Example #1
void Query::withOuter(QString relationName)
    rName = relationName;
    relation_s r = schema->getRelation(rName);
        if((r.link.first != "") && (r.link.second != "") && (r.type != 0))
            TableSchema *sch = r.model->getSchema();
            outerJoin =  " LEFT OUTER JOIN ";
            outerJoin += sch->getTableName() + " ON ";
            outerJoin += schema->getRelation(rName).link.first;
            outerJoin += " = " + schema->getRelation(rName).link.second;
            throw r;
        qDebug() << "[Query::WithOuter]:\tError! Can not get relation" << rName << "!";
        qDebug() << r.link.first << "; " << r.link.second << "; " << r.type;
Example #2
 static std::vector<TableSchema_Column_ColumnType> BuildColumnVector(const TableSchema &table_schema) {
   std::vector<TableSchema_Column_ColumnType> result{};
   for (auto column : table_schema.columns()) {
   return result;
Example #3
	QVariant modelData( const QModelIndex & idx, int role ) const
		if( role == Qt::DisplayRole && mTable ) {
			switch( idx.column() ) {
				case 0: return mTable->className();
				case 1: return "Table";
				case 2: return mTable->tableName();
		return QVariant();
Table * projectReserveTable()
    static Table * ret = 0;
    if( !ret ) {
        TableSchema * schema = new TableSchema( classesSchema() );
        new Field( schema, "fkeyproject", "Project" );
        new Field( schema, "arsenalSlotReserve", Field::Double );
        new Field( schema, "currentAllocation", Field::Double );
        ret = schema->table();
    return ret;
Example #5
void MainWindow::expandChildTables( const QModelIndex & idx )
	for( ModelIter it = idx.isValid() ? ModelIter(idx.child(0,0)) : ModelIter(mModel); it.isValid(); ++it )
		if( TableTranslator::isType(*it) ) {
			TableSchema * ts = TableTranslator::data(*it).mTable;
			if( ts->children().size() ) {
				mUI.mTreeView->expand( *it );
				expandChildTables( *it );
TableSchema * TableDialog::createTable( QWidget * parent, Schema * schema, TableSchema * parTable )
	TableSchema * table = new TableSchema( schema );
	if( parTable ) table->setParent( parTable );
	TableDialog * td = new TableDialog( table, parent );
	td->setWindowTitle( "Create Table" );
	if( td->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) {
	} else {
		delete table;
		table = 0;
	delete td;
	return table;
Example #7
	virtual void loadChildren( const QModelIndex & parentIndex, SuperModel * model )
		if( TableTranslator::isType(parentIndex) ) {
			TableSchema * table = TableTranslator::data(parentIndex).mTable;
			// Add child tables
			mTableTranslator->appendList( table->children(), parentIndex );
			// Add fields inside a fields group
			QModelIndex fieldGroup = mStandardTranslator->append( parentIndex );
			model->setData( fieldGroup, "Fields", Qt::DisplayRole );
			mFieldTranslator->appendList( table->ownedFields(), fieldGroup );

			// Add Indexes inside an index group
			QModelIndex indexGroup = mStandardTranslator->append( parentIndex );
			model->setData( indexGroup, "Indexes", Qt::DisplayRole );
			mIndexTranslator->appendList( table->indexes(), indexGroup );
Example #8
QString Record::displayName() const
	Table * t = table();
	if( t ) {
		TableSchema * ts = t->schema();
		Field * field = 0;
		foreach( Field * f, ts->fields() )
			if( f->flag( Field::DisplayName ) ) {
				field = f;
		if( !field ) field = ts->field("name",true);
		if( !field ) field = ts->field("displayname",true);
		if( !field ) field = ts->field(ts->className(),true);
		if( !field ) field = ts->field(ts->tableName(),true);
		if( field ) return getValue( field->pos() ).toString();
	return QString();
Example #9
PyObject * sipWrapRecord( Record * r, bool makeCopy, TableSchema * defaultType )
	PyObject * ret = 0;
	// First we convert to Record using sip methods
	static sipTypeDef * recordType = getRecordType( "blur.Stone", "Record" );
	sipTypeDef * type = recordType;
	if( type ) {
		if( makeCopy )
			ret = getSipAPI()->api_convert_from_new_type( new Record(*r), type, NULL );
		else {
			ret = getSipAPI()->api_convert_from_type( r, type, Py_None );
	} else {
		LOG_1( "Stone.Record not found" );
		return 0;

	Table * table = r->table();

	TableSchema * tableSchema = 0;
	if( table )
		tableSchema = table->schema();
	else if( defaultType )
		tableSchema = defaultType;
		return ret;

	bool isErr = false;
	if( tableSchema ) {
		QString className = tableSchema->className();
		// Then we try to find the python class for the particular schema class type
		// from the desired module set using addSchemaCastModule
		// BORROWED ref
		PyObject * dict = getSchemaCastModule( tableSchema->schema() );
		if( dict ) {
			// BORROWED ref
			PyObject * klass = PyDict_GetItemString( dict, className.toLatin1().constData() );
			if( klass ) {
				PyObject * tuple = PyTuple_New(1);
				// Tuple now holds only ref to ret
				PyTuple_SET_ITEM( tuple, 0, ret );
				PyObject * result = PyObject_CallObject( klass, tuple );
				if( result ) {
					if( PyObject_IsInstance( result, klass ) == 1 ) {
						ret = result;
					} else {
						LOG_1( "Cast Ctor Result is not a subclass of " + className );
						Py_INCREF( ret );
						Py_DECREF( result );
				} else {
					LOG_1( "runPythonFunction: Execution Failed, Error Was:\n" );
					isErr = true;
				Py_DECREF( tuple );
			if( isErr ) return 0;
		} else LOG_1( "No cast module set for schema" );
	} else LOG_1( "Table has no schema" );