Example #1
	bool CConfiger::LoadShopList( const char *file )
		CRFile *prfile = rfOpen( file );
		if( prfile == NULL )
			PutoutLog( LOG_FILE, LT_ERROR, "Load file %s failed.", file );
			return false;

		TiXmlDocument doc;
		if( !doc.LoadData( prfile->GetData(), prfile->GetDatalen() ) )
			PutoutLog( LOG_FILE, LT_ERROR, "Parse %s failed, invalid xml format.", file );
			rfClose( prfile );
			return false;
		rfClose( prfile );
		TiXmlElement *root = doc.RootElement();
			// global config
			TiXmlElement *node = root->FirstChildElement( "Global" );
			QUERY_NUM( "goods_update_interval", m_GlobalCfg.uGoodsUpdateInter, node, unsigned long );
			QUERY_NUM( "buy_count", m_GlobalCfg.lBuyCount, node, long );
			QUERY_NUM( "enable", m_GlobalCfg.lEnable, node, long );
			QUERY_NUM( "player_buy_count", m_GlobalCfg.lPlayerBuyCount, node, long );

			char strCoinGoods[64];
			QUERY_STR( "coin_goods", strCoinGoods, node );
			m_GlobalCfg.lCoinGoodsIndex = CGoodsFactory::QueryGoodsIDByOriginalName( strCoinGoods );
			// shop list
			TiXmlElement *shoplist_node = root->FirstChildElement( "ShopList" );
			for( TiXmlElement *shop_node = shoplist_node->FirstChildElement();
				shop_node != NULL; shop_node = shop_node->NextSiblingElement() )
				long id;
				QUERY_NUM( "id", id, shop_node, long );
				if( m_ShopTable.find( id ) != m_ShopTable.end() )
					// more than 1 shop with the same id, ignore it.
					PutoutLog( LOG_FILE, LT_WARNING, "More than 1 shop with the same id [%d].", id );
				Shop shop;
				QUERY_STR( "npc_orig_name", shop.npcOrigName, shop_node );
				SellGoodsListT *pSellGoodsList = new SellGoodsListT();
				shop.SellList = pSellGoodsList;
				for( TiXmlElement *goods_node = shop_node->FirstChildElement();
					goods_node != NULL; goods_node = goods_node->NextSiblingElement() )
					SellGoods goods;
					char strOrigName[64];
					QUERY_STR( "orig_name", strOrigName, goods_node );
					goods.lIndex = CGoodsFactory::QueryGoodsIDByOriginalName( strOrigName );
					pSellGoodsList->push_back( goods );
				m_ShopTable.insert( std::make_pair( id, shop ) );
		return true;