Example #1
// Public factory to build a TabVector from a list of boxes.
// The TabVector will be of the given alignment type.
// The input vertical vector is used in fitting, and the output
// vertical_x, vertical_y have the resulting line vector added to them
// if the alignment is not ragged.
// The extended_start_y and extended_end_y are the maximum possible
// extension to the line segment that can be used to align with others.
// The input CLIST of BLOBNBOX good_points is consumed and taken over.
TabVector* TabVector::FitVector(TabAlignment alignment, ICOORD vertical,
                                int  extended_start_y, int extended_end_y,
                                BLOBNBOX_CLIST* good_points,
                                int* vertical_x, int* vertical_y) {
  TabVector* vector = new TabVector(extended_start_y, extended_end_y,
                                    alignment, good_points);
  if (!vector->Fit(vertical, false)) {
    delete vector;
    return NULL;
  if (!vector->IsRagged()) {
    vertical = vector->endpt_ - vector->startpt_;
    int weight = vector->BoxCount();
    *vertical_x += vertical.x() * weight;
    *vertical_y += vertical.y() * weight;
  return vector;