//======================================================================= //function : BuildDraftSolid //purpose : //======================================================================= void GEOMAlgo_Builder::BuildDraftSolid (const TopoDS_Shape& theSolid, TopoDS_Shape& theDraftSolid, TopTools_ListOfShape& theLIF) { myErrorStatus=0; // NMTTools_PaveFiller* pPF=myPaveFiller; const Handle(IntTools_Context)& aCtx= pPF->Context(); // Standard_Boolean bToReverse; Standard_Integer iFlag; TopAbs_Orientation aOrF, aOrSh, aOrSd; TopoDS_Iterator aIt1, aIt2; TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape aItS; BRep_Builder aBB; TopoDS_Shell aShD; TopoDS_Shape aFSDx, aFx; // aOrSd=theSolid.Orientation(); theDraftSolid.Orientation(aOrSd); // aIt1.Initialize(theSolid); for (; aIt1.More(); aIt1.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aSh=aIt1.Value(); if(aSh.ShapeType()!=TopAbs_SHELL) { continue; // mb internal edges,vertices } // aOrSh=aSh.Orientation(); aBB.MakeShell(aShD); aShD.Orientation(aOrSh); iFlag=0; // aIt2.Initialize(aSh); for (; aIt2.More(); aIt2.Next()) { const TopoDS_Shape& aF=aIt2.Value(); aOrF=aF.Orientation(); // if (myImages.HasImage(aF)) { const TopTools_ListOfShape& aLSp=myImages.Image(aF); aItS.Initialize(aLSp); for (; aItS.More(); aItS.Next()) { aFx=aItS.Value(); // if (mySameDomainShapes.Contains(aFx)) { aFSDx=mySameDomainShapes.FindFromKey(aFx); // if (aOrF==TopAbs_INTERNAL) { aFSDx.Orientation(aOrF); theLIF.Append(aFSDx); } else { bToReverse=GEOMAlgo_Tools3D::IsSplitToReverse(aFSDx, aF, aCtx); if (bToReverse) { aFSDx.Reverse(); } // iFlag=1; aBB.Add(aShD, aFSDx); } }// if (mySameDomainShapes.Contains(aFx)) { else { aFx.Orientation(aOrF); if (aOrF==TopAbs_INTERNAL) { theLIF.Append(aFx); } else{ iFlag=1; aBB.Add(aShD, aFx); } } } } //if (myImages.HasImage(aF)) { // else { if (aOrF==TopAbs_INTERNAL) { theLIF.Append(aF); } else{ iFlag=1; aBB.Add(aShD, aF); } } } //for (; aIt2.More(); aIt2.Next()) { // if (iFlag) { aBB.Add(theDraftSolid, aShD); } } //for (; aIt1.More(); aIt1.Next()) { }
bool StdMeshers_RadialPrism_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape) { TopExp_Explorer exp; SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS(); myHelper = new SMESH_MesherHelper( aMesh ); myHelper->IsQuadraticSubMesh( aShape ); // to delete helper at exit from Compute() std::auto_ptr<SMESH_MesherHelper> helperDeleter( myHelper ); // get 2 shells TopoDS_Solid solid = TopoDS::Solid( aShape ); TopoDS_Shell outerShell = BRepClass3d::OuterShell( solid ); TopoDS_Shape innerShell; int nbShells = 0; for ( TopoDS_Iterator It (solid); It.More(); It.Next(), ++nbShells ) if ( !outerShell.IsSame( It.Value() )) innerShell = It.Value(); if ( nbShells != 2 ) return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE, SMESH_Comment("Must be 2 shells but not ")<<nbShells); // ---------------------------------- // Associate sub-shapes of the shells // ---------------------------------- ProjectionUtils::TShapeShapeMap shape2ShapeMaps[2]; bool mapOk1 = ProjectionUtils::FindSubShapeAssociation( innerShell, &aMesh, outerShell, &aMesh, shape2ShapeMaps[0]); bool mapOk2 = ProjectionUtils::FindSubShapeAssociation( innerShell.Reversed(), &aMesh, outerShell, &aMesh, shape2ShapeMaps[1]); if ( !mapOk1 && !mapOk2 ) return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE,"Topology of inner and outer shells seems different" ); int iMap; if ( shape2ShapeMaps[0].Extent() == shape2ShapeMaps[1].Extent() ) { // choose an assiciation by shortest distance between VERTEXes double dist1 = 0, dist2 = 0; TopTools_DataMapIteratorOfDataMapOfShapeShape ssIt( shape2ShapeMaps[0]._map1to2 ); for (; ssIt.More(); ssIt.Next() ) { if ( ssIt.Key().ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX ) continue; gp_Pnt pIn = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( ssIt.Key() )); gp_Pnt pOut1 = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( ssIt.Value() )); gp_Pnt pOut2 = BRep_Tool::Pnt( TopoDS::Vertex( shape2ShapeMaps[1]( ssIt.Key() ))); dist1 += pIn.SquareDistance( pOut1 ); dist2 += pIn.SquareDistance( pOut2 ); } iMap = ( dist1 < dist2 ) ? 0 : 1; } else { iMap = ( shape2ShapeMaps[0].Extent() > shape2ShapeMaps[1].Extent() ) ? 0 : 1; } ProjectionUtils::TShapeShapeMap& shape2ShapeMap = shape2ShapeMaps[iMap]; // ------------------ // Make mesh // ------------------ TNode2ColumnMap node2columnMap; myLayerPositions.clear(); for ( exp.Init( outerShell, TopAbs_FACE ); exp.More(); exp.Next() ) { // Corresponding sub-shapes TopoDS_Face outFace = TopoDS::Face( exp.Current() ); TopoDS_Face inFace; if ( !shape2ShapeMap.IsBound( outFace, /*isOut=*/true )) { return error(SMESH_Comment("Corresponding inner face not found for face #" ) << meshDS->ShapeToIndex( outFace )); } else { inFace = TopoDS::Face( shape2ShapeMap( outFace, /*isOut=*/true )); } // Find matching nodes of in and out faces ProjectionUtils::TNodeNodeMap nodeIn2OutMap; if ( ! ProjectionUtils::FindMatchingNodesOnFaces( inFace, &aMesh, outFace, &aMesh, shape2ShapeMap, nodeIn2OutMap )) return error(COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH,SMESH_Comment("Mesh on faces #") << meshDS->ShapeToIndex( outFace ) << " and " << meshDS->ShapeToIndex( inFace ) << " seems different" ); // Create volumes SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faceIt = meshDS->MeshElements( inFace )->GetElements(); while ( faceIt->more() ) // loop on faces on inFace { const SMDS_MeshElement* face = faceIt->next(); if ( !face || face->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face ) continue; int nbNodes = face->NbNodes(); if ( face->IsQuadratic() ) nbNodes /= 2; // find node columns for each node vector< const TNodeColumn* > columns( nbNodes ); for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* nIn = face->GetNode( i ); TNode2ColumnMap::iterator n_col = node2columnMap.find( nIn ); if ( n_col != node2columnMap.end() ) { columns[ i ] = & n_col->second; } else { TNodeNodeMap::iterator nInOut = nodeIn2OutMap.find( nIn ); if ( nInOut == nodeIn2OutMap.end() ) RETURN_BAD_RESULT("No matching node for "<< nIn->GetID() << " in face "<< face->GetID()); columns[ i ] = makeNodeColumn( node2columnMap, nIn, nInOut->second ); } } StdMeshers_Prism_3D::AddPrisms( columns, myHelper ); } } // loop on faces of out shell return true; }
bool StdMeshers_RadialPrism_3D::Evaluate(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape, MapShapeNbElems& aResMap) { // get 2 shells TopoDS_Solid solid = TopoDS::Solid( aShape ); TopoDS_Shell outerShell = BRepClass3d::OuterShell( solid ); TopoDS_Shape innerShell; int nbShells = 0; for ( TopoDS_Iterator It (solid); It.More(); It.Next(), ++nbShells ) if ( !outerShell.IsSame( It.Value() )) innerShell = It.Value(); if ( nbShells != 2 ) { std::vector<int> aResVec(SMDSEntity_Last); for(int i=SMDSEntity_Node; i<SMDSEntity_Last; i++) aResVec[i] = 0; SMESH_subMesh * sm = aMesh.GetSubMesh(aShape); aResMap.insert(std::make_pair(sm,aResVec)); SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& smError = sm->GetComputeError(); smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError(COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED,"Submesh can not be evaluated",this)); return false; } // Associate sub-shapes of the shells ProjectionUtils::TShapeShapeMap shape2ShapeMap; if ( !ProjectionUtils::FindSubShapeAssociation( outerShell, &aMesh, innerShell, &aMesh, shape2ShapeMap) ) { std::vector<int> aResVec(SMDSEntity_Last); for(int i=SMDSEntity_Node; i<SMDSEntity_Last; i++) aResVec[i] = 0; SMESH_subMesh * sm = aMesh.GetSubMesh(aShape); aResMap.insert(std::make_pair(sm,aResVec)); SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& smError = sm->GetComputeError(); smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError(COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED,"Submesh can not be evaluated",this)); return false; } // get info for outer shell int nb0d_Out=0, nb2d_3_Out=0, nb2d_4_Out=0; //TopTools_SequenceOfShape FacesOut; for (TopExp_Explorer exp(outerShell, TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { //FacesOut.Append(exp.Current()); SMESH_subMesh *aSubMesh = aMesh.GetSubMesh(exp.Current()); MapShapeNbElemsItr anIt = aResMap.find(aSubMesh); std::vector<int> aVec = (*anIt).second; nb0d_Out += aVec[SMDSEntity_Node]; nb2d_3_Out += Max(aVec[SMDSEntity_Triangle],aVec[SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle]); nb2d_4_Out += Max(aVec[SMDSEntity_Quadrangle],aVec[SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle]); } int nb1d_Out = 0; TopTools_MapOfShape tmpMap; for (TopExp_Explorer exp(outerShell, TopAbs_EDGE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { if( tmpMap.Contains( exp.Current() ) ) continue; tmpMap.Add( exp.Current() ); SMESH_subMesh *aSubMesh = aMesh.GetSubMesh(exp.Current()); MapShapeNbElemsItr anIt = aResMap.find(aSubMesh); std::vector<int> aVec = (*anIt).second; nb0d_Out += aVec[SMDSEntity_Node]; nb1d_Out += Max(aVec[SMDSEntity_Edge],aVec[SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge]); } tmpMap.Clear(); for (TopExp_Explorer exp(outerShell, TopAbs_VERTEX); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { if( tmpMap.Contains( exp.Current() ) ) continue; tmpMap.Add( exp.Current() ); nb0d_Out++; } // get info for inner shell int nb0d_In=0, nb2d_3_In=0, nb2d_4_In=0; //TopTools_SequenceOfShape FacesIn; for (TopExp_Explorer exp(innerShell, TopAbs_FACE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { //FacesIn.Append(exp.Current()); SMESH_subMesh *aSubMesh = aMesh.GetSubMesh(exp.Current()); MapShapeNbElemsItr anIt = aResMap.find(aSubMesh); std::vector<int> aVec = (*anIt).second; nb0d_In += aVec[SMDSEntity_Node]; nb2d_3_In += Max(aVec[SMDSEntity_Triangle],aVec[SMDSEntity_Quad_Triangle]); nb2d_4_In += Max(aVec[SMDSEntity_Quadrangle],aVec[SMDSEntity_Quad_Quadrangle]); } int nb1d_In = 0; tmpMap.Clear(); bool IsQuadratic = false; bool IsFirst = true; for (TopExp_Explorer exp(innerShell, TopAbs_EDGE); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { if( tmpMap.Contains( exp.Current() ) ) continue; tmpMap.Add( exp.Current() ); SMESH_subMesh *aSubMesh = aMesh.GetSubMesh(exp.Current()); MapShapeNbElemsItr anIt = aResMap.find(aSubMesh); std::vector<int> aVec = (*anIt).second; nb0d_In += aVec[SMDSEntity_Node]; nb1d_In += Max(aVec[SMDSEntity_Edge],aVec[SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge]); if(IsFirst) { IsQuadratic = (aVec[SMDSEntity_Quad_Edge] > aVec[SMDSEntity_Edge]); IsFirst = false; } } tmpMap.Clear(); for (TopExp_Explorer exp(innerShell, TopAbs_VERTEX); exp.More(); exp.Next()) { if( tmpMap.Contains( exp.Current() ) ) continue; tmpMap.Add( exp.Current() ); nb0d_In++; } bool IsOK = (nb0d_Out==nb0d_In) && (nb1d_Out==nb1d_In) && (nb2d_3_Out==nb2d_3_In) && (nb2d_4_Out==nb2d_4_In); if(!IsOK) { std::vector<int> aResVec(SMDSEntity_Last); for(int i=SMDSEntity_Node; i<SMDSEntity_Last; i++) aResVec[i] = 0; SMESH_subMesh * sm = aMesh.GetSubMesh(aShape); aResMap.insert(std::make_pair(sm,aResVec)); SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& smError = sm->GetComputeError(); smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError(COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED,"Submesh can not be evaluated",this)); return false; } int nbLayers = 0; if( myNbLayerHypo ) { nbLayers = myNbLayerHypo->GetNumberOfLayers(); } if ( myDistributionHypo ) { if ( !myDistributionHypo->GetLayerDistribution() ) { std::vector<int> aResVec(SMDSEntity_Last); for(int i=SMDSEntity_Node; i<SMDSEntity_Last; i++) aResVec[i] = 0; SMESH_subMesh * sm = aMesh.GetSubMesh(aShape); aResMap.insert(std::make_pair(sm,aResVec)); SMESH_ComputeErrorPtr& smError = sm->GetComputeError(); smError.reset( new SMESH_ComputeError(COMPERR_ALGO_FAILED,"Submesh can not be evaluated",this)); return false; } TopExp_Explorer exp(outerShell, TopAbs_VERTEX); TopoDS_Vertex Vout = TopoDS::Vertex(exp.Current()); TopoDS_Vertex Vin = TopoDS::Vertex( shape2ShapeMap(Vout) ); if ( myLayerPositions.empty() ) { gp_Pnt pIn = BRep_Tool::Pnt(Vin); gp_Pnt pOut = BRep_Tool::Pnt(Vout); computeLayerPositions( pIn, pOut ); } nbLayers = myLayerPositions.size() + 1; } std::vector<int> aResVec(SMDSEntity_Last); for(int i=SMDSEntity_Node; i<SMDSEntity_Last; i++) aResVec[i] = 0; if(IsQuadratic) { aResVec[SMDSEntity_Quad_Penta] = nb2d_3_Out * nbLayers; aResVec[SMDSEntity_Quad_Hexa] = nb2d_4_Out * nbLayers; int nb1d = ( nb2d_3_Out*3 + nb2d_4_Out*4 ) / 2; aResVec[SMDSEntity_Node] = nb0d_Out * ( 2*nbLayers - 1 ) - nb1d * nbLayers; } else { aResVec[SMDSEntity_Node] = nb0d_Out * ( nbLayers - 1 ); aResVec[SMDSEntity_Penta] = nb2d_3_Out * nbLayers; aResVec[SMDSEntity_Hexa] = nb2d_4_Out * nbLayers; } SMESH_subMesh * sm = aMesh.GetSubMesh(aShape); aResMap.insert(std::make_pair(sm,aResVec)); return true; }
bool StdMeshers_RadialPrism_3D::Compute(SMESH_Mesh& aMesh, const TopoDS_Shape& aShape) { TopExp_Explorer exp; SMESHDS_Mesh * meshDS = aMesh.GetMeshDS(); myHelper = new SMESH_MesherHelper( aMesh ); myHelper->IsQuadraticSubMesh( aShape ); // to delete helper at exit from Compute() std::auto_ptr<SMESH_MesherHelper> helperDeleter( myHelper ); // get 2 shells TopoDS_Solid solid = TopoDS::Solid( aShape ); TopoDS_Shell outerShell = BRepClass3d::OuterShell( solid ); TopoDS_Shape innerShell; int nbShells = 0; for ( TopoDS_Iterator It (solid); It.More(); It.Next(), ++nbShells ) if ( !outerShell.IsSame( It.Value() )) innerShell = It.Value(); if ( nbShells != 2 ) return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE, SMESH_Comment("Must be 2 shells but not ")<<nbShells); // ---------------------------------- // Associate subshapes of the shells // ---------------------------------- TAssocTool::TShapeShapeMap shape2ShapeMap; if ( !TAssocTool::FindSubShapeAssociation( outerShell, &aMesh, innerShell, &aMesh, shape2ShapeMap) ) return error(COMPERR_BAD_SHAPE,"Topology of inner and outer shells seems different" ); // ------------------ // Make mesh // ------------------ TNode2ColumnMap node2columnMap; myLayerPositions.clear(); for ( exp.Init( outerShell, TopAbs_FACE ); exp.More(); exp.Next() ) { // Corresponding subshapes TopoDS_Face outFace = TopoDS::Face( exp.Current() ); TopoDS_Face inFace; if ( !shape2ShapeMap.IsBound( outFace )) { return error(SMESH_Comment("Corresponding inner face not found for face #" ) << meshDS->ShapeToIndex( outFace )); } else { inFace = TopoDS::Face( shape2ShapeMap( outFace )); } // Find matching nodes of in and out faces TNodeNodeMap nodeIn2OutMap; if ( ! TAssocTool::FindMatchingNodesOnFaces( inFace, &aMesh, outFace, &aMesh, shape2ShapeMap, nodeIn2OutMap )) return error(COMPERR_BAD_INPUT_MESH,SMESH_Comment("Mesh on faces #") << meshDS->ShapeToIndex( outFace ) << " and " << meshDS->ShapeToIndex( inFace ) << " seems different" ); // Create volumes SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr faceIt = meshDS->MeshElements( inFace )->GetElements(); while ( faceIt->more() ) // loop on faces on inFace { const SMDS_MeshElement* face = faceIt->next(); if ( !face || face->GetType() != SMDSAbs_Face ) continue; int nbNodes = face->NbNodes(); if ( face->IsQuadratic() ) nbNodes /= 2; // find node columns for each node vector< const TNodeColumn* > columns( nbNodes ); for ( int i = 0; i < nbNodes; ++i ) { const SMDS_MeshNode* nIn = face->GetNode( i ); TNode2ColumnMap::iterator n_col = node2columnMap.find( nIn ); if ( n_col != node2columnMap.end() ) { columns[ i ] = & n_col->second; } else { TNodeNodeMap::iterator nInOut = nodeIn2OutMap.find( nIn ); if ( nInOut == nodeIn2OutMap.end() ) RETURN_BAD_RESULT("No matching node for "<< nIn->GetID() << " in face "<< face->GetID()); columns[ i ] = makeNodeColumn( node2columnMap, nIn, nInOut->second ); } } StdMeshers_Prism_3D::AddPrisms( columns, myHelper ); } } // loop on faces of out shell return true; }