Example #1
   Captures the contents of the frame buffer object for streaming purposes.
   Returns true if the frame was successfully captured. If the Wait flag is
   set, the function with use a blocking mutex lock on the Frame texture.
bool Filter::Capture(Texture &Frame, bool Wait)
   if (!Ready()) {return false;}

   MutexControl Mutex(Frame.GetMutexHandle());
   if (!Wait && !Mutex.LockRequest()) {return false;}
   else {Mutex.Lock();}
   vector2u Res = Frame.Resolution();
   if (Res.U != ViewPort.C2 || Res.V != ViewPort.C3 || Frame.DataType() != Texture::TypeRGB) 
      Res.Set(ViewPort.C2, ViewPort.C3);
      Frame.Create(Res, Texture::TypeRGB);

   glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, FBOID);
   glReadPixels(0, 0, Res.U, Res.V, Frame.DataFormat(), Frame.DataCompType(), Frame.Pointer());
   glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);

   #if defined (DEBUG)
      GLenum Error = glGetError();
      if (Error != GL_NO_ERROR) {throw dexception("OpenGL generated an error: %s", Debug::ErrorGL(Error));}
   return true;
Example #2
   Updates the texture object in video memory with data from another texture. 
   Assumes Bind( ) was called prior.
void Texture::Update(const Texture &obj)
   if (ID < 1 || obj.Size() < 1 || Type != obj.DataType()) {return;}
   const vector2u TexRes = obj.Resolution();
   if (Res.U != TexRes.U || Res.V != TexRes.V) {return;}

   glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, Res.U, Res.V, Format, CompType, obj.Pointer());
Example #3
   Saves a PNG file.

   Image    : Image to save.
   Path     : Path to image file, relative to the current working directory.
   Compress : Specifies the compression level to use for encoding.
void PNG::Save(const Texture &Image, const std::string &Path, CompLevel Compress)

   //Important - set class to writing mode
   Mode = PNG::ModeWrite;

   vector2u Res = Image.Resolution();
   if (Res.U < 1 || Res.V < 1) {return;}

   #if defined (WINDOWS)
      if (fopen_s(&File, Path.c_str(), "wb") != 0)
         {throw dexception("Failed to open file: %s.", Path.c_str());}
      File = fopen(Path.c_str(), "wb");
      if (File == nullptr) {throw dexception("Failed to open file: %s.", Path.c_str());}

   PngPtr = png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
   if (PngPtr == nullptr) {throw dexception("png_create_write_struct( ) failed.");}

   InfoPtr = png_create_info_struct(PngPtr);
   if (InfoPtr == nullptr) {throw dexception("png_create_info_struct( ) failed.");}

   if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(PngPtr)))
      {throw dexception("setjmp( ) failed.");}

   png_init_io(PngPtr, File);

   png_set_compression_level(PngPtr, (int)Compress);

   int BitDepth, ColourType;
   switch (Image.DataType())
      case Texture::TypeAlpha : BitDepth = 8;  ColourType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY; break;
      case Texture::TypeLum   : BitDepth = 8;  ColourType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY; break;
      case Texture::TypeDepth : BitDepth = 16; ColourType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY; break;
      case Texture::TypeRGB   : BitDepth = 8;  ColourType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB; break;
      case Texture::TypeRGBA  : BitDepth = 8;  ColourType = PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA; break;
      default : throw dexception("Unsupported image type."); break;

   png_set_IHDR(PngPtr, InfoPtr, (png_uint_32)Res.U, (png_uint_32)Res.V, BitDepth, ColourType, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT);

   png_set_sRGB(PngPtr, InfoPtr, PNG_sRGB_INTENT_ABSOLUTE);
   png_set_sRGB_gAMA_and_cHRM(PngPtr, InfoPtr, PNG_sRGB_INTENT_ABSOLUTE);

   png_color_16 BackGnd;
   BackGnd.red   = 0;
   BackGnd.green = 0;
   BackGnd.blue  = 0;
   png_set_bKGD(PngPtr, InfoPtr, &BackGnd);

   png_text PngText[2];
   memset(PngText, 0, sizeof(PngText));

   PngText[0].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
   PngText[0].key = const_cast<png_charp>("Software");
   PngText[0].text = const_cast<png_charp>(AppName);
   PngText[0].text_length = strlen(PngText[0].text);

   PngText[1].compression = PNG_TEXT_COMPRESSION_NONE;
   PngText[1].key = const_cast<png_charp>("Author");
   PngText[1].text = const_cast<png_charp>(AppAuthor);
   PngText[1].text_length = strlen(PngText[1].text);

   png_set_text(PngPtr, InfoPtr, PngText, 2);

   png_write_info(PngPtr, InfoPtr);

   //Populate row pointer array
   for (uiter I = 0; I < (usize)Res.V; I++)
      Rows[I] = Image.Address(0, I);

   png_write_image(PngPtr, Rows.Pointer());
   png_write_end(PngPtr, nullptr);

   //Clean up