//_______________________________________________________________________________________ static void AddGrid() { TVirtualPad *thisPad = qPad(); if (thisPad) { TView *view = thisPad->GetView(); if (!view) return; Double_t min[3],max[3]; view->GetRange(min,max); TList *list = thisPad->GetListOfPrimitives(); TString histName = thisPad->GetName(); TH2F *m_DummyHist = 0; const Char_t *dummyName = "Axis3D"; histName += dummyName; m_DummyHist = list->FindObject(histName.Data()); if (!m_DummyHist) { m_DummyHist = new TH2F(histName.Data(),"",1,min[0],max[0],1,min[1],max[1]); m_DummyHist->SetDirectory(0); m_DummyHist->Draw("surf,same"); } m_DummyHist->GetXaxis()->SetLimits(min[0],max[0]); m_DummyHist->GetYaxis()->SetLimits(min[1],max[1]); m_DummyHist->GetZaxis()->SetLimits(min[2],max[2]); thisPad->Modified(); thisPad->Update(); } }
/* *********** multi-pad canvases ******************** */ void setLogy(TCanvas *c, bool on = true) { c->Modified(); c->Update(); //gSystem->ProcessEvents(); TObject *obj; TIter next(c->GetListOfPrimitives()); while ((obj = next())) { if (obj->InheritsFrom(TVirtualPad::Class())) { TVirtualPad *pad = (TVirtualPad*)obj; pad->Modified(); pad->Update(); pad->SetLogy(on); pad->Modified(); pad->Update(); } } }
void splithist(double ratio=0.2){ TVirtualPad* pmain = TVirtualPad::Pad(); double h = 1. - pmain->GetTopMargin() - pmain->GetBottomMargin(); double xlow = 0.; //gStyle->GetPadLeftMargin(); double xhigh = 1.; // - gStyle->GetPadRightMargin(); double ytop = 1.; //- gStyle->GetPadTopMargin(); double ybot = 0.; //gStyle->GetPadBottomMargin(); double ymid = pmain->GetBottomMargin() + ratio * h; //ybot + ratio * (ytop-ybot); double yp1bot = ymid; double yp2top = ymid; TPad* p1 = new TPad(TString(pmain->GetName()) + "_1", pmain->GetTitle(), xlow, yp1bot, xhigh, ytop); p1->SetNumber(1); TPad* p2 = new TPad(TString(pmain->GetName()) + "_2", pmain->GetTitle(), xlow, ybot, xhigh, yp2top); p2->SetNumber(2); p1->SetFillStyle(4000); p2->SetFillStyle(4000); double p1h = ytop - yp1bot; double p2h = yp2top - ybot; /* p1->SetTopMargin(pmain->GetTopMargin()/p1h); p1->SetBottomMargin((ymid-yp1bot)/p1h); p1->SetLeftMargin(pmain->GetLeftMargin()); p1->SetRightMargin(pmain->GetRightMargin()); p2->SetTopMargin((ymid-yp2top)/p2h); p2->SetBottomMargin(pmain->GetBottomMargin()/p2h); p2->SetLeftMargin(pmain->GetLeftMargin()); p2->SetRightMargin(pmain->GetRightMargin()); */ p1->SetTopMargin(0.11); p1->SetBottomMargin(0.); p1->SetRightMargin(0.02); p2->SetTopMargin(0.); p2->SetBottomMargin(0.3); p2->SetRightMargin(0.02); p2->Draw(); p1->Draw(); pmain->Modified(); p1->cd(); }
//_______________________________________________________________________________________ static void SetBackround(Color_t color, TVirtualPad *pad=0) { TVirtualPad *thisPad = pad; if (!thisPad) thisPad = qPad(); if (thisPad) { thisPad->SetFillColor(color); thisPad->Modified(); thisPad->Update(); } }
//_______________________________________________________________________________________ static void Inscrease3DScale() { TVirtualPad *thisPad = qPad(); if (thisPad) { TView *view = thisPad->GetView(); if (!view) return; Double_t min[3],max[3]; view->GetRange(min,max); int i; for (i=0;i<3; i++) {max[i] *= 0.8; min[i]=max[i]*0.1;} view->SetRange(min,max); thisPad->Modified(); thisPad->Update(); } }
//_______________________________________________________________________________________ static void Centered3DImages() { // This macro prints out the sizes of the sekected 3d pad TVirtualPad *thisPad = qPad(); if (thisPad) { TView *view = thisPad->GetView(); if (!view) return; Double_t min[3],max[3]; view->GetRange(min,max); int i; for (i=0;i<3; i++) min[i]=-max[i]; view->SetRange(min,max); thisPad->Modified(); thisPad->Update(); } }
//_______________________________________________________________________________________ static void RotateView(Float_t phi, Float_t theta, TVirtualPad *pad=0) { TVirtualPad *thisPad = pad; if (!thisPad) thisPad = qPad(); if (thisPad) { TView *view = thisPad->GetView(); if (view) { Int_t iret; Float_t p = phi; Float_t t = theta; view->SetView(p, t, 0, iret); thisPad->SetPhi(-90-p); thisPad->SetTheta(90-t); thisPad->Modified(); thisPad->Update(); } } }
//_______________________________________________________________________________________ static void AdjustScales() { TVirtualPad *thisPad = qPad(); if (thisPad) { TView *view = thisPad->GetView(); if (!view) return; Double_t min[3],max[3]; view->GetRange(min,max); int i; Double_t maxSide = 0; // Find the largest side for (i=0;i<3; i++) maxSide = TMath::Max(maxSide,max[i]-min[i]); //Adjust scales: for (i=0;i<3; i++) max[i] += maxSide - (max[i]-min[i]); view->SetRange(min,max); thisPad->Modified(); thisPad->Update(); } }
void KVSpIdGUI::SpiderIdentification() { if ((!fHisto) || (!fGrid)) return; TVirtualPad* pad = fGrid->GetPad(); fGrid->UnDraw(); fZp = fZpEntry->GetIntNumber(); if (!fUserParameter) fSpFactor = GetFactor(); else fSpFactor = fSpiderFactorEntry->GetNumber(); fAnglesUp = fAngleUpEntry->GetIntNumber(); fAnglesDown = fAngleDownEntry->GetIntNumber(); fAlpha = fApertureUpEntry->GetNumber(); fPiedType = fPiedChoice->GetSelected(); fMatrixType = fTypeChoice->GetSelected(); Int_t type = fMatrixType; TH2* tmpHisto = fHisto; TList* tmpCut = 0; if (fUseCut) { tmpHisto = (TH2*)fHisto->Clone(Form("%s_cut", fHisto->GetName())); tmpHisto->Reset(); for (int i = 1; i <= fHisto->GetNbinsX(); i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= fHisto->GetNbinsY(); j++) { Stat_t ww = fHisto->GetBinContent(i, j); Axis_t x0 = fHisto->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(i); Axis_t y0 = fHisto->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(j); if (fGrid->IsIdentifiable(x0, y0)) tmpHisto->Fill(x0, y0, ww); } } tmpCut = (TList*)fGrid->GetCuts()->Clone("tmpCuts"); } fGrid->Clear(); if (fScaledHisto) delete fScaledHisto; KVHistoManipulator hm; TF1 RtLt("RtLt", Form("x*%lf", fSfx), 0, tmpHisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); TF1 RtLty("RtLty", Form("x*%lf", fSfy), 0, tmpHisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax()); fScaledHisto = (TH2F*)hm.ScaleHisto(tmpHisto, &RtLt, &RtLty); if (fIdentificator) delete fIdentificator; fIdentificator = new KVSpiderIdentificator(fScaledHisto, fXm * fSfx, fYm * fSfy); switch (fPiedType) { case kUser: fIdentificator->SetX0(fPdx * fSfx); fIdentificator->SetY0(fPdy * fSfy); break; case kAuto: break; case kNone: fIdentificator->SetX0(0.); fIdentificator->SetY0(0.); } fIdentificator->SetParameters(fSpFactor); fIdentificator->SetNangles(fAnglesUp, fAnglesDown); fIdentificator->SetAlpha(fAlpha); fProgressBar->SetRange(0, fAnglesUp + fAnglesDown + 1); fProgressBar->Reset(); fIdentificator->Connect("Increment(Float_t)", "TGHProgressBar", fProgressBar, "SetPosition(Float_t)"); fTestButton->SetEnabled(kFALSE); fCloseButton->SetEnabled(kFALSE); fIdentificator->ProcessIdentification(); fTestButton->SetEnabled(kTRUE); fCloseButton->SetEnabled(kTRUE); fIdentificator->Disconnect("Increment(Float_t)", fProgressBar, "SetPosition(Float_t)"); fProgressBar->Reset(); if (fDebug) fIdentificator->Draw(fOption.Data()); TList* ll = (TList*)fIdentificator->GetListOfLines(); KVIDZALine* TheLine = 0; int zmax = 0; KVSpiderLine* spline = 0; TIter next_line(ll); while ((spline = (KVSpiderLine*)next_line())) { if ((spline->GetN() > 10)) { //&&(spline->GetX(0)<=fIdentificator->GetX0()+200.)) TF1* ff1 = 0; if (type == kSiCsI) ff1 = spline->GetFunction(fPdx * fSfx, TMath::Max(fScaledHisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() * 0.9, spline->GetX(spline->GetN() - 1))); else if (type == kSiSi) ff1 = spline->GetFunction(fPdx * fSfx, TMath::Min(fScaledHisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() * 0.9, spline->GetX(spline->GetN() - 1) * 1.5)); else if (type == kChIoSi) ff1 = spline->GetFunction(fPdx * fSfx, TMath::Min(fScaledHisto->GetXaxis()->GetXmax() * 0.9, spline->GetX(spline->GetN() - 1) * 1.5)); else ff1 = spline->GetFunction(); if ((type == kSiCsI) && (ff1->GetParameter(1) >= 3000. || (ff1->GetParameter(2) <= 0.35) || (ff1->GetParameter(2) >= 1.))) { Info("SpiderIdentification", "Z = %d has been rejected (fit parameters)", spline->GetZ()); continue; } TheLine = (KVIDZALine*)((KVIDZAGrid*)fGrid)->NewLine("ID"); TheLine->SetZ(spline->GetZ()); double min, max; ff1->GetRange(min, max); double step = TMath::Min((max - min) * 0.05, 20.); //20.; double stepmax = (max - min) * 0.2; //800.; double x = 0.; for (x = min + 1; x < max + step; x += step) { if (step <= stepmax) step *= 1.3; if (ff1->Eval(x) < 4000) TheLine->SetPoint(TheLine->GetN(), x, ff1->Eval(x)); } if (max > x) TheLine->SetPoint(TheLine->GetN(), max, ff1->Eval(max)); fGrid->Add("ID", TheLine); if (spline->GetZ() >= zmax) zmax = spline->GetZ(); } else { Info("SpiderIdentification", "Z = %d has been rejected (too few points)", spline->GetZ()); } } TF1 fx("fx12", Form("x/%lf", fSfx), 0., fScaledHisto->GetNbinsX() * 1.); TF1 fy("fy12", Form("x/%lf", fSfy), 0., fScaledHisto->GetNbinsY() * 1.); fGrid->Scale(&fx, &fy); if (fUseCut) delete tmpHisto; if (tmpCut) fGrid->GetCuts()->AddAll(tmpCut); pad->cd(); fGrid->Draw(); pad->Modified(); pad->Update(); DoClose(); }
void xtruSamples() { // Draw a sample of TXTRU shapes some convex, concave (and possibly malformed) // Change Bool_t's to test alternative specifications // Author: Robert Hatcher ([email protected]) 2000.09.06 // One normally specifies the x-y points in counter-clockwise order; // flip this to TRUE to test that it doesn't matter. Bool_t makecw = kFALSE; // One normally specifies the z points in increasing z order; // flip this to TRUE to test that it doesn't matter. Bool_t reversez = kFALSE; // One shouldn't be creating malformed polygons // but to test what happens when one does here's a flag. // The effect will be only apparent in solid rendering mode Bool_t domalformed = kFALSE; // domalformed = kTRUE; c1 = new TCanvas("c1","sample TXTRU Shapes",200,10,640,640); // Create a new geometry TGeometry* geom = new TGeometry("sample","sample"); geom->cd(); // Define the complexity of the drawing Float_t zseg = 6; // either 2 or 6 Int_t extravis = 0; // make extra z "arrow" visible Float_t unit = 1; // Create a large BRIK to embed things into Float_t bigdim = 12.5*unit; TBRIK* world = new TBRIK("world","world","void",bigdim,bigdim,bigdim); // Create the main node, make it invisible TNode* worldnode = new TNode("worldnode","world node",world); worldnode->SetVisibility(0); worldnode->cd(); // Canonical shape ... gets further modified by scale factors // to create convex (and malformed) versions Float_t x[] = { -0.50, -1.20, 1.20, 0.50, 0.50, 1.20, -1.20, -0.50 }; Float_t y[] = { -0.75, -2.00, -2.00, -0.75, 0.75, 2.00, 2.00, 0.75 }; Float_t z[] = { -0.50, -1.50, -1.50, 1.50, 1.50, 0.50 }; Float_t s[] = { 0.50, 1.00, 1.50, 1.50, 1.00, 0.50 }; Int_t nxy = sizeof(x)/sizeof(Float_t); Float_t convexscale[] = { 7.0, -1.0, 1.5 }; Int_t icolor[] = { 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 6 }; // xycase and zcase: 0=convex, 1=malformed, 2=concave // this will either create a 2x2 matrix of shapes // or a 3x3 array (if displaying malformed versions) for (Int_t zcase = 0; zcase<3; zcase++) { if (zcase == 1 && !domalformed) continue; for (Int_t xycase = 0; xycase<3; xycase++) { if (xycase == 1 && !domalformed) continue; Char_t *name = "txtruXYZ"; sprintf(name,"txtru%1d%1d%1d",xycase,zcase,zseg); TXTRU* mytxtru = new TXTRU(name,name,"void",8,2); Int_t i, j; Float_t xsign = (makecw) ? -1 : 1; Float_t zsign = (reversez) ? -1 : 1; // set the vertex points for (i=0; i<nxy; i++) { Float_t xtmp = x[i]*xsign; Float_t ytmp = y[i]; if (i==0||i==3||i==4||i==7) xtmp *= convexscale[xycase]; if (xycase==2) xtmp *=2; mytxtru->DefineVertex(i,xtmp,ytmp); } // set the z segment positions and scales for (i=0, j=0; i<zseg; i++) { Float_t ztmp = z[i]*zsign; if (i==0||i==5) ztmp *= convexscale[zcase]; if (zcase==2) ztmp *= 2.5; if (zseg>2 && zcase!=2 && (i==1||i==4)) continue; mytxtru->DefineSection(j,ztmp,s[i]); j++; } TNode* txtrunode = new TNode(name,name,mytxtru); txtrunode->SetLineColor(icolor[3*zcase+xycase]); Float_t pos_scale = (domalformed) ? 10 : 6; Float_t xpos = (xycase-1)*pos_scale*unit; Float_t ypos = (zcase-1)*pos_scale*unit; txtrunode->SetPosition(xpos,ypos,0.); } } // Some extra shapes to show the direction of "z" Float_t zhalf = 0.5*bigdim; Float_t rmax = 0.03*bigdim; TCONE* zcone = new TCONE("zcone","zcone","void",zhalf,0.,rmax,0.,0.); zcone->SetVisibility(extravis); TNode* zconenode = new TNode("zconenode","zconenode",zcone); zconenode->SetLineColor(3); Float_t dzstub = 2*rmax; TBRIK* zbrik = new TBRIK("zbrik","zbrik","void",rmax,rmax,dzstub); zbrik->SetVisibility(extravis); TNode* zbriknode = new TNode("zbriknode","zbriknode",zbrik); zbriknode->SetPosition(0.,0.,zhalf+dzstub); zbriknode->SetLineColor(3); // geom->ls(); geom->Draw(); // Tweak the pad so that it displays the entire geometry undistorted TVirtualPad *thisPad = gPad; if (thisPad) { TView *view = thisPad->GetView(); if (!view) return; Double_t min[3],max[3],center[3]; view->GetRange(min,max); int i; // Find the boxed center for (i=0;i<3; i++) center[i] = 0.5*(max[i]+min[i]); Double_t maxSide = 0; // Find the largest side for (i=0;i<3; i++) maxSide = TMath::Max(maxSide,max[i]-center[i]); file://Adjust scales: for (i=0;i<3; i++) { max[i] = center[i] + maxSide; min[i] = center[i] - maxSide; } view->SetRange(min,max); thisPad->Modified(); thisPad->Update(); } }