/** * \brief Constructor. * \param hero The hero controlled by this state. * \param treasure The treasure to give to the hero. It must be obtainable. * \param callback_ref Lua ref to a function to call when the * treasure's dialog finishes (possibly LUA_REFNIL). */ Hero::TreasureState::TreasureState( Hero& hero, const Treasure& treasure, int callback_ref): State(hero, "treasure"), treasure(treasure), callback_ref(callback_ref) { treasure.check_obtainable(); }
/** * \brief Constructor. * \param hero The hero controlled by this state. * \param treasure The treasure to give to the hero. It must be obtainable. * \param callback_ref Lua ref to a function to call when the * treasure's dialog finishes (possibly an empty ref). */ Hero::TreasureState::TreasureState( Hero& hero, const Treasure& treasure, const ScopedLuaRef& callback_ref ): BaseState(hero, "treasure"), treasure(treasure), callback_ref(callback_ref) { treasure.check_obtainable(); }