void ExplorationManager::unitDestroyed(Unit* unit)
	TilePosition uPos = unit->getTilePosition();
	if (unit->getType().isBuilding())
		bool removed = false;
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)spottedBuildings.size(); i++)
			TilePosition sPos = spottedBuildings.at(i)->getTilePosition();
			if (uPos.x() == sPos.x() && uPos.y() == sPos.y())
				removed = true;

		if (!removed)
			//Broodwar->printf("[EM]: Building %s at (%d,%d) was not removed from EM!!!", unit->getType().getName().c_str(), uPos.x(), uPos.y());
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)spottedUnits.size(); i++)
			if (spottedUnits.at(i)->getUnitID() == unit->getID())
				//Broodwar->printf("[EM]: Remove %s at (%d,%d)", unit->getType().getName().c_str(), uPos.x(), uPos.y());
Example #2
bool Squad::isVisible(TilePosition pos)
	if (!ExplorationManager::canReach(Broodwar->self()->getStartLocation(), pos))
		return true;

	if (Broodwar->isVisible(pos))
		return true;

	if (getCenter().getDistance(pos) <= 3)
		return true;

	for (int i = 0; i < (int)hasVisited.size(); i++)
		TilePosition vPos = hasVisited.at(i);
		if (vPos.x() == pos.x() && vPos.y() == pos.y())
			return true;

	return false;
Example #3
bool CoverMap::canBuildAt(UnitType toBuild, TilePosition pos)
	int maxW = w - toBuild.tileWidth() - 1;
	int maxH = h - toBuild.tileHeight() - 1;

	//Out of bounds check
	if (pos.x() >= 0 && pos.x() < maxW && pos.y() >= 0 && pos.y() < maxH)
		if (canBuild(toBuild, pos))
			return true;
	return false;
Example #4
void UnitClass::build(TilePosition target, BWAPI::UnitType type)
		const Position targetPosition(target.x()*32+type.tileWidth()*16, target.y()*32+type.tileHeight()*16);
		if(getDistance(type, targetPosition) > 48 || !MapHelper::isAllVisible(target, type))
			move(targetPosition, 0);

		if(mUnit->getOrder() == BWAPI::Orders::PlaceBuilding)
			if(mUnit->getBuildType() == type && mUnit->getOrderTargetPosition() == targetPosition)

		if(mUnit->getLastCommand().getType() == BWAPI::UnitCommandTypes::Build && mUnit->getLastCommand().getUnitType() == type && mUnit->getLastCommand().getTargetTilePosition() == target)
			if(mLastOrderExecuteTime >= BWAPI::Broodwar->getFrameCount())

		if(mUnit->build(target, type))
			mLastOrderExecuteTime = BWAPI::Broodwar->getFrameCount() + BWAPI::Broodwar->getRemainingLatencyFrames();
			move(targetPosition, 0);
TilePosition StructureAgent::getNextScanLocation()
	TilePosition ePos = ExplorationManager::getInstance()->getClosestSpottedBuilding(Broodwar->self()->getStartLocation());
	if (ePos.x() > -1)
		//Already found enemy base
		return TilePosition(-1, -1);

	for(set<BaseLocation*>::const_iterator i=getStartLocations().begin();i!=getStartLocations().end();i++)
		TilePosition basePos = (*i)->getTilePosition();

		bool needScan = true;

		//1. Check previous scans
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)hasScanned.size(); i++)
			if (hasScanned.at(i).x() == basePos.x() && hasScanned.at(i).y() == basePos.y())
				needScan = false;

		//2. Check if we have this base
		vector<BaseAgent*> agents = AgentManager::getInstance()->getAgents();
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)agents.size(); i++)
			if (agents.at(i)->isAlive())
				double dist = basePos.getDistance(agents.at(i)->getUnit()->getTilePosition());
				if (dist <= 10)
					needScan = false;

		//3. Check if enemy units are near
		for(set<Unit*>::const_iterator j=Broodwar->enemy()->getUnits().begin();j!=Broodwar->enemy()->getUnits().end();j++)
			if ((*j)->exists())
				double dist = basePos.getDistance((*j)->getTilePosition());
				if (dist <= 10)
					needScan = false;

		if (needScan)
			return basePos;
	return TilePosition(-1, -1);
Example #6
TilePosition CoverMap::findBuildSpot(UnitType toBuild, TilePosition start)
	//Check start pos
	if (canBuildAt(toBuild, start)) return start;

	//Search outwards
	bool found = false;
	int cDiff = 1;
	TilePosition spot = TilePosition(-1, -1);
	while (!found) 
		TilePosition s = TilePosition(start.x() - cDiff, start.y() - cDiff);
		TilePosition e = TilePosition(start.x() + cDiff, start.y() - cDiff);
		spot = findSpotAtSide(toBuild, s, e);
		if (spot.x() != -1 && spot.y() != -1)
			found = true;

		s = TilePosition(start.x() - cDiff, start.y() + cDiff);
		e = TilePosition(start.x() + cDiff, start.y() + cDiff);
		spot = findSpotAtSide(toBuild, s, e);
		if (spot.x() != -1 && spot.y() != -1)
			found = true;

		s = TilePosition(start.x() - cDiff, start.y() - cDiff);
		e = TilePosition(start.x() - cDiff, start.y() + cDiff);
		spot = findSpotAtSide(toBuild, s, e);
		if (spot.x() != -1 && spot.y() != -1)
			found = true;

		s = TilePosition(start.x() + cDiff, start.y() - cDiff);
		e = TilePosition(start.x() + cDiff, start.y() + cDiff);
		spot = findSpotAtSide(toBuild, s, e);
		if (spot.x() != -1 && spot.y() != -1)
			found = true;

		if (cDiff > range) found = true;
	return spot;
Example #7
bool CoverMap::positionFree(TilePosition pos)
	if (cover_map[pos.x()][pos.y()] == BUILDABLE)
		return true;
	return false;
Example #8
void UnitClass::drawUnitTilePosition()
	TilePosition tile = getTilePosition();
	BWAPI::UnitType type = getType();
	Player player = getPlayer();

	BWAPI::Broodwar->drawBox(BWAPI::CoordinateType::Map, tile.x()*32, tile.y()*32, (tile.x()+type.tileWidth())*32, (tile.y()+type.tileHeight())*32, player->getColor());
Example #9
bool AgentManager::unitsInArea(TilePosition pos, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, int unitID)
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)agents.size(); i++)
		if (agents.at(i)->isAlive())
			if (agents.at(i)->getUnit()->getID() != unitID)
				TilePosition aPos = agents.at(i)->getUnit()->getTilePosition();
				if (aPos.x() >= pos.x() && aPos.x() <= pos.x() + tileWidth && aPos.y() >= pos.y() && aPos.y() <= pos.y() + tileWidth)
					return true;
	return false;
Example #10
bool ExplorationManager::canReach(TilePosition a, TilePosition b)
	int w = Broodwar->mapWidth();
	int h = Broodwar->mapHeight();
	if (a.x() < 0 || a.x() >= w || a.y() < 0 || a.y() >= h)
		return false;
	if (b.x() < 0 || b.x() >= w || b.y() < 0 || b.y() >= h)
		return false;
	bool ok = true;

	ok = a.hasPath(b);
	return ok;
Example #11
void CoverMap::blockPosition(TilePosition buildSpot)
	if (buildSpot.x() == -1)
		//Error check
	cover_map[buildSpot.x()][buildSpot.y()] = BLOCKED;
Example #12
TilePosition CoverMap::findSpotAtSide(UnitType toBuild, TilePosition start, TilePosition end)
	int dX = end.x() - start.x();
	if (dX != 0) dX = 1;
	int dY = end.y() - start.y();
	if (dY != 0) dY = 1;

	TilePosition cPos = start;
	bool done = false;
	while (!done) 
		if (canBuildAt(toBuild, cPos)) return cPos;
		int cX = cPos.x() + dX;
		int cY = cPos.y() + dY;
		cPos = TilePosition(cX, cY);
		if (cPos.x() == end.x() && cPos.y() == end.y()) done = true;

	return TilePosition(-1, -1);
Example #13
void Squad::defend(TilePosition mGoal)
	if (mGoal.x() == -1 || mGoal.y() == -1) return;

	if (currentState != STATE_DEFEND)
		if (currentState == STATE_ASSIST && !isUnderAttack())
			currentState = STATE_DEFEND;
Example #14
bool Squad::isThisGoal(TilePosition mGoal)
	int xDiff = goal.x() - mGoal.x();
	if (xDiff < 0) xDiff *= -1;
	int yDiff = goal.y() - mGoal.y();
	if (yDiff < 0) yDiff *= -1;

	//Broodwar->printf("SQ %d: (%d,%d) = (%d,%d)", id, goal.x(), goal.y(), mGoal.x(), mGoal.y());
	if (xDiff <= 2 && yDiff <= 2)
		return true;
	return false;
Example #15
void BTHAIModule::onNukeDetect(BWAPI::Position target) 
	// TODO: React on this! Make all units move outside of the blast radius?
	//		 Notify the commander and let it make a decision?
	if (target != Positions::Unknown) 
		TilePosition t = TilePosition(target);
		Broodwar->printf("Nuclear Launch Detected at (%d,%d)",t.x(),t.y());

		Broodwar->printf("Nuclear Launch Detected");
Example #16
Corners CoverMap::getCorners(UnitType type, TilePosition center)
	int x1 = center.x();
	int y1 = center.y();
	int x2 = x1 + type.tileWidth() - 1;
	int y2 = y1 + type.tileHeight() - 1;

	int margin = 1;
	if (type.canProduce())
		margin = 1;

	if (BaseAgent::isOfType(type, UnitTypes::Terran_Supply_Depot))
		margin = 0;
	if (BaseAgent::isOfType(type, UnitTypes::Protoss_Pylon))
		margin = 0;

	x1 -= margin;
	x2 += margin;
	y1 -= margin;
	y2 += margin;

	//Special case: Terran Addon buildings
	//Add 2 extra spaces to the right to make space for the addons.
	if (BaseAgent::isOfType(type, UnitTypes::Terran_Factory) || BaseAgent::isOfType(type, UnitTypes::Terran_Starport) || BaseAgent::isOfType(type, UnitTypes::Terran_Command_Center) || BaseAgent::isOfType(type, UnitTypes::Terran_Science_Facility))
		x2 += 2;

	Corners c;
	c.x1 = x1;
	c.y1 = y1;
	c.x2 = x2;
	c.y2 = y2;

	return c;
Example #17
void Squad::attack(TilePosition mGoal)
	if (mGoal.x() == -1 || mGoal.y() == -1) return;
	if (currentState != STATE_ATTACK)
		if (!isUnderAttack())
			if (isActive())
				currentState = STATE_ATTACK;

	if (isActive())
Example #18
void Squad::assist(TilePosition mGoal)
	if (mGoal.x() == -1 || mGoal.y() == -1) return;

	if (currentState != STATE_ASSIST)
		if (!isUnderAttack() && currentState == STATE_DEFEND)
			currentState = STATE_ASSIST;
		if (goal.x() == -1)
Example #19
BaseClass::BaseClass(TilePosition position, const UnitGroup &resources, Region region, std::set<TilePosition> tiles, bool startLocation)
	: mCenterTilePosition(position)
	, mCenterPosition(Position(position.x()*32+64, position.y()*32+48))
	, mMinedOut(false)
	, mRegion(region)
	, mIsStartLocation(startLocation)
	, mPlayer(NULL)
	, mBuildings()
	, mTiles(tiles)
	, mIsUnderAttack(false)
	, mIsContested(false)
	, mTechBuildings(0)
	for each(Unit resource in resources)
		if(resource->getType() == BWAPI::UnitTypes::Resource_Mineral_Field)
Example #20
void Squad::setGoal(TilePosition mGoal)
	if (isAttacking())
		if (goal.x() != -1)

	if (mGoal.x() != goal.x() || mGoal.y() != goal.y())
		goalSetFrame = Broodwar->getFrameCount();
		if (isGround())
			int d = (int)goal.getDistance(mGoal);
			if (d >= 10)
				if ((int)agents.size() > 0)
					Pathfinder::Instance().requestPath(getCenter(), mGoal);
					if (!Pathfinder::Instance().isReady(getCenter(), mGoal))
					path = Pathfinder::Instance().getPath(getCenter(), mGoal);
					arrivedFrame = -1;
					pathIndex = 10;

					if (path.size() == 0) return;

		this->goal = mGoal;
Example #21
void Commander::forceAttack()
	TilePosition cGoal = getClosestEnemyBuilding(Broodwar->self()->getStartLocation());
	Broodwar->printf("[%d] Launch attack (%d,%d)", Broodwar->getFrameCount(), cGoal.x(), cGoal.y());
	if (cGoal.x() == -1)

	for (int i = 0; i < (int)squads.size(); i++)
		if (squads.at(i)->isOffensive() || squads.at(i)->isSupport())
			if (cGoal.x() >= 0)

	currentState = ATTACK;
Example #22
TilePosition Commander::findDefensePos(Chokepoint* choke)
	TilePosition defPos = TilePosition(choke->getCenter());
	TilePosition chokePos = defPos;

	double size = choke->getWidth();
	if (size <= 32 * 3)
		//Very narrow chokepoint, dont crowd it
		double bestDist = 10000;
		TilePosition basePos = Broodwar->self()->getStartLocation();

		int maxD = 3;
		int minD = 2;

		//We found a chokepoint. Now we need to find a good place to defend it.
		for (int cX = chokePos.x() - maxD; cX <= chokePos.x() + maxD; cX++)
			for (int cY = chokePos.y() - maxD; cY <= chokePos.y() + maxD; cY++)
				TilePosition cPos = TilePosition(cX, cY);
				if (ExplorationManager::canReach(basePos, cPos))
					double chokeDist = chokePos.getDistance(cPos);
					double baseDist = basePos.getDistance(cPos);

					if (chokeDist >= minD && chokeDist <= maxD)
						if (baseDist < bestDist)
							bestDist = baseDist;
							defPos = cPos;

	//Make defenders crowd around defensive structures.
	if (Broodwar->self()->getRace().getID() == Races::Zerg.getID())
		UnitType defType;
		if (Constructor::isZerg()) defType = UnitTypes::Zerg_Sunken_Colony;
		if (Constructor::isProtoss()) defType = UnitTypes::Protoss_Photon_Cannon;
		if (Constructor::isTerran()) defType = UnitTypes::Terran_Bunker;
		BaseAgent* turret = AgentManager::getInstance()->getClosestAgent(defPos, defType);
		if (turret != NULL)
			TilePosition tPos = turret->getUnit()->getTilePosition();
			double dist = tPos.getDistance(defPos);
			if (dist <= 22)
				defPos = tPos;

	return defPos;
Example #23
int ExplorationManager::getLastVisitFrame(BWTA::Region* region)
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)exploreData.size(); i++)
		if (exploreData.at(i).matches(region))

			//Check if region is visible. If so, set lastVisitFrame to now
			if (Broodwar->isVisible(exploreData.at(i).center))
				exploreData.at(i).lastVisitFrame = Broodwar->getFrameCount();

			return exploreData.at(i).lastVisitFrame;
	//Error: No region found
	TilePosition goal = TilePosition(region->getCenter());
	Broodwar->printf("FATAL GetLastVF: Unable to find region for tile (%d,%d)", goal.x(), goal.y());
	return -1;
Example #24
TilePosition ExplorationManager::getNextToExplore(Squad* squad)
	TilePosition curPos = squad->getCenter();
	TilePosition goal = squad->getGoal();

	//Special case: No goal set
	if (goal.x() == -1 || goal.y() == -1)
		BWTA::Region* startRegion = getRegion(curPos); 
		goal = TilePosition(startRegion->getCenter());
		return goal;

	double dist = curPos.getDistance(goal);

	double acceptDist = 4;
	if (squad->isGround())
		acceptDist = 6;

	if (dist <= acceptDist)
		//Squad is close to goal

		//1. Set region to explored

		//2. Find new region to explore
		BWTA::Region* startRegion = getRegion(goal);
		BWTA::Region* bestRegion = startRegion;

		if (bestRegion != NULL)
			int bestLastVisitFrame = getLastVisitFrame(bestRegion);

			if (!squad->isAir())
				//Ground explorers
				for(set<BWTA::Region*>::const_iterator i=startRegion->getReachableRegions().begin();i!=startRegion->getReachableRegions().end();i++)
					int cLastVisitFrame = getLastVisitFrame((*i));
					TilePosition c = TilePosition((*i)->getCenter());
					if (cLastVisitFrame <= bestLastVisitFrame)
						bestLastVisitFrame = cLastVisitFrame;
						bestRegion = (*i);
				//Air explorers
				double bestDist = 100000;
				for(set<BWTA::Region*>::const_iterator i=getRegions().begin();i!=getRegions().end();i++)
					int cLastVisitFrame = getLastVisitFrame((*i));
					TilePosition c = TilePosition((*i)->getCenter());
					double dist = c.getDistance(curPos);
					if (cLastVisitFrame < bestLastVisitFrame)
						bestLastVisitFrame = cLastVisitFrame;
						bestRegion = (*i);
						bestDist = dist;
					if (cLastVisitFrame == bestLastVisitFrame && dist < bestDist)
						bestLastVisitFrame = cLastVisitFrame;
						bestRegion = (*i);
						bestDist = dist;

			TilePosition newGoal = TilePosition(bestRegion->getCenter());
			return newGoal;
			//Broodwar->printf("Explorer: new goal (%d,%d) I am at (%d,%d) agentGoal (%d,%d)", newGoal.x(), newGoal.y(), curPos.x(), curPos.y(), agent->getGoal().x(), agent->getGoal().y());

	return TilePosition(-1, -1);
Example #25
void Mentat::onFrame()

	if (analyzed)
		//we will iterate through all the base locations, and draw their outlines.
		for( set<BWTA::BaseLocation*>::const_iterator i = BWTA::getBaseLocations().begin(); i != BWTA::getBaseLocations().end(); i++)
			TilePosition p = (*i)->getTilePosition();
			Position base = (*i)->getPosition();

			//draw outline of center location
			Broodwar->drawBox(CoordinateType::Map,p.x() * 32, p.y() * 32, p.x() * 32 + 4 * 32, p.y() * 32 + 3 * 32, Colors::Blue, false);

			//draw a circle at each mineral patch
			for( set<BWAPI::Unit*>::const_iterator j = (*i)->getStaticMinerals().begin(); j != (*i)->getStaticMinerals().end(); j++)
				Position mineral = (*j)->getInitialPosition();
				Broodwar->drawCircle(CoordinateType::Map, mineral.x(), mineral.y(), 30, Colors::Cyan, false);

			//draw the outlines of vespene geysers
			for( set<BWAPI::Unit*>::const_iterator j = (*i)->getGeysers().begin(); j != (*i)->getGeysers().end(); j++)
				TilePosition vespene = (*j)->getInitialTilePosition();
				Broodwar->drawBox(CoordinateType::Map,vespene.x() * 32, vespene.y() * 32, vespene.x() * 32 + 4 * 32, vespene.y() * 32 + 2 * 32, Colors::Orange, false);

			//if this is an island expansion, draw a yellow circle around the base location
			if ( (*i)->isIsland() )
				Broodwar->drawCircle(CoordinateType::Map, base.x(), base.y(), 80, Colors::Yellow, false);

		//we will iterate through all the regions and draw the polygon outline of it in green.
		for( set<BWTA::Region*>::const_iterator i = BWTA::getRegions().begin(); i != BWTA::getRegions().end(); i++)
			BWTA::Polygon region = (*i)->getPolygon();
			for( int j = 0; j<(int)region.size(); j++ )
				Position point1 = region[j];
				Position point2 = region[(j + 1) % region.size()];
				Broodwar->drawLine(CoordinateType::Map, point1.x(), point1.y(), point2.x(), point2.y(), Colors::Green);

		//we will visualize the chokepoints with red lines
		for( set<BWTA::Region*>::const_iterator i = BWTA::getRegions().begin(); i != BWTA::getRegions().end(); i++)
			for( set<BWTA::Chokepoint*>::const_iterator j = (*i)->getChokepoints().begin(); j != (*i)->getChokepoints().end(); j++)
				Position point1 = (*j)->getSides().first;
				Position point2 = (*j)->getSides().second;
				Broodwar->drawLine(CoordinateType::Map, point1.x(), point1.y(), point2.x(), point2.y(), Colors::Red);
	if (analysis_just_finished)
		Broodwar->printf("Finished analyzing map.");
		analysis_just_finished = false;
Example #26
 TilePosition TilePosition::operator-(const TilePosition& position) const
   return TilePosition(this->x() - position.x(), this->y() - position.y());
Example #27
 //---------------------------------------------- OPERATOR < ------------------------------------------------
 bool TilePosition::operator < (const TilePosition& TilePosition) const
   return this->x() < TilePosition.x() ||
          (this->x() == TilePosition.x() && this->y() < TilePosition.y());
Example #28
 //---------------------------------------------- OPERATOR != -----------------------------------------------
 bool TilePosition::operator != (const TilePosition& TilePosition) const
   return this->x() != TilePosition.x() ||
          this->y() != TilePosition.y();
Example #29
BuildTilePath PathFinderClass::CreateTilePath(TilePosition start, TilePosition target, std::tr1::function<bool (TilePosition)> tileTest, std::tr1::function<int (TilePosition, TilePosition, int)> gFunction, std::tr1::function<int (TilePosition, TilePosition)> hFunction, int maxGValue, bool diaganol)
	BuildTilePath path;

	Heap<TilePosition, int> openTiles(true);
	std::map<TilePosition, int> gmap;
	std::map<TilePosition, TilePosition> parent;
	std::set<TilePosition> closedTiles;

	openTiles.push(std::make_pair(start, 0));
	gmap[start] = 0;
	parent[start] = start;

		TilePosition p = openTiles.top().first;
		int gvalue = gmap[p];

		if(p == target || (maxGValue != 0 && gvalue >= maxGValue))

		int fvalue = openTiles.top().second;

		int minx = std::max(p.x() - 1, 0);
		int maxx = std::min(p.x() + 1, BWAPI::Broodwar->mapWidth());
		int miny = std::max(p.y() - 1, 0);
		int maxy = std::min(p.y() + 1, BWAPI::Broodwar->mapHeight());

		for(int x = minx; x <= maxx; x++)
			for(int y = miny; y <= maxy; y++)
				if (x != p.x() && y != p.y() && !diaganol)

				TilePosition t(x, y);

				if (closedTiles.find(t) != closedTiles.end())


				int g = gFunction(t, p, gvalue);

				int f = g + hFunction(t, target);
				if (gmap.find(t) == gmap.end() || g < gmap.find(t)->second)
					gmap[t] = g;
					openTiles.set(t, f);
					parent[t] = p;

		TilePosition p = openTiles.top().first;
		while(p != parent[p])
			p = parent[p];
		path.isComplete = true;

	return path;
Example #30
 //---------------------------------------------- OPERATOR == -----------------------------------------------
 bool TilePosition::operator == (const TilePosition& TilePosition) const
   return this->x() == TilePosition.x() &&
          this->y() == TilePosition.y();