > epsilon ) 
	      _mV.push_back( std::make_pair( Material( node1->GetMedium() ) , length )  ) ; 
	  track->AddPoint( position[0], position[1], position[2], 0.);
	  if( length > epsilon ) 
	    _mV.push_back( std::make_pair( Material( node1->GetMedium() ), length  )  ) ; 
	  node1 = node2 ;

	//fg: protect against empty list:
	if( _mV.empty() ){
	  _mV.push_back( std::make_pair( Material( node1->GetMedium() ), totDist  )  ) ; 


	_p0 = p0 ;
	_p1 = p1 ;

      return _mV ; ;
Example #2
void MyTrack3D(const Ntuple& nt,Int_t PdgCode ,const double zmin,const double zmax,const unsigned int color,const double Scale_xy,unsigned int verbose) // fname like    /Users/hbu/mad/lhc/twiss_track_ref/002_px_0b1.tfs          event display in canvas,   did not manage to get this in OpenGl with Geometry ---   better got to Eve, see below
  bool goto_CM_units=true;
  if(verbose) cout << __FILE__ << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " line " << __LINE__ << " start verbose=" << verbose << " nt.Noent()=" << nt.Noent() << " Scale_xy=" << Scale_xy << '\n';

    cout << "No geometry defined to attach tracking" << '\n';

  unsigned int n=nt.Noent();

  double xt[n],yt[n],zt[n],st[n];

  valarray<double> xvec=nt.GetVar("X");
  valarray<double> yvec=nt.GetVar("Y");
  // valarray<double> zvec=nt.GetVar("Z");
  valarray<double> svec=nt.GetVar("S");

  for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i) st[i]=svec[i];
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i) xt[i]=xvec[i];
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i) yt[i]=yvec[i];

  for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i) zt[i]=st[i];  // zvec[i];     // for the moment use s instead of z

    for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i) xt[i]*=100;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i) yt[i]*=100;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i) zt[i]*=100;

  if(verbose) cout << __FILE__ << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " line " << __LINE__ << '\n';
  Int_t itrk=0;
  TObject *particle=NULL;
  Int_t iPrimary = gGeoManager->AddTrack(itrk,PdgCode,particle);
  TVirtualGeoTrack *myTrack = gGeoManager->GetTrack(iPrimary); // keep link in class
  for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i)
    if(zt[i]>zmax) break;
    double tt=MyConstPhys::CLight*st[i];
    if(verbose&&i<1000) cout << " i=" << setw(3) << i << " x=" << setw(12) << xt[i] << " y=" << setw(12) << yt[i] << " z=" << setw(10) << zt[i] << " tt=" << setw(10) << tt << '\n';
    if(zt[i]>zmin) myTrack->AddPoint(xt[i],yt[i],zt[i],tt);
  if(verbose) cout << __FILE__ << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " line " << __LINE__ << '\n';

  // myTrack->Draw(); // Draw("ogl")
  gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->SetVisRaytrace(true);  // switches to more solid view    --- more similar to OpenGL

  if(verbose) cout << __FILE__ << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " line " << __LINE__ << '\n';

  // gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->Draw(); // shows geometry, but track not visible       Draw("ogl")

  cout << " gGeoManager->GetNtracks()=" << gGeoManager->GetNtracks() << '\n'; //  fNtracks
  // cout << " myTrack->GetNtracks()=" << myTrack->GetNtracks() << '\n'; //  fNtracks

  // gGeoManager->DrawTracks(); // shows track in c1 after click in window, also tried with  "ogl"  which has not effect here

  if(verbose) cout << __FILE__ << " " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " line " << __LINE__ << '\n';

  if (gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject("c1")) cout << " UseGL()=" << ((TCanvas*)gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->FindObject("c1"))->UseGL() << '\n'; // check if ogl on, still off
  // shows track after click in canvas window   -- track immediately visible when not calling   gGeoManager->GetTopVolume()->Draw();  after myTrack->Draw();

  // gGeoManager->DrawTracks(); // shows track in c1
  // myTrack->Clear();
  // myTrack->Draw(); // track visible in 2 dim  only