Example #1
vector<TimerEvent*> Timer::GetExpiredTimerEvent(const Timestamp& now_ts)
    LOG_VERBOSE << "us:" << now_ts.GetTimeUs() << endl;
    vector<TimerEvent*> expired_events;


    auto iter = wait_event_.lower_bound(now_ts.GetTimeUs());
    auto it = wait_event_.begin();
    while (it != iter)
        auto timer_it = id_timer_map_.find(it->second);
        if (timer_it != id_timer_map_.end())
            LOG_VERBOSE << "timer id:" << it->second << " has been canceled" << endl;

        it = wait_event_.erase(it);

        LOG_VERBOSE << "some timer event happend" << endl;

    return expired_events;
Example #2
	Timestamp now;
	_utcTime = now.utcTime();
Example #3
void TimerTest::testScheduleInterval()
	Timer timer;

	Timestamp time;

	TimerTask::Ptr pTask = new TimerTaskAdapter<TimerTest>(*this, &TimerTest::onTimer);

	assert (pTask->lastExecution() == 0);

	timer.schedule(pTask, 500, 500);

	assert (time.elapsed() >= 590000);
	assert (pTask->lastExecution().elapsed() < 130000);

	assert (time.elapsed() >= 1190000);
	assert (pTask->lastExecution().elapsed() < 130000);

	assert (time.elapsed() >= 1790000);
	assert (pTask->lastExecution().elapsed() < 130000);

	assert (pTask->isCancelled());
Example #4
void LiveSLAMWrapper::newImageCallback(const cv::Mat& img, Timestamp imgTime)
	++ imageSeqNumber;

	// Convert image to grayscale, if necessary
	cv::Mat grayImg;
	if (img.channels() == 1)
		grayImg = img;
		cvtColor(img, grayImg, CV_RGB2GRAY);

	// Assert that we work with 8 bit images
	assert(grayImg.elemSize() == 1);
	assert(fx != 0 || fy != 0);

	// need to initialize
		monoOdometry->randomInit(grayImg.data, img.data, imgTime.toSec(), 1);
		isInitialized = true;
	else if(isInitialized && monoOdometry != nullptr)
		monoOdometry->trackFrame(grayImg.data, img.data, imageSeqNumber,false,imgTime.toSec());
Example #5
StatusWith<OplogFetcher::DocumentsInfo> OplogFetcher::validateDocuments(
    const Fetcher::Documents& documents, bool first, Timestamp lastTS) {
    if (first && documents.empty()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::OplogStartMissing,
                      str::stream() << "The first batch of oplog entries is empty, but expected at "
                                       "least 1 document matching ts: "
                                    << lastTS.toString());

    DocumentsInfo info;
    // The count of the bytes of the documents read off the network.
    info.networkDocumentBytes = 0;
    info.networkDocumentCount = 0;
    for (auto&& doc : documents) {
        info.networkDocumentBytes += doc.objsize();

        // If this is the first response (to the $gte query) then we already applied the first doc.
        if (first && info.networkDocumentCount == 1U) {

        // Check to see if the oplog entry goes back in time for this document.
        const auto docOpTime = OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(doc);
        // entries must have a "ts" field.
        if (!docOpTime.isOK()) {
            return docOpTime.getStatus();

        info.lastDocument = {doc["h"].numberLong(), docOpTime.getValue()};

        const auto docTS = info.lastDocument.opTime.getTimestamp();
        if (lastTS >= docTS) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::OplogOutOfOrder,
                          str::stream() << "Out of order entries in oplog. lastTS: "
                                        << lastTS.toString()
                                        << " outOfOrderTS:"
                                        << docTS.toString()
                                        << " in batch with "
                                        << info.networkDocumentCount
                                        << "docs; first-batch:"
                                        << first
                                        << ", doc:"
                                        << doc);
        lastTS = docTS;

    // These numbers are for the documents we will apply.
    info.toApplyDocumentCount = documents.size();
    info.toApplyDocumentBytes = info.networkDocumentBytes;
    if (first) {
        // The count is one less since the first document found was already applied ($gte $ts query)
        // and we will not apply it again.
        auto alreadyAppliedDocument = documents.cbegin();
        info.toApplyDocumentBytes -= alreadyAppliedDocument->objsize();
    return info;
StatusWith<RollBackLocalOperations::RollbackCommonPoint> syncRollBackLocalOperations(
    const OplogInterface& localOplog,
    const OplogInterface& remoteOplog,
    const RollBackLocalOperations::RollbackOperationFn& rollbackOperation) {
    auto remoteIterator = remoteOplog.makeIterator();
    auto remoteResult = remoteIterator->next();
    if (!remoteResult.isOK()) {
        return StatusWith<RollBackLocalOperations::RollbackCommonPoint>(
            ErrorCodes::InvalidSyncSource, "remote oplog empty or unreadable");

    RollBackLocalOperations finder(localOplog, rollbackOperation);
    Timestamp theirTime;
    while (remoteResult.isOK()) {
        theirTime = remoteResult.getValue().first["ts"].timestamp();
        BSONObj theirObj = remoteResult.getValue().first;
        auto result = finder.onRemoteOperation(theirObj);
        if (result.isOK()) {
            return result.getValue();
        } else if (result.getStatus().code() != ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) {
            return result;
        remoteResult = remoteIterator->next();

    severe() << "rollback error RS100 reached beginning of remote oplog";
    log() << "  them:      " << remoteOplog.toString();
    log() << "  theirTime: " << theirTime.toStringLong();
    return StatusWith<RollBackLocalOperations::RollbackCommonPoint>(
        ErrorCodes::NoMatchingDocument, "RS100 reached beginning of remote oplog [1]");
void OplogBufferCollection::pushAllNonBlocking(OperationContext* txn,
        Batch::const_iterator begin,
        Batch::const_iterator end) {
    if (begin == end) {
    size_t numDocs = std::distance(begin, end);
    Batch docsToInsert(numDocs);
    Timestamp ts;
    std::transform(begin, end, docsToInsert.begin(), [&ts](const Value& value) {
        auto pair = addIdToDocument(value);
        invariant(ts.isNull() || pair.second > ts);
        ts = pair.second;
        return pair.first;

    stdx::lock_guard<stdx::mutex> lk(_mutex);
    auto status = _storageInterface->insertDocuments(txn, _nss, docsToInsert);
    fassertStatusOK(40161, status);

    _lastPushedTimestamp = ts;
    _count += numDocs;
    _size += std::accumulate(begin, end, 0U, [](const size_t& docSize, const Value& value) {
        return docSize + size_t(value.objsize());
Example #8
void TimerQueue::reset(std::vector<TimerQueue::Entry> expired, Timestamp  now)
	for (auto iter : expired)
		ActiveTimer timer(iter.second, iter.second->sequeue());
		if (iter.second->repeat() && 
				cancleTimers_.find(timer) == cancleTimers_.end())
			delete iter.second;

	Timestamp time;
	if (!timers_.empty())
		time = timers_.begin()->second->expiration();

	if (time.valid())
		ext::resetTimerfd(timerfd_, time);
Example #9
void TimerQueue::reset(const std::vector<Entry>& expired, Timestamp now)
    Timestamp nextExpire;

    for (std::vector<Entry>::const_iterator it = expired.begin();
        it != expired.end(); it++)
        ActiveTimer timer(it->second, it->second->sequence());
        if (it->second->repeat()
		&& cancelingTimers_.find(timer) == cancelingTimers_.end())
            delete it->second;

    if (!timers_.empty())
        nextExpire = timers_.begin()->second->expiration();
    if (nextExpire.valid())
        resetTimerfd(timerfd_, nextExpire);
Example #10
void SyncTail::handleSlaveDelay(const BSONObj& lastOp) {
    ReplicationCoordinator* replCoord = getGlobalReplicationCoordinator();
    int slaveDelaySecs = durationCount<Seconds>(replCoord->getSlaveDelaySecs());

    // ignore slaveDelay if the box is still initializing. once
    // it becomes secondary we can worry about it.
    if (slaveDelaySecs > 0 && replCoord->getMemberState().secondary()) {
        const Timestamp ts = lastOp["ts"].timestamp();
        long long a = ts.getSecs();
        long long b = time(0);
        long long lag = b - a;
        long long sleeptime = slaveDelaySecs - lag;
        if (sleeptime > 0) {
                    "rs slaveDelay differential too big check clocks and systems",
                    sleeptime < 0x40000000);
            if (sleeptime < 60) {
            } else {
                warning() << "slavedelay causing a long sleep of " << sleeptime << " seconds";
                // sleep(hours) would prevent reconfigs from taking effect & such!
                long long waitUntil = b + sleeptime;
                while (time(0) < waitUntil) {

                    // Handle reconfigs that changed the slave delay
                    if (durationCount<Seconds>(replCoord->getSlaveDelaySecs()) != slaveDelaySecs)
    }  // endif slaveDelay
Example #11
int Timestamp::Compare(const Timestamp &aCompare) const
    uint64_t thisSeconds = GetSeconds();
    uint64_t compareSeconds = aCompare.GetSeconds();
    uint16_t thisTicks = GetTicks();
    uint16_t compareTicks = aCompare.GetTicks();
    int rval;

    if (compareSeconds > thisSeconds)
        rval = 1;
    else if (compareSeconds < thisSeconds)
        rval = -1;
    else if (compareTicks > thisTicks)
        rval = 1;
    else if (compareTicks < thisTicks)
        rval = -1;
        rval = 0;

    return rval;
Example #12
void sslTest2()
	tracef("ssl test 2 begin: ssl send data.");
	Context::Ptr pContext = new Context(Context::TLSV1_CLIENT_USE, "", Context::VERIFY_NONE);
	SecureStreamSocket sss(pContext);
	SocketAddress sa("", 12222);
	sss.connect(sa, Timespan(3, 0));
	DynamicStruct ds;
	ds["type"] = "request";
	ds["action"] = "server.token";
	Timestamp t;
	UInt64 tms = t.epochMicroseconds();
	char tms_str[32];
	snprintf(tms_str, 31, "%llu", tms);
	std::string key = "alpha2015";
	key += tms_str;
	MD5Engine md5;
	const DigestEngine::Digest& digest = md5.digest();
	std::string md5key = DigestEngine::digestToHex(digest);
	DynamicStruct param;
	param["key"] = md5key;
	param["timestamp"] = tms_str;
	param["dev_name"] = "lock1";
	param["dev_type"] = "sc-01";
	param["uuid"] = "SC00000001";
	ds["param"] = param;

	tracef("data send: %s.", ds.toString().c_str());
	sss.sendBytes(ds.toString().c_str(), ds.toString().length());
	tracef("socket closed.");
	tracef("ssl test 2 finished.\n");
Example #13
void SSLContext::flushSessionCache() 
    assert(_usage == SERVER_USE);

    Timestamp now;
    SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(_sslContext, static_cast<long>(now.epochTime()));
Example #14
void ReqGetNewMsgs::OnSuccess()
  PXml p = m_xml.getChildNode(0);
  Assert(SafeStrCmp(p.getName(), "now"));
  timestamp = p.getText();

  p = m_xml.getChildNode(1);
  if (SafeStrCmp(p.getName(), "msgs"))
    int numMsgs = p.nChildNode();
    for (int i = 0; i < numMsgs; i++)
      PXml msg = p.getChildNode(i);

      int id = atoi(msg.getChildNode(0).getText());
      int senderId = atoi(msg.getChildNode(1).getText());
      timestamp = msg.getChildNode(2).getText();
      Timestamp whenSent = atoi(timestamp.c_str());
      std::string text = msg.getChildNode(3).getText();
      text = DecodeMsg(text); ////Replace(text, "_", " "); // replace underscores with spaces -- TODO punctuation 
      int recipId = atoi(msg.getChildNode(4).getText());

std::cout << "GOT NEW MSG!! ID: " << id << " sender: " << senderId << " sent: " << whenSent.ToString() << " text: " << text << "\n";

      TheMsgManager::Instance()->QueueMsg(MsgManager::Msg(id, text, senderId, recipId, whenSent));
    ShowError("Unexpected format for msgs response");
Example #15
Ref<Database> PackageService::buildLookupDB(const String& path, StreamSourceMap& packCfgs)
	Ref<Database> db = Database::open(path);

	db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS packs; CREATE TABLE packs (name PRIMARY KEY, timestamp INT)");
	db->exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS lookup; CREATE TABLE lookup (type, key, subtype, pack, entry, PRIMARY KEY (type, key))");
	db->exec("DROP INDEX IF EXISTS lookup_packidx; CREATE INDEX lookup_packidx ON lookup (pack ASC)");

	Ref<Database::Query> packInsert = 
		db->prepare("INSERT INTO packs (name, timestamp) VALUES (?, ?)");

	Ref<Database::Query> lookupInsert = 
		db->prepare("INSERT INTO lookup (type, key, subtype, pack, entry) VALUES ($type, $key, $subtype, $pack, $entry)");

	for (StreamSourceMap::iterator itr = packCfgs.begin(), end = packCfgs.end(); itr != end; ++itr)
		const String& packName = itr->first;
		Ref<Settings> cfg = Settings::load(itr->second);

		if (cfg == NULL)
			LOG(0, "*** can't load '%s'\n", cfg->getUrl().c_str());

		Timestamp time = itr->second->getTimestamp();

		packInsert->bind(1, packName);
		packInsert->bind(2, time.getUnixTime64());


		Ref<Settings> section = cfg->getSection("lookup");
		if (section == NULL)

		for (Settings::Iterator itr = section->begin(), end = section->end(); itr != end; ++itr)
			String type = itr->first;
			String key = itr->second;

			String sub, entry;

			splitLookupEntry(type, key, sub, entry);

			lookupInsert->bind("$type", type);
			lookupInsert->bind("$key", key);
			lookupInsert->bind("$subtype", sub);
			lookupInsert->bind("$entry", entry);
			lookupInsert->bind("$pack", packName);


	return db;
auto greater::operator()<Timestamp&, Timestamp&>(Timestamp& a, Timestamp& b) const noexcept
    if (a.is_null())
        return false;
    if (b.is_null())
        return true;
    return a > b;
Example #17
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	Timestamp now = Timestamp::now();

	cout << now.toString() << endl;
	cout << now.toFormatString() << endl;
	return 0;
Example #18
  * This function returns the fraction of time elapsed after the beginning 
  * till the end
 double fraction(Timestamp currentTime, Timestamp endTime) {
     if ( (currentTime.after(*this)) && (endTime.after(currentTime)) ) {
         return(((double)currentTime.subUsec(*this)) /
     } else {
         return -1.0;
std::pair<BSONObj, Timestamp> OplogBufferCollection::addIdToDocument(const BSONObj& orig) {
    BSONObjBuilder bob;
    Timestamp ts = orig["ts"].timestamp();
    bob.append("_id", ts);
    bob.append(kOplogEntryFieldName, orig);
    return std::pair<BSONObj, Timestamp> {bob.obj(), ts};
Example #20
void delay_loop( unsigned long usec ) {
    Timestamp end;
    end.add( usec * 1e-6 );

    Timestamp now;
    while ( now.before( end ) ) {
 void sendDataByClient()
     static int64_t i = 0;
     if (clientConnection)
         Timestamp now = Timestamp::now();
         char str[] = "hello world";
         cout << "client send data : " << str << " at " << now.toString() <<"\n";
         clientConnection->send(str, sizeof(str));
Example #22
	Timestamp Timestamp::timeNow()
		//build a Timestamp object
		Timestamp result;

		//set the time to the current system time

		//return the Timestamp object
		return result;
    void SqlTestSuiteFixture::CheckSingleResult<Timestamp>(const char* request, const Timestamp& expected)

        CheckSingleResult0(request, SQL_C_TIMESTAMP, &res, 0, 0);

        using ignite::impl::binary::BinaryUtils;
        Timestamp actual = common::MakeTimestampGmt(res.year, res.month, res.day, res.hour, res.minute, res.second, res.fraction);

        BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(actual.GetSeconds(), expected.GetSeconds());
        BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(actual.GetSecondFraction(), expected.GetSecondFraction());
Example #24
int main(void) {
  char logFileName[300] = "/home/danconde/coleta/europa.log";
  ResourceData parameters(0.5f, 100000);
  bool answer;
  DataCollector *dtCollector = new DataCollector(logFileName);
  unsigned int i, count;
  UsageData *testUsageData;
  cout << "timestamp\tp_cpu\tp_mem\tanswer\tpcs\tvcs\tcoff" << endl;
  // pcs = predicted cpu satisfability
  // vcs = verified cpu satisfability
  UsagePredictor *up = new UsagePredictor(new KMeansClusteringAlgorithm(), dtCollector);
  vector<UsageData*> *usageDatas = dtCollector->getUnclassifiedData();
  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < usageDatas->size(); k += 3) {
     testUsageData = usageDatas->at(k);
     if (testUsageData->isValid()) {
	 for (unsigned int j = 6; j < 18; j++) {
	       Timestamp timestamp = Timestamp(testUsageData->getDate().beginningOfSameDay().getRawTime() + j*3600);
	       answer = up->canRunGridApplication(timestamp, parameters, testUsageData);
	       cout << timestamp.formattedPrint() << "\t" << parameters << "\t" << answer << "\t";
	       vector<double> prediction = up->getPrediction(timestamp, CPU_USAGE, getPredictionHours(), testUsageData);
	       count = 0;
	       for (i = 0; i < prediction.size(); i++)
		  if (prediction[i] + parameters.getCpuUsage() <= 1.0f)
	       cout << (static_cast<double>(count) / prediction.size()) * 100 << "%\t";
	       count = 0;
	       for (i = 0; i < prediction.size(); i++) {
		  ResourceData rd = testUsageData->getData()[(timestamp.getSecondInDay()/COLLECT_INTERVAL) + SAMPLES_PER_DAY + i];
		  if (rd.isValid() && (rd.getCpuUsage()  + parameters.getCpuUsage() <= 1.0f))
	       cout << (static_cast<double>(count) / prediction.size()) * 100 << "%\t";
	       cout << testUsageData->resourceAverage(CPU_USAGE, timestamp.getSecondInDay()/COLLECT_INTERVAL, timestamp.getSecondInDay()/COLLECT_INTERVAL + SAMPLES_PER_DAY) << endl;
  /* informar qual cluster foi encontrado */
  /* comparar resultado da predicao com o realizado */
  /* pegar o resultado do getPrediction e ver a porcentagem de elementos do vetor de previsao condisseram
     com o realizado */
  return 0;
Example #25
void PollerSelect::loop_once(Timestamp *ts) {

    struct timeval timeout;
    struct timeval *pto = nullptr;
    if (ts != nullptr) {
        Timestamp now = Timestamp::now();
        if (*ts < now) {
            timeout = {0, 0};
        } else {
            Timestamp inter = *ts - now;
            timeout = {.tv_sec = inter.sec(), .tv_usec = inter.usec()};
        pto = &timeout;

    fd_set rset = rset_;
    fd_set wset = wset_;
    fd_set eset = eset_;

    int nready = ::select(maxfd_, &rset, &wset, &eset, pto);
    errorif(nready == -1, "select: %s", ::strerror(errno));

    for (int fd = 0; fd < maxfd_ && nready > 0; fd++) {
        DeferCaller deferCaller([this] { runNextTickHandlers(); });

        Channel *ch = getChannel(fd);
        if (ch == nullptr)

        bool flag = false;
        if (FD_ISSET(fd, &eset)) {
            flag = true;
        if (FD_ISSET(fd, &rset)) {
            flag = true;
        if (FD_ISSET(fd, &wset) && (ch = getChannel(fd)) != nullptr) {
            flag = true;

        if (flag == true) {

Example #26
Timestamp Timestamp::minus(unsigned long secs, unsigned long usecs) const
  Timestamp t;

	const unsigned long max = 1000000ul;

	if(m_usecs < usecs)
		t.setTime(m_secs - secs - 1, max - (usecs - m_usecs));
		t.setTime(m_secs - secs, m_usecs - usecs);
	return t;
Example #27
bool is_greater(Timestamp lhs, Timestamp rhs)
    const auto max = std::numeric_limits<Timestamp::value_type>::max();
    const Timestamp::value_type lhs_raw = lhs.raw();
    const Timestamp::value_type rhs_raw = rhs.raw();

    if ((lhs_raw > rhs_raw && lhs_raw - rhs_raw <= max/2) ||
        (rhs_raw > lhs_raw && rhs_raw - lhs_raw > max/2)) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;
Example #28
bool TimedNotificationQueue::wait(Timestamp::TimeDiff interval)
	const Timestamp::TimeDiff MAX_SLEEP = 8*60*60*Timestamp::TimeDiff(1000000); // sleep at most 8 hours at a time
	while (interval > 0)
		Timestamp now;
		Timestamp::TimeDiff sleep = interval <= MAX_SLEEP ? interval : MAX_SLEEP;
		if (_nfAvailable.tryWait(static_cast<long>((sleep + 999)/1000)))
			return true;
		interval -= now.elapsed();
	return false;
Example #29
Timestamp Timestamp::plus(unsigned long secs, unsigned long usecs) const
  Timestamp t;

	const unsigned long max = 1000000ul;

	if(m_usecs + usecs >= max)
		t.setTime(m_secs + secs + 1, m_usecs + usecs - max);
		t.setTime(m_secs + secs, m_usecs + usecs);
	return t;
Example #30
void ReplicationRecoveryImpl::_applyToEndOfOplog(OperationContext* opCtx,
                                                 Timestamp oplogApplicationStartPoint,
                                                 Timestamp topOfOplog) {

    // Check if we have any unapplied ops in our oplog. It is important that this is done after
    // deleting the ragged end of the oplog.
    if (oplogApplicationStartPoint == topOfOplog) {
            << "No oplog entries to apply for recovery. appliedThrough is at the top of the oplog.";
        return;  // We've applied all the valid oplog we have.
    } else if (oplogApplicationStartPoint > topOfOplog) {
        severe() << "Applied op " << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON()
                 << " not found. Top of oplog is " << topOfOplog.toBSON() << '.';

    log() << "Replaying stored operations from " << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON()
          << " (exclusive) to " << topOfOplog.toBSON() << " (inclusive).";

    DBDirectClient db(opCtx);
    auto cursor = db.query(NamespaceString::kRsOplogNamespace.ns(),
                           QUERY("ts" << BSON("$gte" << oplogApplicationStartPoint)),
                           /*batchSize*/ 0,
                           /*skip*/ 0,
                           /*projection*/ nullptr,

    // Check that the first document matches our appliedThrough point then skip it since it's
    // already been applied.
    if (!cursor->more()) {
        // This should really be impossible because we check above that the top of the oplog is
        // strictly > appliedThrough. If this fails it represents a serious bug in either the
        // storage engine or query's implementation of OplogReplay.
        severe() << "Couldn't find any entries in the oplog >= "
                 << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON() << " which should be impossible.";

    auto firstTimestampFound =
        fassertStatusOK(40291, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(cursor->nextSafe())).getTimestamp();
    if (firstTimestampFound != oplogApplicationStartPoint) {
        severe() << "Oplog entry at " << oplogApplicationStartPoint.toBSON()
                 << " is missing; actual entry found is " << firstTimestampFound.toBSON();

    // Apply remaining ops one at at time, but don't log them because they are already logged.
    UnreplicatedWritesBlock uwb(opCtx);

    while (cursor->more()) {
        auto entry = cursor->nextSafe();
                        SyncTail::syncApply(opCtx, entry, OplogApplication::Mode::kRecovering));
            opCtx, fassertStatusOK(40295, OpTime::parseFromOplogEntry(entry)));