Catalog *SourceDigger::Dig(const wxArrayString& paths, const wxArrayString& excludePaths, const wxArrayString& keywords, const wxString& charset) { ExtractorsDB db; db.Read(wxConfig::Get()); m_progressInfo->UpdateMessage(_("Scanning files...")); wxArrayString *all_files = FindFiles(paths, excludePaths, db); if (all_files == NULL) return NULL; TempDirectory tmpdir; wxArrayString partials; for (size_t i = 0; i < db.Data.size(); i++) { if ( all_files[i].empty() ) continue; // no files of this kind m_progressInfo->UpdateMessage( // TRANSLATORS: '%s' is replaced with the kind of the files (e.g. C++, PHP, ...) wxString::Format(_("Parsing %s files..."), db.Data[i].Name.c_str())); if (!DigFiles(tmpdir, partials, all_files[i], db.Data[i], keywords, charset)) { delete[] all_files; return NULL; } } delete[] all_files; if ( partials.empty() ) return NULL; // couldn't parse any source files wxString mergedFile = tmpdir.CreateFileName("merged.pot"); if ( !ConcatCatalogs(partials, mergedFile) ) return NULL; Catalog *c = new Catalog(mergedFile, Catalog::CreationFlag_IgnoreHeader); if ( !c->IsOk() ) { wxLogError(_("Failed to load extracted catalog.")); delete c; return NULL; } return c; }
DWORD VCRedistx86Bootstrap(const TempDirectory& prereqs, const std::wstring& elevateDll) { if (IsVCRedist2015x86Installed()) { return 0; } auto vcredistX86 = prereqs.Path() + L"\\vc_redist.x86.exe"s; println(L"Downloading Visual C++ 2015 redistributable (x86)"); DownloadStatus status; downloadFile(L"", vcredistX86.c_str(), &status); println(""); std::wstring cmdline = vcredistX86 + L" /install /quiet /norestart"; println(L"Installing Visual C++ 2015 redistributable (x86)"); LPSTARTUPINFO si; LPPROCESS_INFORMATION pi; BOOL success = CreateProcessElevatedIfNeeded(const_cast<LPWSTR>(cmdline.c_str()), prereqs.PathCStr(), si, pi, elevateDll.c_str()); if (!success) { return GetLastError(); } WaitForSingleObject(pi->hProcess, INFINITE); DWORD result; GetExitCodeProcess(pi->hProcess, &result); CloseHandle(pi->hThread); CloseHandle(pi->hProcess); println(L"Finished"); return result; }
BOOL NetFxBootstrap(const TempDirectory& prereqs, const std::wstring& elevateDll) { if (IsNetfx46Installed()) { return true; } auto netFxInstall = prereqs.Path() + L"\\NDP46-KB3045560-Web.exe"s; println(L"Downloading .NET 4.6"); DownloadStatus status; //downloadFile(L"", netFxInstall.c_str(), &status); downloadFile(L"", netFxInstall.c_str(), &status); println(""); std::wstring args = L"/q /norestart /ChainingPackage Winston"; println(L"Installing .NET 4.6"); auto result = Server().Launch(args, netFxInstall, prereqs.Path(), elevateDll); print(L"result "); println(result); return result; }
bool SourceDigger::DigFiles(TempDirectory& tmpdir, wxArrayString& outFiles, const wxArrayString& files, Extractor &extract, const wxArrayString& keywords, const wxString& charset) { wxArrayString batchfiles; wxArrayString tempfiles; size_t i, last = 0; while (last < files.GetCount()) { batchfiles.clear(); for (i = last; i < last + BATCH_SIZE && i < files.size(); i++) batchfiles.Add(files[i]); last = i; wxString tempfile = tmpdir.CreateFileName("extracted.pot"); if (!ExecuteGettext( extract.GetCommand(batchfiles, keywords, tempfile, charset))) { return false; } tempfiles.push_back(tempfile); m_progressInfo->UpdateGauge((int)batchfiles.GetCount()); if (m_progressInfo->Cancelled()) return false; } if ( tempfiles.empty() ) return false; // failed to parse any source files wxString outfile = tmpdir.CreateFileName("merged_chunks.pot"); if ( !ConcatCatalogs(tempfiles, outfile) ) return false; outFiles.push_back(outfile); return true; }
wxString Extract(TempDirectory& tmpdir, const SourceCodeSpec& sourceSpec, const std::vector<wxString>& files) const override { auto basepath = sourceSpec.BasePath; #ifdef __WXMSW__ basepath = CliSafeFileName(basepath); basepath.Replace("\\", "/"); #endif wxTextFile filelist; filelist.Create(tmpdir.CreateFileName("gettext_filelist.txt")); for (auto fn: files) { #ifdef __WXMSW__ // Gettext tools can't handle Unicode filenames well (due to using // char* arguments), so work around this by using the short names. if (!fn.IsAscii()) { fn = CliSafeFileName(fn); fn.Replace("\\", "/"); } #endif filelist.AddLine(fn); } filelist.Write(wxTextFileType_Unix, wxConvFile); auto outfile = tmpdir.CreateFileName("gettext.pot"); wxString cmdline; cmdline.Printf ( "xgettext --force-po -o %s --directory=%s --files-from=%s --from-code=%s", QuoteCmdlineArg(outfile), QuoteCmdlineArg(basepath), QuoteCmdlineArg(filelist.GetName()), QuoteCmdlineArg(!sourceSpec.Charset.empty() ? sourceSpec.Charset : "UTF-8") ); auto additional = GetAdditionalFlags(); if (!additional.empty()) cmdline += " " + additional; for (auto& kw: sourceSpec.Keywords) { cmdline += wxString::Format(" -k%s", QuoteCmdlineArg(kw)); } wxString extraFlags; try { extraFlags ="X-Poedit-Flags-xgettext"); } catch (std::out_of_range) {} if (!extraFlags.Contains("--add-comments")) cmdline += " --add-comments=TRANSLATORS:"; if (!extraFlags.empty()) cmdline += " " + extraFlags; if (!ExecuteGettext(cmdline)) return ""; return outfile; }
void dvipdft (/*[in]*/ int argc, /*[in]*/ const char ** argv) { // must have at least one argument: the DVI file name if (argc == 1) { BadUsage (); } char szGSExePath[BufferSizes::MaxPath]; SessionWrapper(true)->GetGhostscript (szGSExePath, 0); PathName dvipdfmExe; if (! SessionWrapper(true)->FindFile("dvipdfm", FileType::EXE, dvipdfmExe)) { FatalError (MIKTEXTEXT("The Dvipdfm executable could not be found.")); } // create a temporary directory TempDirectory tempDir; CommandLineBuilder arguments; PathName fileNoExt; // loop over all arguments except the last one for (int i = 1; i < argc - 1; ++ i) { arguments.AppendArgument (argv[i]); if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0 && i + 1 < argc - 1) { ++ i; arguments.AppendArgument (argv[i]); fileNoExt = argv[i]; fileNoExt.SetExtension (0); } } const char * lpszUserFilename = argv[argc - 1]; if (fileNoExt.GetLength() == 0) { fileNoExt = lpszUserFilename; fileNoExt.SetExtension (0); } // run dvipdfm with the fastest options for the first pass arguments.AppendOption ("-e"); arguments.AppendOption ("-z", "0"); arguments.AppendArgument (lpszUserFilename); int exitCode = 0; if (! Process::Run(dvipdfmExe.Get(), arguments.Get(), 0, &exitCode, 0)) { FatalError (MIKTEXTEXT("%s could not be started."), dvipdfmExe.Get()); } if (exitCode != 0) { throw (exitCode); } // run GhostScript to create thumbnails PathName outFileTemplate (tempDir.Get(), fileNoExt.Get(), "%d"); arguments.Clear (); arguments.AppendOption ("-r", "10"); arguments.AppendOption ("-dNOPAUSE"); arguments.AppendOption ("-dBATCH"); arguments.AppendOption ("-sDEVICE:", "png256"); arguments.AppendOption ("-sOutputFile:", outFileTemplate.Get()); arguments.AppendArgument (PathName(0, fileNoExt.Get(), ".pdf").Get()); if (! Process::Run(szGSExePath, arguments.Get(), 0, &exitCode, 0)) { FatalError (MIKTEXTEXT("%s could not be started."), szGSExePath); } if (exitCode != 0) { throw (exitCode); } // run dvipdfm with the users specified options for the last pass arguments.Clear (); arguments.AppendOption ("-dt"); arguments.AppendArguments (argc - 1, &argv[1]); printf ("dvipdfm %s\n", arguments.Get()); Utils::SetEnvironmentString ("MIKTEX_TEMP", tempDir.Get()); if (! Process::Run(dvipdfmExe.Get(), arguments.Get(), 0, &exitCode, 0)) { FatalError (MIKTEXTEXT("%s could not be started."), dvipdfmExe.Get()); } if (exitCode != 0) { throw (exitCode); } tempDir.Delete (); }