Example #1
/** Select background points via a given background function
void ProcessBackground::selectFromGivenFunction() {
  // Process properties
  BackgroundFunction_sptr bkgdfunc = createBackgroundFunction(m_bkgdType);
  TableWorkspace_sptr bkgdtablews = getProperty("BackgroundTableWorkspace");

  // Set up background function from table
  size_t numrows = bkgdtablews->rowCount();
  map<string, double> parmap;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numrows; ++i) {
    TableRow row = bkgdtablews->getRow(i);
    string parname;
    double parvalue;
    row >> parname >> parvalue;
    if (parname[0] == 'A')
      parmap.emplace(parname, parvalue);

  int bkgdorder =
      static_cast<int>(parmap.size() - 1); // A0 - A(n) total n+1 parameters
  bkgdfunc->setAttributeValue("n", bkgdorder);
  for (auto &mit : parmap) {
    string parname = mit.first;
    double parvalue = mit.second;
    bkgdfunc->setParameter(parname, parvalue);

  // Filter out
  m_outputWS = filterForBackground(bkgdfunc);

Example #2
  /** Select background points via a given background function
  void ProcessBackground::execSelectBkgdPoints2()
    // Process properties
    BackgroundFunction_sptr bkgdfunc = createBackgroundFunction(m_bkgdType);
    TableWorkspace_sptr bkgdtablews = getProperty("BackgroundTableWorkspace");

    // Set up background function from table
    size_t numrows = bkgdtablews->rowCount();
    map<string, double> parmap;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < numrows; ++i)
      TableRow row = bkgdtablews->getRow(i);
      string parname;
      double parvalue;
      row >> parname >> parvalue;
      if (parname[0] == 'A')
        parmap.insert(make_pair(parname, parvalue));

    int bkgdorder = static_cast<int>(parmap.size()-1); // A0 - A(n) total n+1 parameters
    bkgdfunc->setAttributeValue("n", bkgdorder);
    for (map<string, double>::iterator mit = parmap.begin(); mit != parmap.end(); ++mit)
      string parname = mit->first;
      double parvalue = mit->second;
      bkgdfunc->setParameter(parname, parvalue);

    // Filter out
    m_outputWS = filterForBackground(bkgdfunc);

/** Copy table workspace content from one workspace to another
  * @param sourceWS :: table workspace from which the content is copied;
  * @param targetWS :: table workspace to which the content is copied;
void ExtractMaskToTable::copyTableWorkspaceContent(
    TableWorkspace_sptr sourceWS, TableWorkspace_sptr targetWS) {
  // Compare the column names.  They must be exactly the same
  vector<string> sourcecolnames = sourceWS->getColumnNames();
  vector<string> targetcolnames = targetWS->getColumnNames();
  if (sourcecolnames.size() != targetcolnames.size()) {
    stringstream errmsg;
    errmsg << "Soruce table workspace " << sourceWS->name()
           << " has different number of columns (" << sourcecolnames.size()
           << ") than target table workspace's (" << targetcolnames.size()
           << ")";
    throw runtime_error(errmsg.str());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < sourcecolnames.size(); ++i) {
    if (sourcecolnames[i].compare(targetcolnames[i])) {
      stringstream errss;
      errss << "Source and target have incompatible column name at column " << i
            << ". "
            << "Column name of source is " << sourcecolnames[i] << "; "
            << "Column name of target is " << targetcolnames[i];
      throw runtime_error(errss.str());

  // Copy over the content
  size_t numrows = sourceWS->rowCount();
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numrows; ++i) {
    double xmin, xmax;
    string speclist;
    TableRow tmprow = sourceWS->getRow(i);
    tmprow >> xmin >> xmax >> speclist;

    TableRow newrow = targetWS->appendRow();
    newrow << xmin << xmax << speclist;

void PoldiPeakCollection::constructFromTableWorkspace(
    const TableWorkspace_sptr &tableWorkspace) {
  if (checkColumns(tableWorkspace)) {
    size_t newPeakCount = tableWorkspace->rowCount();


    for (size_t i = 0; i < newPeakCount; ++i) {
      TableRow nextRow = tableWorkspace->getRow(i);
      std::string hklString;
      double d, deltaD, q, deltaQ, intensity, deltaIntensity, fwhm, deltaFwhm;
      nextRow >> hklString >> d >> deltaD >> q >> deltaQ >> intensity >>
          deltaIntensity >> fwhm >> deltaFwhm;

      PoldiPeak_sptr peak = PoldiPeak::create(
          MillerIndicesIO::fromString(hklString), UncertainValue(d, deltaD),
          UncertainValue(intensity, deltaIntensity),
          UncertainValue(fwhm, deltaFwhm));
      m_peaks[i] = peak;