void bhkProxyObject::BuildColConvex()
	MeshDelta md(proxyMesh);
	for (int i = 0;i < pblock2->Count(PB_MESHLIST); i++) {
		INode *tnode = NULL;
		if (tnode)
			ObjectState os = tnode->EvalWorldState(0);
			Matrix3 wm = tnode->GetNodeTM(0);
			TriObject *tri = (TriObject *)os.obj->ConvertToType(0, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
			if (tri)
				Mesh& mesh = tri->GetMesh();
				MeshDelta tmd (mesh);
				md.AttachMesh(proxyMesh, mesh, wm, 0);
	compute_convex_hull(proxyMesh, proxyMesh);


	proxyPos = Point3::Origin;
	forceRedraw = true;
void bhkProxyObject::BuildColCapsule()
	MeshDelta md(proxyMesh);
	for (int i = 0;i < pblock2->Count(PB_MESHLIST); i++) {
		INode *tnode = NULL;
		if (tnode)
			ObjectState os = tnode->EvalWorldState(0);
			Matrix3 wm = tnode->GetNodeTM(0);
			TriObject *tri = (TriObject *)os.obj->ConvertToType(0, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
			if (tri)
				Mesh& mesh = tri->GetMesh();
				MeshDelta tmd (mesh);
				md.AttachMesh(proxyMesh, mesh, wm, 0);
	Point3 pt1 = Point3::Origin;
	Point3 pt2 = Point3::Origin;
	float r1 = 0.0;
	float r2 = 0.0;

	if (proxyMesh.getNumVerts() > 3) // Doesn't guarantee that the mesh is not a plane.
		CalcCapsule(proxyMesh, pt1, pt2, r1, r2);
		BuildCapsule(proxyMesh, pt1, pt2, r1, r2);

	proxyPos = Point3::Origin;
	forceRedraw = true;
Mesh* SGP_MaxInterface::GetMesh( INode* pNode )
	if( !IsMesh( pNode ) )
		return NULL;

	TimeValue time = 0;

	// get max mesh instance
	ObjectState os;
	os = pNode->EvalWorldState(time);

	Object* obj = os.obj;
	if( !os.obj )
		assert( false );
		return NULL;
	TriObject* triObj = (TriObject *)obj->ConvertToType( time, triObjectClassID );
	if( !triObj )
		assert( false );
		return NULL;

	Mesh* pMesh = &triObj->GetMesh();

	return pMesh;
void bhkProxyObject::BuildColBox()
	Box3 box; box.Init();
	for (int i = 0;i < pblock2->Count(PB_MESHLIST); i++) {
		INode *tnode = NULL;
		if (tnode)
			ObjectState os = tnode->EvalWorldState(0);
			Matrix3 wm = tnode->GetNodeTM(0);
			TriObject *tri = (TriObject *)os.obj->ConvertToType(0, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
			if (tri)
				Box3 box2; box2.Init();
				Mesh& mesh = tri->GetMesh();
				CalcAxisAlignedBox(mesh, box2, &wm);
				box += box2;
	BuildBox(proxyMesh, box.Max().y-box.Min().y, box.Max().x-box.Min().x, box.Max().z-box.Min().z);

	MNMesh mn(proxyMesh);
	Matrix3 tm(true);

	//proxyPos = box.Center();
	proxyPos = Point3::Origin;
	forceRedraw = true;
bool CollisionImport::ImportTriStripsShape(INode *rbody, bhkRigidBodyRef body, bhkNiTriStripsShapeRef shape, INode *parent, Matrix3& tm)
	if (shape->GetNumStripsData() != 1)
		return NULL;

	if ( ImpNode *node = ni.i->CreateNode() )
		TriObject *triObject = CreateNewTriObject();

		INode *inode = node->GetINode();

		// Texture
		Mesh& mesh = triObject->GetMesh();
		NiTriStripsDataRef triShapeData = shape->GetStripsData(0);
		if (triShapeData == NULL)
			return false;

		// Temporary shape
		NiTriStripsRef triShape = new NiTriStrips();
		vector<Triangle> tris = triShapeData->GetTriangles();
		ni.ImportMesh(node, triObject, triShape, triShapeData, tris);
		CreatebhkCollisionModifier(inode, bv_type_shapes, shape->GetMaterial(), OL_UNIDENTIFIED, 0);
		ImportBase(body, shape, parent, inode, tm);
		AddShape(rbody, inode);
		return true;
	return false;
Example #6
void CVDModifier::ModifyObject(TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, ObjectState *os, INode *node)
	if (!os->obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID)) return;

	// Get a mesh from input object
	TriObject *tobj = (TriObject*)os->obj;
	Mesh* mesh = &tobj->GetMesh();
	int numVert = mesh->getNumVerts();

	// Get parameters from pblock
	float sparam = 0.0f; 
	Interval valid = FOREVER;
	pblock->GetValue(cvd_codev, t, sparam, valid);

		// Take over the channel, realloc with size == number of verts

		// Get a pointer back to the floating point array
		float *vdata = mesh->vertexFloat(MY_CHANNEL);
			// loop through all verticies
			// Ask the random number generator for a value bound to the
			//	paramblock value
			// and encode it into the vertex.
			for(int i=0;i<numVert;i++)
				vdata[i] = randomGen.getf(sparam);

bool BakeRadiosity::CreateNewMesh (INode *orgNode, 
                                    Mesh *orgMesh, 
                                    Matrix3 orgMtx)
   if((orgNode == NULL)||(orgMesh == NULL)){
	   DebugPrint(_T("Mesh error\n"));
      return false;
   // Creates an instance of a registered class.
   Object *newObj = (Object*)(ip->CreateInstance(
                                       Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0)));
   if(newObj == NULL){
	   DebugPrint(_T("CreateInstance error\n"));
      return false;
   // Creates a new node in the scene with the given object. 
   INode *newNode = ip->CreateObjectNode(newObj);
   if(newNode == NULL){
	   DebugPrint(_T("CreateObjectNode error\n"));
      return false;
   // Sets the name of the node. 
   if(keepOrgFlag != true){
   } else {
      TSTR newName;
      newName.printf(_T("%s_BAKED"), orgNode->GetName());
   // Sets the renderer material used by the node.
   // Returns a reference to the mesh data member of new TriObject.
   TriObject *newTriObj = (TriObject *)newObj;
   Mesh &newMesh = newTriObj->GetMesh();
   // Returns the number of vertices from original mesh. 
   int nbVert = orgMesh->getNumVerts();
   // Sets the number of geometric vertices in the new mesh.
   // The loop will continue until handling all vertices...
   for(int i=0; i<nbVert; i++) { 
      newMesh.verts[i] = orgMtx * orgMesh->verts[i];//Set new vertices
   // Returns the number of faces in the original mesh.
   int nbFace = orgMesh->getNumFaces();
   // Sets the number of faces in the new mesh 
   // and previous faces are discarded.
   newMesh.setNumFaces(nbFace, FALSE);
   // The loop will continue until handling all faces...
   for(int i=0; i<nbFace; i++){ // Set new faces and Material id
      newMesh.faces[i] = orgMesh->faces[i];
   // Makes a complete copy of the specified channels 
   // of the original Mesh object into new Mesh.
   newMesh.DeepCopy(orgMesh, CNVERT_CHANNELS);

   return true;
Example #8
File: mesh.cpp Project: 2asoft/xray
void UnwrapMod::GetFaceSelectionFromMesh(ObjectState *os, ModContext &mc, TimeValue t)
	TriObject *tobj = (TriObject*)os->obj;
	MeshTopoData *d  = (MeshTopoData*)mc.localData;
	if (d)
		d->SetFaceSel(tobj->GetMesh().faceSel, this, t);
Object* bhkProxyObject::ConvertToType(TimeValue t, Class_ID obtype)
	if (obtype == triObjectClassID)
		int bvType = 0;
		pblock2->GetValue(PB_BOUND_TYPE, 0, bvType, FOREVER, 0);
		if (bvType != 0) 
			TriObject *ob = CreateNewTriObject();
#if VERSION_3DSMAX >= ((5000<<16)+(15<<8)+0) // Version 5+
			ob->GetMesh() = proxyMesh;
			return ob;
	return 0;
Example #10
Object* SimpleObject::ConvertToType(TimeValue t, Class_ID obtype) 
	if (obtype==defObjectClassID||obtype==triObjectClassID||obtype==mapObjectClassID) {
		TriObject *triob;
		triob = CreateNewTriObject();
		triob->GetMesh() = mesh;
		return triob;
#ifndef NO_PATCHES
	if (obtype == patchObjectClassID) {
		PatchObject *patchob = new PatchObject();
		patchob->patch = mesh;		// Handy Mesh->PatchMesh conversion
		return patchob;
	if (Object::CanConvertToType (obtype)) {
		UpdateMesh (t);
	return Object::ConvertToType(t,obtype);
	if (CanConvertTriObject(obtype)) {
		UpdateMesh (t);
		TriObject *triob = CreateNewTriObject ();
		triob->GetMesh() = mesh;
		Object *ob = triob->ConvertToType (t, obtype);
		if (ob != triob) triob->DeleteThis ();	// (ob should never = tob.)
		return ob;
	return NULL;
Example #11
void AFRMod::ModifyObject (TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, ObjectState *os, INode *node) {
	Interval iv = FOREVER;
	float f, p, b;
	int backface;
	Point3 pt1, pt2;
	if (f==0.0) {
	Tab<Point3> normals;
	if (backface) {
		// Need to get vertex normals.
		if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID)) {
			TriObject *tobj = (TriObject*)os->obj;
			AverageVertexNormals (tobj->GetMesh(), normals);
		} else if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf (polyObjectClassID)) {
			PolyObject *pobj = (PolyObject *) os->obj;
			MNMesh &mesh = pobj->GetMesh();
			normals.SetCount (mesh.numv);
			Point3 *vn = normals.Addr(0);
			for (int i=0; i<mesh.numv; i++) {
				if (mesh.v[i].GetFlag (MN_DEAD)) vn[i]=Point3(0,0,0);
				else vn[i] = mesh.GetVertexNormal (i);
#ifndef NO_PATCHES
		} else if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf (patchObjectClassID)) {
			PatchObject *pobj = (PatchObject *) os->obj;
			normals.SetCount (pobj->NumPoints ());
			Point3 *vn = normals.Addr(0);
			for (int i=0; i<pobj->NumPoints(); i++) vn[i] = pobj->VertexNormal (i);
	if (normals.Count()) {
		AFRDeformer deformer(mc,f,p,b,pt1,pt2,&normals);
		os->obj->Deform(&deformer, TRUE);
	} else {
		AFRDeformer deformer(mc,f,p,b,pt1,pt2);
		os->obj->Deform(&deformer, TRUE);
INode *CollisionImport::ImportCollisionMesh(
	const vector<Vector3>& verts, 
	const vector<Triangle>& tris,
	const vector<Vector3>& norms,
	Matrix3& tm,
	INode *parent
	INode *returnNode = NULL;
	if ( ImpNode *node = ni.i->CreateNode() )
		TriObject *triObject = CreateNewTriObject();

		Mesh& mesh = triObject->GetMesh();
		INode *tnode = node->GetINode();

		// Vertex info
			int nVertices = verts.size();
			for (int i=0; i < nVertices; ++i){
				Vector3 v = verts[i] * ni.bhkScaleFactor;
				mesh.verts[i].Set(v.x, v.y, v.z);

		// Triangles and texture vertices
		ni.SetTriangles(mesh, tris);
		//ni.SetNormals(mesh, tris, norms);

		MNMesh mn(mesh);


		returnNode = node->GetINode();

		if (parent != NULL)
			parent->AttachChild(tnode, 1);
	return returnNode;
void bhkProxyObject::BuildColOBB()
	MeshDelta md(proxyMesh);
	for (int i = 0;i < pblock2->Count(PB_MESHLIST); i++) {
		INode *tnode = NULL;
		if (tnode)
			ObjectState os = tnode->EvalWorldState(0);
			Matrix3 wm = tnode->GetNodeTM(0);
			TriObject *tri = (TriObject *)os.obj->ConvertToType(0, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
			if (tri)
				Mesh& mesh = tri->GetMesh();
				MeshDelta tmd (mesh);
				md.AttachMesh(proxyMesh, mesh, wm, 0);
	Matrix3 rtm(true);
	Point3 center = Point3::Origin;;
	float udim = 0.0f, vdim = 0.0f, ndim = 0.0f;

	if (proxyMesh.getNumVerts() > 3) // Doesn't guarantee that the mesh is not a plane.
		// First build a convex mesh to put the box around;
		// the method acts oddly if extra vertices are present.
		CalcOrientedBox(proxyMesh, udim, vdim, ndim, center, rtm);
		BuildBox(proxyMesh, vdim, udim, ndim);

	MNMesh mn(proxyMesh);

	proxyPos = Point3::Origin;
	forceRedraw = true;
Example #14
BOOL FaceDataExport::nodeEnum(INode* node,Interface *ip) {	
	if(!exportSelected || node->Selected()) {
		ObjectState os = node->EvalWorldState(ip->GetTime());

		IFaceDataMgr *pFDMgr = NULL;
		if (os.obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID)) {
			TriObject *tobj = (TriObject *)os.obj;
			Mesh* mesh = &tobj->GetMesh();
			pFDMgr = static_cast<IFaceDataMgr*>(mesh->GetInterface( FACEDATAMGR_INTERFACE ));
		} else if (os.obj->IsSubClassOf (polyObjectClassID)) {
			PolyObject *pobj = (PolyObject *)os.obj;
			MNMesh *mesh = &pobj->GetMesh();
			pFDMgr = static_cast<IFaceDataMgr*>(mesh->GetInterface( FACEDATAMGR_INTERFACE ));
		if (pFDMgr == NULL) return FALSE;

		SampleFaceData* SampleDataChan = NULL; 
		IFaceDataChannel* fdc = pFDMgr->GetFaceDataChan( FACE_MAXSAMPLEUSE_CLSID );
		if ( fdc != NULL ) SampleDataChan = dynamic_cast<SampleFaceData*>(fdc);
		if ( SampleDataChan == NULL) {
			fileStream.Printf(_T("Node %s does not have our Face Data\n"),node->GetName());
			return false;

		//OK so We have Face data lets dump it out..
		fileStream.Printf(_T("\nNode %s has %d faces with FaceFloats\n"),node->GetName(), SampleDataChan->Count());
		for(ULONG i=0;i<SampleDataChan->Count();i++) {
			float data = SampleDataChan->data[i];
			fileStream.Printf(_T("Face %d, float %f\n"),i,data);

	// Recurse through this node's children, if any
	for (int c = 0; c < node->NumberOfChildren(); c++) {
		if (!nodeEnum(node->GetChildNode(c), ip)) return FALSE;

	return TRUE;
Example #15
OBJImport::DoImport(const TCHAR *filename,ImpInterface *i,Interface *gi, BOOL suppressPrompts) {
	TriObject *object = CreateNewTriObject();
		return 0;
	if(objFileRead(filename, &object->GetMesh())) {
		ImpNode *node = i->CreateNode();
		if(!node) {
			delete object;
			return 0;
		Matrix3 tm;
		return 1;
	return 0;
Example #16
Object* SimpleObject::ConvertToType(TimeValue t, Class_ID obtype) 
	if (obtype==defObjectClassID||obtype==triObjectClassID||obtype==mapObjectClassID) {
		TriObject *triob;
		triob = CreateNewTriObject();
		triob->GetMesh() = mesh;
		return triob;
	if (obtype == patchObjectClassID) {
		PatchObject *patchob = new PatchObject();
		patchob->patch = mesh;		// Handy Mesh->PatchMesh conversion
		return patchob;
	return Object::ConvertToType(t,obtype);
Example #17
void EditFaceDataMod::ModifyObject (TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, ObjectState *os, INode *node) {
	if (mDisabled) return;

	EditFaceDataModData *d  = (EditFaceDataModData*)mc.localData;
	if (!d) mc.localData = d = new EditFaceDataModData();

	if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID)) {
		// Access the Mesh:
		TriObject *tobj = (TriObject*)os->obj;
		Mesh & mesh = tobj->GetMesh();

		// Apply our modifier's changes:
		d->ApplyChanges (mesh);

		// Update the cache used for display and hit testing:
		if (!d->GetCacheMesh()) d->SetCacheMesh(mesh);

		// Set display flags according to SO level:
		mesh.dispFlags = 0;
		mesh.SetDispFlag (levelDispFlags[selLevel]);

	} else if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(polyObjectClassID)) {

		// Access the Mesh:
		PolyObject *pobj = (PolyObject*)os->obj;
		MNMesh & mesh = pobj->GetMesh();

		// Apply our modifier's changes:
		d->ApplyChanges (mesh);

		// Update the cache used for display and hit testing:
		if (!d->GetCacheMNMesh()) d->SetCacheMNMesh(mesh);

		// Set display flags according to SO level:
		mesh.dispFlags = 0;
		mesh.SetDispFlag (mnlevelDispFlags[selLevel]);
bool NifImporter::ImportMesh(NiTriStripsRef triStrips)
   bool ok = true;

   ImpNode *node = i->CreateNode();
	   return false;
   INode *inode = node->GetINode();
   TriObject *triObject = CreateNewTriObject();
   wstring name = wide(triStrips->GetName());

   // Texture
   Mesh& mesh = triObject->GetMesh();
   NiTriStripsDataRef triStripsData = DynamicCast<NiTriStripsData>(triStrips->GetData());
   if (triStripsData == NULL)
      return false;

   vector<Triangle> tris = triStripsData->GetTriangles();
   ok |= ImportMesh(node, triObject, triStrips, triStripsData, tris);
   return ok;
Example #19
void FExtrudeMod::ModifyObject(
		TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, ObjectState *os, INode *node)
	if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID)) {
		TriObject *tobj = (TriObject*)os->obj;
		Mesh &mesh = tobj->GetMesh();
		Interval iv = FOREVER;
		float a, s;
		Point3 pt, center;
		int c;

		// Extrude the faces -- this just creates the new faces

		// Build normals of selected faces only		
		Tab<Point3> normals;
		if (!c) {
			for (int i=0; i<mesh.getNumVerts(); i++) {
				normals[i] = Point3(0,0,0);
			for (int i=0; i<mesh.getNumFaces(); i++) {
				if (mesh.faceSel[i]) {
					Point3 norm = 
						(mesh.verts[mesh.faces[i].v[1]]-mesh.verts[mesh.faces[i].v[0]]) ^
					for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {				
						normals[mesh.faces[i].v[j]] += norm;
			for (int i=0; i<mesh.getNumVerts(); i++) {
				normals[i] = Normalize(normals[i]);
		} else {
			// Compute the center point			

		// Mark vertices used by selected faces
		BitArray sel;
		for (int i=0; i<mesh.getNumFaces(); i++) {
			if (mesh.faceSel[i]) {
				for (int j=0; j<3; j++) sel.Set(mesh.faces[i].v[j],TRUE);

		// Move selected verts
		for (int i=0; i<mesh.getNumVerts(); i++) {
			if (sel[i]) {
				if (!c) {
					mesh.verts[i] += normals[i]*a;
				} else {
					Point3 vect = Normalize((mesh.verts[i] * (*mc.tm))
						- center);
					mesh.verts[i] += vect*a;
		// Scale verts
		if (s!=100.0f) {
			s /= 100.0f;

			AdjEdgeList ae(mesh);
			AdjFaceList af(mesh,ae);
			FaceClusterList clust(mesh.faceSel,af);
			// Make sure each vertex is only scaled once.
			BitArray done;

			// scale each cluster independently
			for (int i=0; (DWORD)i<clust.count; i++) {
				// First determine cluster center
				Point3 cent(0,0,0);
				int ct=0;
				for (int j=0; j<mesh.getNumFaces(); j++) {
					if (clust[j]==(DWORD)i) {
						for (int k=0; k<3; k++) {
							cent += mesh.verts[mesh.faces[j].v[k]];
				if (ct) cent /= float(ct);

				// Now scale the cluster about its center
				for (int j=0; j<mesh.getNumFaces(); j++) {
					if (clust[j]==(DWORD)i) {
						for (int k=0; k<3; k++) {
							int index = mesh.faces[j].v[k]; 
							if (done[index]) continue;
							mesh.verts[index] = 
								(mesh.verts[index]-cent)*s + cent;							
		mesh.InvalidateTopologyCache ();
Example #20
ObjectHandle TriPatchObject::CreateTriObjRep(TimeValue t) {
	TriObject *tri = CreateNewTriObject();
	PrepareMesh(t);	// Turn it into a mesh
	tri->GetMesh() = patch.GetMesh();	// Place it into the TriObject
BOOL Building_collision_exp::ExportOneMesh(INode* node, CExportDataBuf* pDataBuf)

    if(node && pDataBuf)
        pDataBuf->strName = node->GetName();

        ObjectState os = node->EvalWorldState(0);

        if (!os.obj)
            return FALSE;

        // Targets are actually geomobjects, but we will export them
        // from the camera and light objects, so we skip them here.
        if (os.obj->ClassID() == Class_ID(TARGET_CLASS_ID, 0))
            return FALSE;

        int i;		// 以后需要用到的循环变量.

        Matrix3 tm = node->GetObjTMAfterWSM(0);

        // 三角形面的索引值.
        int vx1 = 0, vx2 = 1, vx3 = 2;

        BOOL needDel;
        TriObject* tri = GetTriObjectFromNode(node, 0, needDel);
        if (!tri)
            return FALSE;

        Mesh* mesh = &tri->GetMesh();

        pDataBuf->m_iFaceCount     = mesh->getNumFaces();
        pDataBuf->m_posVectorCount = mesh->getNumVerts();

        Point3 v;
        POS    pos;
        for (i=0; i<mesh->getNumVerts(); i++)
            v = tm * mesh->verts[i];
            pos.x = v.x;
            pos.y = v.z;
            pos.z = -v.y;


        FACE face;
        for (i=0; i<mesh->getNumFaces(); i++)
            face.iF1 = (WORD)mesh->faces[i].v[vx1];
            face.iF2 = (WORD)mesh->faces[i].v[vx2];
            face.iF3 = (WORD)mesh->faces[i].v[vx3];


        if (needDel)
            delete tri;


    m_bIsExport = TRUE;
    return TRUE;
Example #22
void XsiExp::ExportMesh( INode * node, TimeValue t, int indentLevel)
	ObjectState os = node->EvalWorldState(t);
	if (!os.obj || os.obj->SuperClassID() != GEOMOBJECT_CLASS_ID)
		return; // Safety net. This shouldn't happen.
	BOOL needDel;
	TriObject * tri = GetTriObjectFromNode(node, t, needDel);
	if (!tri)
    // no tri object
  // prepare mesh
  Mesh * mesh = &tri->GetMesh();

  // object offset matrix; apply to verts
  // swap y and z; max to soft correction
  Matrix3 matrix(1);
  //  translate
  matrix.PreTranslate( Point3( node->GetObjOffsetPos().x, node->GetObjOffsetPos().z, -node->GetObjOffsetPos().y));

  // rotate
  AngAxis aa( node->GetObjOffsetRot());
  float temp = aa.axis.z;
  aa.axis.z = -aa.axis.y;
  aa.axis.y = temp;
  PreRotateMatrix(matrix, Quat( aa));

  // scale
  ScaleValue scale = node->GetObjOffsetScale();
  aa.Set( scale.q);
  temp = aa.axis.z;
  aa.axis.z = -aa.axis.y;
  aa.axis.y = temp;
  scale.q.Set( aa);
  temp = scale.s.z;
  scale.s.z = scale.s.y;
  scale.s.y = temp;
  ApplyScaling(matrix, scale);

  // apply root transform
  matrix = matrix * topMatrix;
  // only rotation for normals
  AffineParts ap;
  Matrix3 rotMatrix(1);
  decomp_affine( matrix, &ap);
  PreRotateMatrix( rotMatrix, ap.q);

  // set winding order
	int vx1 = 0, vx2 = 1, vx3 = 2;
	if (TMNegParity( node->GetNodeTM(GetStaticFrame())) != TMNegParity( matrix) )
    // negative scaling; invert winding order and normal rotation
		vx1 = 2;	vx2 = 1;	vx3 = 0;
    rotMatrix = rotMatrix * Matrix3( Point3(-1,0,0), Point3(0,-1,0), Point3(0,0,-1), Point3(0,0,0));

  // header
	TSTR indent = GetIndent(indentLevel+1);
	fprintf(pStream, "%s%s %s {\n",indent.data(), "Mesh", FixupName(node->GetName()));

  // write number of verts
  int numLoop = mesh->getNumVerts();
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%d;\n",indent.data(), numLoop);

  // write verts
	for (int i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
		Point3 v = mesh->verts[i];
		float temp = v.z;
    v.z = -v.y;
    v.y = temp;
		v = matrix * v;
		fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%.6f;%.6f;%.6f;%s\n", indent.data(), v.x, v.y, v.z, 
      i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
  // write number of faces
  numLoop = mesh->getNumFaces();
  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

  // write faces
	for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
		fprintf(pStream, "%s\t3;%d,%d,%d;%s\n",
      i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");

  // face materials
	Mtl * nodeMtl = node->GetMtl();
  int numMtls = !nodeMtl || !nodeMtl->NumSubMtls() ? 1 : nodeMtl->NumSubMtls();

	// write face material list header	
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\tMeshMaterialList {\n", indent.data());
  // write number of materials
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numMtls);
  // write number of faces
  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

  // write face material indices (1 for each face)
  for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
    int index = numMtls ? mesh->faces[i].getMatID() % numMtls : 0;
      i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");

  // write the materials
  ExportMaterial( node, indentLevel+2);

  // verts close brace
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\t}\n\n",indent.data());

  // write normals header
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%s {\n", indent.data(), "SI_MeshNormals");
	// write number of normals
  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop * 3);

  // write normals (3 for each face)
	for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
		Face * f = &mesh->faces[i];
		int vert = f->getVert(vx1);

		Point3 vn = GetVertexNormal(mesh, i, mesh->getRVertPtr(vert));
    float temp = vn.z;
    vn.z = -vn.y;
    vn.y = temp;
		vn = rotMatrix * vn;
		fprintf(pStream,"%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;%.6f;,\n", indent.data(), vn.x, vn.y, vn.z);

		vert = f->getVert(vx2);
		vn = GetVertexNormal(mesh, i, mesh->getRVertPtr(vert));
    temp = vn.z;
    vn.z = -vn.y;
    vn.y = temp;
		vn = rotMatrix * vn;
		fprintf(pStream,"%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;%.6f;,\n", indent.data(), vn.x, vn.y, vn.z);
		vert = f->getVert(vx3);
		vn = GetVertexNormal(mesh, i, mesh->getRVertPtr(vert));
    temp = vn.z;
    vn.z = -vn.y;
    vn.y = temp;
		vn = rotMatrix * vn;
		fprintf(pStream,"%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;%.6f;%s\n", indent.data(), vn.x, vn.y, vn.z,
      i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
  // write number of faces
  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

  // write faces
  for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
	  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;3;%d,%d,%d;%s\n",
      i * 3 + vx1, i * 3 + vx2, i * 3 + vx3,
      i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
  // normals close brace
	fprintf(pStream, "%s\t}\n\n",indent.data());

	// texcoords
	if (nodeMtl && mesh && (nodeMtl->Requirements(-1) & MTLREQ_FACEMAP))
    // facemapping
    numLoop = mesh->getNumFaces() * 3;

    // write texture coords header
    fprintf(pStream, "%s\tSI_MeshTextureCoords {\n", indent.data());
    // write number of texture coords
    fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

    // write texture coords
	  for (int i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
		  Point3 tv[3];
		  Face * f = &mesh->faces[i];
		  make_face_uv( f, tv);
		  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;,\n",  indent.data(), tv[0].x, tv[0].y);
		  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;,\n",  indent.data(), tv[1].x, tv[1].y);
		  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;%s\n", indent.data(), tv[2].x, tv[2].y,
        i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
    // write number of faces
    numLoop = mesh->getNumFaces();
	  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

    // write faces
	  for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
        i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
    // texture coords close brace
	  fprintf(pStream, "%s\t}\n\n", indent.data());
		numLoop = mesh->getNumTVerts();

		if (numLoop)
      // write texture coords header
  		fprintf(pStream, "%s\tSI_MeshTextureCoords {\n", indent.data());
      // write number of texture coords
  		fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

      // write texture coords
			for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
				UVVert tv = mesh->tVerts[i];
				fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%.6f;%.6f;%s\n", indent.data(), tv.x, tv.y,
        i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
      // write number of faces
      numLoop = mesh->getNumFaces();
			fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%d;\n", indent.data(), numLoop);

      // write faces
			for (i = 0; i < numLoop; i++)
          i == numLoop - 1 ? ";\n" : ",");
      // texture coords close brace
			fprintf(pStream, "%s\t}\n\n", indent.data());

	// Export color per vertex info
	if (GetIncludeVertexColors()) {
		int numCVx = mesh->numCVerts;

		fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%s %d\n",indent.data(), ID_MESH_NUMCVERTEX, numCVx);
		if (numCVx) {
			fprintf(pStream,"%s\t%s {\n",indent.data(), ID_MESH_CVERTLIST);
			for (i=0; i<numCVx; i++) {
				Point3 vc = mesh->vertCol[i];
				fprintf(pStream, "%s\t\t%s %d\t%s\n",indent.data(), ID_MESH_VERTCOL, i, Format(vc));
			fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%s %d\n",indent.data(), ID_MESH_NUMCVFACES, mesh->getNumFaces());

			fprintf(pStream, "%s\t%s {\n",indent.data(), ID_MESH_CFACELIST);
			for (i=0; i<mesh->getNumFaces(); i++) {
				fprintf(pStream,"%s\t\t%s %d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
					ID_MESH_CFACE, i,
			fprintf(pStream, "%s\t}\n",indent.data());

  // Mesh close brace
	fprintf(pStream, "%s}\n",indent.data());
  // dispose of tri object
  if (needDel)
		delete tri;
Example #23
void SolidifyPW::ModifyObject(TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, ObjectState * os, INode *node) 

	//TODO: Add the code for actually modifying the object

	if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID)) {
		TriObject *tobj = (TriObject*)os->obj;
		Mesh &mesh = tobj->GetMesh();
		Interval iv = FOREVER;
		float a,oa;

		if (a == oa)
			oa += 0.00001f;

		BOOL overrideMatID;
		int matid;


		if (!overrideMatID) matid = -1;

		BOOL overridesg;
		int sg;

		if (!overridesg) sg = -1;

		int edgeMap;

		float tvOffset;

		BOOL ioverrideMatID;
		int imatid;


		if (!ioverrideMatID) imatid = -1;

		BOOL ooverrideMatID;
		int omatid;


		if (!ooverrideMatID) omatid = -1;

		BOOL selEdges, selInner,selOuter;

		static BOOL selEdgesPrev = FALSE;
		static BOOL selInnerPrev = FALSE;
		static BOOL selOuterPrev = FALSE;
		BOOL updateUI = FALSE;
		if (selEdges && (!selEdgesPrev))
			updateUI = TRUE;
		if (selInner && (!selInnerPrev))
			updateUI = TRUE;
		if (selOuter && (!selOuterPrev))
			updateUI = TRUE;
		selEdgesPrev = selEdges;
		selInnerPrev = selInner;			
		selOuterPrev = selOuter;			

		if (selEdges || selInner|| selOuter)
			mesh.dispFlags = DISP_SELFACES;
			mesh.selLevel = MESH_FACE;

		int segments = 1;

		if (segments < 1) segments = 1;

		BOOL fixupCorners;

		BOOL autoSmooth;
		float smoothAngle;

		BOOL bevel;
		INode *node;

		PolyShape shape;
		if ((bevel) && node)
			ObjectState nos = node->EvalWorldState(t);
			if (nos.obj->IsShapeObject()) 
				ShapeObject *pathOb = (ShapeObject*)nos.obj;

				if (!pathOb->NumberOfCurves()) 
					bevel = FALSE;
					pathOb->MakePolyShape(t, shape,PSHAPE_BUILTIN_STEPS,TRUE);
					if (shape.lines[0].IsClosed())
						bevel = FALSE;


		DWORD selLevel = mesh.selLevel;

		if (bevel)
			meshInfo.MakeSolid(&mesh,segments, a,oa,matid, sg,edgeMap,tvOffset,imatid,omatid,selEdges,selInner,selOuter,fixupCorners,autoSmooth,smoothAngle,&shape.lines[0]);
		else meshInfo.MakeSolid(&mesh,segments, a,oa,matid, sg,edgeMap,tvOffset,imatid,omatid,selEdges,selInner,selOuter,fixupCorners,autoSmooth,smoothAngle,NULL);

		mesh.selLevel = selLevel;

		mesh.InvalidateTopologyCache ();

		for (int i = 0; i < mesh.numFaces; i++)
			for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				int index = mesh.faces[j].v[j];
				if ((index < 0) || (index >= mesh.numVerts))
					DebugPrint(_T("Invalid face %d(%d) %d\n"),i,j,index);
		int numMaps = mesh.getNumMaps();

		for (int mp = -NUM_HIDDENMAPS; mp < numMaps; mp++)

			if (!mesh.mapSupport(mp)) continue;
			Point3 *uvw = mesh.mapVerts(mp);
			TVFace *uvwFace = mesh.mapFaces(mp);

			if ((uvw) && (uvwFace))
				int numberTVVerts = mesh.getNumMapVerts(mp);
				for (int i = 0; i < mesh.numFaces; i++)
					for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
						int index = uvwFace[i].t[j];
						if ((index < 0) || (index >= numberTVVerts))
							DebugPrint(_T("Invalid Map %d tvface %d(%d) %d\n"),mp,i,j,index);


		MeshNormalSpec *pNormSpec = (MeshNormalSpec *) mesh.GetInterface (MESH_NORMAL_SPEC_INTERFACE);
		if (pNormSpec && pNormSpec->GetNumFaces() > 0)

		if ((updateUI) && (ip))

bool NifImporter::ImportSkin(ImpNode *node, NiTriBasedGeomRef triGeom, int v_start/*=0*/)
   bool ok = true;
   NiSkinInstanceRef nifSkin = triGeom->GetSkinInstance();
   if (!nifSkin) 
      return false;

   INode *tnode = node->GetINode();

   NiSkinDataRef data = nifSkin->GetSkinData();
   NiSkinPartitionRef part = nifSkin->GetSkinPartition();

   vector<NiNodeRef> nifBones = nifSkin->GetBones();

   //create a skin modifier and add it
   Modifier *skinMod = GetOrCreateSkin(tnode);
   TriObject *triObject = GetTriObject(tnode->GetObjectRef());
   Mesh& m = triObject->GetMesh();

   //get the skin interface
   if (ISkin *skin = (ISkin *) skinMod->GetInterface(I_SKIN)){
      ISkinImportData* iskinImport = (ISkinImportData*) skinMod->GetInterface(I_SKINIMPORTDATA);

      // Set the num weights to 4.  Yes its in the nif but Shon doesn't like to expose those values 
      //   and the value always seems to be 4 anyway.  I'd also this be more dynamic than hard coded numbers
      //   but I cant figure out the correct values to pass the scripting engine from here so I'm giving up.
      int numWeightsPerVertex = 4;
#if VERSION_3DSMAX >= ((5000<<16)+(15<<8)+0) // Version 5+
      IParamBlock2 *params = skinMod->GetParamBlockByID(2/*advanced*/);
      params->SetValue(0x7/*bone_Limit*/, 0, numWeightsPerVertex);

      // Can get some truly bizarre animations without this in MAX with Civ4 Leaderheads
#if VERSION_3DSMAX > ((5000<<16)+(15<<8)+0) // Version 6+
      BOOL ignore = TRUE;
      params->SetValue(0xE/*ignoreBoneScale*/, 0, ignore);

      //RefTargetHandle advanced = skinMod->GetReference(3);
      //setMAXScriptValue(advanced, "bone_Limit", 0, numWeightsPerVertex);

      Matrix3 geom = TOMATRIX3(triGeom->GetLocalTransform());
      Matrix3 m3 = TOMATRIX3(data->GetOverallTransform());
      Matrix3 im3 = Inverse(m3);
      Matrix3 nm3 = im3 * geom;
      iskinImport->SetSkinTm(tnode, nm3, nm3); // ???
      // Create Bone List
      Tab<INode*> bones;
      for (size_t i=0; i<nifBones.size(); ++i){
         NiNodeRef bone = nifBones[i];
         if (INode *boneRef = FindNode(bone)) {
            bones.Append(1, &boneRef);
            iskinImport->AddBoneEx(boneRef, TRUE);

            //// Set Bone Transform
            Matrix3 b3 = TOMATRIX3(data->GetBoneTransform(i));
            Matrix3 ib3 = Inverse(b3);
            ib3 *= geom;
            iskinImport->SetBoneTm(boneRef, ib3, ib3);
      if (bones.Count() != data->GetBoneCount())
         return false;

      ObjectState os = tnode->EvalWorldState(0);

      // Need to get a list of bones and weights for each vertex.
      vector<VertexHolder> vertexHolders;
      for (int i=0, n=data->GetBoneCount();i<n; ++i){
         if (INode *boneRef = bones[i]){
            vector<SkinWeight> weights = data->GetBoneWeights(i);
            for (vector<SkinWeight>::iterator itr=weights.begin(), end=weights.end(); itr != end; ++itr){
               VertexHolder& h = vertexHolders[itr->index];
               h.vertIndex = itr->index;
               h.weights.Append(1, &itr->weight);
               h.boneNodeList.Append(1, &boneRef);

#if VERSION_3DSMAX < ((5000<<16)+(15<<8)+0) // Version 4
      // Assign the weights 
      for (vector<VertexHolder>::iterator itr=vertexHolders.begin(), end=vertexHolders.end(); itr != end; ++itr){
         VertexHolder& h = (*itr);
         if (h.count){
            float sum = 0.0f;
			for (int i = 0; i < h.count; ++i)
				sum += h.weights[i];
            ASSERT(fabs(sum-1.0f) < 0.001f);
            BOOL add = iskinImport->AddWeights(tnode, h.vertIndex, h.boneNodeList, h.weights);
            add = add;		//	What was the purpose of this?
      //	This is a kludge to get skin transforms to update and avoid jumping around after modifying the transforms.
      //	Initially they show up incorrectly but magically fix up if you go to the modifier roll up.
      //	There is still an outstanding issue with skeleton and GetObjectTMBeforeWSM.

      // If BSDismembermentSkinInstance, ...
      if ( BSDismemberSkinInstanceRef bsdsi = DynamicCast<BSDismemberSkinInstance>(nifSkin) )
         Modifier *dismemberSkinMod = GetOrCreateBSDismemberSkin(tnode);
         if (IBSDismemberSkinModifier *disSkin = (IBSDismemberSkinModifier *) dismemberSkinMod->GetInterface(I_BSDISMEMBERSKINMODIFIER)){
            //	Evaluate node ensure the modifier data is created
            //	ObjectState os = tnode->EvalWorldState(0);

            FaceMap faceMap;
            int nfaces = m.getNumFaces();
            for ( int i=0; i<nfaces; ++i ){
               Face f = m.faces[i];
               faceMap[ rotate(f) ] = i;

            Tab<IBSDismemberSkinModifierData*> modData = disSkin->GetModifierData();
            for (int i=0; i<modData.Count(); ++i) {
               IBSDismemberSkinModifierData* bsdsmd = modData[i];

               Tab<BSDSPartitionData> &flags = bsdsmd->GetPartitionFlags();
               vector<BodyPartList> partitions = bsdsi->GetPartitions();
               if (partitions.empty())

               //bsdsmd->SetActivePartition( partitions.size() - 1 );				// Old Code

			   for (unsigned int j = 0; j < (partitions.size() - 1); ++j){

               for (unsigned int j=0; j < partitions.size(); ++j ) {
				   flags[j].bodyPart = (DismemberBodyPartType)partitions[j].bodyPart;
				   flags[j].partFlag = partitions[j].partFlag;

               for (int j=0; j < part->GetNumPartitions(); ++j) {
                  bsdsmd->SetActivePartition( j );
                  dismemberSkinMod->SelectAll(3); // ensures bitarrays are properly synced to mesh
                  vector<Triangle> triangles = part->GetTriangles(j);
                  vector<unsigned short> map = part->GetVertexMap(j);
                  GenericNamedSelSetList& fselSet = bsdsmd->GetFaceSelList();
                  if ( BitArray* fsel = fselSet.GetSetByIndex(j) )
                     for (vector<Triangle>::iterator itrtri = triangles.begin(); itrtri != triangles.end(); ++itrtri) {
                        Face f;
						f.setVerts( map[(*itrtri).v1], map[(*itrtri).v2], map[(*itrtri).v3] );
                        FaceMap::iterator fitr = faceMap.find( rotate(f) );
                        if (fitr != faceMap.end())
               bsdsmd->SetActivePartition( 0 );
   return ok;
bool NifImporter::ImportMultipleGeometry(NiNodeRef parent, vector<NiTriBasedGeomRef>& glist)
   bool ok = true;
   if (glist.empty()) return false;

   ImpNode *node = i->CreateNode();
   if(!node) return false;

   INode *inode = node->GetINode();
   TriObject *triObject = CreateNewTriObject();

   string name = parent->GetName();

   // Texture
   Mesh& mesh = triObject->GetMesh();

   vector< pair<int, int> > vert_range, tri_range;
   vector<Triangle> tris;
   vector<Vector3> verts;
   int submats = glist.size();

   // Build list of vertices and triangles.  Optional components like normals will be handled later.
   for (vector<NiTriBasedGeomRef>::iterator itr = glist.begin(), end = glist.end(); itr != end; ++itr) {
      NiTriBasedGeomDataRef triGeomData = StaticCast<NiTriBasedGeomData>((*itr)->GetData());

      // Get verts and collapse local transform into them
      int nVertices = triGeomData->GetVertexCount();
      vector<Vector3> subverts = triGeomData->GetVertices();
      Matrix44 transform = (*itr)->GetLocalTransform();
      //Apply the transformations
      if (transform != Matrix44::IDENTITY) {
         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < subverts.size(); ++i )
            subverts[i] = transform * subverts[i];
      vert_range.push_back( pair<int,int>( verts.size(), verts.size() + subverts.size()) );
      verts.insert(verts.end(), subverts.begin(), subverts.end());

      vector<Triangle> subtris = triGeomData->GetTriangles();
      for (vector<Triangle>::iterator itr = subtris.begin(), end = subtris.end(); itr != end; ++itr) {
         (*itr).v1 += nVertices, (*itr).v2 += nVertices, (*itr).v3 += nVertices;
      tri_range.push_back( pair<int,int>( tris.size(), tris.size() + subtris.size()) );
      tris.insert(tris.end(), subtris.begin(), subtris.end());

   // Transform up-to-parent
   Matrix44 baseTM = (importBones) ? Matrix44::IDENTITY : parent->GetWorldTransform();

   // Set vertices and triangles
   mesh.setNumTVerts(verts.size(), TRUE);
   for (int i=0, n=verts.size(); i < n; ++i){
      Vector3 &v = verts[i];
      mesh.verts[i].Set(v.x, v.y, v.z);
   for (int submat=0; submat<submats; ++submat) {
      int t_start = tri_range[submat].first, t_end = tri_range[submat].second;
      for (int i=t_start; i<t_end; ++i) {
         Triangle& t = tris[i];
         Face& f = mesh.faces[i];
         f.setVerts(t.v1, t.v2, t.v3);
         f.setEdgeVisFlags(EDGE_VIS, EDGE_VIS, EDGE_VIS);
         TVFace& tf = mesh.tvFace[i];
         tf.setTVerts(t.v1, t.v2, t.v3);
   bool bSpecNorms = false;

   MultiMtl *mtl = NULL;
   int igeom = 0;
   for (vector<NiTriBasedGeomRef>::iterator itr = glist.begin(), end = glist.end(); itr != end; ++itr, ++igeom) 
      NiTriBasedGeomDataRef triGeomData = StaticCast<NiTriBasedGeomData>((*itr)->GetData());

      int v_start = vert_range[igeom].first, v_end = vert_range[igeom].second;
      int t_start = tri_range[igeom].first, t_end = tri_range[igeom].second;

      // Normals
      vector<Vector3> subnorms = triGeomData->GetNormals();
      Matrix44 rotation = (*itr)->GetLocalTransform().GetRotation();
      if (rotation != Matrix44::IDENTITY) {
         for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < subnorms.size(); ++i )
            subnorms[i] = rotation * subnorms[i];
      if (!subnorms.empty())
#if VERSION_3DSMAX > ((5000<<16)+(15<<8)+0) // Version 5
         // Initialize normals if necessary
         if (!bSpecNorms) {
            bSpecNorms = true;
            MeshNormalSpec *specNorms = mesh.GetSpecifiedNormals();
            if (NULL != specNorms) {
         MeshNormalSpec *specNorms = mesh.GetSpecifiedNormals();
         if (NULL != specNorms)
            Point3* norms = specNorms->GetNormalArray();
            for (int i=0, n=subnorms.size(); i<n; i++){
               Vector3& v = subnorms[i];
               norms[i+v_start] = Point3(v.x, v.y, v.z);
            //MeshNormalFace* pFaces = specNorms->GetFaceArray();
            //for (int i=0; i<tris.size(); i++){
            //   Triangle& tri = tris[i];
            //   MeshNormalFace& face = pFaces[i+t_start];
            //   face.SpecifyNormalID(0, tri.v1);
            //   face.SpecifyNormalID(1, tri.v2);
            //   face.SpecifyNormalID(2, tri.v3);
#if VERSION_3DSMAX > ((7000<<16)+(15<<8)+0) // Version 7+
      // uv texture info
      if (triGeomData->GetUVSetCount() > 0) {
         vector<TexCoord> texCoords = triGeomData->GetUVSet(0);
         for (int i=0, n = texCoords.size(); i<n; ++i) {
            TexCoord& texCoord = texCoords[i];
            mesh.tVerts[i+v_start].Set(texCoord.u, (flipUVTextures) ? 1.0f-texCoord.v : texCoord.v, 0);
      vector<Color4> cv = triGeomData->GetColors();
      ImportVertexColor(inode, triObject, tris, cv, v_start);

      if ( StdMat2* submtl = ImportMaterialAndTextures(node, (*itr)) )
         if (mtl == NULL) {
            mtl = NewDefaultMultiMtl();
         // SubMatIDs do not have to be contiguous so we just use the offset
         mtl->SetSubMtlAndName(igeom, submtl, submtl->GetName());
         for (int i=t_start; i<t_end; ++i)
      if (enableSkinSupport)
         ImportSkin(node, (*itr));


   inode = node->GetINode();

   for (vector<NiTriBasedGeomRef>::iterator itr = glist.begin(), end = glist.end(); itr != end; ++itr) 
      // attach child
      if (INode *parent = GetNode((*itr)->GetParent()))
         parent->AttachChild(inode, 1);
      inode->Hide((*itr)->GetVisibility() ? FALSE : TRUE);
   if (removeDegenerateFaces)
   if (removeIllegalFaces)
   if (weldVertices)
   if (enableAutoSmooth)
      mesh.AutoSmooth(TORAD(autoSmoothAngle), FALSE, FALSE);
   return ok;
Example #26
void FaceDataToColorMod::ModifyObject(TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, ObjectState * os, INode *node) {
	if (mDisabled) return;

	IFaceDataMgr* pFDMgr = NULL;

	// We can work with Face Data in a couple different object types:
	TriObject *pTri = NULL;
	PolyObject *pPoly = NULL;
	Mesh *pMesh = NULL;
	MNMesh *pMNMesh = NULL;
	int numFaces = 0;

	if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID)) {
		pTri = (TriObject*)os->obj;
		pMesh = &(pTri->GetMesh());
		numFaces = pMesh->getNumFaces();
		// Get the face-data manager from the incoming object
		pFDMgr = static_cast<IFaceDataMgr*>(pMesh->GetInterface( FACEDATAMGR_INTERFACE ));
	} else if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(polyObjectClassID)) {
		pPoly = (PolyObject*)os->obj;
		pMNMesh = &pPoly->GetMesh();
		numFaces = pMNMesh->numf;
		// Get the face-data manager from the incoming object
		pFDMgr = static_cast<IFaceDataMgr*>(pMNMesh->GetInterface( FACEDATAMGR_INTERFACE ));

	if (pFDMgr == NULL) return;

	//Get our parameters
	int channel;
	float r, g, b;
	Interval ourValidity = os->obj->ChannelValidity (t, TOPO_CHAN_NUM);
	mpParams->GetValue (pb_channel, t, channel, ourValidity);
	mpParams->GetValue (pb_red, t, r, ourValidity);
	mpParams->GetValue (pb_green, t, g, ourValidity);
	mpParams->GetValue (pb_blue, t, b, ourValidity);

	// Get at our SampleFaceData:
	SampleFaceData *pFaceData = dynamic_cast<SampleFaceData *>(pFDMgr->GetFaceDataChan (FACE_MAXSAMPLEUSE_CLSID));

	// Apply the colors - different code depending on object type:
	if (pMesh) {
		pMesh->setMapSupport (-channel, true);
		pMesh->setNumMapVerts (-channel, 3*numFaces);
		TVFace *pFace = pMesh->mapFaces(-channel);
		VertColor *pColor = pMesh->mapVerts (-channel);

		int maxFaceData = pFaceData ? pFaceData->Count() : 0;

		for (int i=0; i<numFaces; i++) {
			for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
				int k = i*3+j;
				pFace[i].t[j] = k;
				if (i<maxFaceData) {
					float fdValue = pFaceData->data[i];
					VertColor val;
					val.x = r*fdValue;
					if (val.x < 0) val.x = 0.0f;
					if (val.x > 1) val.x = 1.0f;
					val.y = g*fdValue;
					if (val.y < 0) val.y = 0.0f;
					if (val.y > 1) val.y = 1.0f;
					val.z = b*fdValue;
					if (val.z < 0) val.z = 0.0f;
					if (val.z > 1) val.z = 1.0f;
					pColor[k] = val;
				} else pColor[k] = VertColor(0,0,0);

	if (pMNMesh) {
		if ((channel == 0) && (pMNMesh->numm == 0)) pMNMesh->SetMapNum (1);
		pMNMesh->M(-channel)->ClearFlag (MN_DEAD);
		pMNMesh->M(-channel)->setNumFaces (numFaces);

		// Precount the number of map vertices we need:
		int numColors = 0;
		for (int i=0; i<numFaces; i++) {
			if (pMNMesh->f[i].GetFlag (MN_DEAD)) continue;
			numColors += pMNMesh->f[i].deg;
		pMNMesh->M(-channel)->setNumVerts (numColors);

		MNMapFace *pFace = pMNMesh->M(-channel)->f;
		VertColor *pColor = pMNMesh->M(-channel)->v;

		int maxFaceData = pFaceData ? pFaceData->Count() : 0;

		for (int i=0, k = 0; i<numFaces; i++) {
			if (pMNMesh->f[i].GetFlag (MN_DEAD)) continue;
			pFace[i].SetSize (pMNMesh->f[i].deg);
			for (int j=0; j<pMNMesh->f[i].deg; j++) {
				pFace[i].tv[j] = k;
				if (i<maxFaceData) {
					float fdValue = pFaceData->data[i];
					VertColor val;
					val.x = r*fdValue;
					if (val.x < 0) val.x = 0.0f;
					if (val.x > 1) val.x = 1.0f;
					val.y = g*fdValue;
					if (val.y < 0) val.y = 0.0f;
					if (val.y > 1) val.y = 1.0f;
					val.z = b*fdValue;
					if (val.z < 0) val.z = 0.0f;
					if (val.z > 1) val.z = 1.0f;
					pColor[k] = val;
				} else pColor[k] = VertColor(0,0,0);

	os->obj->SetChannelValidity (VERT_COLOR_CHAN_NUM, ourValidity);
Example #27
int ExportQuake3Model(const TCHAR *filename, ExpInterface *ei, Interface *gi, int start_time, std::list<ExportNode> lTags, std::list<ExportNode> lMeshes)
	FILE *file;
	int i, j, totalTags, totalMeshes, current_time = 0;
	long pos_current, totalTris = 0, totalVerts = 0;
	std::list<FrameRange>::iterator range_i;
	std::vector<Point3> lFrameBBoxMin;
	std::vector<Point3> lFrameBBoxMax;
	long pos_tagstart;
	long pos_tagend;
	long pos_filesize;
	long pos_framestart;
	int lazynamesfixed = 0;
	const Point3 x_axis(1, 0, 0);
	const Point3 z_axis(0, 0, 1);

	SceneEnumProc checkScene(ei->theScene, start_time, gi);
	totalTags = (int)lTags.size();
	if (g_tag_for_pivot)
	totalMeshes = (int)lMeshes.size();

	// open file
	file = _tfopen(filename, _T("wb"));
	if (!file)
		ExportError("Cannot open file '%s'.", filename);
		return FALSE;
	ExportDebug("%s:", filename);

	// sync pattern and version
	putChars("IDP3", 4, file);
	put32(15, file);
	putChars("Darkplaces MD3 Exporter", 64, file);
	put32(0, file);   // flags
	// MD3 header
	ExportState("Writing MD3 header");
	put32(g_total_frames, file);      // how many frames
	put32(totalTags, file);	  // tagsnum
	put32(totalMeshes, file); // meshnum
	put32(1, file);   // maxskinnum
	put32(108, file); // headersize
	pos_tagstart = ftell(file); put32(0, file);   // tagstart
	pos_tagend	= ftell(file);  put32(256, file); // tagend
	pos_filesize = ftell(file); put32(512, file); // filesize
	ExportDebug("    %i frames, %i tags, %i meshes", g_total_frames, totalTags, totalMeshes);

	// frame info
	// bbox arrays get filled while exported mesh and written back then
	ExportState("Writing frame info");
	pos_framestart = ftell(file);
	for (i = 0; i < g_total_frames; i++)
		// init frame data
		lFrameBBoxMin[i].Set(0, 0, 0);
		lFrameBBoxMax[i].Set(0, 0, 0);
		// put data
		putFloat(-1.0f, file); // bbox min vector
		putFloat(-1.0f, file);
		putFloat(-1.0f, file);	
		putFloat( 1.0f, file); // bbox max vector
		putFloat(1.0f, file);
		putFloat(1.0f, file);
		putFloat(0.0f, file);  // local origin (usually 0 0 0)
		putFloat(0.0f, file);
		putFloat(0.0f, file);
		putFloat(1.0f, file);  // radius of bounding sphere
		putChars("", 16, file);

	// tags
	pos_current = ftell(file);
	fseek(file, pos_tagstart, SEEK_SET);
	put32(pos_current, file);
	fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);
	// for each frame range cycle all frames and write out each tag
	long pos_tags = pos_current;
	if (totalTags)
		long current_frame = 0;
		ExportState("Writing %i tags", totalTags);
		for (range_i = g_frame_ranges.begin(); range_i != g_frame_ranges.end(); range_i++)
			for (i = (*range_i).first; i <= (int)(*range_i).last; i++, current_frame++)
				SceneEnumProc current_scene(ei->theScene, i * g_ticks_per_frame, gi);
				current_time = current_scene.time;

				// write out tags
				if (lTags.size())
					for (std::list<ExportNode>::iterator tag_i = lTags.begin(); tag_i != lTags.end(); tag_i++)
						INode *node	= current_scene[tag_i->i]->node;
						Matrix3	tm = node->GetObjTMAfterWSM(current_time);

						ExportState("Writing '%s' frame %i of %i", tag_i->name, i, g_total_frames);

						// tagname
						putChars(tag_i->name, 64, file);
						// origin, rotation matrix
						Point3 row = tm.GetRow(3);
						putFloat(row.x, file);
						putFloat(row.y, file);
						putFloat(row.z, file);
						row = tm.GetRow(0);
						putFloat(row.x, file);
						putFloat(row.y, file);
						putFloat(row.z, file);
						row = tm.GetRow(1);
						putFloat(row.x, file);
						putFloat(row.y, file);
						putFloat(row.z, file);
						row = tm.GetRow(2);
						putFloat(row.x, file);
						putFloat(row.y, file);
						putFloat(row.z, file);

				// write the center of mass tag_pivot which is avg of all objects's pivots
				if (g_tag_for_pivot)
					ExportState("Writing 'tag_pivot' frame %i of %i", i, g_total_frames);

					// write the null data as tag_pivot need to be written after actual geometry
					// (it needs information on frame bound boxes to get proper blendings)
					putChars("tag_pivot", 64, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(1, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(1, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(0, file);
					putFloat(1, file);

	// write the tag object offsets
	pos_current = ftell(file);
	fseek(file, pos_tagend, SEEK_SET);
	put32(pos_current, file);
	fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

	// allocate the structs used to calculate tag_pivot
	std::vector<Point3> tag_pivot_origin;
	std::vector<double> tag_pivot_volume;
	if (g_tag_for_pivot)

	// mesh objects
	// for each mesh object write uv and frames
	SceneEnumProc scratch(ei->theScene, start_time, gi);
	ExportState("Writing %i meshes", (int)lMeshes.size());
	for (std::list<ExportNode>::iterator mesh_i = lMeshes.begin(); mesh_i != lMeshes.end(); mesh_i++)
		bool needsDel;

		ExportState("Start mesh #%i", mesh_i);
		INode *node = checkScene[mesh_i->i]->node;
		Matrix3 tm	= node->GetObjTMAfterWSM(start_time);
		TriObject *tri = GetTriObjectFromNode(node, start_time, needsDel);
		if (!tri)

		// get mesh, compute normals
		Mesh &mesh = tri->GetMesh();
		MeshNormalSpec *meshNormalSpec = mesh.GetSpecifiedNormals();
		if (meshNormalSpec)
			if (!meshNormalSpec->GetNumFaces())
				meshNormalSpec = NULL;

		// fix lazy object names
		ExportState("Attempt to fix mesh name '%s'", mesh_i->name);
		char  meshname[64];
		size_t meshnamelen = min(63, strlen(mesh_i->name));
		memset(meshname, 0, 64);
		strncpy(meshname, mesh_i->name, meshnamelen);
		meshname[meshnamelen] = 0;
		if (!strncmp("Box", meshname, 3)    || !strncmp("Sphere", meshname, 6)  || !strncmp("Cylinder", meshname, 8) ||
            !strncmp("Torus", meshname, 5)  || !strncmp("Cone", meshname, 4)    || !strncmp("GeoSphere", meshname, 9) ||
			!strncmp("Tube", meshname, 4)   || !strncmp("Pyramid", meshname, 7) || !strncmp("Plane", meshname, 5) ||
			!strncmp("Teapot", meshname, 6) || !strncmp("Object", meshname, 6))
			if (lazynamesfixed == 1)
				strcpy(meshname, "base");
				sprintf(meshname, "base%i", lazynamesfixed);

			// check if it's not used by another mesh
			for (std::list<ExportNode>::iterator m_i = lMeshes.begin(); m_i != lMeshes.end(); m_i++)
				if (!strncmp(m_i->name, meshname, strlen(meshname)))
					goto name_conflict;
			// approve name
			ExportWarning("Lazy object name '%s' (mesh renamed to '%s').", node->GetName(), meshname);

		// special mesh check
		bool shadow_or_collision = false;
		if (g_mesh_special)
			  if (!strncmp("collision", meshname, 9) || !strncmp("shadow", meshname, 6))
				shadow_or_collision = true;

		// get material
		const char *shadername = NULL;
		Texmap *tex = 0;
		Mtl *mtl = 0;
		if (!shadow_or_collision)
			mtl = node->GetMtl();
			if (mtl)
				// check for multi-material
				if (mtl->IsMultiMtl())
					// check if it's truly multi material
					// we do support multi-material with only one texture (some importers set it)
					bool multi_material = false;
					MtlID matId = mesh.faces[0].getMatID();
					for (i = 1; i < mesh.getNumFaces(); i++)
						if (mesh.faces[i].getMatID() != matId)
							multi_material = true;

					if (multi_material)
						if (g_mesh_multimaterials == MULTIMATERIALS_NONE)
							ExportWarning("Object '%s' is multimaterial and using multiple materials on its faces, that case is not yet supported (truncating to first submaterial).", node->GetName());
					// switch to submaterial
					mtl = mtl->GetSubMtl(matId);

				// get shader from material if supplied
				char *materialname = GetChar(mtl->GetName());
				if (g_mesh_materialasshader && (strstr(materialname, "/") != NULL || strstr(materialname, "\\") != NULL))
					shadername = GetChar(mtl->GetName());
					// get texture
					tex = mtl->GetSubTexmap(ID_DI);
					if (tex)
						if (tex->ClassID() == Class_ID(BMTEX_CLASS_ID, 0x00))
							shadername = GetChar(((BitmapTex *)tex)->GetMapName());
							if (shadername == NULL || !shadername[0])
								ExportWarning("Object '%s' material '%s' has no bitmap.", tex->GetName(), node->GetName());
							tex = NULL;
							ExportWarning("Object '%s' has material with wrong texture type (only Bitmap are supported).", node->GetName());
						ExportWarning("Object '%s' has material but no texture.", node->GetName());
				ExportWarning("Object '%s' has no material.", node->GetName());

		long pos_meshstart = ftell(file);

		// surface object
		ExportState("Writing mesh '%s' header", meshname);
		putChars("IDP3", 4, file);
		putChars(meshname, 64, file);
		put32(0, file); // flags
		put32(g_total_frames, file);                          // framecount
		put32(1, file);                                       // skincount
		long pos_vertexnum = ftell(file); put32(0, file);     // vertexcount
		put32(mesh.getNumFaces(), file);                      // trianglecount
		long pos_trianglestart = ftell(file); put32(0, file); // start triangles
		put32(108, file);                                     // header size
		long pos_texvecstart = ftell(file); put32(0, file);   // texvecstart
		long pos_vertexstart = ftell(file); put32(16, file);  // vertexstart
		long pos_meshsize = ftell(file); put32(32, file);	  // meshsize

		// write out a single 'skin'
		ExportState("Writing mesh %s texture", meshname);
		if (shadow_or_collision)
			putChars(meshname, 64, file);
		else if (shadername) 
			putMaterial(shadername, mtl, tex, file);
			putChars("noshader", 64, file);
		put32(0, file); // flags

		// build geometry
		ExportState("Building vertexes/triangles");
		int vExtraVerts = mesh.getNumVerts();
		for (i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVerts(); i++)
			vVertexes[i].vert = i;
			vVertexes[i].normalfilled = false;
			// todo: check for coincident verts
		int vNumExtraVerts = 0;

		// check normals
		if (!mesh.normalsBuilt && !shadow_or_collision)
			ExportWarning("Object '%s' does not have normals contructed.", node->GetName());

		// get info for triangles
		const float normal_epsilon = 0.01f;
		for (i = 0; i < mesh.getNumFaces(); i++)
			DWORD smGroup = mesh.faces[i].getSmGroup();
			ExportState("Mesh %s: checking normals for face %i of %i", meshname, i, mesh.getNumFaces());
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				int vert = mesh.faces[i].getVert(j);
				vTriangles[i].e[j] = vert;
				// find a right normal for this vertex and save its 'address'
				int vni;
				Point3 vn;
				if (!mesh.normalsBuilt || shadow_or_collision)
					vn.Set(0, 0, 0);
					vni = 0;
					int numNormals;
					RVertex *rv = mesh.getRVertPtr(vert);
					if (meshNormalSpec)
						ExportState("face %i vert %i have normal specified", i, j);
						// mesh have explicit normals (i.e. Edit Normals modifier)
						vn = meshNormalSpec->GetNormal(i, j);
						vni = meshNormalSpec->GetNormalIndex(i, j);
					else if (rv && rv->rFlags & SPECIFIED_NORMAL)
						ExportState("face %i vert %i have SPECIFIED_NORMAL flag", i, j);
						// SPECIFIED_NORMAL flag
						vn = rv->rn.getNormal();
						vni = 0;
					else if (rv && (numNormals = rv->rFlags & NORCT_MASK) && smGroup)
						// If there is only one vertex is found in the rn member.
						if (numNormals == 1)
							ExportState("face %i vert %i have solid smooth group", i, j);
							vn = rv->rn.getNormal();
							vni = 0;
							ExportState("face %i vert %i have mixed smoothing groups", i, j);
							// If two or more vertices are there you need to step through them
							// and find the vertex with the same smoothing group as the current face.
							// You will find multiple normals in the ern member.
							for (int k = 0; k < numNormals; k++)
								if (rv->ern[k].getSmGroup() & smGroup)
									vn = rv->ern[k].getNormal();
									vni = 1 + k;
						ExportState("face %i vert %i flat shaded", i, j);
						// Get the normal from the Face if no smoothing groups are there
						vn = mesh.getFaceNormal(i);
						vni = 0 - (i + 1);

				// subdivide to get all normals right
				if (!vVertexes[vert].normalfilled)
					vVertexes[vert].normal = vn;
					vVertexes[vert].normalindex = vni;
					vVertexes[vert].normalfilled = true;
				else if ((vVertexes[vert].normal - vn).Length() >= normal_epsilon)
					// current vertex not matching normal - it was already filled by different smoothing group
					// find a vert in extra verts in case it was already created
					bool vert_found = false;
					for (int ev = vExtraVerts; ev < (int)vVertexes.size(); ev++)
						if (vVertexes[ev].vert == vert && (vVertexes[ev].normal - vn).Length() < normal_epsilon)
							vert_found = true;
							vTriangles[i].e[j] = ev;
					// we havent found a vertex, create new
					if (!vert_found)
						ExportVertex NewVert;
						NewVert.vert = vVertexes[vert].vert;
						NewVert.normal = vn;
						NewVert.normalindex = vni;
						NewVert.normalfilled = true;
						vTriangles[i].e[j] = (int)vVertexes.size();
		int vNumExtraVertsForSmoothGroups = vNumExtraVerts;

		// generate UV map
		// VorteX: use direct maps reading since getNumTVerts()/getTVert is deprecated
		//  max sets two default mesh maps: 0 - vertex color, 1 : UVW, 2 & up are custom ones
		ExportState("Building UV map");
		int meshMap = 1;
		if (!mesh.mapSupport(meshMap) || !mesh.getNumMapVerts(meshMap) || shadow_or_collision)
			for (i = 0; i < mesh.getNumVerts(); i++)
				vUVMap[i].u = 0.5;
				vUVMap[i].v = 0.5;
			if (!shadow_or_collision)
				ExportWarning("No UV mapping was found on object '%s'.", node->GetName());
			UVVert *meshUV = mesh.mapVerts(meshMap);
			for (i = 0; i < (int)vTriangles.size(); i++)
				ExportState("Mesh %s: converting tvert for face %i of %i", meshname, i, (int)vTriangles.size());
				// for 3 face vertexes
				for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
					int vert = vTriangles[i].e[j];
					int tv = mesh.tvFace[i].t[j];
					UVVert &UV = meshUV[tv];

					if (!vUVMap[vert].filled)
						// fill uvMap vertex
						vUVMap[vert].u = UV.x;
						vUVMap[vert].v = UV.y;
						vUVMap[vert].filled = true;
						vUVMap[vert].tvert = tv;
					else if (tv != vUVMap[vert].tvert)
						// uvMap slot for this vertex has been filled
						// we should arrange triangle to other vertex, which not filled and having same shading and uv
						// check if any of the extra vertices can fit
						bool vert_found = false;
						for (int ev = vExtraVerts; ev < (int)vVertexes.size(); ev++)
							if (vVertexes[ev].vert == vert && vUVMap[vert].u == UV.x &&vUVMap[vert].v == UV.y  && (vVertexes[ev].normal - vVertexes[vert].normal).Length() < normal_epsilon)
								vert_found = true;
								vTriangles[i].e[j] = vVertexes[ev].vert;
						if (!vert_found)
							// create new vert
							ExportVertex NewVert;
							NewVert.vert = vVertexes[vert].vert;
							NewVert.normal = vVertexes[vert].normal;
							NewVert.normalindex = vVertexes[vert].normalindex;
							NewVert.normalfilled = vVertexes[vert].normalfilled;
							vTriangles[i].e[j] = (int)vVertexes.size();
							// create new TVert
							ExportUV newUV;
							newUV.filled = true;
							newUV.u = UV.x;
							newUV.v = UV.y;
							newUV.tvert = tv;
		int vNumExtraVertsForUV = (vNumExtraVerts - vNumExtraVertsForSmoothGroups);

		// print some debug stats
		ExportDebug("    mesh %s: %i vertexes +%i %s +%i UV, %i triangles", meshname, ((int)vVertexes.size() - vNumExtraVerts), vNumExtraVertsForSmoothGroups, meshNormalSpec ? "EditNormals" : "SmoothGroups", vNumExtraVertsForUV, (int)vTriangles.size());

		// fill in triangle start
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		fseek(file, pos_trianglestart, SEEK_SET);
		put32(pos_current - pos_meshstart, file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

		// detect if object have negative scale (mirrored)
		// in this canse we should rearrange triangles counterclockwise
		// so stuff will not be inverted
		ExportState("Mesh %s: writing %i triangles", meshname, (int)vTriangles.size());
		if (DotProd(CrossProd(tm.GetRow(0), tm.GetRow(1)), tm.GetRow(2)) < 0.0)
			ExportWarning("Object '%s' is mirrored (having negative scale on it's transformation)", node->GetName());
			for (i = 0; i < (int)vTriangles.size(); i++)
				put32(vTriangles[i].b, file);	// vertex index
				put32(vTriangles[i].c, file);	// for 3 vertices
				put32(vTriangles[i].a, file);	// of triangle
			for (i = 0; i < (int)vTriangles.size(); i++)
				put32(vTriangles[i].a, file);	// vertex index
				put32(vTriangles[i].c, file);	// for 3 vertices
				put32(vTriangles[i].b, file);	// of triangle

		// fill in texvecstart
		// write out UV mapping coords.
		ExportState("Mesh %s: writing %i UV vertexes", meshname, (int)vUVMap.size());
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		fseek(file, pos_texvecstart, SEEK_SET);
		put32(pos_current - pos_meshstart, file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);
		for (i = 0; i < (int)vUVMap.size(); i++)
			putFloat(vUVMap[i].u, file); // texture coord u,v
			putFloat(1.0f - vUVMap[i].v, file);	// for vertex

		// fill in vertexstart
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		fseek(file, pos_vertexstart, SEEK_SET);
		put32(pos_current - pos_meshstart, file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

		// fill in vertexnum
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		fseek(file, pos_vertexnum, SEEK_SET);
		put32((int)vVertexes.size(), file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

		// write out for each frame the position of each vertex
		long current_frame = 0;
		ExportState("Mesh %s: writing %i frames", meshname, g_total_frames);
		for (range_i = g_frame_ranges.begin(); range_i != g_frame_ranges.end(); range_i++)
			for (i = (*range_i).first; i <= (int)(*range_i).last; i++, current_frame++)
				bool _needsDel;

				// get triobject for current frame
				SceneEnumProc current_scene(ei->theScene, i * g_ticks_per_frame, gi);
				current_time = current_scene.time;
				INode *_node = current_scene[mesh_i->i]->node;
				TriObject *_tri	= GetTriObjectFromNode(_node, current_time, _needsDel);
				if (!_tri)

				// get mesh, compute normals
				Mesh &_mesh	= _tri->GetMesh();
				MeshNormalSpec *_meshNormalSpec = _mesh.GetSpecifiedNormals();
				if (_meshNormalSpec)
					if (!_meshNormalSpec->GetNumFaces())
						_meshNormalSpec = NULL;

				// get transformations for current frame
				Matrix3 _tm	= _node->GetObjTMAfterWSM(current_time);

				ExportState("Mesh %s: writing frame %i of %i", meshname, current_frame, g_total_frames);

				Point3 BoxMin(0, 0, 0);
				Point3 BoxMax(0, 0, 0);
				for (j = 0; j < (int)vVertexes.size(); j++) // number of vertices
					ExportState("Mesh %s: transform vertex %i of %i", meshname, j, (int)vVertexes.size());

					int vert = vVertexes[j].vert;
					Point3 &v = _tm.PointTransform(_mesh.getVert(vert));
					// populate bbox data
					if (!shadow_or_collision)
						BoxMin.x = min(BoxMin.x, v.x);
						BoxMin.y = min(BoxMin.y, v.y);
						BoxMin.z = min(BoxMin.z, v.z);
						BoxMax.x = max(BoxMax.x, v.x);
						BoxMax.y = max(BoxMax.y, v.y);
						BoxMax.z = max(BoxMax.z, v.z);

					// write vertex
					double f;
					f = v.x * 64.0f; if (f < -32768.0) f = -32768.0; if (f > 32767.0) f = 32767.0; put16((short)f, file);
					f = v.y * 64.0f; if (f < -32768.0) f = -32768.0; if (f > 32767.0) f = 32767.0; put16((short)f, file);
					f = v.z * 64.0f; if (f < -32768.0) f = -32768.0; if (f > 32767.0) f = 32767.0; put16((short)f, file);

					// get normal
					ExportState("Mesh %s: transform vertex normal %i of %i", meshname, j, (int)vVertexes.size());
					Point3 n;
					if (_meshNormalSpec) // mesh have explicit normals (i.e. Edit Normals modifier)
						n = _meshNormalSpec->Normal(vVertexes[j].normalindex);
					else if (!vVertexes[j].normalfilled || !_mesh.normalsBuilt)
						n = _mesh.getNormal(vert);
						RVertex *rv = _mesh.getRVertPtr(vert);
						if (vVertexes[j].normalindex < 0)
							n = _mesh.getFaceNormal((0 - vVertexes[j].normalindex) - 1);
						else if (vVertexes[j].normalindex == 0)
							n = rv->rn.getNormal();
							n = rv->ern[vVertexes[j].normalindex - 1].getNormal();

					// transform normal
					Point3 &nt = _tm.VectorTransform(n).Normalize();

					// encode a normal vector into a 16-bit latitude-longitude value
					double lng = acos(nt.z) * 255 / (2 * pi);
					double lat = atan2(nt.y, nt.x) * 255 / (2 * pi);
					put16((((int)lat & 0xFF) << 8) | ((int)lng & 0xFF), file);

				// blend the pivot positions for tag_pivot using mesh's volumes for blending power
				if (g_tag_for_pivot && !shadow_or_collision)
					ExportState("Mesh %s: writing tag_pivot", meshname);

					Point3 Size = BoxMax - BoxMin;
					double BoxVolume = pow(Size.x * Size.y * Size.z, 0.333f);

					// blend matrices
					float blend = (float)(BoxVolume / (BoxVolume + tag_pivot_volume[current_frame]));
					float iblend = 1 - blend;
					tag_pivot_volume[current_frame]   = tag_pivot_volume[current_frame] + BoxVolume;
					Point3 row = _tm.GetRow(3) - _node->GetObjOffsetPos();
					tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].x = tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].x * iblend + row.x * blend;
					tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].y = tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].y * iblend + row.y * blend;
					tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].z = tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].z * iblend + row.z * blend;

				// populate bbox data for frames
				lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].x = min(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].x, BoxMin.x);
				lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].y = min(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].y, BoxMin.y);
				lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].z = min(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].z, BoxMin.z);
				lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].x = max(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].x, BoxMax.x);
				lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].y = max(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].y, BoxMax.y);
				lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].z = max(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].z, BoxMax.z);

				// delete the working object, if necessary.
				if (_needsDel)
					delete _tri;

		// delete if necessary
		if (needsDel)
			delete tri;

		// fill in meshsize
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		fseek(file, pos_meshsize, SEEK_SET);
		put32(pos_current - pos_meshstart, file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);  

		// reset back to first frame
		SceneEnumProc scratch(ei->theScene, start_time, gi);
		totalTris += (long)vTriangles.size();
		totalVerts += (long)vVertexes.size();

	// write tag_pivot
	ExportState("Writing tag_pivot positions");
	if (g_tag_for_pivot)
		pos_current = ftell(file);
		long current_frame = 0;
		for (range_i = g_frame_ranges.begin(); range_i != g_frame_ranges.end(); range_i++)
			for (i = (*range_i).first; i <= (int)(*range_i).last; i++, current_frame++)
				fseek(file, pos_tags + totalTags*112*current_frame + (int)lTags.size()*112 + 64, SEEK_SET);
				// origin
				putFloat(tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].x, file);
				putFloat(tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].y, file);
				putFloat(tag_pivot_origin[current_frame].z, file);
		fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

	// write frame data
	ExportState("Writing culling info");
	long current_frame = 0;
	pos_current = ftell(file);
	for (range_i = g_frame_ranges.begin(); range_i != g_frame_ranges.end(); range_i++)
		for (i = (*range_i).first; i <= (int)(*range_i).last; i++, current_frame++)
			fseek(file, pos_framestart + current_frame*56, SEEK_SET);
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].x, file);	// bbox min vector
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].y, file);
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].z, file);	
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].x, file); // bbox max vector
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].y, file);
			putFloat(lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].z, file);
			putFloat(0, file); // local origin (usually 0 0 0)
			putFloat(0, file);
			putFloat(0, file);
			putFloat(max(lFrameBBoxMin[current_frame].Length(), lFrameBBoxMax[current_frame].Length()) , file); // radius of bounding sphere
	fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);

	// fill in filesize
	pos_current = ftell(file);
	fseek(file, pos_filesize, SEEK_SET);
	put32(pos_current, file);
	fseek(file, pos_current, SEEK_SET);


	ExportDebug("    total: %i vertexes, %i triangles", totalVerts, totalTris);

	return TRUE;
Example #28
void SmoothMod::ModifyObject(TimeValue t, ModContext &mc, ObjectState *os, INode *node) {
   Interval valid = FOREVER;
   int autoSmooth, bits = 0, prevent = 0;
   float thresh = 0.0f;
   pblock->GetValue(sm_autosmooth, t, autoSmooth, valid);
   if (autoSmooth) {
      pblock->GetValue(sm_threshold, t, thresh, valid);
      pblock->GetValue(sm_prevent_indirect, t, prevent, valid);
   } else {
      pblock->GetValue(sm_smoothbits, t, bits, valid);
   // For version 4 and later, we process patch meshes as they are and pass them on.  Earlier
   // versions converted to TriMeshes (done below).  For adding other new types of objects, add
   // them here!
   bool done = false;
#ifndef NO_PATCHES
   if(version >= MATMOD_VER4 && os->obj->IsSubClassOf(patchObjectClassID)) {
      PatchObject *patchOb = (PatchObject *)os->obj;
      PatchMesh &pmesh = patchOb->GetPatchMesh(t);
      BOOL useSel = pmesh.selLevel >= PO_PATCH;

      if (autoSmooth) pmesh.AutoSmooth (thresh, useSel, prevent);
      else {
         for (int i=0; i<pmesh.getNumPatches(); i++) {
            if (!useSel || pmesh.patchSel[i]) pmesh.patches[i].smGroup = (DWORD)bits;
      pmesh.InvalidateGeomCache();  // Do this because there isn't a topo cache in PatchMesh
      done = true;
#endif // NO_PATCHES
   if (!done && os->obj->IsSubClassOf (polyObjectClassID)) {
      PolyObject *pPolyOb = (PolyObject *)os->obj;
      MNMesh &mesh = pPolyOb->GetMesh();

      BOOL useSel = (mesh.selLevel == MNM_SL_FACE);
      if (autoSmooth) mesh.AutoSmooth (thresh, useSel, prevent);
      else {
         for (int faceIndex=0; faceIndex<mesh.FNum(); faceIndex++) {
            if (!useSel || mesh.F(faceIndex)->GetFlag(MN_SEL)) {
               mesh.F(faceIndex)->smGroup = (DWORD)bits;

      // Luna task 747
      // We need to rebuild the smoothing-group-based normals in the normalspec, if any:
      if (mesh.GetSpecifiedNormals()) {
         mesh.GetSpecifiedNormals()->SetParent (&mesh);
         mesh.GetSpecifiedNormals()->BuildNormals ();
         mesh.GetSpecifiedNormals()->ComputeNormals ();

      done = true;

   TriObject *triOb = NULL;
   if (!done) {
      if (os->obj->IsSubClassOf(triObjectClassID)) triOb = (TriObject *)os->obj;
      else {
         // Convert to triobject if we can.
         if(os->obj->CanConvertToType(triObjectClassID)) {
            TriObject  *triOb = (TriObject *)os->obj->ConvertToType(t, triObjectClassID);

            // We'll need to stuff this back into the pipeline:
            os->obj = triOb;

            // Convert validities:
            Interval objValid = os->obj->ChannelValidity (t, TOPO_CHAN_NUM);
            triOb->SetChannelValidity (TOPO_CHAN_NUM, objValid);
            triOb->SetChannelValidity (GEOM_CHAN_NUM,
               objValid & os->obj->ChannelValidity (t, GEOM_CHAN_NUM));
            triOb->SetChannelValidity (TEXMAP_CHAN_NUM,
               objValid & os->obj->ChannelValidity (t, TEXMAP_CHAN_NUM));
            triOb->SetChannelValidity (VERT_COLOR_CHAN_NUM,
               objValid & os->obj->ChannelValidity (t, VERT_COLOR_CHAN_NUM));
            triOb->SetChannelValidity (DISP_ATTRIB_CHAN_NUM,
               objValid & os->obj->ChannelValidity (t, DISP_ATTRIB_CHAN_NUM));

   if (triOb) {   // one way or another, there's a triobject to smooth.
      Mesh & mesh = triOb->GetMesh();
      BOOL useSel = mesh.selLevel == MESH_FACE;
      if (autoSmooth) mesh.AutoSmooth (thresh, useSel, prevent);
      else {
         for (int i=0; i<mesh.getNumFaces(); i++) {
            if (!useSel || mesh.faceSel[i]) mesh.faces[i].smGroup = (DWORD)bits;
Example #29
Exporter::Result Exporter::exportMesh(NiNodeRef &ninode, INode *node, TimeValue t)
	ObjectState os = node->EvalWorldState(t);

	bool local = !mFlattenHierarchy;

	TriObject *tri = (TriObject *)os.obj->ConvertToType(t, Class_ID(TRIOBJ_CLASS_ID, 0));
	if (!tri)
		return Skip;

	Mesh *copymesh = NULL;
	Mesh *mesh = &tri->GetMesh();

	Matrix3 mtx(true), rtx(true);
	if (Exporter::mCollapseTransforms)
		mtx = GetNodeLocalTM(node, t);
		Quat q(mtx);
		mesh = copymesh = new Mesh(*mesh);
			int n = mesh->getNumVerts();
			for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i ) {
				Point3& vert = mesh->getVert(i);
				vert = mtx * vert;
#if VERSION_3DSMAX > ((5000<<16)+(15<<8)+0) // Version 6+
			MeshNormalSpec *specNorms = mesh->GetSpecifiedNormals ();
			if (NULL != specNorms) {
				for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < specNorms->GetNumNormals(); ++i ) {
					Point3& norm = specNorms->Normal(i);
					norm = (rtx * norm).Normalize();
	// Note that calling setVCDisplayData will clear things like normals so we set this up first
	vector<Color4> vertColors;
	if (mVertexColors)
		bool hasvc = false;
		if (mesh->mapSupport(MAP_ALPHA))
			mesh->setVCDisplayData(MAP_ALPHA);         int n = mesh->getNumVertCol();
			if (n > vertColors.size())
				vertColors.assign(n, Color4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
			VertColor *vertCol = mesh->vertColArray;
			if (vertCol) {
				for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
					VertColor c = vertCol[ i ];
					float a = (c.x + c.y + c.z) / 3.0f;
					vertColors[i].a = a;
					hasvc |= (a != 1.0f);
		if (mesh->mapSupport(0))
			VertColor *vertCol = mesh->vertColArray;
			int n = mesh->getNumVertCol();
			if (n > vertColors.size())
				vertColors.assign(n, Color4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
			if (vertCol) {
				for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
					VertColor col = vertCol[ i ];
					vertColors[i] = Color4(col.x, col.y, col.z, vertColors[i].a);
					hasvc |= (col.x != 1.0f || col.y != 1.0f || col.z != 1.0f);
		if (!hasvc) vertColors.clear();

#if VERSION_3DSMAX <= ((5000<<16)+(15<<8)+0) // Version 5
	MeshNormalSpec *specNorms = mesh->GetSpecifiedNormals ();
	if (NULL != specNorms) {
		if (specNorms->GetNumNormals() == 0)
	} else {

	Result result = Ok;

	Modifier* geomMorpherMod = GetMorpherModifier(node);
	bool noSplit = FALSE;
//	bool noSplit = (NULL != geomMorpherMod);

	while (1)
		FaceGroups grps;
		if (!splitMesh(node, *mesh, grps, t, vertColors, noSplit))
			result = Error;
		bool exportStrips = mTriStrips && (Exporter::mNifVersionInt > VER_4_2_2_0);

		Matrix44 tm = Matrix44::IDENTITY;
		if ( mExportExtraNodes || (mExportType != NIF_WO_ANIM && isNodeKeyed(node) ) ) {
			tm = TOMATRIX4(getObjectTransform(node, t, false) * Inverse(getNodeTransform(node, t, false)));
		} else {
			Matrix33 rot; Vector3 trans;
			objectTransform(rot, trans, node, t, local);
			tm = Matrix44(trans, rot, 1.0f);
		tm = TOMATRIX4(Inverse(mtx)) * tm;

		TSTR basename = node->NodeName();
		TSTR format = (!basename.isNull() && grps.size() > 1) ? "%s:%d" : "%s";

		int i=1;
		FaceGroups::iterator grp;
		for (grp=grps.begin(); grp!=grps.end(); ++grp, ++i)
			string name = FormatString(format, basename.data(), i);
			NiTriBasedGeomRef shape = makeMesh(ninode, getMaterial(node, grp->first), grp->second, exportStrips);
			if (shape == NULL)
				result = Error;

			if (node->IsHidden())


			if (Exporter::mZeroTransforms) {

			makeSkin(shape, node, grp->second, t);

			if (geomMorpherMod) {
				vector<Vector3> verts = shape->GetData()->GetVertices();
				exportGeomMorpherControl(geomMorpherMod, verts, shape->GetData()->GetVertexIndices(), shape);



	if (tri != os.obj)

	if (copymesh)
		delete copymesh;

	return result;
Example #30
File: mesh.cpp Project: 2asoft/xray
void UnwrapMod::ApplyMeshMapping(ObjectState *os, int CurrentChannel, TimeValue t)
// is whole mesh
	TriObject *tobj = (TriObject*)os->obj;
// Apply our mapping
	Mesh &mesh = tobj->GetMesh();

	if (!mesh.mapSupport(CurrentChannel)) 
		// allocate texture verts. Setup tv faces into a parallel
		// topology as the regular faces
		if (CurrentChannel >= mesh.getNumMaps ()) mesh.setNumMaps (CurrentChannel+1, TRUE);
			mesh.setMapSupport (CurrentChannel, TRUE);

		TVFace *tvFace = mesh.mapFaces(CurrentChannel);
		for (int k =0; k < mesh.numFaces;k++)
			tvFace[k].t[0] = 0;
			tvFace[k].t[1] = 0;
			tvFace[k].t[2] = 0;

	TVFace *tvFace = mesh.mapFaces(CurrentChannel);
	int tvFaceCount =  mesh.numFaces;

	if (mesh.selLevel!=MESH_FACE) 
//copy into mesh struct

		for (int k=0; k<tvFaceCount; k++) 
			if (k < TVMaps.f.Count())
				tvFace[k].t[0] = TVMaps.f[k]->t[0];
				tvFace[k].t[1] = TVMaps.f[k]->t[1];
				tvFace[k].t[2] = TVMaps.f[k]->t[2];
				tvFace[k].t[0] = 0;
				tvFace[k].t[1] = 0;
				tvFace[k].t[2] = 0;
//match verts
		mesh.setNumMapVerts (CurrentChannel, TVMaps.v.Count());
		Point3 *tVerts = mesh.mapVerts(CurrentChannel);
		for (    k=0; k<TVMaps.v.Count(); k++) 
			tVerts[k] = GetPoint(t,k);

//copy into mesh struct
//check if mesh has existing tv faces
		int offset = mesh.getNumMapVerts (CurrentChannel);
		int current = 0;
		for (int k=0; k<tvFaceCount; k++) 
//copy if face is selected
			if (mesh.faceSel[k]==1)
				tvFace[k].t[0] = TVMaps.f[k]->t[0] + offset;
				tvFace[k].t[1] = TVMaps.f[k]->t[1] + offset;
				tvFace[k].t[2] = TVMaps.f[k]->t[2] + offset;
//add our verts
		mesh.setNumMapVerts (CurrentChannel,TVMaps.v.Count()+offset,TRUE);
		Point3 *tVerts = mesh.mapVerts(CurrentChannel);
		for (    k=0; k<TVMaps.v.Count(); k++) 
			tVerts[k+offset] = GetPoint(t,k);


