Example #1
float FalagardSlider::getValueFromThumb(void) const
    Slider* w = (Slider*)d_window;
    // get area the thumb is supposed to use as it's area.
    const WidgetLookFeel& wlf = getLookNFeel();
    const Rectf area(wlf.getNamedArea("ThumbTrackArea").getArea().getPixelRect(*w));
    // get accesss to the thumb
    Thumb* theThumb = w->getThumb();

    // slider is vertical
    if (d_vertical)
        // pixel extent of total available area the thumb moves in
        float slideExtent = area.getHeight() - theThumb->getPixelSize().d_height;
        // calculate value represented by current thumb position
        float thumbValue = (CoordConverter::asAbsolute(
                                theThumb->getYPosition(), w->getPixelSize().d_height) - area.top()) / (slideExtent / w->getMaxValue());
        // return final thumb value according to slider settings
        return d_reversed ? thumbValue : w->getMaxValue() - thumbValue;
    // slider is horizontal
        // pixel extent of total available area the thumb moves in
        float slideExtent = area.getWidth() - theThumb->getPixelSize().d_width;
        // calculate value represented by current thumb position
        float thumbValue = (CoordConverter::asAbsolute(
                                theThumb->getXPosition(), w->getPixelSize().d_width) - area.left()) / (slideExtent / w->getMaxValue());
        // return final thumb value according to slider settings
        return d_reversed ? w->getMaxValue() - thumbValue : thumbValue;
Example #2
    float FalagardScrollbar::getValueFromThumb(void) const
        Scrollbar* w = (Scrollbar*)d_window;
        const WidgetLookFeel& wlf = getLookNFeel();
        const Rectf area(wlf.getNamedArea("ThumbTrackArea").getArea().getPixelRect(*w));

        Thumb* theThumb = w->getThumb();
        float posExtent = w->getDocumentSize() - w->getPageSize();

        if (d_vertical)
            float slideExtent = area.getHeight() - theThumb->getPixelSize().d_height;
            return (CoordConverter::asAbsolute(theThumb->getYPosition(), w->getPixelSize().d_height) - area.top()) / (slideExtent / posExtent);
            float slideExtent = area.getWidth() - theThumb->getPixelSize().d_width;
            return (CoordConverter::asAbsolute(theThumb->getXPosition(), w->getPixelSize().d_width) - area.left()) / (slideExtent / posExtent);