Example #1
TileNode::createChildren(EngineContext* context)
    // NOTE: Ensure that _mutex is locked before calling this fucntion!

    // Create the four child nodes.
    for(unsigned quadrant=0; quadrant<4; ++quadrant)
        TileNode* node = new TileNode();
        if (context->getOptions().minExpiryFrames().isSet())
            node->setMinimumExpiryFrames( *context->getOptions().minExpiryFrames() );
        if (context->getOptions().minExpiryTime().isSet())
            node->setMinimumExpiryTime( *context->getOptions().minExpiryTime() );

        // Build the surface geometry:
        node->create( getTileKey().createChildKey(quadrant), context );

        // Add to the scene graph.
        addChild( node );

        // Inherit the samplers with new scale/bias information.
        node->inheritState( context );
    //TODO: scrub the geometry pool?

    // clear the loader:

    if ( _terrain )
        this->removeChild( _terrain );

    // New terrain
    _terrain = new osg::Group();
    this->addChild( _terrain );

    // are we LOD blending?
    bool setupParentData = 
        _terrainOptions.morphImagery() == true || // gw: redundant?
    // reserve GPU unit for the main color texture:
    if ( _renderBindings.empty() )

    // recalculate the LOD morphing parameters:

    // clear out the tile registry:
    if ( _liveTiles.valid() )
        _liveTiles->moveAll( _deadTiles.get() );

    // Factory to create the root keys:
    EngineContext* context = getEngineContext();

    // Build the first level of the terrain.
    // Collect the tile keys comprising the root tiles of the terrain.
    std::vector<TileKey> keys;
    _update_mapf->getProfile()->getAllKeysAtLOD( *_terrainOptions.firstLOD(), keys );

    // create a root node for each root tile key.
    OE_INFO << LC << "Creating " << keys.size() << " root keys.." << std::endl;

    unsigned child = 0;
    for( unsigned i=0; i<keys.size(); ++i )
        TileNode* tileNode = new TileNode();
        if (context->getOptions().minExpiryFrames().isSet())
            tileNode->setMinimumExpiryFrames( *context->getOptions().minExpiryFrames() );
        if (context->getOptions().minExpiryTime().isSet())
            tileNode->setMinimumExpiryTime( *context->getOptions().minExpiryTime() );
        // Next, build the surface geometry for the node.
        tileNode->create( keys[i], context );

        _terrain->addChild( tileNode );


    // Call the base class