void LoggedInState::runCommand(const std::string &command, const std::string &args) { if (Logout == command) { ConsoleBackend::getSingleton().pushMessage("Logging out...", "important"); mAccount.logout(); // Create Character command } else if (CreateChar == command) { // Split string into name/type/sex/description Tokeniser tokeniser = Tokeniser(); tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string name = tokeniser.nextToken(); std::string sex = tokeniser.nextToken(); std::string type = tokeniser.nextToken(); std::string spawnPoint = tokeniser.nextToken(); std::string description = tokeniser.remainingTokens(); createCharacter(name, sex, type, description, spawnPoint, Atlas::Message::MapType()); // Take Character Command } else if (TakeChar == command) { takeCharacter(args); // List Characters Command } else if (ListChars == command) { mAccount.refreshCharacterInfo(); // Say (In-Game chat) Command } }
void CaelumEnvironment::runCommand(const std::string &command, const std::string &args) { if (SetCaelumTime == command) { Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string hourString = tokeniser.nextToken(); std::string minuteString = tokeniser.nextToken(); int hour = ::Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(hourString); int minute = ::Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt(minuteString); setTime(hour, minute); } }
void AccountAvailableState::runCommand(const std::string &command, const std::string &args) { if (CreateAcc == command) { Tokeniser tokeniser = Tokeniser(); tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string uname = tokeniser.nextToken(); std::string password = tokeniser.nextToken(); std::string realname = tokeniser.remainingTokens(); std::string msg; msg = "Creating account: Name: [" + uname + "], Password: [" + password + "], Real Name: [" + realname + "]"; try { mAccount.createAccount(uname, realname, password); } catch (const std::exception& except) { S_LOG_WARNING("Got error on account creation." << except); return; } catch (...) { S_LOG_WARNING("Got unknown error on account creation."); return; } } else if (Login == command) { // Split string into userid / password pair Tokeniser tokeniser = Tokeniser(); tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string userid = tokeniser.nextToken(); std::string password = tokeniser.remainingTokens(); mAccount.login(userid, password); std::string msg; msg = "Login: [" + userid + "," + password + "]"; ConsoleBackend::getSingleton().pushMessage(msg, "info"); } }
void ConfigService::runCommand ( const std::string &command, const std::string &args ) { if ( command == SETVALUE ) { Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens ( args ); std::string section ( tokeniser.nextToken() ); std::string key ( tokeniser.nextToken() ); std::string value ( tokeniser.remainingTokens() ); if ( section == "" || key == "" || value == "" ) { ConsoleBackend::getSingleton().pushMessage ( "Usage: set_value <section> <key> <value>", "help" ); } else { setValue ( section, key, value ); ConsoleBackend::getSingleton().pushMessage ( "New value set, section: " + section + " key: " + key + " value: " + value, "info" ); } } else if ( command == GETVALUE ) { Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens ( args ); std::string section ( tokeniser.nextToken() ); std::string key ( tokeniser.nextToken() ); if ( section == "" || key == "" ) { ConsoleBackend::getSingleton().pushMessage ( "Usage: get_value <section> <key>", "help" ); } else { if ( !hasItem ( section, key ) ) { ConsoleBackend::getSingleton().pushMessage ( "No such value.", "error" ); } else { varconf::Variable value = getValue ( section, key ); ConsoleBackend::getSingleton().pushMessage ( std::string ( "Value: " ) + static_cast<std::string> ( value ), "info" ); } } } }
void Input::runCommand(const std::string &command, const std::string &args) { if (command == BINDCOMMAND) { Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string state("general"); std::string key = tokeniser.nextToken(); if (key != "") { std::string command(tokeniser.nextToken()); if (command != "") { if (tokeniser.nextToken() != "") { state = tokeniser.nextToken(); } InputCommandMapperStore::iterator I = mInputCommandMappers.find(state); if (I != mInputCommandMappers.end()) { I->second->bindCommand(key, command); } } } } else if (command == UNBINDCOMMAND) { Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string state("general"); std::string key(tokeniser.nextToken()); if (key != "") { if (tokeniser.nextToken() != "") { state = tokeniser.nextToken(); } InputCommandMapperStore::iterator I = mInputCommandMappers.find(state); if (I != mInputCommandMappers.end()) { I->second->unbindCommand(key); } } } }
void ShaderManager::runCommand(const std::string &command, const std::string &args) { if (SetLevel == command) { Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string levelString = tokeniser.nextToken(); EmberServices::getSingleton().getConfigService().setValue("graphics", "level", levelString); } }
void ThirdPersonCameraMount::runCommand(const std::string& command, const std::string& args) { if (SetCameraDistance == command) { Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string distance = tokeniser.nextToken(); if (!distance.empty()) { float fDistance = Ogre::StringConverter::parseReal(distance); setCameraDistance(fDistance); } } }
void EmberEntityFactory::runCommand(const std::string &command, const std::string &args) { if (command == ShowModels.getCommand()) { Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string value = tokeniser.nextToken(); if (value == "true") { S_LOG_INFO("Showing models."); Model::ModelDefinitionManager::getSingleton().setShowModels(true); } else if (value == "false") { S_LOG_INFO("Hiding models."); Model::ModelDefinitionManager::getSingleton().setShowModels(false); } } else if (DumpAttributes == command) { Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string value = tokeniser.nextToken(); if (value == "") { dumpAttributesOfEntity(value); } } }
void EntityMoveManager::runCommand(const std::string &command, const std::string &args) { if (Move == command) { //the first argument must be a valid entity id Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string entityId = tokeniser.nextToken(); if (entityId != "") { EmberEntity* entity = mWorld.getEmberEntity(entityId); if (entity != 0) { startMove(*entity); } } else { ConsoleBackend::getSingletonPtr()->pushMessage("You must specify a valid entity id to move.", "error"); } } }
void NonConnectedState::runCommand(const std::string &command, const std::string &args) { // Connect command if (Connect == command) { // Split string into server / port pair Tokeniser tokeniser = Tokeniser(); tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string server = tokeniser.nextToken(); std::string port = tokeniser.remainingTokens(); std::string msg; msg = "Connecting to: [" + server + "]"; ConsoleBackend::getSingleton().pushMessage(msg, "info"); if (port == "") connect(server); else connect(server, (short)atoi(port.c_str())); // Disonnect command } }
void InspectWidget::runCommand(const std::string &command, const std::string &args) { if(Inspect == command && EmberOgre::getSingleton().getWorld()) { //the first argument must be a valid entity id Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::string entityId = tokeniser.nextToken(); if (entityId != "") { EmberEntity* entity = EmberOgre::getSingleton().getWorld()->getEmberEntity(entityId); if (entity != 0) { startInspecting(entity); } } else { ConsoleBackend::getSingletonPtr()->pushMessage("You must specifify a valid entity id to inspect.", "error"); } } else { Widget::runCommand(command, args); } }
void MaterialEditor::runCommand(const std::string &command, const std::string &args) { if (AlterMaterial == command) { try { Tokeniser tokeniser; tokeniser.initTokens(args); std::vector<std::string> tokens; std::string token; while ((token = tokeniser.nextToken()) != "") { tokens.push_back(token); } std::string materialName = tokens[0]; Ogre::MaterialPtr materialPtr = static_cast<Ogre::MaterialPtr>(Ogre::MaterialManager::getSingleton().getByName( materialName)); if (!materialPtr.isNull()) { std::string techniqueIndexString = tokens[1]; if (techniqueIndexString != "") { int techniqueIndex = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt( techniqueIndexString); Ogre::Technique* technique = materialPtr->getTechnique( techniqueIndex); if (technique) { std::string passIndexString = tokens[2]; if (passIndexString != "") { int passIndex = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt( passIndexString); Ogre::Pass* pass = technique->getPass( passIndex); //is texture unit specified if (tokens.size() == 6) { std::string textureUnitIndexString = tokens[3]; std::string property = tokens[4]; std::string value = tokens[5]; int textureUnitIndex = Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt( textureUnitIndexString); Ogre::TextureUnitState* textureUnit = pass->getTextureUnitState( textureUnitIndex); if (textureUnit) { } } else { std::string property = tokens[3]; std::string value = tokens[4]; if (property == "alpha_rejection") { pass->setAlphaRejectValue( Ogre::StringConverter::parseInt( value)); } } } } } } } catch (const std::exception& ex) { S_LOG_WARNING("Error when altering material." << ex); } catch (...) { S_LOG_WARNING("Error when altering material."); } } }